- 131 Adults with Low Proficiency in Literacy or Numeracy
by Anke Grotlüschen & David Mallows & Stephen Reder & John Sabatini - 130 How teachers teach and students learn: Successful strategies for school
by Alfonso Echazarra & Daniel Salinas & Ildefonso Méndez & Vanessa Denis & Giannina Rech - 129 The Impact of Literacy, Numeracy and Computer Skills on Earnings and Employment Outcomes
by Marguerita Lane & Gavan Conlon - 128 Budgeting and Accounting in OECD Education Systems: A Literature Review
by Tala Fakharzadeh - 127 Student Learning Time: A Literature Review
by Anna Gromada & Claire Shewbridge - 126 PISA For Development Technical Strand A: Enhancement of PISA Cognitive Instruments
by Ray Adams & John Cresswell
- 125 Learning support staff: A literature review
by Francesc Masdeu Navarro - 124 Data comparability in the teaching and learning international survey (TALIS) 2008 and 2013
by Jia He & Katarzyna Kubacka - 123 Adults with low literacy and numeracy skills: A literature review on policy intervention
by Hendrickje Catriona Windisch - 122 Evaluative thinking for successful educational innovation
by Lorna Earl & Helen Timperley - 121 Fostering social and emotional skills through families, schools and communities: Summary of international evidence and implication for Japan's educational practices and research
by Hiroko Ikesako & Koji Miyamoto - 120 PISA for development technical strand c: Incorporating out-of-school 15- year-olds in the assessment
by Roy Carr-Hill - 119 The educational roots of trust
by Francesca Borgonovi & Tracey Burns - 118 Towards the development of contextual questionnaires for the PISA for development study
by J. Douglas Willms & Lucia Tramonte - 117 The Efficiency of Secondary Schools in an International Perspective: Preliminary Results from PISA 2012
by Tommaso Agasisti & Pablo Zoido - 116 Supporting teachers and schools to promote positive student behaviour in England and Ontario (Canada): Lessons for Latin America
by Gabriela Moriconi & Julie Bélanger - 115 Examining school context and its influence on teachers: linking Talis 2013 with PISA 2012 student data
by Bruce Austin & Olusola O. Adesope & Brian F. French & Chad Gotch & Julie Bélanger & Katarzyna Kubacka - 114 Skills and Wage Inequality: Evidence from PIAAC
by Marco Paccagnella - 113 Reforming Education Governance Through Local Capacity-building: A Case Study of the “Learning Locally” Programme in Germany
by Marius R. Busemeyer & Janis Vossiek - 112 Student Behaviour and Use of Class Time in Brazil, Chile and Mexico: Evidence from TALIS 2013
by Gabriela Moriconi & Julie Bélanger
- 111 Implementation of a New School Supervision System in Poland
by Grzegorz Mazurkiewicz & Bartłomiej Walczak & Marcin Jewdokimow - 110 Fostering and Measuring Skills: Improving Cognitive and Non-cognitive Skills to Promote Lifetime Success
by Tim Kautz & James J. Heckman & Ron Diris & Bas ter Weel & Lex Borghans - 109 Steering from the Centre: New Modes of Governance in Multi-level Education Systems
by Harald Wilkoszewski & Eli Sundby - 108 Trust: What it is and Why it Matters for Governance and Education
by Lucie Cerna - 107 Report on Social Desirability, Midpoint and Extreme Responding in TALIS 2013
by Fons J. R. Van de Vijver & Jia He - 106 School Size Policies: A Literature Review
by Macarena Ares Abalde - 105 How Closely is the Distribution of Skills Related to Countries' Overall Level of Social Inequality and Economic Prosperity?
