June 2011, Volume 34, Issue 7
- 810-820 A more accurate benchmark for daily electricity demand forecasts
by Jongbyung Jun & A. Tolga Ergün - 821-837 The propensity of e‐commerce usage: the influencing variables
by Michelle Bonera - 838-853 Accruals and the prediction of future cash flows
by Ibrahim El‐Sayed Ebaid
May 2011, Volume 34, Issue 6
- 626-648 Evaluating customer relationship dynamics in healthcare sector through indoor patients' judgement
by Hardeep Chahal & Neetu Kumari - 649-662 Capturing consumer heterogeneity in loyalty evolution patterns
by Kanghyun Yoon & Thanh V. Tran - 663-677 Employee management systems and organizational contexts: a population ecology approach
by Timothy Bartram - 678-686 Perceived equity and unionization propensity in China
by Lei Wang - 687-701 Mixed methods: a research design for management doctoral dissertations
by Uma D. Jogulu & Jaloni Pansiri - 702-711 Legal implications of helping students find employment
by Bruce Elder & John Sneed - 712-726 The WTO, marketing and innovativeness capabilities of Vietnamese firms
by Tho D. Nguyen & Trang T.M. Nguyen
April 2011, Volume 34, Issue 5
- 496-518 Resources and international marketing strategy in export firms
by Emilio Ruzo & Fernando Losada & Antonio Navarro & José A. Díez - 519-540 Relationship between quality management information and operational performance
by Phan Chi Anh & Yoshiki Matsui - 541-552 Achieving mass customization through trust‐driven information sharing: a supplier's perspective
by Kun Liao & Zhongming Ma & Johnny Jiung‐Yee Lee & Ke Ke - 553-575 A qualitative approach to middle managers' competences
by Galanou Ekaterini - 576-594 Managerial cognition as bases of innovation in organization
by Lalit Manral - 595-608 The effects of hierarchical culture on knowledge management processes
by Shu‐Mei Tseng - 609-623 Building co‐operative knowledge through an unlearning context
by Juan Gabriel Cegarra‐Navarro & Narciso Arcas‐Lario
March 2011, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 366-385 Effective autonomy, organisational relationships and skilled jobs in subsidiaries
by Jens Gammelgaard & Frank McDonald & Heinz Tüselmann & Christoph Dörrenbächer & Andreas Stephan - 386-399 Managing telework: risks, fears and rules
by Pasi Pyöriä - 400-416 Investigation of the sponsor's role in project planning
by Timothy J. Kloppenborg & Debbie Tesch & Chris Manolis - 417-435 Effects of content class with endorsement and information relevancy on purchase intention
by Alex Wang & Carolyn Lin - 436-449 Examining the use of knowledge management during issue management
by Wei‐Tsong Wang - 450-476 Bounded self‐interest: a basis for constructive organizational politics
by George Gotsis & Zoe Kortezi - 477-490 The use of strategic planning tools and techniques by hotels in Jordan
by Jehad S. Aldehayyat & Adel A. Al Khattab & John R. Anchor
March 2011, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 252-265 Corporate governance and firm value as determinants of CEO compensation in Taiwan
by Shin‐Ping Lee & Hui‐Ju Chen - 266-283 The effects of firm performance on corporate governance
by M. Alix Valenti & Rebecca Luce & Clifton Mayfield - 284-293 Adaptation of allocation of resources and attention in response to external shocks
by Daniela P. Blettner - 294-310 Creating occupational groups using visual job classification
by Thomas A. Stetz & Scott B. Button & Dustin W. Scott - 311-324 Predicting long‐term business recovery four years after Hurricane Katrina
by Elizabeth Ann Dietch & Christy M. Corey - 325-336 Relationship marketing and the management of corporate image in the bank‐SME relationship
by Fatima Vegholm - 337-352 Utility maximization? An expectancy view of entrepreneurial persistence
by Daniel V. Holland - 353-363 Anti‐consumption of public services: vacci(not)ion for Swine Flu
by Melike Demirbag Kaplan & Yusuf Cem Kaplan
January 2011, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 156-171 Factors constraining the growth and survival of SMEs in Nigeria
by John O. Okpara - 172-185 Small business finance in Sub‐Saharan Africa: the case of Ghana
by Charles Amo Yartey - 186-206 Women's small and medium enterprises for poverty alleviation in Sub‐Saharan Africa
by E.M. Siringi - 207-220 Learning from business support in Africa
by David Irwin - 221-235 Challenges facing women entrepreneurs in Nigeria
by Daphne Halkias & Chinedum Nwajiuba & Nicholas Harkiolakis & Sylva M. Caracatsanis - 236-247 Recovering of micro credit in Nigeria
by Anayo D. Nkamnebe & Ellis I. Idemobi
January 2011, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 5-16 Making decision‐making research matter: some issues and remedies
by Paul C. Nutt - 17-33 Merger: institutional interplay with customer relationship management
by Pirjo Lukkari - 34-57 Are capital structure decisions of service SMEs different? Empirical evidence from Portugal
