April 1997, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 561-578 Housing Renewal, Urban Policy and Gentrification
by Nick Bailey & Douglas Robertson - 579-603 The Role of Inward Investment in Urban Economic Development: The Cases of Bristol, Cardiff and Plymouth
by Peter Gripaios & Rose Gripaios & Max Munday - 605-626 The Impact of the University of Portsmouth on the Local Economy
by Richard I. D. Harris - 627-646 The Effectiveness of Public Intervention in the Property Market
by Jieming Zhu - 647-677 Foreign-investment-induced Exo-urbanisation in the Pearl River Delta, China
by Victor F. S. Sit & Chun Yang - 679-692 Congestion and Safety on Highways: Towards an Analytical Model
by Daniel Shefer & Piet Rietveld - 693-712 Sustainable Urban Transport Systems: An Expert-based Strategic Scenario Approach
by Peter Nijkamp & Hans Ouwersloot & Sytze A. Rienstra - 713-724 Book Reviews
by Catherine Hakim & Peter Lloyd-Sherlock & David Gillingwater & Ray Forrest & Sytze Rienstra & David Simon & Alison Ravetz & Michael Hebbert - 725-726 Book Notes
by N/A - 727-728 Books Received
by N/A - 729-734 Acknowledgement of Referees, 1996
by N/A
March 1997, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 383-402 Business Associations and the Politics of Urban Renewal: The Case of the Lower Don Valley, Sheffield
by Mike Raco - 403-418 Women's Economic Progress and the Demand for Housing: Theory, and Empirical Analyses Based on Danish Data
by Gustav Kristensen - 419-439 Space to Grow Old In: The Availability of Public Spaces for Elderly Persons in Singapore
by Peggy Teo - 441-452 Public Housing in Singapore: Interpreting 'Quality' in the 1990s
by Teo Siew Eng & Lily Kong - 453-470 Central Area Activities in a Post-communist City: Lodz, Poland
by Ray Riley - 471-488 Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in the Israeli Housing Market: Spatial Aspects of Supply and Demand
by Gabriel Lipshitz - 489-501 Dynamics and Potentials of Israel's Megalopolitan Processes
by Baruch A. Kipnis - 503-513 An Analysis of Perceptions Concerning the Environmental Quality of Housing in Geneva
by Andre Bender & Allan Din & Philippe Favarger & Martin Hoesli & Janne Laakso - 515-527 Book Reviews
by Roger Vickerman & Danny Burns & Richard K. Morgan & Margaret Grieco & Joan-Eugeni Sanchez & Melanie Limb & Michael Chisholm & Edmund P. Fowler & Gerry Mooney - 529-530 Book Notes
by N/A - 531-532 Books Received
by N/A
February 1997, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 191-216 Splintering Networks: Cities and Technical Networks in 1990s Britain
by Simon Guy - 217-234 Empirical Analysis of Work Schedule Flexibility: Implications for Road Pricing and Driver Information Systems
by Richard H. M. Emmerink & Paul van Beek - 235-254 The Evolving Housing Market in Moscow: Indicators of Housing Reform
by Jennifer Daniell & Raymond Struyk - 255-273 The Repair and Maintenance of Properties in Mixed Ownership: A Study of House-factoring in Glasgow
by Duncan Sim - 275-320 Gender Differences in Housing Demand
by Andrejs Skaburskis - 321-335 The Political Economy of the Privatisation of the Land Market in Shanghai
by Ling Hin Li - 337-353 The Local Housing Sub-market Structure and Its Properties
by Yong Tu - 355-366 Book Reviews
by Paul Bagguley & Urlan Wannop & Paul Gilbert & Robert J. Bennett & Derek Kerr & Paul Routledge & Leslie Sklair & Peter A. Kemp - 367-368 Book Notes
by N/A - 369-371 Books Received
by N/A
January 1997, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 7-19 Entry to Home-ownership in Germany: Some Comparisons with the United States
by W.A.V. Clark & M.C. Deurloo & F.M. Dieleman - 21-41 Cycles within the System: Metropolitanisation and Internal Migration in the US, 1965-90
by James R. Elliott - 43-60 Accounting for the Change in Income Disparities between US Central Cities and their Suburbs from 1980 to 1990
by Edward W. Hill & Harold L. Wolman - 61-83 Managing the Changing Political Environment in Urban Waterfront Redevelopment
