June 2010, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 309-330 Productivity of Older Workers: Perceptions of Employers and Employees
by Hendrik P. Van Dalen & Kène Henkens & Joop Schippers - 331-356 Emptying the Nest: Older Men in the United States, 1880–2000
by Brian Gratton & Myron P. Gutmann - 357-364 The Household Registration System and Migrant Labor in China: Notes on a Debate
by Kam Wing Chan - 365-390 Reexamining the Dominance of Birth Cohort Effects on Mortality
by Michael Murphy
March 2010, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-26 Who Wins and Who Loses? Public Transfer Accounts for US Generations Born 1850 to 2090
by Antoine Bommier & Ronald Lee & Tim Miller & Stéphane Zuber - 27-45 Beyond Material Explanations: Family Solidarity and Mortality, a Small Area‐level Analysis
by Jon Anson - 47-70 Son Preference and Access to Social Insurance: Evidence from China's Rural Pension Program
by Avraham Ebenstein & Steven Leung - 71-89 Gender Gaps in Educational Attainment in Less Developed Countries
by Monica J. Grant & Jere R. Behrman - 91-118 The Correspondence Between Fertility Intentions and Behavior in the United States
by S. Philip Morgan & Heather Rackin - 119-124 Well‐Being, Front and Center: A Note on the Sarkozy Report
by Richard A. Easterlin - 125-149 Counting Child Domestic Servants in Latin America
by Deborah Levison & Anna Langer - 151-176 Growing Diversity among America's Children and Youth: Spatial and Temporal Dimensions
by Kenneth M. Johnson & Daniel T. Lichter
December 2009, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 663-699 The End of “Lowest‐Low” Fertility?
by Joshua R. Goldstein & Tomáš Sobotka & Aiva Jasilioniene - 701-720 Welfare Regimes for Aging Populations: No Single Path for Reform
by Mehmet F. Aysan & Roderic Beaujot - 721-748 Latin America and the Social Contract: Patterns of Social Spending and Taxation
by Karla Breceda & Jamele Rigolini & Jaime Saavedra - 749-776 Homicide Rates in a Cross‐Section of Countries: Evidence and Interpretations
by Julio H. Cole & Andrés Marroquín Gramajo - 777-795 Legacy, Policy, and Circumstance in Fertility Transition
by Geoffrey McNicoll - 797-816 The Gendered Double Standard of Aging in US Marriage Markets
by Paula England & Elizabeth Aura McClintock
September 2009, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 449-478 Divergent Patterns in the Ethnic Transformation of Societies
by David Coleman - 479-518 Abortion, Family Planning, and Population Policy: Prospects for the Common‐Ground Approach
by Dennis Hodgson - 519-549 The Sex Ratio Transition in Asia
by Christophe Z. Guilmoto - 551-584 An Imperfect Contraceptive Society: Fertility and Contraception in Italy
by Alessandra Gribaldo & Maya D. Judd & David I. Kertzer - 585-603 Falling Short of Highest Life Expectancy: How Many Americans Might Have Been Alive in the Twentieth Century?
by Magdalena M. Muszyńska & Roland Rau - 605-629 China's Below‐Replacement Fertility: Recent Trends and Future Prospects
by S. Philip Morgan & Guo Zhigang & Sarah R. Hayford
June 2009, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 221-248 The Effect of Population Growth on Economic Growth: A Meta‐Regression Analysis of the Macroeconomic Literature
by Derek D. Headey & Andrew Hodge - 249-273 Reconsidering the Northwest European Family System: Living Arrangements of the Aged in Comparative Historical Perspective
by Steven Ruggles - 275-295 Risk Exposure in Early Life and Mortality at Older Ages: Evidence from Union Army Veterans
by Dejun Su - 297-321 A Gendered Assessment of Highly Skilled Emigration
by Frédéric Docquier & B. Lindsay Lowell & Abdeslam Marfouk - 323-330 Introduction
by John G. Haaga - 331-340 Interventions to Improve Late Life
by Linda G. Martin - 341-346 The Changing Family and Aging Populations
by Linda J. Waite - 347-356 Lively Questions for Demographers about Death at Older Ages
by James W. Vaupel - 357-365 The Demography of Future Global Population Aging: Indicators, Uncertainty, and Educational Composition
by Wolfgang Lutz - 367-389 Population Dynamics in Italy in the Middle Ages: New Insights from Archaeological Findings
by Irene Barbiera & Gianpiero Dalla‐Zuanna - 391-400 US Presidential Elections and the Spatial Pattern of the American Second Demographic Transition
by Ron Lesthaeghe & Lisa Neidert - 401-416 Evidence for an Incipient Decline in Numbers of Missing Girls in China and India
by Monica Das Gupta & Woojin Chung & Li Shuzhuo - 423-425 Gavin Jones, Paulin Tay Straughan, and Angelique Chan (eds.)
