September 2017, Volume 40, Issue 9
- 1007-1024 Middle management involvement in handling variable patient flows
by Olle Viktor Olsson & Håkan Aronsson & Erik Sandberg - 1025-1038 Do employees’ private demands lead to cyberloafing? The mediating role of job stress
by Kian Yeik Koay & Patrick Chin-Hooi Soh & Kok Wai Chew
August 2017, Volume 40, Issue 8
- 824-844 Interfaith dialogue in a secular field
by Kent D. Miller - 845-869 Applying critical realism in spirituality at work research
by Peter McGhee & Patricia Grant - 870-889 Straight from the heart – a clinical group intervention to research management spirituality
by Lasse Lychnell & Pär Mårtensson - 890-906 Single case research methodology: a tool for moral imagination in business ethics
by Jose Luis Retolaza & Leire San-Jose - 907-932 Authenticity/ الصحة as a criterion variable for Islam and Roman Catholic theology of the workplace analysis
by Charles Thomas Tackney & Imran Shah - 933-952 Research suggestions for management, spirituality, religion
by Joseph M. Petrosko & Meera Alagaraja
July 2017, Volume 40, Issue 7
- 726-744 Constructing a balanced view of profit structure in grocery retailing
by Pilsik Choi - 745-767 Challenges and difficulties of technology commercialization − a mixed-methods study of an industrial development organization
by Neda Khalil Zadeh & Mohammad Khalilzadeh & Mehrdad Mozafari & Morteza Vasei & Ali Amoei Ojaki - 768-782 Consumer evaluation of ingredient branding strategy
by M. Deniz Dalman & Kartikeya Puranam - 783-799 Interview support on perceptions of organizational attractiveness
by Joel Nadler & Maya Gann-Bociek & Brian Skaggs - 800-820 The effect of human IT capability on organizational agility: an empirical analysis
by Sukanya Panda & Santanu Kumar Rath
June 2017, Volume 40, Issue 6
- 626-647 Determinants of foreign-owned subsidiary performance in emerging economies
by Sven Dahms - 648-670 Real estate business model innovation and the impact of ego network structure
by Åsa Yderfält & Tommy Roxenhall - 671-683 A spatial approach to social media
by Christofer Laurell - 684-697 HR analytics and performance appraisal system
by Anshu Sharma & Tanuja Sharma - 698-724 Market orientation, marketing capabilities and sustainable innovation
by Shampy Kamboj & Zillur Rahman
May 2017, Volume 40, Issue 5
- 494-516 Enhancing the understanding of international new ventures: a service-oriented perspective
by Sven M. Laudien & Birgit Daxböck - 517-537 A critique of normative commitment in management research
by Stephen Jaros - 538-555 On the lacking visibility of management research from non-Western countries
by Nida ul Habib Bajwa & Cornelius J. König - 556-577 Sustaining Thai SMEs through perceived benefits and happiness
by Warat Winit & Sooksan Kantabutra - 578-603 Institutional investor behavioral biases: syntheses of theory and evidence
by Zamri Ahmad & Haslindar Ibrahim & Jasman Tuyon - 604-622 The adoption of knowledge integration mechanisms in an interdisciplinary research project
by Paolo Canonico & Ernesto De Nito & Vincenza Esposito & Marcello Martinez & Mario Pezzillo Iacono
April 2017, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 370-377 Culling the brand portfolio: brand deletion outcomes and success factors
by Purvi Shah - 378-409 The role of a firm’s innovation competence on customer adoption of service innovation
by Navneet Bhatnagar & Arun Kumar Gopalaswamy - 410-428 Endogenous value creation: managerial decisions on intangibles
by Elena Shakina & Mariia Molodchik & Angel Barajas - 429-450 Investigating the causal link between a management improvement technique and organizational performance
by André de Waal & Robert Goedegebuure - 451-470 Factors influencing the alignment of technological diversification and firm performance
by Cheng-Yu Lee & Yen-Chih Huang & Chia-Chi Chang - 471-490 How gamers process in-game brand placements under different game-involvement conditions
by Devika Vashisht
March 2017, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 254-269 An empirical examination of firm financial performance along dimensions of supply chain resilience
by Xun Li & Qun Wu & Clyde W. Holsapple & Thomas Goldsby - 270-291 Reducing biases of decision-making processes in complex organizations
by Matteo Cristofaro - 292-309 Entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and performance of SMEs in the manufacturing industry
by Bereket Mamo Buli - 310-330 Social eWOM: does it affect the brand attitude and purchase intention of brands?