by David L. A. Gordon - 85-103 The Changing Post-apartheid City: Emergent Black-owned Small Enterprises in Johannesburg
by C.M. Rogerson & J.M. Rogerson - 105-124 The Determinants of Housing Tenure Choice in Ibadan, Nigeria
by Ben C. Arimah - 125-140 Property in a Global-risk Society: Towards Marketing Research in the Office Sector
by Simon Guy & Robert Harris - 141-162 Plans, Policies and Inter-governmental Relations: Assessing the Role of National Planning Guidance in England and Wales
by Mark Tewdwr-Jones - 163-177 Book Reviews
by Isaac F. Megbolugbe & Peter Sunley & Mark E. Hepworth & Andy Thornley & Elizabeth Wilson & Daphne A. Kenyon & Jane Drummond & Duncan Sim & Mary Taylor - 178-178 Book Note
by N/A - 179-180 Books Received
by N/A
December 1996, Volume 33, Issue 10
- 1775-1777 Housing Markets, Neighbourhood Dynamics and Societal Goals: National and International Policy Perspectives—Editors' Introduction
by Marja C. Hoek-Smit & Peter D. Linneman & Isaac F. Megbolugbe - 1779-1795 Understanding Neighbourhood Dynamics: A Review of the Contributions of William G. Grigsby
by Isaac F. Megbolugbe & Marja C. Hoek-Smit & Peter D. Linneman - 1797-1805 William Grigsby and the Analysis of Housing Sub-markets and Filtering
by George Galster - 1807-1820 What Has Happened to the Bottom of the US Housing Market?
by Stephen Malpezzi & Richard K. Green - 1821-1829 Legal Empowerment of the Neighbourhood
by Georgette C. Poindexter - 1831-1848 Bottom-up Neighbourhood Revitalisation: A Language Approach for Participatory Decision Support
by Ernesto G. Arias - 1849-1865 Global Economic Change, Labour Market Adjustment and the Challenges for European Housing Policies
by Duncan Maclennan & Gwilym Pryce - 1867-1877 Measuring the Affordability of Home-ownership
by Steven C. Bourassa - 1879-1889 Private Home-ownership Finance for Low-income Households
by Horst Tomann - 1891-1908 Recent Changes in the Social Rented Sector in The Netherlands
by Hugo Priemus - 1909-1921 A Comparison of Canadian and American Housing Policies
by Martin E. Wexler - 1923-1933 An Employment Approach to Urban Poverty Alleviation: Employment Patterns of AFDC Recipients—The Milwaukee Experience, 1989-93
by Sammis B. White - 1935-1944 Childfare : A New Direction for Welfare Reform
by Morton S. Baratz & Sammis B. White - 1945-1951 Index for Volume 33 (1996) by Subject and Author
by N/A
November 1996, Volume 33, Issue 9
- 1535-1564 Area-based Poverty and Resident Empowerment
by Anne Power - 1565-1580 The University in the Metropolitan Arena: Impacts and Public Policy Implications
by Daniel Felsenstein - 1581-1600 Changes in the Distribution of Poverty across and within the US Metropolitan Areas, 1979-89
by Janice Fanning Madden - 1601-1627 Changes in the Structure of Public Housing Provision in Urban China
by Fulong Wu - 1629-1646 The Housing Challenge in South Africa
by Robina Goodlad - 1647-1670 Inner-city Innovator: The Non-profit Community Development Corporation
by Tony Robinson - 1671-1686 A Measurement of Spatial Disparity: The Case of Income Inequality
by Sanjoy Chakravorty - 1687-1706 Structures Investment and Economic Growth: A Long-term International Comparison
by Michael Ball & Tanya Morrison & Andrew Wood - 1707-1728 General Linear Gravity Models for the Impact of Casualty Unit Closures
by Peter Congdon - 1729-1732 The Differential Incidence of an Urban Land Tax Depends on the Travel Intensities of Substitutes for Land
by Brian L. Bentick - 1733-1737 Impact of Land-use Planning on the Supply and Price of Housing in Britain: Reply to Comment by Alan W. Evans
by Glen Bramley - 1739-1751 Book Reviews
by David Newlands & Frank J. Costa & Katy Pickvance & Zoltán Kovacs & Moira Munro & Karin Thöne & Joseph L. Scarpaci & Nicholas J. Williams & Stefano Magrini - 1753-1755 Book Notes
by N/A - 1757-1762 Books Received
by N/A
October 1996, Volume 33, Issue 8
- 1255-1261 Identities, Citizenship and Power in the Cities
by Rob Imrie & Steven Pinch & Mark Boyle - 1263-1279 Urban Experiments Limited Revisited: Urban Policy Comes Full Circle?
