September 2004, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 269-286 Politics and National Security: The Battles for Britain
by Steven E. Lobell - 287-296 “The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend†Is the Enemy: Dealing with the War-Provoking Rules of Intent
by Alvin M. Saperstein - 297-312 Aegean Territorial Waters Conflict: An Evolutionary Narrative
by Serdar Ş. Güner
July 2004, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 155-158 Negotiation in International Politics
by Bruce Bueno De Mesquita - 159-177 Modeling Compromise at the International Table
by Christopher K. Butler - 179-193 When Do They Stop? Modeling the Termination of War
by Michaela Mattes & T. Clifton Morgan - 195-213 House Rules: Institutional Choice and United States Trade Negotiations
by Robert Pahre - 215-231 Bargaining, War, and Alliances
by R. Harrison Wagner
April 2004, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 85-100 Multiparty Disputes and the Probability of War, 1816—1992
by Karen K. Petersen & John A. Vasquez & Yijia Wang - 101-119 The Correlates of War 2 International Governmental Organizations Data Version 2.0
by Jon Pevehouse & Timothy Nordstrom & Kevin Warnke - 121-131 An Econometric Contribution to the U.S. Defense—Growth Nexus: Evidence from Error Correction Model
by Rock-Antoine Mehanna - 133-154 The MID3 Data Set, 1993—2001: Procedures, Coding Rules, and Description
by Faten Ghosn & Glenn Palmer & Stuart A. Bremer
February 2004, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-1 Statement from the Editor
by N/A - 1-2 Introduction to CMPS Special Issue on Alternative Models of Conflict
by Paul J. Zak - 3-15 A System Approach to Deterring and Influencing Terrorists
by Paul K. Davis & Brian Michael Jenkins - 17-28 An Economic Model of Terrorism
by S. Brock Blomberg & Gregory D. Hess & Akila Weerapana - 29-42 Constitution or Conflict?
by Herschel I. Grossman - 43-68 On the Stability of Group Formation: Managing the Conflict Within
by Michelle R. Garfinkel - 69-84 Innovation and the Technology of Conflict During the Napoleonic Revolution in Military Affairs
by Raymond E. Franck
September 2003, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 1-31 Explaining Interstate Conflict and War: What Should Be Controlled for?
by James Lee Ray - 33-58 Environmental Scarcity and International Conflict
by Phillip Stalley - 59-83 Never-Ending Conflicts? Territorial Changes as Potential Solutions for Territorial Disputes
by Jaroslav Tir - 85-109 Examining Conflict Escalation Within the Civilizations Context
by Sean Bolks & Richard Stoll - 111-132 Culture and Negotiation in Militarized Interstate Disputes
by Patrick Regan & Russell J. Leng
February 2003, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-20 The Power of Place and the Future of Spatial Analysis in the Study of Conflict
by Harvey Starr - 21-41 Defining States: Reconsiderations and Recommendations
by Stuart A. Bremer & Faten Ghosn - 43-71 The Political Future of Afghanistan and Its Implications for US Policy
by Jacek Kugler & Birol Yesilada & Brian Efird - 73-92 Interdependence and Conflict: When Does Symmetry Matter?
by Mark J.C. Crescenzi - 93-117 The Boundary Dataset
by Kathryn Furlong & Nils Petter Gleditsch
September 2002, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 1-21 Trade-Based Interactions: an Interdisciplinary Perspective
by Solomon W. Polachek - 23-58 Coalitions and Conflict: the Case of the Palestinian-Israeli Negotiations Over the West Bank
by Ellen Lust-Okar & A.F.K. Organski - 59-67 The Correlates of War (Cow) Project Direct Contiguity Data, Version 3.0
by Douglas M. Stinnett & Jaroslav Tir & Paul F. Diehl & Philip Schafer & Charles Gochman - 69-107 The Correlates of War Project: a Bibliographic History of the Scientific Study of War and Peace, 1964-2000
by Susumu Suzuki & Volker Krause & J. David Singer
February 2002, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-1 Stuart A. Bremer
by N/A - 1-4 The Scientific Study of Armed Conflict: What Is To Be Done?
by Frank XV. Wayman & Glenn Palmer - 5-26 Chasing Headlines: Setting the Research Agenda On War
by Paul F. Diehl - 27-52 The More Things Change...: Recognizing and Responding to Trends in Armed Conflict
by Paul R. Hensel - 53-80 Does Interstate War Have A Future?
