2011, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 1-9 For an Integrated Approach to Agent-Based Modeling of Science
by Nicolas Payette - 1-10 Science as a Social System and Virtual Research Environment
by Sergey Parinov & Cameron Neylon - 1-11 A Social Process in Science and its Content in a Simulation Program
by Wolfgang Balzer & Klaus Manhart - 1-12 Using Social Simulation to Explore the Dynamics at Stake in Participatory Research
by Olivier Barreteau & Christophe Le Page - 1-13 Conference Models to Bridge Micro and Macro Studies of Science
by Matthew Francisco & Staša Milojevic & Selma Šabanovic - 1-14 Simulating the Social Processes of Science
by Bruce Edmonds & Nigel Gilbert & Petra Ahrweiler & Andrea Scharnhorst - 1-15 Computer Simulation and Emergent Reliability in Science
by Kevin Zollman - 1-16 Simulating What?
by Harry Collins - 1-17 The Competition for Attention and the Evolution of Science
by Warren Thorngate & Jing Liu & Wahida Chowdhury - 1-18 Group-Level Exploration and Exploitation: A Computer Simulation-Based Analysis
by Jennifer Kunz - 1-19 A Virtual Laboratory for the Study of History and Cultural Dynamics
by Juan-Luis Suárez & Fernando Sancho - 1-20 Sympathy and Punishment: Evolution of Cooperation in Public Goods Game
by Hang Ye & Fei Tan & Mei Ding & Yongmin Jia & Yefeng Chen - 1-21 Role-Playing Game and Learning for Young People About Sustainable Development Stakes: An Experiment in Transferring and Adapting Interdisciplinary Scientific Knowledge
by Françoise Gourmelon & Mathias Rouan & Jean-François Lefevre & Anne Rognant - 1-22 Web Citations Analysis of the JASSS: the First Ten Years
by Mohammad Karim Saberi & Alireza Isfandyari-Moghaddam & Sedigheh Mohamadesmaeil
2011, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 1-1 A Computational Model of Worker Protest
by Jae-Woo Kim & Robert Hanneman - 1-2 Multiagent System Applied to the Modeling and Simulation of Pedestrian Traffic in Counterflow
by Ana Luisa Ballinas-Hernández & Angélica Muñoz-Meléndez & Alejandro Rangel-Huerta - 1-3 Scale-Free Relationships Facilitate Cooperation in Spatial Games with Sequential Strategy
by Tetsushi Ohdaira & Takao Terano - 1-4 An Agent-Based Model of Sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility Activities
by Isamu Okada - 1-5 Reallocation Problems in Agent Societies: A Local Mechanism to Maximize Social Welfare
by Antoine Nongaillard & Philippe Mathieu - 1-6 Stability of Groups with Costly Beliefs and Practices
by Wesley Wildman & Richard Sosis - 1-7 Agent-Based Modeling of Human-Induced Spread of Invasive Species in Agricultural Landscapes: Insights from the Potato Moth in Ecuador
by François Rebaudo & Verónica Crespo-Pérez & Jean-François Silvain & Olivier Dangles - 1-8 Leadership, Violence, and Warfare in Small Societies
by Stephen Younger - 1-9 Challenges in Modelling Social Conflicts: Grappling with Polysemy
by Martin Neumann & Andreas Braun & Eva-Maria Heinke & Mehdi Saqalli & Armano Srbljinovic
2011, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 1-1 Innovation as an Emerging System Property: An Agent Based Simulation Model
by Cristiano Antonelli & Gianluigi Ferraris - 1-2 A First Approach on Modelling Staff Proactiveness in Retail Simulation Models
by Peer-Olaf Siebers & Uwe Aickelin - 1-3 A Model of Political Judgment: An Agent-Based Simulation of Candidate Evaluation
by Sung-youn Kim - 1-4 An Agent Operationalization Approach for Context Specific Agent-Based Modeling
