- 59778 Kompetenz oder Ausbildung – was bestimmt Erwerbschancen und Einkommen?
by Thomas Horvath & Helmut Mahringer - 59353 WIFO-Unternehmensbefragung: Strategische Zusammenarbeit zwischen jungen Technologieunternehmen und Großunternehmen
by Andreas Reinstaller & Elisabeth Christen & Klaus Friesenbichler & Jürgen Janger & Gerhard Schwarz & Fabian Unterlass - 58603 Baubewilligungen für neue Wohneinheiten in Österreich. Prognose 2014 und 2015
by Michael Klien & Andrea Kunnert - 58602 Baubewilligungen für Wohneinheiten in Österreich. Prognose 2014 und 2015
by Michael Klien & Andrea Kunnert - 58601 Baubewilligungen für Wohneinheiten in Österreich. Prognose 2014 und 2015 und regionale Entwicklung 2008 bis 2013
by Dieter Pennerstorfer & Andrea Kunnert & Peter Huber - 58600 Baubewilligungen für neue Wohneinheiten in Österreich. Prognose 2013/2015 – Teilbericht 2
by Dieter Pennerstorfer & Andrea Kunnert & Peter Huber - 57961 Investment Support under Rural Development Policy
by Franz Sinabell & Ulrich B. Morawetz - 57960 Formale Überqualifikation von Arbeitskräften und ihre Einflussfaktoren
by Julia Bock-Schappelwein & Andrea Egger-Subotitsch & Larissa Bartok & Sandra Schneeweiß - 57923 Mittelfristige Beschäftigungsprognose – Teilbericht Vorarlberg. Berufliche und sektorale Veränderungen 2013 bis 2020
by Marian Fink & Thomas Horvath & Ulrike Huemer & Helmut Mahringer & Mark Sommer - 57922 Mittelfristige Beschäftigungsprognose – Teilbericht Tirol. Berufliche und sektorale Veränderungen 2013 bis 2020
by Marian Fink & Thomas Horvath & Ulrike Huemer & Helmut Mahringer & Mark Sommer - 57921 Mittelfristige Beschäftigungsprognose – Teilbericht Salzburg. Berufliche und sektorale Veränderungen 2013 bis 2020
by Marian Fink & Thomas Horvath & Ulrike Huemer & Helmut Mahringer & Mark Sommer - 57920 Mittelfristige Beschäftigungsprognose – Teilbericht Oberösterreich. Berufliche und sektorale Veränderungen 2013 bis 2020
by Marian Fink & Thomas Horvath & Ulrike Huemer & Helmut Mahringer & Mark Sommer - 57919 Mittelfristige Beschäftigungsprognose – Teilbericht Kärnten. Berufliche und sektorale Veränderungen 2013 bis 2020
by Marian Fink & Thomas Horvath & Ulrike Huemer & Helmut Mahringer & Mark Sommer - 57918 Mittelfristige Beschäftigungsprognose – Teilbericht Steiermark. Berufliche und sektorale Veränderungen 2013 bis 2020
by Marian Fink & Thomas Horvath & Ulrike Huemer & Helmut Mahringer & Mark Sommer - 57917 Mittelfristige Beschäftigungsprognose – Teilbericht Burgenland. Berufliche und sektorale Veränderungen 2013 bis 2020
by Marian Fink & Thomas Horvath & Ulrike Huemer & Helmut Mahringer & Mark Sommer - 57916 Mittelfristige Beschäftigungsprognose – Teilbericht Niederösterreich. Berufliche und sektorale Veränderungen 2013 bis 2020
by Marian Fink & Thomas Horvath & Ulrike Huemer & Helmut Mahringer & Mark Sommer - 57915 Mittelfristige Beschäftigungsprognose – Teilbericht Wien. Berufliche und sektorale Veränderungen 2013 bis 2020
by Marian Fink & Thomas Horvath & Ulrike Huemer & Helmut Mahringer & Mark Sommer - 57914 Mittelfristige Beschäftigungsprognose für Österreich und die Bundesländer. Berufliche und sektorale Veränderungen 2013 bis 2020
by Marian Fink & Thomas Horvath & Ulrike Huemer & Helmut Mahringer & Mark Sommer - 57881 Öko-Jobs in Wien. Bestandsaufnahme und Analyse
by Matthias Firgo & Oliver Fritz & Peter Mayerhofer & Stefan Schönfelder & Niklas Schraml & Gerhard Streicher & Michaela Friedl-Schafferhans & Trude Hausegger - 57848 Ein Tourismus-Satellitenkonto für Österreich. Methodik, Ergebnisse und Prognosen für die Jahre 2000 bis 2015
by Peter Laimer & Sabine Ehn-Fragner & Egon Smeral - 57845 Eine Typologie Arbeitsloser nach Dauer und Häufigkeit ihrer Arbeitslosigkeit 2010/2013
by Rainer Eppel & Thomas Horvath & Helmut Mahringer - 57401 APCC – Österreichischer Sachstandsbericht Klimawandel 2014