by James Lee Ray - 81-110 The Future Practice and Study Of War
by J. David Singer
February 2001, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 145-173 Mapping the Probability of War and Analyzing the Possibility of Peace: the Role of Territorial Disputes
by John A. Vasquez - 175-210 Pas De Trois: the Synergism of Surprise, Threat, and Response Time and Its Effects On U.S. Foreign-Policy Behavior
by M. Kent Bolton - 211-249 Alignment, Structural Balance, and International Conflict in the Middle East, 1948-1978
by David Lai - 251-267 Presidents and Defense Contracting, 1953-1992
by Karl DeRouen Jr & Uk Heo
February 2000, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-48 Formative and Early Years of the Peace Science Society (International)
by Walter Isard - 49-71 Credible Commitments and International Cooperation: Guaranteeing Contracts Without External Enforcement
by Brett Ashley Leeds - 73-96 Status Quo Orientation, Capabilities, and Patterns of War Initiation in Dyadic Rivalries
by Daniel S. Geller - 97-122 Can Peace Be Marketed? a Preliminary Analysis of Israelis and Palestinians
by Allison Astorino-Courtois - 123-144 The Correlates of War Data On War: an Update To 1997
by Meredith Reid Sarkees & Phil Schafer
September 1999, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 133-147 Cumulation in Qip: Twenty-Five Years After Ojai
by Russell J. Leng - 149-174 The Power-Conflict Story: a Synopsis
by Kelly M. Kadera - 175-206 An Evolutionary Approach To the Study of Interstate Rivalry
by Paul R. Hensel - 207-223 Altruism, Foreign Aid and Humanitarian Military Intervention
by Carlos Seiglie
February 1999, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-48 Learning and the Evolution of Enduring International Rivalries: a Strategic Approach
by Ben D. Mor & Zeev Maoz - 49-68 Dynamics of International Mediation: Analysis Using Machine Learning Methods
by Anne-Katrin Wickboldt & Jacob Bercovitch & Selwyn Piramuthu - 69-102 Opportunity Crises: Framework and Findings, 1918-1994
by Hemda Ben-Yehuda - 103-131 Force and Influence in International Crises
by James Meernik
September 1998, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 99-124 The Policy Implications of Power Parity
by Jacek Kugler - 125-147 R. J. Rummel's Understanding Conflict and War: An Overlooked Classic?
by James Lee Ray - 149-184 Rational Choice? Crisis Bargaining Over the Meech Lake Accord
by Patrick James - 185-206 Signalling in the Turkish-Syrian Water Conflict
by Serdar Güner
February 1998, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-29 A Theory of Armament
by Ido Oren - 31-56 Finding Harbingers of Violent Conflict: Using Pattern Recognition to Anticipate Conflicts
by Peter Brecke - 57-75 Interstate Military Technological Races and Arms Control Agreements
by Vally Koubi - 77-88 Risk Attitude, Punishment, and the Intifada
by Raymond Dacey - 89-97 Territorial Changes, 1816–1996: Procedures and Data
by Jaroslav Tir & Philip Schafer & Paul F. Diehl & Gary Goertz
September 1996, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 113-132 Thinking About Puzzles in the Study of International War
by Randolph M. Siverson - 133-161 Geographical Proximity and Issue Salience: Their Effects on the Escalation of Militarized Interstate Conflict
by Paul D. Senese - 163-213 Militarized Interstate Disputes, 1816–1992: Rationale, Coding Rules, and Empirical Patterns
by Daniel M. Jones & Stuart A. Bremer & J. David Singer
February 1996, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-5 Territorial Dimensions of International Conflict: An Introduction
by Paul F. Diehl - 7-41 Enduring Rivalries and Territorial Disputes, 1950-1990
by Paul K. Huth - 43-73 Charting A Course To Conflict: Territorial Issues and Interstate Conflict, 1816-1992
by Paul R. Hensel - 75-97 Alliances That Never Balance: The Territorial Settlement Treaty
by Douglas M. Gibler - 99-112 Camp David: Was The Agreement Fair?
by Steven J. Brams & Jeffrey M. Togman
September 1995, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 115-141 A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand: Presidential Address to the Peace Science Society
by Murray Wolfson - 143-162 Toward A General Understanding of Parity and War
by Douglas Lemke - 163-195 Testing Alternative Models of Reciprocity Against Interaction During the Cold War
by Martin Patchen & David D. Bogumil - 197-224 State Characteristics and Crisis Outcomes: A Test of the Spatial Model
by T. Clifton Morgan & Patrick J. Moriarty
February 1995, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-24 A Fuzzy Systems Model of Arms Transfer Outcomesxs
by Gregory S. Sanjian - 25-47 Arab-Israeli Defense Spending and Economic Growth
by Karl R. DeRouen Jr. - 49-75 Arms Race Dynamics and Economic Stability
by Kieran P. Donaghy - 77-113 An Introduction To Lewis Fry Richardson and His Mathematical Theory of War and Peace
by G. D. Hess
February 1994, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 101-111 Global Security After The End of The Cold War
by Michael D. Intriligator - 113-148 From Desert Shield To Desert Storm: Success, Strife, Or Quagmire?
