2006, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 1-8 Agent-Based Participatory Simulations: Merging Multi-Agent Systems and Role-Playing Games
by Paul Guyot & Shinichi Honiden - 1-9 Cascades of Failure and Extinction in Evolving Complex Systems
by Paul Ormerod & Rich Colbaugh
2006, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 1-1 Votes and Lobbying in the European Decision-Making Process: Application to the European Regulation on GMO Release
by Juliette Rouchier & Sophie Thoyer - 1-2 Using Hybrid Agent-Based Systems to Model Spatially-Influenced Retail Markets
by Alison Heppenstall & Andrew Evans & Mark Birkin - 1-3 Simulation of the Categorization-Elaboration Model of Diversity and Work-Group Performance
by Victor Palmer - 1-4 Better Be Convincing or Better Be Stylish? a Theory Based Multi-Agent Simulation to Explain Minority Influence in Groups Via Arguments or Via Peripheral Cues
by Hans-Joachim Mosler - 1-5 Spatial Behavior in Groups: an Agent-Based Approach
by Francesc S. Beltran & Laura Salas & Vicenç Quera - 1-6 The Simulation of Financial Markets by Agent-Based Mix-Game Models
by Chengling Gou - 1-6 The Simulation of Financial Markets by an Agent-Based Mix-Game Model
by Chengling Gou - 1-8 Comparing Extremism Propagation Patterns in Continuous Opinion Models
by Guillaume Deffuant - 1-9 A Generic Approach to an Object-Oriented Learning Classifier System Library
by Matthias Meyer & Klaus Hufschlag - 1-10 Truth and Cognitive Division of Labour: First Steps Towards a Computer Aided Social Epistemology
by Rainer Hegselmann & Ulrich Krause
2006, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 1-1 Comparison of Eurovision Song Contest Simulation with Actual Results Reveals Shifting Patterns of Collusive Voting Alliances
by Derek Gatherer - 1-2 Multi-Agent Simulation of Emergence of Schwa Deletion Pattern in Hindi
by Monojit Choudhury & Anupam Basu & Sudeshna Sarkar - 1-3 Repage: REPutation and ImAGE Among Limited Autonomous Partners
by Jordi Sabater-Mir & Mario Paolucci & Rosaria Conte - 1-4 My Way or the Highway: a More Naturalistic Model of Altruism Tested in an Iterative Prisoners' Dilemma
by David Joyce & John Kennison & Owen Densmore & Stephen Guerin & Shawn Barr & Eric Charles & Nicholas S. Thompson - 1-5 Metamimetic Games: Modeling Metadynamics in Social Cognition
by David Chavalarias - 1-6 Formal Interpretation of a Multi-Agent Society As a Single Agent
by Tibor Bosse & Jan Treur - 1-7 An Agent-Based Model of Mortality Shocks, Intergenerational Effects, and Urban Crime
by Michael Makowsky - 1-8 Simulation in Economics: Evidence on Diffusion and Communication
by Magda Fontana - 1-9 Emerging Artificial Societies Through Learning
by Nigel Gilbert & Matthijs den Besten & Akos Bontovics & Bart G.W. Craenen & Federico Divina & A.E. Eiben & Robert Griffioen & György Hévízi & Andras Lõrincz & Ben Paechter & Stephan Schuster & Martijn C. Schut & Christian Tzolov & Paul Vogt & Lu Yang
2006, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-1 Dialogues Concerning a (Possibly) New Science
by Guillaume Deffuant & Scott Moss & Wander Jager - 1-5 Simulating the Emergence of Task Rotation
by Kees Zoethout & Wander Jager & Eric Molleman - 1-6 The AtollGame Experience: from Knowledge Engineering to a Computer-Assisted Role Playing Game
