March 2009, Volume 223, Issue 1
- 51-58 Reliability assessment of a wind power delivery system
by R Karki & J Patel - 59-69 Modelling N- and W-shaped hazard rate functions without mixing distributions
by M Bebbington & C D Lai & D N P Murthy & R Zitikis - 71-85 Parallel systems with different types of defence resource expenditure under two sequential attacks
by K Hausken & G Levitin - 87-97 Generalized methodology for operational risk analysis of offshore installations
by J E Vinnem & J Seljelid & S Haugen & S Sklet & T Aven - 99-117 Selection of condition monitoring techniques using discrete probability distributions: A case study
by M C Carnero
December 2008, Volume 222, Issue 4
- 1-1 Tribute to Pauline Coolen—Schrijner
by Thomas Augustin - 463-476 Nonparametric predictive inference for system reliability with redundancy allocation
by P Coolen-Schrijner & F P A Coolen & I M MacPhee - 477-494 Modelling and analysis of risk and reliability for a contingency logistics supply chain
by M Miman & E Pohl - 495-505 Guarded transition systems: A new states/events formalism for reliability studies
by A B Rauzy - 507-520 Improved modular reliability analyses of hybrid phased mission systems
by A Shrestha & L Xing - 521-532 Common-cause failure analysis in event assessment
by D M Rasmuson & D L Kelly - 533-544 Insights from analysing the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's common-cause failure database
by D M Rasmuson & A Mosleh & T E Wierman - 545-551 Piecewise deterministic Markov processes and dynamic reliability
by H Zhang & F Dufour & Y Dutuit & K Gonzalez - 553-560 Maintenance modelling and scheduling in fault-tolerant control
by H Li & Q Zhao - 561-572 Enhanced diagnosis of faults using the digraph approach applied to a dynamic aircraft fuel system
by E M Kelly & L M Bartlett - 573-582 Some disturbing facts about depth-first left-most variable ordering heuristics for binary decision diagrams
by A B Rauzy - 583-594 On the odd Weibull distribution
by H Jiang & M Xie & L C Tang - 595-604 Using the peak heat release rate to determine the fire risk level of road tunnels
by M K Cheong & M Spearpoint & C M Fleischmann - 605-612 Reasoning in reliability-centred maintenance based on a Dempster—Shafer approach
by U K Rakowsky & U Gocht - 613-622 Maintenance policy for a deteriorating system evolving in a stressful environment
by E Deloux & B Castanier & C Bérenguer - 623-634 Quantification of fault trees containing mutually exclusive events
by S Contini - 635-642 Coloured Petri nets and a dynamic reliability problem
by P Škňouřilová & R Briš - 643-654 A proportional intensity segmented model for maintained systems
by A Syamsundar & V N A Naikan - 655-665 Single-objective deterministic versus multi-objective stochastic water network design: Practical considerations for the water industry
by Y R Filion - 667-674 System reliability and safety assessment using non-parametric flowgraph models
by D H Collins & A V Huzurbazar - 675-686 Reliability and performance assessment for fuzzy multi-state elements
by Y Liu & H-Z Huang & G Levitin - 687-699 Hardware versus lumped cross-monitoring in smart multilane torque-summed electromechanical actuators
by F Y Annaz - 701-712 Using Bayesian networks to predict software defects and reliability
by N Fenton & M Neil & D Marquez - 713-720 Bayesian reliability applications of a combined lifecycle failure distribution
by D Briand & A V Huzurbazar
September 2008, Volume 222, Issue 3
- 1-1 Guest Editorial
by Aven Terje & Vinnem Jan Erik - 271-282 An offshore safety system optimization using an SPEA2-based approach
by J Riauke & L M Bartlett - 283-290 A methodology for the implementation of production assurance programmes in production plants
by J Barabady & T Aven - 291-302 Modelling uncertainty in fault tree analyses using evidence theory
by P Limbourg & R Savić & J Petersen & H-D Kochs - 303-313 Consideration of human actions in combination with the probabilistic dynamics method Monte Carlo dynamic event tree
by M Kloos & J Peschke - 315-326 An approach for evaluating and selecting methods for risk and vulnerability assessments
by E P Ford & T Aven & W Røed & H S Wiencke - 327-335 Optimal protection of complex networks exposed to a terrorist hazard: A multi-objective evolutionary approach
by D E Salazar A & C M Rocco S & E Zio - 337-346 Events group risk importance by genetic algorithms
by L Podofillini & E Zio - 347-357 Maintenance modelling and optimization integrating strategies and human resources: Theory and case study
by S Martorell & A Sánchez & M Villamizar & G Clemente - 359-369 Maintenance decision rule with embedded online Bayesian change detection for gradually non-stationary deteriorating systems
