September 2001, Volume 38, Issue 10
- 1733-1751 Local Underemployment and the Discouraged Worker Effect
by Maarten van Ham & Clara H. Mulder & Pieter Hooimeijer - 1753-1775 A Hybrid Agglomeration? The Development of a Satellite-Marshallian Industrial District in Vancouver's Film Industry
by Neil M. Coe - 1777-1799 Berlin: Towards a Global City?
by Stefan Kratke - 1801-1818 The Effects of the Crisis of 1994/95 on the Mexican Labour Market: The Case of the City of Puebla
by Martina Fuchs - 1819-1839 City Growth as a Leap-frogging Process: An Application to the Tel-Aviv Metropolis
by Lucien Benguigui & Daniel Czamanski & Maria Marinov - 1841-1857 The Spatial Pattern of Land Values in Jakarta
by Sun Sheng Han & Ann Basuki - 1859-1876 Book Reviews
by Keith Grime & Hazel Christie & David Byrne & Joanne P. Sharp & Julie Podmore & Frederick W. Boal & Bobby M. Wilson & Peter B. Nelson & Christopher Law & David W. Edgington - 1877-1878 Books Received
by N/A
August 2001, Volume 38, Issue 9
- 1423-1443 The Economic Geographies of Manufacturing in Greater Copenhagen: Space, Evolution and Process Variety
by Lars Winther - 1445-1471 A Model of Spatial Patterns across Local Retail Property Markets in Great Britain
by Catherine Jackson - 1473-1492 Assessing Institutional Relations in Development Partnerships: The Land Development Corporation and the Hong Kong Government prior to 1997
by David Adams & E.M. Hastings - 1493-1508 Spatial Association and Heterogeneity Issues in Land Price Models
by Antonio Paez & Takashi Uchida & Kazuaki Miyamoto - 1509-1520 Home-ownership and Unemployment in the US
by Richard K. Green & Patric H. Hendershott - 1521-1529 Can Commutes Be Used to Test the Spatial Mismatch Hypothesis?
by Kelly DeRango - 1531-1557 The Influence of Location on the Use by SMEs of External Advice and Collaboration
by Robert J. Bennett & Paul J. A. Robson & William J. A. Bratton - 1559-1572 Thirty Years On: Gentrification and Class Changeover in Adelaide's Inner Suburbs, 1966-96
by Blair Badcock - 1573-1588 Energy Trade-offs and Market Responses in Transport and Residential Land-use Patterns: Promoting Sustainable Development Policy
by J. Cooper & T. Ryley & A. Smyth - 1589-1604 Ideologies of `Upgrading' in Singapore Public Housing: Post-modern Style, Globalisation and Class Construction in the Built Environment
by Robbie B. H. Goh - 1605-1623 Book Reviews
by John Urry & Timothy Beatley & Donald Shorp & Angela Hull & A.D.H. Crook & Leslie Martin & Jacqueline Leavitt & Mary Taylor & Kian Tajbakhsh & Gustavo S. Mesch - 1625-1626 Books Received
by N/A
July 2001, Volume 38, Issue 8
- 1215-1232 UK Local Action Zones and Changing Urban Governance
by Chris Painter & Emma Clarence - 1233-1251 Participation, Empowerment and Sustainability: (How) Do the Links Work?
by Michal Lyons & Carin Smuts & Anthea Stephens - 1253-1272 Globalisation, Regions and the State: Exploring the Limitations of Economic Modernisation through Inward Investment
by Nicholas A. Phelps & Mark Tewdwr-Jones - 1273-1304 Voucher Recipient Achievement of Improved Housing Conditions in the US: Do Moving Distance and Relocation Services Matter?
by David P. Varady & Carole C. Walker & Xinhao Wang - 1305-1318 Spatial Mismatch and Costly Suburban Commutes: Can Commuting Subsidies Help?
