September 1974, Volume 22
- 179-196 Beberapa Landasan Kebijaksanaan Perdagangan Luar Negeri
by Suhadi Mangkusuwondo - 199-205 Bulog And Stabilization Of A Rice Economy
by Leon A. Mears - 209-224 Food And Population Growth
by William C. Thiesenhusen - 225-256 Business Relations Between Indonesia And Japan: A View
by J. Panglaykim
1973, Volume 21
- 3-24 Strategi Transmigrasi Dan Koperasi Didalam Rangka Strategi Nasional
by Subroto - 25-36 Some Thoughts On The Second Five-Year Development Plan Of Indonesia
by Tsuneo Iida - 37-49 The Pattern Of Trade Of Indonesia's Agricultural Commodities And Some Of Its Problems: Pola Perdagangan Komoditi Pertanian Di Indonesia Dan Beberapa Persoalannya
by Mubyarto - 51-64 Some Comments On The 1969 Input Output Table For Indonesia
by Alan M. Strout - 67-72 The State Of The Rural Social Sciences In Indonesia The Need For Supplemental Training And Research
by Alan M. Strout - 73-93 Pertumbuhan Penduduk, Tenaga Kerja, Kesempatan Kerja 1961 - 1971
by Sayuti Hasibuan - 95-112 Program Bantuan Pembangunan Kabupaten/Kotamadya
by Atar Sibero - 113-140 Supply Uang Dan Harga-Harga Di Indonesia: 1961 — 1970
by R.M. Sundrum
September 1973, Volume 21
- 147-160 Indonesia's Experience With The Application Of Technology And Its Employment Effects
by Mohammad Sadli - 161-176 Pemanfaatan Enersi Minyak Dan Gas Bumi Di Indonesia
by Ir. WIjarso - 181-199 Indonesia And The Multinational Corporation: Some Observations On Public Policy Issues For The Future
by H.S. Kartadjoemena - 200-215 Peranan Organisasi Masyarakat Dalam Mensukseskan Pembangunan
by J.B. Sumarlin - 216-224 Regional Income Estimation In Indonesia : Historical Development
by Alex Kerr
Desember 1973, Volume 21
- 227-243 The Economic Future Of The Pacific Basin
by Sumitro Djojohadikusumo - 249-262 Produksi Dan Tataniaga Karet Rakyat Di Jambi, Kalimantan Barat Dan Kalimantan Selatan
by Suhud Tjdkrawerdaja - 263-272 Regional Income Research In Indonesia Concepts And Methodologies
by Alex Kerr & Hendra Esmara - 263-272 Rural Dinamics: Research on Rural Change
by Alan M. Strout
1972, Volume 20
- 3-17 The Future Of The Pacific Community An Indonesian View
by Sumitro Djojohadikusumo - 3-25 Potensi Ekonomi Djakarta Dan Trend Dari Penanaman Modal Baru
by Dorodjatun Kuntjoro Jakti - 18-29 Indonesia's Economy In The 1970's : An Inventory And Prospectus
by David O. Dapice - 28-38 Tjilatjap Development Prospects: An Early Report
by Philip Eldridge - 30-52 Keadaan Industri Dan Buruh Industri Djakarta Dewasa Ini Manufacturing and Industrial Labor Force in Djakarta
by Dorodjatun Kuntjorojakti - 39-58 Indonesian Administrative Productivity : A Challenge For The Future
by Theodore M. Smith - 53-57 Employment Opportunities Created By The High Yielding Rice Varieties In Several Areas On Java
by William L. Collier & Sajogyo - 59-70 Indonesia's Exports And Her Development Plan
by B. S. Muljana - 59-84 Regional Development On Kalimantan Research And Training Needs
by Jeff Romm
1971, Volume 19
- 5-23 The Indonesian Development Effort: The First Successful Year
by Suhadi Mangkusnwondo - 24-61 Some Comparisons In Labor Force Relationships Between Regions Of Indonesia And The Asean Countries
by Everett D. Hawkins - 61-84 A Rational Rice Price Policy
by Leon A. Mears - 84-97 Management Problems In Indonesia: A Survey Of Opinion
