November 2019, Volume 63, Issue 10
- 2289-2318 When Civilians Are Attacked: Gender Equality and Terrorist Targeting
by Laura Huber - 2319-2353 Managing Insurgency
by Peter Schram - 2354-2389 Why Democracy Protests Do Not Diffuse
by Dawn Brancati & Adrián Lucardi - 2390-2401 Why Some Democracy Protests Do Diffuse
by Kurt Weyland - 2402-2415 How Should We Now Conceptualize Protest, Diffusion, and Regime Change?
by Henry E. Hale - 2416-2420 Findings in Search of a Controversy and in Need of More Data
by Valerie Bunce & Sharon L. Wolchik - 2421-2437 The Two-step Model of Clustered Democratization
by Christian Houle & Mark A. Kayser - 2438-2449 What We (Do Not) Know about the Diffusion of Democracy Protests
by Dawn Brancati & Adrián Lucardi
October 2019, Volume 63, Issue 9
- 2015-2042 The Silent Victims of Sexual Violence during War: Evidence from a List Experiment in Sri Lanka
by Richard Traunmüller & Sara Kijewski & Markus Freitag - 2043-2070 Does Peacekeeping Really Bring Peace? Peacekeepers and Combatant-perpetrated Sexual Violence in Civil Wars
by Shanna Kirschner & Adam Miller - 2071-2097 Networks of Cooperation: Rebel Alliances in Fragmented Civil Wars
by Emily Kalah Gade & Michael Gabbay & Mohammed M. Hafez & Zane Kelly - 2098-2127 Fraud Is What People Make of It: Election Fraud, Perceived Fraud, and Protesting in Nigeria
by Ursula Daxecker & Jessica Di Salvatore & Andrea Ruggeri - 2128-2154 Redistributive Preferences and Protests in Latin America
by Patricia Justino & Bruno Martorano - 2155-2179 What Matters Is Who Supports You: Diaspora and Foreign States as External Supporters and Militants’ Adoption of Nonviolence
by Marina G. Petrova - 2180-2206 Rivalry and Overlap: Why Regional Economic Organizations Encroach on Security Organizations
by Yoram Z. Haftel & Stephanie C. Hofmann - 2207-2232 Strategies and Tactics in Armed Conflict: How Governments and Foreign Interveners Respond to Insurgent Threats
by Patricia Lynne Sullivan & Johannes Karreth
September 2019, Volume 63, Issue 8
- 1795-1796 Call for New Editor, Editors or Editorial Collective: Conflict Management and Peace Science
by N/A - 1797-1831 Trends in African Migration to Europe: Drivers Beyond Economic Motivations
by José-Manuel Giménez-Gómez & Yabibal M. Walle & Yitagesu Zewdu Zergawu - 1832-1859 Talking to the Shameless?: Sexual Violence and Mediation in Intrastate Conflicts
by Robert Ulrich Nagel - 1860-1888 Do Binding Beat Nonbinding Agreements? Regulating International Water Quality
by Martin Köppel & Detlef F. Sprinz - 1889-1922 The Devil’s Haircut: Investor–State Disputes over Debt Restructuring
by Matthew DiGiuseppe & Patrick E. Shea - 1923-1938 More Is Not Always Better: The Case of Counterterrorism Security
by Pritha Dev & Konrad Grabiszewski - 1939-1964 A Question of Costliness: Time Horizons and Interstate Signaling
by Kyle Haynes - 1965-1985 Can Hierarchy Dodge Bullets? Examining Blame Attribution in Military Contracting
by Austin P. Johnson & Nehemia Geva & Kenneth J. Meier - 1986-2006 The Private Security Events Database
by Deborah Avant & Kara Kingma Neu - 2007-2009 Corrigendum
by N/A
August 2019, Volume 63, Issue 7