by Anne Dray & Pascal Perez & Natalie Jones & Christophe Le Page & Patrick D'aquino & Ian White & Titeem Auatabu - 1-8 Consensus Strikes Back in the Hegselmann-Krause Model of Continuous Opinion Dynamics Under Bounded Confidence
by Jan Lorenz - 1-9 Cultural Transmission Between and Within Generations
by Alberto Acerbi & Domenico Parisi - 1-10 The Emergence of Symbiotic Groups Resulting from Skill-Differentiation and Tags
by Bruce Edmonds - 1-11 Mass Media and Polarisation Processes in the Bounded Confidence Model of Opinion Dynamics
by Gary Mckeown & Noel Sheehy - 1-12 The Viability of Cooperation Based on Interpersonal Commitment
by István Back & Andreas Flache - 1-13 A Continuous Opinion Dynamics Model Based on the Principle of Meta-Contrast
by Laurent Salzarulo - 1-14 Deception and Convergence of Opinions Part 2: the Effects of Reproducibility
by Victor Palmer - 1-15 A Common Protocol for Agent-Based Social Simulation
by Matteo Richiardi & Roberto Leombruni & Nicole J. Saam & Michele Sonnessa - 1-16 Introduction to the Special Section on Reputation in Agent Societies
by Mario Paolucci & Jordi Sabater-Mir - 1-17 Evolution of Cooperation when Feedback to Reputation Scores is Voluntary
by Marco A. Janssen
2005, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-3 An Agent-Based Spatially Explicit Epidemiological Model in MASON
by Jill Bigley Dunham - 1-4 On the Simulation of Global Reputation Systems
by Andreas Schlosser & Marco Voss & Lars Brückner - 1-7 Uncertainty and Cooperation: Analytical Results and a Simulated Agent Society
by Peter Andras & John Lazarus & Gilbert Roberts & Steven J Lynden
2005, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 1-1 A Framework for Epistemological Perspectives on Simulation
by Joerg Becker & Bjoern Niehaves & Karsten Klose - 1-2 The Logic of the Method of Agent-Based Simulation in the Social Sciences: Empirical and Intentional Adequacy of Computer Programs
by Nuno David & Jaime Simão Sichman & Helder Coelho - 1-3 Validation of Simulation: Patterns in the Social and Natural Sciences
by Günter Küppers & Johannes Lenhard - 1-4 Stylised Facts and the Contribution of Simulation to the Economic Analysis of Budgeting
by Bernd-O. Heine & Matthias Meyer & Oliver Strangfeld - 1-5 What is the Truth of Simulation?
by Alex Schmid - 1-6 Does Empirical Embeddedness Matter? Methodological Issues on Agent-Based Models for Analytical Social Science
by Riccardo Boero & Flaminio Squazzoni - 1-7 Epistemological Perspectives on Simulation
by Ulrich Frank & Klaus G. Troitzsch - 1-8 Influence of Local Information on Social Simulations in Small-World Network Models
by Chung-Yuan Huang & Chuen-Tsai Sun & Hsun-Cheng Lin - 1-9 It Pays to Be Popular: a Study of Civilian Assistance and Guerilla Warfare
by Scott Wheeler - 1-11 Violence and Revenge in Egalitarian Societies
by Stephen Younger - 1-12 How Can Social Networks Ever Become Complex? Modelling the Emergence of Complex Networks from Local Social Exchanges
by Josep M. Pujol & Andreas Flache & Jordi Delgado & Ramon Sangüesa - 1-13 Towards Good Social Science
by Scott Moss & Bruce Edmonds - 1-14 Caffè Nero: The Evaluation of Social Simulation
by Petra Ahrweiler & Nigel Gilbert
2005, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 1-1 The Fate of Spatial Dilemmas with Different Fuzzy Measures of Success
by Hugo Fort & Nicolás Pérez - 1-2 Appearances Can Be Deceiving: Lessons Learned Re-Implementing Axelrod's 'Evolutionary Approach to Norms'
