May 2010, Volume 93, Issue 2
- 307-319 The Drivers of Green Brand Equity: Green Brand Image, Green Satisfaction, and Green Trust
by Yu-Shan Chen - 321-333 Indigenous Characteristics of Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility Conceptual Paradigm
by Shangkun Xu & Rudai Yang - 335-353 Ethics, Diversity Management, and Financial Reporting Quality
by Réal Labelle & Rim Makni Gargouri & Claude Francoeur - 355-355 Erratum to: Ethics, Diversity Management, and Financial Reporting Quality
by Réal Labelle & Rim Gargouri & Claude Francoeur
April 2010, Volume 93, Issue 1
- 1-19 Half a Century of Marketing Ethics: Shifting Perspectives and Emerging Trends
by Bodo Schlegelmilch & Magdalena Öberseder - 21-37 An Examination of the Layers of Workplace Influences in Ethical Judgments: Whistleblowing Likelihood and Perseverance in Public Accounting
by Eileen Taylor & Mary Curtis - 39-50 Organizations Behaving Badly: When Are Discreditable Actions Likely to Damage Organizational Reputation?
by A. Reuber & Eileen Fischer - 51-71 Strategization of CSR
by Ziva Sharp & Nurit Zaidman - 73-90 Does Giving Lead to Getting? Evidence from Chinese Private Enterprises
by Jun Su & Jia He - 91-101 Love, Forgiveness, and Trust: Critical Values of the Modern Leader
by Cam Caldwell & Rolf Dixon - 103-114 Understanding Managerial Work Values in Turkey
by Duysal Askun & Ela Oz & Olcay Aşkun - 115-135 On the Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility: International Evidence on the Financial Industry
by Hsiang-Lin Chih & Hsiang-Hsuan Chih & Tzu-Yin Chen - 137-160 Business Ethics Research with an Accounting Focus: A Bibliometric Analysis from 1988 to 2007
by Özgür Özmen Uysal - 161-188 Advancing the Business and Human Rights Agenda: Dialogue, Empowerment, and Constructive Engagement
by Sébastien Mena & Marieke Leede & Dorothée Baumann & Nicky Black & Sara Lindeman & Lindsay McShane
June 2010, Volume 93, Issue 1
- 1-8 About Global Leadership and Global Ethics, and a Possible Moral Compass: an Introduction to the Special Issue
by Marc Jones & Carla Millar - 9-14 Ethical Leadership and Global Citizenship: Considerations for a Just and Sustainable Future
by Deborah Poff - 15-32 The Global Moral Compass for Business Leaders
by Lindsay Thompson - 33-52 The Role of Ethical Leadership Versus Institutional Constraints: A Simulation Study of Financial Misreporting by CEOs
by Stephen Chen - 53-72 The Impact of CEO Characteristics on Corporate Social Performance
by Mikko Manner - 73-92 Exploring Value Compasses of Leaders in Organizations: Introducing Nine Spiritual Anchors
by Fahri Karakas - 93-111 Responsible Leaders for Inclusive Globalization: Cases in Nicaragua and the Democratic Republic of the Congo
by Josep Mària & Josep Lozano - 113-129 Managing Under Duress: Ethical Leadership, Social Capital and the Civilian Administration of the British Channel Islands During the Nazi Occupation, 1940–1945
by Paul Sanders - 131-138 Machiavelli and the Global Compass: Ends and Means in Ethics and Leadership
by Phil Harris
April 2010, Volume 92, Issue 4
- 479-491 Integrating Ethics and Strategy: A Pragmatic Approach
by Alan Singer - 493-511 Constructing Illegitimacy? Cartels and Cartel Agreements in Finnish Business Media from Critical Discursive Perspective
by Marjo Siltaoja & Meri Vehkaperä - 513-530 From Rational to Wise Action: Recasting Our Theories of Entrepreneurship
by Laura Dunham - 531-551 Slipstreaming the Larger Boats: Social Responsibility in Medium-Sized Businesses
by Lutz Preuss & Jack Perschke - 553-563 A Study of Deviance as a Retaliatory Response to Organizational Power
by Randi Sims - 565-584 A Step Forward: Ethics Education Matters!