by Stuart Wilks-Heeg - 1281-1295 Analysing the Politics of Local Economic Development: Making Sense of Cross-national Convergence
by Andrew Wood - 1297-1318 Urban Power, International Networks and Competition: The Example of Cross-border Cooperation
by Andrew Church & Peter Reid - 1319-1336 Manchester Plays Games: Exploring the Local Politics of Globalisation
by Allan Cochrane & Jamie Peck & Adam Tickell - 1337-1355 Local Governance and the Racialisation of Urban Policy in the UK: The Case of Urban Development Corporations
by Sue Brownill & Konnie Razzaque & Tamsin Stirling & Huw Thomas - 1357-1375 Coordinating Employment, Transport and Housing in Cities: An Institutional Perspective
by Andy C. Pratt - 1377-1394 Lending Jobs to Global Cities: Skilled International Labour Migration, Investment Banking and the City of London
by Jonathan V. Beaverstock & Joanne Smith - 1395-1406 Governing the Spaces of Difference: Regulation and Globalisation in London
by Mark Goodwin - 1407-1430 Social Polarisation, Economic Restructuring and Welfare State Regimes
by Chris Hamnett - 1431-1439 Gendering the Polarisation Debate: A Comment on Hamnett's 'Social Polarisation, Economic Restructuring and Welfare State Regimes'
by Irene Bruegel - 1441-1461 Urban Design and City Regeneration: Social Representations of Entrepreneurial Landscapes
by Phil Hubbard - 1463-1493 New Urban Eras and Old Technological Fears: Reconfiguring the Goodwill of Electronic Things
by Nigel Thrift - 1495-1498 Windows on the City
by Denis Cosgrove - 1499-1521 Reconstructing Citizenship, the Re-scaling of the State and the New Authoritarianism: Closing the Belgian Mines
by Erik Swyngedouw
August 1996, Volume 33, Issue 7
- 1045-1060 'Urban Bias', the Political Economy of Development and Urban Policies for Developing Countries
by Cedric Pugh - 1061-1076 Local Government Structure and Urban Residential Location
by Graham Crampton - 1077-1092 China's Urban Housing Reform: Price-Rent Ratio and Market Equilibrium
by Aimin Chen - 1093-1110 The Comparative Performance of Business Services in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland
by D.M.W.N. Hitchens & P.N. O'Farrell & C.D. Conway - 1111-1128 Urban Economic Growth in Europe: Testing Theory and Policy Prescriptions
by Paul Cheshire & G. Carbonaro - 1129-1140 Urban Regeneration and Sustainable Markets
by Colin Jones & Craig Watkins - 1141-1154 Demand for Housing Attributes in Developing Countries: A Study of Pakistan
by Hafiz A. Pasha & Mohammad S. Butt - 1155-1197 Outsourcing, R&D and the Pattern of Intra-metropolitan Location: The Electronics Industries of Madrid
by Luis Suarez-Villa & Ruth Rama - 1199-1203 Of Rent Gaps and Radical Idealism: A Reply to Steven Bourassa
by Neil Smith - 1205-1219 Bulgarian Housing Reform and Forms of Housing Provision
by Sasha Tsenkova - 1221-1234 Book Reviews
by Steven E. Flusty & Robert E. Parker & Russell King & Jaap Vleugel & Peter Howard & Ivan Turok & Michael Greenberg & Huw Thomas - 1235-1237 Book Notes
by N/A - 1239-1241 Books Received
by N/A
June 1996, Volume 33, Issue 6