by José Manuel Galán & Luis R. Izquierdo - 1-3 Modelling the Dynamics of Youth Subcultures
by Petter Holme & Andreas Grönlund - 1-4 Inter-Organizational Learning and Collective Memory in Small Firms Clusters: an Agent-Based Approach
by Francesca Borrelli & Cristina Ponsiglione & Luca Iandoli & Giuseppe Zollo - 1-5 Sociological Implications of Gift Exchange in Multiagent Systems
by Shah Jamal Alam & Frank Hillebrandt & Michael Schillo - 1-6 A Formal Model for the Fifth Discipline
by Lourival Paulino da Silva - 1-7 MAS-SOC: a Social Simulation Platform Based on Agent-Oriented Programming
by Rafael H Bordini & Antônio Carlos da Rocha Costa & Jomi F. Hübner & Fabio Yoshimitsu Okuyama & à lvaro F. Moreira & Renata Vieira
2005, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-1 Integrated Description and Qualitative Simulation Method for Group Behavior
by Bin Hu & Xia Gongcheng - 1-2 Lessons Learned from Converting the Artificial Stock Market to Interval Arithmetic
by J. Gareth Polhill & Luis R. Izquierdo - 1-3 Deception and Convergence of Opinions
by André C. R. Martins - 1-4 A Model for a Simple Luhmann Economy
by Anselm Fleischmann - 1-5 Increasing Learner Retention in a Simulated Learning Network Using Indirect Social Interaction
by Rob E.J.R. Koper - 1-6 Simulating the Conflict Between Reputation and Profitability for Online Rating Portals
by Boris Galitsky & Mark Levene - 1-7 Anticipatory Systems and the Processing of Meaning: a Simulation Study Inspired by Luhmann's Theory of Social Systems
by Loet Leydesdorff - 1-8 Technical Note: Evaluating Java Development Kits for Agent-Based Modeling
by Nils B. Weidmann & Luc Girardin - 1-9 Reciprocity, Sanctions, and the Development of Mutual Obligation in Egalitarian Societies
by Stephen Younger
2005, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-6 Simulating the Emergence of New Religious Movements
by M. Afzal Upal
2005, Volume 6, Issue 3
2004, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-1 SISTER: a Symbolic Interactionist Simulation of Trade and Emergent Roles
by Deborah Duong & John Grefenstette - 1-2 Emerging communication and cooperation in evolving agent societies
by Pieter Buzing & A.E. Eiben & Martijn C. Schut - 1-3 The Human Science of Simulation: a Robust Hermeneutics for Artificial Societies
by Michael Drennan - 1-4 Agents in Living Color: Towards Emic Agent-Based Models
by Michael Agar - 1-5 The Ghost in the Model (and Other Effects of Floating Point Arithmetic)
by J. Gareth Polhill & Luis R. Izquierdo & Nicholas M. Gotts
2004, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 1-1 The Design of Participatory Agent-Based Social Simulations
by Ana Maria Ramanath & Nigel Gilbert - 1-2 Simulating SARS: Small-World Epidemiological Modeling and Public Health Policy Assessments
by Chung-Yuan Huang & Chuen-Tsai Sun & Ji-Lung Hsieh & Holin Lin - 1-3 Responsibility for Societies of Agents
by Rosaria Conte & Mario Paolucci - 1-4 Reasoning About Other Agents: a Plea for Logic-Based Methods
by Wendelin Reich - 1-5 Understanding MABS and Social Simulation: Switching Between Languages in a Hierarchy of Levels
by Oswaldo Terán - 1-6 Simulating political attitudes and voting behavior
by Johannes Kottonau & Claudia Pahl-Wostl - 1-7 Formal Systems and Agent-Based Social Simulation Equals Null?
