- 612-624 Have The Cake And Eat It Too? Saving, Inflation And Economic Development
by Joachim Ahrensdorf - 625-639 Approaches to the National Economic Planning in Indonesia
by A. M. de Neuman - 640-640 Djumlah Penduduk Indonesia
by N. Keyfitz - 641-653 The Population of Indonesia
by N. Keyfitz - 656-663 Perkembangan Perkembangan Ekonomi Dalam Th. 1953 (Economic Developments In 1953)
by Seksi Moneter Kementerian Keuangan - 664-665 A New Way To The Exploitation Of Tropical Jungles
by Otto J. Hierholzer - 666-666 Hubungan Keuangan Dan Padjak Dan Retribusi Retribusi Setempat
by J. De Bruine - 667-682 De Financiele Verhouding En De Locale Belasting En Retributieen
by J. De Bruine - 684-694 The Interdependence Of Agricultural And Industrial Planning In An Under-Developed Country
by Peter B. Diebold - 695-707 Notifies Naar Aanleiding Van Het Afschrijvingsbesluit Vennootschapsbelasting 1953
by H. van Breen - 712-719 De Financiele Verhouding Eti De Locale Belastingen En Retributien
by J. de Bruine - 720-730 Have We A Chance In The Competition Against Synthetic Rubber?
by J. E. Tjia Bing Sien - 732-738 Instability Trade and Economic Development
by Sumitro Djojohadikusumo - 739-744 Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis in Economics
by C.F Scheffer - 745-767 Indonesie En Suiker
by A. Kraal - 768-778 Technical Assistance And Economic Development With Special Refetence To The United Nations Expanded Programme
by Eric E. Ward - 779-783 Dray Distillationof Wood
by Otto J. Hierholzer - 783-790 Fen Vaste Commissie Van Advies Voor De Financiele Verhouding
by J. De Bruine - 791-794 Hubungan Keuangan Dan Padjak Dan Retribusi-Retribusi Setempat
by J. De Bruine