- 823-857 Living Together Apart: Residential Segregation in Mixed Arab-Jewish Cities in Israel
by Ghazi Falah - 859-876 London and Property Markets: A Long-term View
by Michael Ball - 879-894 Health Levels Influenced by Urban Residential Conditions in a Megacity—Tokyo
by Atsuko Tanaka & Takehito Takano & Keiko Nakamura & Sachiko Takeuchi - 895-910 China's Urban Development: A Case Study of Luoyang and Guiyang
by Mei-Ling Hsu - 911-936 Intra-urban Spatial Analysis of Housing-related Urban Policies: The Case of Liverpool, 1981-91
by Zilai Tang & Peter W. J. Batey - 937-954 Supply Chains, Material Linkage and Regional Development
by J. Twomey & J.M. Tomkins - 955-970 Creating the Garden City: The Singapore Experience
by Belinda Yuen - 971-989 The Process of Commercialisation of Urban Housing in China
by Ya Ping Wang & Alan Murie - 991-1019 Going for Growth: Prestige Projects in Three British Cities
by Patrick Loftman & Brendan Nevin - 1021-1033 Book Reviews
by Jim Follain & Jamie Peck & Tauno Tiusanen & John Edwards & Lisa Adkins & Nicholas R. Fyfe & Mike Dalton & Stanley Waterman - 1035-1037 Book Notes
by N/A - 1039-1040 Books Received
by N/A
May 1996, Volume 33, Issue 4-5
- 615-615 Editors' Introduction
by Ronan Paddison & Bill Lever - 617-630 Empowerment : Community Economic Development from the Inside Out
by Patricia A. Wilson - 631-647 Housing and the Economy: Broadening Comparative Housing Research
by David Clapham - 649-671 American Planning in the 1990s: Evolution, Debate and Challenge
by Michael B. Teitz - 673-701 Third World Cities: Sustainable Urban Development II—Population, Labour and Poverty
by David Drakakis-Smith - 703-721 Competition and Local Government: A Public Choice Perspective
by George A. Boyne - 723-751 Public-Private Relationships and Performance in Service Provision
by Richard Batley - 753-782 Landlordism in Third World Urban Low-income Settlements: A Case for Further Research
by Sunil Kumar - 783-809 Ethnic Minority Business: Theoretical Discourse in Britain and North America
by Giles A. Barrett & Trevor P. Jones & David McEvoy
April 1996, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 407-423 Family Structure, Educational Achievement and the Inner City
by Ian Gordon - 425-444 Ten Propositions in UK Housing Macroeconomics: An Overview of the 1980s and Early 1990s
by Geoffrey Meen - 445-457 New Process Technology and the Regeneration of the Manufacturing Sector of an Urban Economy
by P.D. Foley & H.D. Watts - 459-471 Changing Sources of Suburban Support for Local Growth Controls
by Mark Baldassare & Georjeanna Wilson - 473-494 Urban Imagery and the Main Street of the Nation: The Legibility of Orchard Road in the Eyes of Singaporeans
by Henry Wai-chung Yeung & Victor R. Savage - 495-516 Social Segregation, Housing Tenure and Social Change in Dutch Cities in the Late 1980s
by Alan Murie & Sako Musterd - 517-537 A Two-stage Housing Choice Forecasting Model
by Yong Tu & Judy Goldfinch - 539-555 Partnerships, Business Elites and Urban Politics: New Forms of Governance in an English City?