- 1595-1600 Advancing the Frontier of Peacekeeping Research
by Theodora-Ismene Gizelis & Michelle Benson - 1601-1629 Cut Short? United Nations Peacekeeping and Civil War Duration to Negotiated Settlements
by Jacob Kathman & Michelle Benson - 1630-1655 Peacekeeping Effectiveness and Blue Helmets’ Distance from Locals
by Vincenzo Bove & Andrea Ruggeri - 1656-1681 UN Peacekeeping and Protection from Sexual Violence
by Karin Johansson & Lisa Hultman - 1682-1709 Mediation, Peacekeeping, and the Severity of Civil War
by Kyle Beardsley & David E. Cunningham & Peter B. White - 1710-1735 Carrots, Sticks, and Insurgent Targeting of Civilians
by Victor Asal & Brian J. Phillips & R. Karl Rethemeyer & Corina Simonelli & Joseph K. Young - 1736-1764 Network Interdependencies and the Evolution of the International Arms Trade
by Paul W. Thurner & Christian S. Schmid & Skyler J. Cranmer & Göran Kauermann - 1765-1789 The “War on Drugs†in Mexico: (Official) Database of Events between December 2006 and November 2011
by Laura H. Atuesta & Oscar S. Siordia & Alejandro Madrazo Lajous - 1790-1790 Corrigendum
by N/A
July 2019, Volume 63, Issue 6
- 1367-1367 Recipient of the 2019 Peace Science Society Will H. Moore III Prize
by N/A - 1368-1402 Producing Goods and Projecting Power: How What You Make Influences What You Take
by Jonathan Markowitz & Christopher Fariss & R. Blake McMahon - 1403-1432 Are Liberal Governments More Cooperative? Voting Trends at the UN in Five Anglophone Democracies
by Richard Hanania - 1433-1459 Public Attitudes toward Private Military Companies: Insights from Principal–agent Theory
by Mark D. Ramirez & Reed M. Wood - 1460-1487 What Shapes Civilian Beliefs about Violent Events? Experimental Evidence from Pakistan
by Daniel Silverman - 1488-1516 Why Do Autocrats Disclose? Economic Transparency and Inter-elite Politics in the Shadow of Mass Unrest
by James R. Hollyer & B. Peter Rosendorff & James Raymond Vreeland - 1517-1541 Unraveling Secessions
by Friedhelm Hentschel - 1542-1578 Sovereignty Rupture as a Central Concept in Quantitative Measures of Civil War
by Nicholas Sambanis & Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl - 1579-1592 NewGene: An Introduction for Users
by D. Scott Bennett & Paul Poast & Allan C. Stam
May 2019, Volume 63, Issue 5
- 1111-1139 Pitfalls of Professionalism? Military Academies and Coup Risk
by Tobias Böhmelt & Abel Escribà -Folch & Ulrich Pilster - 1140-1164 A Clash of Norms? How Reciprocity and International Humanitarian Law affect American Opinion on the Treatment of POWs
by Jonathan A. Chu - 1165-1192 Politics of Pursuing Justice in the Aftermath of Civil Conflict
by Nam Kyu Kim & Mi Hwa Hong - 1193-1221 Guns Yield Butter? An Exploration of Defense Spending Preferences
by Laron K. Williams - 1222-1252 Militarized Disputes, Uncertainty, and Leader Tenure
by Bradley C. Smith & William Spaniel - 1253-1282 Protecting Workers Abroad and Industries at Home: Rights-based Conditionality in Trade Preference Programs
by Emilie M. Hafner-Burton & Layna Mosley & Robert Galantucci - 1283-1309 Intragenerational Cultural Evolution and Ethnocentrism
by David Hales & Bruce Edmonds - 1310-1336 Does Violent Secessionism Work?
