October 2014, Volume 37, Issue 11
- 944-969 Determinants and outcomes of dual distribution: an international study
by Christian Rosen & Marjaana Gunkel & Christopher Schlaegel - 970-989 Impact of RFID and information sharing on JIT, TQM and operational performance
by Pamela J. Zelbst & Kenneth W. Green, Jr & Victor E. Sower & Roger D. Abshire - 990-1015 The relationship between project management process characteristics and performance outcomes
by Gita Mathur & Kam Jugdev & Tak Shing Fung
September 2014, Volume 37, Issue 10
- 858-879 Knowledge-based strategies for managers in the service sector
by Alexia Mary Tzortzaki - 880-901 An overall index of intellectual capital
by Livio Cricelli & Marco Greco & Michele Grimaldi - 902-911 Efficacy of functional user impact on information system development
by Xin James He & Myron Sheu - 912-927 An exploratory study investigating the perception that ICT capital projects are different
by Josef Hynek & Václav Janeček & Frank Lefley & Kateřina Půžová & Jan Němeček
August 2014, Volume 37, Issue 9
- 778-790 The evolution of Chinese business ethics
by Ron Berger & Ram Herstein - 791-814 Understanding workplace meetings
by Joseph A. Allen & Tammy Beck & Cliff W. Scott & Steven G. Rogelberg - 815-832 How to pick your staff? Using data envelopment analysis
by Susanne Warning - 833-854 The determinants of indebtedness of unlisted manufacturing firms in India
by Raju Majumdar
July 2014, Volume 37, Issue 8
- 682-705 Play hard, work hard
by Erin R. Fluegge-Woolf - 706-727 Assessing the effects of satisfaction and value on customer loyalty behaviors in service environments
by Emre Sahin Dölarslan - 728-749 Performance measurement system design in service operations
by Amizawati Mohd Amir - 750-776 Assessment of manufacturing flexibility
by Ruchi Mishra & Ashok K. Pundir & L. Ganapathy
June 2014, Volume 37, Issue 7
- 590-614 Team creativity
by Stefano Cirella & Giovanni Radaelli & Abraham B. (Rami) Shani - 615-641 Reverse logistics innovation, institutional pressures and performance
by Yi-Chun Huang & Min-Li Yang - 642-657 Resource curse or destructive creation in transition
by Quan Hoang Vuong & Nancy K. Napier - 658-678 Capital structure and corporate governance of soccer clubs
by Panagiotis Dimitropoulos
May 2014, Volume 37, Issue 6
- 518-537 Strategic alliance motivation for technology commercialization and product development
by Kusumaphorn Sompong & Barbara Igel & Helen Lawton Smith - 538-552 Gender in top management research
by Heike Mensi-Klarbach - 553-573 Environmental sustainability and competitive advantage in a wine tourism micro-cluster
by Sidsel Grimstad & John Burgess - 574-588 IT can matter: co-evolution fostering IT competitive advantage
by Andy Luse & Brian Mennecke
May 2014, Volume 37, Issue 5
- 442-465 Managers' workplace attitudes, tolerance of ambiguity and firm performance
by Kleanthis K. Katsaros & Athanasios N. Tsirikas & Christos S. Nicolaidis - 466-478 The impact of obstacles defined by developmental antecedents on resilience in leadership formation
by Christopher S. Howard & Justin A. Irving - 479-501 A study of the relationship between person-organization fit and employee creativity
by Mehlika Saraç & Ismail Efil & Mehmet Eryilmaz - 502-514 What determines the variation in relative performance evaluation usage across US industries?
by James J. Cordeiro & Rong Yang & D. Donald Kent Jr & Charles Callahan III
March 2014, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 334-347 The role of emotion perception ability in motivation to lead
by Sukumarakurup Krishnakumar & Kay Hopkins - 348-366 The role of individual cultural traits and proactivity in an organizational setting
by Kerry D. Carson & David S. Baker & Patricia A. Lanier - 367-384 An empirical investigation of high-risk occupations
by Lisa M. Russell - 385-408 Partnership between life insurers and their intermediaries
by Tsu-Wei Yu & Yung-Ming Shiu - 409-440 Effects of design characteristics on corporate blog acceptance
by Nils Koenig & Christopher Schlaegel
March 2014, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 210-240 Proactive environmental management and performance by a controlling family
by Yi-Chun Huang & Ying-Jiuan Wong & Min-Li Yang - 241-260 Embracing waste as a resource: insights from the informal sector
by Leslie E. Sekerka & Derek Stimel - 261-287 The human factor: a successful acquisition in Brazil
by Bruno Wagner & Adriana Victoria Garibaldi de Hilal - 288-307 Individual and professional development in the digital age
by Bernadett Koles & Peter Nagy - 308-330 Designing and using research questionnaires
by Jenny Rowley
January 2014, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 110-129 Leader-member exchange and intent to turnover
by Hossam M. Abu Elanain - 130-151 Do empowered employees absorb knowledge?
