August 1995, Volume 32, Issue 7
- 1135-1161 Planned Communities, Self-containment and Commuting: A Cross-national Perspective
by Robert Cervero - 1163-1173 The Impacts of Borrowing Constraints on Home-ownership in Australia
by Steven C. Bourassa - 1175-1198 Localities for Epidemiological Monitoring and Health Policy
by Peter Congdon - 1199-1213 A Hedonic Analysis of Rent and Rental Revenue in the Subsidised and Unsubsidised Housing Sectors in Geneva
by Sandra Buchel & Martin Hoesli - 1215-1227 Book Reviews
by Rob Atkinson & George C. Galster & Ann Rosengard & K.C. Ho & Randall Smith & G.J. Ashworth & J. Lightbody & Elizabeth Gilchrist & John Puddifoot - 1229-1230 Book Notes
by N/A - 1231-1233 Books Received
by N/A
June 1995, Volume 32, Issue 6
- 853-862 The Relationship between Income Inequality and City Size: A General Equilibrium Model of an Open System of Cities Approach
by Gershon Alperovich - 863-883 The Effects of Industrial Structure and Resources upon the Distribution of Fast-growing Small Firms among US Urbanised Areas
by Judith J. Friedman - 885-911 Contemporary Deindustrialisation and Tertiarisation in the London Economy
by Daniel Graham & Nigel Spence - 913-934 Policy Networks and Housing Regeneration in England and Sweden
by Ingemar Elander - 935-951 Housing Density: A Neglected Dimension of Fiscal Impact Analysis
by Gabriel P. Dekel - 953-970 A Two-stage Econometric Analysis of the Housing Extension Decision in Kumasi, Ghana
by Guy Garrod & Ken Willis & A. Graham Tipple - 971-974 Stochastic Housing Model with Random Constructions
by K. Srinivasa Rao & C.V.R.S. Vijaya Kumar - 975-997 Enterprising Behaviour and the Urban-Rural Shift
by David Keeble & Peter Tyler - 999-1015 The Political Economy of Urban Land Reform in Hawaii
by Sumner J. La Croix & James Mak & Louis A. Rose - 1017-1032 Book Reviews
by Michael Parkinson & G.L. Ooi & David Ley & Barbara M.D. Smith & Antoni Kuklinski & Stephen Daniels & Moira Munro & John Mercer - 1033-1034 Book Notes
by N/A - 1035-1036 Books Received
by N/A
May 1995, Volume 32, Issue 4-5
- 643-643 Editors' Introduction
by Ronan Paddison & Bill Lever & John Money - 645-658 Embracing Locality in Local Economic Development
by Patricia A. Wilson - 659-677 Third World Cities: Sustainable Urban Development, 1
by David Drakakis-Smith - 679-694 Privatisation and the East European Housing Model
by David Clapham - 695-712 Social Policy and the City: A Review of Recent Policy Developments and Literature
by John Edwards - 713-731 Regional Planning and the Environment: Time for a SEA Change
by John Glasson - 733-757 Immigration and Internal Migration 'Flight' from US Metropolitan Areas: Toward a New Demographic Balkanisation
by William H. Frey - 759-778 Policing the City
by Nicholas R. Fyfe - 779-790 Researching Housing Management Performance
by P.A. Kemp - 791-811 Rental Tenure in the Cities of Developing Countries
by Carole Rakodi - 813-846 Urban Performance and the Control of Urban Size in China
by Xiaobin Zhao & Li Zhang
April 1995, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 445-470 Sources of Difference in Information Used by Black and White Housing Seekers: An Exploratory Analysis
by Harriet Newburger - 471-489 Market Activity and Industrial Development
by C.D. Adams & L. Russell & C.S. Taylor-Russell - 491-506 The Production Structure of Smaller Towns in Rural Regions in Latin America: A Case from Northern Costa Rica
by Arie Romein - 507-522 The Provision of Urban Infrastructure in Iran: An Empirical Evaluation
by Mohammad Mehdi Azizi - 523-549 Socio-economic Structure and Health in London
by Peter Congdon - 551-562 Rank-Size Distribution and the Process of Urban Growth
by France Guerin-Pace - 563-577 Rethinking the Economics of Location and Agglomeration