by Dirk Van Damme - 104 Shifting Responsibilities - 20 Years of Education Devolution in Sweden: A Governing Complex Education Systems Case Study
by Patrick Blanchenay & Tracey Burns & Florian Köster - 103 Evaluating Measurement Invariance of TALIS 2013 Complex Scales: Comparison between Continuous and Categorical Multiple-Group Confirmatory Factor Analyses
by Deana Desa - 102 Comparison of PIAAC and PISA Frameworks for Numeracy and Mathematical Literacy
by Iddo Gal & Dave Tout - 100 Promoting Skills for Innovation in Higher Education: A Literature Review on the Effectiveness of Problem-based Learning and of Teaching Behaviours
by Sabine Hoidn & Kiira Kärkkäinen - 95 Schooling Matters: Opportunity to Learn in PISA 2012
by William H. Schmidt & Pablo Zoido & Leland S. Cogan
- 101 Returns to Skills Around the World: Evidence from PIAAC
by Eric A. Hanushek & Guido Schwerdt & Simon Wiederhold & Ludger Woessmann - 99 Learning Standards, Teaching Standards and Standards for School Principals: A Comparative Study
by Centre of Study for Policies and Practices in Education (CEPPE), Chile - 98 Coping with Very Weak Primary Schools: Towards Smart Interventions in Dutch Education Policy
by Mark van Twist & Martijn van der Steen & Marieke Kleiboer & Jorren Scherpenisse & Henno Theisens - 97 Balancing Trust and Accountability? The Assessment for Learning Programme in Norway: A Governing Complex Education Systems Case Study
by Therese Hopfenbeck & Astrid Tolo & Teresa Florez & Yasmine El Masri - 96 The Simple, the Complicated, and the Complex: Educational Reform Through the Lens of Complexity Theory
by Sean Snyder - 94 Learning Study: Its Origins, Operationalisation, and Implications
by Eric C.K. Cheng & Mun Ling Lo - 93 PISA in Low and Middle Income Countries
by Simone Bloem - 92 Understanding School Building Policy and Practice in Belgium's Flemish Community
by Geert Leemans & Hannah von Ahlefeld - 91 Sparking Innovation in STEM Education with Technology and Collaboration: A Case Study of the HP Catalyst Initiative
by Kiira Kärkkäinen & Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin - 90 Review of the Italian Strategy for Digital Schools
by Francesco Avvisati & Sara Hennessy & Robert B. Kozma & Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin - 89 Learning from International Experiences with Interactive Whiteboards: The Role of Professional Development in Integrating the Technology
by Sara Hennessy & Laura London - 88 Monitoring Adult Learning Policies: A Theoretical Framework and Indicators
by Anna Borkowsky - 87 Analysis of the Predictive Power of PISA Test Items
by Maciej Jakubowski - 86 Progression in Student Creativity in School: First Steps Towards New Forms of Formative Assessments
by Bill Lucas & Guy Claxton & Ellen Spencer
- 85 Looking Beyond the Numbers: Stakeholders and Multiple School Accountability
by Edith Hooge & Tracey Burns & Harald Wilkoszewski - 84 Business-Driven Innovation: Is it Making a Difference in Education?: An Analysis of Educational Patents
by Dominique Foray & Julio Raffo - 83 Assessment for Qualification and Certification in Upper Secondary Education: A Review of Country Practices and Research Evidence
by Stefanie Dufaux - 82 Bringing About Curriculum Innovations: Implicit Approaches in the OECD Area
by Kiira Kärkkäinen - 81 Hybrid Learning Environments: Merging Learning and Work Processes to Facilitate Knowledge Integration and Transitions
by Ilya Zitter & Aimée Hoeve - 80 Subsidies and Levies as Policy Instruments to Encourage Employer-Provided Training
by Normann Müller & Friederike Behringer - 79 Innovative Research-Based Approaches to Learning and Teaching
by Gesa Sonja Elsa van den Broek - 78 Statistical Matching of PISA 2009 and TALIS 2008 Data in Iceland
by David Kaplan & Alyn Turner - 77 Immigrant Status and Secondary School Performance as Determinants of Post-Secondary Participation: A Comparison of Canada and Switzerland
by Garnett Picot - 76 Open Educational Resources: Analysis of Responses to the OECD Country Questionnaire
by Jan Hylén & Dirk Van Damme & Fred Mulder & Susan D’Antoni - 75 Immigrant Children's Age at Arrival and Assessment Results
by Anthony Heath & Elina Kilpi-Jakonen - 74 School Funding Formulas: Review of Main Characteristics and Impacts
by Mihály Fazekas - 73 Parental Involvement in Selected PISA Countries and Economies
by Francesca Borgonovi & Guillermo Montt - 72 Ageing and Skills: A Review and Analysis of Skill Gain and Skill Loss Over the Lifespan and Over Time
by Richard Desjardins & Arne Jonas Warnke - 71 The Policy Impact of PISA: An Exploration of the Normative Effects of International Benchmarking in School System Performance
by Simon Breakspear - 70 Lignes directrices pour des prestations de qualité dans l'enseignement supérieur transfrontalier : État des lieux
by Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin & Sebastian Pfotenhauer - 70 Guidelines for Quality Provision in Cross-Border Higher Education: Where Do We Stand?
by Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin & Sebastian Pfotenhauer - 69 Technical Feasibility of Reporting YITS 2010 Skill Assessment Results on the PISA 2000 Reading Scale
by Fernando Cartwright - 68 A Literature Review of School Practices to Overcome School Failure
by Brenton Faubert - 67 Exploring the Complex Interaction Between Governance and Knowledge in Education
by Mihály Fazekas & Tracey Burns - 66 School Choice and Equity: Current Policies in OECD Countries and a Literature Review
by Pauline Musset - 62 Access to Education Over the Working Life in Sweden: Priorities, Institutions and Efficiency
by Anders Stenberg
- 65 Student Standardised Testing: Current Practices in OECD Countries and a Literature Review
by Allison Morris - 64 Alignment in Complex Education Systems: Achieving Balance and Coherence
by Janet Looney - 63 An Analysis of Skill Mismatch Using Direct Measures of Skills
by Richard Desjardins & Kjell Rubenson - 61 ICT and Initial Teacher Education: National Policies
by Caroline Rizza - 60 A Tuning-AHELO Conceptual Framework of Expected Desired/Learning Outcomes in Engineering
by Oecd - 59 Tuning-AHELO Conceptual Framework of Expected and Desired Learning Outcomes in Economics
by Oecd - 58 Integrating Formative and Summative Assessment: Progress Toward a Seamless System?
by Janet Looney - 57 Gendered Career Expectations of Students: Perspectives from PISA 2006
by Joanna Sikora & Artur Pokropek - 56 OECD Educationtoday Crisis Survey 2010: The Impact of the Economic Recession and Fiscal Crisis on Education in OECD Countries
by Dirk Van Damme & Kiira Kärkkäinen - 55 Workforce Skills and Innovation: An Overview of Major Themes in the Literature
by Phillip Toner - 49 The Impact of the 1999 Education Reform in Poland
by Oecd
- 54 Using Student Test Results for Accountability and Improvement: A Literature Review
by Morten Anstorp Rosenkvist - 53 Taking on the Completion Challenge: A Literature Review on Policies to Prevent Dropout and Early School Leaving
by Cecilia S. Lyche - 52 Markets in Education: An Analytical Review of Empirical Research on Market Mechanisms in Education
by Sietske Waslander & Cissy Pater & Maartje van der Weide - 50 Education, Alcohol Use and Abuse Among Young Adults in Britain
by María del Carmen Huerta & Francesca Borgonovi - 48 Initial Teacher Education and Continuing Training Policies in a Comparative Perspective: Current Practices in OECD Countries and a Literature Review on Potential Effects
by Pauline Musset - 47 International Approaches to Teacher Selection and Recruitment
by Andrew J. Hobson & Patricia Ashby & Joanna McIntyre & Angi Malderez - 46 Analysis of PISA 2006 Preferred Items Ranking Using the Percent-Correct Method
by Ray Adams & Alla Berezner & Maciej Jakubowski - 45 How Technology Changes Demands for Human Skills
by Frank Levy - 44 1-1 in Education: Current Practice, International Comparative Research Evidence and Policy Implications
by Oscar Valiente - 43 Summary of the June 2009 educationtoday Crisis Survey: Initial Reflections on the Impact of the Economic Crisis on Education
by Kiira Kärkkäinen - 32 Comparing the Similarities and Differences of PISA 2003 and TIMSS
by Margaret Wu - 31 Does Reading Proficiency at Age 15 Affect Pathways through Learning and Work
by Tomasz Gluszynski & Justin Bayard - 30 How Does Academic Ability Affect Educational and Labour Market Pathways in Canada
by Jorgen Hansen - 29 Impact of Proficiency on Early Entrants to the Labour Market: Evidence from the YITS