by Helga Kromp-Kolb & Nebojsa Nakicenovic & Karl W. Steininger & Andreas Gobiet & Herbert Formayer & Angela Köppl & Franz Prettenthaler & Johann Stötter & Jürgen Schneider - 56986 FIW Policy Brief Nr. 23: Warum die Neue Industriepolitik die Deindustrialisierung beschleunigen wird
by Michael Peneder - 50950 Makroökonomische Effekte des Handelskonflikts zwischen der EU und Russland
by Elisabeth Christen & Oliver Fritz & Peter Huber & Gerhard Streicher - 50931 The Efficiency of EU Public Administration in Helping Firms Grow
by Klaus Friesenbichler & Oliver Fritz & Werner Hölzl & Gerhard Streicher & Florian Misch & Mustafa Yeter - 50929 Ökonomische Analyse 2013 auf der Grundlage der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie
by Daniela Kletzan-Slamanig & Franz Sinabell & Dieter Pennerstorfer & Georg Böhs & Martin Schönhart & Erwin Schmid - 50912 Strukturanalyse des Salzburger Arbeitsmarktes
by Thomas Horvath & Helmut Mahringer & Florian Preisig - 50911 Auslandskomponente des Lebensmittelmarktes in Österreich
by Franz Sinabell & Ulrich Morawetz & Carsten Holst - 50892 Large-scale Transformations of Socio-economic Institutions
by Esther Ademmer & Joscha Beckmann & Rainer Schweickert - 50891 Economic Dependency Ratios: Present Situation and Future Scenarios. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 74
by Elke Loichinger & Bernhard Hammer & Alexia Prskawetz & Michael Freiberger & Joze Sambt - 50888 What Innovation Policies for Ecological Transition? Powering the Green Innovation Machine. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 73
by Reinhilde Veugelers - 50887 Fehlzeitenreport 2014. Krankheits- und unfallbedingte Fehlzeiten in Österreich
by Thomas Leoni - 50873 Policy Implications of Resource Constraints on the European Economy. WWWforEurope Policy Brief No. 6
by Kurt Kratena & Mark Sommer - 50868 Policy Brief: Die Energiebilanz 2013 und die Erreichbarkeit der Energieziele für 2020
by Stefan Schleicher & Angela Köppl - 50857 Improving the Legitimacy of EU Economic Governance: Why and How? WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 72
by Renaud Thillaye - 50856 The Contribution of Academic Research to Innovation and Growth. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 71
by Reinhilde Veugelers - 50854 Energieperspektiven für Österreich. Teilbericht 2: Zielorientierte Strukturen und Strategien bis 2030
by Angela Köppl & Stefan Schleicher - 50853 Energieperspektiven für Österreich. Teilbericht 1: Zielorientierte Strukturen und Strategien für 2020
by Angela Köppl & Stefan Schleicher - 50840 Familienpolitik in ausgewählten europäischen Ländern im Vergleich
by Margit Schratzenstaller-Altzinger - 50696 78th Euroconstruct Conference: European Construction Market Outlook until 2017 – Slowdown in New Residential Construction from 2014 Onwards. Country Report Austria
by Michael Klien & Michael Weingärtler - 50695 78th Euroconstruct Conference: European Construction Market Outlook until 2017 – 2015: Towards a New Cycle for the European Construction Industry? Country Reports
- 50694 78th Euroconstruct Conference: European Construction Market Outlook until 2017 – 2015: Towards a New Cycle for the European Construction Industry? Summary Report
- 50691 Evaluierung von Sozialen Unternehmen im Kontext neuer Herausforderungen. Materialband
by Rainer Eppel & Thomas Horvath & Manuel Lackner & Helmut Mahringer & Trude Hausegger & Isabella Hager & Christine Reidl & Andrea Reiter & Sara Scheiflinger & Michaela Friedl-Schafferhans - 50690 Evaluierung von Sozialen Unternehmen im Kontext neuer Herausforderungen
by Rainer Eppel & Thomas Horvath & Manuel Lackner & Helmut Mahringer & Trude Hausegger & Isabella Hager & Christine Reidl & Andrea Reiter & Sara Scheiflinger & Michaela Friedl-Schafferhans - 49217 The Europe 2020 Strategy at Midterm: Disappointing Assessment Calls for an Urgent Change Driven by Long-run Priorities. WWWforEurope Policy Paper No. 17