by Philip McCann - 579-604 Private Rental Housing: The Canadian Experience
by John R. Miron - 605-614 Determinants of Bargaining Outcome in Single-family Housing Transactions: An Empirical Examination
by Shunfeng Song - 615-627 Book Reviews
by James Simmie & Sarah A. Radcliffe & Carolyn Davidson & Roman Cybriwsky & Glen Bramley & W.F. Lever & Ray Forrest & Sarah Monk - 629-630 Book Notes
by N/A - 631-632 Books Received
by N/A
March 1995, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 205-212 Introduction
by Frank Moulaert & Arie Shachar - 213-224 Globalisation, Competition and the Politics of Local Economic Development
by Kevin R. Cox - 225-260 Knowledge-based Development: Policy and Planning Implications for Cities
by Richard V. Knight - 261-285 International Structural Adjustment and its Sectoral and Spatial Impacts
by Cedric Pugh - 287-302 Conceptualising and Mapping the Structure of the World System's City System
by David A. Smith & Michael Timberlake - 303-312 Attractivity and Internationalisation of Major European Cities: The Example of Air Traffic
by Nadine Cattan - 313-327 Network Cities: Creative Urban Agglomerations for the 21st Century
by David F. Batten - 329-344 Place Your Bets: Towards an Understanding of Globalisation, Socio-financial Engineering and Competition within a Financial Centre
by Michael Pryke & Roger Lee - 345-360 Globalisation, Territory and Strategic Alliances in Different Financial Centres
by Leslie Budd - 361-378 Telecommunications and the Changing Geographies of Knowledge Transmission in the Late 20th Century
by Barney Warf - 379-400 Urban Hierarchies and Territorial Competition in Europe: Exploring the Role of Fairs and Exhibitions
by Luis Rubalcaba-Bermejo & Juan R. Cuadrado-Roura - 401-423 French Towns, Higher Urban Functions and Strategic Employment
by Philippe Julien - 425-436 Book Reviews
by Rob Imrie & L.J. Evenden & Rowland Atkinson & E.S. Simpson & Harry Geerlings & C.M. Law & Russell King & Gordon E. Cherry - 437-438 Book Notes
by N/A - 439-440 Books Received
by N/A
February 1995, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 5-29 The Property Market: Ninety Per Cent Efficient?
by Alan W. Evans - 31-47 Business Organisations, Local Dependence and the Politics of Urban Renewal in Britain
by Rob Imrie & Huw Thomas & Tim Marshall - 49-67 Naturalising Choices and Neutralising Voices? Discourse on Urban Development in Two Cities
by Elisabeth ter Borg & Gertjan Dijkink - 69-85 Excess Commuting in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area: Measurement and Policy Simulations
by David Merriman & Toru Ohkawara & Tsutomu Suzuki - 87-103 The Residential Mobility of Ethnic Minorities: A Longitudinal Analysis
by Catherine Bonvalet & Juliet Carpenter & Paul White - 105-122 Information Technology Consultancy Firms: Economies of Agglomeration from a Wide-area Perspective
by Frank Moulaert & Faridah Djellal - 123-134 Deterioration of Public Capital and Optimal Policy of Local and Central Government
by Tadashi Yagi - 135-154 Mortgage Finance and Housing Provision in Ireland, 1970-90
by Laurence Murphy - 155-173 Change and Continuity in the Irish Urban System, 1966-81
by David L. Huff & James M. Lutz - 175-189 Book Review
by H. Peter Gray & Leigh Sparks & Roger Vickerman & James Simmie & Eva Lelievre & Nick Hubbard & Jamie Peck & Daniel Todd & Michael Bristow & David Donnison - 191-192 Book Notes
by N/A - 193-196 Books Received
by N/A
December 1994, Volume 31, Issue 10
- 1611-1623 Changing Land Policy and its Impact on Local Growth: The Experience of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, China, in the 1980s
by Jieming Zhu - 1625-1645 Urbanisation from Below: The Growth of Towns in Jiangsu, China
by Laurence J. C. Ma & Ming Fan - 1647-1665 A Compared Cohort History of Residential Mobility, Social Change and Home-ownership in Paris and the Rest of France