by Maria Fasli - 1-8 The Use of Logic in Agent-Based Social Simulation
by Frank Dignum & Bruce Edmonds & Liz Sonenberg
2004, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 1-1 Case-Based Reasoning, Social Dilemmas, and a New Equilibrium Concept
by Luis R. Izquierdo & Nicholas M. Gotts & J. Gareth Polhill - 1-2 From Classroom Experiments to Computer Code
by Arianna Dal Forno & Ugo Merlone - 1-3 ALEX3: a Simulation Program to Compare Electoral Systems
by Marie-Edith Bissey & Mauro Carini & Guido Ortona - 1-4 The Structure and Logic of Interdisciplinary Research in Agent-Based Social Simulation
by Nuno David & Maria Bruno Marietto & Jaime Simão Sichman & Helder Coelho - 1-5 Simulating Organizational Decision-Making Using a Cognitively Realistic Agent Model
by Ron Sun & Isaac Naveh - 1-6 VIR-POX: An Agent-Based Analysis of Smallpox Preparedness and Response Policy
by Benjamin M. Eidelson & Ian Lustick - 1-7 Discretized Opinion Dynamics of the Deffaunt Model on Scale-Free Networks
by Dietrich Stauffer & Adriano Sousa & Christian Schulze
2004, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-1 Micro Behavioural Attitudes and Macro Technological Adaptation in Industrial Districts: an Agent-Based Prototype
by Riccardo Boero & Marco Castellani & Flaminio Squazzoni - 1-2 Adoption and Use of Electronic Markets: Individual and Collective Learning
by Eric Darmon & Dominique Torre - 1-3 Knowledge Creation Facing Hierarchy: The Dynamics of Groups Inside The Firm
by Nathalie Lazaric & Alain Raybaut - 1-4 Seeking Equilibrium Leads to Chaos: Multiple Equilibria Regulation Model
by Ioannis D Katerelos & Andreas G. Koulouris - 1-5 Small World Dynamics and The Process of Knowledge Diffusion: The Case of The Metropolitan Area of Greater Santiago De Chile
by Piergiuseppe Morone & Richard Taylor - 1-6 Applied Evolutionary Economics and Social Simulation
by Andreas Pyka & Petra Ahrweiler - 1-7 Modelling Learning and R&D in Innovative Environments: a Cognitive Multi-Agent Approach
by Javier Pajares & Cesáreo Hernández-Iglesias & Adolfo López-Paredes - 1-8 Simulation of The Dynamic Interactions Between Terror and Anti-Terror Organizational Structures
by Stanislaw Raczynski - 1-9 When and Why Does Haggling Occur? Some Suggestions from a Qualitative but Computational Simulation of Negotiation
by Bruce Edmonds & David Hales
2004, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-1 Route Decision Behaviour in a Commuting Scenario: Simple Heuristics Adaptation and Effect of Traffic Forecast
by Franziska Klügl & Ana L. C. Bazzan - 1-2 Generalizing Gibrat: Reasonable Multiplicative Models of Firm Dynamics
by Matteo Richiardi - 1-3 An Adaptive Toolbox Model: a Pluralistic Modelling Approach for Human Behaviour Based on Observation
by Claudia Pahl-Wostl & Eva Ebenhöh - 1-4 The Role of Signaling Action Tendencies in Conflict Resolution
by Matthias Scheutz & Paul Schermerhorn - 1-5 The Effect of Communicating Normative Reputation on the Benefits of Resource Sharing in Simple Societies
by Stephen Younger - 1-6 Evaluation of free Java-libraries for social-scientific agent based simulation
by Robert Tobias & Carole Hofmann - 1-7 The GeoGraph 3D Computational Laboratory: Network and Terrain Landscapes for RePast
by Catherine Dibble & Philip G. Feldman
2003, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 1-1 Adaptive Agents, Political Institutions and Civic Traditions in Modern Italy
by Ravi Bhavnani - 1-2 Simulation and Validation of an Integrated Markets Model
by Brian Sallans & Alexander Pfister & Alexandros Karatzoglou & Georg Dorffner - 1-3 Coordination Mechanisms Based on Cooperation and Competition Within Industrial Districts: an Agent-Based Computational Approach
by Vito Albino & Nunzia Carbonara & Ilaria Giannoccaro - 1-4 Social Attitudes: Investigations with Agent Simulations Using Webots