by Christof Knoeri & Claudia R. Binder & Hans-Joerg Althaus - 1-5 The ABM Template Models: A Reformulation with Reference Implementations
by Alan G. Isaac - 1-6 The Current State of Normative Agent-Based Systems
by Christopher D. Hollander & Annie S. Wu - 1-7 Knowledge Diffusion and Innovation: Modelling Complex Entrepreneurial Behaviours by Piergiuseppe Morone and Richard Taylor: A Response to the Review
by Piergiuseppe Morone & Richard Taylor
2011, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-1 Introducing the SAPS System and a Corresponding Allocation Mechanism for Synchronous Online Reciprocal Peer Support Activities
by Gijs de Bakker & Jan van Bruggen & Wim Jochems & Peter B. Sloep - 1-2 Zaller-Deffuant Model of Mass Opinion
by Krzysztof Malarz & Piotr Gronek & Krzysztof Kulakowski - 1-3 Fairness Emergence in Reputation Systems
by Adam Wierzbicki & Radoslaw Nielek - 1-4 Soft Power, World System Dynamics, and Democratization: A Bass Model of Democracy Diffusion 1800-2000
by Mikael Sandberg - 1-5 Digested Information as an Information Theoretic Motivation for Social Interaction
by Christoph Salge & Daniel Polani - 1-6 Power of Criminal Attractors: Modeling the Pull of Activity Nodes
by Richard Frank & Vahid Dabbaghian & Andrew Reid & Suraj Singh & Jonathan Cinnamon & Patricia Brantingham - 1-7 Secession of the Center: A Virtual Probe of the Prospects for Punjabi Secessionism in Pakistan and the Secession of Punjabistan
by Ian Lustick
2010, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 1-1 Prospects and Pitfalls of Statistical Testing: Insights from Replicating the Demographic Prisoner's Dilemma
by Wolfgang Radax & Bernhard Rengs - 1-2 The Roundtable: An Abstract Model of Conversation Dynamics
by Massimo Mastrangeli & Martin Schmidt & Lucas Lacasa - 1-3 Obligation Norm Identification in Agent Societies
by Tony Bastin Roy Savarimuthu & Stephen Cranefield & Maryam A. Purvis & Martin K. Purvis - 1-4 Dilbert-Peter Model of Organization Effectiveness: Computer Simulations
by Pawel Sobkowicz - 1-5 Opinion Formation by Informed Agents
by Mohammad Afshar & Masoud Asadpour - 1-6 Modelling Contextualized Reasoning in Complex Societies with "Endorsements"
by Shah Jamal Alam & Armando Geller & Ruth Meyer & Bogdan Werth - 1-7 Agent-Based Modelling: The Next 15 Years
by Lynne Hamill - 1-8 Diffusion of Competing Innovations: The Effects of Network Structure on the Provision of Healthcare
by Adam G. Dunn & Blanca Gallego - 1-9 ODD Updated
by J. Gareth Polhill
2010, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 1-1 Between Replication and Docking: "Adaptive Agents, Political Institutions, and Civic Traditions" Revisited
by Dan Miodownik & Britt Cartrite & Ravi Bhavnani - 1-2 A Tag-Based Evolutionary Prisoner's Dilemma Game on Networks with Different Topologies
by Jae-Woo Kim - 1-3 Interorganizational Information Exchange and Efficiency: Organizational Performance in Emergency Environments
by Adam Zagorecki & Kilkon Ko & Louise K. Comfort - 1-4 Co-Operative Punishment Cements Social Cohesion
by Klaus Jaffe & Luis Zaballa - 1-5 Leadership in Small Societies
by Stephen Younger - 1-6 Why Bother with What Others Tell You? An Experimental Data-Driven Agent-Based Model
by Riccardo Boero & Giangiacomo Bravo & Marco Castellani & Flaminio Squazzoni - 1-7 When Does a Newcomer Contribute to a Better Performance? A Multi-Agent Study on Self-Organising Processes of Task Allocation
