April 2000, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 711-729 A Comparative Evaluation of Approaches to Urban Crime Pattern Analysis
by Massimo Craglia & Robert Haining & Paul Wiles - 731-748 Dissonance in Women's Commuting? The Experience of Exurban Employed Mothers in Israel
by Orna Blumen - 749-774 Meeting the Challenge of Distressed Urban Areas
by Maureen Conway & Josef Konvitz - 775-796 Co-existence in Selected Mixed Arab-Jewish Cities in Israel: By Choice or by Default?
by Ghazi Falah & Michael Hoy & Rakhal Sarker - 797-809 Peri-urban Development in an Era of Structural Adjustment in Africa: The City of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
by John Briggs & Davis Mwamfupe - 811-828 Book Reviews
by Ceri Peach & Gregory D. Squires & Anne Haila & Dominic Stead & Stuart C. Aitken & Owen Crankshaw & Ted Kitchen & Brian Hoyle & David Bartelt & Vincent Goodstadt - 829-831 Books Received
by N/A - 833-840 Acknowledgement of Referees, 1999
by N/A
March 2000, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 439-442 Location Theory: Analysis and Applications Guest Editors' Introduction
by John B. Parr & Aisling Reynolds-Feighan - 443-449 Merger under Spatial Competition
by R. Rothschild - 451-470 Spatial Competition and Location with Mergers and Product Licensing
by George Norman & Lynne Pepall - 471-479 An Economic Analysis of Convenience-store Location
by Noboru Sakashita - 481-495 Some Economic Extensions of Central-place Theory Involving Profit Maximisation
by Toshiharu Ishikawa & Masao Toda - 497-511 Foreign Direct Investment and Development-agency Intervention: A Theoretical Model
by J.H.L. Dewhurst - 513-532 Industrial Clusters: Complexes, Agglomeration and/or Social Networks?
by Ian R. Gordon & Philip McCann - 533-555 Diversity and Specialisation in Cities: Why, Where and When Does it Matter?
by Gilles Duranton & Diego Puga - 557-577 The US Airport Hierarchy and Implications for Small Communities
by Aisling Reynolds-Feighan - 579-591 Consumer Information and Market-area Competition for Health-care Services
by Stephen F. Seninger - 593-610 Financial Services and the Urban System: An Exploration
by John B. Parr & Leslie Budd - 611-621 Towards a Theory of Intraurban Hotel Location
by David J. Egan & Kevin Nield - 623-632 Urban Economic Structure and the Optimal Rail System
by Graham R. Crampton
February 2000, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 223-245 The Geography of Residential Turnover in Twenty-seven Large US Metropolitan Housing Markets, 1985-95
by Frans M. Dieleman & William A. V. Clark & Marinus C. Deurloo - 247-260 Residence Spells and Migration: A Comparison for Men and Women
by Cecile Detang-Dessendre & Ian Molho - 261-274 Britain's Regional Shopping Centres: New Urban Forms?
by Michelle S. Lowe - 275-299 Design Appeals in England in the 1990s: An Aggregate Analysis
by John Punter & Andrew Bell - 301-317 Public Space, Urban Space and Electronic Space: Would the Real City Please Stand Up?
