January 2003, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 71-89 Models of Office Market Dynamics
by Raymond Y. C. Tse & James R. Webb - 91-112 The Institutional Structure of a Property Market in Inland China: Chongqing
by Sun Sheng Han & Yong Wang - 113-125 From Metropolis to Metropolis-based Region: The Case of Tel-Aviv
by Raphael Bar-El & John B. Parr - 127-142 Building Community Citizens: Claiming the Right to Place-making in the City
by Jonathan Lepofsky & James C. Fraser - 143-160 Housing Careers in the United States, 1968-93: Modelling the Sequencing of Housing States
by William A. V. Clark & Marinus C. Deurloo & Frans M. Dieleman - 161-177 The Quality of Urban Environments: Mapping Variation in Access to Community Resources
by Karen Witten & Daniel Exeter & Adrian Field - 179-194 Book Review
by Stuart Farthing & Peter White & Douglas S. Robertson & Jerald Podair & Patricia Mooney-Melvin & Karen A. Franck & Jeanette Findlay & Moya Kneafsay & Carol L. Dauda - 195-195 Books Received
by N/A
December 2002, Volume 39, Issue 13
- 2367-2376 Measurement of the World City Network
by P.J. Taylor & G. Catalano & D.R.F. Walker - 2377-2394 Exploratory Analysis of the World City Network
by P.J. Taylor & G. Catalano & D.R.F. Walker - 2395-2411 On the Concept of Territorial Competitiveness: Sound or Misleading?
by Roberto Camagni - 2413-2438 What Makes People Dissatisfied with their Neighbourhoods?
by Alison Parkes & Ade Kearns & Rowland Atkinson - 2439-2453 Gaining Access to Housing in Germany: The Foreign-minority Experience
by Anita I. Drever & William A. V. Clark - 2455-2467 Conceptualising the Contemporary Role of Housing in the Transition to Adult Life in England
by Janet Ford & Julie Rugg & Roger Burrows - 2469-2483 A Comparative Analysis of the Air Quality Management Challenges and Capabilities in Urban and Rural English Local Authorities
by C.I. Beattie & J.W.S. Longhurst & N.K. Woodfield - 2485-2506 Tracing the Sources of Local External Economies
by Edward J. Feser - 2507-2530 Who Built Irvine? Private Planning and the Federal Government
by Ann Forsyth - 2531-2552 Density Gradients in Canadian Metropolitan Regions, 1971-96: Differential Patterns of Central Area and Suburban Growth and Change
by T. Bunting & P. Filion & H. Priston - 2553-2570 Book Reviews
by Keith Pezzoli & Rob Atkinson & Alisdair Rogers & Alan March & Henry L. Taylor JR & Thomas S. Nesslein & Thomas B. Fischer & R.N. Sharma & Hartmut Häussermann - 2571-2574 Books Received
by N/A
November 2002, Volume 39, Issue 12
- 2159-2162 Chinese Urban Development: Introduction
by Kenneth A. Small - 2163-2174 Can Agricultural Labour Adjustment Occur Primarily through Creation of Rural Non-farm Jobs in China?
by D. Gale Johnson - 2175-2187 Rural Industrialisation and Internal Migration in China
by Zai Liang & Yiu Por Chen & Yanmin Gu - 2189-2197 Determinants of Urban Migration: Evidence from Chinese Cities
by Aimin Chen & N. Edward Coulson - 2199-2217 WTO Accession, Rural Labour Migration and Urban Unemployment in China
by Fan Zhai & Zhi Wang - 2219-2235 The Determinants of Temporary Rural-to-Urban Migration in China
by Haizheng Li & Steven Zahniser - 2237-2250 China's Floating Population: Definitions, Data and Recent Findings
by Daniel Goodkind & Loraine A. West - 2251-2266 Urban Economic Growth in China: Theory and Evidence
by Shuanglin Lin & Shunfeng Song - 2267-2281 Urban Productivity in China
by Zuohong Pan & Fan Zhang - 2283-2299 Urban Air Quality and Health in China
by Chaoyang Peng & Xiaodong Wu & Gordon Liu & Todd Johnson & Jitendra Shah & Sarath Guttikunda - 2301-2315 What Explains China's Rising Urbanisation in the Reform Era?
