November 2012, Volume 29, Issue 5
- 521-546 Types of Minority Discrimination and Terrorism
by James A. Piazza - 547-566 Sharing the Wealth
by Helga Malmin Binningsbø & Siri Aas Rustad
September 2012, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 373-396 Blood in the Village: A Local-Level Investigation of State Massacres
by Christopher Michael Sullivan - 397-424 International Mediation, Selection Effects, and the Question of Bias
by Bernd Beber - 425-443 Proximity, Maps and Conflict: New Measures, New Maps and New Findings
by Steve Pickering - 444-467 Measuring Revolution
by Jeff Colgan
July 2012, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 247-256 How Network Analysis Can Inform the Study of International Relations
by Zeev Maoz - 257-278 War, Trade, and Distrust: Why Trade Agreements Don’t Always Keep the Peace
by Emilie M. Hafner-Burton & Alexander H. Montgomery - 279-313 Complex Dependencies in the Alliance Network
by Skyler J. Cranmer & Bruce A. Desmarais & Elizabeth J. Menninga - 314-340 Intervention in Conflicts from a Network Perspective
by Renato Corbetta & Keith A. Grant - 341-369 Preferential Attachment, Homophily, and the Structure of International Networks, 1816–2003
by Zeev Maoz
April 2012, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 127-147 Staying the Course
by Thorin M. Wright & J. Michael Greig - 148-169 Power and Deterrence in Alliance Relationships
by Catherine C. Langlois - 170-194 International Borders and Conflict Revisited
by Marit Brochmann & Jan Ketil Rød & Nils Petter Gleditsch - 195-218 The Interdependence Between Homeland Security Efforts of a State and a Terrorist’s Choice of Attack
by Timothy Mathews & Anton D. Lowenberg - 219-232 PRIO Conflict Site 1989–2008: A Geo-Referenced Dataset on Armed Conflict
by Johan Dittrich Hallberg - 233-238 The Phantom Menace of Omitted Variables
by Colin Vance & Nolan Ritter - 239-241 More Phantom Than Menace1
by Kevin A. Clarke
February 2012, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 3-27 Reputation for Resolve, Interests, and Conflict
by Joe Clare & Vesna Danilovic - 28-55 How Does Democratic Accountability Shape International Cooperation?
by Johannes Urpelainen - 56-78 Explaining the Development–Civil War Relationship
by Helge Holtermann - 79-92 Industry-Level Supply-Side Market Concentration and the Price of Military Conflict
by Jaya Wen - 93-122 Federalism, the Geographic Location of Groups, and Conflict
by Thomas Christin & Simon Hug
November 2011, Volume 28, Issue 5
- 423-437 Politically Relevant Ethnic Groups across Space and Time: Introducing the GeoEPR Dataset1
by Julian Wucherpfennig & Nils B. Weidmann & Luc Girardin & Lars-Erik Cederman & Andreas Wimmer - 438-458 Ethnic Minority Rule and Civil War Onset How Identity Salience, Fiscal Policy, and Natural Resource Profiles Moderate Outcomes
by Dan Miodownik & Ravi Bhavnani - 459-477 Simultaneity between Trade and Conflict: Endogenous Instruments of Mass Destruction
by Cullen F. Goenner - 478-496 Responsibility and the Diversionary Use of Force1
by Jesse C. Johnson & Tiffany D. Barnes - 497-521 The Escalation of Terror: Hate and the Demise of Terrorist Organizations
by Catherine C. Langlois & Jean-Pierre P. Langlois - 522-542 A Country of their Own: Women and Peacebuilding
by Theodora-Ismene Gizelis - 543-565 Rivalry, Instability, and the Probability of International Conflict1
by Ursula E. Daxecker
September 2011, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 315-330 Is EUGene a Collective Bad?