by Chetna Kudeshia & Amresh Kumar - 331-351 Six Sigma, stock returns and operating performance
by Bora Ozkan & J. Francisco Rubio & M. Kabir Hassan & James R. Davis - 352-367 Corporate entrepreneurship and market performance
by Vivien E. Jancenelle & Susan Storrud-Barnes & Rajshekhar (Raj) G. Javalgi
February 2017, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 122-141 Unsticking the status quo
by Brittany Harker Martin - 142-164 National culture and the learning organization
by C. Muhammad Siddique - 165-194 Enabling factors that contribute to women reaching leadership positions in business organizations
by Rusmir Cimirotić & Verena Duller & Birgit Feldbauer-Durstmüller & Bernhard Gärtner & Martin R.W. Hiebl - 195-217 Resource scarcity in SMEs: effects on incremental and radical innovations
by Tino Woschke & Heiko Haase & Jan Kratzer - 218-234 How IT controls improve the control environment
by Michele Rubino & Filippo Vitolla & Antonello Garzoni - 235-250 Psychological contract as precursor for turnover and self-employment
by Rosalie van Stormbroek & Rob Blomme
January 2017, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 5-9 Management as a science-based profession: a grand societal challenge
by Georges Romme - 10-27 Substitute or complement? The use of trade credit as a financing source among SMEs
by Darush Yazdanfar & Peter Öhman - 28-52 Operational or strategic benefits
by Arun Kumar Tarofder & S.M. Ferdous Azam & Abdullah Nabeel Jalal - 53-74 Emissions from international transport in global supply chains
by Amulya Gurtu & Cory Searcy & M.Y. Jaber - 75-94 Gender diversity in the Italian boardroom and firm financial performance
by Niccolò Gordini & Elisa Rancati - 95-115 Consumer attitude and preference in the Islamic mortgage sector: a study of Malaysian consumers
by Hanudin Amin & Abdul Rahim Abdul Rahman & Dzuljastri Abdul Razak & Hamid Rizal
December 2016, Volume 39, Issue 12
- 1546-1566 Unlocking the “black box” in the talent management employee performance relationship: evidence from Ghana
by James Kwame Mensah & Justice Nyigmah Bawole & Nisada Wedchayanon - 1567-1586 Exploring the facilitators and mediators of workforce agility: an empirical study
by Ashutosh Muduli - 1587-1615 High performance work systems and employees’ intention to leave
by Subhash C. Kundu & Neha Gahlawat - 1616-1638 The functional role of entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial bricolage in ensuring sustainable entrepreneurship
by Ho Chea Hooi & Noor Hazlina Ahmad & Azlan Amran & Syed Abidur Rahman - 1639-1662 Audit committee impact on the quality of financial reporting and disclosure
by Mahdi Salehi & Mohammadamin Shirazi - 1663-1694 Job satisfaction and organizational commitment
by Naser Valaei & Sajad Rezaei - 1695-1719 A study on generational differences in work values and person-organization fit and its effect on turnover intention of Generation Y in India
by Nitya Rani & Anand Samuel - 1720-1737 Employee voice behavior revisited: its forms and antecedents
by Shih Yung Chou & Katelin Barron - 1738-1751 Rewards and recognition to engage private bank employees
by Piyali Ghosh & Alka Rai & Ragini Chauhan & Gargi Baranwal & Divya Srivastava - 1752-1778 The value relevance of earnings, cash flows and book values in Egypt