by A Grall & M Fouladirad - 371-379 A snapshot of methods and tools to assess safety integrity levels of high-integrity protection systems
by Y Dutuit & A B Rauzy & J-P Signoret - 381-391 Design allocation of multistate series-parallel systems for power systems planning: A multiple objective evolutionary approach
by H A Taboada & J F Espiritu & D W Coit - 393-402 Efficient extraction of the structure formula from reliability block diagrams with dependent basic events
by M Pock & M Walter - 403-417 Safety and inspection planning of older installations
by J D Sørensen & G Ersdal - 419-429 Risk analysis of level crossing accidents based on systems control for safety
by T Kohda & H Fujihara - 431-438 Application of risk assessment for the NASA Vision for Space Exploration
by B F Putney & J R Fragola - 439-448 Safety-barrier diagrams
by N J Duijm - 449-461 Importance measure on finite time horizon and application to Markovian multistate production systems
by P Do Van & A Barros & C Berenguer
June 2008, Volume 222, Issue 2
- 95-103 Multistate systems with static performance- dependent fault coverage
by G Levitin & S V Amari - 105-114 Generalizing event trees using Bayesian networks
by D W R Marsh & G Bearfield - 115-126 Fusion of artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms for multi-objective system reliability design optimization
by E Zio & F Di Maio & S Martorell - 127-138 Analysis of non-coherent fault trees using ternary decision diagrams
by R Remenyte-Prescott & J Andrews - 139-152 Reliable fault diagnosis scheme for a spacecraft attitude control system
by R J Patton & F J Uppal & S Simani & B Polle - 153-160 A multi-objective genetic algorithm for RAMS+C optimization with uncertain decision variables
by S Martorell & A Sánchez & J F Villanueva & S Carlos & V Serradell - 161-172 Component reliability in fault-diagnosis decision making based on dynamic Bayesian networks
by P Weber & D Theilliol & C Aubrun - 173-187 A ternary decision diagram method to calculate the component contributions to the failure of systems undergoing phased missions
by J D Andrews - 189-206 Genetic algorithms for signal grouping in sensor validation: A comparison of the filter and wrapper approaches
by P Baraldi & E Zio & G Gola & D Roverso & M Hoffmann - 207-218 Wear detection of rolling element bearings using multiple-sensing technologies and mixture-model-based clustering method
by S L Chen & R J K Wood & L Wang & R Callan & H E G Powrie - 219-233 Shaft diagnostics and prognostics development and evaluation using damaged dynamic simulation
by S Wu & D He - 235-243 Identifying critical components in technical infrastructure networks
by H Jönsson & J Johansson & H Johansson - 245-254 Managing and predicting technological risk and human reliability: A new learning curve theory
by R B Duffey & J W Saull - 255-263 Quantitative assessment of protection system reliability incorporating human errors
by A H Etemadi & M Fotuhi-Firuzabad - 265-269 Discussion a discussion of statistical testing on a safety-related application
by F P A Coolen
March 2008, Volume 222, Issue 1
- 1-6 Reliability modelling for biological ageing
by M S Finkelstein - 7-16 Variable ordering schemes to apply to the binary decision diagram methodology for event tree sequences assessment
by C Ibáñez-Llano & E Meléndez & Nieto F - 17-29 Genetic multistart algorithm for the design of fault-tolerant systems
by K Echtle & I Eusgeld & D Hirsch - 31-38 A combined Monte Carlo and cellular automata approach to the unreliability analysis of binary network systems
by E Zio & M Librizzi & G Sansavini - 39-45 Evaluation of significant transitions in the influencing factors of human reliability
by M Konstandinidou & Z Nivolianitou & C Kiranoudis & N Markatos - 47-55 A case comparison of a proportional hazards model and a stochastic filter for condition-based maintenance applications using oil-based condition monitoring information
by M J Carr & W Wang - 57-78 A framework of indicators for the potential influence of Air Navigation Services on air traffic safety in Europe
by H H de Jong & F Preti & G W H van Es - 79-93 A model-based approach for systematic risk analysis
by J-M Flaus
December 2007, Volume 221, Issue 4
- 1-1 Guest Editorial
by S Chukova & Y Hayakawa & T Dohi - 229-237 Optimal age-replacement policy for renewing warranted products
by J-A Chen & Y-H Chien - 239-247 Imperfect repair policies under two-dimensional warranty
by W. Y. Yun & K. M. Kang - 249-255 Analysis of warranty data with covariates
by M. R. Karim & K Suzuki - 257-264 Optimal production, maintenance, and warranty strategies for item sold with rebate combination warranty
by B. C. Giri & T Chakraborty - 265-273 Optimal two-dimensional warranty repair strategy
by S Chukova & Y Hayakawa & M. R. Johnston - 275-284 Aircraft fuel rig system fault diagnostics based on the application of digraphs