by Eva Lelievre & Catherine Bonvalet - 1667-1689 Seasonality and Cointegration of Regional House Prices in the UK
by Carol Alexander & Michael Barrow - 1691-1706 A Joint Model of Tenure Choice and Demand for Housing in the City of Karachi
by Nuzhat Ahmad - 1707-1722 Metropolitan Out-migration in England and Wales, 1980-81
by Paul Boyle - 1723-1738 Tales of the Suburbs: The Local Politics of Growth in the South-east of England
by Julie Charlesworth & Allan Cochrane - 1739-1761 How Do Community Associations Vary? The Structure of Community Associations in Calgary, Alberta
by Wayne K. D. Davies & Ivan J. Townshend - 1763-1776 Measuring the Demand for Improved Urban Sanitation Services: Results of a Contingent Valuation Study in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
by Mir Anjum Altaf & Jeffrey A. Hughes - 1777-1782 The Price Determinants of Foreclosed Urban Land: A Discussion
by Alan W. Evans & Paul K. Asabere & Forrest E. Huffman - 1783-1784 Book Review: The Politics of Local Economic Policy: The Problems and Possibilities of Local Initiative
by Ivan Turok - 1784-1786 Book Review: Buildings and Power: Freedom and Control in the Origin of Modern Building Types
by Brian Edwards - 1786-1788 Book Review: Economies of Signs and Space
by Michael Biddulph - 1788-1789 Book Review: Urban Policy in Twentieth Century America
by Joe T. Darden - 1789-1791 Book Review: Tower Block: Modern Public Housing in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland
by Julie Annan - 1791-1792 Book Review: Contemporary Urban Sociology WILLIAM G. FLANAGAN, 1993 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 185 pp., £30 hardback, £10.95 paperback ISBN 0 521 36519 8 hardback, 0 521 36743 3 paperback
by Alan Warde - 1792-1793 Book Review: From Ejido to Metropolis, Another Path: An Evaluation on Ejido Property Rights and Informal Land Development in Mexico City
by Gareth Jones - 1793-1796 Book Review: Space and Place: Theories of Identity and Location
by Philip Crang - 1796-1798 Book Review: The Culture Industry: The Arts in Urban Regeneration
by Maurice Maguire - 1799-1800 Book Notes
by N/A - 1801-1801 Books Received
by N/A - 1803-1809 Index for Volume 31 (1994) by Subject and Author
by N/A - 1809-1809 Author Index
by N/A
November 1994, Volume 31, Issue 9
- 1451-1463 Mismatch in the Housing Market
by Chris Allen & Alistair Milne - 1465-1479 Reducing Inequality by Means of Neighbourhood Rehabilitation: An Israeli Experiment and its Lessons
by Naomi Carmon & Mira Baron - 1481-1495 Before and After Deregulation: Market Renting in Glasgow and Edinburgh
by Kenneth Gibb - 1497-1516 Urban Residential Redevelopment in the People's Republic of China
by David E. Dowall - 1517-1532 A Change in the Policy Climate? Current European Perspectives on Road Pricing
by Margaret Grieco & Peter M. Jones - 1533-1544 Modelling Worker Residence Distribution in the Los Angeles Region
by Shunfeng Song - 1545-1557 Changes in Commuting Distances of Dutch Households
by Jan Rouwendal & Piet Rietveld - 1559-1570 The Sale of the Social Housing Stock in Slovenia: What Happened and Why
by Tine Stanovnik - 1571-1586 Financing Housing in Developing Countries: A Review of the Pitfalls and Potentials in the Development of Formal Housing Finance Systems
by Don C. I. Okpala - 1587-1588 Book Review: Urban Sociology, Capitalism and Modernity
by Gerry Mooney - 1588-1590 Book Review: Regional Economic Modeling: A Systematic Approach to Economic Forecasting and Policy Analyses
by Carol Taylor West - 1590-1592 Book Review: The City Builders: Property, Politics and Planning in London and New York
by Keith Hocgart - 1592-1592 Book Review: Decision Making in Transport Planning