by Richard W. Martin - 1319-1327 Assessing the Option Value of a Publicly Provided Service: The Case of Local Transport
by Roberto Roson - 1329-1340 Determinants of Population Growth in Urban Centres in the Republic of Ireland
by James M. Lutz - 1341-1357 Suburban Growth and Suburbanisation under Central Planning: The Case of Soviet Estonia
by Tiit Tammaru - 1359-1371 Large Metropolises in the Third World: An Explanation
by Olga Alonso-Villar - 1373-1395 Towards Regionally Embedded Innovation Support Systems in South Korea? Case Studies from Kyongbuk-Taegu and Kyonggi
by Robert Hassink - 1397-1413 Book Reviews
by James K. Mitchell & Graham Haughton & Elizabeth Burton & Michael Batty & Thomas Kontuly & Dennis W. Roncek & Judith Allen & Susan Hutson & Erik Stam - 1415-1416 Books Received
by N/A
June 2001, Volume 38, Issue 7
- 983-1002 The Politics of Squatter (Gecekondu) Studies in Turkey: The Changing Representations of Rural Migrants in the Academic Discourse
by Tahire Erman - 1003-1024 Local Economic Development: A Review and Assessment of its Current Status in South Africa
by Etienne Nel - 1025-1044 Globalising Singapore: Debating Transnational Flows in the City
by Brenda S. A. Yeoh & T.C. Chang - 1045-1067 Administrative Practices in Russia's Housing Allowance Programme
by Raymond J. Struyk & Alexander S. Puzanov & Anastasia Kolodeznikova - 1069-1081 What Makes a Landlord? Ownership of Real Estate by US Households
by Mark Shroder - 1083-1101 Why High-technology Firms Choose to Locate in or near Metropolitan Areas
by Amnon Frenkel - 1103-1120 European Integration and Local Capacities for Manufacturing Adjustment and Change: The Case of Spain
by F.E. Ian Hamilton & Andrés RodrÃguez-Pose - 1121-1141 Encouraging Walking: The Case of Journey-to-school Trips in Compact Urban Areas
by Colin Black & Alan Collins & Martin Snell - 1143-1159 Malicious Siting or Unrecognised Processes? A Spatio-temporal Analysis of Environmental Conflicts in Tel-Aviv
by Eran Feitelson - 1161-1186 Spatial Mismatch is not Always a Central-city Problem: An Analysis of Commuting Behaviour in Cleveland, Ohio, and its Suburbs
by Paul D. Gottlieb & Barry Lentnek - 1187-1200 Book Reviews
by David J. Edelman & Piper Gaubatz & David Willis & Stephen Nord & Goss Ernest & Margaret Peil & Thomas A. Clark & Julia Wardhaugh & Howard Elcock - 1201-1204 Books Received
by N/A
May 2001, Volume 38, Issue 5-6
- 807-813 Introduction : Fear and the City
by Jon Bannister & Nick Fyfe - 815-828 Marketing the Urban Experience: Reflections on the Place of Fear in the Promotional Strategies of Belfast, Detroit and Berlin
by William J. V. Neill - 829-848 The Commodification of Policing: Security Networks in the Late Modern City
by Tim Newburn - 849-868 Business, Cities and Fears about Crimes
by Michael Levi - 869-883 Thresholds of Fear: Embracing the Urban Shadow
by Nan Ellin - 885-898 Fear and Everyday Urban Lives
by Richard Sparks & Evi Girling & Ian Loader - 899-913 Gender, Race, Age and Fear in the City
by Rachel Pain - 915-928 The Politics of Urban Crime
by Sophie Body-Gendrot - 929-939 Fearful Communities?