by Wael Mostafa
November 2016, Volume 39, Issue 11
- 1374-1409 The effects of the board composition, board size and CEO duality on export performance
by Tulay Ilhan Nas & Ozan Kalaycioglu - 1410-1430 Challenging corporate commitment to CSR
by Kerstin Fehre & Florian Weber - 1431-1446 Current state of corporate governance: global business and cultural analysis
by Namporn Thanetsunthorn & Rattaphon Wuthisatian - 1447-1471 Convergence and divergence in corporate governance
by Mario Krenn - 1472-1493 Corporate social responsibility: perceptions of directors in Brazil
by Tobias Coutinho Parente & Cláudio Antonio Pinheiro Machado Filho - 1494-1515 Corporate governance and corporate performance: financial crisis (2008)
by Oskar Kowalewski - 1516-1542 The “ties that bind” board interlocks research: a systematic review
by Nai H. Lamb & Philip Roundy
October 2016, Volume 39, Issue 10
- 1146-1166 The effects of logic replacement in coal-mining disaster: the case of Soma
by Cigdem Kaya & Nihal Kartaltepe Behram & Göksel Ataman - 1167-1198 The effect of internal factors and family influence on firms’ adoption of green product innovation
by Yi-Chun Huang & Min-Li Yang & Ying-Jiuan Wong - 1199-1213 Rethinking Skinner’s model: strategic trade-offs in products and services
by Roberto Sarmiento & Matthias Thurer & Garvan Whelan - 1214-1238 The impact of knowledge management on innovation
by Bader Yousef Obeidat & Mai Maher Al-Suradi & Ra’ed Masa’deh & Ali Tarhini - 1239-1264 Environmental turbulence: impact on UK SMEs’ manufacturing priorities
by Eustathios Sainidis & Andrew Robson - 1265-1292 The impact of name change on the financial performance of savings and credit co-operatives in Kenya
by David Mutua Mathuva & Elizabeth Wangui Muthuma & Josephat Mboya Kiweu - 1293-1312 Our love/hate relationship with meetings
by Nale Lehmann-Willenbrock & Joseph A. Allen & Dain Belyeu - 1313-1335 Natural resource-seeking intent and regulatory forces
by Yuanfei Kang & Yulong Liu - 1336-1351 Breach and willingness to support the organization
by Irene Tsachouridi & Irene Nikandrou - 1352-1372 Mapping Brazilian workforce diversity: a historical analysis
by Anselmo Ferreira Vasconcelos
September 2016, Volume 39, Issue 9
- 966-986 Determinants of SME growth
by Kave Edin & Darush Yazdanfar - 987-997 Emerging Halal food market: an Institutional Theory of Halal certificate implementation
by Mohamed Syazwan Ab Talib & Siti Salwa Md. Sawari & Abu Bakar Abdul Hamid & Thoo Ai Chin - 998-1015 Strategic forecasting: the management perspective
by Henrik Johannsen Duus - 1016-1033 Business strategy, enterprise risk management and organizational performance
by Sara Soltanizadeh & Siti Zaleha Abdul Rasid & Nargess Mottaghi Golshan & Wan Khairuzzaman Wan Ismail - 1034-1055 Ecological transcendence and ecological behavior: a test of the S-curve hypothesis
by David B. Zoogah - 1056-1079 Board composition and capital structure: evidence from Kenya
by Daniel Kipkirong Tarus & Ezekiel Ayabei - 1080-1104 Searching for effective change interventions for the transformation into a high performance organization
by André de Waal & Ivo Heijtel - 1105-1121 Comparing multisource ratings: can I believe what they say about my leadership behaviour?