by Mike Crang - 319-342 Is Australia's Home-ownership Rate Really Stable? An Examination of Change between 1975 and 1994
by Judith Yates - 343-366 Singapore's Little India: A Tourist Attraction as a Contested Landscape
by T.C. Chang - 367-390 Households, Reurbanisation and the Rise of Living Alone in the Principal French Cities, 1975-90
by Philip E. Ogden & Ray Hall - 391-409 Windfall Sites for Housing: An Underestimated Resource
by William Walton - 411-426 Book Reviews
by Derek Lyddon & Peter Nijkamp & Daniel Dorling & Paul Kantor & Simon Duncan & Peter Booth & Paul Bull & Geraldine Pratt & Pat Niner & Jon May - 427-428 Books Received
by N/A
January 2000, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 7-35 Status, Quality and the Other Trade-off: Towards a New Theory of Urban Residential Location
by Hoang Huu Phe & Patrick Wakely - 37-62 Relations between Deprivation and Immigrant Groups in Large Canadian Cities
by David Ley & Heather Smith - 63-76 Parking Policies and Road Pricing
by Edward Calthrop & Stef Proost & Kurt van Dender - 77-111 Globalisation and Urban Transformations in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Review
by Fu-chen Lo & Peter J. Marcotullio - 113-126 Mobility and Affordability in US Housing
by W. Paul Strassmann - 127-147 Self-help and Mutual Aid in Deprived Urban Neighbourhoods: Some Lessons from Southampton
by Colin C. Williams & Jan Windebank - 149-165 Measuring Gentrification and Displacement in Greater London
by Rowland Atkinson - 167-179 Pioneers and Settlers in Lo-Do Denver: Private Risk and Public Benefits in Urban Redevelopment
by Stephan Weiler - 181-194 Discretionary Profit in Subsidised Housing Markets
by Andries Nentjes & Wolfgang Schopp - 195-209 Book Reviews
by Michael Greenberg & Ben Rowland & Lynn A. Staeheli & Peter Williams & Heather Starnes & Rickie Sanders & Dave King & Fiona Smith & Cedric Pugh & Chi-Yuan Tsai & Chris Waters - 211-212 Books Received
by N/A
December 1999, Volume 36, Issue 13
- 2199-2215 Modelling the Choice of Tenure and Building Type
by Andrejs Skaburskis - 2217-2236 Shortage, Priority and Urban Growth: Towards a Theory of Urbanisation under Central Planning
by Örjan Sjoberg - 2237-2262 Social Housing Reforms in England and Wales: A Public Choice Evaluation
by George A. Boyne & Richard M. Walker - 2263-2282 Reforming China's Institutional Environment for Urban Infrastructure Provision
by Weiping Wu - 2283-2304 Construction Elasticities and Land Availability: A Two-stage Least-squares Model of Housing Supply Using the Variable Elasticity Approach
by Gwilym Pryce - 2305-2315 On Minimum Rents: Part 2, A Modern Interpretation
by Alan W. Evans - 2317-2331 Promoting Urban Sustainability: The Case for a Tradable Supplementary Licence System for Vehicle Use
by Haynes C. Goddard - 2333-2360 Land Readjustment, Urban Planning and Urban Sprawl in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area
by Andre Sorensen - 2361-2373 Dynamic Equilibrium of the Housing Market
by Raymond Y. C. Tse & James R. Webb - 2375-2400 Comparing South African and Latin American Experience: Migration and Housing Mobility in Soweto
by Alan Gilbert & Owen Crankshaw - 2401-2414 Property Market Efficiency: An Institutional Economics Perspective
by Geoffrey Keogh & Eamonn D'Arcy - 2415-2419 Review Essay: The Car is the Solution, Not the Problem?
by David Banister - 2421-2431 Book Review
by Peter Newman & Gerald Daly & Iain Docherty & Peter Roberts & Adrian Franklin & Robina Goodlad & Harvey K. Newman - 2433-2434 Books Received
by N/A
November 1999, Volume 36, Issue 12
- 2031-2045 Evaluation of Investor Behaviour in Urban Regeneration
by Alastair Adair & Jim Berry & Stanley McGreal & Bill Deddis & Suzanne Hirst - 2047-2068 The Effects of Local Growth Controls on Regional Housing Production and Population Redistribution in California
by Ned Levine - 2069-2084 The Distribution of SRB Challenge Fund Expenditure in Relation to Local-area Need in England
by Angela Brennan & John Rhodes & Peter Tyler - 2085-2098 The District Effect and the Competitiveness of Manufacturing Companies in Local Productive Systems
by M. Teresa Costa-Campi & Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal - 2099-2110 Employment Centres in Greater Cleveland: Evidence of Evolution in a Formerly Monocentric City
by William T. Bogart & William C. Ferry - 2111-2120 On Minimum Rents: Part 1, Marx and Absolute Rent
by Alan W. Evans - 2121-2133 Urban Unemployment in the EU, Tertiary-sector Employment Growth and Urban Size
by Graham R. Crampton - 2135-2149 Costs of Infrastructure Deficiencies for Manufacturing in Nigerian, Indonesian and Thai Cities
by Kyu Sik Lee & Alex Anas & Gi-Taik Oh - 2151-2166 Community Agency in the New South Africa: A Comparative Approach
by Michal Lyons & Carin Smuts - 2167-2182 Book Review
by John M. Quigley & Ben Still & W.F. Lever & William W. Goldsmith & Jordan S. Yin & Peter Wood & Allan Findlay & Susan Batchelor & Peter Hall & Denise Pumain & Peter Tyler - 2183-2186 Books Received
by N/A
October 1999, Volume 36, Issue 11
- 1849-1858 Size, Sprawl, Speed and the Efficiency of Cities
by Remy Prud'homme & Chang-Woon Lee - 1859-1873 Evaluating the Influence of Amenities on the Location of Manufacturing Establishments in Urban Areas
by Maury D. Granger & Glenn C. Blomquist - 1875-1889 Needs-based Targeting without Knowing Household Incomes: How Would it Work in Russia?