by Tomas Frejka - 425-429 Mahmood Mamdani
by John C. Caldwell
March 2009, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-51 The Changing Racial and Ethnic Composition of the US Population: Emerging American Identities
by Anthony Daniel Perez & Charles Hirschman - 53-87 “Roll Back Malaria, Roll in Development”? Reassessing the Economic Burden of Malaria
by Randall M. Packard - 89-115 Universal versus Economically Polarized Change in Age at First Birth: A French–British Comparison
by Michael S. Rendall & Olivia Ekert‐Jaffé & Heather Joshi & Kevin Lynch & Rémi Mougin - 117-158 Why Do People Become Modern? A Darwinian Explanation
by Lesley Newson & Peter J. Richerson - 159-187 The Segmented Trend Line of Highest Life Expectancies
by Jacques Vallin & France Meslé - 197-200 World Bank
by Mark R. Montgomery - 200-202 Barry Cunliffe
by Jesper Boldsen - 202-204 Geoff Childs
by Andrew M. Fischer
December 2008, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 599-629 Aristotle and Open Population Thinking
by Philip Kreager - 631-662 “Population Invasion” versus Urban Exclusion in the Tibetan Areas of Western China
by Andrew Martin Fischer - 663-697 Food Price Surges: Possible Causes, Past Experience, and Longer Term Relevance
by Nikos Alexandratos - 699-724 Consequences of Family Policies on Childbearing Behavior: Effects or Artifacts?
by Gerda Neyer & Gunnar Andersson - 725-745 “Demodystopias”: Prospects of Demographic Hell
by Andreu Domingo - 747-768 Continued Reductions in Mortality at Advanced Ages
by Roland Rau & Eugeny Soroko & Domantas Jasilionis & James W. Vaupel
September 2008, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 395-434 Income per Natural: Measuring Development for People Rather Than Places
by Michael A. Clemens & Lant Pritchett - 435-456 Occupational Trajectories of Legal US Immigrants: Downgrading and Recovery
by Ilana Redstone Akresh - 457-482 A Comparison of Biological Risk Factors in Two Populations: The United States and Japan
by Eileen M. Crimmins & Sarinnapha Vasunilashorn & Jung Ki Kim & Aaron Hagedorn & Yasuhiko Saito - 483-510 On Postponement and Birth Intervals
by Ian M. Timæus & Tom A. Moultrie - 511-518 Growth and Development: Critique of a Credo
by Herman E. Daly - 519-537 Global Demographic Convergence? A Reconsideration of Changing Intercountry Inequality in Fertility
by Shawn F. Dorius
June 2008, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 199-224 Has the HIV Epidemic Peaked?
by John Bongaarts & Thomas Buettner & Gerhard Heilig & François Pelletier - 225-252 Stages of the Demographic Transition from a Child's Perspective: Family Size, Cohort Size, and Children's Resources
by David Lam & Letícia Marteleto - 253-281 Intergenerational Coresidence in Developing Countries
by Steven Ruggles & Misty Heggeness - 283-305 Two Approaches to Measuring Women's Work in Developing Countries: A Comparison of Survey Data from Egypt
by Ray Langsten & Rania Salen - 307-326 Demography, Culture, and Policy: Understanding Japan's Low Fertility
by Patricia Boling - 327-346 Natural Increase: A New Source of Population Growth in Emerging Hispanic Destinations in the United States
by Kenneth M. Johnson & Daniel T. Lichter
March 2008, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-18 International Migration as a Tool in Development Policy: A Passing Phase?