by Keith Bassett - 557-580 Workplace Location, Modal Split and Energy Use for Commuting Trips
by Petter Naess & Synneve Lyssand Sandberg - 581-585 The Impact of Land Use Planning and Tax Subsidies on the Supply and Price of Housing in Britain: A Comment
by Alan W. Evans - 587-596 Book Reviews
by C.M. Law & Benjamin Chinitz & Roger Lee & W.F. Lever & Anna Haines & Guy Burgel & Wim Ostendorf & Tim Unwin - 597-599 Book Notes
by N/A - 601-602 Books Received
by N/A - 603-608 Acknowledgement of Referees, 1995
by N/A
March 1996, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 199-221 Labour Mobility and the Changing Housing Market
by Kevin Doogan - 223-252 Race and Tenure in Toronto
by Andrejs Skaburskis - 253-268 Unravelling the Process of 'Partnership' in Urban Regeneration Policy
by Annette Hastings - 269-281 Analysis of Access to Cars from the 1991 UK Census Samples of Anonymised Records: A Case Study of the Elderly Population of Sheffield
by Chris Gardiner & Rosalie Hill - 283-300 Commuting and Gender in a Lifestyle Perspective
by Ronald Camstra - 301-315 The Impact of Dwelling Quality and Neighbourhood Quality on the Estimation of the Income Elasticity of Demand for Rental Housing in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
by Mohammad Maatoug Gandil - 317-335 Housing and the Scottish New Towns: A Case Study of Policy Termination and Quasi-markets
by Robina Goodlad & Suzie Scott - 337-351 Institutional Responses to the UK Housing Market Recession
by Mark Stephens - 353-377 Big Cities, Big Problems: Reason for the Elderly to Move?
by Tineke Fokkema & Jenny Gierveld & Peter Nijkamp - 379-391 Book Reviews
by Hilary Standing & Peter John & R.M. Ball & Gregory D. Squires & R.E. Pahl & Paul Hoggett & Joe T. Darden & Paul Littlewood - 393-395 Book Notes
by N/A - 397-397 Books Received
by N/A
February 1996, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 7-35 Urban Form, Energy and the Environment: A Review of Issues, Evidence and Policy
by William P. Anderson & Pavlos S. Kanaroglou & Eric J. Miller - 37-48 Public Sector Relocation and Regional Development
by C.W. Jefferson & M. Trainor - 49-62 Do Girls Have a Higher School Drop-out Rate than Boys? A Hazard Rate Analysis of Evidence from a Third World City
by Sajjad Akhtar - 63-82 The Interruption of Income Convergence and Income Growth in Large Cities in the 1980s
by Matthew P. Drennan & Emanuel Tobier & Jonathan Lewis - 83-97 The Meaning of Home Ownership in the Transition from Socialism: The Example of Slovenia
by Srna Mandic & David Clapham - 99-105 No Polarisation in Dutch Cities? Inequality in a Corporatist Country
by Jack Burgers - 107-110 Why Sassen is Wrong: A Response to Burgers
by Chris Hamnett - 111-116 Comments on 'The Role of Housing Policy in the Transformation Process in Central-East European Cities': Is Economic Efficiency the End-all?
by Michael James Douglas - 117-123 Response to 'Comments on "The Role of Housing Policy in the Transformation Process in Central-East European Cities": Is Economic Efficiency the End-all?'