by Margaret Grieco - 1592-1592 Book Review: Decision Making in Transport Planning
by Margaret Grieco - 1594-1595 Book Review: The Future of the Medium-sized City in Britain and Germany
by David Burtenshaw - 1595-1597 Book Review: Death and the Metropolis: Studies in the Demographic History of London, 1670-1830
by Graham Mooney - 1599-1600 Book Notes
by N/A - 1601-1602 Books Received
by N/A
October 1994, Volume 31, Issue 8
- 1251-1278 Can Local Incentives Alter a Metropolitan City's Economic Development?
by Robert W. Wassmer - 1279-1301 Changing Competitive Advantage in a Local Economy: The Case of Coventry, 1971-90
by Michael J. Healey & Philip J. Dunham - 1303-1324 Partnership in Urban Regeneration in the UK: The Sheffield Central Area Study
by Paul Lawless - 1325-1344 Amsterdamned: The Rise of Unemployment in Amsterdam in the 1980s
by Robert C. Kloosterman - 1345-1366 Middle-income Housing Programmes in American Cities
by David P. Varady - 1367-1376 Income Multiples and Mortgage Potential
by Peter McLaverty & Ngai Ming Yip - 1377-1389 Determinants of Canadian Headship Rates
by Andrejs Skaburskis - 1391-1405 A New Look at the Determinants of the Intrametropolitan Distribution of Population and Employment
by William Levemier & Brian Cushing - 1407-1418 Regional Labour Market Influences on Managerial Remuneration in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in England: An Empirical Analysis
by David J. Storey & Robert Watson & Pooran Wynarczyk - 1419-1420 Book Review: Does Economic Space Matter? Essays in Honour of Melvin L. Greenhut
by John B. Parr - 1420-1423 Book Review: The Ghetto Underclass: Social Science Perspective
by Vuai P. Singh - 1423-1425 Book Review: La Ville en Mouvement: Habitat et Habitants
by Guy Burgel - 1425-1426 Book Review: Urban Alternatives: Public and Private Markets in the Provision of Local Services
by David Parker - 1426-1428 Book Review: Transport, the Environment and Sustainable Development
by David Gillingwater - 1428-1430 Book Review: The Meaning and Use of Housing: International Perspectives, Approaches and their Applications ERNESTO G. ARIAS (Ed.), 1993 Aldershot: Avebury 582 pp., £47.50 hardback ISBN 1 85628 159 0
by B.A. Chokor - 1430-1432 Book Review: European Housing Finance: Single Market or Mosaic
by A.E. Holman - 1432-1434 Book Review: Town Planning under Military Occupation
by Ghazi Falah - 1434-1435 Book Review: Housing Design, Research, Education
by Thomas Markus - 1435-1437 Book Review: Conflict in Urban Development: A Comparison Between East and West Europe
by Andreas Faludi - 1439-1440 Book Notes
by N/A - 1441-1443 Books Received
by N/A
August 1994, Volume 31, Issue 7
- 989-993 The Poor, the Rich and the Transformation of Urban Space: Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue
by Jozsef Hegedus & Ivan Tosics - 995-1015 The Dual City and the Poor: Social Polarisation, Social Segregation and Life Chances
by Eva T. van Kempen - 1017-1031 Modes of Regulation and the Urban Poor
by Patricia Kennett - 1033-1042 Towards a Copenhagen Interpretation of Gentrification
by Eric Clark - 1043-1056 Gentrification and the Urban Poor: Urban Restructuring and Housing Policy in Utrecht
by Ronald Van Kempen & Jan Van Weesep - 1057-1079 Metropolitan Government and City-Suburban Cleavages: Differences between Old and Young Metropolitan Areas
by Jeroen van der Veer - 1081-1096 A City at the Crossroads: Social and Economic Transformation in Budapest
by Zoltdn Kovdcs - 1097-1115 The Role of Housing Policy in the Transformation Process of Central-East European Cities
by Natasha Pichler-Milanovich - 1117-1131 The Predictive Accuracy of Residential Vacancy Chain Models
by Philip C. Emmi & Lena Magnusson - 1133-1147 Concentration of Poverty in the Landscapes of 'Boomtown' Hamburg: The Creation of a New Urban Underclass?