by Karl Aiginger - 49216 The Institutional Pre-conditions for Regional Labour Market Policy Making in the EU: Case Studies and Policy Conclusions. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 70
by Peter Huber - 47506 Macroeconomic Imbalances and Structural Change in the EMU. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 69
by Stefan Ederer & Peter Reschenhofer - 47505 An Optimal Policy Mix for Resource Use. WWWforEurope Policy Brief No. 5
by Marina Fischer-Kowalski & Dominik Wiedenhofer - 47504 Compensating the Losers of Globalisation. WWWforEurope Policy Brief No. 4
by Zareh Asatryan & Friedrich Heinemann & Sebastian Braun & Holger Görg & Hassan Molana & Catia Montagna - 47503 Model Simulations of Resource Use Scenarios for Europe. WWWforEurope Deliverable No. 5
by Kurt Kratena & Mark Sommer - 47502 The Potential Contribution of Innovation Systems to Socio-Ecological Transition. WWWforEurope Deliverable No. 4
by Georg Licht & Bettina Peters & Christian Köhler & Franz Schwiebacher - 47501 The Role of Product and Process Innovation in CGE Models of Environmental Policy. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 68
by Claudio Baccianti & Andreas Löschel - 47500 A Global Value Chain Analysis of Macroeconomic Imbalances in Europe. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 67
by Stefan Ederer & Peter Reschenhofer - 47499 Regional Perspectives and Distributional Effects of European Regional Policies. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 66
by Andrea Bonfiglio & Roberto Esposti & Francesco Pagliacci & Franco Sotte & Beatrice Camaioni - 47498 Structural Disparities in Carbon Dioxide Consumption and Trade in the World Economy. WWWforEurope Policy Paper No. 16
by Stefan Ederer & Stefan Weingärtner - 47497 Foundations for an Ecological Macroeconomics. Literature Review and Model Development. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 65
by Tim Jackson & Ben Drake & Peter Victor & Kurt Kratena & Mark Sommer - 47496 The Euro Plus Pact: Cost Competitiveness and External Capital Flows in the EU Countries. WWWforEurope Policy Paper No. 15
by Hubert Gabrisch & Karsten Staehr - 47495 Who Benefits from Big Government? A Life Satisfaction Approach. WWWforEurope Policy Paper No. 14
by Bodo Knoll & Hans Pitlik - 47494 Cultural Diversity and Economic Policy. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 64
by Dirk Dohse & Robert Gold - 47492 Forschungsquotenziele 2020. Aktualisierung 2014
by Kathrin Hofmann & Jürgen Janger - 47485 Gemeinschaftsdiagnose Herbst 2014: Deutsche Wirtschaft stagniert – Jetzt Wachstumskräfte stärken
- 47475 Die wirtschaftliche und soziale Lage in Österreich
by Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger & Thomas Leoni - 47451 Arbeitsmarktmonitor 2013. Ein jährliches, EU-weites Arbeitsmarktbeobachtungssystem
by Silvia Haas & Ulrike Huemer & Helmut Mahringer - 47447 Ausbau der stationären Pflege in den Bundesländern. Quantitative und qualitative Effekte des Einsatzes öffentlicher Mittel im Vergleich zur mobilen Pflege
by Matthias Firgo & Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger - 47444 Technologiegeber Österreich. Österreichs Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in Schlüsseltechnologien und Enwicklungspotentiale als Technologiegeber
by Andreas Reinstaller - 47427 Kosteneffekte des Energieeffizienzgesetzes. Analysen für Elektrizität liefernde Unternehmen
by Angela Köppl & Stefan Schleicher - 47415 Monitoring of Austria's Efforts Within the Europe 2020 Strategy. Update 2013-14