by D. Scott Bennett - 331-350 Coup-Proofing and Military Effectiveness in Interstate Wars, 1967–99
by Ulrich Pilster & Tobias Böhmelt - 351-376 Ending Economic Coercion: Domestic Politics and International Bargaining
by Valentin L. Krustev & T. Clifton Morgan - 377-401 Militarized Compellent Threats, 1918–2001
by Todd S. Sechser - 402-418 Alliances as Contiguity in Spatial Models of Military Expenditures
by Alejandro Quiroz Flores
July 2011, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 179-182 The Politics of Territorial Threat and Rivalry: An Introduction to this Special Issue
by Douglas M. Gibler - 183-208 Territorial Threat, Mobilization, and Political Participation in Africa
by Marc L. Hutchison - 209-229 Unexpected Companions
by Krista E. Wiegand & Emilia Justynia Powell - 230-260 Issue Rivalries
by Sara McLaughlin Mitchell & Cameron G. Thies - 261-279 Democracies, Territory, and Negotiated Compromises
by Steven V. Miller & Douglas M. Gibler - 280-305 Borders, Rivalry, Democracy, and Conflict in the European Region, 1816-1994
by Karen Rasler & William R. Thompson
April 2011, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 91-110 War with Outsiders Makes Peace Inside
by Johannes Münster & Klaas Staal - 111-123 Unpacking Escalation
by Alex Braithwaite & Douglas Lemke - 124-144 Bias and the Effectiveness of Third-Party Conflict Management Mechanisms
by Stephen E. Gent & Megan Shannon - 145-167 Tradeoffs in Trade Data
by Charles R. Boehmer & Bernadette M.E. Jungblut & Richard J. Stoll - 168-174 Too Many Assumptions, Not Enough Data
by Katherine Barbieri & Omar M.G. Keshk
February 2011, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-1 Walter Isard
by N/A - 5-14 Forecasting in International Relations
by Gerald Schneider & Nils Petter Gleditsch & Sabine Carey - 15-40 All Conflict is Local
by Siri Camilla Aas Rustad & Halvard Buhaug & Ã…shild Falch & Scott Gates - 41-64 Real Time, Time Series Forecasting of Inter- and Intra-State Political Conflict
by Patrick T. Brandt & John R. Freeman & Philip A. Schrodt - 65-87 A New Model for Predicting Policy Choices
by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita - 86-86 2010 Isard Award
by N/A
November 2010, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 411-416 Introduction to CMPS Special Issue
by Andrew J. Enterline - 417-441 Rallies and the “First Imageâ€
by Dennis M. Foster & Jonathan W. Keller - 442-460 War Voting
by Laron K. Williams & David J. Brulé & Michael Koch - 461-485 Contentious Issues as Opportunities for Diversionary Behavior
by Sara McLaughlin Mitchell & Clayton L. Thyne - 486-510 Opportunities and Presidential Uses of Force
by David J. Brulé & Bryan W. Marshall & Brandon C. Prins
September 2010, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 299-307 The Next Wave
by James D. Morrow - 308-325 Galton’s Problem and Contagion in International Terrorism along Civilizational Lines
by Eric Neumayer & Thomas Plümper - 326-346 Oil, Youths, and Civil Unrest in Nigeria’s Delta
by Aderoju Oyefusi - 347-368 Trade Interdependence and the Issues at Stake in the Onset of Militarized Conflict
by Lingyu Lu & Cameron G. Thies - 369-385 Dynamic Inconsistency in Counterterrorism
by Sanghoon Lee - 386-405 The Tradeoff between Force and Casualties
by Yagil Levy
July 2010, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 195-218 Generals, Dictators, and Kings
by Hanne Fjelde - 219-238 Gauging the Magnitude of Civilization Conflict
by Glynn Ellis - 239-252 Territorial Issues and Recurrent Conflict
by Stephen L. Quackenbush - 253-271 Turning Weakness into Strength
by Desirée Nilsson - 272-295 Beyond Kantian Liberalism
by Seung-Whan Choi
April 2010, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 107-128 Dude, Where’s My Conflict?