by Jens S. Dangschat - 1149-1166 Local Urban Restructuring as a Mirror of Globalisation Processes: Prague in the 1990s
by Luděk Sýkora - 1167-1190 Upgrading and Downgrading within the Metropolitan Region of Rotterdam, 1970-90
by Karin Meulenbelt - 1191-1209 Housing and Spatial Deprivation: Relocating the Underclass and the New Urban Poor
by Peter Lee - 1211-1223 Housing Neighbourhoods and Urban Regeneration
by Stuart Cameron & John Doling - 1225-1227 Book Review: Communities within Cities: An Urban Social Geography
by Duncan W.G. Timms - 1227-1228 Book Review: Theories of Local Economic Development: Perspectives from across the Disciplines
by Sam Aaronovitch - 1228-1229 Book Review: Transport and Communications Innovation in Europe
by Harry Geerlings - 1229-1230 Book Review: Cities of the Heartland: The Rise and Fall of the Industrial Midwest
by Larry Schweikart - 1230-1232 Book Review: Social Policy Review 4 N. MANNING and R. PAGE (Eds), 1992 Glasgow: Social Policy Association 295 pp., £6.50 paperback ISBN 0951-8895-0-8 Social Policy Review 5 R. PAGE and J. BALDOCK (Eds), 1993 Glasgow: Social Policy Association 326 pp., £6.50 paperback ISBN 0951-8895-16
by Rex Taylor - 1232-1234 Book Review: American Apartheid: Segregation and the Making of the Underclass DOUGLAS MASSY and NANCY DENTON Cambridge: Harvard University Press 291 pp., $23.50
by Fassil Demissie - 1234-1235 Book Review: Crime and the Urban Environment: The Scottish Experience
by Brian Edwards - 1235-1236 Book Review: Urban Symbolism PETER J. M. NAS (Ed.), 1993 Leiden: E. J. Brill 393 pp., 125 Gld ISBN 90-04-09855-0
by Derek Kerr - 1237-1238 Book Review: Telecommunications and Geography
by David Charles - 1239-1241 Book Notes
by N/A - 1243-1244 Books Received
by N/A
June 1994, Volume 31, Issue 6
- 821-834 The Desegregation of Hillbrow, Johannesburg, 1978-82
by Alan Morris - 835-850 Evaluating the Success of Urban Success Stories
by Harold L. Wolman & Coit Cook Ford & Edward Hill - 851-866 Entanglement of Interests and Motives: Assumptions behind the NIMBY-theory on Facility Siting
by Maarten Wolsink - 867-893 Large High-technology Firms and the Spatial Extension of Metropolitan Labour Markets: Some Evidence from Israel
by Daniel Felsenstein - 895-911 Manufacturing Productivity and City Size in Canada, 1975 and 1985: Does Population Matter?