by Kees Zoethout & Wander Jager & Eric Molleman - 1-8 The Third Way of Agent-Based Social Simulation and a Computational Account of Emergence
by Roy Wilson
2010, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 1-1 Simulating Rural Environmentally and Socio-Economically Constrained Multi-Activity and Multi-Decision Societies in a Low-Data Context: A Challenge Through Empirical Agent-Based Modeling
by Mehdi Saqalli & Charles L. Bielders & Bruno Gerard & Pierre Defourny - 1-2 An Agent Based Market Design Methodology for Combinatorial Auctions
by Jinho Choi & Gyoo Gun Lim & Kun Chang Lee - 1-3 Simulation of the Long-Term Effects of Decentralized and Adaptive Investments in Cross-Agency Interoperable and Standard IT Systems
by Sungho Lee - 1-4 Simulating Political Stability and Change in the Netherlands (1998-2002): an Agent-Based Model of Party Competition with Media Effects Empirically Tested
by Jasper Muis - 1-5 Social Simulation and Analysis of the Dynamics of Criminal Hot Spots
by Tibor Bosse & Charlotte Gerritsen - 1-6 Socio-Economic Mechanisms to Coordinate the Internet of Services: The Simulation Environment SimIS
by Stefan König & Sebastian Hudert & Torsten Eymann - 1-7 Social Preference, Incomplete Information, and the Evolution of Ultimatum Game in the Small World Networks: An Agent-Based Approach
by Bo Xianyu - 1-8 Flocking Behaviour: Agent-Based Simulation and Hierarchical Leadership
by Vicenç Quera & Francesc S. Beltran & Ruth Dolado - 1-9 The Surprising Success of a Replication That Failed
by Michael Macy & Yoshimichi Sato - 1-10 Using Qualitative Evidence to Enhance an Agent-Based Modelling System for Studying Land Use Change
by J. Gareth Polhill & Lee-Ann Sutherland & Nicholas M. Gotts
2010, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-1 Using Microsimulation to Optimize an Income Transfer System Towards Poverty Reduction
by Seppo Sallila - 1-2 Optimization and Falsification in Empirical Agent-Based Models
by Sebastian Schutte - 1-3 Ontology, a Mediator for Agent-Based Modeling in Social Science
by Pierre Livet & Jean-Pierre Muller & Denis Phan & Lena Sanders - 1-4 Explaining Simulations Through Self Explaining Agents
by Maaike Harbers & John-Jules Meyer & Karel van den Bosch - 1-5 Agent-Based Models and Simulations in Economics and Social Sciences: From Conceptual Exploration to Distinct Ways of Experimenting
by Denis Phan & Franck Varenne - 1-6 What Do Agent-Based and Equation-Based Modelling Tell Us About Social Conventions: The Clash Between ABM and EBM in a Congestion Game Framework
by Federico Cecconi & Marco Campennì & Giulia Andrighetto & Rosaria Conte - 1-7 A Methodology for Complex Social Simulations
by Claudio Cioffi-Revilla - 1-8 Bootstrapping Knowledge About Social Phenomena Using Simulation Models
by Bruce Edmonds - 1-9 Simulation-Based Definitions of Emergence
by Alan Baker - 1-10 Social Simulations: Improving Interdisciplinary Understanding of Scientific Positioning and Validity
by Stuart Rossiter & Jason Noble & Keith R.W. Bell - 1-11 A Spatial Approach to Network Generation for Three Properties: Degree Distribution, Clustering Coefficient and Degree Assortativity
by Jennifer Badham & Rob Stocker - 1-12 Norm Internalisation in Human and Artificial Intelligence
by Martin Neumann - 1-13 Large Scale Daily Contacts and Mobility Model - an Individual-Based Countrywide Simulation Study for Poland