by Cubie Lau - 585-600 Self-regulation, Corporate Social Responsibility, and the Business Case: Do they Work in Achieving Workplace Equality and Safety?
by Susan Hart - 601-618 The Ethics of Organizations: A Longitudinal Study of the U.S. Working Population
by Muel Kaptein - 619-635 On the (Re)Construction of Corruption in the Media: A Critical Discursive Approach
by Eric Breit - 637-654 The Ethical Environment of Tax Professionals: Partner and Non-Partner Perceptions and Experiences
by Donna Bobek & Amy Hageman & Robin Radtke - 655-655 Beyond Acclamations and Excuses: Environmental Performance, Voluntary Environmental Disclosure, and the Role of Visibility
by Cedric Dawkins & John Fraas
March 2010, Volume 92, Issue 3
- 323-339 Compensatory Ethics
by Chen-Bo Zhong & Gillian Ku & Robert Lount & J. Murnighan - 341-359 Relationships among Perceived Organizational Core Values, Corporate Social Responsibility, Ethics, and Organizational Performance Outcomes: An Empirical Study of Information Technology Professionals
by K. Jin & Ronald Drozdenko - 361-372 The Limits of Strategic Rationality: Ethics, Enterprise Risk Management, and Governance
by David Weitzner & James Darroch - 373-384 Participation in the Workplace: Are Employees Special?
by Jeffrey Moriarty - 385-400 Metaphors and the Application of a Corporate Code of Ethics
by Simone Zolingen & Hakan Honders - 401-413 Does Corporate Social Responsibility Matter in Asian Emerging Markets?
by Yan Cheung & Weiqiang Tan & Hee-Joon Ahn & Zheng Zhang - 415-432 The Moderating Effect of Equal Opportunity Support and Confidence in Grievance Procedures on Sexual Harassment from Different Perpetrators
by M. Hershcovis & Sharon Parker & Tara Reich - 433-450 The Egyptian Worker: Work Beliefs and Attitudes
by Yusuf Sidani & Dima Jamali - 451-461 An Empirical Investigation into the Role of Personal-Related Factors on Corporate Travel Policy Compliance
by Anneli Douglas & Berendien Lubbe - 463-478 How do Small and Medium Enterprises Go “Green”? A Study of Environmental Management Programs in the U.S. Wine Industry
by Mark Cordano & R. Marshall & Murray Silverman
March 2010, Volume 92, Issue 2
- 167-182 Assessing the “Tone at the Top”: The Moral Reasoning of CEOs in the Automobile Industry
by James Weber - 183-194 Degussa AG and its Holocaust Legacy
by Al Rosenbloom & RuthAnn Althaus - 195-210 Employee Participation in Cause-Related Marketing Strategies: A Study of Management Perceptions from British Consumer Service Industries
by Gordon Liu & Catherine Liston-Heyes & Wai-Wai Ko - 211-225 Toward Greater Consciousness in the 21st Century Workplace: How Buddhist Practices Fit In
by Joan Marques - 227-249 Business and the Public Affairs of Slavery: A Discursive Approach of an Ethical Public Issue
by Nicolas Dahan & Milton Gittens - 251-267 Relationship-Oriented Cultures, Corruption, and International Marketing Success
by Jennifer Chandler & John Graham - 269-276 The Association Between Ethical Conflict and Adverse Outcomes
by Linda Thorne - 277-277 Erratum to: The Association Between Ethical Conflict and Adverse Outcomes
by Alice Gaudine & Linda Thorne - 279-290 Challenges to Legitimacy at the Forest Stewardship Council
by Donald Schepers - 291-303 Ethical Marginality: The Icarus Syndrome and Banality of Wrongdoing
by Dennis Balch & Robert Armstrong - 305-322 Stakeholder Forces of Socially Responsible Supply Chain Management Orientation
by Haesun Park-Poaps & Kathleen Rees
April 2010, Volume 92, Issue 2
- 147-150 Introduction: “Fair Trade in Different National Contexts”
by Benjamin Huybrechts & Darryl Reed - 151-179 Developing a Normatively Grounded Research Agenda for Fair Trade: Examining the Case of Canada
by Darryl Reed & Bob Thomson & Ian Hussey & Jean-Frédéric LeMay - 181-203 Fair Trade in Italy: Too Much ‘Movement’ in the Shop?