by Ivica Mitrovic & Kerstin Dautenhahn - 1-5 Model-To-Model Analysis
by David Hales & Juliette Rouchier & Bruce Edmonds - 1-6 Cross-Element Validation in Multiagent-Based Simulation: Switching Learning Mechanisms in Agents
by Keiki Takadama & Yutaka L. Suematsu & Norikazu Sugimoto & Norberto E. Nawa & Katsunori Shimohara - 1-7 Re-Implementation of a Multi-Agent Model Aimed at Sustaining Experimental Economic Research: the Case of Simulations with Emerging Speculation
by Juliette Rouchier - 1-8 Simulations of Group Dynamics with Different Models
by Jürgen Klüver & Christina Klüver - 1-9 Comparing an Individual-Based Model of Behaviour Diffusion with Its Mean Field Aggregate Approximation
by Margaret Edwards & Sylvie Huet & François Goreaud & Guillaume Deffuant - 1-10 Comparative Analysis of Agent-Based Social Simulations: GeoSim and FEARLUS Models
by Claudio Cioffi-Revilla & Nicholas M. Gotts - 1-11 Replication, Replication and Replication: Some Hard Lessons from Model Alignmen
by Bruce Edmonds & David Hales - 1-12 Sim2Web: an Open Source System for Web-Enabling Economic and Financial Simulations
by Sergio Margarita & Michele Sonnessa
2003, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 1-2 Sentiment and Social Mitosis: Implications of Heider's Balance Theory
by Zhigang Wang & Warren Thorngate - 1-3 Agent-Based Approach to Investors? Behavior and Asset Price Fluctuation in Financial Markets
by Hiroshi Takahashi & Takao Terano - 1-4 Do Real Options Perform Better Than Net Present Value? Testing in an Artificial Financial Market
by Massimo Sapienza - 1-5 Using Self-Designed Role-Playing Games and a Multi-Agent System to Empower a Local Decision-Making Process for Land Use Management: the SelfCormas Experiment in Senegal
by Patrick D'aquino & Christophe Le Page & François Bousquet & Alassane Bah - 1-6 A Role-Playing Game in Irrigated System Negotiation: Between Play and Reality
by William's Daré & Olivier Barreteau - 1-7 Gaming Approach Route 26: a Combination of Computer Simulation, Design Tools and Social Interaction
by M Duijn & L.H Immers & F.A Waaldijk & H.J. Stoelhorst - 1-8 My Kingdom for a Function: Modeling Misadventures of the Innumerate
by Michael Agar - 1-9 The Significance of Initial Conditions in Simulations
by K. K. Fung & Shekhar Vemuri
2003, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-1 Our Companion Modelling Approach
by Olivier Barreteau - 1-2 A Step-By-Step Approach to Building Land Management Scenarios Based on Multiple Viewpoints on Multi-Agent System Simulations
by Michel Etienne & Christophe Le Page & Mathilde Cohen - 1-3 The Joint Use of Role-Playing Games and Models Regarding Negotiation Processes: Characterization of Associations
by Olivier Barreteau - 1-4 Cooperation with Random Interactions and Without Memory or "tags"
by Hugo Fort - 1-5 SYLVOPAST: a Multiple Target Role-Playing Game to Assess Negotiation Processes in Sylvopastoral Management Planning
by Michel Etienne - 1-6 Report on the Multi-Agent Based Simulation (MABS) 2002 Workshop, Bologna, Italy, July 2002
by François Bousquet & Ray Paul & Paul Davidsson & Jaime Simão Sichman - 1-7 Industry As an Organisation of Agents: Innovation and R&D Management
by Javier Pajares & Adolfo López-Paredes & Cesáreo Hernández-Iglesias - 1-8 Formal Models, Social Theory and Computer Simulations: Some Methodical Reflections
by Jürgen Klüver & Christina Klüver & Jörn Schmidt - 1-9 Agent-Based Verification of Von Thünen's Location Theory
by Yuya Sasaki & Paul Box - 1-10 Role-Playing Games, Models and Negotiation Processes
by Olivier Barreteau & Christophe Le Page & Patrick D'aquino
2003, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-1 An Agent-Based Model of Ethnic Mobilisation