by Jacek Kugler & Lewis W. Snider & William Longwell - 149-177 Chaos As A Tool For Exploring Questions of International Security
by Alvin M. Saperstein
September 1993, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-27 Some Thoughts On Basic Concepts and Future Directions In The Study of Inter-Group Conflict
by Sheldon G. Levy - 29-60 Relative Bargaining Power in International Debt Negotiation: Collective Action, Sovereignty En Garde, or Mutual Partisan Adjustment?
by Steve Chan - 61-86 Modeling 'Massive Retaliation'
by Frank C. Zagare & D. Marc Kilgour - 87-100 Power Cycle Theory and State Involvement in Militarized Interstate Disputes, 1816-1976
by K. Edward Spiezio
February 1993, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 1-39 Theory of Moves: Overview and Examples
by Steven J. Brams & Walter Mattli - 41-64 British Hegemony and Militarized Interstate Disputes, 1815-1939
by Richard T. Cupitt & Rodney L. Whitlock & Lynn Williams Whitlock - 65-88 The Economic Effects of Reduced Defense Expenditures: An Applied General Equilibrium Analysis
by Donald N. Baum - 89-105 Abstracts of Papers Presented At the Fourth World Peace Science Congress Rotterdam, The Netherlands, May 18-20, 1992
by N/A
February 1992, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-16 Power Transition and Conflict Initiation
by Daniel S. Geller - 17-45 Nuclear Deterrence Theory: The Record of Aggregate Testing and An Alternative Research Agenda
by Frank Harvey & Patrick James - 47-78 Some Economic Effects of Unilateral and Multilateral Reductions in Military Expenditures in the Major Industrialized and Developing Countries
by Jon D. Haveman & Alan V. Deardorff & Robert M. Stern - 79-98 Deterministic Quasi-Periodic Behavior of An Arms Race Model
by Walter W. Hill Jr. - 99-116 Weak Cycles, Length and Magnitude of War: Duration Dependence in International Conflict
by John A. C. Conybeare
February 1991, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-16 Musings on Mathematical Modeling
by Dina A. Zinnes - 19-35 Government Expenditures, Defense, and Economic Growth in the Ldcs: A Revised Perspective
by F. Gerard Adams & Jere R. Behrman & Michael Boldin - 37-67 Defense Expenditures and Economic Performance in South Asia: Tests of Causality and Interdependence
by Robert E. Looney - 69-98 Perfect Equilibria and Stable Cooperation in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma and Related Games
by P. Langlois - 99-104 Survival: Global Politics and Conceptual Synthesis
by James J. Wirtz
February 1990, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-16 Consequential Damage and Nuclear Deterrence
by Charles H. Anderton & Thomas Fogarty - 17-44 Expected Utility and Peace Science: An Assessment of Trade and Conflict
by Lois W. Sayrs - 45-56 Conversion: The Trade-Off Between Military and Civilian Production in Warsaw Pact Countries
by Lawrence R. Klein & Miroslaw Gronicki - 57-94 Progress in Global Modeling for World Policy on Arms Control and Environmental Management
by Walter Isard - 95-95 Errata
by N/A - 97-99 The Globus Model: Computer Simulation of Worldwide Political and Economic Developments
by Sid Saltzman
February 1989, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 1-20 An Economic Model of The East-West Confrontation
by James A. Yunker - 21-46 Alliance and Border Effects on the War Behavior of States: Refining the Interaction Opportunity Model
by Randolph M. Siverson & Harvey Starr - 47-75 Foundations of A Theory of Economic Warfare and Arms Control
by Murray Wolfson & John P. Farrell - 77-99 A Thousand and One Ph.D. Dissertation Topics: The Summary of The 1988 Third World Peace Science Congress
by Walter Isard & Keith Duncan
February 1988, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-19 Reconsidering Trade and Conflict: A Qualitative Response Model With Censoring
by Lois W. Sayrs - 21-36 Interstate Wars in the Third World: A Markov Approach
by David Kiefer - 37-57 Conflict Management and the Theory of Mature Oligopoly
by Robert E. Kuenne - 59-86 Hypergraph Conflict Analysis: Synthesis and Extension
by R. van Gastel & J.H.P. Paelinck
February 1986, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 1-17 The Formal ('Economic') Analysis of Arms Races: What-If Anything-Have We Learned Since Richardson?