by Evangelia Siachou & Panagiotis Gkorezis - 152-166 Risk and performance management: are they easy partners?
by Marika Arena & Michela Arnaboldi - 167-185 The effect of corporate social actions on organizational reputation
by Rosamaria Moura-Leite & Robert Padgett - 186-206 Effect of business characteristics and ERP implementation on business outcomes
by Pairin Katerattanakul & James J. Lee & Soongoo Hong
January 2014, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 2-18 A strategic decision model for evaluating college and university sustainability investments
by Tom Murphy & Will O'Brien - 19-44 A conceptual framework for the quality evaluation of sustainability reports
by Michael Freundlieb & Matthias Gräuler & Frank Teuteberg - 45-68 Corporate governance and brand performance
by Luu Trong Tuan - 69-88 An application of conjoint analysis to explore user perceptions on management information systems
by EunSu Lee & Hosun Rhim - 89-105 Exploring the importance of different supplier selection criteria
by Arpan Kumar Kar & Ashis K. Pani
October 2013, Volume 36, Issue 12
- 1195-1209 Convergence of boundary judgments and innovative regional development concepts
by Hans Bressers & Cheryl de Boer - 1210-1219 Interactions management in environmental policy
by Yoram Krozer & María-Laura Franco-García & David Micallef - 1220-1237 Joint environmental policy making and sustainable practices for the cardboard production
by Jorge Carlos Carpio-Aguilar & María-Laura Franco-García - 1238-1251 Water resource co-management and sustainable regional development
by Cheryl de Boer & Hans Bressers - 1252-1271 Sustainability and competitiveness in Mexico
by Dennis J. Aigner & Antonio Lloret - 1272-1290 Analysis of indicators to evaluate the industrial parks contribution to sustainable development
by Edgardo Bastida-Ruiz & María-Laura Franco-García & Isabel Kreiner - 1291-1302 Financial assessment of a biodiesel value chain: case study of Chiapas, Mexico
by Luz del Carmen Díaz-Peña & Anselmo Salvador Chavez-Capo & Miguel Angel Tinoco-Castrejón & Genoveva Rosano-Ortega & Beatriz Pérez-Armendariz
October 2013, Volume 36, Issue 11
- 1040-1060 Identification and ranking of critical success factors for BOT projects in India
by Aayushi Gupta & Mahesh Chandra Gupta & Ranjan Agrawal - 1061-1080 SME bank selection and patronage behaviour in the Ghanaian banking industry
by Bedman Narteh - 1081-1122 Institutional, macroeconomic and firm-specific determinants of capital structure
by Tesfaye Taddese Lemma & Minga Negash - 1123-1136 E-service flexibility: meeting new customer demands online
by Yan Jin & Ngozi Oriaku - 1137-1166 An investigation of the association between ownership structure and corporate performance
by Mohammad Alipour - 1167-1182 Executives and smartphones: an ambiguous relationship
by Ana Paula Borges & Luiz Antonio Joia
September 2013, Volume 36, Issue 10
- 924-938 Developing a dominant logic of strategic innovation
by Tanya Sammut‐Bonnici & Sotirios Paroutis - 939-954 Strategic directions on innovation management – a conceptual framework
by Christian Horn & Alexander Brem - 955-974 “Problem‐sourcing”: a re‐framing of open innovation for R&D organisations
by Stephen Cummings & Urs Daellenbach & Sally Davenport & Charles Campbell - 975-990 Geographical media reputation and technology entrepreneurship
by Preeta M. Banerjee - 991-1010 Facilitating innovation capability through performance measurement
by Minna Saunila & Juhani Ukko - 1011-1023 Matching resources to opportunities for emerging technology ventures
by Gregory Theyel & Nelli Theyel & Elizabeth Garnsey - 1024-1036 Open innovation in an emerging economy
by Gregory Scott & Ian Chaston
August 2013, Volume 36, Issue 9
- 828-848 Effects of trust and psychological contract violation on authentic leadership and organizational deviance
by Hakan Erkutlu & Jamel Chafra - 849-867 Leaders' social media usage intentions for in‐bound customer communications
by Chad Milewicz & Carl Saxby - 868-881 Too big to hire: factors impacting weight discrimination
by Lynn K. Bartels & Cynthia R. Nordstrom - 882-898 Determinants of acquisitions: an Indian perspective
by Arpita Agnihotri - 899-918 Is the Indian stock market cointegrated with other Asian markets?