by Lewis Soroka - 913-920 Migration, Benefit Spillovers and State Support of Higher Education
by James G. Strathman - 921-934 Lifestyles and Locational Choices—Trade-offs and Compromises: A Case-study of Middle-class Couples Living in the Ile-de-France Region
by Jacques Brun & Jeanne Fagnani - 935-945 Crisis, Chaos, Crunch? Planning for Urban Growth in the Developing World
by C.L. Choguill - 947-957 Determinants of Household Formation in a Third World Setting
by Hafiz A. Pasha & Akhtar Lodhi - 959-960 Book Review: Humanising the City? Social Contexts of Urban Life at the Turn of the Millennium
by Derek Kerr - 961-962 Book Review: Social Dimensions of Soviet Industrialisation
by James D. White - 962-964 Book Review: City Schools: Leading the Way
by David Coulby - 964-966 Book Review: Cities of Jiangnan in Late Imperial China
by Kenneth Pomeranz - 966-967 Book Review: Paths of Enterprise: The Future of the Small Business
by Mick Healey - 967-968 Book Review: Fragmenting Societies? A Comparative Analysis of Regional and Urban Development
by Peter Williams - 968-970 Book Review: The Political Culture of Planning: American Land Use Planning in Comparative Perspective BARRY CULLINGWORTH, 1993 New York & London: Routledge 350 pp., £45.00 hardback ISBN 0-415-08812-7
by E.R. Alexander - 970-972 Book Review: Urban Social Movements in Jerusalem: The Protest of the Second Generation
by Stanley Waterman - 972-974 Book Review: Homeless Young People in Scotland: The Role of the Social Work Services
by Ann Rosengard & Isla Laing - 974-976 Book Review: Environmental Assessment-A Practical Guide
by G.E. Jones - 977-978 Book Notes
by N/A - 979-980 Books Received
by N/A
May 1994, Volume 31, Issue 4-5
- 571-571 Editors' Introduction
by N/A - 573-603 Managing Urban Economic Development: Learning to Change or the Marketing of Failure?
by Tony Bovaird - 605-633 Third World Cities: Poverty, Employment, Gender Roles and the Environment during a Time of Restructuring
by Alan Gilbert - 635-651 Privatisation and Housing Policy
by Peter D. Linneman & Isaac F. Megbolugbe - 653-677 International Migration and Demographic Change in the Developed World
by A.G. Champion - 679-704 Industrial Change and Regional Development in Western Europe
by A.J. Fielding - 705-728 Transport Choices and Sustainability: A Review of Changing Trends and Policies
by Tom Hart - 729-743 Urban Research in Africa, 1960-92
by Richard Stren - 745-765 User-charges for Urban Services
by Stephen J. Bailey - 767-797 Tiebout : A Survey of the Empirical Literature
by Keith Dowding & Peter John & Stephen Biggs - 799-816 Cities and Elderly People: Recent Population and Distributional Trends
by Anthony M. Warnes
April 1994, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 357-364 Globalisation, Regulation and the Urban System: Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue
by Frans M. Dieleman & Chris Hamnett - 365-380 Globalisation, Regulation, Urbanisation: The Case of the Netherlands
by Nigel Thrift - 381-400 Randstad Holland: A 'World City'?
by Arie Shachar - 401-424 Social Polarisation in Global Cities: Theory and Evidence
by Chris Hamnett - 425-445 The Strategic Implications for the Randstad of the Dutch Property System
by Blair Badcock - 447-463 Social Rented Housing: Valuable Asset or Unsustainable Burden?
by Frans M. Dieleman - 465-483 Commuting in Restructuring Urban Regions
by William A. V. Clark & Marianne Kuijpers-Linde - 485-507 Coalition Building and Planning for Dutch Growth Management: The Role of the Randstad Concept
by Andreas Faludi - 509-534 Planning the Randstad: Between Economic Growth and Sustainability
by Hugo Priemus - 535-537 Book Review: Cultural Policy and Urban Regeneration: The West European Experience
by H.F. Moorhouse