by Raymond Struyk & Anastasia Kolodeznikova - 1891-1906 Searching for the Sustainable City: Competing Philosophical Rationales and Processes of 'Ideological Capture' in Adelaide, South Australia
by Graham Haughton - 1907-1932 Social Networks and the Employment Problem of the Urban Poor
by David A. Reingold - 1933-1947 Identifying Households which Need Housing Assistance
by Philippe Thalmann - 1949-1957 Towards an Accurate Description of Affordability
by Russell Chaplin & Angus Freeman - 1959-1971 The Residential Mortgage Supply Function of Commercial Banks
by Donald R. Epley & Kartono Liano - 1973-1996 Longitudinal Monitoring of Housing Renewal in the Urban Core: Reflections on the Experience of Glasgow's Merchant City
by Louis Rosenburg & Craig Watkins - 1997-2014 Book Review
by William Walton & Kheir Al-Kodmany & John Doling & Farhad Atash & Patrick Mullins & Thomas A. Clark & Michael White & Robin E. Datel & Thomas S. Nesslein & Mike Heffernan - 2015-2017 Books Received
by N/A
September 1999, Volume 36, Issue 10
- 1639-1647 Urban Marginality in the Coming Millennium
by Loïc Wacquant - 1649-1660 On Rich Cities and Boring Places
by Andreas Stich - 1661-1677 The Changing Fabrics of Ordinary Residential Areas
by J.W.R. Whitehand & Christine M. H. Carr - 1679-1703 Is It Possible to Build Financially Successful New Towns? The Milton Keynes Experience
by Richard B. Peiser & Alain C. Chang - 1705-1722 Lowering the Drawbridge: A Case Study of Analogy and Metaphor in the Social Construction of Home-ownership
by Craig M. Gurney - 1723-1746 Supporting Ethnic Minority Business: A Review of Business Support for Ethnic Minorities in City Challenge Areas
by Taner Oc & Steven Tiesdell - 1747-1768 The Closure of the Brazilian Housing Bank and Beyond
by Marcio M. Valença - 1769-1782 Housing Vacancy and Rental Adjustment: Evidence from Hong Kong
by Raymond Y. C. Tse & Bryan D. MacGregor - 1783-1809 Effective Housing Demand in Mumbai (Bombay) Metropolitan Region
by Piyush Tiwari & Kirit Parikh & Jyoti Parikh - 1811-1817 Review Essay: 'Rushing the Growler': The Making of Urban America
by Seán Darner - 1819-1831 Book Reviews
by David E. Dowall & Lena Magnusson & Kuniko Fujita & Dtborah Berman Santana & Rowland Atkinson & Christine Milligan & Keith Jacobs & Chris Macaloo - 1833-1834 Books Received
by N/A
August 1999, Volume 36, Issue 9
- 1439-1465 Convergence and Difference in Regional Office Development Cycles
by John Henneberry - 1467-1473 Product Variety and Sector-specific Unemployment
by Akira Nishimori - 1475-1494 Commercial Housing Development in Urban China
by Ya Ping Wang & Alan Murie - 1495-1521 China's Urban Transformation: Patterns and Processes of Morphological Change in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou
by Piper Gaubatz - 1523-1534 The Slum Upgrading Myth
by Herbert Werlin - 1535-1550 Integrating Women's Reproductive Roles with Productive Activities in Commerce: The Case of Businesswomen in Kampala, Uganda
by Betty Kwagala - 1551-1568 Urban Restructuring, Polarisation and Immigrants' Opportunities: The Case of Russian Immigrants in Tel-Aviv
by Gila Menahem - 1569-1596 Ethnic Minority Unemployment and Spatial Mismatch: The Case of London
by Edward A. Fieldhouse - 1597-1611 Sample Selection Bias in Models of Commuting Time
by Thomas J. Cooke & Stephen L. Ross - 1613-1630 Book Review
by Don Mitchell & Peter Lee & Ian Taylor & Donald McNeill & Jon Caulfield & George Franklin & William Sharpe & John Preston & Stephen F. Mills & Harold Carter - 1631-1632 Books Received
by N/A
July 1999, Volume 36, Issue 8
- 1247-1268 Growth-pole Strategies in Regional Economic Planning: A Retrospective View
by John B. Parr - 1269-1281 Analysing Mexican Population Concentration: A Model with Empirical Evidence
by Farhad Dehghan & Guillermo Vargas Uribe - 1283-1293 Re-establishing the Rent Gap: An Alternative View of Capitalised Land Rent
by Daniel J. Hammel - 1295-1315 Levels of Immigrant Residential Concentration in Sydney and their Relationship with Disadvantage