by Kevin Honglin Zhang - 2317-2327 Urbanisation and City Size Distribution in China
by Shunfeng Song & Kevin Honglin Zhang - 2329-2343 Population Growth, Urbanisation and the Role of Government in China: A Political Economic Model of Demographic Change
by Yi Feng & Jacek Kugler & Paul J. Zak - 2345-2358 Hong Kong: From an Industrialised City to a Centre of Manufacturing-related Services
by Zhigang Tao & Y. C. Richard Wong
October 2002, Volume 39, Issue 11
- 1959-1982 The Impacts of State Growth Management Programmes: A Comparative Analysis
by John I. Carruthers - 1983-2003 Does Spatial Assimilation Work for Black Immigrants in the US?
by Lance Freeman - 2005-2028 Quantifying Spatial Characteristics of Cities
by Sumeeta Srinivasan - 2029-2040 'Food Deserts' in British Cities: Policy Context and Research Priorities
by Neil Wrigley - 2041-2060 Deriving Indicators of Access to Food Retail Provision in British Cities: Studies of Cardiff, Leeds and Bradford
by Graham Clarke & Heather Eyre & Cliff Guy - 2061-2082 Assessing the Impact of Improved Retail Access on Diet in a 'Food Desert': A Preliminary Report
by Neil Wrigley & Daniel Warm & Barrie Margetts & Amanda Whelan - 2083-2100 Life in a 'Food Desert'
by Amanda Whelan & Neil Wrigley & Daniel Warm & Elizabeth Cannings - 2101-2114 Urban Regeneration, Social Inclusion and Large Store Development: The Seacroft Development in Context
by Neil Wrigley & Cliff Guy & Michelle Lowe - 2115-2130 A Systematic Study of an Urban Foodscape: The Price and Availability of Food in Greater Glasgow
by Steven Cummins & Sally Macintyre - 2131-2146 Book Reviews
by Brian McGrail & Isobel Anderson & Jane Kettle & Huw Thomas & Kenneth Gibb & Mike Raco & Joseph Leibovitz & Roderick J. Lawrence - 2147-2148 Books Received
by N/A
September 2002, Volume 39, Issue 10
- 1735-1756 Marketing Mardi Gras: Commodification, Spectacle and the Political Economy of Tourism in New Orleans
by Kevin Fox Gotham - 1757-1775 Testing Governance: Partnerships, Planning and Conflict in Waterfront Regeneration
by Keith Bassett & Ron Griffiths & Ian Smith - 1777-1792 On Creating the 'City' as a Collective Resource
by Patsy Healey - 1793-1818 Contesting the Magic of the Market-place: Black Employment and Business Concentration in the Urban Context
by G. Coleman - 1819-1831 Tax-based Mechanisms in Urban Regeneration: Dublin and Chicago Models
by Stanley McGreal & Jim Berry & Greg Lloyd & John McCarthy - 1833-1863 Developing Indicators to Inform Local Economic Development in England
by Cecilia Wong - 1865-1880 A Comparative Institutional Evaluation of Public-Private Partnerships in Dutch Urban Land-use and Revitalisation Projects
by Peter Nijkamp & Marc van der Burch & Gabriella Vindigni - 1881-1895 Transport Mode Choice by Commuters to Barcelona's CBD
by Javier Asensio - 1897-1910 Why Do People Use Alternative Retail Channels? Some Case-study Evidence from Two English Cities
by Colin C. Williams - 1911-1933 'Scan Globally; Reinvent Locally': Reflecting on the Origins of South Africa's Capital Housing Subsidy Policy