by Shegorika Rajwani & Jaydeep Mukherjee
January 2013, Volume 36, Issue 8
- 748-755 Capitalism 2.0: implications for management 2.0
by G. Page West - 756-758 Peter Drucker and the academy
by Rick Wartzman - 759-766 Practical wisdom: reinventing organizations by rediscovering ourselves
by David K. Hurst - 767-787 Can one learn to think like Drucker? Lessons in personality and management education
by Hayo Siemsen & Carl Henning Reschke - 788-804 Effective leadership of knowledge workers: results of an intercultural business study
by Ingo Bildstein & Stefan Gueldenberg & Hora Tjitra - 805-822 A systems thinking review for solving short‐termism
by Nicholas Fusso
June 2013, Volume 36, Issue 7
- 644-663 Honoring complexity
by Lucy R. Ford & Anson Seers & Jill Neumann - 664-673 Self‐regulatory focus: the impact on long‐term consumer compliance behavior
by Stephanie Dellande & Prashanth Nyer - 674-699 Justice, trust and employee reactions: an empirical examination of the HRM system
by Anastasia A. Katou - 700-719 Life‐work balance
by Veronika Koubova & Aaron A. Buchko - 720-742 Net interest margins and firm performance in developing countries
by Mine Aysen Doyran
May 2013, Volume 36, Issue 6
- 548-561 Determinants of foreign subsidiary staffing by service firms
by Naoki Ando & Nobuaki Endo - 562-579 “It's (not) the economy, stupid”: wasted opportunities (apologies to James Carville)
by Michaeline Skiba & Patrick O'Halloran - 580-595 Dynamics of entering politically risky foreign markets
by Lailani Laynesa Alcantara & Hitoshi Mitsuhashi - 596-612 Language, cultural intelligence and expatriate success
by Kyle C. Huff - 613-638 Evaluating cloud computing services from a total cost of ownership perspective
by Marc Walterbusch & Benedikt Martens & Frank Teuteberg
April 2013, Volume 36, Issue 5
- 436-453 Microcredit position in micro and small enterprise performance: the Malaysian case
by Rosman Mahmood & M. Mohd Rosli - 454-477 Shop‐floor communication and process management for quality performance
by Jing Zeng & Phan Chi Anh & Yoshiki Matsui - 478-494 Impact of information sharing and green information systems
by Jeramy Meacham & Lisa Toms & Kenneth W. Green & Vikram S. Bhadauria - 495-527 Business agreements objectives and decisions: a field research
by Francesca Riccobono & Manfredi Bruccoleri & Giovanni Perrone - 528-544 Canadian public relations students' interest in government communication
by Jeremy Berry
March 2013, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 326-358 Marketing an Islamic index: perceived value of KMI30 Index
by Hameedah Sayani & Melodena Stephens Balakrishnan - 359-378 Customer‐centric corporate social responsibility
by Mamunur Rashid & Islam Abdeljawad & Siti Manisah Ngalim & M. Kabir Hassan - 379-387 Attributions and requirements of Islamic leadership
by Dahlena Sari Marbun - 388-399 Knowledge management in Islamic and conventional banks in the United Arab Emirates
by Yoosuf Cader & K. Kathleen O'Neill & Ayesha Ali Blooshi & Amena Ali Bakheet Al Shouq & Barra Hussain Mohamed Fadaaq & Farah Galal Ali - 400-416 An evaluation of corporate governance practices of Islamic banks versus Islamic bank windows of conventional banks
by Khuram Shahzad Bukhari & Hayat M. Awan & Faareha Ahmed - 417-430 Marketing of Shari'ah‐based financial products and investments in India
by Nasiruddin Jamaluddin
March 2013, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 216-238 Understanding efficiencies behind logistics service providers' green offerings
by Karin Isaksson & Maria Huge‐Brodin - 239-255 The paths from service quality dimensions to customer loyalty