by Ian Burnley - 1317-1347 The Entrenchment of Urban Dispersion: Residential Preferences and Location Patterns in the Dispersed City
by Pierre Filion & Trudi Bunting & Keith Warriner - 1349-1359 From Rejection to Resignation: Beneficiaries' Views on the South African Government's New Housing Subsidy System
by Mary R. Tomlinson - 1361-1379 Sense of Community and Neighbourhood Form: An Assessment of the Social Doctrine of New Urbanism
by Emily Talen - 1381-1398 Cultural Activities: Source of Competitiveness and Prosperity in Urban Regions
by Jolanta Dziembowska-Kowalska & Rolf H. Funck - 1399-1408 An Integrated Metropolitan Model Incorporating Demographic-economic, Land-use and Transport Models
by Myung-jin Jun - 1409-1424 Books Reviews
by B. Martin R. Van der Velde & Patsy Healey & Richard Child Hill & Daniel Felsenstein & Margaret Grieco & Hester Parr & Mark Stephens & Brian Robson & H.F. Moorhouse & David C. Thorns - 1425-1425 Books Received
by N/A - 1427-1430 Obituary
by Charlie Leven
June 1999, Volume 36, Issue 7
- 1055-1077 Playing Games with Sydney: Marketing Sydney for the 2000 Olympics
by Gordon Waitt - 1079-1093 Employment Impact of Inner-city Development Projects: The Case of Underground Atlanta
by Julie L. Hotchkiss & David L. Sjoquist & Stephanie M. Zobay - 1095-1117 Social Transformations in the Global City: Singapore
by Scott Baum - 1119-1135 Modelling the Residential Sub-market: Breaking the Monocentric Mould
by Timothy J. Bailey - 1137-1149 Rational Expectations, Uncertainty and Cyclical Activity in the British Office Market
by Sotiris Tsolacos & Tony McGough - 1151-1167 Fiscal Pressure, Tax Competition and the Adoption of Tax Increment Financing
by Joyce Y. Man - 1169-1175 Housing and Social Policy: An Historical Perspective on Canadian-American Differences—A Comment
by Richard Harris - 1177-1180 Housing and Social Policy—An Historical Perspective on Canadian-American Differences—A Reply
by Martin E. Wexler - 1181-1193 Listening to Communities: Locality Research and Planning
by Brendan Murtagh - 1195-1215 Growth-pole Strategies in Regional Economic Planning: A Retrospective View
by John B. Parr - 1217-1234 Book Review
by Tim O'Riordan & David Barrett & Erik Verhoef & Deborah Phillips & Jo Twist & David W. Edgington & Baruch A. Kipnis & Colin G. Pooley & Jürgen Friedrichs & Paul Kantor & Stephen J. Bailey & Stephen F. Mills - 1235-1237 Books Received
by N/A
May 1999, Volume 36, Issue 5-6
- 791-793 Competitive Cities: Introduction to the Review
by William F. Lever & Ivan Turok - 795-809 Cities and Competitiveness
by Iain Begg - 811-842 Geographical Economics and Urban Competitiveness: A Critique
by Martin Boddy - 843-864 Cities in Competition: Articulating the Gains from Integration
by Paul Cheshire - 865-891 Cities in Competition: Equity Issues
by Chris Jensen-Butler - 893-915 Urban Labour Markets: The Causes and Consequence of Change
by Ivan Turok - 917-928 The Property Market and Urban Competitiveness: A Review
by Eamonn D'Arcy & Geoffrey Keogh - 929-949 Global Grids of Glass: On Global Cities, Telecommunications and Planetary Urban Networks
by Stephen Graham - 951-968 Competition, Collaboration and the New Industrial Districts: Examining the Institutional Turn in Local Economic Development
by Mike Raco - 969-985 Quality of Life and City Competitiveness
by Robert J. Rogerson - 987-999 Urban Competitiveness, Marketing and the Need for Organising Capacity
by Leo van den Berg & Erik Braun - 1001-1016 Internationalisation and Urban Competition
by Ian Gordon - 1017-1027 Competitiveness and the Urban Economy: Twenty-four Large US Metropolitan Areas
by Peter Karl Kresl & Balwant Singh - 1029-1044 Competitive Cities in Europe
by William F. Lever
April 1999, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 633-645 Social Housing Finance in Europe: Trends and Opportunities
by Hugo Priemus & Peter Boelhouwer - 647-656 Securitisation and Finance for Social Housing in Finland
by Sirpa Tulla - 657-672 The Provision of Finance for Social Housing: The UK Experience
by Christine M. E. Whitehead - 673-682 Institutional Structure of Social Housing Finance in the UK: Recent Developments