by Torben Drewes - 28 Les compétences bien sûr, mais pas seulement : L'influence des compétences cognitives en lecture sur la participation aux études postsecondaires chez les jeunes Canadiens
by Ocde
- 42 School Evaluation: Current Practices in OECD Countries and a Literature Review
by Violaine Faubert - 41 21st Century Skills and Competences for New Millennium Learners in OECD Countries
by Katerina Ananiadou & Magdalean Claro - 39 Education and Obesity in Four OECD Countries
by Franco Sassi & Marion Devaux & Jody Church & Michele Cecchini & Francesca Borgonovi - 38 ICT in Initial Teacher Training: Research Review
by Ann-Britt Enochsson & Caroline Rizza - 36 PIAAC Problem Solving in Technology-Rich Environments: A Conceptual Framework
by PIAAC Expert Group in Problem Solving in Technology-Rich Environments - 35 PIAAC Numeracy: A Conceptual Framework
by PIAAC Numeracy Expert Group - 34 PIAAC Literacy: A Conceptual Framework
by PIAAC Literacy Expert Group - 33 PIAAC Reading Component: A Conceptual Framework
by John P. Sabatini & Kelly M. Bruce - 26 International Adult Literacy and Basic Skills Surveys in the OECD Region
by William Thorn - 25 Do Quasi-markets Foster Innovation in Education?: A Comparative Perspective
by Christopher Lubienski - 24 Assessment and Innovation in Education
by Janet Looney - 23 Teacher Evaluation: Current Practices in OECD Countries and a Literature Review
by Marlène Isoré - 22 What Works in Migrant Education?: A Review of Evidence and Policy Options
by Deborah Nusche - 18 Employers' Perspectives on the Roles of Human Capital Development and Management in Creating Value
by Bo Hansson - 17 Recent Developments in Intellectual Capital Reporting and their Policy Implications
by W. Richard Frederick
- 21 Final Report of the Development of an International Adult Learning Module (OECD AL Module): Recommendations on Methods, Concepts and Questions in International Adult Learning Surveys
by Helmut Kuwan & Ann-Charlotte Larsson - 20 A Framework for Monitoring Transition Systems
by Rolf K. W. van der Velden & Maarten H. J. Wolbers - 19 Job-Related Training and Benefits for Individuals: A Review of Evidence and Explanations
by Bo Hansson - 15 Assessment of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education: a comparative review of selected practices
by Deborah Nusche
- 14 School Accountability, Autonomy, Choice, and the Equity of Student Achievement: International Evidence from PISA 2003
by Gabriela Schütz & Martin R. West & Ludger Wöbmann - 13 School Accountability, Autonomy, Choice, and the Level of Student Achievement: International Evidence from PISA 2003
by Ludger Wöbmann & Elke Lüdemann & Gabriela Schütz & Martin R. West - 12 Education and Civic Engagement: Review of Research and a Study on Norwegian Youths
by Jon Lauglo & Tormod Øia - 11 Skilled Voices?: Reflections on Political Participation and Education in Austria
by Florian Walter & Sieglinde Rosenberger - 10 Effects of Tertiary Expansion: Crowding-out effects and labour market matches for the higher educated
by Bo Hansson - 9 Understanding the Regional Contribution of Higher Education Institutions: A Literature Review
by Peter Arbo & Paul Benneworth - 8 Globalisation and Higher Education
by Simon Marginson & Marijk van der Wende - 7 On the Edge: Securing a Sustainable Future for Higher Education
by Oecd - 6 Funding Systems and their Effects on Higher Education Systems
by Franz Strehl & Sabine Reisinger & Michael Kalatschan
- 5 PISA 2000: Sample Weight Problems in Austria
by Erich Neuwirth
- 3 The Role of National Qualifications Systems in Promoting Lifelong Learning
by Friederike Behringer & Mike Coles