by Tricia Vilkinas - 1122-1142 A study of coaching leadership style practice in projects
by Morten Emil Berg & Jan Terje Karlsen
August 2016, Volume 39, Issue 8
- 854-878 The effect of CRM implementation on pharmaceutical industry’s profitability
by Nedra Bahri-Ammari & Khalid S. Soliman - 879-898 Examining the roles played by a store satisfaction-love framework in shaping the influence of store loyalty programs
by Sreejesh S. & Abhigyan Sarkar & Sudeepta Pradhan - 899-924 Team mental model characteristics and performance in a simulation experiment
by Yi Yang & V.K. Narayanan & Yamuna Baburaj & Srinivasan Swaminathan - 925-939 Research on customer switching behavior in the service industry
by Yi-Fei Chuang & Yang-Fei Tai - 940-964 Role of personal values in investment decisions
by Otuo Serebour Agyemang & Abraham Ansong
July 2016, Volume 39, Issue 7
- 742-767 The incremental value relevance of cash flows and earnings affected by their extremity
by Wael Mostafa - 768-785 Exploring the linkages of cognitive style and individual innovativeness
by Safal Batra & Neharika Vohra - 786-802 Researching a segmented market: reflections on telephone interviewing
by Rhiannon Lord & Nicola Bolton & Scott Fleming & Melissa Anderson - 803-829 Motivated to change? TMT regulatory focus and strategic change
by Philip T. Roundy & Ye Dai & Mark A. Bayer & Gukdo Byun - 830-850 Knowledge management as intellectual property
by Gonzalo Maldonado-Guzmán & Gabriela Citlalli Lopez-Torres & Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes & Vikas Kumar & Juan Luis Martinez-Covarrubias
June 2016, Volume 39, Issue 6
- 630-654 A hybrid model for customer portfolio analysis in retailing
by Ashraf Norouzi & Amir Albadvi - 655-671 HR managers’ decision-making processes: a “reflective practice” analysis
by Carolina Walger & Karina De Dea Roglio & Gustavo Abib - 672-691 Impact of behavioral integrity on organizational identification
by Hakan Erkutlu & Jamel Chafra - 692-705 Giving negative feedback to Millennials
by Emylee Anderson & Aaron A. Buchko & Kathleen J. Buchko - 706-738 Determinants of perceived success in management consulting
by Matias Bronnenmayer & Bernd W. Wirtz & Vincent Göttel
May 2016, Volume 39, Issue 5
- 498-520 Entrepreneurial social capital, cognitive orientation and new venture innovation
by Yang Xu - 521-545 Reframing the influence of national culture with theory-based multi-resolution simulation models
by Stephen Fox - 546-568 Substitutes for leadership: alternative perspectives
by Ghulam Hussain & Wan Khairuzzaman Wan Ismail & Muhammad Amir Rashid & Fareeha Nisar - 569-598 The Open Innovation – Strategy nexus: findings from the Mobile Telecommunications Industry
by Antonio Ghezzi & Raffaello Balocco & Andrea Rangone - 599-628 Influencing dynamics of culture and employee factors on retail banks’ performances in a developing country context
by Mohammed-Aminu Sanda & John Kuada
April 2016, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 378-398 Intention to participate in online commercial experiments by social network’s users
by Rebeca Cordero-Gutiérrez & Libia Santos-Requejo - 399-424 RFID in US hospitals: an exploratory investigation of technology adoption
by Asoke Dey & B.S. Vijayaraman & Jeong Hoon Choi - 425-448 Social capital and export performance within exporter-intermediary relationships
by José Carlos Pinho - 449-467 Market orientation and service innovation on customer perceived value
by Ying-Pin Yeh - 468-496 How audacious strategies pay off during hard times
by Murali Kailasam & Winai Wongsurawat
March 2016, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 266-288 Instilling affective commitment: insights on what makes knowledge workers want to stay
by Sharmila Jayasingam & Muhiniswari Govindasamy & Sharan Kaur Garib Singh - 289-309 Effects of divergent communication schemes in new product development alliances
by Robin Pesch & Ricarda B. Bouncken & Sascha Kraus - 310-328 Antecedents of FDI options by Thai public firms
by Nattharika Rittippant & Abdul Rasheed - 329-355 Antecedents and consequences of firm’s export marketing strategy
by Manfred Fuchs & Mariella Köstner - 356-376 Development of a financial literacy model for university students
by Ani Caroline Grigion Potrich & Kelmara Mendes Vieira & Wesley Mendes-Da-Silva
February 2016, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 144-166 Creativity in cross-domain collaborations: searching factors to increase efficiency
by Attila Sik - 167-195 The significance of perceived social-organization climate for creating employees’ innovativeness
by Agnieszka Wojtczuk-Turek & Dariusz Turek - 196-214 The role of information alignment and entrepreneurial traits on SME internationalization
by Thomas Peschken & Paurav Shukla & John Lennon & Shirley Rate - 215-234 Accounting for risk in the traditional RFM approach
by Shweta Singh & Sumit Singh - 235-263 Female aspirant human resources’ entrepreneurial orientation
by Subhash C. Kundu & Sunita Rani
January 2016, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 2-34 Corporate climate change mitigation: a systematic review of the existing empirical evidence
by Nele Glienke & Edeltraud Guenther - 35-61 Stakeholder identification and classification: a sustainability marketing perspective
by Vinod Kumar & Zillur Rahman & A. A. Kazmi - 62-81 Are organizations destined to fail?