by Olgun Kitapci & Ibrahim Taylan Dortyol & Zührem Yaman & Mustafa Gulmez - 256-277 Psychological aspects of succession in family business management
by Matthias Filser & Sascha Kraus & Stefan Märk - 278-295 The impact of physical changes on customer behavior
by Mark P. Mobach - 296-319 Getting real about ICT
by Stephen Fox
January 2013, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 112-135 Project management assets and project management performance outcomes
by Gita Mathur & Kam Jugdev & Tak Shing Fung - 136-152 Task structure and work outcomes
by Tejinder K. Billing & Rabi S. Bhagat & Emin Babakus - 153-172 The measurement of internal supply chain integration
by Chuda Basnet - 173-182 Growth or security? Regulatory focus determines work priorities
by Anna Steidle & Christine Gockel & Lioba Werth - 183-212 Acquisitions in knowledge‐intensive industries
by Angelo Riviezzo
January 2013, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 4-32 Effective international expansion strategies of emerging countries: the strategies that helped Arçelik
by Tanses Gülsoy & Özlem Özkanlı & Richard Lynch - 33-49 Paradoxes of social networking sites: an empirical analysis
by Weiling Zhuang & Maxwell K. Hsu & Kristen L. Brewer & Qian Xiao - 50-65 Are Chinese consumers created equally relational?
by Yujie Wei & Zhiyuan Li & James Burton & Joel Haynes - 66-88 How leaders impact employee creativity: a study of Indian R&D laboratories
by Vishal Gupta & Shailendra Singh - 89-108 Tacit knowledge sharing between IT workers
by Renata Borges
October 2012, Volume 35, Issue 12
- 1110-1133 Stakeholder relations and sustainability practices of US small and medium‐sized manufacturers
by Gregory Theyel & Kay Hofmann - 1134-1152 Collaborative research: opinions and information technology utilization potential
by Hande Kimiloglu & Meltem Ozturan & Asli Sencer Erdem - 1153-1169 Exploring the influence strategies used by children: an empirical study in India
by Monica Chaudhary & Aayushi Gupta - 1170-1186 Organizational citizenship behaviour in IT professionals: an expectancy theory approach
by Shih Yung Chou & John M. Pearson
September 2012, Volume 35, Issue 11
- 1004-1028 Facilitating the acquisition of strategic skills
by Diane H. Parente & John D. Stephan & Randy C. Brown - 1029-1045 Outsourcing: mass layoffs and displaced workers' experiences
by Boniface Michael & Rashmi Michael - 1046-1069 A method for matching customer integration with operational control of service processes
by Michael Leyer & Jürgen Moormann - 1070-1087 Strategic and tactical factors for successful ERP projects: insights from an Asian country
by Shahin Dezdar - 1088-1108 Financial performance of SMEs: impact of ownership structure and board composition
by Jaana Lappalainen & Mervi Niskanen
September 2012, Volume 35, Issue 10
- 904-926 RFID adoption and implementation in warehousing
by Barbara A. Osyk & B.S. Vijayaraman & Mahesh Srinivasan & Asoke Dey - 927-944 The impact of global economic crisis on SMEs
by Juha Soininen & Kaisu Puumalainen & Helena Sjögrén & Pasi Syrjä - 945-957 Prior experience, social network, and levels of entrepreneurial intentions
by Xiaohong Quan - 958-973 Work‐family conflict and its antecedents among Iranian operating room personnel
by Mina Beigi & Shiva Mirkhalilzadeh Ershadi & Melika Shirmohammadi - 974-997 Impact of ISO 9000 certification on firm performance: evidence from Brazil
by Francisco Starke & Rangamohan V. Eunni & Nuno Manoel Martins Dias Fouto & Claudio Felisoni de Angelo
August 2012, Volume 35, Issue 9
- 758-769 Using the law to protect the brand on social media sites
by Ross D. Petty - 770-790 Are social media replacing traditional media in terms of brand equity creation?