by Armano Srbljinovic & Drazen Penzar & Petra Rodik & Kruno Kardov - 1-2 Attitude Dynamics with Limited Verbalisation Capabilities
by Diemo Urbig - 1-3 On the Scalability of Social Order - Modeling the Problem of Double and Multi Contingency Following Luhmann
by Peter Dittrich & Thomas Kron & Wolfgang Banzhaf - 1-4 Investigating Social Interaction Strategies for Bootstrapping Lexicon Development
by Paul Vogt & Hans Coumans - 1-5 When the Centre Becomes Radical
by Gero von Randow - 1-6 Simple is Beautiful? and Necessary
by Guillaume Deffuant & Frederic Amblard - 1-7 Evolutionary Development and Learning: Two Facets of Strategy Generation
by Ilan Fischer
2002, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 1-1 How Can Extremism Prevail? a Study Based on the Relative Agreement Interaction Model
by Guillaume Deffuant & Frederic Amblard & Gérard Weisbuch - 1-2 SAM - Simulation of Computer-Mediated Negotiations
by Niels Lepperhoff - 1-3 Network Structures and Agreement in Social Network Simulations
by Rob Stocker & David Cornforth & Terry Bossomaier - 1-4 Group Reputation Supports Beneficent Norms
by David Hales - 1-5 Identifying Cases of Social Contagion Using Memetic Isolation: Comparison of the Dynamics of a Multisociety Simulation with an Ethnographic Data Set
by Derek Gatherer - 1-6 Social Modelling and Public Policy: Application of Microsimulation Modelling in Australia
by Laurie Brown & Ann Harding
2002, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-1 The Power of Commitment in Cooperative Social Action
by David Brichoux & Paul E. Johnson - 1-2 Opinion Dynamics and Bounded Confidence Models, Analysis and Simulation
by Rainer Hegselmann & Ulrich Krause - 1-3 An Economic Analysis of Altruism: Who Benefits from Altruistic Acts?
by Klaus Jaffe - 1-4 Agent-Based Simulation of Complex Systems: Application to Collective Management of Animal Wastes
by Rémy Courdier & François Guerrin & Fenintsoa Andriamasinoro & Jean-Marie Paillat - 1-5 A Comparison of Simulation Models Applied to Epidemics
by Raul Bagni & Roberto Berchi & Pasquale Cariello - 1-6 System Dynamic Experiments with Non-Linearity and a Rate of Learning
by C van Dijkum & J van Mens-Verhulst & E van Kuijk & N Lam - 1-7 PS-I: a User-Friendly Agent-Based Modeling Platform for Testing Theories of Political Identity and Political Stability
by Ian Lustick - 1-8 Philosophical Ideas on the Simulation of Social Behaviour
by Carlos Gershenson - 1-9 A European Social Simulation Association
by John Scott & Scott Moss
2002, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-1 The Role of Oblivion, Memory Size and Spatial Separation in Dynamic Language Games
by Juan de Lara Jaramillo & Manuel Alfonseca - 1-2 The Integration of Defectors in a Cooperative Setting
by Marie-Edith Bissey & Guido Ortona - 1-3 A Multi-Agent Simulation Platform for Modeling Perfectly Rational and Bounded-Rational Agents in a Firm
by Arianna Dal Forno & Ugo Merlone - 1-4 Simulated Evolution of Language: a Review of the Field
by Amy Perfors - 1-5 UMDBS - a New Tool for Dynamic Microsimulation
by Thomas Sauerbier - 1-6 "Methodological Implications of Complex Systems Approaches to Sociality": Some Further Remarks
by Kurt Richardson
2002, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-1 Economic Performance, Inter-Firm Relations and Local Institutional Engineering in a Computational Prototype of Industrial Districts
by Flaminio Squazzoni & Riccardo Boero - 1-2 Xenophobia and Social Closure: a Development of a Model from Coleman
by Volker Müller-Benedict - 1-3 Methodological Implications of Complex Systems Approaches to Sociality: Simulation As a Foundation for Knowledge
by Chris Goldspink - 1-5 Can Agent-Based Simulation Improve Dialogue Between Science and Theology?