by Nigel Purves & Scott Niblock & Keith Sloan - 82-114 An examination of antecedents of conversion rates of e-commerce retailers
by Naveen Gudigantala & Pelin Bicen & Mike (Tae-in) Eom - 115-131 Should relationship quality be measured as a disaggregated or a composite construct?
by Ernest Emeka Izogo
December 2015, Volume 38, Issue 12
- 1234-1250 Motivating language as a mediator between servant leadership and employee outcomes
by Sandra Gutierrez-Wirsching & Jacqueline Mayfield & Milton Mayfield & Wei Wang - 1251-1266 Entrepreneurship of university students in Taiwan and Japan
by Fumihiko Isada & Han-Ching Lin & Yuriko Isada - 1267-1284 An investigation of trust in e-banking
by Chian-Son Yu & Mehdi Asgarkhani - 1285-1305 The effects of institutions and subsidiary competence on the international market orientation in foreign-owned subsidiaries
by Sven Dahms - 1306-1330 National Hockey League guaranteed contracts
by Jon Landry & David Edgar & John Harris & Kevin Grant
November 2015, Volume 38, Issue 11
- 1126-1148 Developing organizational creativity and innovation
by Koustab Ghosh - 1149-1171 Alliance portfolios and firms’ business strategy: a content analysis approach
by Pedro Mota Veiga & Mário Franco - 1172-1190 Intrapreneurial ambidexterity: a platform project,Swedish approach
by Thommie Burström & Timothy L. Wilson - 1191-1212 Uncovering different forms of customer network changes in M & A
by William Y. Degbey & Elina Pelto - 1213-1232 Structuring a model for supplier selection
by Maria Creuza Borges de Araújo & Luciana Hazin Alencar & Joana Coelho Viana
October 2015, Volume 38, Issue 10
- 1049-1067 Reducing transportation greenhouse gas emissions with collaborative distribution
by Nicolas Danloup & Vahid Mirzabeiki & Hamid Allaoui & Gilles Goncalves & Denyse Julien & Carlos Mena - 1068-1085 A sustainable urban logistics dashboard from the perspective of a group of operational managers
by Joëlle Morana & Jesus Gonzalez-Feliu - 1086-1097 A framework for sustainable waste management: challenges and opportunities
by Sarah Elsaid & El-Houssaine Aghezzaf - 1098-1124 End of life aircrafts recovery and green supply chain (a conceptual framework for addressing opportunities and challenges)
by Samira Keivanpour & Daoud Ait Kadi & Christian Mascle
September 2015, Volume 38, Issue 9
- 930-951 Cultural intelligence and mindfulness in two French banks operating in the US environment
by Sophie Revillard Kaufman & Alvin Hwang - 952-969 Effectiveness of innovation protection mechanisms in Malaysian high-tech sector
by M.Muzamil Naqshbandi & Sharan Kaur - 970-991 From “virtuous” to “pragmatic” pursuit of social mission
by Robert E. McDonald & Jay Weerawardena & Sreedhar Madhavaram & Gillian Sullivan Mort - 992-1015 The impact of demographic factors on the way lesbian and gay employees manage their sexual orientation at work
by Thomas Köllen - 1016-1042 Social sustainability in the supply chain: analysis of enablers
by V. Mani & Rajat Agrawal & Vinay Sharma
August 2015, Volume 38, Issue 8
- 794-812 Ambidexterity deconstructed: a hierarchy of capabilities perspective
by William R. Carter - 813-839 Taboo no more: a qualitative country institutional profile of life insurance in China and India
by Matthew C. Mitchell & Jeffrey A. Kappen & William R. Heaston - 840-854 Logit modelling of food shopping behaviour of children in retail stores