by Franciszek Rakowski & Magdalena Gruziel & Michal Krych & Jan P Radomski - 1-14 Epistemological Perspectives on Simulation III
by Nuno David & José Castro Caldas & Helder Coelho - 1-15 Social Influence and Decision-Making: Evaluating Agent Networks in Village Responses to Change in Freshwater
by Mark Altaweel & Lilian N. Alessa & Andrew D. Kliskey
2009, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 1-1 The Methodology of Simulation Models: Chances and Risks
by Andreas Pyka & Claudia Werker - 1-2 Policy Advice Derived from Simulation Models
by Thomas Brenner & Claudia Werker - 1-3 An Objective-Based Perspective on Assessment of Model-Supported Policy Processes
by Gönenç Yücel & Els van Daalen - 1-4 Agent Based Modeling and Simulation: An Informatics Perspective
by Stefania Bandini & Sara Manzoni & Giuseppe Vizzari - 1-5 On the Effects of Skill Upgrading in the Presence of Spatial Labor Market Frictions: An Agent-Based Analysis of Spatial Policy Design
by Herbert Dawid & Simon Gemkow & Philipp Harting & Michael Neugart - 1-6 A Pragmatic Reading of Friedman's Methodological Essay and What It Tells Us for the Discussion of ABMs
by Simon Deichsel & Andreas Pyka - 1-7 Cooperation in the Prisoner's Dilemma Game Based on the Second-Best Decision
by Tetsushi Ohdaira & Takao Terano - 1-8 Sendero: An Extended, Agent-Based Implementation of Kauffman's NKCS Model
by Julian Padget & Richard Vidgen & James Mitchell & Amy Marshall & Rick Mellor - 1-9 A Survey of Agent-Based Modeling Practices (January 1998 to July 2008)
by Brian Heath & Raymond Hill & Frank Ciarallo - 1-10 Agent Street: An Environment for Exploring Agent-Based Models in Second Life
by Andrew Crooks & Andrew Hudson-Smith & Joel Dearden - 1-11 Resolving a Replication That Failed: News on the Macy & Sato Model
by Oliver Will - 1-12 The Development of Social Simulation as Reflected in the First Ten Years of JASSS: a Citation and Co-Citation Analysis
by Matthias Meyer & Iris Lorscheid & Klaus G. Troitzsch - 1-13 Understanding Artificial Anasazi
by Marco A. Janssen
2009, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 1-1 Punishment Deters Crime Because Humans Are Bounded in Their Strategic Decision-Making
by Heiko Rauhut & Marcel Junker - 1-2 When and How to Imitate Your Neighbours: Lessons from and for FEARLUS
by Nicholas M. Gotts & J. Gareth Polhill - 1-3 Income Distribution Effects of a Finnish Work Incentive Trap Reform
by Paivi Mattila-Wiro - 1-4 Effects of a Trust Mechanism on Complex Adaptive Supply Networks: An Agent-Based Social Simulation Study
by Whan-Seon Kim - 1-5 Forecasting a Language Shift Based on Cellular Automata
by Francesc S. Beltran & Salvador Herrando & Doris Ferreres & Marc-Antoni Adell & Violant Estreder & Marcos Ruiz-Soler - 1-7 An Analysis of the Insertion of Virtual Players in GMABS Methodology Using the Vip-JogoMan Prototype
by Diana Adamatti & Jaime Simão Sichman & Helder Coelho
2009, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 1-1 Design Guidelines for Agent Based Model Visualization
by Daniel Kornhauser & Uri Wilensky & William Rand - 1-2 Tools of the Trade: A Survey of Various Agent Based Modeling Platforms
by Cynthia Nikolai & Gregory Madey - 1-3 Social Circles: A Simple Structure for Agent-Based Social Network Models
by Lynne Hamill & Nigel Gilbert - 1-4 How Groups Can Foster Consensus: The Case of Local Cultures