by Leonardo Becchetti & Marco Costantino - 205-216 Demystifying Fair Trade in France: The History of an Ambiguous Project
by Nil Özçağlar-Toulouse & Amina Béji-Bécheur & Matthieu Gateau & Philippe Robert-Demontrond - 217-240 Fair Trade Organizations in Belgium: Unity in Diversity?
by Benjamin Huybrechts - 241-255 Fair Trade: Towards an Economics of Virtue
by Alex Nicholls - 257-266 For Love or Money? Fairtrade Business Models in the UK Supermarket Sector
by Sally Smith - 267-285 Fair Trade Standards, Corporate Participation, and Social Movement Responses in the United States
by Daniel Jaffee - 287-299 In the Name of Conservation: CAFE Practices and Fair Trade in Mexico
by Marie-Christine Renard - 301-315 Are Stated Preferences Confirmed by Purchasing Behaviours? The Case of Fair Trade-Certified Bananas in Switzerland
by Thuriane Mahé - 317-330 Fair Trade and the Depersonalization of Ethics
by Jérôme Ballet & Aurélie Carimentrand - 331-345 Are Fair Trade Goods Credence Goods? A New Proposal, with French Illustrations
by Gaëlle Balineau & Ivan Dufeu
March 2010, Volume 92, Issue 1
- 1-13 A Ten-Step Model for Academic Integrity: A Positive Approach for Business Schools
by Cam Caldwell - 15-32 Bribery in International Business Transactions
by Christopher Baughn & Nancy Bodie & Mark Buchanan & Michael Bixby - 33-47 Analyzing the Politics of Health Care: Let’s Buy Ourselves Some Civilization
by Bill Shaw & Jessica Magaldi - 49-62 South Korean Chaebols and Value-Based Management
by Sviatoslav Moskalev & Seung Park - 63-78 Children’s Labor Market Involvement, Household Work, and Welfare: A Brazilian Case Study
by J. French - 79-85 Exceeding Our Grasp: Curricular Change and the Challenge to the Assumptive World
by Samuel Natale & Sebastian Sora - 87-106 Safety and Ethics in the Global Workplace: Asymmetries in Culture and Infrastructure
by Oswaldo Lorenzo & Paul Esqueda & Janelle Larson - 107-126 Does Social Performance Really Lead to Financial Performance? Accounting for Endogeneity
by Roberto Garcia-Castro & Miguel Ariño & Miguel Canela - 127-147 The Rise and Stall of a Fair Trade Pioneer: The Cafédirect Story
by Iain Davies & Bob Doherty & Simon Knox - 149-166 A New Methodological Approach for Studying Moral Reasoning Among Managers in Business Settings
by James Weber & Elaine McGivern
April 2010, Volume 92, Issue 1
- 1-19 Putting Sustainable Investing into Practice: A Governance Framework for Pension Funds
by Claire Woods & Roger Urwin - 21-39 Being Virtuous and Prosperous: SRI’s Conflicting Goals
by Benjamin Richardson & Wes Cragg - 41-56 Different Markets for Different Folks: Exploring the Challenges of Mainstreaming Responsible Investment Practices
by Kenneth Amaeshi - 57-78 A Social Movement Perspective on Finance: How Socially Responsible Investment Mattered
by Diane-Laure Arjaliès - 79-97 Effective Shareholder Engagement: The Factors that Contribute to Shareholder Salience
by E. Gifford - 99-115 Responsible Property Investing in Canada: Factoring Both Environmental and Social Impacts in the Canadian Real Estate Market
by Tessa Hebb & Ashley Hamilton & Heather Hachigian - 117-130 The Environmental Performance of Dutch Government Bond Funds
by Bert Scholtens - 131-145 Sovereign Bonds and Socially Responsible Investment
by Bastien Drut
February 2010, Volume 91, Issue 4
- 457-465 Values and the American Manager: A Three-Decade Perspective
by B. Posner - 467-483 The Role of Ethics and Social Responsibility in Organizational Success: A Spanish Perspective
by Scott Vitell & Encarnación Ramos & Ceri Nishihara - 485-500 The Influence of Cultural Values on Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility: Application of Hofstede’s Dimensions to Korean Public Relations Practitioners
by Yungwook Kim & Soo-Yeon Kim - 501-518 The Impact of Diversity Promise Fulfillment on Professionals of Color Outcomes in the USA
by E. Buttner & Kevin Lowe & Lenora Billings-Harris - 519-533 Islam and CSR: A Study of the Compatibility Between the Tenets of Islam and the UN Global Compact