by S.B. Joedono & John M. Newmann
1970, Volume 18
- 3-46 Some Compositional Differences Between The Urban And Rural Population In Indonesia Around 1960
by N. Iskandar - 47-58 Bantuan Pembangunan Kepada Kabupaten Dan Kotamadya Case Study Sumatera Bahagian Tengah
by Hendra Esmara - 59-72 Economic Situation And Economic Policies In Indonesia
by Sarbini Sumawinata
1969, Volume 17
- 3-13 An Operational Rice Price Policy For Indonesia
by Leon A. Mears & Saleh Afiff - 14-38 The Effect Of Paddy And Fertilizer Prices On The Optimum Rate Of Fertilizer Use And Farmer's Income
by W. K. Oh - 38-54 Public Law 480 Assistance And Economic Development In Indonesia
by Bruce Glassburner - 55-64 The Role Of Industry In The Framework Of Economic Stabilization
by Mohammad Sadli - 65-80 Tjara Menilai Rentjana Projek Industri Ringan
by Suhadi Mangkusuwondo & J.E. Ismael & Kadarish
1963, Volume 14
- 3-18 Some Aspects Of State Enterprises In Indonesia
by J. Panglaykam - 3-21 Empirical Studies On Production Functions In India
by Widjojo Nitisastro - 5-32 Some Notes From The History Of Marketing (Trading Regulationsets) Indonesia From 1933 To The B.E.L. System Of 1957
by Panglaykim - 5-36 Introduction
by Lpem - 19-46 Carbohydrate Foods In The Indonesian Diet
by Leon A. Mears & Saleh Afiff - 23-32 Some Institutional Aspects In National And Regional Development
by J. E. Ismael - 33-34 Untuk memenuhi permintAan penjelenggara Seminar jang akan diadakan oleh Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia dalam rangka persiapan pendirian Pusat Penelitian Demografi dalam lingkungan Fakultas tersebut. akan kami uraikan hubungan Demografi dengan Ilmu Gizi dalam bentuk Peranan penelitian Demografi dalam penetapan kebutuhan makanan rata2 per caput
by Prof. Poerwo Soedarmo & Dr. Soemilar Sastroamidjojo - 35-42 Dasar2 Dan Tjara Memperhitungkan Kebutuhan Rata2 Per Caput Orang Indonesia Dalam Calori Protein, Vitamin, Mineral
by Lpem - 35-50 Some Notes From The History Of Marketing (Trading Regulationsets) Indonesia From 1933 To The B.E.L. System Of 1957
by Sudarto Tjitrosudarmo - 37-43 Appendix A
by Lpem - 43-57 Notes On Sea-Fisheries Development In Less-Developed Areas
by F.J.E. Tan - 45-52 Appendix B
by Lpem - 47-60 Project Feasibility, Capital Cost And Discounting Procedures
by Carl Devine - 53-62 Government Purchasing Of Rice In East Java
by J. E. Ismael - 59-76 Inflation, Private Capital Formation And Economic Development In Indonesia 1953-1958
by M. Arief Djanin - 79-92 Demonstration Effect. Capital Formation Government Leadership And Cooperative Movement In The Rural Areas
by B. S. Muljana
1962, Volume 13
- 2-24 The Public Sector, Private Sector And Economic Growth Experience In Indonesia
by M. Sadli - 25-45 Labour Shortage And Unemployment In North East Sumatra
by Donald Blake - 47-54 Accounting- A Behavioral Approach
by Carl Devine - 57-64 Some Notes On Economic Theory, Organization Theory, And Decision Theory
by Widjojo Nitisastro - 65-74 Pembelian Padi Pemerintah Di Djawa Timur
by J.E Ismail - 75-91 Masaalah Pembelian Padi Pemerintah Di Djawa Tengah
by Sudarto Tirtosudarmo - 93-102 Some Aspects Of Finance In Countries Attempting To Develop In A Socialist Framework
by Roy J. Henseley - 103-112 Budgeting In A Developing Economy
by Carl Devine - 113-117 A Review Of Developmental Techniques Used In Executive Development Programs