by Manfred Bruhn & Verena Schoenmueller & Daniela B. Schäfer - 791-817 The effect of web communities on consumers' initial trust in B2C e‐commerce websites
by Malaika Brengman & Farhod P. Karimov - 818-836 Do microblog postings influence consumer perceptions of retailers' e‐servicescapes?
by Gina A. Tran & David Strutton & David G. Taylor - 837-856 Trust intentions in readers of blogs
by James D. Doyle & Louise A. Heslop & Alex Ramirez & David Cray - 857-877 Customer engagement in a Facebook brand community
by Johanna Gummerus & Veronica Liljander & Emil Weman & Minna Pihlström - 878-899 “Like it or not”
by Keith S. Coulter & Anne Roggeveen
July 2012, Volume 35, Issue 8
- 664-675 From outsourcing to Cloud computing: evolution of IT services
by Subhankar Dhar - 676-692 Reverse logistics in Czech companies: increasing interest in performance measurement
by Radoslav Škapa & Alena Klapalová - 693-708 Do green mutual funds perform well?
by C. Edward Chang & Walt A. Nelson & H. Doug Witte - 709-726 Aligning organizational values in systems development projects
by W. Alec Cram - 727-749 Credit risk assessment and the impact of the New Basel Capital Accord on small and medium‐sized enterprises
by Ana Paula Matias Gama & Helena Susana Amaral Geraldes
June 2012, Volume 35, Issue 7
- 556-576 The role of organisational capabilities in the formation of value networks in public transport services
by Heiko Gebauer & Mikael Johnson & Bo Enquist - 577-601 IFRS and environmental accounting
by Minga Negash - 602-616 Is telework effective for organizations?
by Brittany Harker Martin & Rhiannon MacDonnell - 617-636 Client satisfaction in Indian banks: an empirical study
by Aayushi Gupta & Santosh Dev - 637-661 The balanced scorecard: the effects of feedback on performance evaluation
by Gerui (Grace) Kang & Amy Fredin
May 2012, Volume 35, Issue 6
- 462-472 The flexibility and benefits of operating a diverse fleet: an analysis using real options
by Stephen D. Treanor - 473-489 Strategic management: the case of NGOs in Palestine
by Farhad Analoui & Akram Samour - 490-511 Understanding managers of businesses in desert Australia
by Tricia Vilkinas & Greg Cartan & Judith Saebel - 512-530 Patronage factors of Malaysian local customers toward Islamic credit cards
by Hanudin Amin - 531-552 Designing for commitment in regional strategic networks
by Edith Andrésen & Helene Lundberg & Tommy Roxenhall
April 2012, Volume 35, Issue 5
- 352-378 Bilateral inter‐organizational learning in corporate venture capital activity
by Yi Yang - 379-404 Effects of borrowers' quality on the size of market response to bank loan announcements in China
by Yuan Zhang & Christopher Gan & Zhaohua Li - 405-418 Employees' feelings about more meetings
by Joseph A. Allen & Stephanie J. Sands & Stephanie L. Mueller & Katherine A. Frear & Mara Mudd & Steven G. Rogelberg - 419-440 The role of agent conscientiousness and reciprocity norm in employee layoff decisions
by Jin Li & Kuo‐Ting Hung & Chanchai Tangpong - 441-459 Technological imperatives in the internationalization process
by Vesna Sedoglavich
March 2012, Volume 35, Issue 3/4
- 177-191 An idea paper on leadership theory integration
by Gerry Larsson & Jarle Eid - 192-205 Transformational leadership and job‐related learning
by Mark Loon & Yet Mee Lim & Teck Heang Lee & Cai Lian Tam - 206-224 Antecedent and consequence factors of CEO turnover in Indonesia
by Lindrianasari & Jogiyanto Hartono - 225-244 The context of entrepreneurship education in Ethiopian universities
by Dugassa Tessema Gerba - 245-259 The dynamics of healthcare work practices
by Faraja T. Igira - 260-271 Conducting research interviews
by Jennifer Rowley - 272-288 Technology transfer in the Italian space industry: organizational issues and determinants
by Chiara Verbano & Karen Venturini - 289-308 Evaluating the critical determinants for adopting e‐market in Australian small‐and‐medium sized enterprises
by Xiaoxia Duan & Hepu Deng & Brian Corbitt - 309-325 Perceived justice in service recovery and switching intention
by Davoud Nikbin & Ishak Ismail & Malliga Marimuthu & Hamed Armesh - 326-347 When is going green good for company image?