by Sandra L. Walklate - 941-957 Urban Policing and the Fear of Crime
by Eli B. Silverman & Jo-Ann Della-Giustina - 959-976 Crime, Fear and Civil Policing
by Les Johnston
April 2001, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 623-633 The Polycentric Urban Region: Towards a Research Agenda
by Robert C. Kloosterman & Sako Musterd - 635-655 Polynucleated Urban Landscapes
by Michael Batty - 657-677 A Changing Demographic Regime and Evolving Poly centric Urban Regions: Consequences for the Size, Composition and Distribution of City Populations
by A.G. Champion - 679-696 Polycentricity, Households and the Identity of Places
by Sako Musterd & Ingrid van Zelm - 697-715 Central Scotland as a Polycentric Urban Region: Useful Planning Concept or Chimera?
by Nick Bailey & Ivan Turok - 717-732 Clustering of Economic Activities in Polycentric Urban Regions: The Case of the Randstad
by Robert C. Kloosterman & Bart Lambregts - 733-745 How to Proceed from Image and Discourse to Action: As Applied to the Flemish Diamond
by Louis Albrechts - 747-767 Contextualising Regional Identity and Imagination in the Construction of Polycentric Urban Regions: The Cases of the Ruhr Area and the Basque Country
by Henk van Houtum & Arnoud Lagendijk - 769-785 Dealing with Deconcentration: Population Deconcentration and Planning Response in Polynucleated Urban Regions in North-west Europe
by Marco Bontje
March 2001, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 383-406 Metropolitan Development in a Transitional Socialist Economy: Spatial Restructuring in the Pearl River Delta, China
by George C. S. Lin - 407-447 The Social Ecology of the Post-Fordist/Global City? Economic Restructuring and Socio-spatial Polarisation in the Toronto Urban Region
by R. Alan Walks - 449-466 Urban Segregation in Post-apartheid South Africa
by A.J. Christopher - 467-485 Residential Profiles of Surinamese and Moroccans in Amsterdam
by Rinus Deurloo & Sako Musterd - 487-505 The External Effects of Local Attributes on Living Environment in Detached Residential Blocks in Tokyo
by Xiaolu Gao & Yasushi Asami - 507-518 Why Not NIMBY? Reputation, Neighbourhood Organisations and Zoning Boards in a US Midwestern City
by Anthony P. Matejczyk - 519-533 Moving Costs and the Dynamics of Housing Demand
by Viggo Nordvik - 535-540 Intraurban Housing Mobility in a Traditional West African City: Shelter or Business Decision?
by Irit Sinai - 541-562 Career Migration, Self-selection and the Earnings of Married Men and Women in the Netherlands, 1981-93
by Jeroen Smits - 563-591 The Potential Bias in Producer Service Employment Estimates: The Case of the Canadian Space Economy
by C. Michael Wernerheim & Christopher A. Sharpe - 593-607 Book Reviews
by Brian Robson & Iain Begg & Andy Pike & Mark Tewdwr-Jones & Norman Bonney & David M. Smith & Mike Raco & Susanne MacGregor & G.J. Ashworth & Tracey Skelton - 609-610 Books Received
by N/A
February 2001, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 231-237 Barriered and Bounded Places and the Spatialities of Disability
by Rob Imrie - 239-250 The Binary City
by David Sibley - 251-265 Disability and the Open City
by Brendan Gleeson - 267-286 Inclusion in Regeneration: A Place for Disabled People?