by Alan Gilbert - 1935-1949 Book Reviews
by Kian Tajbakhsh & Ian Douglas & Stephen J. Bailey & Sasha Tsenkova & Robina Goodlad & Ashok K. Dutt & Haim Yacobi & Robert L. Boyd - 1951-1952 Books Received
by N/A
August 2002, Volume 39, Issue 9
- 1503-1512 Introduction : Contested Landscapes, Asian Cities
by Lily Kong & Lisa Law - 1513-1532 Transnational Urbanism in the Reform-era Chinese City: Landscapes from Shenzhen
by Carolyn Cartier - 1533-1550 Moving the Margins of Tokyo
by Paul Waley - 1551-1572 Rewriting Rebellion and Mapping Memory in South Korea: The (Re)presentation of the 1980 Kwangju Uprising through Mangwol-dong Cemetery
by Sallie Yea - 1573-1586 In Search of Permanent Homes: Singapore's House Churches and the Politics of Space
by Lily Kong - 1587-1610 Politicised Pagodas and Veiled Resistance: Contested Urban Space in Burma
by Janette Philp & David Mercer - 1611-1624 Out of Control: Emergent Cultural Landscapes and Political Change in Urban Vietnam
by Mandy Thomas - 1625-1645 Defying Disappearance: Cosmopolitan Public Spaces in Hong Kong
by Lisa Law - 1647-1663 The Village of the Poor Confronts the State: A Geography of Protest in the Assembly of the Poor
by Bruce Missingham - 1665-1683 'Vagrants Wearing Make-up': Negotiating Spaces on the Streets of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
by Harriot Beazley - 1685-1701 Kampung Rules: Landscape and the Contested Government of Urban(e) Malayness
by Tim Bunnell - 1703-1721 Indigenising the Colonial City: Late 19th-century Colombo and its Landscape
by Nihal Perera
July 2002, Volume 39, Issue 8
- 1287-1306 Competitive Dynamics of Southern California's Clothing Industry: The Widening Global Connection and its Local Ramifications
by Allen J. Scott - 1307-1327 Fiscalisation of Land Use, Urban Growth Boundaries and Non-central Retail Sprawl in the Western United States
by Robert W. Wassmer - 1329-1346 Power and Conflict in Pro-growth Regimes: Tensions in Economic Development in Jersey City and Detroit
by Paul Lawless - 1347-1374 The Quest for a Balanced Ethnic Mix: Singapore's Ethnic Quota Policy Examined
by Chih Hoong Sin - 1375-1398 The Emergence of the Urban Land Market in China: Evolution, Structure, Constraints and Perspectives
by Qingshu Xie & A.R. Ghanbari Parsa & Barry Redding - 1399-1416 Mismatch in Local Labour Markets in Central Scotland: The Neglected Role of Demand
by John Adams & Malcolm Greig & Ronald W. McQuaid - 1417-1438 Classifying Local Retail Property Markets on the Basis of Rental Growth Rates
by Catherine Jackson - 1439-1452 Local Government and the Decentralisation of Urban Regeneration Policies in The Netherlands
by Willem K. Korthals Altes - 1453-1469 Cultural Explanation of Regional Property Markets: A Critique
by Michael Ball - 1471-1478 Bridging the Divide? Complementary Perspectives on Property
by Simon Guy & John Henneberry - 1479-1494 Book Reviews
by Peter Hills & Rob Imrie & Joan M. Smith & Ronan Paddison & Diana Mitlin & Alison Ravetz & Brian Jacobs & Ghazi Falah & Vanessa Watson - 1495-1495 Books Received
