December 1998, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 335-338 A Comment on Müller's “Unveiling of the Veil of Uncertainty”
by Andreas Kyriacou - 339-343 Risk-Aversion in Constitutional Choice: Reply to Kyriacou
by Christian Müller
September 1998, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 171-186 Constitutional Constraints on Governments in a Global Economy
by Dennis Mueller - 187-212 Stochastic Learning and the Evolution of Conventions
by Tone Dieckmann - 213-234 Environmental (De-) Regulation, Competition, and Policy Rules
by Gerhard Wegner - 235-249 The Constitutional Political Economy of Public Deficits: The Spanish Case 1
by Javier Salinas
June 1998, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 87-103 Legal Questions to Economists Raised by Simple Rules for a Complex World
by Dick Ruiter - 105-111 Social Democracy, Societal Tectonics, and Parasitical Pricing
by Richard Wagner - 113-120 Epstein's Profound Simplicity
by Norman Barry - 121-126 Simple?
by Gordon Tullock - 127-131 Simple Paths to Simple Rules
by Andrew Morriss - 133-142 Promises Made and Promises Broken in the Russian Transition
by Peter Boettke - 143-150 Epstein and Polanyi on Simple Rules, Complex Systems, and Decentralization
by Todd Zywicki - 151-161 The Promise and Pitfalls of Simple Rules
by Richard Epstein
March 1998, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 3-3 Editors' Note
by Dennis Mueller & Viktor Vanberg - 5-17 The Veil of Uncertainty Unveiled
by Christian Müller - 19-44 Classical Liberalism and International Economic Order: An Advance Sketch
by Razeen Sally - 45-66 Hayek contra Pangloss on Evolutionary Systems
by Douglas Whitman - 67-74 Constitutional “Rules” and Intergenerational Fiscal Policy
by Costas Azariadis & Vincenzo Galasso - 75-80 Avinish K. Dixit. The Making of Economic Policy: A Transaction-Cost Politics Approach
by Thomas Willett - 79-80 John Dunn. The History of Political Theory and Other Essays
by Loren Lomansky
December 1997, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 271-282 Benjamin Constant and Carl Schmitt Go to Russia
by Vladimir Gligorov - 283-300 Asian Values and the Constitutional Order of Contemporary Singapore
by David Jones - 301-317 Friedrich Hayek's Theory of Spontaneous Order: Two Problems
by Elias Khalil - 319-335 Convention, Social Order, and the Two Coordinations
by Daniel Klein - 337-352 Convergence of Income Distributions: Another Measurement Problem
by Barbara Dluhosch - 353-354 David Boaz (1997) Libertarianism: A Primer
by Bruce Benson - 355-358 Cass R. Sunstein (1996) Legal Reasoning and Political Conflict
by Todd Zywicki - 359-361 Matt Ridley (1997) The Origins of Virtue
by Donald Boudreaux
September 1997, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 179-194 Differing World-Views and Collective Action: The Case of Research
by Horst Hegmann - 195-213 Consent for Change: Article V and The Constitutional Amendment Process
by Thomas Schaller - 215-224 Constitutional Contractarianism
by Robert Ehman - 255-259 Reviews
by Daniel Klein - 261-264 Reviews
by Andrew Rutten
August 1997, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 225-254 The Formation of Economic Policy: A Cognitive-Evolutionary Approach to Policy-Making
by Tilman Slembeck
June 1997, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 103-103 Editorial Note
by Viktor Vanberg & Richard Wagner - 105-122 Institutional Evolution through Purposeful Selection: The Constitutional Economics of John R. Commons
by Viktor Vanberg - 123-138 The Political Economy of Frank Knight: Classical Liberalism from Chicago
by Razeen Sally - 139-150 Enforcing Constitutional Constraints
by Daniel Sutter - 151-163 The Separation of Spending from Taxation: Implications for Collective Choices
by Michael Marlow & William Orzechowski - 165-167 Dennis C. Mueller: Constitutional Democracy
by Dwight Lee - 169-171 Lansing Pollock: The Free Society
by Jody lipford
March 1997, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 3-13 Some Reflections on The Calculus of Consent
by Michael Brooks - 15-36 The Emergence of Constitutional Rights
by Ejan Mackaay - 37-55 Exploring the Production of Social Order
by Jody Lipford & Bruce Yandle - 57-70 Secession Clauses: A Tool for the Taming of an Arising Leviathan in Brussels?