by Michael Oxley - 683-697 Social Housing Finance in Sweden
by Bengt Turner - 699-714 General Trends in Financing Social Housing in Spain
by Montserrat Pareja Eastaway & Ignacio San Martin - 715-735 The Fiscal Role of the European Union: The Case of Housing and the European Structural Funds
by Mark Stephens - 737-754 Regulatory and Organisational Responses to Restructured Housing Association Finance in England and Wales
by Richard M. Walker & Robert S. G. Smith - 755-773 The Financing of Social Housing in Integrating Financial Markets: A View from Developing Countries
by Bertrand Renaud - 775-783 Acknowledgement of Referees, 1998
by N/A
March 1999, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 431-451 Globalisation as Reterritorialisation: The Re-scaling of Urban Governance in the European Union
by Neil Brenner - 453-477 Scientific Centres in Europe: An Analysis of Research Strength and Patterns of Specialisation Based on Bibliometric Indicators
by Christian n Wichmann Matthiessen & Annette Winkel Schwarz - 479-498 Industrial Crisis in the Centre of the Periphery: Stabilisation, Economic Restructuring and Policy Responses in the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region
by Andres Rodriguez-Pose & John Tomaney - 499-507 Krugman's Core-Periphery Model with Heterogeneous Quality of Land
by Luis Fernando Lanaspa & Fernando Sanz - 509-526 Tenant-Landlord Relations, the Anti-apartheid Struggle and Physical Decline in Hillbrow, an Inner-city Neighbourhood in Johannesburg
by Alan Morris - 527-545 Urban Regeneration and Transport Investment: A Case Study of Sheffield 1992-96
by Paul Lawless & Tony Gore - 547-562 Equal Access? Travel Behaviour Change in the Century Freeway Corridor, Los Angeles
by Drusilla van Hengel & Joseph DiMento & Sherry Ryan - 563-574 Male-Female Urban Income Distributions in Canada: The Service Sector in a Dependency Model
by Lewis A. Soroka - 575-591 Review Essay: Los Angeles, City of Angels? No, City of Angles
by Peter Gordon & Harry W. Richardson - 593-609 Book Review
by Iván Tosics & John Money & Colin J. Thomas & Melanie Limb & Roman Cybriwsky & Ronald Skeldon & Mike Savage & Charles Hoch & David Donnison & Jieming Zhu - 610-610 Books Received
by N/A
February 1999, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 223-237 Local Commercial and Industrial Rental Trends and Property Market Constraints
by Colin Jones & Allison Orr - 239-254 Home-owner Residential Property Taxes and their Burden on Net Personal Wealth: An Empirical Study for Australia
by Gavin A. Wood - 255-269 Housing Investment and the Private Rental Sector in Australia
by Andrew Beer - 271-287 Modelling Urban Population Densities in Beijing 1982-90: Suburbanisation and its Causes
by Fahui Wang & Yixing Zhou - 289-304 Willingness to Pay for Better Housing in Hong Kong: Theory and Evidence (of Dwelling Space)
by Eddie Chi Man Hui - 305-339 Firms, Governments and Innovation in the Chukyo Region of Japan
by David W. Edgington - 341-357 An Emerging Logic of Urban Water Management, Cochabamba, Bolivia
by Simon Marvin & Nina Laurie - 359-376 Estimating Market Prices and Assessed Values for Income Properties
by Christian Janssen & Bo Söderberg - 377-397 The Inner-city Apartment versus the Suburb: Housing Sub-markets in a New Zealand City
by Philip S. Morrison & Scott McMurray - 399-416 Book Review
by Carole Rakodi & Cedric Pugh & Robert B. Potter & Blair Badcock & Mike Raco & Helen Cramer & Fred Twine & Anne Power & Jane Drummond & Rob Imrie - 417-418 Book Notes
by N/A - 419-420 Books Received
by N/A
January 1999, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 7-12 Discourse and Urban Change: Introduction to the Special Issue
by Annette Hastings - 13-26 The Discourse of 'Community' and the Reinvention of Social Housing Policy in Australia
by Michael Darcy - 27-42 Sites, Jobs and Portfolios: Economic Development Discourses in the Planning System
by Patsy Healey - 43-58 The Council Tenants' Forum: A Liminal Public Space between Lifeworld and System?