by Jürgen Janger & Julia Bock-Schappelwein & Michael Böheim & Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger & Thomas Horvath & Daniela Kletzan-Slamanig & Stefan Schönfelder & Margit Schratzenstaller-Altzinger & Maria M. Hofmarcher-Holzhacker - 47406 Sozialpartnerschaft und makroökonomische Performance
by Markus Leibrecht & Silvia Rocha-Akis - 47405 77th Euroconstruct Conference: European Construction Market Outlook until 2016 – New Housing Construction Performs Weak in 2013. Country Report Austria
by Dieter Pennerstorfer & Michael Weingärtler - 47404 77th Euroconstruct Conference: European Construction Market Outlook until 2016 – European Construction Market is Reaching Firmer Ground. Country Reports
- 47403 77th Euroconstruct Conference: European Construction Market Outlook until 2016 – European Construction Market is Reaching Firmer Ground. Summary Report
- 47290 Möglichkeiten zur Ermittlung und Systematisierung der Nicht-Lohn-Erwerbseinkommen und ihrer Verteilung in Österreich
by Alois Guger & Christine Mayrhuber & Marcus Scheiblecker - 47261 Industrial Policy for a Sustainable Growth Path. WWWforEurope Policy Paper No. 13
by Karl Aiginger - 47260 Compensating the Losers of Free Trade. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 63
by Zareh Asatryan & Sebastian Braun & Wolfgang Lechthaler & Mariya Mileva & Catia Montagna - 47254 A Long-run Macroeconomic Model of the Austrian Economy (A-LMM). New Results (2014)
by Serguei Kaniovski & Thomas Url & Helmut Hofer & Sandra Müllbacher - 47249 The Effect of Asymmetries in Fiscal Policy Conducts on Business Cycle Correlation in the EU. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 62
by Petr Rozmahel & Ladislava Issever Grochová & Marek Litzman - 47248 Smoothing the Adjustment to Trade Liberalisation. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 61
by Wolfgang Lechthaler & Mariya Mileva - 47247 Moving Towards a New Growth Model. WWWforEurope Deliverable No. 3
by Karl Aiginger & Kurt Kratena & Margit Schratzenstaller-Altzinger & Teresa Weiss - 47232 Overcoming Reform Resistance and Political Implementation of Large-scale Welfare State Reforms. WWWforEurope Policy Brief No. 3
by Hans Pitlik & Friedrich Heinemann & Rainer Schweickert - 47225 Employment Effects of Renewable Energy Supply – A Meta Analysis. WWWforEurope Policy Paper No. 12
by Ina Meyer & Mark Sommer - 47214 Energy Transition and Behavioural Change in Rural Areas – The Role of Energy Cooperatives. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 60
by Timo Kaphengst & Eike Karola Velten - 47212 Searching for Welfare, Work and Gender Equality. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 59
by Janneke Plantenga - 47209 Deutsche Konjunktur im Aufschwung – aber Gegenwind von der Wirtschaftspolitik. Gemeinschaftsdiagnose Deutschland Frühjahr 2014
- 47204 Determining the Impact of Cultural Diversity on Regional Economies in Europe. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 58
by Dirk Dohse & Robert Gold - 47203 Reforming EU Economic Governance: Is "More" Any Better? WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 57
by Renaud Thillaye & Ludek Kouba & Andreas Sachs - 47188 Evaluating Alternatives to GDP as Measures of Social Welfare and Progress. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 56
by Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh & Miklós Antal - 47187 Large-scale Societal Transitions in the Past. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 55
by Marina Fischer-Kowalski & Daniel Hausknost - 47185 Energieszenarien 2050. Herausforderungen an die österreichische Energiewirtschaft
by Kurt Kratena & Mark Sommer & Ursula Eysin & Karl Rose - 47166 Aktive und passive Arbeitsmarktpolitik in Österreich und Deutschland. Aufkommen und Verwendung der Mittel im Vergleich