by Claire Edwards - 287-298 The Socio-spatial Construction of (In)accessible Public Toilets
by Rob Kitchin & Robin Law - 299-318 Disabling Spatialities and the Regulation of a Visible Secret
by Marian Hawkesworth - 319-332 Better for Everyone? Travel Experiences and Transport Exclusion
by Julian Hine & Fiona Mitchell - 333-350 An Exploration of Disability and the Development Process
by Rob Imrie & Peter Hall - 351-365 The Use of Architects
by Jonathan Hill - 367-376 Assistive Technology and the Barrier-free City: A Case Study from Germany
by Peter Neumann & Christoph Uhlenkueken
January 2001, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 7-21 Reducing Residential Carbon Intensity: The New Role for English Local Authorities
by D. McEvoy & D.C. Gibbs & J.W.S. Longhurst - 23-47 World Cities: A First Multivariate Analysis of their Service Complexes
by Peter J. Taylor & D.R.F. Walker - 49-60 Measuring the Economic Benefits of the Ozone Pollution Control Policy in Seoul: Results of a Contingent Valuation Survey
by Seung-Hoon Yoo & Kyung-Suk Chae - 61-79 Estimating Distance Gradients for Apartment Properties
by Bo Söderberg & Christian Janssen - 81-103 Housing Allowances in the US under Section 8 and in Other Countries: A Canadian Perspective
by Marion Steele - 105-118 The Effects of Neighbourhoods on Size of Social Network of the Elderly and Loneliness: A Multilevel Approach
by Peter Moorer & Theo P. B. M. Suurmeijer - 119-139 Identifying and Measuring Dimensions of Urban Deprivation in Montreal: An Analysis of the 1996 Census Data
by Andre Langlois & Peter Kitchen - 141-156 Testing for Discrimination in Home Insurance: Results from New York City and Phoenix
by George Galster & Douglas Wissoker & Wendy Zimmermann - 157-183 Towards a Regional Strategy: The Role of Regional Headquarters of Foreign Firms in Singapore
by Henry Wai-chung Yeung & Jessie Poon & Martin Perry - 185-205 Growth Clusters in European Cities: An Integral Approach
by Leo van den Berg & Erik Braun & Willem van Winden - 207-223 Book Reviews
by Robert J. Rogerson & Carole Rakodi & Roger Mackett & Gordon Walker & Daniel Sperling & Iain Docherty & Irene Glasser & David Charles & Adrienne Lagrange & Rebecca L.H. Chiu - 224-224 Books Received
by N/A
December 2000, Volume 37, Issue 13
- 2399-2416 Understanding Urban Development Processes: Integrating the Economic and the Social in Property Research
by Simon Guy & John Henneberry - 2417-2440 A Culture of Distrust: The Impact of Local Political Culture on Participation in the Detroit EZ
by Janice L. Bockmeyer - 2441-2464 Modelling Intrametropolitan Location of Foreign Investment Firms in a Chinese City
by Fulong Wu - 2465-2483 Certainty and Discretion in Planning Control: A Case Study of Office Development in Hong Kong
by Bo-sin Tang & Lennon H. T. Choy & Joshua K. F. Wat - 2485-2500 Land Markets in African Cities: The Case of Peri-urban Accra, Ghana
by Katherine V. Gough & Paul W. K. Yankson - 2501-2514 Brownfields Redevelopment, Preferences and Public Involvement: A Case Study of an Ethnically Mixed Neighbourhood
by Michael Greenberg & M. Jane Lewis - 2515-2532 Using Geometry to Evaluate Strategic Road Proposals in Orbital-Radial Cities
by Les Mayhew - 2533-2549 The Vitality and Viability of Town Centres
by Neil Ravenscroft - 2551-2579 Housing-sector Performance in Global Perspective: A Cross-city Investigation
by Ben C. Arimah - 2581-2602 Property Cycles in a Global Economy
by Alireza Dehesh & Cedric Pugh - 2603-2618 Book Reviews