by Ronald Skeldon - 19-49 Variations in Kinship Networks Across Geographic and Social Space
by Michael Murphy - 51-77 Childless or Childfree? Paths to Voluntary Childlessness in Italy
by Maria Letizia Tanturri & Letizia Mencarini - 79-101 The Contribution of Assisted Reproduction to Completed Fertility: An Analysis of Danish Data
by Tomáŝ Sobotka & Martin A. Hansen & Tina Kold Jensen & Anette Tønnes Pedersen & Wolfgang Lutz & Niels Erik Skakkebæk - 103-113 Demography and Policy: A View from Outside the Discipline
by Paul R. Ehrlich - 115-135 A Profile of the World's Young Developing Country International Migrants
by David J. McKenzie - 137-153 European Demographic Forecasts Have Not Become More Accurate Over the Past 25 Years
by Nico Keilman
December 2007, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 357-666 Intrinsic Growth Rates and Net Reproduction Rates in the Presence of Migration
by Samuel H. Preston & Haidong Wang - 667-701 New Evidence on the Urbanization of Global Poverty
by Martin Ravallion & Shaohua Chen & Prem Sangraula - 703-727 Rethinking Historical Reproductive Change: Insights from Longitudinal Data for a Spanish Town
by David Sven Reher & Alberto Sanz‐Gimeno - 729-756 Sexual Behavior in China: Trends and Comparisons
by William L. Parish & Edward O. Laumann & Sanyu A. Mojola - 757-783 The Decline of Son Preference in South Korea: The Roles of Development and Public Policy
by Woojin Chung & Monica Das Gupta - 785-809 Religiousness and Fertility among European Muslims
by Charles F. Westoff & Tomas Frejka
September 2007, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 429-451 Pandemic Influenza: A Review
by Landis MacKellar - 453-478 Delayed Marriage and Very Low Fertility in Pacific Asia
by Gavin W. Jones - 479-500 The Effect on Elderly Parents in Cambodia of Losing an Adult Child to AIDS
by John Knodel & Zachary Zimmer & Kiry Sovan Kim & Sina Puch - 501-523 Sero‐Discordant Couples in Five African Countries: Implications for Prevention Strategies
by Damien De Walque - 525-542 Taking the Lab to the Field: Monitoring Reproductive Hormones in Population Research
by Claudia R. Valeggia - 543-554 A Near Electoral Majority of Pensioners: Prospects and Policies
by Warren C. Sanderson & Sergei Scherbov - 555-566 Mortality of American Troops in the Iraq War
by Emily Buzzell & Samuel H. Preston - 567-591 Impacts of Demographic Trends on US Household Size and Structure
by Leiwen Jiang & Brian C. O'Neill
June 2007, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 215-246 Options for Fertility Policy Transition in China
by Zeng Yi - 247-287 On the Determinants of Mortality Reductions in the Developing World
by Rodrigo R. Soares - 289-320 Sex, Breastfeeding, and Marital Fertility in Pretransition China
by William Lavely - 321-365 Longevity Among Hunter‐ Gatherers: A Cross‐Cultural Examination
by Michael Gurven & Hillard Kaplan - 367-381 A Realist View of Aging, Mortality, and Future Longevity
by Bruce A. Carnes & S. Jay Olshansky - 383-400 An Increase in the Sex Ratio of Births to India‐born Mothers in England and Wales: Evidence for Sex‐Selective Abortion
by Sylvie Dubuc & David Coleman
March 2007, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-36 On Causation in Demography: Issues and Illustrations
by Máire Ní Bhrolcháin & Tim Dyson - 37-66 Longing for the Good Life: Understanding Emigration from a High‐Income Country
by Hendrik P. Van Dalen & Kène Henkens - 67-100 The Concentration of Reproduction in Cohorts of Women in Europe and the United States
by Vladimir M. Shkolnikov & Evgueni M. Andreev & René Houle & James W. Vaupel - 101-127 Theories of Fertility Decline and the Evidence from Development Indicators
by John Bryant - 129-148 China's Local and National Fertility Policies at the End of the Twentieth Century
by Gu Baochang & Wang Feng & Guo Zhigang & Zhang Erli - 149-170 Approaching the Limit: Long‐Term Trends in Late and Very Late Fertility
by Francesco C. Billari & Hans‐Peter Kohler & Gunnar Andersson & Hans Lundström
December 2006, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 605-628 How Long Will We Live?
by John Bongaarts - 629-667 Population Control in India: Prologue to the Emergency Period
by Matthew Connelly - 669-698 The Second Demographic Transition in the United States: Exception or Textbook Example?