by Halvard Buhaug - 129-151 Legal Systems and Peaceful Attempts to Resolve Territorial Disputes
by Emilia Justyna Powell & Krista E. Wiegand - 153-157 On Ignoring Missing Data and the Robustness of Trade and Conflict Results
by Kristian Skrede Gleditsch - 159-176 Promises and Pitfalls in the Spatial Prediction of Ethnic Violence
by Nils B. Weidmann & Monica Duffy Toft - 177-185 Advanced Mathematical Science of Ethnic Violence
by Dion Harmon & May T. Lim & Yaneer Bar-Yam - 187-187 Walter Isard Award
by N/A - 188-188 2009 Stuart A. Bremer Award
by N/A - 189-189 Institutional Members of the Peace Science Society (International)
by N/A
February 2010, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 3-27 Trade and Conflict: Proximity, Country Size, and Measures
by Omar M.G. Keshk & Rafael Reuveny & Brian M. Pollins - 28-46 A Note on the Effectiveness of National Anti-Terrorist Policies: Evidence from ETA
by LuÃs A. Gil-Alana & Carlos P. Barros - 47-66 Where Do States Go? Strategy in Civil War Intervention
by Aysegul Aydin - 67-84 Patterns of Cooperation in High-Tech—Constraints, Feasibility, and Benefits: Results of a Study among Palestinians and Israelis
by Miki Malul & Raphael Bar-El & Dafna Schwartz - 85-101 The Operationalization of Democracy and the Strength of the Democratic Peace: A Test of the Relative Utility of Scalar and Dichotomous Measures
by ReÅŸat Bayer & Michael Bernhard - 102-102 Institutional Members of the Peace Science Society (International)
by N/A - 103-104 cmps
by N/A
November 2009, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 411-436 Primed to Fight
by Zeev Maoz - 437-470 Journalists’ Incentives and Media Coverage of Elite Foreign Policy Evaluations
by Tim Groeling & Matthew A. Baum - 471-491 Trading Data
by Katherine Barbieri & Omar M.G. Keshk & Brian M. Pollins
September 2009, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 307-329 Territorial Dimensions of Enduring Internal Rivalries
by Matthew Fuhrmann & Jaroslav Tir - 331-345 Conflict and the Duration of Peace in Enduring Internal Rivalries
by Daniel S. Morey - 347-365 Settling Civil Wars
by Caroline A. Hartzell - 367-387 The Duration of Civil War Peace Agreements
by Karl Derouen JR & Jenna Lea & Peter Wallensteen - 389-406 Selected To Go Where Murderers Lurk?
by Erik Melander
July 2009, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 235-255 Nuclear Weapons as Shields
by Kyle Beardsley & Victor Asal - 256-267 Revisiting Predictions of War Duration
by D. Scott Bennett & Allan C. Stam - 268-285 Evaluating the Monadic Democratic Peace
by Stephen L. Quackenbush & Michael Rudy - 286-304 New Datasets on Political Institutions and Elections, 1972—2005
by Patrick M. Regan & Richard W. Frank & David H. Clark
April 2009, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 115-119 Introduction to CMPS Special Issue Building Synergies
by Sara McLaughlin Mitchell - 120-143 Territorial Integrity Treaties and Armed Conflict over Territory
by Paul R. Hensel & Michael E. Allison & Ahmed Khanani - 144-163 Preventing War and Providing the Peace?
by Megan Shannon - 164-190 Legal Systems and Variance in the Design of Commitments to the International Court of Justice
by Sara McLaughlin Mitchell & Emilia Justyna Powell - 191-208 Senate Influence or Presidential Unilateralism?
by Brandon C. Prins & Bryan W. Marshall - 209-228 Institutional Flexibility in the Design of Multilateral Environmental Agreements
by Christopher Marcoux
February 2009, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 5-25 Coercion, Co-optation, or Cooperation?
by Hanne Fjelde & Indra De Soysa - 26-45 Trade Dependence or Size Dependence?
