June 2017, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 167-192 Poor institutions as a comparative advantage
by Cortney Stephen Rodet - 193-194 Erratum to: Poor institutions as a comparative advantage
by Cortney Stephen Rodet - 195-208 The problem of constitutional legitimation: what the debate on electoral quotas tells us about the legitimacy of decision-making rules in constitutional choice
by Aris Trantidis
March 2017, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-17 Tullock on the organization of scientific inquiry
by Jac C. Heckelman - 18-34 Gordon Tullock’s ill-fated appendix: “Flatland Revisited”
by David M. Levy & Sandra J. Peart - 35-47 Tullock on the common law: a loose-cannon iconoclast in action?
by Stefan Voigt - 48-61 Gordon Tullock and the Virginia School of Law and Economics
by Francesco Parisi & Barbara Luppi & Alice Guerra - 62-78 Political incentives for rent creation
by Randall G. Holcombe - 79-96 Expressive voting and two-dimensional political competition: an application to law and order policy by New Labour in the UK
by Stephen Drinkwater & Colin Jennings
December 2016, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 355-376 Economic globalization and the change of electoral rules
by Christian Walter Martin & Nils D. Steiner - 377-398 Native American reservation constitutions
by R. Warren Anderson - 399-417 Fairness and efficiency in US Revolutionary War takings and post-war debt redemption
by Jonathan Stone & Jeffrey Wagner - 418-434 No progressive taxation without discrimination? On the generality of the law in the classical liberal tradition
by Åsbjørn Melkevik - 435-450 Will a government find it financially easier to neutralize a looming protest if more groups are involved?
by Oded Stark & Ewa Zawojska
September 2016, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 249-259 We start from here
by Russell Hardin - 260-272 Is democracy compatible with global institutions?
by Josep M. Colomer - 273-298 EU enlargement and satisfaction with democracy: a peculiar case of immiserizing growth
by Barbara Dluhosch & Daniel Horgos & Klaus W. Zimmermann - 332-353 An expected utility analysis of k-majority rules
by Keith L. Dougherty & Robi Ragan
June 2016, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 112-123 Gordon Tullock: economic gadfly
by Dennis C. Mueller - 124-141 Where are the rent seekers?
by Arye L. Hillman & Heinrich W. Ursprung - 142-157 Rent seeking and the economics of corruption
by Toke S. Aidt - 158-178 Gordon Tullock’s theory of revolution and dictatorship
by Thomas Apolte - 179-193 Gordon Tullock’s implicit analytical history of government
by Roger D. Congleton - 214-226 Gordon Tullock and experimental public choice
by Arthur Schram
March 2016, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-40 State provision of constitutional goods
by Romain Espinosa - 41-65 On the overthrow or endurance of kings
by George Tridimas - 66-92 An empirical analysis of constitutional review voting in the polish constitutional tribunal, 2003–2014
by Jarosław Kantorowicz & Nuno Garoupa - 93-110 Hayek on corporate social responsibility
by Shigeki Kusunoki
December 2015, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 391-420 Does direct democracy make for better citizens? A cautionary warning based on cross-country evidence
by Stefan Voigt & Lorenz Blume - 421-433 Is foreign aid a pure public good for donor country citizens?
by Travis Wiseman & Andrew Young - 434-441 Endogenous voting weights for elected representatives and redistricting
by Justin Svec & James Hamilton - 442-454 Analytic conservatism and analytic radicalism: Of understated distinctions and other analytical things
by Michael Brooks - 455-474 Modeling the individual for constitutional choice
by Brian Kogelmann - 475-494 “The other side of the argument”: Isaiah Berlin versus F. A. von Hayek on liberty, public policies, and the market
by Athanassios Pitsoulis & Steffen Groß
September 2015, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 247-280 Constitutional property rights protection and economic growth: evidence from the post-communist transition
by Christian Bjørnskov - 281-306 The importance of the political process on corporate tax policy
by Åsa Hansson & Susan Porter & Susan Williams - 307-327 The constitution of economic liberty in Hong Kong
by Eric Ip - 328-355 Incompatible institutions: socialism versus constitutionalism in India
by Shruti Rajagopalan - 356-374 Votes on behalf of children: a legitimate way of giving them a voice in politics?