by Zélia Serrasqueiro - 58-74 Identification of domains for a new conceptual model of strategic entrepreneurship using the configuration approach
by Sascha Kraus & Ilkka Kauranen & Carl Henning Reschke - 75-97 Routines in enterprise application systems
by Arun Madapusi & Grant Miles - 98-110 Information and communications technology adoption and use in small and medium businesses
by Karen L. Middleton & Kent Byus - 111-132 Extending the “size matters” debate
by Ashish Malik & Venkataraman Nilakant - 133-147 The challenges for sustainable skills development in the UK automotive supply sector
by Keith Bevis
November 2010, Volume 33, Issue 12
- 1101-1112 Ownership structure and corporate diversification strategies of Chinese business groups
by Jun Zhao - 1113-1127 Addressing key sustainable supply chain management issues using rough set methodology
by Chunguang Bai & Joseph Sarkis & Xiaopeng Wei - 1128-1139 Efficient markets hypothesis and daily variation in small Pacific‐basin stock markets
by Jeffrey E. Jarrett - 1140-1157 Microfinance and gender considerations in developed countries
by Glòria Estapé‐Dubreuil & Consol Torreguitart‐Mirada - 1158-1173 The context matters
by Jarna Heinonen & Ulla Hytti & Thomas M. Cooney - 1174-1186 Gaming outcome of accountants and human capital theory: Macau evidence
by Philip Law - 1187-1208 Good to great: lessons for managers
by Greg Filbeck & Raymond Gorman & Diane Parente & Xin Zhao
September 2010, Volume 33, Issue 11
- 1022-1041 The impact of regulation and policy on radical eco‐innovation
by Alexander Leitner & Walter Wehrmeyer & Chris France - 1042-1053 Encouraging sustainable business practices using incentives: a practitioner's view
by Kimberly S. Goetz - 1054-1063 The value for service industry firms of environmental initiatives
by Susan R. Hume & Liam Gallagher - 1064-1082 Internet‐supported sustainability reporting: developments in Germany
by Christian Herzig & Jasmin Godemann - 1083-1096 Sustainable development management systems in global business organizations
by Ian Sealy & Walter Wehrmeyer & Chris France & Matt Leach
September 2010, Volume 33, Issue 10
- 947-960 Knowledge management, supply chain technologies, and firm performance
by Jamie D. Collins & William J. Worthington & Pedro M. Reyes & Marisabel Romero - 961-979 B2B e‐hubs and information integration in supply chain operations
by Xiaofeng Zhao & Hui Zhao & Jianrong Hou - 980-993 Downstream shift at a machinery manufacturer: the case of the remote technologies
by Teemu Laine & Jari Paranko & Petri Suomala - 994-1004 Impact of RFID technology utilization on operational performance
by Pamela J. Zelbst & Kenneth W. Green & Victor E. Sower - 1005-1015 An exploratory study of RFID implementation in the supply chain
by Suhong Li & Danielle Godon & John K. Visich
August 2010, Volume 33, Issue 9
- 865-876 Perceptions of organizational attractiveness
by Joel T. Nadler & Nicole L. Cundiff & Meghan R. Lowery & Stacy Jackson - 877-899 Introducing environmental concern in manufacturing strategies
by Glenn Johansson & Mats Winroth - 900-910 Leader behavior: gatekeeper to voluntary upward feedback
by Brandon Kilburn & Tommy Cates - 911-923 Predicting turnover intentions
by Chris Perryer & Catherine Jordan & Ian Firns & Antonio Travaglione - 924-939 The performance impact of business process standardization: HR case study insights
by Bjoern Muenstermann & Alexander von Stetten & Sven Laumer & Andreas Eckhardt
July 2010, Volume 33, Issue 8
- 784-797 Sex role orientation and conflict resolution in the joint purchase decisions of spouses
by Rina Makgosa - 798-810 Redistribution of wealth on merger announcements in India
by K. Ramakrishnan - 811-817 Personal financial planning attitudes: a preliminary study of graduate students
by David S. Murphy & Scott Yetmar - 818-826 Tourism and hospitality small and medium enterprises and environmental sustainability
by Abel D. Alonso & Alfred Ogle - 827-839 The effects of hierarchical culture on knowledge management processes
by Shu‐Mei Tseng - 840-859 Roles of foreign‐owned subsidiaries in a European peripheral economy
by Dimitris Manolopoulos
June 2010, Volume 33, Issue 7
- 673-682 Absorptive capacity and a failed cross‐border M&A
by Ping Deng - 683-700 Theory of constraints contributions to outbound logistics
by Fernando Bernardi de Souza & Sílvio R.I. Pires - 701-714 Aesthetics and spirituality in the Australian services sector
by Theodora Issa & David Pick - 715-733 Developing complex, business‐to‐business products: issues and implications
by Sreedhar Madhavaram & Radha Appan - 734-748 The convergence of corporate social responsibility practices
by Nicola Misani - 749-766 Switching barriers used to retain retail banking customers
by Fredy Valenzuela - 767-782 Airlines’ plight: where has all the luggage gone?