by Jean-Christian Lambelet - 19-30 Brinkmanship and Nuclear Deterrence: The Neutrality of Escalation
by Barry Nalebuff - 31-43 Optimality and the Ineffectiveness of the Strategic Defense Initiative
by Charles H. Anderton - 45-53 A Typological Approach to Multiple Criteria Conflict Analysis
by Ron Janssen & Peter Nijkamp
September 1985, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-18 The Determinants of Military Budgets: The Japanese Case
by Davis B. Bobrow & Stephen R. Hill - 19-32 The High Technology Arms Race: The Western European Case
by Bernard Udis - 33-52 Third Party Mediation and International Norms: A Test of Two Models
by Gregory A. Raymond & Charles W. Kegley Jr. - 53-67 Fuzzy Modeling and Conflict Analysis
by Steven Thomas Seitz
February 1985, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-19 Notes on Economic Warfare
by Murray Wolfson - 21-25 Wolfson on Economic Warfare
by Michael D. Intriligator & Dagobert L. Brito - 27-98 Arms Race Models: A Survey and Synthesis
by Walter Isard & Charles H. Anderton - 99-122 A Selected Bibliography of Arms Race Models and Related Subjects
by Charles H. Anderton
September 1984, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-15 Alliances and War: A New Examination of an Old Problem
by Randolph M. Siverson & Michael Sullivan - 17-47 Geoinvestment: The Interdependence Among Space, Market Size, and Political Turmoil in Attracting Foreign Direct Investment
by Grant Ian Thrall - 49-69 Weapons Technology and the Intensity of Arms Races
by Dietrich Fischer - 71-112 James P. Bennett on Subjunctive Reasoning, Policy Analysis And Political Argument
by Walter hard & Blane Lewis
February 1984, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-24 The Political Economy of Arms Races and International Tension
by Michael D. Ward - 25-31 The Military Power Potential of Nations: A Model and Some Measures
by Emilio Casetti - 33-53 Structural Factors and International Crisis Behavior
by Patrick James & Jonathan Wilkenfeld - 55-69 A Hypergraph Approach to Conflict
by M.B.M. de Koster & J.H.P. Paelinck - 71-82 From Fire to Frying Pan: The Impact of Major-Power War Involvement on Major-Power Dispute Involvement, 1816-1975
by Richard J. Stoll
February 1983, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-24 International Conflict Management via Adaptive Learning and Multistage Compromises
by David F. Batten - 25-38 A Simulation Framework For Modeling Dynamics In Policy Space
by Luc Anselin - 39-64 Analysis of Conflicts and Compromises, Using Qualitative Data
by Piet Rietveld - 65-86 Dynamic Properties of the U.S. Military Expenditure Decision-Making Process
by Stephen J. Majeski - 87-110 Social System Framework and Causal History: Part III, Interdependent Multi-Role Behavior and Operationally
by Walter Isard
February 1982, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-18 Dynamic Modelling of the Cuban Missile Crisis
by Niall M. Fraser & Keith W. Hipel - 19-37 A Model of Inter-Nation Hostility Dynamics and War
by Robert G. Muncaster & Dina A. Zinnes - 39-58 Contagion at the Sub- War Stage: Siding in the Cold War, 1959–63
by John M. Rothgeb Jr. - 59-93 Social System Framework and Causal History: Part II Behavior Under Stress and Cognition
by Walter Isard
September 1981, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-18 Preventing War by Nuclear Deterrence or by Détente
by Erich Weede - 19-38 A Validation Study of Computer Simulations of the European “Major Power†System: 1870-1914
by Alex Mintz - 39-62 Nonmyopic Equilibria in 2×2 Games
by Steven J. Brams & Donald Wittman - 63-94 Social System Framework and Causal History: Part I, Learning Processes
by Walter Isard
February 1981, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 79-94 The Political Culture of Arab-Israeli Conflict
by William A. Gamson - 95-110 Reflections on the History and Status of Peace Research
by Herbert C. Kelman - 111-120 Prisoner's Dilemma and Other Public Goods Games
by T. M. Fogarty - 121-138 An Experimental Examination of Samson's Dilemma
by Abraham Diskin & Dan S. Felsenthal - 139-162 Nonmyopic Equilibria and the Middle East Crisis of 1967
by Frank C. Zagare
July 1980, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-26 Matching Conflict Situations and Conflict Management Procedures