by Thomas Apolte - 71-87 Competence Catalogues and the Principle of Subsidiarity in a European Constitution
by Christian Kirchner - 89-95 Reviews
by Peter Boettke
December 1996, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 253-256 Europe as social reality
by James Buchanan - 257-265 The European Union's debt question: A conceptional viewpoint
by Charles Blankart - 267-279 A directly democratic and Federal Europe
by Bruno Frey - 281-291 Vibert's vision: Constitutional theory in search of a constitution
by Randall Holcombe - 293-302 Constitutional quandaries in Europe
by Dennis Mueller - 303-308 Faustian bargains
by Vincent Ostrom - 309-316 Vibert's European union: A United Nations or a United States?
by Russell Sobel - 317-324 The constitutional future of the European Union
by Roland Vaubel
September 1996, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 167-176 Political regime type and variation in economic growth rates
by Erich Weede - 177-196 Pure eclecticism—The tool kit of the constitutional economist
by Stefan Voigt - 197-219 A form of government organization from the perspective of transaction cost economics
by Steven Kan & Chun-Sin Hwang - 221-238 Language orders
by Richard Adelstein - 239-241 Review
by Richard Wagner
June 1996, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 79-102 Constitutional safeguards against centralization in federal states: An international cross-section analysis
by Roland Vaubel - 103-126 Rawls, rules and objectives: A critique of the two principles of justice
by Dan Usher - 127-131 Work supply and constitutional order
by Jiro Obata - 133-151 James Buchanan's contributions to social and economic thought: Citation counts, self-assessment, and peer review
by Garey Durden & Steven Millsaps - 153-160 Reviews
by Richard Wagner & Wolfgang Kerber
March 1996, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 3-20 Public choice interpretations of distributional preference
by Harold Hochman - 21-34 Public choice versus constitutional economics: A methodological interpretation of the Buchanan research program
by Ingo Pies - 35-48 Consistent planning, backwards induction, and rule-governed behavior
by Christian Koboldt - 49-61 Between the constitution and the deep blue sea: Contractual controls on opportunism aboard pirate vessels
by Gary Anderson & Adam Gifford - 63-71 Reviews
by Georg Vanberg & Michael Brooks
October 1995, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 211-231 Toward a theory of spontaneous law
by Francesco Parisi - 233-245 Evolutionary stability of social norms in a socioeconomic equilibrium model
by Hans Grüner - 247-261 Do firms plan?
by Richard Langlois - 263-279 Bounded governance within extended order: The Confucian advantage of synergy under generalized constitutional rules
by Dengjian Jin - 281-292 Economics as mechanism: The mind as machine in Hayek's sensory order
by David Tuerck - 293-295 The metamorphosis of John Gray
by James Buchanan
June 1995, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 107-126 If Hamilton and Madison were merely lucky, what hope is there for Russian federalism?
by Peter Ordeshook & Olga Shvetsova - 127-137 Constitutional politics within the interest-group model
by Daniel Sutter - 139-160 Preparing Africa for the twenty-first century: Lessons from constitutional economics
by John Mbaku - 161-169 Constitutional design and economic performance
by Alvaro Montenegro - 171-190 Regulatory takings and constitutional repair the 1990s' property-rights rebellion
by Donald Boudreaux & Jody Lipford & Bruce Yandle - 191-196 Constitutional implications of alternative models of increasing returns
by James Buchanan & Yong Yoon - 197-204 Reviews
by Christopher Morris & Richard Wagner
December 1995, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 5-20 Democracy, dictatorship, and transformation: A proposal for a constitution-guided systematic change in formerly Soviet republics
by Thomas Apolte - 21-33 Institutions, quality competition and public service provision: The case of public education
by Samuel Staley & John Blair - 35-56 Economizing on virtue
by Geoffrey Brennan & Alan Hamlin - 57-69 Monetary union or currency competition? Currency arrangements for monetary stability in East and West
by Carsten Hefeker - 71-96 Economic and political competition in neoclassical and evolutionary perspective
by Michael Wohlgemuth - 97-102 Reviews
by Donald Boudreaux & Nicolai Foss
September 1994, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 255-271 Manipulating uncertainty
by A. Barbosa - 273-285 Club governments versus representative governments
by Charles Blankart - 287-306 A constitutional theory of public enterprise
by Larry Kiser - 307-318 Avoiding the mistreatment of bad risks in a democracy: Universal Health Insurance from a constitutional perspective
by Mark Pauly - 319-353 The economic constitution of the European community: From Rome to Maastricht
by Manfred Streit & Werner Mussler - 355-361 Reviews
by Ronald Heiner & Anthony Jesay
March 1994, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 129-158 Emerging from the Hobbesian jungle: Might takes and makes rights
by Bruce Benson - 159-172 Leviathan: Revenue-maximizer or glory-seeker?