by Ron J. Lesthaeghe & Lisa Neidert - 699-727 The Changing Context of Sexual Initiation in sub‐Saharan Africa
by Barbara S. Mensch & Monica J. Grant & Ann K. Blanc - 729-753 The Influence of Informal Work and Subjective Well‐Being on Childbearing in Post‐Soviet Russia
by Brienna Perelli‐Harris - 755-770 The Demographic Impact of a Female Deficit in China, 2000–2050
by Isabelle Attané - 783-786 Book Reviews
by Michael S. Teitelbaum & Damien Courtney
September 2006, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 401-446 Immigration and Ethnic Change in Low‐Fertility Countries: A Third Demographic Transition
by David Coleman - 447-460 Linguistic Life Expectancies: Immigrant Language Retention in Southern California
by Rubén G. Rumbaut & Douglas S. Massey & Frank D. Bean - 461-483 Income Inequality, Unequal Health Care Access, and Mortality in China
by Zhongwei Zhao - 485-510 Low Fertility and the State: The Efficacy of Policy
by Peter Mcdonald - 511-528 Happily Ever After? Cohabitation, Marriage, Divorce, and Happiness in Germany
by Anke C. Zimmermann & Richard A. Easterlin - 529-556 Birth Prevention in the American and French Fertility Transitions: Contrasts in Knowledge and Practice
by Etienne Van De Walle & Virginie De Luca - 557-566 Black Mortality at Very Old Ages in Official US Life Tables: A Skeptical Appraisal
by Samuel H. Preston & Irma T. Elo
June 2006, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 199-232 The Depopulation of Hispanic America after the Conquest
by Massimo Livi‐Bacci - 233-262 Institutions and Development: A Conceptual Reanalysis
by Alejandro Portes - 263-292 Economic Development, Gender Inequality, and Demographic Outcomes: Evidence from India
by Prabir C. Bhattacharya - 293-321 Reexamining China's Fertility Puzzle: Data Collection and Quality over the Last Two Decades
by Guangyu Zhang & Zhongwei Zhao - 323-327 On Explaining Asia's “Missing Women”: Comment on Das Gupta
by Emily Oster - 328-332 Cultural versus Biological Factors in Explaining Asia's “Missing Women”: Response to Oster
by Monica Das Gupta - 333-360 The Impact of Past Conflicts and Social Disruption on the Elderly in Cambodia
by Zachary Zimmer & John Knodel & Kiry Sovan Kim & Sina Puch
March 2006, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-25 Policy Lessons of the East Asian Demographic Transition
by Geoffrey McNicoll - 27-51 Young Adulthood as a Factor in Social Change in the United States
by Michael J. Rosenfeld - 53-80 Political History and Disparities in Safe Motherhood Between Guatemala and Honduras
by Jeremy Shiffman & Ana Lucía Garcés del Valle - 81-105 Long‐Term Trends in Life Expectancy and Active Life Expectancy in the United States
by Kenneth G. Manton & XiLiang Gu & Vicki L. Lamb - 107-121 The Emotions and Reproductive Health
by Alaka Malwade Basu - 123-145 Diverging Trends in Female Old‐Age Mortality: The United States and the Netherlands versus France and Japan
by France Meslé & Jacques Vallin - 147-161 Many Chinas? The Economic Diversity of China's Provinces
by Gerhard K. Heilig
December 2005, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 605-643 The Next 50 Years: Unfolding Trends
by Vaclav Smil - 645-674 Inequality in Life Spans and a New Perspective on Mortality Convergence Across Industrialized Countries
by Ryan D. Edwards & Shripad Tuljapurkar - 675-698 Determinants of Mortality at Older Ages: The Role of Biological Markers of Chronic Disease
by Cassio M. Turra & Noreen Goldman & Christopher L. Seplaki & Dana A. Glei & Yu‐Hsuan Lin & Maxine Weinstein - 699-720 Policies Addressing the Tempo Effect in Low‐Fertility Countries
by Wolfgang Lutz & Vegard Skirbekk - 721-740 On Net Intergenerational Wealth Flows: An Update
by John C. Caldwell - 741-764 The Timing and Pace of Health Transitions around the World
by James C. Riley
September 2005, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 407-445 Partner + Children = Happiness? The Effects of Partnerships and Fertility on Well‐Being
by Hans‐Peter Kohler & Jere R. Behrman & Axel Skytthe - 447-471 Restructuring of the US Meat Processing Industry and New Hispanic Migrant Destinations
by William Kandel & Emilio A. Parrado - 473-505 Did the 1918–19 Influenza Pandemic Originate in China?