by Ted Metzler - 1-6 Mixed Reality or One Reality: a Socio-Semiotic Approach to Hybrid Multiagent Environments
by Inga Tomic-Koludrovic & Mirko Petric & Ivica Mitrovic - 1-7 Agent Based Social Simulation: a Computer Science View
by Paul Davidsson
2001, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 1-2 ABLOoM: Location Behaviour, Spatial Patterns, and Agent-Based Modelling
by Henriëtte S. Otter & Anne van der Veen & Huib J. de Vriend - 1-3 Modelling the Emergence of Possession Norms Using Memes
by Felix Flentge & Daniel Polani & Thomas Uthmann - 1-4 Pair Interactions: Real and Perceived Attitudes
by David Pearson & Marie-Reine Boudarel - 1-5 Consensus and Cohesion in Simulated Social Networks
by Rob Stocker & David Green & David Newth - 1-6 Do Irregular Grids Make a Difference? Relaxing the Spatial Regularity Assumption in Cellular Models of Social Dynamics
by Andreas Flache & Rainer Hegselmann - 1-7 Evaluating the Impact of Increasing Memory on Agent Behaviour: Adaptive Patterns in an Agent Based Simulation of Subsistence
by Andre Costopoulos - 1-8 Evolutionary Perspectives on Simulations of Social Systems
by Carl Henning Reschke
2001, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-1 Lake Anderson Revisited by Agents
by Michael Moehring & Klaus G. Troitzsch - 1-2 Competition As a Test of Hypotheses: Simulation of Knowledge-Generating Market Processes
by Wolfgang Kerber & Nicole J. Saam - 1-3 Modelling and Simulating Innovation Behaviour Within Micro-Based Correlated Decision Processes
by Günter Haag & Philipp Liedl - 1-4 Simulating the Evolution of Localised Industrial Clusters - an Identification of the Basic Mechanisms
by Thomas Brenner - 1-5 Technology and Culture: the Dissemination and the Potential 'Lock-In' of New Technologies
by Loet Leydesdorff - 1-6 History-Friendly Models: an Overview of the Case of the Computer Industry
by Franco Malerba & Richard Nelson & Luigi Orsenigo & Sidney G. Winter - 1-7 Clustering and Fighting in Two-Party Crowds: Simulating the Approach-Avoidance Conflict
by Wander Jager - 1-8 Innovation Networks - a Simulation Approach
by Nigel Gilbert & Andreas Pyka & Petra Ahrweiler - 1-9 Empirically Based Simulation: The Case of Twin Peaks in National Income
by Uwe V. Cantner & Bernd Ebersberger & Horst Hanusch & Jens J. Krüger & Andreas Pyka - 1-10 Flexible Modelling with VSEit, the Versatile Simulation Environment for the Internet
by Kai-H. Brassel - 1-11 Modelling Strategies for Water Supply Companies to Deal with Nitrate Pollution
by Yvonne Haffner & Stefan Gramel
2001, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-1 Bad Arguments in the Comparison of Game Theory and Simulation in Social Studies
by Wolfgang Balzer & Karl R. Brendel & Solveig Hofmann - 1-2 Game Theory: Limitations and an Alternative
by Scott Moss - 1-3 Modelling the Emergence of Resource-Sharing Conventions: an Agent-Based Approach
by Olivier Thebaud & Bruno Locatelli - 1-4 Intervening to Achieve Co-Operative Ecosystem Management: Towards an Agent Based Model
by Jim Doran - 1-5 Role-Playing Games for Opening the Black Box of Multi-Agent Systems: Method and Lessons of Its Application to Senegal River Valley Irrigated Systems
by Olivier Barreteau & François Bousquet & Jean-Marie Attonaty - 1-6 A Bargaining Model to Simulate Negotiations Between Water Users
by Sophie Thoyer & Sylvie Morardet & Patrick Rio & Leo Simon & Rachael Goodhue & Gordon Rausser - 1-7 From Social Monitoring to Normative Influence
by Rosaria Conte & Frank Dignum - 1-8 The Creation of a Reputation in an Artificial Society Organised by a Gift System
by Juliette Rouchier & Martin O'Connor & François Bousquet
2001, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-1 Narrative Intelligence from the Bottom Up: a Computational Framework for the Study of Story-Telling in Autonomous Agents
by Kerstin Dautenhahn & Steve Coles - 1-2 Introducing Emotions into the Computational Study of Social Norms: a First Evaluation
by Alexander Staller & Paolo Petta - 1-3 Intelligent Social Learning
by Rosaria Conte & Mario Paolucci - 1-4 Six Levels of Complexity; a Typology of Processes and Systems
by Dietrich Fliedner