by Chris K. Zane & Pedro M. Reyes
May 2010, Volume 33, Issue 6
- 529-562 ASecond Lifefor organizations?: managing in the new, virtual world
by David C. Wyld - 563-585 The development and implementation of shared leadership in multi‐generational family firms
by John James Cater & Robert T. Justis - 586-608 Critical factors for implementing green supply chain management practice
by Allen H. Hu & Chia‐Wei Hsu - 609-616 Performance measurement of high yield bond mutual funds
by William J. Trainor - 617-634 Customer portfolio management in e‐commerce: an analytical model for optimization
by Stefan Sackmann & Dennis Kundisch & Markus Ruch - 635-655 A scenario approach for assessing new business concepts
by Kalle Piirainen & Samuli Kortelainen & Kalle Elfvengren & Markku Tuominen - 656-666 Understanding individual action: when employees contravene management directives to foster knowledge sharing
by Demola Obembe
April 2010, Volume 33, Issue 5
- 413-422 Dimensions of service quality in grocery retailing: a case from Turkey
by Ömer Torlak & Cevahir Uzkurt & Müjdat Özmen - 423-436 Cross‐cultural differences in evaluating product characteristics: motion pictures
by Desislava Budeva - 437-451 Validation of the moral competency inventory measurement instrument
by Daniel E. Martin & Benjamin Austin - 452-471 Use of analytic network process in selecting knowledge management strategies
by Selçuk Perçin - 472-483 The journey from market orientation to firm performance
by Mike Chen‐Ho Chao & John E. Spillan - 484-498 Factors of new venture performance in Russia
by Galina Shirokova & Alexander Shatalov - 499-511 The impact of “green‐collar workers” on organizations
by Diane M. Harvey & Susan M. Bosco & Gregory Emanuele - 512-525 The effect of product market strategies on the financial and ownership structures of firms
by Onur Arugaslan & Sherry L. Jarrell
March 2010, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 289-305 Making or breaking environmental innovation?
by Paula Kivimaa & Petrus Kautto - 306-316 Recognizing definitive stakeholders in corporate environmental management
by Ari Paloviita & Vilma Luoma‐aho - 317-339 Decision making for transportation systems as a support for sustainable stewardship
by Edeltraud Guenther & Vera Greschner Farkavcová - 340-356 “The Hurdles Analysis” as an instrument for improving sustainable stewardship
by Edeltraud Guenther & Lilly Scheibe & Vera Greschner Farkavcová - 357-379 Environmental management in Danish transnational textile product chains
by Michael Søgaard Jørgensen & Ulrik Jørgensen & Kåre Hendriksen & Stig Hirsbak & Henrik Holmlund Thomsen & Nils Thorsen - 380-392 Green supply chain management in leading manufacturers
by Qinghua Zhu & Yong Geng & Tsuyoshi Fujita & Shizuka Hashimoto - 393-405 A framework of theoretical lenses and strategic purposes to describe relationships among firm environmental strategy, financial performance, and environmental performance
by Bruce Clemens & Lynn Bakstran
March 2010, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 198-209 Local government fraud: the Roslyn School District case
by Ronald J. Huefner - 210-223 Beyond the basic background check: hiring the “right” employees
by Richard G. Brody - 224-239 Casino gambling and workplace fraud: a cautionary tale for managers
by Patrick Kelly & Carol A. Hartley - 240-256 The impact of groups and decision aid reliance on fraud risk assessment
by Anna Alon & Peggy Dwyer - 257-268 The relationship between South Korean chaebols and fraud
by Chad Albrecht & Chad Turnbull & Yingying Zhang & Christopher J. Skousen - 269-277 Labor market penalties from past earnings restatements
by R. Steven Flynn
January 2010, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 111-122 Health status assessment using reverse supply chain data
by Imoh Antai & Crispin M. Mutshinda - 123-133 Integration of supply and marketing for a blood service
by David B. Grant - 134-144 Employer brand image in a health care organization
by Pia A.K. Heilmann - 145-160 Managing competitive bidding in the Finnish healthcare sector
by Kai Härkönen & Pauliina Ulkuniemi & Jaana Tähtinen - 161-173 The impact of extrinsic and package design attributes on preferences for non‐prescription drugs
by Hannele Kauppinen‐Räisänen - 174-191 The effect of competence‐based trust between physicians and administrative executives in healthcare on decision outcomes
by Satyanarayana Parayitam
January 2010, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 6-22 Corporate entrepreneurship of IJVs in China
by Theresa Lau & K.F. Chan & Susan H.C. Tai & David K.C. Ng - 23-40 CHINDIA – the changing times of China and India bilateral relations
by Krishnaveni Muthiah - 41-53 Expatriate cross‐cultural training for China: views and experience of “China Hands”
by Jan Selmer - 54-65 The competitiveness of SMEs in a globalized economy
by Rajesh K. Singh & Suresh K. Garg & S.G. Deshmukh - 66-78 Procedural justice, participation and power distance
by Karen Yuan Wang & Dilek Zamantili Nayir - 79-89 Sustainable competitive advantage and marketing innovation within firms
by Liqin Ren & Guangya Xie & Koos Krabbendam - 90-99 Business incubation in China
by Lilai Xu