by Patrick Groeber & Frank Schweitzer & Kerstin Press - 1-5 Agent-Based Simulation on Women's Role in a Family Line on Civil Service Examination in Chinese History
by Chao Yang & Kurahashi Setsuya & Keiko Kurahashi & Isao Ono & Takao Terano
2009, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-1 Errors and Artefacts in Agent-Based Modelling
by José Manuel Galán & Luis R. Izquierdo & Segismundo S. Izquierdo & José Ignacio Santos & Ricardo del Olmo & Adolfo López-Paredes & Bruce Edmonds - 1-2 Exploring Agent-Based Methods for the Analysis of Payment Systems: A Crisis Model for StarLogo TNG
by Luca Arciero & Claudia Biancotti & Leandro D'Aurizio & Claudio Impenna - 1-3 Agent-Based Urban Land Markets: Agent's Pricing Behavior, Land Prices and Urban Land Use Change
by Tatiana Filatova & Dawn C. Parker & Anne van der Veen - 1-4 Simulating Light-Weight Personalised Recommender Systems in Learning Networks: A Case for Pedagogy-Oriented and Rating-Based Hybrid Recommendation Strategies
by Rob J. Nadolski & Bert van den Berg & Adriana J. Berlanga & Hendrik Drachsler & Hans G.K. Hummel & Rob E.J.R. Koper & Peter B. Sloep - 1-5 Games on Cellular Spaces: How Mobility Affects Equilibrium
by Pedro Ribeiro de Andrade & Antonio Miguel Vieira Monteiro & Gilberto Câmara & Sandra Sandri - 1-6 Techniques to Understand Computer Simulations: Markov Chain Analysis
by Luis R. Izquierdo & Segismundo S. Izquierdo & José Manuel Galán & José Ignacio Santos - 1-7 A Proximate Mechanism for Communities of Agents to Commemorate Long Dead Ancestors
by Bill Tomlinson - 1-8 A Spatial Agent-Based Model of N-Person Prisoner's Dilemma Cooperation in a Socio-Geographic Community
by Conrad Power - 1-9 Contra Epstein, Good Explanations Predict
by Nicholas S. Thompson & Patrick Derr - 1-10 Not All Explanations Predict Satisfactorily, and Not All Good Predictions Explain
by Klaus G. Troitzsch - 1-11 Modelling Opinion Formation with Physics Tools: Call for Closer Link with Reality
by Pawel Sobkowicz - 1-12 Industrial Dynamics and Financial Markets
by Thomas Grebel & Esther Merey
2008, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 1-1 Pricing Strategies and Protection of Digital Products Under Presence of Piracy: A Welfare Analysis
by Gokhan Ozertan & Baris Cevik - 1-2 The Dynamics of Public Opinion in Complex Networks
by Shuguang Suo & Yu Chen - 1-3 Marriage Formation/Dissolution and Marital Distribution in a Two-Period Economic Model of Matching with Cooperative Bargaining
by Ayse Mumcu & Ismail Saglam - 1-4 An Agent-Based Model of Mediterranean Agricultural Land-Use/Cover Change for Examining Wildfire Risk
by James Millington & Raúl Romero-Calcerrada & John Wainwright & George Perry - 1-5 Population Heterogeneity and Individual Differences in an Assortative Agent-Based Marriage and Divorce Model (MADAM) Using Search with Relaxing Expectations
by Thomas Hills & Peter Todd - 1-6 Homo Socionicus: a Case Study of Simulation Models of Norms
by Martin Neumann - 1-7 Governments, Civilians, and the Evolution of Insurgency: Modeling the Early Dynamics of Insurgencies
by D. Scott Bennett - 1-8 Replication in the Deception and Convergence of Opinions Problem
by André C. R. Martins - 1-9 Can Extremism Guarantee Pluralism?
by Floriana Gargiulo & Alberto Mazzoni - 1-10 A Framework for Megascale Agent Based Model Simulations on Graphics Processing Units
by Mikola Lysenko & Roshan M. D'Souza - 1-11 Reply to Will and Hegselmann
by Michael Macy & Yoshimichi Sato - 1-12 Why Model?