by Manfredi Manna & Gabriella Slomp - 173-192 The League of Nations covenant and the United Nations charter: An analysis of two international constitutions
by Russell Sobel - 193-219 Institutional competition among jurisdictions: An evolutionary approach
by Viktor Vanberg & Wolfgang Kerber - 221-245 The political economy of secession: The case of Quebec
by Robert Young - 247-253 Reviews
by Roger Faith & Robert Sugden & Alan Hamlin
December 1994, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-21 Reassessing the role of the independent judiciary in enforcing interest-group bargains
by Donald Boudreaux & A. Pritchard - 23-43 Political credibility and economic growth in less developed countries
by Aymo Brunetti & Beatrice Weder - 45-60 Constitutional secession clauses
by Yan Chen & Peter Ordeshook - 61-79 Constitutional protection of economic rights: The Swiss and U.S. experience in comparison
by Peter Moser - 81-98 Redistribution and constitutional political economy
by E. Pasour - 99-115 Economic and legal institutionalism: What can they learn from each other?
by Dick Ruiter - 117-127 Reviews
by Steven Horwitz & Geoffrey Brennan & Leland Yeager
September 1993, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 303-329 Hayekian expectations: Theory and empirical applications
by William Butos & Roger Koppl - 331-347 Entrepreneurship and envy
by Young Choi - 349-392 Ownership of firms and efficiency: The competence argument
by Pavel Pelikan - 393-424 Normative judgments and spontaneous order: The contractarian element in Hayek's thought
by Robert Sugden - 425-448 Redistribution from a constitutional perspective
by Joachim Wessels - 449-462 Reviews
by Pavel Pelikan & Richard Wagner & Bruce Yandle & Frank Forman
March 1993, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 159-172 On justifying a minimum welfare state
by Hartmut Kliemt - 173-210 Rationality, constitutions, and the ethics of rules
by Edward McClennen - 211-222 Towards monetary constitutionalism in Italy
by Franco Spinelli & Donato Masciandaro - 223-262 Cognition, competition, and catallaxy in memory of Friedrich August von Hayek
by Manfred Streit - 263-285 Sir Edward Coke and the struggle for a new constitutional order
by Bruce Yandle - 287-298 Reviews
by Richard Wagner & Donald Boudreaux & Frank Forman & Stefan Voigt
December 1993, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-6 How can constitutions be designed so that politicians who seek to serve “public interest” can survive and prosper?
by James Buchanan - 7-39 German roots of the theory of pluralism
by Michael Dreyer - 41-78 Mitigating the tyranny of public opinion: Anonymous discourse and the ethic of sincerity
by Timur Kuran - 79-95 The ethical foundations of constitutional order: A conventionalist perspective
by Noel Reynolds - 97-125 Institutional evolution in the Icelandic Commonwealth
by Birgir Solvason - 127-152 Rights: Why do they matter, and to whom?
by Robert Sugden - 153-157 Reviews
by Richard Wagner & Michael Marlow
September 1992, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 289-319 The common law as central economic planning
by Peter Aranson - 321-342 Efficiency criteria for optimal laws: Objective standards or value judgements?