by Hugo Priemus & L. Bertolini & Brigitte Waldorf & Keith Pezzoli & Roger Vickerman & A. Sule Ozuekren & Anthony O'Connor & Uche Ikejiofor & Aimin Chen & Zou Deci - 2619-2622 Books Received
by N/A
November 2000, Volume 37, Issue 12
- 2141-2143 Globalising Asian Cities: Guest Editor's Introduction
by Anne Haila - 2145-2165 An Aftermath of Globalisation? East Asian Economic Turmoil and Japanese Cities Adrift
by Toshio Kamo - 2167-2195 Global Cities and Developmental States: New York, Tokyo and Seoul
by Richard Child Hill & June Woo Kim - 2197-2216 Asian Crisis, Financial Systems and Urban Development
by Kuniko Fujita - 2217-2240 Globalising Kuala Lumpur and the Strategic Role of the Producer Services Sector
by Sirat Morshidi - 2241-2256 Real Estate in Global Cities: Singapore and Hong Kong as Property States
by Anne Haila - 2257-2285 World Cities in Asia: Cliques, Centrality and Connectedness
by Kyoung-Ho Shin & Michael Timberlake - 2287-2313 An Entrepreneurial City in Action: Hong Kong's Emerging Strategies in and for (Inter)Urban Competition
by Bob Jessop & Ngai-Ling Sum - 2315-2335 Mega-urban Regions and World City Formation: Globalisation, the Economic Crisis and Urban Policy Issues in Pacific Asia
by Mike Douglass - 2337-2356 Competing to be Regional Centres: A Multi-agency, Multi-locational Perspective
by K.C. Ho - 2357-2375 Obstacles to Empowerment: Local Politics and Civil Society in Metropolitan Manila, the Philippines
by Gavin Shatkin - 2377-2391 Street Scenes: Practices of Public and Private Space in Urban Vietnam
by Lisa B. W. Drummond
October 2000, Volume 37, Issue 11
- 1903-1923 Regional Policy through Co-operation: From Urban Forum to Urban Network
by Michael Arndt & Thomas Gawron & Petra Jahnke - 1925-1945 The City Network Paradigm: Measuring Urban Network Externalities
by Roberta Capello - 1947-1967 Social Polarisation and Socioeconomic Segregation in a Welfare State: The Case of Oslo
by Terje Wessel - 1969-2006 The Compact City: Just or Just Compact? A Preliminary Analysis
by Elizabeth Burton - 2007-2026 'Engineers of the Human Machine': The Social Practice of Council Housing Management in Glasgow, 1895-1939
by Seán Damer - 2027-2043 Developing the Linguistic Turn in Urban Studies: Language, Context and Political Economy
by Chik Collins - 2045-2051 Statistical Properties of UK House Prices: An Analysis of Disaggregated Vintages
by Steven Cook & Sean Holly - 2057-2071 Time On-market and Price Trade-offs in High-rise Housing Sub-markets
by Seow Eng Ong & Yen Ching Koh - 2073-2089 The Shaping of Venezuelan Urbanism in the Hygiene Debate of Caracas, 1880-1910
by Arturo Almandoz - 2091-2112 Shanghai between State and Market in Urban Transformation
by Sun Sheng Han - 2113-2130 Book Review
by David Clark & Michael S. Green & John Punter & Dennis E. Gale & Marjorie Mayo & Seán Damer & Seamus O'Hanlon & Belinda Yuen & Peter Lee - 2131-2132 Books Received
by N/A
September 2000, Volume 37, Issue 10
- 1719-1721 Intelligent Urban Development: The Emergence of 'Wired' Government and Administration-Guest Editor's Introduction
by Margaret Grieco - 1723-1734 Intelligent Urban Development: An Introduction to a Participatory Approach
by Jeff Turner & Len Holmes & Frances C. Hodgson - 1735-1748 New Deals, No Wheels: Social Exclusion, Tele-options and Electronic Ontology
by Chris Carter & Margaret Grieco - 1749-1756 Singapore : The Development of an Intelligent Island and Social Dividends of Information Technology
by Mahizhnan Arun & Mui Teng Yap - 1757-1770 Using Technology to Overcome the Tyranny of Space: Information Provision and Wayfinding
by Julian Hine & Derek Swan & Judith Scott & David Binnie & John Sharp - 1771-1779 Reconnecting to the Public