by N/A
June 2002, Volume 39, Issue 7
- 1071-1093 China's Changing Urban Governance in the Transition Towards a More Market-oriented Economy
by Fulong Wu - 1095-1112 Sharing the Risk of Home-ownership: A Portfolio Approach
by Diana Mok - 1113-1128 A Weird Politics of Place: Sergels Torg, Stockholm (Round One)
by Mats Franzen - 1129-1142 Sectoral Shares, Specialisation and Metropolitan Wages in the United States, 1969-96
by Matthew Drennan & Shannon Larsen & Jose Lobo & Deborah Strumsky & Wahyu Utomo - 1143-1163 Intrametropolitan Patterns of High-order Business Service Location: A Comparative Study of Seventeen Sectors in Ile-de-France
by Richard Shearmur & Christel Alvergne - 1165-1180 Estimating Neighbourhood Effects in House Prices: Towards a New Hedonic Model Approach
by Raymond Y. C. Tse - 1181-1196 Development Cultures and Urban Regeneration
by Simon Guy & John Henneberry & Steven Rowley - 1197-1212 The Evaluation of Public Service Inspection: A Theoretical Framework
by George Boyne & Patricia Day & Richard Walker - 1213-1240 Pathways to a World City: Shanghai Rising in an Era of Globalisation
by Shahid Yusuf & Weiping Wu - 1241-1260 Managing Nature and Narratives of Dispossession: Reclaiming Territory in Cardiff Bay
by Richard Cowell & Huw Thomas - 1261-1276 Book Reviews
by Mark R. Daniels & Keith Hayton & Mark Pennington & Paul Jenkins & Ross Gittell & Peter Newman & Moyra Riseborough & Rosemary Wakeman & David Burtenshaw & Eric Sandweiss - 1277-1278 Books Received
by N/A
May 2002, Volume 39, Issue 5-6
- 855-857 Introduction: The Knowledge-based City
by James Simmie & William F. Lever - 859-870 Correlating the Knowledge-base of Cities with Economic Growth
by W.F. Lever - 871-884 Tacit Knowledge, Innovation and Economic Geography
by Jeremy R. L. Howells - 885-902 Knowledge Spillovers and Reasons for the Concentration of Innovative SMEs
by James Simmie - 903-927 The Top-level Global Research System, 1997-99: Centres, Networks and Nodality. An Analysis Based on Bibliometric Indicators
by Christian Wichmann Matthiessen & Annette Winkel Schwarz & Søren Find - 929-945 Hard and Soft Networks for Urban Competitiveness
by Edward J. Malecki - 947-975 E-commerce, Competitiveness and Local and Regional Governance in Greater Manchester and Merseyside: A Preliminary Assessment
by Richard Evans - 977-991 Manufacturing Services and Servicing Manufacturing: Knowledge-based Cities and Changing Forms of Production
by P.W. Daniels & J.R. Bryson - 993-1002 Knowledge-intensive Services and Urban Innovativeness
by Peter Wood - 1003-1017 Heritage as Knowledge: Capital or Culture?
by Brian Graham - 1019-1035 Knowledge and Urban Economic Development: An Evolutionary Perspective
by Jan G. Lambooy - 1037-1049 Trouble in E-topia: Knowledge as Intellectual Property
by Christopher May - 1051-1063 The Governance of Interactive Learning within Innovation Systems
by Cristiano Antonelli & Michel Quere
April 2002, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 591-618 Are there Ethnic Enclaves/Ghettos in English Cities?