by Joshua M. Epstein - 1-13 Remark on a Reply
by Oliver Will & Rainer Hegselmann
2008, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 1-1 Agent-Based Simulation of the Trust and Tracing Game for Supply Chains and Networks
by Dmytro Tykhonov & Catholijn Jonker & Sebastiaan Meijer & Tim Verwaart - 1-2 Enhancing the Australian National Health Survey Data for Use in a Microsimulation Model of Pharmaceutical Drug Usage and Cost
by Annie Abello & Sharyn Lymer & Laurie Brown & Ann Harding & Ben Phillips - 1-3 A Replication That Failed - on the Computational Model in 'Michael W. Macy and Yoshimichi Sato: Trust, Cooperation and Market Formation in the U.S. and Japan. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, May 2002'
by Oliver Will & Rainer Hegselmann - 1-4 Simple Heuristics in Complex Networks: Models of Social Influence
by Gero Schwenk & Torsten Reimer - 1-6 Emergence and Collapse of Peace with Friend Selection Strategies
by Yutaka NAKAI & Masayoshi Muto - 1-7 Modelling Socio-Technical Transition Patterns and Pathways
by Noam Bergman & Alex Haxeltine & Lorraine Whitmarsh & Jonathan Köhler & Michel Schilperoord & Jan Rotmans - 1-8 Simulating Evolutionary Games: A Python-Based Introduction
by Alan G. Isaac - 1-9 Agent-Based Emergency Evacuation Simulation with Individuals with Disabilities in the Population
by Keith Christensen & Yuya Sasaki
2008, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-1 Reinforcement Learning Dynamics in Social Dilemmas
by Segismundo S. Izquierdo & Luis R. Izquierdo & Nicholas M. Gotts - 1-2 Is Religion an Evolutionary Adaptation?
by James Dow - 1-3 Using the ODD Protocol for Describing Three Agent-Based Social Simulation Models of Land-Use Change
by J. Gareth Polhill & Dawn C. Parker & Daniel Brown & Volker Grimm - 1-4 Opinion Dynamics: the Effect of the Number of Peers Met at Once
by Diemo Urbig & Jan Lorenz & Heiko Herzberg - 1-5 Horizontal and Vertical Multiple Implementations in a Model of Industrial Districts
by Ugo Merlone & Michele Sonnessa & Pietro Terna - 1-6 Towards a Community Framework for Agent-Based Modelling
by Marco A. Janssen & Lilian N. Alessa & C. Michael Barton & Sean Bergin & Allen Lee - 1-7 REsCape: an Agent-Based Framework for Modeling Resources, Ethnicity, and Conflict
by Ravi Bhavnani & Dan Miodownik & Jonas Nart - 1-8 Progress in Model-To-Model Analysis
by Juliette Rouchier & Claudio Cioffi-Revilla & J. Gareth Polhill & Keiki Takadama - 1-9 Micro- and Macro-Level Validation in Agent-Based Simulation: Reproduction of Human-Like Behaviors and Thinking in a Sequential Bargaining Game
by Keiki Takadama & Tetsuro Kawai & Yuhsuke Koyama - 1-10 Differential Equation Models Derived from an Individual-Based Model Can Help to Understand Emergent Effects
by Sylvie Huet & Guillaume Deffuant - 1-11 A Model-To-Model Analysis of Bertrand Competition
by Xavier Vilà
2007, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-1 An Agent-Based Representation of the Garbage Can Model of Organizational Choice
by Guido Fioretti & Alessandro Lomi - 1-2 A Cognitively Founded Model of the Social Emergence of Lexicon
by Umberto Gostoli - 1-3 Cricketsim: a Genetic and Evolutionary Computer Simulation
by Kyle Wagner & Kerry Shaw - 1-4 Rethinking Lock-in and Locking: Adopters Facing Network Effects