by David Raska & Doris Shaw
January 2012, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 90-105 Examining thematic elements in strategic business risk
by Udechukwu Ojiako - 106-120 Capital structure theory and new technology firms: is there a match?
by Susan Coleman & Alicia Robb - 121-133 Encouraging CRM systems usage: a study among bank managers
by Joseph Vella & Albert Caruana - 134-156 Investigating reverse causality between human resource management policies and organizational performance in small firms
by Anastasia A. Katou - 157-172 Corporate sustainability: historical development and reporting practices
by Andreas Christofi & Petros Christofi & Seleshi Sisaye
January 2012, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 4-13 Competence management in maintenance: case – Finnish forest company
by Pia Heilmann & Jouni Heilmann - 14-31 Outsourcing and offshore outsourcing of information technology in major corporations
by Alan R. Peslak - 32-51 Can perceptual differences account for managerial success?
by Takao Inamori & Farhad Analoui & Nada Kakabadse - 52-68 Exploring marketing and relationships in software SMEs
by Sara Parry & Beata Kupiec‐Teahan & Jennifer Rowley - 69-88 The value relevance of accounting‐based performance measures in emerging economies
by Ibrahim El‐Sayed Ebaid
November 2011, Volume 34, Issue 12
- 1264-1279 The effects of cultural factors on innovation in a Thai SME
by Panida Rujirawanich & Ramzi Addison & Clive Smallman - 1280-1295 Celebrity advertising in the case of negative associations: discourse analysis of weblogs
by Ulun Akturan - 1296-1308 Some thoughts on the decline of pension schemes
by Julia A. Smith & Jade A. MacLaren - 1309-1334 Protecting from brand burn during times of crisis
by Melodena Stephens Balakrishnan - 1334-1350 A POS system based on the remote client‐server model in the small business environment
by Young‐Gyun Kim & Jaejoo Lim
October 2011, Volume 34, Issue 11
- 1153-1168 Challenges of sustainable environmental programs of foreign multinational enterprises in China
by Maria Lai‐Ling Lam - 1169-1189 Measuring supply chain efficiency from a green perspective
by Ilsuk Kim & Hokey Min - 1190-1201 Sustainable national income: information for attaining sustainability
by Roefie Hueting - 1202-1221 Environmental performance measures for supply chains
by A.M.A. El Saadany & M.Y. Jaber & M. Bonney - 1222-1236 On the environmental impacts of pallet management operations
by A. Mazeika Bilbao & A.L. Carrano & M. Hewitt & B.K. Thorn - 1237-1259 Building sustainability in logistics operations: a research agenda
by Asoke Dey & Paul LaGuardia & Mahesh Srinivasan
September 2011, Volume 34, Issue 10
- 1064-1077 The Toyota crisis: an economic, operational and strategic analysis of the massive recall
by Anthony P. Andrews & John Simon & Feng Tian & Jun Zhao - 1078-1086 A generational explanation for surges in managerial rhetorics
by Chris Papenhausen - 1087-1106 Cluster‐based global firms' use of local capabilities
by Poul Andersen & Anne Bøllingtoft - 1107-1124 Supply chain vs supply chain competition: a niche‐based approach
by Imoh Antai - 1125-1146 Firm‐specific versus industry structure factors in explaining performance variation
by Rifat Kamasak
August 2011, Volume 34, Issue 9
- 968-979 The inverse U curve relationship between software piracy and technological outputs in developed nations
by Peerayuth Charoensukmongkol & Ahmed Elkassabgi - 980-995 Evolutionary selection and variation in family businesses
by Anne Laakkonen & Juha Kansikas - 996-1017 Identifying vision realization factors at a Thai state enterprise
by Sooksan Kantabutra & Molraudee Saratun - 1018-1041 Cultural values from managers' and academicians' perspectives: the case of Turkey
by Mehmet Yusuf Yahyagil & Ayşe Begüm Ötken - 1042-1060 Cross‐functional make or buy decision process ownership
by Anna Moses
July 2011, Volume 34, Issue 8
- 857-868 Does CEO optimism affect strategic process?
by James R. Langabeer & Jami DelliFraine - 869-888 The effect of HRM practices on impersonal organizational trust
by Mika Vanhala & Riikka Ahteela