by HÃ¥vard Hegre - 46-66 Return of the Phantom Menace
by Kevin A. Clarke - 67-91 Early Conflict Prevention in Ethnic Crises, 1990—98
by Magnus Öberg & Frida Möller & Peter Wallensteen - 92-110 The Threat and Imposition of Economic Sanctions, 1971—2000
by T. Clifton Morgan & Navin Bapat & Valentin Krustev
September 2008, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 281-284 Introduction to the CMPS Special Issue on Failed States
by Harvey Starr - 285-296 Pathways to State Failure
by Jack A. Goldstone - 297-314 The Logic of State Failure: Learning from Late-Century Africa
by Robert H. Bates - 315-331 Bad Neighbors: Failed States and Their Consequences
by Zaryab Iqbal & Harvey Starr - 332-348 What are the Preconditions for Turnarounds in Failing States?
by Lisa Chauvet & Paul Collier - 349-373 State Fragility and Implications for Aid Allocation: An Empirical Analysis
by David Carment & Yiagadeesen Samy & Stewart Prest
July 2008, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 191-205 Globalization and Armed Conflict Among Nations
by Brian M. Pollins - 206-223 From Words to Deeds: The Implementation of Power-Sharing Pacts in Peace Accords
by Anna K. Jarstad & Desiree Nilsson - 224-243 Alliances, Institutional Design, and the Determinants of Military Strategy
by Geoffrey P.R. Wallace - 244-263 Dilettantes, Ideologues, and the Weak: Terrorists Who Don't Kill
by Victor Asal & R. Karl Rethemeyer - 264-280 Bringing Cooperation Back In: A Dynamic Model of Interstate Interaction
by Mark J.C. Crescenzi & Andrew J. Enterline & Stephen B. Long
April 2008, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 95-97 Reopening the Black Box of War: War and Domestic Politics1
by Scott Sigmund Gartner - 98-111 Secondary Casualty Information: Casualty Uncertainty, Female Casualties, and Wartime Support
by Scott Sigmund Gartner - 112-135 Sustaining the Fight: A Cross-Sectional Time-Series Analysis of Public Support for Ongoing Military Interventions
by Patricia L. Sullivan - 136-151 Success Breeds Success? War Outcomes, Domestic Opposition, and Elections
by Philip Arena - 152-170 The Trade-Offs of Fighting and Investing: A Model of the Evolution of War and Peace1
by Kelly M. Kadera & Daniel S. Morey - 171-189 Bargaining, Domestic Politics, and International Context in the Management of War: A Review Essay
by Zeev Maoz & Randolph M. Siverson
February 2008, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-18 Case Studies: Types, Designs, and Logics of Inference
by Jack S. Levy - 19-32 Temporal Analysis of Political Instability through Descriptive Subgroup Discovery
by Daniel Lambach & Dragan Gamberger - 33-48 A Supply and Demand Theory of US Military Policy
by James Meernik - 49-66 At What Price Victory? The Effects of Uncertainty on Military Intervention Duration and Outcome
by Patricia L. Sullivan - 67-80 The Peace Scale: Conceptualizing and Operationalizing Non-Rivalry and Peace
by James P. Klein & Gary Goertz & Paul F. Diehl - 81-94 A Reassessment of Democratic Pacifism at the Monadic Level of Analysis
by Charles R. Boehmer
September 2007, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 257-264 Swamps, Hot Spots, Dick Cheney and the Internationalization of Terrorist Campaigns
by Michael Stohl - 265-280 The Internationalization of Terrorist Campaigns
by Navin A. Bapat - 281-296 Transnational Terrorism Hot Spots: Identification and Impact Evaluation
by Alex Braithwaite & QUAN LI - 297-310 “Draining the Swamp†: An Empirical Examination of the Production of International Terrorism, 1968—1998
by Brian Lai - 311-326 Testing the “Dick Cheney†Hypothesis: Do Governments of the Left Attract More Terrorism than Governments of the Right?
by Michael T. Koch & Skyler Cranmer
July 2007, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 159-170 Interpersonal Forgiveness among Kuwaiti Adolescents and Adults
by Ramadan A. Ahmed & Fabiola Azar & Etienne Mullet - 171-182 Economic War and Democratic Peace
by Cullen F. Goenner - 183-199 Alliance Politics during the Cold War: Aberration, New World Order, or Continuation of History?
