2001, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-5 What is Ascape and Why Should You Care?
by Miles Parker - 1-6 ArrierosAlife" a Multi-Agent Approach Simulating the Evolution of a Social System: Modeling the Emergence of Social Networks with "Ascape
by Klaus Auer & Timothy Norris
2000, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 1-1 When One Decides for Many: the Effect of Delegation Methods on Cooperation in Simulated Inter-Group Conflicts
by Ramzi Suleiman & Ilan Fischer - 1-2 Some Strategies for the Simulation of Vocabulary Agreement in Multi-Agent Communities
by Juan de Lara Jaramillo & Manuel Alfonseca - 1-3 A Forgiving Strategy for the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma
by Colm O'Riordan - 1-4 Why Do Simulation? Towards a Working Epistemology for Practitioners of the Dark Arts
by J. P. Marney & Heather F.E. Tarbert
2000, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 1 Using AgentSheets to Teach Simulation to Undergraduate Students
by Joaquim Carvalho - 1-1 Reciprocal Altruism and Group Formation: the Degree of Segmentation of Reciprocal Altruists Who Prefer 'Old-Helping-Partners'
by Evelien Zeggelink & Henk de Vos & Donald Elsas - 1-2 Simulating Household Waste Management Behaviours Part 2: Home Composting
by Peter Tucker & Isobel Fletcher
2000, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-1 Modelling Social Systems As Complex: Towards a Social Simulation Meta-Model
by Chris Goldspink - 1-2 Simulating Common Pool Resource Management Experiments with Adaptive Agents Employing Alternate Communication Routines
by Peter Deadman & Edella Schlager & Randy Gimblett
2000, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1 Liberal Order for Software Agents? an Economic Analysis
by Dirk Nicolas Wagner - 1 Teaching Social Simulation with Matlab
by Warren Thorngate - 1-1 Agent-Based Modelling of Collective Identity: Testing Constructivist Theory
by Ian Lustick - 1-2 Asynchronous Time Evolution in an Artificial Society Model
by Barry G. Lawson & Steve Park
1999, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 1-1 Spontaneous Change, Unpredictability and Consumption Externalities: a Dynamic Approach to Consumer Choice
by John Kemp - 1-2 Gossip, Sexual Recombination and the El Farol Bar: Modelling the Emergence of Heterogeneity
by Bruce Edmonds - 1-3 Simulating Household Waste Management Behaviours
by Peter Tucker & Andrew Smith - 1-4 The Spread of the 'Lapita People': a Demographic Simulation
by Anne Di Piazza & Erik Pearthree - 1-5 Controlled Simulation of Marriage Systems
by Douglas White - 1-6 Finding an Invisible History: a Computer Simulation Experiment (in Virtual Polynesia)
by Cathy Small - 1-7 Topology, Metric and Dynamics of Social Systems
by Jürgen Klüver & Jörn Schmidt - 1-8 The Multi-Agent Modelling Language and the Model Design Interface
by László Gulyás & Tamás Kozsik & John B. Corliss
1999, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-1 The Origin of Institutions: Socio-Economic Processes, Choice, Norms and Conventions
by José Castro Caldas & Helder Coelho - 1-2 An Integrated Approach to Simulating Behavioural Processes: a Case Study of the Lock-in of Consumption Patterns
by Marco A. Janssen & Wander Jager - 1-3 Technological Change, Learning and Macro-Economic Coordination: an Evolutionary Model
by Gérard Ballot & Erol Taymaz
1999, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-1 Simulating Correctional Disturbances: the Application of Organization Control Theory to Correctional Organizations Via Computer Simulation
by Steven Patrick & Patricia Dorman & Robert Marsh - 1-2 Simulating Norms, Social Inequality, and Functional Change in Artificial Societies
by Nicole J. Saam & Andreas G. Harrer - 1-3 Multi-Level Simulation in Lisp-Stat
by Nigel Gilbert
1998, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 1-1 Critical Incident Management: an Empirically Derived Computational Model
by Scott Moss - 1-2 An Open Mind is Not an Empty Mind: Experiments in the Meta-Noosphere
by David Hales - 1-3 Extending Ascribed Intensional Ontologies with Taxonomical Relations in Anthropological Descriptions of Multi-Agent Systems
by Rafael H Bordini & John A. Campbell & Renata Vieira
1998, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 1-1 Understanding Complex Social Dynamics: a Plea for Cellular Automata Based Modelling
by Andreas Flache & Rainer Hegselmann - 1-2 Just How (Un)realistic Are Evolutionary Algorithms As Representations of Social Processes?
by Edmund Chattoe-Brown - 1-3 Normative Reputation and the Costs of Compliance
by Cristiano Castelfranchi & Rosaria Conte & Mario Paolucci - 1-4 Design Versus Cognition: the Interaction of Agent Cognition and Organizational Design on Organizational Performance
by Kathleen Carley & Michael J. Prietula & Zhiang (John) Lin - 1-5 SOCIONICS: Introduction and Potential
by Heinz-Jürgen Müller & Thomas Malsch & Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer
1998, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 1-1 Individual Versus Social Survival Strategies
by Federico Cecconi & Domenico Parisi - 1-2 Societies, Cultures and Fisheries from a Modeling Perspective
by Gérard Weisbuch & Guillemette Duchateau-Nguyen - 1-3 DEPINT: Dependence-Based Coalition Formation in an Open Multi-Agent Scenario
by Jaime Simão Sichman - 1-4 Simulation Tools for Social Scientists: Building Agent Based Models with SWARM
by Pietro Terna - 1-5 Simulation of Order Fulfillment in Divergent Assembly Supply Chains
by Troy J Strader & Fu-ren Lin & Michael J Shaw
1998, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-1 Kinship Based Demographic Simulation of Societal Processes
by Dwight Read - 1-2 Qualitative Modeling and Simulation of Socio-Economic Phenomena
by Giorgio Brajnik & Marji Lines - 1-3 Simulating Collective Misbelief
by Jim Doran - 1-4 Social Order in Artificial Worlds
by Michael Macy - 1-5 Through the Minds of the Agents
by Cristiano Castelfranchi