by Geoffrey Williams & John Zinkin - 535-551 ‘If I Should Fall From Grace…’: Stories of Change and Organizational Ethics
by Carl Rhodes & Alison Pullen & Stewart Clegg - 553-566 Regressive Tax Rates and the Unethical Taxation of Salaried Income
by Donald Nichols & William Wempe - 567-586 Business and Children: Mapping Impacts, Managing Responsibilities
by Andrew Crane & Bahar Kazmi - 587-597 RETRACTED ARTICLE: Modern Business Ethics Research: Concepts, Theories, and Relationships
by Hsing-Chau Tseng & Chi-Hsiang Duan & Hui-Lien Tung & Hsiang-Jui Kung - 599-614 Corporate Social Responsibility in the Blogosphere
by Christian Fieseler & Matthes Fleck & Miriam Meckel
February 2010, Volume 91, Issue 3
- 313-318 Ethics of Celebrities and Their Increasing Influence in 21st Century Society
by Chong Choi & Ron Berger - 319-327 The Political Dimension: Added Value for Cross-Cultural Analysis. Nozawa and Smits, Two CEOs and Their Public Statements
by Robert Es & Thomas Pels - 329-341 The Stockholder – A Lesson for Business Ethics from Bioethics?
by John Hardwig - 343-358 Defining Respectful Leadership: What It Is, How It Can Be Measured, and Another Glimpse at What It Is Related to
by Niels Quaquebeke & Tilman Eckloff - 359-378 Growth via Intellectual Property Rights Versus Gendered Inequity in Emerging Economies: An Ethical Dilemma for International Business
by Pallab Paul & Kausiki Mukhopadhyay - 379-390 Cultural Competences: An Important Resource in the Industry–NGO Dialog
by Maria Joutsenvirta & Liisa Uusitalo - 391-404 Stakeholders’ Perceptions and Future Scenarios to Improve Corporate Social Responsibility in Hong Kong and Mainland China
by Joyce Tsoi - 405-418 Ethical Judgments in Business Ethics Research: Definition, and Research Agenda
by John Sparks & Yue Pan - 419-432 Guanxi Management as Complex Adaptive Systems: a Case Study of Taiwanese ODI in China
by Meiling Wong - 433-450 Beyond the Game: Perceptions and Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Professional Sport Industry
by Hela Sheth & Kathy Babiak - 451-456 Book Review
by Aloy Soppe
February 2010, Volume 91, Issue 2
- 167-170 Editorial: Corporate Social Responsibility in Latin America
by Adam Lindgreen & José-Rodrigo Córdoba - 171-192 Stakeholders Pressures and Strategic Prioritisation: An Empirical Analysis of Environmental Responses in Argentinean Firms
by D. Vazquez-Brust & C. Liston-Heyes & J. Plaza-Úbeda & J. Burgos-Jiménez - 193-209 CSR, Sustainability and the Meaning of Global Reporting for Latin American Corporations
by Luis Perez-Batres & Van Miller & Michael Pisani - 211-227 The Evolution of Corporate Social Reporting Practices in Mexico
by Moriah Meyskens & Karen Paul - 229-242 Corporate Social Responsibility in Colombia: Making Sense of Social Strategies
by Adam Lindgreen & José-Rodrigo Córdoba & François Maon & José Mendoza - 243-263 How do Leading Retail MNCs Leverage CSR Globally? Insights from Brazil
by Luciano Barin Cruz & Dirk Boehe - 265-277 Corporate Social Responsibility and Multinational Corporation Identity: Norwegian Strategies in the Chilean Aquaculture Industry
by Lars Huemer - 279-289 Responsible Retailing: The Practice of CSR in Banana Plantations in Costa Rica
by Pamela Robinson - 291-310 Consumer Reactions to CSR: A Brazilian Perspective
by Sergio Carvalho & Sankar Sen & Márcio Oliveira Mota & Renata Lima - 311-324 Corporate Behavior, Social Cynicism, and Their Effect on Individuals’ Perceptions of the Company
by Claudio Aqueveque & Catherine Encina - 325-346 Corporate Social Responsibility, Product Differentiation Strategy and Export Performance
by Dirk Boehe & Luciano Barin Cruz
January 2010, Volume 91, Issue 2
- 155-166 Modelling CSR: How Managers Understand the Responsibilities of Business Towards Society
by Esben Pedersen - 167-181 Attitudes About Corporate Social Responsibility: Business Student Predictors
by Robert Kolodinsky & Timothy Madden & Daniel Zisk & Eric Henkel - 183-194 Ethical Attitudes of Accounting Practitioners: Are Rank and Ethical Attitudes Related?