by Ryan D. Griffiths & Louis M. Wasser - 1337-1364 Integrating Conflict Event Data
by Karsten Donnay & Eric T. Dunford & Erin C. McGrath & David Backer & David E. Cunningham
April 2019, Volume 63, Issue 4
- 839-868 A Vote for Freedom? The Effects of Partisan Electoral Interventions on Regime Type
by Dov H. Levin - 869-895 Flying to Fail: Costly Signals and Air Power in Crisis Bargaining
by Abigail Post - 896-922 War, Rebellion, and Intervention under Hierarchy: Vietnam–China Relations, 1365 to 1841
by David C. Kang & Dat X. Nguyen & Ronan Tse-min Fu & Meredith Shaw - 923-949 Hedging for Better Bets: Power Shifts, Credible Signals, and Preventive Conflict
by Brandon K. Yoder - 950-975 Is There a War Party? Party Change, the Left–Right Divide, and International Conflict
by Andrew Bertoli & Allan Dafoe & Robert F. Trager - 976-1000 Emotions, Terrorist Threat, and Drones: Anger Drives Support for Drone Strikes
by Kerstin Fisk & Jennifer L. Merolla & Jennifer M. Ramos - 1001-1031 How to Sell a Coup: Elections as Coup Legitimation
by Sharan Grewal & Yasser Kureshi - 1032-1052 Focal Points, Dissident Calendars, and Preemptive Repression
by Rory Truex - 1053-1076 Worlds Apart: Conflict Exposure and Preferences for Peace
by Juan Fernando Tellez - 1077-1105 Oil Wealth, Winning Coalitions, and Duration of Civil Wars
by Krista Wiegand & Eric Keels
March 2019, Volume 63, Issue 3
- 591-616 Rebel Natural Resource Exploitation and Conflict Duration
by Justin M. Conrad & Kevin T. Greene & James Igoe Walsh & Beth Elise Whitaker - 617-643 Killing for God? Factional Violence on the Transnational Stage
by Jori Breslawski & Brandon Ives - 644-671 Emergency Powers in Democracies and International Conflict
by Bryan Rooney - 672-699 External Supporters and Negotiated Settlement: Political Bargaining in Solving Governmental Incompatibility
by Wakako Maekawa - 700-726 Sticks, Stones, and Broken Bones: Protest Violence and the State
by Heather Sullivan - 727-759 The Fate of Former Authoritarian Elites Under Democracy
by Michael Albertus - 760-785 Postdisaster Reconstruction as a Cause of Intrastate Violence: An Instrumental Variable Analysis with Application to the 2004 Tsunami in Sri Lanka
by Kyosuke Kikuta - 786-810 Rational Overreaction to Terrorism
by William Spaniel - 811-835 The Dyadic Militarized Interstate Disputes (MIDs) Dataset Version 3.0: Logic, Characteristics, and Comparisons to Alternative Datasets
by Zeev Maoz & Paul L. Johnson & Jasper Kaplan & Fiona Ogunkoya & Aaron P. Shreve
February 2019, Volume 63, Issue 2
- 287-316 Justice Matters: Peace Negotiations, Stable Agreements, and Durable Peace
by Daniel Druckman & Lynn Wagner - 317-347 Invisible Digital Front: Can Cyber Attacks Shape Battlefield Events?
by Nadiya Kostyuk & Yuri M. Zhukov - 348-372 The Burden of Bearing Witness: The Impact of Testifying at War Crimes Tribunals
by Kimi King & James Meernik - 373-404 Conflicted Capital: The Effect of Civil Conflict on Patterns of BIT Signing
by Trey Billing & Andrew D. Lugg - 405-438 State Control and the Effects of Foreign Relations on Bilateral Trade
by Christina L. Davis & Andreas Fuchs & Kristina Johnson - 439-467 Domestic Terrorism in Democratic States: Understanding and Addressing Minority Grievances
by Sambuddha Ghatak & Aaron Gold & Brandon C. Prins - 468-501 Concessions or Crackdown: How Regime Stability Shapes Democratic Responses to Hostage taking Terrorism
by Aslihan Saygili - 502-527 Preemptive Repression: Deterrence, Backfiring, Iron Fists, and Velvet Gloves
by Kris De Jaegher & Britta Hoyer - 528-554 Choosing Whom to Target: Horizontal Inequality and the Risk of Civil and Communal Violence
by Solveig Hillesund - 555-584 Foreign Rebel Sponsorship: A Patron–Client Analysis of Party Viability in Elections Following Negotiated Settlements
by Michael C. Marshall - 585-586 Corrigendum
by N/A
January 2019, Volume 63, Issue 1
- 3-30 Educating Demonstrators: Education and Mass Protest in Africa
by Sirianne Dahlum & Tore Wig - 31-58 Social Inequality, State-centered Grievances, and Protest: Evidence from South Africa
by Alexander De Juan & Eva Wegner - 59-84 Ethnic Cleansing and the Politics of Restraint: Violence and Coexistence in the Lebanese Civil War