by Marc R.H. Roedenbeck & Barnas Nothnagel - 1-5 Alternative Approaches to the Empirical Validation of Agent-Based Models
by Scott Moss - 1-6 How to Choose the Bidding Strategy in Continuous Double Auctions: Imitation Versus Take-The-Best Heuristics
by Marta Posada & Adolfo López-Paredes - 1-7 Network Formation and Strategic Firm Behaviour to Explore and Exploit
by Müge Özman - 1-8 Imitation and Cooperation in Different Helping Games
by Giangiacomo Bravo
2007, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 1-1 Groups of Agents with a Leader
by Onofrio Gigliotta & Orazio Miglino & Domenico Parisi - 1-2 Making Models Match: Replicating an Agent-Based Model
by Uri Wilensky & William Rand - 1-3 Cultural Learning in a Dynamic Environment: an Analysis of Both Fitness and Diversity in Populations of Neural Network Agents
by Dara Curran & Colm O'Riordan - 1-4 Simulating the Effect of Social Influence on Decision-Making in Small, Task-Oriented, Groups
by Roy Wilson - 1-5 Using Computational Agents to Design Participatory Social Simulations
by Minh Nguyen-Duc & Alexis Drogoul - 1-6 Studying Organisational Topology with Simple Computational Models
by Anthony Dekker - 1-7 The Impact of HIV/AIDS in the Context of Socioeconomic Stressors: an Evidence-Driven Approach
by Shah Jamal Alam & Ruth Meyer & Gina Ziervogel & Scott Moss - 1-8 A Model to Test How Diversity Affects Resilience in Regional Innovation Networks
by Sergi Lozano & Alexandre Arenas - 1-9 Spatial Dynamics of Pandemic Influenza in a Massive Artificial Society
by Phillip Stroud & Sara Del Valle & Stephen Sydoriak & Jane Riese & Susan Mniszewski
2007, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 1-1 Research on Multi-Agent Simulation of Epidemic News Spread Characteristics
by Xiaoguang Gong & Renbin Xiao - 1-2 Dynamics of Network Formation Processes in the Co-Author Model
by Laurent Tambayong - 1-3 Finite Neighborhood Binary Games: a Structural Study
by Jijun Zhao & Ferenc Szidarovszky & Miklos N. Szilagyi - 1-4 The Evolution of Altruism in Spatially Structured Populations
by András Németh & Károly Takács - 1-5 How Realistic Should Knowledge Diffusion Models Be?
by Jean-Philippe Cointet & Camille Roth - 1-6 Characterising Land Holding Size Distributions in a Forest Reserve
by Oswaldo Terán & Johanna Alvarez & Magdiel Ablan & Manuel Jaimes - 1-7 Evolutionary Tournament-Based Comparison of Learning and Non-Learning Algorithms for Iterated Games
by Stéphane Airiau & Sabyasachi Saha & Sandip Sen - 1-8 Simulating Gender Stratification
by James F. Robison-Cox & Richard F. Martell & Cynthia G. Emrich - 1-9 Information Feedback and Mass Media Effects in Cultural Dynamics
by Juan Carlos González-Avella & Mario G. Cosenza & Konstantin Klemm & VÃctor M. Eguíluz & Maxi San Miguel - 1-10 Open Access for Social Simulation
by J. Gareth Polhill & Bruce Edmonds
2007, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 1-1 An Extended Reinforcement Algorithm for Estimation of Human Behaviour in Experimental Congestion Games
by Thorsten Chmura & Thomas Pitz - 1-2 A Semantic Grid Service for Experimentation with an Agent-Based Model of Land-Use Change
by J. Gareth Polhill & Edoardo Pignotti & Nicholas M. Gotts & Pete Edwards & Alun Preece - 1-4 CARDS: Case-Based Reasoning Decision Support Mechanism for Multi-Agent Negotiation in Mobile Commerce