by Stephan Wolf & Nils Goldschmidt & Thomas Petersen - 375-390 Calhoun’s concurrent majority as a generality norm
by Alexander Salter
June 2015, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 121-136 Income and the stability of democracy: Pushing beyond the borders of logic to explain a strong correlation?
by Federico Traversa - 137-158 The public choice of university organization: a stylized story of a constitutional reform
by Martin Paldam - 159-170 Strategic and expressive voting
by Brad Taylor - 171-189 Lobbying (strategically appointed) bureaucrats
by Marco Sorge - 190-220 Direct voting and proxy voting
by James Green-Armytage - 221-245 Commitment to local autonomy in non-democracies: Russia and China compared
by Barbara Krug & Alexander Libman
March 2015, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-3 Introduction: a new perspective on modern German history
by Steven Webb & Joachim Zweynert - 4-18 The concept of Ordnungspolitik through the lens of the theory of limited and open access orders
by Joachim Zweynert - 19-37 Becoming an open democratic capitalist society: a two-century historical perspective on Germany’s evolving political economy
by Steven Webb - 38-60 Weimar Germany: The first open access order that failed?
by Alfred Reckendrees - 61-86 Capitalist transformation without political participation: German capitalism in the first half of the nineteenth century
by Gerhard Wegner - 87-102 On the stability of open access orders: the Federal Republic of Germany since the 1960s
by Jan-Otmar Hesse - 103-120 The mature limited access order at the doorstep: Imperial Germany and contemporary China in transition
by Erik Grimmer-Solem
December 2014, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 331-353 Public choice and the development of modern laboratory experimental methods in economics and political science
by Charles Plott - 354-375 Fiscal federalism, jurisdictional competition, and the size of government
by Jason Sorens - 376-392 Crisis and belief: confirmation bias and the behavioral political economy of recession
by Petrik Runst - 393-406 Land, men and taxation: an application to pre-modern China and Europe Erik Jones’ European Miracle revisited
by Charles Blankart - 407-433 Loss of control: legislature changes and the state–local relationship
by Jessica Hennessey
September 2014, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 231-252 James Buchanan’s theory of federalism: from fiscal equity to the ideal political order
by Lars Feld - 253-264 James Buchanan’s public debt theory: a rational reconstruction
by Richard Wagner - 265-279 Politics as exchange: the classical liberal economics and politics of James M. Buchanan
by James Gwartney & Randall Holcombe - 280-300 Is there a self-enforcing monetary constitution?
by Alexander Salter - 301-329 The economic effects of constitutions: do budget institutions make forms of government more alike?
by Martin Ardanaz & Carlos Scartascini
June 2014, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 125-136 On a fallacy in the Kaldor–Hicks efficiency–equity analysis
by David Ellerman - 137-153 Political legislation cycle in the Czech Republic
by Josef Brechler & Adam Geršl - 154-176 Self-serving legislators? An analysis of the salary-setting institutions of 27 EU parliaments
by Karsten Mause - 177-206 Demand for litigation in the absence of traditions of rule of law: an example of Ottoman and Habsburg legacies in Romania
by Martin Mendelski & Alexander Libman - 207-229 Voting against the separation of powers between legislature and administration
by David Stadelmann & Reiner Eichenberger & Marco Portmann
March 2014, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 2-17 The role of homo oeconomicus in the political economy of James Buchanan
by Gebhard Kirchgässner - 18-38 James M. Buchanan’s contractarianism and modern liberalism
by Viktor Vanberg - 39-67 The contractarian constitutional political economy of James Buchanan
by Roger Congleton - 68-87 Reasoning about rules
by Alan Hamlin - 88-102 Constraining Leviathan
by Dennis Mueller - 103-109 The reason for ‘The Reason of Rules’
by Geoffrey Brennan - 110-124 What should classical liberal political economists do?
by Peter Boettke
December 2013, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 265-284 Buchanan clubs
by Todd Sandler - 285-294 European unification: a new proposal
by Bruno Frey - 295-309 Constitutional craftsmanship and the rule of law
by Shruti Rajagopalan & Richard Wagner - 310-335 US shadow economies: a state-level study
by Travis Wiseman - 336-351 When and how politicians take ‘scandalous’ decisions?