by Christopher Langford - 507-527 Intended and Ideal Family Size in the United States, 1970–2002
by Kellie J. Hagewen & S. Philip Morgan - 529-535 Explaining Asia's “Missing Women”: A New Look at the Data
by Monica Das Gupta - 537-543 Estimates of Regional and Global Life Expectancy, 1800–2001
by James C. Riley - 545-556 Changes in the Quantum of Russian Fertility During the 1980s and Early 1990s
by Nicholas B. Barkalov - 573-588 So Many Civilizations, So Few Pages: A Review Essay
by Hal Rothman
June 2005, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 201-236 The Next 50 Years: Fatal Discontinuities
by Vaclav Smil - 237-258 Countries with Rapid Population Growth and Resource Constraints: Issues of Food, Agriculture, and Development
by Nikos Alexandratos - 259-292 Mortality Attributable to Cigarette Smoking in the United States
by Richard G. Rogers & Robert A. Hummer & Patrick M. Krueger & Fred C. Pampel - 293-312 Priorities in Global Assistance for Health, AIDS, and Population
by Landis MacKellar - 313-336 The One‐Child Policy in Shanghai: Acceptance and Internalization
by Yilin Nie & Robert J. Wyman - 337-349 Tibetan Fertility Transitions in China and South Asia
by Geoff Childs & Melvyn C. Goldstein & Ben Jiao & Cynthia M. Beall - 351-368 Selective Mortality During the Khmer Rouge Period in Cambodia
by Damien de Walque
March 2005, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-18 Mexico–US Migration: Views from Both Sides of the Border
by Kenneth Hill & Rebeca Wong - 19-55 Actual and de facto Childlessness in Old Age: Evidence and Implications from East Java, Indonesia
by Elisabeth Schröder‐Butterfill & Philip Kreager - 57-84 How Far Has Fertility in China Really Declined?
by Robert D. Retherford & Minja Kim Choe & Jiajian Chen & Li Xiru & Cui Hongyan - 85-112 The Weakening Position of University Graduates in Singapore's Labor Market: Causes and Consequences
by Stephen J. Appold - 113-126 Why Is Fertility Lower in Wealthier Countries? The Role of Relaxed Fertility‐Selection
by Lonnie W. Aarssen - 127-144 Brave New Worlds: Philosophy, Politics, and Science in Human Biotechnology
by S. Philip Morgan & Suzanne Shanahan & Whitney Welsh - 157-180 Limits to Growth Revisited: A Review Essay
by Vaclav Smil
December 2004, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 579-624 The Economic Effects of Immigration into the United Kingdom
by David Coleman & Robert Rowthorn - 625-646 Differentials in Adult Mortality and Activity Limitation by Years of Education in the United States at the End of the 1990s
by Michael T. Molla & Jennifer H. Madans & Diane K. Wagener - 647-672 Are Parents Investing Less Time in Children? Trends in Selected Industrialized Countries
by Anne H. Gauthier & Timothy M. Smeeding & Frank F. Furstenberg - 673-705 Navigating the AIDS Epidemic in Rural Malawi
by Susan Cotts Watkins - 707-726 Religion as a Determinant of Economic and Demographic Behavior in the United States
by Evelyn L. Lehrer - 727-742 HIV/AIDS and Cross‐National Convergence in Life Expectancy
by Eric Neumayer
September 2004, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 385-415 The Origins and Demise of the Concept of Race
by Charles Hirschman - 417-448 Levels of Support from Children in Taiwan: Expectations versus Reality, 1965–99
by Albert I. Hermalin & Li‐Shou Yang - 449-466 Does Late Reproduction Extend the Life Span? Findings from European Royalty
by Ulrich Mueller - 467-488 China's Floating Population: New Evidence from the 2000 Census
by Zai Liang & Zhongdong Ma - 489-506 Demographers and Their Journals: Who Remains Uncited After Ten Years?
by Hendrik P. van Dalen & Kène Henkens - 507-517 Population Futures for the Next Three Hundred Years: Soft Landing or Surprises to Come?