by Stephen Conroy & Tisha Emerson & Frank Pons - 195-206 Positive Job Response and Ethical Job Performance
by Sean Valentine & Philip Varca & Lynn Godkin & Tim Barnett - 207-221 Investigating Stakeholder Theory and Social Capital: CSR in Large Firms and SMEs
by Angeloantonio Russo & Francesco Perrini - 223-236 Ethics Statements of Public Relations Firms: What Do They Say?
by Eyun-Jung Ki & Soo-Yeon Kim - 237-252 Predicting the Use of Pirated Software: A Contingency Model Integrating Perceived Risk with the Theory of Planned Behavior
by Chechen Liao & Hong-Nan Lin & Yu-Ping Liu - 253-274 Development of Corporate Governance Regulations: The Case of an Emerging Economy
by Javed Siddiqui - 275-297 Unethical and Unwell: Decrements in Well-Being and Unethical Activity at Work
by Robert Giacalone & Mark Promislo - 299-311 The Ethics of Food Advertising Targeted Toward Children: Parental Viewpoint
by Aysen Bakir & Scott Vitell
January 2010, Volume 91, Issue 1
- 1-19 Do Markets Crowd Out Virtues? An Aristotelian Framework
by J. Graafland - 21-33 “As far as is Reasonably Practicable”: Socially Constructing Risk, Safety, and Accidents in Military Operations
by Nick Turner & Sarah Tennant - 35-49 The Current Arab Work Ethic: Antecedents, Implications, and Potential Remedies
by Yusuf Sidani & Jon Thornberry - 51-63 Corporate Philanthropic Disaster Response and Ownership Type: Evidence from Chinese Firms’ Response to the Sichuan Earthquake
by Ran Zhang & Zabihollah Rezaee & Jigao Zhu - 65-82 Analyzing Insider Trading from the Perspectives of Utilitarian Ethics and Rights Theory
by Robert McGee - 83-93 Three Primary Trust Pathways Underlying Ethical Considerations
by Waymond Rodgers - 95-111 Business Ethics and Karl Marx’s Theory of Capital – Reflections on Making Use of Capital for Developing China’s Socialist Market Economy
by Xiaohe Lu - 113-126 Evolutionary Processes, Moral Luck, and the Ethical Responsibilities of the Manager
by S. Velamuri & Nicholas Dew - 127-143 Applying Rawlsian Approaches to Resolve Ethical Issues: Inventory and Setting of a Research Agenda
by Neelke Doorn - 145-154 The Moral Floor: A Philosophical Examination of the Connection Between Ethics and Business
by Brian Burton & Michael Goldsby
February 2010, Volume 91, Issue 1
- 1-2 Rethinking the Value of Business Ethics: Introduction on the Special Issue
by Allan Chan & Ludwig Chang & Vivienne Luk & Noel Siu - 3-16 Virtuous Decision Making for Business Ethics
by Chris Provis - 17-35 The Money Making in Ancient China: A Literature Review Journey Through Ancient Texts
by Chan Florence - 37-48 The Monster of Supercapitalism
by Alex Michalos - 49-60 What We Believe Is Not Always What We Do: An Empirical Investigation into Ethically Questionable Behavior in Consumption
by Kyoko Fukukawa & Christine Ennew - 61-72 Consumer Support for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): The Role of Religion and Values
by Bala Ramasamy & Matthew Yeung & Alan Au - 73-110 What Makes Customers Discontent with Service Providers? An Empirical Analysis of Complaint Handling in Information and Communication Technology Services
by Hubert Chan & E. Ngai - 111-121 Employee Orientation and Performance: An Exploration of the Mediating Role of Customer Orientation
by Junfeng Zhang - 123-135 The SINS in Business Negotiations: Explore the Cross-Cultural Differences in Business Ethics Between Canada and China
by Zhenzhong Ma - 137-149 The Influence of Accounting Firms on Clients’ Immoral Behaviors in China
by Qinqin Zheng & Zhiqiang Li - 151-166 Ethical Dilemmas in Auditing: Dishonesty or Unintentional Bias?