by Fabio Padovano & Ilaria Petrarca
September 2013, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 177-198 On the inevitability of divided government and improbability of a complete separation of powers
by Roger Congleton - 199-214 Independent central banks as a component of the separation of powers
by Peter Bernholz - 215-238 Evidence on the political principal-agent problem from voting on public finance for concert halls
by Niklas Potrafke - 239-264 The constitutional political economy of virtual worlds
by Carl Mildenberger
June 2013, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 87-107 Decentralization and growth: what if the cross-jurisdiction approach had met a dead end?
by Pierre Salmon - 108-124 Is it all about competence? The human capital of U.S. presidents and economic performance
by Roger Congleton & Yongjing Zhang - 125-138 Paretian dictators: constraining choice in a voluntary contribution game
by Robert Oxoby - 139-165 Distributive consideration in institutional change: the case of Zia’s Islamization policy in Pakistan
by Karim Khan - 166-172 Analytic radicalism
by Brad Taylor - 173-176 Conservatism and radicalism
by Geoffrey Brennan & Alan Hamlin
March 2013, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-1 On the editorial transition
by Roger Congleton & Stefan Voigt - 2-18 A framework for the study of firms as constitutional orders
by Anthony Evans & Nikolai Wenzel - 19-42 On the problem of scale: Hayek, Kohr, Jacobs and the reinvention of the political state
by Benjamen Gussen - 43-56 Veto players and foreign aid provision
by Yu Wang & Shuai Jin - 57-85 Islamic constitutionalism and rule of law: a constitutional economics perspective
by Moamen Gouda
December 2012, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 279-301 New constitutional “debt brakes” for Euroland? A question of institutional complementarity
by Karsten Mause & Friedrich Groeteke - 302-336 Sub-national political regimes and asymmetric fiscal decentralization
by Alexander Libman - 337-356 The political economy of civil society
by Adrian Pabst & Roberto Scazzieri - 357-379 State capitalism and the rent-seeking conjecture
by Paul Aligica & Vlad Tarko
September 2012, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 181-181 Introductory note and acknowledgements
by Giuseppe Eusepi & Richard Wagner - 182-198 The political economy of public debt
by Geoffrey Brennan - 199-212 Indebted state versus intermediary state: who owes what to whom?
by Giuseppe Eusepi & Richard Wagner - 213-243 Do departures from democratic accountability compromise the stability of public finances? Keynesianism, central banking, and minority governments in the Canadian system of party government, 1867–2009
by J. Ferris & Stanley Winer & Bernard Grofman - 244-260 A comparative analysis of the voting behavior of constituents and their representatives for public debts
by Reiner Eichenberger & David Stadelmann & Marco Portmann - 261-277 Rationality, political economy, and fiscal responsibility: wrestling with tragedy on the fiscal commons
by Richard Wagner
June 2012, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 95-133 Economic freedom and growth. Which policies matter the most?
by Martin Rode & Sebastian Coll - 134-165 Spatial dependence in constitutional constraints: the case of US states
by George Crowley - 166-180 Ethnic segregation and the quality of government: the importance of regional diversity
by Andreas Kyriacou
March 2012, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-21 Constitutional choice in ancient Athens: the rationality of selection to office by lot
by George Tridimas - 22-44 Agenda control in an unstable multiparty parliamentary democracy: evidence from the Israeli public sector
by Maoz Rosenthal - 45-65 Designing the institutions of international liberalism: some contributions from the interwar period
by Fabio Masini - 66-93 Credible commitments and constitutional constraints: state debt repudiation and default in nineteenth century America
by John Dove
December 2011, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 303-324 Minimizing the losers: regime satisfaction in multi-level systems
by Katharina Holzinger & Andrea Schneider & Klaus Zimmermann - 325-354 The paradox of weakness in the politics of trade integration
by Barbara Dluhosch & Nikolai Ziegler - 355-372 Decentralization, agency costs, and the new economic constitution of China
by Eric Ip & Michael Law - 373-397 Contractual preferences and moral biases: social identity and procedural fairness in the exclusion game experiment
by Timo Tammi
September 2011, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 203-220 Political exchange and the voting franchise: universal democracy as an emergent process
by Jeremy Horpedahl - 221-237 The political economy of constitutional restraints
by Dimitrios Xefteris - 238-264 Federalism and decentralization—a critical survey of frequently used indicators
by Lorenz Blume & Stefan Voigt - 265-286 The voter initiative and the power of the governor: evidence from campaign expenditures
by Gregory Randolph - 287-301 Information and political failures: to what extent does rational ignorance explain irrational beliefs formation?