by Ron Johnston & James Forrest & Michael Poulsen - 619-641 The Neighbourhood Contact Hypothesis: Evidence from the Multicity Study of Urban Inequality
by Keith R. Ihlanfeldt & Benjamin P. Scafidi - 643-664 The Changing Tenant Profile of Dutch Social Rented Housing
by Veronique A. J. M. Schutjens & Ronald van Kempen & Jan van Weesep - 665-688 Modelling Tenants' Choices in the Public Rented Sector: A Stated Preference Approach
by Bruce Walker & Alex Marsh & Mark Wardman & Pat Niner - 689-704 A Methodology for the Disaggregate, Multidimensional Measurement of Residential Neighbourhood Type
by Michael N. Bagley & Patricia L. Mokhtarian & Ryuichi Kitamura - 705-726 Urban Restructuring and Governance: North-South Differences in Europe and the EU URBAN Initiative
by Ioannis Chorianopoulos - 727-747 The Impact of Residential Segregation on Participation in Associations: The Case of Moroccan Women in Belgium
by Katleen Peleman - 749-766 Telecommuting and the Demand for Urban Living: A Preliminary Look at White-collar Workers
by Ingrid Gould Ellen & Katherine Hempstead - 767-790 Can Deprived Housing Areas Be Revitalised? Efforts against Segregation and Neighbourhood Decay in Denmark and Europe
by Hans Skifter Andersen - 791-817 The Changing Competitive Relationship between Small Town Centres and Out-of-town Retailing: Town Revival in South Wales
by Colin J. Thomas & Rosemary D. F. Bromley - 819-833 Book Reviews: Regional Planning and Development in Europe
by Johan Woltjer & Robert Leeson & Jonathan V. Beaverstock & Leo Van Grunsven & David Herbert & Ray Pahl & Richard Harris & Kohei Watanabe - 835-836 Books Received
by N/A - 837-844 Acknowledgement of Referees, 2001
by N/A
March 2002, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 359-378 Agglomeration and Dispersion of High-order Service Employment in the Montreal Metropolitan Region, 1981-96
by William J. Coffey & Richard G. Shearmur - 379-391 Small Towns and Regional Development: Major Findings and Policy Implications from Comparative Research
by Jan Hinderink & Milan Titus - 393-422 Low Demand for Housing: Incidence, Causes and UK National Policy Implications
by Glen Bramley & Hal Pawson - 423-436 The Impact of Public Transport on US Metropolitan Wage Inequality
by Thomas W. Sanchez - 437-456 The Social Relations of Organisational Activity and the New Local Governance in the UK
by Mike Raco - 457-481 The Evaluation of Community Economic Development Initiatives
by H.W. Armstrong & B. Kehrer & P. Wells & A.M. Wood - 483-506 Testing for the Existence of Office Sub-markets: A Comparison of Evidence from Two Cities
by Neil Dunse & Chris Leishman & Craig Watkins - 507-527 Urban Form and Travel Behaviour: Micro-level Household Attributes and Residential Context
by Frans M. Dieleman & Martin Dijst & Guillaume Burghouwt - 529-547 Stratification and Spatial Segregation of Human Capital as Determinants of Metropolitan Productivity in the United States
by José Lobo & David P. Smole - 549-564 The Definition of Housing Market Areas and Strategic Planning
by Colin Jones - 565-580 Book Reviews
by Charles L. Choguill & Chris Nash & Alan Black & Neil Kraus & Ted Kitchen & David R. Phillips & Emily Grundy & Gerald Daly & David Banister - 581-581 Books Received
by N/A
February 2002, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 191-200 Social Housing Policy in the European Union: Past, Present and Perspectives
by Hugo Priemus & Frans Dieleman - 201-217 Reducing Housing Subsidy: Swedish Housing Policy in an International Context