by Andrés Guiral & Waymond Rodgers & Emiliano Ruiz & José Gonzalo
December 2009, Volume 90, Issue 4
- 441-446 Introduction to the Special Issue on the Impact of Network Ethics on Business Practices
by Antonino Vaccaro & Adele Santana & Donna Wood - 447-460 Adam Smith’s Vision of the Ethical Manager
by George Bragues - 453-472 Toward a Better Understanding of Organizational Efforts to Rebuild Reputation Following an Ethical Scandal
by Ronald Sims - 461-486 Hierarchical Motive Structures and Their Role in Moral Choices
by Richard Bagozzi & Leslie Sekerka & Vanessa Hill - 473-501 Applying a Universal Content and Structure of Values in Construction Management
by Grant Mills & Simon Austin & Derek Thomson & Hannah Devine-Wright - 487-503 The Practice of Networking: An Ethical Approach
by Domènec Melé - 503-521 Inconsistencies in Activists’ Behaviours and the Ethics of NGOs
by Yves Fassin - 505-522 Web 2.0 Social Networks: The Role of Trust
by Sonja Grabner-Kräuter - 523-531 Global Ethics of Collective Internet Governance: Intrinsic Motivation and Open Source Software
by Chong Choi & Sae Kim & Shui Yu - 523-536 Corporate Responsibilities in Internet-Enabled Social Networks
by Stephen Chen - 533-547 Ethical Leadership: Examining the Relationships with Full Range Leadership Model, Employee Outcomes, and Organizational Culture
by Shamas-ur-Rehman Toor & George Ofori - 537-549 Deception in Business Networks: Is It Easier to Lie Online?
by Jeanne Logsdon & Karen Patterson - 549-560 Socially Responsible Investing: Is Your Fiduciary Duty at Risk?
by William Martin - 551-564 Three Roads to P2P Systems and Their Impact on Business Practices and Ethics
by Ugo Pagallo & Massimo Durante - 561-576 Fraud, Enforcement Action, and the Role of Corporate Governance: Evidence from China
by Chunxin Jia & Shujun Ding & Yuanshun Li & Zhenyu Wu - 565-574 Networks, Social Norms and Knowledge Sub-Networks
by Carla Millar & Chong Choi - 575-588 The FairWear Campaign: An Ethical Network in the Australian Garment Industry
by Rosaria Burchielli & Annie Delaney & Jane Tate & Kylie Coventry - 577-591 The Impact of Ethical Climate on Project Status Misreporting
by H. Smith & Ron Thompson & Charalambos Iacovou - 589-606 Fair Trade in France: From Individual Innovators to Contemporary Networks
by Nil Özçağlar-Toulouse & Amina Béji-Bécheur & Patrick Murphy - 593-606 Strategic Risk-Taking Propensity: The Role of Ethical Climate and Marketing Output Control
by Amit Saini & Kelly Martin - 607-621 Shaping Sustainable Value Chains: Network Determinants of Supply Chain Governance Models
by Clodia Vurro & Angeloantonio Russo & Francesco Perrini - 607-622 A New Generation of Corporate Codes of Ethics
by Cynthia Stohl & Michael Stohl & Lucy Popova - 623-637 Cooperation in Stakeholder Networks: Firms’ ‘Tertius Iungens’ Role
by Elisabet Garriga - 639-648 Dynamic Transparency, Prudential Justice, and Corporate Transformation: Becoming Socially Responsible in the Internet Age
by Peter Madsen - 649-659 Network Ethics: Information and Business Ethics in a Networked Society
by Luciano Floridi - 661-681 Ethics and the Networked Business