by Louis Jaeck
June 2011, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 103-121 Informal accountability, credible actions, and democratization in Taiwan
by O. Yap - 122-140 Shock therapy and the transfer of institutions: the new debate and some lessons from the post-1806 reforms in Prussia and in southwestern Germany
by Joachim Zweynert - 141-172 Making executive politics mutually productive and fair
by T. Durant - 173-190 Under what conditions may social contracts arise? Evidence from the Hanseatic League
by Alexander Fink - 191-197 Federalism and exit costs
by Gebhard Kirchgässner & Mark Schelker - 198-199 Federalism and individual liberty: a rejoinder
by C. Mantzavinos - 200-202 Vernon Smith, Rationality in economics: constructivist and ecological forms
by Maria Paganelli
March 2011, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-20 Liberal constitutionalism, constitutional liberalism and democracy
by Viktor Vanberg - 21-57 Enfranchisement from a political perspective
by Soumyanetra Munshi - 58-82 A political economy perspective of direct democracy in ancient Athens
by George Tridimas - 83-102 A tale of two federalisms: Germany, the United States and the ubiquity of centralization
by Thomas Döring & Jan Schnellenbach
December 2010, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 309-335 Supranational integration and national reorganization: On the Maastricht treaty’s impact on fiscal decentralization in EU countries
by Thushyanthan Baskaran - 336-359 Parliament vs. Supreme court: a veto player framework of the Indian constitutional experiment in the area of economic and civil rights
by Feler Bose - 360-373 The problem of political calculation in autocracies
by Sherzod Abdukadirov - 374-406 The political economy of expulsion: the regulation of Jewish moneylending in medieval England
by Mark Koyama - 407-413 Gerald Berk: Louis D. Brandeis and the making of regulated competition, 1900–1932
by Richard Adelstein
September 2010, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 207-230 Institutions and human development in the Latin American informal economy
by Roberto Dell’Anno - 231-248 Regulation and shadow economy: empirical evidence for 25 OECD-countries
by Dominik Enste - 249-269 Explaining constitution-makers’ preferences: the cases of Estonia and the United States
by Ringa Raudla - 270-287 Understanding economic change: the impact of emotion
by Roberta Patalano - 288-307 Out of a slave contract: the analysis of pre-Hobbesian anarchists in the Old Testament
by Sigmund Wagner-Tsukamoto
June 2010, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 101-118 Federalism and individual liberty
by C. Mantzavinos - 119-144 Referendum and the choice between monarchy and republic in Greece
by George Tridimas - 145-170 Is H.A. Simon a theoretician of decentralized planning? A comparison with F.A. Hayek on planning, market, and organizations
by Stefano Fiori - 171-201 Conformity, reciprocity and the sense of justice. How social contract-based preferences and beliefs explain norm compliance: the experimental evidence
by Lorenzo Sacconi & Marco Faillo - 202-205 Marion Fourcade: Economists and Societies: Discipline and Profession in the United States, Britain, and France, 1890s to 1990s
by Philippe Fontaine
March 2010, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-27 The political economy of constitutional choice: a study of the 2005 Kenyan constitutional referendum
by Mwangi Kimenyi & William Shughart - 28-49 The ‘science-as-market’ analogy: a constitutional economics perspective
by Viktor Vanberg - 50-79 An index of political support for decentralization: the Spanish case
by Juan Molero & Isabel Rodríguez-Tejedo - 80-96 Relationships among democratic freedoms in the former Soviet Republics: a causality analysis
by Jac Heckelman - 97-99 Vernon L. Smith: Discovery—A Memoir
by E. Roy Weintraub
September 2009, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 197-201 Separation of powers: new perspectives and empirical findings—introduction
by Eli Salzberger & Stefan Voigt - 202-229 Are semi-presidential constitutions bad for democratic performance?
by José Cheibub & Svitlana Chernykh - 230-250 The time-varying independence of Italian peak judicial institutions
by Fabio Padovano - 251-266 Some thoughts about referendums, representative democracy, and separation of powers
by Simon Hug - 267-295 Independent agencies: more than a cheap copy of independent central banks?