by Natasha Pichler-Milanovich - 125-136 The Position of Former Council Homes in the Housing Market
by Ray Forrest & David Gordon & Alan Murie - 137-158 Suicide and Parasuicide in London: A Small-area Study
by Peter Congdon - 159-175 Book Reviews
by Andy Pike & P.J. Sloane & Gervase Chris Macoloo & Chris Paris & Anthony Coon & W. Paul Strassmann & Ian Shuttleworth & David P. Varady - 177-178 Book Notes
by N/A - 179-181 Books Received
by N/A
December 1995, Volume 32, Issue 10
- 1581-1585 Housing Research: Making the Connections
by Duncan Maclennan & Jon Bannister - 1587-1600 Social Exclusion, Urban Regeneration and Economic Reintegration
by Alan McGregor & Margaret McConnachie - 1601-1607 Recent US Urban Change and Policy Initiatives
by Michael A. Stegman - 1609-1621 Homo-Economicus in the City: Towards an Urban Socio-economic Research Agenda
by Moira Munro - 1623-1643 Demographic Aspects of Social Change: Implications for Strategic Housing Policy
by Chris Paris - 1645-1653 Making Connections with IT
by Michel Conan - 1655-1664 Housing Quality: An Agenda for Research
by Roderick J. Lawrence - 1665-1677 The Architect's Perspective
by Jose Callado - 1679-1684 The Czech Housing System in the Middle of Transition
by Jiri Musil
November 1995, Volume 32, Issue 9
- 1413-1436 Residential Amenities, Firm Location and Economic Development
by Paul D. Gottlieb - 1437-1451 The Real Estate Economy and the Design of Russian Housing Reforms, Part II
by Bertrand Renaud - 1453-1473 Spatial Mismatch or Automobile Mismatch? An Examination of Race, Residence and Commuting in US Metropolitan Areas
by Brian D. Taylor & Paul M. Ong - 1475-1487 A Quantitative Analysis of Investment in New Housing in Greece
by George Donatos - 1489-1503 The Rent Gap Re-examined
by Eric Clark - 1505-1515 Comparative Statics Analysis of Urban Land Values in the Presence of Government Regulation
by Hafiz A. Pasha - 1517-1536 The Employment Generation Potential of Mature SMEs in Different Geographical Environments
by David North & David Smallbone - 1537-1548 The Effectiveness of Spline Urban Density Functions: An Empirical Investigation
by Gershon Alperovich - 1549-1556 Journey and Transactions Frequency: An Alternative Explanation of Rent-gradient Convexity
by Philip McCann - 1557-1568 Book Reviews
by Holly H. Bognar & Gary Gappert & Paul Lawless & Frank Peck & Cameron Ross & Neil Wrigley & Michelle S. Lowe & Ruth Madigan & Ian Taylor - 1569-1570 Book Notes
by N/A - 1571-1572 Books Received
by N/A
August 1995, Volume 32, Issue 8
- 1247-1264 The Real Estate Economy and the Design of Russian Housing Reforms, Part I
by Bertrand Renaud - 1265-1278 Scottish Housing in a European Perspective
by Gavin McCrone - 1279-1291 Urban Congestion and Developer Precommitments: Unilateral Solutions to Dynamic Inconsistency
by Jerrell Richer - 1293-1315 A Debt-owing Democracy: The Political Impact of Housing Market Recession at the British General Election of 1992
by Charles Pattie & Daniel Dorling & Ron Johnston - 1317-1329 Alternative Approaches to Market-area Structure in the Urban System
by John B. Parr - 1331-1344 Spatial Estimation of Housing Prices and Locational Rents
by Jorge Chica Olmo - 1345-1359 A Stupendous Hammer: Colonial and Post-colonial Reconstructions of Zanzibar's Other Side
by Garth Andrew Myers - 1361-1367 Further Evidence on the Accuracy of Residential Vacancy Chain Models
by Philip C. Emmi & Lena Magnusson - 1369-1381 Optimal Local Sales Tax
by A.F. Aisha Ghaus - 1383-1397 Book Reviews
by John Punter & Randy Stoecker & Leslie Budd & Graham Haughton & Lawrence A. Herzog & Cedric Pugh & Derek Kerr & Linda McDowell & Michael Redclift - 1399-1400 Book Notes
by N/A - 1401-1403 Books Received
by N/A
August 1995, Volume 32, Issue 7
- 1045-1063 A New Phase of Urban Development in Western Europe? The Evidence for the 1980s
by Paul Cheshire - 1065-1079 Judging Development Control Decisions
by K.G. Willis - 1081-1096 Intra-metropolitan Productivity Variations of Selected Manufacturing and Business Service Sectors: What Can We Learn from Los Angeles?
by Maria Astrakianaki Aji - 1097-1125 Inner-city and Suburban Labour Markets in a Major English Conurbation: Processes and Policy Implications
by Paul Lawless - 1127-1133 Entry in Greek Manufacturing Industry: Athens vs the Rest of Greece
by H. Louri & V. Anagnostaki