by Bengt Turner & Christine M. E. Whitehead - 219-235 Trends in Dutch Housing Policy and the Shifting Position of the Social Rented Sector
by Peter Boelhouwer - 237-253 Revolution in Social Housing in the Netherlands: Possible Effects of New Housing Policies
by Ronald van Kempen & Hugo Priemus - 255-263 Social Housing Policy and the Welfare State: A Danish Perspective
by Hans Kristensen - 265-282 Social Housing Policy in a Conservative Welfare State: Austria as an Example
by Walter Matznetter - 283-295 The Tenure Imbalance in Spain: The Need for Social Housing Policy
by Montserrat Pareja Eastaway & Ignacio San Martin Varo - 297-326 On the Genesis of Social Rental Agencies in Belgium
by Pascal De Decker - 327-340 Social Rented Housing in Western Europe: Developments and Expectations
by Harry van der Heijden - 341-352 The Future of European Union Social Policy and its Implications for Housing
by Mark Kleinman
January 2002, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 7-32 Housing Tenure Choice in Transitional Urban China: A Multilevel Analysis
by Youqin Huang & William A. V. Clark - 33-56 Bridging Urban Digital Divides? Urban Polarisation and Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs)
by Stephen Graham - 57-67 Price Discovery between Private and Public Housing Markets
by Seow-Eng Ong & Tien-Foo Sing - 69-84 Restructuring in the Industrial Areas of Budapest in the Period of Transition
by Eva Kiss - 85-93 Neighbourhood Effects and Cultural Exclusion
by Harald Bauder - 95-116 Theorising Urban Playscapes: Producing, Regulating and Consuming Youthful Nightlife City Spaces
by Paul Chatterton & Robert Hollands - 117-130 Neighbourhood Effects in Large and Small Neighbourhoods
by Henry G. Overman - 131-139 Excess Commuting and the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem
by Mark W. Horner & Alan T. Murray - 141-154 Development Rights Markets to Manage Urban Plans in Italy
by Ezio Micelli - 155-162 The Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on State Suicide Rates: A Methodological Note
by Mitch Kunce & April L. Anderson - 163-178 Book Reviews
by Janice Fanning Madden & Charles Jaret & John Clayton Thomas & Leslie Sklair & Henk Voogd & Hazel Christie & Guy Baeten & Alan Smart - 179-179 Books Received
by N/A
December 2001, Volume 38, Issue 13
- 2327-2348 Intermetropolitan Variation in the Labour Force Participation Rates of White and Black Men in the United States
by Mark Ellis & John Odland - 2349-2377 Persistent Polarisation Post-Apartheid? Progress towards Urban Integration in Cape Town
by Ivan Turok - 2379-2391 Bargaining, Coalitions and Local Expenditure
by Partha Gangopadhyay & Shyam Nath - 2393-2413 The Politics of 'Integrated' Local Policy in England
by David Valler & David Betteley - 2415-2424 The Effects of Region on the Welfare and Monetary Income of Spanish Families
by Inmaculada GarcÃa & José Alberto Molina - 2425-2437 A Probit Analysis of Development Control: A Hong Kong Case Study of Residential Zones
by Lawrence W. C. Lai & Winky K. O. Ho - 2439-2455 Understanding the Movement of Goods, Not People: Issues, Evidence and Potential
by Clarence Woudsma - 2457-2476 Globalisation, Institutional Structures and Real Estate Markets in Central European Cities
by Ramin Keivani & Ali Parsa & Stanley McGreal - 2477-2494 Multicultural Policy within Local Government in Australia
by Kevin Dunn & Susan Thompson & Bronwyn Hanna & Peter Murphy & Ian Burnley - 2495-2514 Devolution and User Participation in Public Services: How They Work and What They Do
by Rebecca Tunstall - 2515-2533 Does Terror Have an Urban Future?