by Marc Quintyn - 296-322 Independent electoral management bodies and international election observer missions: any impact on the observed level of democracy? A conceptual framework
by Anne Aaken - 323-340 International delegation and state disaggregation
by Tom Ginsburg - 341-365 Why risk popular ratification failure? A comparative analysis of the choice of the ratification instrument in the 25 Member States of the EU
by Daniel Finke & Thomas König - 366-387 Toward global checks and balances
by Eyal Benvenisti & George Downs
June 2009, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 99-117 The politics of constitutional amendment in postcommunist Europe
by Andrew Roberts - 118-138 Constitutional moments in Eastern Europe and subjectivist political economy
by Anthony Evans - 139-159 Choosing one’s own informal institutions: on Hayek’s critique of Keynes’s immoralism
by Niclas Berggren - 160-176 Why did the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapse? A public choice perspective
by Dalibor Roháč - 177-192 Constitutional tariffs, incidental protection, and the Laffer relationship in the early United States
by Phillip Magness - 193-196 Steven M. Teles: The Rise of the Conservative Legal Movement: The Battle for Control of the Law
by Richard Adelstein
March 2009, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-41 Constitutions and economic reforms in transition: an empirical study
by Katarzyna Metelska-Szaniawska - 42-56 Buchanan’s constitutional political economy: exchange vs. choice in economics and in politics
by Alain Marciano - 57-70 From scholarly idea to budgetary institution: the emergence of cost-benefit analysis
by Michael Makowsky & Richard Wagner - 71-93 Do authoritarian institutions mobilize economic cooperation?
by Abel Escribà-Folch - 94-97 Michele Boldrin and David K. Levine: Against Intellectual Property
by F. Scherer
December 2008, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 277-300 The foundations of constitutionalism: an analysis of debaathification
by Jens Meierhenrich - 301-312 Political entrepreneurs and electoral capital: the case of the Israeli State Economy Arrangement Law
by Assaf Meydani - 313-355 The origins and evolution of democracy: an exercise in history from a constitutional economics approach
by Sebastian Coll - 356-360 Richard H. Thaler, Cass R. Sunstein, Nudge: Improving decisions about health, wealth, and happiness
by Thomas Leonard - 361-367 Margaret Schabas: The Natural Origins of Economics
by David Levy
September 2008, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 169-170 Editorial introduction
by Alan Hamlin - 171-179 Same players, different game: how better rules make better politics
by James Buchanan - 180-202 Deliberation, learning, and institutional change: the evolution of institutions in judicial settings
by William Blomquist & Elinor Ostrom - 203-225 Constitutional interests in the face of innovations: how much do we need to know about risk preferences?
by Ulrich Witt & Christian Schubert - 226-248 Why incoherent preferences do not justify paternalism
by Robert Sugden - 249-260 Regulation and revenue
by Geoffrey Brennan & Hartmut Kliemt - 261-276 Social Market Economy: origins, meanings and interpretations
by Nils Goldschmidt & Michael Wohlgemuth
June 2008, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 81-93 Direct democracy: obstacle to reform?
by Gebhard Kirchgässner - 94-110 An institutional analysis of voter turnout: the role of primary type and the expressive and instrumental voting hypotheses
by Peter Calcagno & Christopher Westley - 111-128 The unanimity rule and religious fractionalisation in the Polish-Lithuanian Republic
by Dalibor Roháč - 129-147 Institutional change from an evolutionary perspective: the Mexican experience
by Antonio Saravia - 148-157 Liberty and national security in Adam Smith’s possible world
by Mark Jackson - 158-164 Robert H. Frank, Falling behind: how rising inequality harms the middle class
by Thomas Leonard - 165-168 James R. Hackney, Jr., Under cover of science: American legal-economic theory and the quest for objectivity
by Alain Marciano
March 2008, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial Announcement
by Alan Hamlin & Dennis Mueller & Peter Ordeshook - 3-18 Discussion, construction and evolution: Mill, Buchanan and Hayek on the constitutional order
by Sandra Peart & David Levy - 19-33 The exchange paradigm of constitutional economics: implications for understanding the third sector
by Vladislav Valentinov - 35-59 America’s neglected debt to the Dutch, an institutional perspective
by Roger Congleton - 61-80 Taxonomy: racism versus fiscal conservatism in voting on segregationist provisions in Alabama’s constitution
by Michael Reksulak & William Shughart
December 2007, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 223-241 Imagination and society. The affective side of institutions
by Roberta Patalano - 243-285 The interrelations between legal and economic processes: a consideration of the reactions
by Warren Samuels