by Kun Chang Lee & Namho Lee - 1-5 Peer-Allocated Instant Response (PAIR): Computational Allocation of Peer Tutors in Learning Communities
by Wim Westera - 1-6 Higher-Order Simulations: Strategic Investment Under Model-Induced Price Patterns
by Gilbert Peffer & Barbara Llacay - 1-7 Social Simulation of Stock Markets: Taking It to the Next Level
by Arvid Oskar Ivar Hoffmann & Wander Jager & J. H. Von Eije - 1-8 Empirical Validation of Agent-Based Models: Alternatives and Prospects
by Paul Windrum & Giorgio Fagiolo & Alessio Moneta - 1-9 Dynamic Agent Compression
by Stephen Wendel & Catherine Dibble
2007, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-1 Cellular-Automata Based Qualitative Simulation for Nonprofit Group Behavior
by Bin Hu & Debing Zhang - 1-2 Social Reputation: a Mechanism for Flexible Self-Regulation of Multiagent Systems
by Christian Hahn & Bettina Fley & Michael Florian & Daniela Spresny & Klaus Fischer - 1-3 Socionic Multi-Agent Systems Based on Reflexive Petri Nets and Theories of Social Self-Organisation
by Michael Köhler & Roman Langer & Rolf von Lüde & Daniel Moldt & Heiko Rölke & Rüdiger Valk - 1-4 Construction and Evaluation of Social Agents in Hybrid Settings: Approach and Experimental Results of the INKA Project
by Martin Meister & Kay Schröter & Diemo Urbig & Eric Lettkemann & Hans-Dieter Burkhard & Werner Rammert - 1-5 The Empirical Semantics Approach to Communication Structure Learning and Usage: Individualistic Vs. Systemic Views
by Matthias Nickles & Michael Rovatsos & Marco Schmitt & Wilfried Brauer & Felix Fischer & Thomas Malsch & Kai Paetow & Gerhard Weiss - 1-7 Culture Outsmarts Nature in the Evolution of Cooperation
by Klaus Jaffe & Roberto Cipriani - 1-8 Forecasting China's Medical Insurance Policy for Urban Employees Using a Microsimulation Model
by Linping Xiong & Xiuqiang Ma - 1-9 Communication Between Process and Structure: Modelling and Simulating Message Reference Networks with COM/TE
by Thomas Malsch & Christoph Schlieder & Peter Kiefer & Maren Lübcke & Rasco Perschke & Marco Schmitt & Klaus Stein - 1-10 Taking into Account the Variations of Neighbourhood Sizes in the Mean-Field Approximation of the Threshold Model on a Random Network
by Sylvie Huet & Margaret Edwards & Guillaume Deffuant - 1-11 Socionics: Sociological Concepts for Social Systems of Artificial (and Human) Agents
by Thomas Malsch & Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer
2006, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 1-1 Enhancing the Supply Chain Performance by Integrating Simulated and Physical Agents into Organizational Information Systems
by Fu-ren Lin & Shyh-ming Lin - 1-2 Cultural Differences and Economic Incentives: an Agent-Based Study of Their Impact on the Emergence of Regional Autonomy Movements
by Dan Miodownik - 1-3 Self-Organizing Traffic at a Malfunctioning Intersection
by Sujai Kumar & Sugata Mitra - 1-4 Is Your Model Susceptible to Floating-Point Errors?
by Luis R. Izquierdo & J. Gareth Polhill - 1-5 Expectation-Driven Interaction: a Model Based on Luhmann's Contingency Approach
by Michael Barber & Philippe Blanchard & Eva Buchinger & Bruno Cessac & Ludwig Streit - 1-6 An "All Hands" Call to the Social Science Community: Establishing a Community Framework for Complexity Modeling Using Agent Based Models and Cyberinfrastructure
by Lilian N. Alessa & Melinda Laituri & C. Michael Barton