by H.V. Savitch & Grigoriy Ardashev - 2535-2536 World Cities Revisited: A Comment
by John Friedmann - 2537-2540 Global Cities and Developmentalist States: How to Derail What Could Be an Interesting Debate: A Response to Hill and Kim
by Saskia Sassen - 2541-2542 Reply to Friedmann and Sassen
by Richard Child Hill & June Woo Kim - 2543-2559 Book Reviews
by Mario Polèse & Simin Davoudi & David Byrne & Joe T. Darden & Richard Harris & Peter Booth & Lewis Soroka & Helen Meller & Roger Keil - 2561-2562 Books Received
by N/A
November 2001, Volume 38, Issue 12
- 2103-2110 The Significance of Neighbourhood
by Ade Kearns & Michael Parkinson - 2111-2124 On the Nature of Neighbourhood
by George Galster - 2125-2143 Social Cohesion, Social Capital and the Neighbourhood
by Ray Forrest & Ade Kearns - 2145-2162 Social Capital, Gentrification and Neighbourhood Change in London: A Comparison of Three South London Neighbourhoods
by Tim Butler & Garry Robson - 2163-2166 A New Approach to Neighbourhood Renewal in England
by Moira Wallace - 2167-2194 'It's Not Community Round Here, It's Neighbourhood' : Neighbourhood Change and Cohesion in Urban Regeneration Policies
by Richard Meegan & Alison Mitchell - 2195-2209 Multiculturalism and Governing Neighbourhoods
by Judith Allen & Goran Cars - 2211-2224 Neighbourhood Governance: Leadership, Trust and Social Capital
by Derrick Purdue - 2225-2250 Civic Culture, Community and Citizen Participation in Contrasting Neighbourhoods
by Iain Docherty & Robina Goodlad & Ronan Paddison - 2251-2275 Identifying Neighbourhood Effects on Social Exclusion
by Nick Buck - 2277-2298 Disentangling Area Effects: Evidence from Deprived and Non-deprived Neighbourhoods
by Rowland Atkinson & Keith Kintrea - 2299-2316 Perceptions of Place and Health in Socially Contrasting Neighbourhoods
by Anne Ellaway & Sally Macintyre & Ade Kearns
October 2001, Volume 38, Issue 11
- 1887-1902 Inclusion or Exclusion? The Role of Housing Subsidies and Benefits
by John Hills - 1903-1919 Immigrant Settlement Patterns in Metropolitan Chicago
by K. Bruce Newbold & John Spindler - 1921-1941 Modelling High-intensity Crime Areas in English Cities
by Massimo Craglia & Robert Haining & Paola Signoretta - 1943-1952 Ethnic Differences in Urban Neighbour Relations in Israel
by Gustavo S. Mesch & Orit Manor - 1953-1971 Rescuing Aunt Sally: Taking Institutional Theory Seriously in Urban Politics
by Vivien Lowndes - 1973-1987 Historic Preservation and Residential Property Values: An Analysis of Texas Cities
by Robin M. Leichenko & N. Edward Coulson & David Listokin - 1989-2000 Environmental Variables and Real Estate Prices
by Allan Din & Martin Hoesli & Andre Bender - 2001-2016 Begging, Rough Sleeping and Social Exclusion: Implications for Social Policy
by Catherine Kennedy & Suzanne Fitzpatrick - 2017-2036 Full Circle or Spiralling Out of Control? State Violence and the Control of Urbanisation in Papua New Guinea
by Gina Koczberski & George N. Curry & John Connell - 2037-2054 Coase, Spatial Pricing and Self -organising Cities
by Chris Webster & Fulong Wu - 2055-2078 Community Resources and Opportunities in Ethnic Economies: A Case Study of Portuguese and Black Entrepreneurs in Toronto
by Carlos Teixeira - 2079-2093 Book Reviews
by David Wilson & Mike Raco & Nick Devas & Sandra Walklate & Helen Jarvis & Rachel Woodward & Kevin Mumford & Joseph Leibovitz & Margaret Grieco & Jeanette Findlay - 2095-2095 Books Received
by N/A
September 2001, Volume 38, Issue 10
- 1639-1649 The Public Sector and Core-Periphery Models
by Luis Fernando Lanaspa & Fernando Pueyo & Fernando Sanz - 1651-1671 Efficient Urbanisation: Economic Performance and the Shape of the Metropolis
by Robert Cervero - 1673-1699 Social Justice, Integrated Development Planning and Post-apartheid Urban Reconstruction
by Gustav Visser - 1701-1731 Seceding from Responsibility? Secession Movements in Los Angeles
by Julie-Anne Boudreau & Roger Keil