by Brett Ashley Leeds & Michaela Mattes - 201-218 Resource Wealth and the Risk of Civil War Onset: Results from a New Dataset of Natural Resource Rents, 1970—1999
by Indra De Soysa & Eric Neumayer - 219-238 The Effects of Liberalism on the Terrestrial Environment
by Quan Li & Rafael Reuveny - 239-256 Fighting over Oil: Introducing a New Dataset
by Päivi Lujala & Jan Ketil Rod & Nadja Thieme
April 2007, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 83-84 Introduction
by Mark Gibney - 85-104 Risk Factors for Forced Migrant Flight
by Jacqueline H. Rubin & Will H. Moore - 105-119 The Geo-Politics of Forced Migration in Africa, 1992—2001
by Zaryab Iqbal - 121-137 Political Persecution or Economic Deprivation? A Time-Series Analysis of Haitian Exodus, 1990—2004
by Stephen M. Shellman & Brandon M. Stewart - 139-157 The Myth of the Borderless World: Refugees and Repatriation Policy
by Monica Duffy Toft
February 2007, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-24 Geographic Proximity, Trade, and International Conflict/Cooperation
by John Robst & Solomon Polachek & Yuan-Ching Chang - 25-36 International Collaboration under Threat: A Field Study in Kabul
by Mark Dechesne & Coen Van Den Berg & Joseph Soeters - 37-53 Should We Really “Force Them to be Free?†An Empirical Examination of Peceny's Liberalizing Intervention Thesis
by Scott Walker & Frederic S. Pearson - 55-64 Data, Models, Coefficients: The Case of United States Military Expenditure
by Jurgen Brauer - 65-82 Explaining Limited Conflicts
by D. Marc Kilgour & Frank C. Zagare
September 2006, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 263-265 Introduction to CMPS Special Issue on Territorial Conflict Management1
by Paul F. Diehl & Derrick V. Frazier & Todd L. Allee & Shannon O'Lear - 267-284 Third Party Characteristics, Territory and the Mediation of Militarized Interstate Disputes
by Derrick V. Frazier - 285-307 The Pursuit of Legal Settlements to Territorial Disputes
by Todd L. Allee & Paul K. Huth - 309-328 Domestic-Level Territorial Disputes: Conflict Management via Secession
by Jaroslav Tir - 329-341 A Terminal Crisis? Examining the Breakdown of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Dispute Resolution Process
by Martin Pratt - 343-361 Boundaries and Conflict in the Mano River Region of West Africa
by Marilyn Silberfein & Al-Hassan Conteh
July 2006, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 199-210 Just a Phase?: Integrating Conflict Dynamics Over Time
by Paul F. Diehl - 211-226 Modeling Middle East Security: A Formal Assessment of Regional Responses to the Iraq War
by Lewis W. Snider & Jason E. Strakes - 227-244 The Determinants of China's Defense Expenditure Before and After Transition
by Chen Bing-Fu & Zhao Liming - 245-261 Exploring Operationalizations of Political Relevance
by D. Scott Bennett
April 2006, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 115-120 Deterrence Is Dead. Long Live Deterrence
by Frank C. Zagare - 121-138 Deterrence and System Management: The Case of North Korea
by Patrick M. Morgan - 139-158 Getting NATO's Success in Kosovo Right: The Theory and Logic of Counter-Coercion
by Frank P. Harvey - 159-180 Bargaining and the Failure of Asymmetric Deterrence: Trading off the Risk of War for the Promise of a Better Deal
by Catherine C. Langlois & Jean-Pierre P. Langlois - 181-198 Sequential Analysis of Deterrence Games with a Declining Status Quo
by Lisa J. Carlson & Raymond Dacey
February 2006, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-21 State Power, Linkage Mechanisms, and Diversion against Nonrivals
by Dennis M. Foster - 23-36 Behavioral Responses to Threatened Ethnic Identity in a Sports Setting
by Vincent Dru - 37-51 Identifying Opportunity for Conflict: Politically Active Dyads