by Nils Hägerdal - 85-111 Social Mobility and Political Instability
by Christian Houle - 112-138 Taming the Gods: How Religious Conflict Shapes State Repression
by Peter S. Henne & Jason Klocek - 139-166 Democracy Aid and Electoral Accountability
by Tobias Heinrich & Matt W. Loftis - 167-193 Join the Chorus, Avoid the Spotlight: The Effect of Neighborhood and Social Dynamics on Human Rights Organization Shaming
by Sam R. Bell & K. Chad Clay & Amanda Murdie - 194-217 Domestic Institutional Constraints, Veto Players, and Sanction Effectiveness
by Jin Mun Jeong & Dursun Peksen - 218-250 The Unforeseen Consequences of Extended Deterrence: Moral Hazard in a Nuclear Client State
by Neil Narang & Rupal N. Mehta - 251-281 Civilian Casualties and Public Support for Military Action: Experimental Evidence
by Robert Johns & Graeme A. M. Davies
November 2018, Volume 62, Issue 10
- 2071-2071 Bruce Russett Award for Article of the Year in JCR for 2017
by N/A - 2072-2086 Studying Leaders and Military Conflict
by Michael C. Horowitz & Matthew Fuhrmann - 2087-2117 Leaders, States, and Reputations
by Cathy Xuanxuan Wu & Scott Wolford - 2118-2149 Leaders, Advisers, and the Political Origins of Elite Support for War
by Elizabeth N. Saunders - 2150-2179 Tying Hands, Sinking Costs, and Leader Attributes
by Keren Yarhi-Milo & Joshua D. Kertzer & Jonathan Renshon - 2180-2204 Sizing Up the Adversary
by Michael C. Horowitz & Philip Potter & Todd S. Sechser & Allan Stam - 2205-2231 Exploring the Threshold between Conflict Management and Joining in Biased Interventions
by Renato Corbetta & Molly M. Melin - 2232-2274 Colonial Origins of Maoist Insurgency in India
by Shivaji Mukherjee
October 2018, Volume 62, Issue 9
- 1847-1875 Democracy and the Settlement of International Borders, 1919 to 2001
by Douglas M. Gibler & Andrew P. Owsiak - 1876-1904 War and Default
by Patrick E. Shea & Paul Poast - 1905-1931 Power, Wealth, and Satisfaction
by Susan G. Sample - 1932-1962 Youth Bulges and Civil Conflict
by Matthias Flückiger & Markus Ludwig - 1963-1990 To Vote or Not to Vote
by Sandra Ley - 1991-2016 Legacies of Violence
by Corinne Bara - 2017-2039 Concession Bargaining
by Federica Alberti & Sven Fischer & Werner Güth & Kei Tsutsui - 2040-2067 Integration of Refugees and Support for the Ethos of Conflict
by Jonathan Hall
September 2018, Volume 62, Issue 8
- 1607-1635 Foreign Aid as a Counterterrorism Tool
by Burcu Savun & Daniel C. Tirone - 1636-1660 Civil Conflicts Abroad, Foreign Fighters, and Terrorism at Home
by Alex Braithwaite & Tiffany S. Chu - 1661-1685 Enemies within
by Casey Crisman-Cox - 1686-1726 Promoting Political Participation in War-torn Countries
by Eric Mvukiyehe - 1727-1752 Gender-empathic Constructions, Empathy, and Support for Compromise in Intractable Conflict
by Yossi David & Nimrod Rosler & Ifat Maoz - 1753-1783 Revisiting the Effects of Societal Threat Perceptions on Conflict-related Positions
by Julia Elad-Strenger & Golan Shahar - 1784-1813 Even Constrained Governments Take
by Benjamin A. T. Graham & Noel P. Johnston & Allison F. Kingsley - 1814-1842 Mechanisms of Morality
by Sarah Kreps & Sarah Maxey
August 2018, Volume 62, Issue 7
- 1379-1405 Civil-military Pathologies and Defeat in War
by Vipin Narang & Caitlin Talmadge - 1406-1432 Even Generals Need Friends
by Clayton Thyne & Jonathan Powell & Sarah Parrott & Emily VanMeter - 1433-1458 Preventing Coups d’état
by Erica De Bruin - 1459-1488 The Grass Is Always Greener? Armed Group Side Switching in Civil Wars
by Sabine Otto - 1489-1516 Asset Complementarity, Resource Shocks, and the Political Economy of Property Rights
by Arthur Silve - 1517-1543 The Geography of Repression in Africa
by Darin Christensen - 1544-1578 Drought, Local Institutional Contexts, and Support for Violence in Kenya
by Andrew M. Linke & Frank D. W. Witmer & John O’Loughlin & J. Terrence McCabe & Jaroslav Tir - 1579-1601 Transferring Violence? Mafia Killings in Nontraditional Areas
by Francesco N. Moro & Salvatore Sberna
July 2018, Volume 62, Issue 6
- 1151-1178 Are Military Regimes Really Belligerent?