by Paul Corrigan & Paul Joyce - 1781-1792 A Pilot Implementation of Internet Access for Remote Aboriginal Communities in the 'Top End' of Australia
by Perry Morrison - 1793-1800 A Gender Audit for Public Transport: A New Policy Tool in the Tackling of Social Exclusion
by Kerry Hamilton & Linda Jenkins - 1801-1811 Intelligent Urban Management: Learning to Manage and Managing to Learn Together for a Change
by Mark Stubbs & Mark Lemon & Phil Longhurst - 1813-1825 Networks and Neighbourhoods: Household, Community and Sovereignty in the Global Economy
by Stephen E. Little - 1827-1835 The Development of Intelligent Local Clusters to Increase Global Competitiveness and Local Cohesion: The Case of Small Businesses in the Creative Industries
by Pascale de Berranger & Mary C. R. Meldrum - 1837-1848 Corporate Reporting, Stakeholders and the Internet: Mapping the New Corporate Landscape
by David Crowther - 1849-1864 Geographies of Somewhere: A Review of Urban Literature
by K.W. Axhausen - 1865-1879 Technology, Dialogue and the Development Process
by Stephen Denning & Margaret Grieco - 1881-1892 Use and Valuation: Information in the City
by Kenneth I. Macdonald
August 2000, Volume 37, Issue 9
- 1479-1496 Beyond Optimal City Size: An Evaluation of Alternative Urban Growth Patterns
by Roberta Capello & Roberto Camagni - 1497-1497 Books Received
by N/A - 1497-1512 Urban Population Change in Large Cities in Germany, 1980-94
by Paul Gans - 1513-1533 Race-based Neighbourhood Projection: A Proposed Framework for Understanding New Data on Racial Integration
by Ingrid Gould Ellen - 1535-1559 Area Deprivation in Scotland: A New Assessment
by Ade Kearns & Kenneth Gibb & Daniel Mackay - 1561-1582 Ontology, Policy and the Market: Trends to Home-ownership in Hong Kong
by Adrienne La Grange & Frederik Pretorius - 1583-1603 Ruralopolises : The Spatial Organisation and Residential Land Economy of High-density Rural Regions in South Asia
by Mohammad A. Qadeer - 1605-1617 An Assessment of the Decision to Extend Government-built Houses in Developing Countries
by A. Graham Tipple & Gillian A. Masters & Guy D. Garrod - 1619-1641 The Crisis in Housing Financing in Hungary in the 1990s
by József Hegedüs & Éva Várhegyi - 1643-1671 Modelling Spatial Structures in Local Housing Market Dynamics: A Multilevel Perspective
by Scott Orford - 1673-1693 Moving Beyond the Gentrification Gaps: Social Change, Tenure Change and Gap Theories in Stockholm
by Adam Millard-Ball - 1695-1710 Book Reviews
by Mike Raco & Christine M.E. Whitehead & Louise Chawla & Adriana Allen & Michael R. Greenberg & W. Dennis Keating & Moyra Riseborough & Robert Cervero & Robert E. Parker & Scarlett Cornelissen
July 2000, Volume 37, Issue 8
- 1231-1259 Understanding Recent Trends in Residential Mobility in Council Housing in England
by Hal Pawson & Glen Bramley - 1261-1278 Is There Space for Organisation from Below within the UK Government's Action Zones? A Test of 'Collaborative Planning'
by Peter North - 1279-1311 UK Enterprise Zones and the Attraction of Inward Investment
by Jonathan Potter & Barry Moore - 1345-1357 The User-pays System in the Provision of Urban Infrastructure: Effectiveness and Equity Criteria
by Mohammad Mehdi Azizi - 1359-1377 The Global and Local Dimensions of Place-making: Remaking Shanghai as a World City
by Fulong Wu - 1379-1402 New Labour, New Planning? The Trajectory of Planning in Blair's Britain
by Philip Allmendinger & Mark Tewdwr-Jones - 1403-1429 City-centre Revitalisation: Problems of Fragmentation and Fear in the Evening and Night-time City