by Jyoti Vohra & Pavleen Soni - 855-907 Understanding individuals’ initial and continued use of online auction marketplaces
by Christopher Schlaegel - 908-928 An intention-based model of transfer of training
by Eddie W.L. Cheng & Karin Sanders & Ian Hampson
July 2015, Volume 38, Issue 7
- 662-684 The dynamic capabilities perspective: from fragments to meta-theory
by Lars Schweizer & Shalini Rogbeer & Björn Michaelis - 685-702 International brand promotion standardization and performance
by Katharina Maria Hofer - 703-725 Identity under challenge
by Hamid Nach - 726-749 The factors affecting e-commerce adoption by Jordanian SMEs
by Anas A. Al-Bakri & Marios I. Katsioloudes - 750-766 Predicting determinants of Internet banking adoption
by Sujeet Kumar Sharma & Srikrishna Madhumohan Govindaluri & Shahid M. Al Balushi - 767-792 Supply chain flexibility: a comprehensive review
by Atul Kumar Tiwari & Anunay Tiwari & Cherian Samuel
June 2015, Volume 38, Issue 6
- 582-604 Business view of cloud
by Sowmya Karunakaran & Venkataraghavan Krishnaswamy & Sundarraj Rangaraja P - 605-626 Influence of institutional profiles on time to recall
by Etayankara Muralidharan & Hari Bapuji & André Laplume - 627-639 Perceived organizational support and its outcomes
by Ishfaq Ahmed & Muhammad Musarrat Nawaz & Ghulam Ali & Talat Islam - 640-660 Factors affecting Halal purchase intention – evidence from Pakistan’s Halal food sector
by Hayat M. Awan & Ahmad Nabeel Siddiquei & Zeeshan Haider
May 2015, Volume 38, Issue 5
- 438-458 CEO power, equity ownership and underwriter reputation as determinants of lockup period length
by Lerong He & James J. Cordeiro & Tara Shankar Shaw - 459-481 Environmental scanning in business organisations
by Jehad S. Aldehayyat - 482-504 The usage of currency derivatives in multilateral banks
by Philip Kamau & Eno L. Inanga & Kami Rwegasira - 505-539 Modelling interrelationships between logistics and transportation operations – a system dynamics approach
by Gerald Aschauer & Manfred Gronalt & Christoph Mandl - 540-558 Participatory workplace activities, employee-level outcomes and the mediating role of work intensification
by Chidiebere Ndukwe Ogbonnaya & Danat Valizade - 559-576 An exploratory study of factors influencing emergency response performance
by Monique L. French & Ying Fan & Gary L. Stading
April 2015, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 346-366 Managing adversity: understanding some dimensions of organizational resilience
by Ihab Hanna Salman Sawalha - 367-380 The relative predictive ability of earnings and cash flows
by Varun Dawar - 381-403 The contemporary experience of work: older workers’ perceptions
by Anselmo Ferreira Vasconcelos - 404-420 The impact of age on innovation
by Richard A Parsons - 421-436 Cultural intelligence of entrepreneurs and international network ties
by Peerayuth Charoensukmongkol
March 2015, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 242-263 In good company
by Laura Madden & Blake D. Mathias & Timothy M. Madden - 264-282 Applying the four-eyes principle to management decisions in the manufacturing sector
by Martin R.W. Hiebl - 283-298 A review of inventory lot sizing review papers
by Maxim A Bushuev & Alfred Guiffrida & M. Y. Jaber & Mehmood Khan - 299-319 Spatial analysis for an intermodal terminal to support agricultural logistics
by EunSu Lee - 320-344 Productivity and Spillover effect of merger and acquisitions in Malaysia