by Neil Jackson - 59-72 Discourses of Partnership and Empowerment in Contemporary British Urban Regeneration
by Rob Atkinson - 73-90 Applying Bakhtin in Urban Studies: The Failure of Community Participation in the Ferguslie Park Partnership
by Chik Collins - 91-106 Analysing Power Relations in Partnerships: Is There a Role for Discourse Analysis?
by Annette Hastings - 107-119 Decoding Decentralisation: The Marketing of Urban Local Power?
by Ronan Paddison - 121-135 Unwrapping Stock Transfers: Applying Discourse Analysis to Landlord Communication Strategies
by Mary Taylor - 137-151 The Mismatch Argument: The Construction of a Housing Orthodoxy in Australia
by David C. Batten - 153-165 Managing the 'Underclass': Interpreting the Moral Discourse of Housing Management
by Anna Haworth & Tony Manzi - 167-187 Discourses of Citizenship in Transition: Scale, Politics and Urban Renewal
by Fiona M. Smith - 189-201 Governmentality and 'the Death of the Social'?: A Discourse Analysis of Local Government Texts in South-east England
by Kevin Stenson & Paul Watt - 203-213 Key Themes and Future Prospects: Conclusion to the Special Issue
by Keith Jacobs
December 1998, Volume 35, Issue 12
- 2183-2196 Testing the Turning-point Hypothesis in City-size Distribution: The Israeli Situation Re-examined
by Shaul Krakover - 2197-2219 Independent Technology-based Firms: The Perceived Benefits of a Science Park Location
by Paul Westhead & Stephen Batstone - 2221-2239 When Jobs Move, Do Black and Latino Men Lose? The Effect of Growth in Job Decentralisation on Young Men's Jobless Incidence and Duration
by Michael A. Stoll - 2241-2251 A Quality of Life Based Ranking of Canadian Cities
by Dimitrios A. Giannias - 2253-2275 The Impact of Tourism on Residential Experience in Central-eastern Europe: The Development of a New Legitimation Crisis in the Czech Republic
by Charlie Cooper & Nigel Morpeth - 2277-2301 The Private Finance Initiative and the Changing Governance of the Built Environment
by Derek Kerr - 2303-2321 Beyond the Third World City: The New Urban Geography of South-east Asia
by H.W. Dick & P.J. Rimmer - 2323-2352 Assessing Psychiatric Morbidity from Community Registers: Methods for Bayesian Adjustment
by Peter Congdon & Alan Smith & Christine Dean - 2353-2357 Job Proximity and the Urban Employment Problem: Do Suitable Nearby Jobs Improve Neighbourhood Employment Rates?: A Comment
by Donald Houston - 2359-2368 Job Proximity and the Urban Employment Problem: Do Suitable Nearby Jobs Improve Neighbourhood Employment Rates?: A Reply
by Daniel Immergluck - 2369-2387 Book Reviews
by Frederick W. Boal & Hugo Priemus & Nigel Taylor & Rowland Atkinson & Tim Coles & Huw Thomas & Ray Riley & Antoni Kapcia & Paul Bagguley & M.G.A. Wilson