by Kwik Kwan Kiat - 119-127 Developing A Partnership For Expanding Industry And Trade The U.S.A. And Indonesia
by Leon A. Mears - 129-134 Book Review
by Leon A. Mears - 135-139 Timbangan Buku Murray D. Bryce: Industrial Development
by Mohammad Sadli
1961, Volume 12
- 3-14 Beberapa Tindjauan Sekitar Perseroan Terbatas
by W.H Makaliwe - 4-34 Distribution of Income in Enterprises
by R. Stajner - 15-57 Economic Development in Indonesia Through 1958
by Leon A. Mears - 35-86 Laporan Penjelidikan Angkatan Kerdja Berdasarkan Sample Di Djava Dan Madura
by N.K Adyanthaya - 58-70 The Processes Of Changes In The MarKeting Structure Since The Implementation Of Guided Economy
by Wanda Mulia - 71-76 Developing A Mining Industry in Indonesia
by Solomon S. Lieb - 77-84 Timbangan Buku
by Robert W. Campbell - 85-87 Central Banking in South and East Asia
by Gethyn Davies - 87-103 Masalah-Masalah Pokok Sekitar Pembelian Padi Untuk Pemerintah
by Moh. Sadli - 88-98 Tjatatan Tentang Perindustrian Rakjat di Djepang
by Lpem - 97-106 Three Measurements of Population Pressure in Eastern Java
by Don C. Bennett - 107-131 Mekanisme Harga Dalam Perentjanaan
by Moh. Sadli - 132-136 Comment On The Sadli Essay On Price Mechanism
by Donald J. Blake - 137-141 Masalah "Disparitet Harga" dan Export
by Moh. Sadli - 142-152 Distribusi Minjak Tanah Pada Waktu Sekarang
by Wanda Mulia - 153-156 Projek2 Pembangunan Asian Games Dan Persoalan2 Perburuhannja
by Harun Zain - 157-164 The indonesian Life Insurance Business
by Lpem
1960, Volume 11
- 2-47 Monetary Aspects Of Indonesia's Economic Reorganization In 1959
by Ralph Anspach - 48-65 An Economic Analysis Of Revenues From Tourism
by Prof. H. W. Guthrie - 66-113 Business Management Training in Indonesia
by Pang Lay Kim - 117-161 Laporan Penjelidikan Angkatan Kerdja Berdasarkan Sample (Labour Force Sample Survey)
by Lpem - 162-216 Perhitungan Pendapatan National Indonesia Untuk Tahun 1953 Dan 1954
by Muljatno - 217-233 Pemisahan Pimpinan Dan Milik Dan Pengaruhnja Atas Perhitungan Hasil Hasil Badan Usaha
by W.H. Makaliwe Drs Ek. - 227-253 Structural And Operational Aspects Of Public (Especially Industrial) Enterprises In Indonesia
by Mohammad Sadli - 254-273 Suatu Studi Tentang Tenaga-Kerdja Terdidik Di Indonesia
by W. Guthrie & Hartowo - 274-284 Penggunaan Pendapatan Nasional Di Negara Negara Jang Belum Madju Perekonomiannja
by Muljatno - 297-301 Reflection On The Theory Of Economic Growth
by Dr. E. F. Szcsepanik - 302-321 Problems Of Economic Policy In Indonesia, 1950-1957
by Bruce Glassburner - 322-352 Pendudukan Sulawesi Dalam Rangka Pembangunan
by Miendrowo Prawirodjoemeno - 353-362 Meta-Economic Backgrounds Of Economic Fluctuations
by F.J. Etan - 367-389 Segi Segi Pokok Sosial Ekonomi Daripada Fungsi Dan Kedudukan Desa Dalam Pembangunan Nasional
by Drs Soedjono - 390-430 Disekitar Pelaksanaan Rentjana Pembangunan Masjarakat Desa
by R. S. Soeria-Atmadja - 431-434 The Strategy Of Economic DeveLopment: A Note
by Shamsher Ali - 435-471 Population, Unemployment And Economic Development
by Tjan Ping Tjwan - 475-498 Proses-Proses Perobahan Dalam Struktur Perdagangan Sedjak Pelaksanaan Ekonomi Terpimpin
by Wanda Mulia - 499-513 The Relevance Of Growth Models For Less Developed Economies
by Widjojo Nitisastro - 514-527 Apakah Perdagangan Besar/Perantara Masih Mempunjai Daja Dan Hak Hidup?