by Nai Chiek Aik & M. Kabir Hassan & Taufiq Hassan & Shamsher Mohamed
February 2015, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 126-148 Exploring the relationships between the learning organization and organizational performance
by Mohan P. Pokharel & Sang Ok Choi - 149-165 European franchise expansion into Latin America
by Verónica Baena - 166-194 An analysis of keywords used in the literature on green supply chain management
by Amulya Gurtu & Cory Searcy & M.Y. Jaber - 195-216 Consumer perspective on CSR literature review and future research agenda
by Mobin Fatma & Zillur Rahman - 217-238 Impact of market orientation on environmental sustainability strategy
by Kenneth Wilburn Green & Lisa C. Toms & James Clark
January 2015, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 2-28 The mediating role of burnout on the relationship of emotional intelligence and self-efficacy with OCB and performance
by Aaron Cohen & Mohamed Abedallah - 29-43 Workplace spirituality and stress: evidence from Mexico and US
by Jose Luis Daniel - 44-66 Knowledge management enterprise and RFID systems
by Pedro M. Reyes & William J. Worthington & Jamie D. Collins - 67-88 Trait emotional intelligence, emotional labour, and burnout among Malaysian HR professionals
by Angeli Santos & Michael J. Mustafa & Terk Chern Gwi - 89-123 Identity after death: how legacy organizational identity and death form each other
by Anna Gerstrøm
November 2014, Volume 37, Issue 12
- 1018-1025 Expanding international business research on foreignness
by Arpita Joardar & Tatiana Kostova & Sibin Wu - 1026-1048 Deepening the consequences of double fit for organisational performance
by Natalia García-Carbonell & Fernando Martin-Alcazar & Gonzalo Sanchez-Gardey - 1049-1092 Information security awareness and behavior: a theory-based literature review
by Benedikt Lebek & Jörg Uffen & Markus Neumann & Bernd Hohler & Michael H. Breitner - 1093-1109 How to convert bad stress into good
by David Strutton & Gina A. Tran - 1110-1136 Board demographic diversity, firm performance and strategic change
by Daniel Kipkirong Tarus & Federico Aime
October 2014, Volume 37, Issue 11
- 930-943 Employee’s reciprocation of organizational support and leader – member exchange
by Ishfaq Ahmed & Wan Khairuzzaman Wan Ismail & Salmiah Mohamad Amin - 944-969 Determinants and outcomes of dual distribution: an international study
by Christian Rosen & Marjaana Gunkel & Christopher Schlaegel - 970-989 Impact of RFID and information sharing on JIT, TQM and operational performance
by Pamela J. Zelbst & Kenneth W. Green, Jr & Victor E. Sower & Roger D. Abshire - 990-1015 The relationship between project management process characteristics and performance outcomes
by Gita Mathur & Kam Jugdev & Tak Shing Fung
September 2014, Volume 37, Issue 10
- 858-879 Knowledge-based strategies for managers in the service sector
by Alexia Mary Tzortzaki - 880-901 An overall index of intellectual capital
by Livio Cricelli & Marco Greco & Michele Grimaldi - 902-911 Efficacy of functional user impact on information system development
by Xin James He & Myron Sheu - 912-927 An exploratory study investigating the perception that ICT capital projects are different
by Josef Hynek & Václav Janeček & Frank Lefley & Kateřina Půžová & Jan Němeček
August 2014, Volume 37, Issue 9
- 778-790 The evolution of Chinese business ethics
by Ron Berger & Ram Herstein