by Paul Demeny - 519-530 A Comparison of US and Canadian Mortality in 1998
by Barbara Boyle Torrey & Carl Haub
June 2004, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 195-220 Is Lowest‐Low Fertility in Europe Explained by the Postponement of Childbearing?
by Tomáš Sobotka - 221-238 Contradictions in Nigeria's Fertility Transition: The Burdens and Benefits of Having People
by Daniel Jordan Smith - 239-268 The Determinants of Gender Equity in India: Examining Dyson and Moore's Thesis with New Data
by Lupin Rahman & Vijayendra Rao - 269-295 Sex Differentials in Childhood Feeding, Health Care, and Nutritional Status in India
by Vinod Mishra & T. K. Roy & Robert D. Retherford - 297-316 Demographic Theory: A Long View
by John C. Caldwell - 317-327 The Media Marketplace for Garbled Demography
by Michael S. Teitelbaum - 352-356 Dirk Hoerder, Cultures in Contact: World Migrations in the Second Millennium; Donna R. Gabaccia, Italy's Many Diasporas; and Adam McKeown, Chinese Migrant Networks and Cultural Change: Peru, Chicago, Hawaii, 1900–1936
by Patrick Manning - 356-358 Harriet B. Presser, Working in a 24/7 Economy: Challenges for American Families
by A. Aneesh - 358-360 Joseph Lee Rodgers and Hans‐Peter Kohler (eds.), The Biodemography of Human Reproduction and Fertility
by Ulrich Mueller - 360-362 Nadeya Sayed Ali Mohammed, Population and Development of the Arab Gulf States: The Case of Bahrain, Oman and Kuwait
by Sharon Stanton Russell - 362-365 Howard Phillips and David Killingray (eds.), The Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1918–19: New Perspectives
by Svenn‐Erik Mamelund - 366-373 Short Reviews
by Susan Greenhalgh & Geoffery McNicoll & Sheldon J. Segal & Etienne van de Walle
March 2004, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-23 Population Aging and the Rising Cost of Public Pensions
by John Bongaarts - 25-56 When Does Religion Influence Fertility?
by Kevin McQuillan - 57-78 Hidden in Plain Sight: Global Labor Force Exchange in the Chinese American Population, 1880–1940
by Kenneth S. Y. Chew & John M. Liu - 79-108 Politics and Female Sterilization in Northeast Brazil
by André J. Caetano & Joseph E. Potter - 109-130 Second Births and the Second Shift: A Research Note on Gender Equity and Fertility
by Berna Miller Torr & Susan E. Short - 131-146 The Trend in International Health Inequality
by Brian Goesling & Glenn Firebaugh
December 2003, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 547-593 Social Demography and Eugenics in the Interwar United States
by Edmund Ramsden - 595-626 Fertility and Distorted Sex Ratios in a Rural Chinese County: Culture, State, and Policy
by Rachel Murphy - 627-646 Conflicting Preferences: A Reason Fertility Tends to Be Too High or Too Low
by David Voas - 647-676 Causes of Male Excess Mortality: Insights from Cloistered Populations
by Marc Luy - 677-698 Gender and Aging in the Developing World: Where Are the Men?
by John Knodel & Mary Beth Ofstedal - 699-707 Long‐Term Population Decline in Europe: The Relative Importance of Tempo Effects and Generational Length
by Joshua Goldstein & Wolfgang Lutz & Sergei Scherbov - 715-743 When Numbers Began to Count for Health Policy: A Review Essay
by Sheila Ryan Johansson - 743-749 Short Reviews
by John Bongaarts & John B. Casterline & Susan Greenhalgh & Geoffrey McNicoll & Michael P. Todaro
September 2003, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 349-374 A New Approach to Explaining Fertility Patterns: Preference Theory
by Catherine Hakim - 375-403 Reassessing the Insurance Effect: A Qualitative Analysis of Fertility Behavior in Senegal and Zimbabwe
by Thomas LeGrand & Todd Koppenhaver & Nathalie Mondain & Sara Randall - 405-426 Childbearing and Women's Survival: New Evidence from Rural Bangladesh
by Jane Menken & Linda Duffy & Randall Kuhn - 427-442 HIV/AIDS and Urbanization
by Tim Dyson - 443-447 Introduction
by Christine Bachrach & Geoffrey McNicoll - 448-458 Causal Analysis in Population Research: An Economist's Perspective
by Robert Moffitt