by Colin J. Thomas & Rosemary D. F. Bromley - 1431-1450 Determinants of Individual Commuting in Catalonia, 1986-91: Theory and Empirical Evidence
by Manuel ArtÃs & Javier Romanà & Jordi Suriñach - 1451-1467 Book Reviews
by Robert Rowthorn & Edward J. Malecki & Tony Gore & Isobel Anderson & David P. Varady & Roger Vickerman & David Mccrone & H.F. Moorhouse & Iain Docherty & Peter Howard - 1469-1471 Books Received
by N/A
June 2000, Volume 37, Issue 7
- 1063-1077 Changes in the Scale and Size Distribution of US Metropolitan Areas during the Twentieth Century
by Steven Ehrlich & Joseph Gyourko - 1079-1092 The Local Housing System in Craigavon, N. Ireland: Ethno-religious Residential Segregation, Socio-tenurial Polarisation and Sub-markets
by A.S. Adair & J.N. Berry & W.S.J. McGreal & B. Murtagh & C. Paris - 1093-1107 Front Rentiers to Rantiers: 'Active Entrepreneurs', 'Structural Speculators' and the Politics of Marketing the City
by Kevin G. Ward - 1109-1129 Ownership, Occupation and Risk: A View of the City of London Office Market
by Colin Lizieri & Andrew Baum & Peter Scott - 1131-1144 Marginal Privatisation and Infrastructural Deficiencies: Anas and Lee Revisited
by Michel Boisvert & Lahouari Senouci - 1145-1156 An Empirical Estimation of the Effect of Some Variables on Land Sub-division in Madras
by C. Thangavel - 1157-1169 The Political Economy of Korean Government Policies on Real Estate
by Chung-Ho Kim & Kyung-Hwan Kim - 1171-1183 Utilisation of the Stock of Owner-occupied Single-family Houses: An Econometric Analysis
by Viggo Nordvik - 1185-1202 New Regions in England and Germany: An Examination of the Interaction of Constitutional Structures, Formal Regions and Informal Institutions
by Tassilo Herrschel & Peter Newman - 1203-1221 Book Reviews
by Charles L. Choguill & Ryszard Domanski & Jacqueline Leavitt & James Defilippis & Christopher M. Law & A. Stewart Fotheringham & Barry Goodchild & John Agnew & Scott A. Bollens & Steven Tiesdell - 1223-1224 Books Received
by N/A
May 2000, Volume 37, Issue 5-6
- 845-850 New Challenges for Urban Governance
by Ade Kearns & Ronan Paddison - 851-876 Multilevel Governance and Metropolitan Regionalism in the USA
by Clyde Mitchell-Weaver & David Miller & Ronald Deal JR - 877-894 The Europeanisation of Sub-national Governance
by Peter John - 895-908 Changing Patterns of Regional Governance in the EU
by Peter Newman - 909-930 Multilevel Governance and Urban Development in Australia
by Frank Stilwell & Patrick Troy - 931-950 Modernising Political Management in Local Government
by Robin Hambleton - 951-961 Strong Leadership
by Dennis Judd - 963-973 Can Local Democracy Survive Governance?
by Danny Burns - 975-994 Business, Government and the Business of Urban Governance
by Alan Harding & Stuart Wilks-Heeg & Mary Hutchins - 995-1017 Social Cohesion and Multilevel Urban Governance
by Ade Kearns & Ray Forrest - 1019-1035 Communities in the Lead: Power, Organisational Capacity and Social Capital
by Marilyn Taylor - 1037-1055 Combating Social Exclusion in Europe: The New Urban Policy Challenge
by Rob Atkinson
April 2000, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 639-649 Creative Cities and Economic Development
by Peter Hall - 651-672 Power and Policy Networks in Urban Governance: Local Government and Property-led Regeneration in Dublin
by Pauline M. McGuirk - 673-690 State Restructuring and Local Power in Japan
by Richard Child Hill & Kuniko Fujita - 691-709 Large City Interaction in the US Urban System
by Adrian X. Esparza & Andrew J. Krmenec