by Adele Santana & Antonino Vaccaro & Donna Wood
December 2009, Volume 90, Issue 3
- 253-254 Introduction
by Patrick Flanagan & Marilynn Fleckenstein & Victoria Shoaf & Patricia Werhane - 255-265 The Status of Contemporary Business Ethics Research: Present and Future
by Zhenzhong Ma - 267-275 Inverting the Pyramid of Values? Trends in Less-Developed Countries
by Maria Halter & Maria Arruda - 277-286 The Ethics of Speculation
by James Angel & Douglas McCabe - 287-293 The Ethics Narrative and the Role of the Business School in Moral Development
by Robert Miller - 295-300 A Modular Approach to Business Ethics Integration: At the Intersection of the Stand-Alone and the Integrated Approaches
by Laura Hartman & Patricia Werhane - 301-313 The Ethics of Branding in the Age of Ubiquitous Media: Insights from Catholic Social Teaching
by James Caccamo - 311-329 “Managing” Corporate Community Involvement
by Judith Voort & Katherina Glac & Lucas Meijs - 315-327 Moral Vision: Iris Murdoch and Alasdair MacIntyre
by Michael Schwartz - 329-341 The Buyer–Supplier Relationship: An Integrative Model of Ethics and Trust
by Josh Gullett & Loc Do & Maria Canuto-Carranco & Mark Brister & Shundricka Turner & Cam Caldwell - 331-343 The Determinants of Regulatory Compliance: An Analysis of Insider Trading Disclosures in Italy
by Emanuele Bajo & Marco Bigelli & David Hillier & Barbara Petracci - 343-353 Managers’ Attitudes Toward Codes of Ethics: Are There Gender Differences?
by Nabil Ibrahim & John Angelidis & Igor Tomic - 345-359 Implementing New Institutional Logics in Pioneering Organizations: The Burden of Justifying Ethical Appropriateness and rustworthiness
by Karan Sonpar & Jay Handelman & Ali Dastmalchian - 355-369 Ethics in International Value Chain Networks: The Case of Telenor in Bangladesh
by Andreas Falkenberg & Joyce Falkenberg - 361-373 The Joint Moderating Impact of Moral Intensity and Moral Judgment on Consumer’s Use Intention of Pirated Software
by Mei-Fang Chen & Ching-Ti Pan & Ming-Chuan Pan - 371-382 An Exploratory Cross-Cultural Analysis of Marketing Ethics: The Case of Turkish, Thai, and American Businesspeople
by Sebnem Burnaz & M. Atakan & Y. Topcu & Anusorn Singhapakdi - 375-386 Workplace Spirituality Facilitation: A Comprehensive Model
by Badrinarayan Pawar - 383-391 The Impact of Cultural Differences on the Convergence of International Accounting Codes of Ethics
by Curtis Clements & John Neill & O. Stovall - 387-397 A Study of Ethical Decision Making by Physicians and Nurses in Hospitals
by Satish Deshpande - 393-406 Identity, Self-Awareness, and Self-Deception: Ethical Implications for Leaders and Organizations
by Cam Caldwell - 399-406 The Legitimacy of Loan Maturity Mismatching: A Risky, but not Fraudulent, Undertaking
by Philipp Bagus & David Howden - 407-417 The Fit Between Integrity and Integrative Social Contracts Theory
by Mark Gosling & Heh Huang - 407-423 Glass Houses? Market Reactions to Firms Joining the UN Global Compact
by Jay Janney & Greg Dess & Victor Forlani - 419-428 Enabling the Original Intent: Catalysts for Social Entrepreneurship
by Craig VanSandt & Mukesh Sud & Christopher Marmé