by Nam Kyu Kim - 1179-1204 Led Astray
by Alyssa K. Prorok - 1205-1228 Why Do People Join Backlash Protests? Lessons from Turkey
by S. Erdem Aytaç & Luis Schiumerini & Susan Stokes - 1229-1261 The Determinants of Religious Radicalization
by Anselm Rink & Kunaal Sharma - 1262-1283 Where the Insurgents Aren’t
by Thomas M. Dolan & Clayton Besaw & Joseph Butler - 1284-1313 Distributive Outcomes in Contested Maritime Areas
by à slaug à sgeirsdóttir & Martin C. Steinwand - 1314-1339 Identities in between
by MarÃa José Hierro & Aina Gallego - 1340-1376 The Religious Characteristics of States
by Davis Brown & Patrick James
May 2018, Volume 62, Issue 5
- 903-928 Oil and Terrorism
by Chia-yi Lee - 929-956 Covert Operations, Wars, Detainee Destinations, and the Psychology of Democratic Peace
by Christian Crandall & Owen Cox & Ryan Beasley & Mariya Omelicheva - 957-982 Self-censorship of Conflict-related Information in the Context of Intractable Conflict
by Eldad Shahar & Boaz Hameiri & Daniel Bar-Tal & Amiram Raviv - 983-1011 UNsatisfied? Public Support for Postconflict International Missions
by Pellumb Kelmendi & Andrew Radin - 1012-1043 Ultimatum Concession Bargaining
by Chiara Felli & Werner Güth & Esther Mata-Pérez & Giovanni Ponti - 1044-1071 Managing Resource-related Conflict
by Vita Roy - 1072-1099 The Influence of Regional Power Distributions on Interdependence
by Michael A. Allen - 1100-1126 Political Development and the Fragmentation of Protection Markets
by Yuhki Tajima - 1127-1148 Disputes over the Divine
by Isak Svensson & Desirée Nilsson
April 2018, Volume 62, Issue 4
- 691-716 Conflict-induced IDPs and the Spread of Conflict
by Heidrun Bohnet & Fabien Cottier & Simon Hug - 717-742 Civil War and the Formation of Social Trust in Kosovo
by Sara Kijewski & Markus Freitag - 743-773 Beyond Trade
by Karolina Milewicz & James Hollway & Claire Peacock & Duncan Snidal - 774-796 Slow to Learn
by William Spaniel & Peter Bils - 797-818 Political Ideology, Trust, and Cooperation
by Daniel Balliet & Joshua M. Tybur & Junhui Wu & Christian Antonellis & Paul A. M. Van Lange - 819-847 Evaluating Conflict Dynamics
by Benjamin T. Jones & Shawna K. Metzger - 848-870 Reevaluating Gender and IR Scholarship
by Laura Sjoberg & Kelly Kadera & Cameron G. Thies - 871-899 Exploring the Universe of UN Human Rights Agreements
by Jana von Stein
March 2018, Volume 62, Issue 3
- 471-495 State Failure and Transnational Terrorism
by Justin George - 496-528 Transnational Terrorism
by Andre Rossi de Oliveira & João Ricardo Faria & Emilson C. D. Silva - 529-556 One-sided Violence in Refugee-hosting Areas
by Kerstin Fisk - 557-596 Land Inequality and Rural Unrest
by Michael Albertus & Thomas Brambor & Ricardo Ceneviva - 597-625 Squeaky Wheels and Troop Loyalty
by Jaclyn Johnson & Clayton L. Thyne - 626-655 Promoting Competition or Helping the Less Endowed? Distributional Preferences and Collective Institutional Choices under Intragroup Inequality
by Kenju Kamei - 656-686 SDM: A New Data Set on Self-determination Movements with an Application to the Reputational Theory of Conflict
by Nicholas Sambanis & Micha Germann & Andreas Schädel
February 2018, Volume 62, Issue 2
- 231-253 The Unintended Consequences of Political Mobilization on Trust
by Henar Criado & Francisco Herreros & Luis Miller & Paloma Ubeda - 254-288 Arab Responses to Western Hegemony
by Elizabeth Nugent & Tarek Masoud & Amaney A. Jamal - 289-317 Revolutionary Leaders and Mass Killing
by Nam Kyu Kim - 318-345 Reputations and Signaling in Coercive Bargaining
by Todd S. Sechser - 346-380 International Conventions and Nonstate Actors
by Kristian Skrede Gleditsch & Simon Hug & Livia Isabella Schubiger & Julian Wucherpfennig - 381-409 When Do States Take the Bait? State Capacity and the Provocation Logic of Terrorism
by Brian Blankenship - 410-441 Are Coups Really Contagious? An Extreme Bounds Analysis of Political Diffusion
by Michael K. Miller & Michael Joseph & Dorothy Ohl - 442-466 Justice during Armed Conflict
by Cyanne E. Loyle & Helga Malmin Binningsbø
January 2018, Volume 62, Issue 1
- 3-28 In the Shadow of the International Criminal Court
by Benjamin J. Appel - 29-63 Does Social Media Influence Conflict? Evidence from the 2012 Gaza Conflict
by Thomas Zeitzoff - 64-93 Explaining Recidivism of Ex-combatants in Colombia
by Oliver Kaplan & Enzo Nussio - 94-118 “Chipping Away at the Issuesâ€
by Michaela Mattes - 119-142 War and Third-party Trade
by Nizan Feldman & Tal Sadeh - 143-173 When Is Collective Exposure to War Events Related to More Acceptance of Collective Guilt?