by Louis Alessi - 343-357 Organizational reputation and constitutional constraints: An application to religious denominations
by Jody Lipford - 359-380 Constitutional choice for the control of water pollution
by Roger Meiners & Bruce Yandle - 381-397 Crafting social rules: Common law vs. statute law, once again
by Richard Wagner - 399-407 Reviews
by Donald McCloskey & David Tucker & Douglas Heckathorn & William Thorbecke
March 1992, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 129-135 I did not call him “Fritz”: Personal recollections of Professor F. A. v. Hayek
by James Buchanan - 137-175 Constitutional stability
by Peter Ordeshook - 177-196 The taming of Leviathan: Competition among governments
by Stefan Sinn - 197-222 Conservatives on the supreme court
by David Tucker - 223-253 Organizations as constitutional systems
by Viktor Vanberg - 255-266 The emergence of a protective agency and the constitutional dilemma
by Ulrich Witt - 267-287 Reviews
by Hartmut Kliemt & Bernd Lahno & Christopher Lingle & D. Reisman & Robert Bish & Dean Lueck & Donald Boudreaux
December 1992, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-27 Customary law as a social contract: International commercial law
by Bruce Benson - 29-50 International order and individual liberty
by Friedrich Kratochwil - 51-72 Efficient constitution formation and maintenance: The role of “exit”
by Anton Lowenberg & Ben Yu - 73-88 Intergovernmental competition, voice and exit options and the design of fiscal structure
by Michael Marlow - 89-112 Constitutional renegotiation: Impediments to consensual revision
by Charlotte Twight - 113-128 Reviews
by Ronald Heiner & William Mitchell & Michael Dreyer & Karl Wärneryd & William Niskanen & Brooks Hull
September 1991, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 251-281 Public justification and democratic adjudication
by Gerald Gaus - 283-301 Thomas Jefferson on the repudiation of public debt
by Frank Gunter - 303-328 Constitutions as constraints: A case study of three american constitutions
by Randall Holcombe - 329-370 Institutional framing and perceptions of fairness
by R. Isaac & Deborah Mathieu & Edward Zajac - 371-394 Constitutionalism, prosperity, democracy: Transition in Eastern Europe
by Cass Sunstein - 395-410 Reviews
by Richard Wagner & Viktor Vanberg & Fred Foldvary & Heinrich Ursprung & Peter Moser
March 1991, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 139-161 Cartels, coalitions, and constitutional politics
by James Buchanan & Dwight Lee - 163-186 Madison's constitutional political economy: Principles for a liberal order
by James Dorn - 187-208 The multi-faceted covenant: The biblical approach to the problem of organizations, constitutions, and liberty as reflected in the thought of Johannes Althusius
by Daniel Elazar - 225-241 Organic constitutions and common law
by Bruce Yandle - 243-248 Reviews
by Loren Lomasky & Karl Wärneryd
December 1991, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-6 Jack Wiseman: A personal appreciation
by James Buchanan - 7-30 Deciding for bigness: Constitutional choice and the growth of firms
by Richard Adelstein - 31-52 Calhoun's constitutional economics
by Peter Aranson - 53-79 A reading of the Spanish Constitution (1978)
by Geoffrey Brennan & Jose Pardo - 81-106 Natural persons, corporate actors, and constitutions
by James Coleman - 107-126 The common law process: Efficiency or order?
by Louis Alessi & Robert Staaf - 127-137 Reviews
by Randall Holcombe & Siegwart Lindenberg & Vanberg Viktor
September 1990, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 1-19 The microfoundations of rules vs. discretion
by Daniel Klein - 21-47 Constitutional democracy and the theory of agency
by Larry Merville & Dale Osborne - 49-71 The division of labor is limited by the extent of the law
by Dieter Schmidtchen & Hans-Jörg Schmidt-Trenz - 73-82 Constitutional design for a rent-seeking society: Voting rule choice
by Z. Spindler - 83-107 Conventions: An evolutionary approach
by Karl Wärneryd - 109-115 Reviews
by Robert Tollison & Paul Heyne & Richard Wagner
March 1990, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 1-26 Evolution and utilitarianism: Social contract III
by Ken Binmore - 27-34 From paradoxes to social rules, or: How economics repeats itself
by Bruno Frey - 35-52 Contractarianism: Wistful thinking
by Russell Hardin - 53-62 Conditions affecting the survivial of constitutional rules
by William Niskanen - 63-82 Rules for choosing among public goods: A contractarian approach
by Robert Sugden - 83-109 Reviews
by George Selgin & Frank Forman & Richard Langlois & James Buchanan & Hardy Bouillon & Jonathan Riley & Heinrich Ursprung & Alan Hamlin - 113-133 James Buchanan's public economics: One proposition, two speculations and three queries
by Geoffrey Brennan - 135-148 Constitutional contractarianism
by Jules Coleman - 149-168 Buchanan on liberty
by John Gray - 169-196 James M. Buchanan: Economist cum contractarian
by Dennis Mueller - 197-220 Buchanan on scope and method
by Leland Yeager
December 1990, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-18 The domain of constitutional economics
by James Buchanan - 19-46 Rule-governed behavior in evolution and human society
by Ronald Heiner - 47-65 Neoliberal ordnungstheorie and constitutional economics
by Helmut Leipold - 67-99 Foundational explorations for a normative theory of political economy
by Edward McClennen - 101-124 Principles of political economy
by Jack Wiseman - 125-127 Logo logic
by Geoffrey Brennan & Hartmut Kliemt - 129-134 Reviews
by Tyler Cowen & Hartmut Kliemt