by Barli Halim - 529-549 The Transformation Of Yugoslav Agriculture Along Socialist Lines
by Dusan Lopandic - 550-554 An Appropriate Concept Of Entrepreneurship For Underdeveloped Areas
by J.B. Glassburner - 555-559 Timbanan Buku
by Murray D. Bryce
1959, Volume 10
- 2-22 Rural Credit in Australia
by Oentoeng Soebroto - 25-35 Economic Considerations in Mineral Development in Indonesia
by James F. Mcdivitt - 35-46 Peranan Bank Rakjat Indonesia (B.R.I) Dalam Kredit Lingkungan Pertanian
by R. Achmad Soemarsono - 48-80 Developing The Managerial Resources Of Indonesia
by Lynton K. Caldwell & Howard L. Timms - 81-108 Developing The Managerial Resources Of Indonesia
by Lynton K. Caldwell & Howard L. Timms - 112-136 Memperkembang Sumber Sumber Managerial Di Indonesia
by Pang Lay Kim - 137-163 Labor-Management Relations As A Strategic Factor In Indonesia's Development
by Everett D. Hawkins - 170-188 Deficit Financing For Development And Its Inflationary Impact
by Shu Chin Yang - 189-203 Banking And Development In A Central Javanese City
by Richard S. Weckstein - 204-212 An Institutional Approach To Economic Development
by S. Sundaru - 213-226 Determinants Of Rural Demand For Credit
by Oentoeng Soebroto - 227-238 An International Approach To Problems Of Rice Processing
by Ralph W. Phillips - 239-269 The Distribution Of Padang Portland Cement In Djakarta
by Tan Kok Liem - 272-318 Devaluation In Indonesia Its Usefulness And Limitations
by C. Budiarjo - 319-337 Mineral Resources In The Economic Development Of Indonesia
by James F. Mcdivitt - 338-344 An International Approach To Problems Of Rice Processing
by M. Manni & A. Atten - 345-352 Cooperatives As Social Coal And As Means For Economic Development
by Suhadi Mangkusuwondo - 355-486 Padjak di Indonesia
by M.D. Idris
- 3-19 The Budget and its Implications
by Sumitro Djojohadikusumo - 20-27 A Note on Taxation and Inflation
by B.H. Higgins - 28-34 De Effectieve Koers Van De Rupiah
by W. Drees Jr - 35-39 What Can Be Done About The Payments Problem
by Mr. Ivar Rooth - 40-45 Een Eude Theorie In Een Nieuw Kleed
by W. Drees Jr - 45-47 A Proposal to build up the Institutional Framework for Economic Development in Indonesia
by R. Kovary - 50-52 Reorganisatie En Herwaardering
by W. J. Minzinga Zijlstra - 53-76 Report On Indonesia's Balance Of Payments Submitted Hy The Minister Of Finance Parliament On December 13, 1952
by Lpem - 76-82 Prof. Dr. O. Bakker De Budget Eyelus In De Openbare Finaneien Van Nederland
by Uitg. N.V. W. F. Van Stockum & Zn., Den Haag - 82-83 “Les aspects financiers, fiscaux et bndgctaircs du developpement des pays sous developpes travaux de I’ Instituut international de finanees publiques"
by W. P. Van Stockum & Zoon, La Haye - 84-87 General Agreement on Tarrifs and Trade (GATT) Zevende sitting Geneve 2 Oct. - 10 Nov. 1952
by A.L. Van Exel - 87-90 Wetten, Koninklijke Besluiten, Ordonnantien En Regeringsverordeningen
by A.L. Van Exel - 94-98 The Central Bank of Indonesia
by Sumitro Djojohadikusumo - 99-101 The Significance of the International Rice Conference at Bangkok
by Peter B. Diebold. - 102-102 Hubungan Keuangan Antaba Pemerintah Pusat Dan Daerah
by J. De Bruine - 103-123 Financiele Verhouding Tussen De Centrale Regering En De Daerahs
by J. De Bruine - 124-137 De Huidige Locale Belastingwetgeving
by H. Van Breen - 138-143 Staatsboekhouding Op Hoger Plan
by P. L. Ek - 144-147 Enkele Besehouivingen over de Administratie van Cultuurondernemingen,mede naar aanleiding van de Herziening van art. 1.3 Vennootschapsbelasting
by J.A Burggraaff - 147-150 Self-Governing Institution of Social Groups with common Economic Interests to Support Governmental Planning
by R. Kovary - 158-158 Latar Belakang Pertimbangan-Pertimbangan Sekitar Perubahan Bajaran Tambahan Import
by Sadli - 159-169 The Background of the Modified Import Regulation
by Sadli - 170-183 Macro-Economics And Public Policy In Economically Underdeveloped Areas
by Sumitro Djojohadikusumo - 184-185 An “Industrial Development Corporation” To Support The Realisation Of Planned Projects
by R. Kovary - 186-189 Enige Aspecten Van Een Staatstermogensbalans
by CH. Teulings - 190-190 Penjusunan Neratja Pembajaran Internasional