by Stephen L. Quackenbush - 53-72 A Trade Institution as a Peaceful Institution? A Contribution to Integrative Theory
by Raul Caruso - 73-90 Leaders' Motivations and Actions: Explaining Government-Dissident Conflict-Cooperation Processes
by Stephen M. Shellman - 91-113 Compliance with the Laws of War: Dataset and Coding Rules
by James D. Morrow & Hyeran Jo
September 2005, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 273-275 Manna from Heaven or Forbidden Fruit? the (Ab) Use of Control Variables in Research on International Conflict
by Kelly M. Kadera & Sara McLaughlin Mitchell - 277-292 Constructing Multivariate Analyses (of Dangerous Dyads)
by James Lee Ray - 293-310 Rule of Three, Let It Be? When More Really Is Better
by John R. Oneal & Bruce Russett - 311-326 Heeding Ray's Advice: An Exegesis on Control Variables in Systemic Democratic Peace Research
by Kelly M. Kadera & Sara McLaughlin Mitchell - 327-339 Let's Put Garbage-Can Regressions and Garbage-Can Probits Where They Belong
by Christopher H. Achen - 341-352 The Phantom Menace: Omitted Variable Bias in Econometric Research
by Kevin A. Clarke - 353-363 Cumulation from Proper Specification: Theory, Logic, Research Design, and “Nice†Laws
by Harvey Starr
July 2005, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 189-200 The Status of Likelihood Claims in International Relations and Peace Science
by Raymond Dacey - 201-216 Psychosocial Analysis of the Collective Processes in the United States After September 11
by Alvaro Rodriguez-Carballeira & Federico Javaloy - 217-224 Identifying How Trade Matters in Empirical Studies of Interstate Conflict
by Havard Hegre - 225-233 Mistaken Identity: A Reply to Hegre
by Erik Gartzke & Quan Li - 235-237 Identifying How Trade Matters: A Response to Gartzke and Li
by Havard Hegre - 239-256 Discerning the Causal Relationships Between Great Powers' Membership in Intergovernmental Organizations and Their Initiation of Militarized Disputes
by Steve Chan - 257-272 Conflict Diamonds: A New Dataset
by Elisabeth Gilmore & Nils Petter Gleditsch & Päivi Lujala & Jan Ketil Rod
April 2005, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 95-111 Dangerous Dyads Revisited: Democracies May Not Be That Peaceful After All
by Halvard Buhaug - 113-133 The Relevance of Politically Relevant Dyads in the Study of Interdependence and Dyadic Disputes
by Michelle A. Benson - 135-148 Victim of Success: American Dominance and Terrorism
by David Sobek & Alex Braithwaite - 149-163 Foreign Policy Determinants: Comparing Realist and Domestic-Political Models of Foreign Policy
by Mark Souva - 165-187 the Similarity of States: Using S to Compute Dyadic Interest Similarity
by Kevin Sweeney & Omar M.G. Keshk
February 2005, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-3 Introduction from the Editor
by N/A - 5-18 Assessing the Dyadic Approach to Interstate Conflict Processes: A.k.a. “Dangerous†Dyad-Years
by Sarah E. Croco & Tze Kwang Teo - 19-38 Civil Reality? Simulation Experiments on the Impact of Civil War in a Realist World
by Richard J. Stoll - 39-61 Danger Beyond Dyads: Third-Party Participants in Militarized Interstate Disputes
by Renato Corbetta & William J. Dixon - 63-77 Comparing New Theory with Prior Beliefs: Market Civilization and the Democratic Peace
by Michael Mousseau - 79-94 Chinese Acquisition of the Spratly Archipelago and Its Implications for the Future
by Paul D. Senese
September 2004, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 233-254 Macedonian Border Closings in the Kosovo Refugee Crisis: A Game-Theoretic Perspective
by John H.P. Williams & Lester A. Zeager - 255-267 Testing Competing Institutional Explanations of the Democratic Peace: The Case of Dispute Duration
by Bruce Bueno De Mesquita & Michael T. Koch & Randolph M. Siverson