by E. M. Kelly & L. M. Bartlett - 285-295 Sequential adaptive utility decision making for system failure correction
by B Houlding & F. P. A. Coolen - 297-305 Impacts of repair state residence time distributions in an electric power generating capacity adequacy assessment
by D Huang & R Billinton - 307-318 Reliability of capacitated mobile ad hoc networks
by J. L. Cook & J. E. Ramirez-Marquez - 319-327 Non-parametric predictive comparison of success-failure data in reliability
by P Coolen-Schrijner & F. P. A. Coolen
September 2007, Volume 221, Issue 3
- 165-176 System safety modelling and assessment using ternary decision diagram
by Y-Y Yu & B. W. Johnson - 177-191 Interactive enhanced particle swarm optimization: A multi-objective reliability application
by M. K. Pandey & M. K. Tiwari & M. J. Zuo - 193-205 Multi-objective genetic algorithm for optimization of system safety and reliability based on IEC 61508 requirements: A practical approach
by A. C. Torres-Echeverria & H. A. Thompson - 207-216 Non-parametric prediction of unobserved failure modes
by F. P. A. Coolen - 217-228 On the three-state weather model of transmission line failures
by A Csenki
June 2007, Volume 221, Issue 2
- 95-105 Assessment of large automatically generated fault trees by means of binary decision diagrams
by A. B. Rauzy & J Gauthier & X Leduc - 107-116 Adaptive-loop method for non-deterministic design optimization
by B. D. Youn - 121-132 A discussion of statistical testing on a safety-related application
by S Kuball & J. H. R. May - 133-140 Reliability and maintainability allocation to minimize total cost of ownership in a series-parallel system
by U. Dinesh Kumar & J. E. RamÃrez-Márquez & D Nowicki & D Verma - 141-151 Simulation of human performance in time-pressured scenarios
by I Kozine - 153-159 Integrating reliability analysis and diagnostics for complex technical systems
by N. A. Snooke & C. J. Price
March 2007, Volume 221, Issue 1
- 1-11 Joint modelling and optimization of monitoring and maintenance performance for a two-unit parallel system
by A Barros & A Grall & C Berenguer - 13-28 Quantitative reliability and availability analysis for design evaluation of generic pod propulsion systems
by S Aksu & S. K. Aksu & O Turan - 29-41 Ensemble feature selection for diagnosing multiple faults in rotating machinery
by E Zio & P Baraldi & G Gola - 43-55 System fault diagnostics using fault tree analysis
by E. E. Hurdle & L. M. Bartlett & J. D. Andrews - 57-65 Minimizing maintenance cost involving flow-time and tardiness penalty with unequal release dates
by K. H. Adjallah & K. P. Adzakpa - 67-84 Integrated optimization of system design and spare parts allocation by means of multiobjective genetic algorithms and Monte Carlo simulation
by E Zio & L Podofillini - 85-93 Using Bayesian statistics to support testing of software systems
by F. P. A. Coolen & M Goldstein & D. A. Wooff
December 2006, Volume 220, Issue 2
- 77-91 Optimization of system reliability using chaos-embedded self-organizing hierarchical particle swarm optimization
by M Bachlaus & N Shukla & M. K. Tiwari & R Shankar - 93-104 A binary decision diagram method for phased mission analysis of non-repairable systems
by S. J. Dunnett & J. D. Andrews - 105-114 On probabilistic safety assessment in the case of zero failures
by F. P. A. Coolen - 115-121 Case illustration of a decision framework for health, environment, and safety management
by J. E. Vinnem & T Aven - 123-135 Risk modelling of fires and explosions in open-sided offshore platform modules
by J. L. Lewthwaite & J. D. Andrews & S. J. Dunnett & C. A. J. Gregory & R Smith - 137-145 Bayesian reliability demonstration for systems with redundancy
by M Rahrouh & F. P. A. Coolen & P Coolen-Schrijner
June 2006, Volume 220, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by John Andrews Editor - 1-7 Failure Bunching Phenomena in Electric Power Transmission Systems
by R Billinton & G Singh & J Acharya - 9-20 A Comparison of Modelling Approaches for the Time-Limited Dispatch (TLD) of Aircraft
by D Prescott & J. D. Andrews - 21-29 On Optimality Criteria for Age Replacement
by P Coolen-Schrijner & F. P. A. Coolen - 31-34 The Replacement Time Distribution in System Reliability Using a Threshold
by J. I. Ansell & M. J. Phillips - 35-44 On Zero-Failure Testing for Bayesian High-Reliability Demonstration
by F. P. A. Coolen & P Coolen-Schrijner - 45-53 Qualitative Analysis of Complex Modularized Fault Trees Using Binary Decision Diagrams
by R Remenyte & J. D. Andrews - 55-68 On Assessing the Reliability and Availability of Marine Energy Converters: The Problems of a New Technology
by J Wolfram - 69-71 A Note on the Concept of Risk Aversion in Safety Management
by E. B. Abrahamsen & T Aven & M Sandøy