by H. Talma - 191-208 De Opbouw Van Ie Internationale Betalingsbalans
by H. Talma - 209-215 Economie In Zestien Bladzijden
by Prof. Dr. Ir. J. Goudriaan & J.H. DeBussy - 219-227 Some Economic Aspects of Multiple Exchange Rates
by E. M Bernstein - 228-236 The Rationale of Import Surcharges
by Benjamin Higgins - 237-236 Economic Review of 1952 and Outlook for 1953
by Monetary Research Section - 264-270 The Utilisation of Domestic Capital for The Promotion of Economic Development
by K.H Dronkers - 271-276 The Problem of Industrialization
by J.J Hartemink - 277-280 Bespiegelingen Over Een Middeleeuws Vonnis
by W.F Prins - 282-289 Een merkwaardige uitspraak van de Raad van Beroep voor Belastingzaken
by J.A Van Veen & H. Merckens - 290-294 Fiscale Gevolgen Van Illegale Bedrijfshandelingen
by W. J. Minzinga Zijlstra - 295-301 De Verdeling Van De Aandelen In De Central Belastingopbrengsten Over De Daerahs
by J. De Bruine - 302-304 Nogmaals: De Huidige Locale Belastingwetgeving Met Naschrift Van H. Van Breen
by J. De Bruine - 305-312 The Keynesia Revolution
by A. Oudt - 314-325 Some Aspects Of The Relation Between The The State And General Banking
by C.F Scheferr - 326-329 Multiple Option Clauses In Indonesian Bonds And The Meaning Of The Word "Par"
by W. Drees Jr - 330-340 Vermogensrechtelijke Staatsboekhouding Als Basis Van Efficientie-Controle In Het Openbaar Bestuur
by Abram Mey - 341-349 The Present Status Of The Exploitation Of Minerals In South ast Asia
by F.J Ormeling - 350-359 De Ruilvoet Van Indonesie
by A. Oudt - 361-367 Pembahagian Kepada Daerah Daerah Daripada Bahagiannja Dalam Hasil Padjak Pusat
by J. De Bruine - 368-372 Monetary Liabilities And The Composition Of The Monetary Balance Sheet
by C.F Scheffer - 373-378 Uraian Singkat Tentang Perusahaan Garam Negeri
by R. Soewahjo - 381-385 Balanced Development of Agriculture and Industry
by Sumitro Djojohadikusumo - 386-402 Belastingbeffing Naar De Winst En Valutadepreciatie
by H. Van Breen - 403-408 Vermogensrecbtelijke Staatsboekbouding Als Basis Van Efficientie-Controle In Bet Openbaar Bestuur
by Abram Mey - 409-417 The Present Statns of the Exploitation of Minerals in South East Asia
by F.J Ormeling - 418-418 Perhubungan Keuangan AntaraPemerintah Pusat dan Daerah Daerah
by M.D Harahap - 419-425 Financiele Verbouding Tussen De Centrale Regering En De Daerahs
by M.D Harahap - 430-440 Tindjauan Ekonomi Tabun 1952 Dan Kemungkinan Perkembangan Untuk 1953
by Lpem - 441-450 Recent Publication Literatuur Over De Grondstoffen-Valuta
by W.P Egle & F.A Hayek & F.T Bauer & F.W Paish - 452-460 Stabiiization Through Monetization
by Khouw Bian Tie - 462-462 Statistik Indonesia Dan Tjara Mengambil Tjontoh Pertjobaan Berdasar Kemungkinan
by N. Keyfitz - 463-470 Indonesian Statistics and Probability Sampling
by N. Keyfitz - 471-481 Wetten, Koninklijke Besluiten, Ordonnantien en Regeringsverordeningen
by G. C. Suermondt - 482-487 Beiastingbeffing Naar De Winst En Valutadepreciatie — II. Fiscale Maatregeien In Indonesie
by H. Van Breen - 504-504 Andil Tambaban Dalam Bea Keluar Dan Tjukai Untuk Daerah Daerah, Jang Basil Produksinja Merupakan Alat Alat P embajaran Luar Negeri Untuk Negara
by J. De Bruine - 505-508 Een Extra Aandeel In De Uitvoerrechten En Accijnzen Voor De Z.G. Deviezenproduceren De Daerahs
by J. De Bruine - 517-535 Economic Developments in 1953
by National Planning Bureau - 536-541 Criteria For Assessing The Value And Attractiveness Of "Tied" Transactions
by A.M De Neuman - 542-550 Penimbunan Barang Dan Tingkatan Harga (Hoarding Of Goods And The Price-Level)
by Oey Beng To - 551-579 Notities Naar Aanileiding Van Het Aanpassingsbesluit Vennootschapsbelasting 1953 (Some Notes In Connection With The Decree Of Revalorisation/Company Tax 1953
by H. Van Breen - 580-580 Pembatasan-pembatasan Dari Kemungkinan-kemungkinan Pembeajaan Guna Penanaman Modal Pandjang Dinegeri Jang Susunannja Belum Seimbang
by R. Kovary - 581-589 Probleme Der Finanzierung Langfristiger Investitionen In Strukturell Unausgegliobenen Landern
by R. Kovary - 590-606 Criteria En Normen In De Economische Politiek (Criteria And Standards In Economic Policy)
by A. Kraal - 607-610 Papiergeld Of Metaalgeld (Notes Or Coins)
by J. A. Burggraaff