by Walter Isard & Christine Smith - 27-40 A Conflict Analysis of the Suez Canal Invasion of 1956
by William M. Wright & Michael C. Shupe & Niall M. Fraser & Keith W. Hipel - 41-54 Changing Patterns of Equilibria in the Arab-Israeli Conflict
by R. Hrair Dekmejian & Gideon Doron - 55-68 Socio-Economic Dimensions of the Arms Race
by Panagis Liossatos - 69-78 Statistical Study of the Richardson's Arms-Race Model With Time Lag
by Karmesh U
April 1980, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 97-132 A Definition of Peace Science, the Queen of the Social Sciences: Part II
by Walter hard - 133-150 Diplomatic Time and Climate: A Formal Model
by Pierre Allan - 151-168 The Conflict in South Africa: Directed or Chaotic
by David S. Tarbell & Thomas L. Saaty - 169-185 Modeling The Nuclear Arms Race: A Search for Bounded Stability
by David S. Sorenson - 187-198 Political Instability and Economic Inequality: Some Conceptual Clarifications
by William J. Linehan
February 1979, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-47 A Definition of Peace Science, the Queen of the Social Sciences: Part I
by Walter Hard - 49-66 Dynamics of Arms Races: Mutual Stimulation vs. Self-Stimulation
by Jean-Christian Lambelet & Urs Luterbacher & Pierre Allan - 67-90 Conflict Patterns and Compromise Solutions in Fuzzy Choice Theory
by Peter Nijkamp - 91-94 Comment on “Economic and Demographic Determinants of the Viability of Nationsâ€
by Simcha Moaz - 95-96 Reply
by William J. Kelly
July 1978, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 93-110 Economic Sanctions: The Theory And The Evidence from Rhodesia
by Richard C. Porter - 111-121 A Catastrophe Surface in Mutual Deterrence Theory: Arms Limitation and Crisis Instability
by Robert H. Kupperman & Harvey A. Smith - 123-128 Comments on “A Catastrophe Surface In Mutual Deterrence Theoryâ€
by Lloyd J. Dumas - 129-130 Rejoinder
by Robert H. Kupperman & Harvey A. Smith - 131-146 A Formal Model of Big Step Disarmament and Domino Effects
by Walter Isard & Panagis Liossatos - 147-158 Dyadic Linkage Politics in Lebanon
by Thomas J. Sloan - 159-172 Statistical Problems Associated with The Richardson Arms Race Model
by Philip A. Schrodt - 173-183 Nuclear Proliferation and Stability
by Michael D. Intriligator & Dagobert L. Brito
February 1978, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-30 On the Mathematical Theory of Social Processes Characterized by Weak Reciprocity
by I. W. Sandberg - 31-44 Modeling a Chimera: The Balance of Power Revisited
by Dina A. Zinnes & John V. Gillespie & G.S. Tahim - 45-54 Major Powers and Weak Allies: Stability and Structure in Arms Race Models
by William H. Baugh - 55-62 A Time Lagged Arms Race Model
by Walter W. Hill - 63-91 Structure, Control and Language Hierarchies and World Organization
by Walter Hard & Phyllis Kaniss - 92-92 Erratum
by N/A
February 1977, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 171-203 Deception in 2 × 2 Games
by Steven J. Brams - 205-214 Linguistic Impediments to Cross-Cultural Communications: Chinese Hassles with the Hypothetical
by Alfred Bloom - 215-230 Language and Conflict: Towards a Semiotic Theory of Harmonia Mundi
by Stephen Gale & Basya Gale - 231-238 Nuclear Proliferation and the Armaments Race
by D. L. Brito & M. D. Intriligator - 239-257 Varieties of Peace Science: An Historical Note
by Peter Dungen van den - 259-260 A Note on Linear Models of Mutual Deterrence
by Irwin Sandberg
February 1976, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-14 Toward an Interdisciplinary Model of World Stability and Change: Some Intellectual Preconditions
by Karl W. Deutsch - 15-29 Some Effects of Private Contributions to International Security Programs
by Earl R. Brubaker - 31-48 A Measure of World Influence
by Thomas L. Saaty & Mohamad W. Khouja - 49-55 Some Comments on Measuring World Influence
by George Rabinowitz - 57-75 Economic and Demographic Determinants of the Viability of Nations
by William J. Kelly - 77-88 Formal Models of Arms Races
by Michael D. Intriligator & D. L. Brito - 89-96 Formal Models of Arms Races: Discussion
by Robert H. Kupperman & Harvey A. Smith - 97-111 Towards a Forecasting Model of Energy Politics: International Perspectives
by Nazli Choucri & David Scott Ross & Dennis L. Meadows