by Sandra Penic & Guy Elcheroth & Dario Spini - 174-202 Lessons on Political Violence from America’s Post–9/11 Wars
by Christoph Mikulaschek & Jacob N. Shapiro - 203-226 Introducing the AMAR (All Minorities at Risk) Data
by Jóhanna K. Birnir & David D. Laitin & Jonathan Wilkenfeld & David M. Waguespack & Agatha S. Hultquist & Ted R. Gurr
November 2017, Volume 61, Issue 10
- 2019-2019 Bruce Russett Award for Article of the Year in JCR for 2016
by N/A - 2020-2042 The Effect of US Troop Deployments on Human Rights
by Sam R. Bell & K. Chad Clay & Carla Martinez Machain - 2043-2073 The Impact of Women Legislators on Humanitarian Military Interventions
by Patrick E. Shea & Charlotte Christian - 2074-2104 International Peacekeeping and Positive Peace
by Vera Mironova & Sam Whitt - 2105-2129 Enemy at the Gates
by Shahryar Minhas & Benjamin J. Radford - 2130-2157 HIV/AIDS, Life Expectancy, and the Opportunity Cost Model of Civil War
by Tyler Kustra - 2158-2182 The Prince—or Better No Prince? The Strategic Value of Appointing a Successor
by Kai A. Konrad & Vai-Lam Mui - 2183-2207 Authoritarian Institutions and State Repression
by Mauricio Rivera - 2208-2234 Structure and Performance in a Violent Extremist Network
by Michael Kenney & Stephen Coulthart & Dominick Wright - 2235-2261 NATO Burden Sharing in Libya
by Tim Haesebrouck - 2262-2284 Theme and Variations
by Libby Jenke & Christopher Gelpi
October 2017, Volume 61, Issue 9
- 1839-1843 JCR 60th Anniversary Issue
by Todd Sandler & Daniel Druckman & Paul K. Huth - 1844-1852 A History of the Journal of Conflict Resolution
by Bruce Russett - 1853-1874 Social Scientific Analysis of Nuclear Weapons
by Erik Gartzke & Matthew Kroenig - 1875-1897 International Peacekeeping Operations
by Todd Sandler - 1898-1924 A Treasure Trove of Insights
by Daniel Druckman & James A. Wall - 1925-1949 Democracies in Conflict
by Christopher Gelpi - 1950-1969 State Repression and Nonviolent Resistance
by Erica Chenoweth & Evan Perkoski & Sooyeon Kang - 1970-1991 How Social Media Is Changing Conflict
by Thomas Zeitzoff - 1992-2016 Dynamics and Logics of Civil War
by Lars-Erik Cederman & Manuel Vogt
September 2017, Volume 61, Issue 8
- 1595-1625 Violence and Civilian Loyalties
by Sebastian Schutte - 1626-1652 Popular Support, Violence, and Territorial Control in Civil War
by Miguel R. Rueda - 1653-1681 A House Divided
by Cullen S. Hendrix & Idean Salehyan - 1682-1710 Domestic Signaling of Commitment Credibility
by Michael C. Horowitz & Paul Poast & Allan C. Stam - 1711-1739 Sanctions and Preventive War
by Daniel McCormack & Henry Pascoe