by Julia Bock-Schappelwein & Stefan Fuchs & Ulrike Huemer & Helmut Mahringer & Regina Konle-Seidl & Thomas Rhein - 47157 Gender and Migration Background in Intergenerational Educational Mobility. WWWforEurope Policy Paper No. 11
by Alyssa Schneebaum & Bernhard Rumplmaier & Wilfried Altzinger - 47156 Globalisation and the Future of the Welfare State. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 54
by Yu-Fu Chen & Hassan Molana & Catia Montagna & Holger Görg & Dennis Görlich & Yama Temouri - 47155 Do Green Innovations Stimulate Employment? Firm-level Evidence From Germany. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 53
by Georg Licht & Bettina Peters - 47154 Towards an Operational Measurement of Socio-ecological Performance. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 52
by Claudia Kettner-Marx & Angela Köppl & Sigrid Stagl - 47151 Beschäftigung im Handel
by Jürgen Bierbaumer & Ulrike Huemer & Thomas Horvath & Christa Edlmayr & Georg Michenthaler - 47148 Zur ökonomischen Notwendigkeit eines investiven Sozialstaates
by Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger - 47127 How Much Rural is the CAP? WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 51
by Beatrice Camaioni & Roberto Esposti & Francesco Pagliacci & Franco Sotte - 47124 Eine Auswahl von Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren für die österreichische Land- und Forstwirtschaft im internationalen Vergleich
by Franz Sinabell - 47123 Fehlzeitenreport 2013. Krankheits- und unfallbedingte Fehlzeiten in Österreich
by Thomas Leoni - 47113 Does Social Distrust Always Lead to a Stronger Support for Government Intervention? WWWforEurope Policy Paper No. 8
by Hans Pitlik & Ludek Kouba - 47013 Macroeconomics, Financial Crisis and the Environment: Strategies for a Sustainability Transition. WWWforEurope Policy Paper No. 10
by Miklós Antal & Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh - 47012 Energy Rebound Due to Re-spending: A Growing Concern. WWWforEurope Policy Paper No. 9
by Miklós Antal & Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh
- 67111 Prognose der Baubewilligungen für Wohneinheiten in Österreich 2013 und 2014. Teilbericht 4
by Andrea Kunnert - 67110 Baubewilligungen für Wohneinheiten in Österreich: Prognose 2012/13 und regionale Entwicklung 2006/2011. Teilbericht 2
by Andrea Kunnert - 60647 Analyse der österreichischen Handelsbilanz
by Stefan Schiman & Stefan Ederer - 58599 Baubewilligungen für neue Wohneinheiten in Österreich. Prognose 2013/14 (Teilbericht 1)
by Andrea Kunnert - 58453 Analyse der Datengrundlage zum künftigen Qualifikationsangebot und Qualifikationsbedarf in Österreich
by Lorenz Lassnigg & Edith Skriner & Julia Bock-Schappelwein & Thomas Horvath - 57935 Genderindex 2013. Arbeitsmarktlage und Lebenssituation von Frauen und Männern auf regionaler Ebene in Österreich
by Julia Bock-Schappelwein - 57934 Wiens Industrie in der wissensbasierten Stadtwirtschaft. Wandlungsprozesse, Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, industriepolitische Ansatzpunkte
by Peter Mayerhofer - 57933 Wiens Stadtwirtschaft. Internationale Spezialisierungschancen, zentrale Wirtschaftsbereiche
by Peter Mayerhofer & Oliver Fritz - 56809 The Economic and Social Situation in Austria
by Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger & Thomas Leoni - 47219 Vermögensbezogene Steuern. Ansatzpunkte, internationaler Vergleich und Optionen für Deutschland
by Margit Schratzenstaller-Altzinger - 47213 Gender-Prüfung im Finanzressort
by Agnes Maria Gössinger & Margit Schratzenstaller-Altzinger - 47138 Ein Tourismus-Satellitenkonto für Österreich. Methodik, Ergebnisse und Prognosen für die Jahre 2000 bis 2014
by Peter Laimer & Sabine Ehn-Fragner & Egon Smeral - 47104 Pilot Energy Innovation Scoreboard
by Claudia Kettner-Marx & Angela Köppl & Thomas Steffl & Hannes Warmuth - 47102 MORE2. Remuneration Cross-Country Report (WP4) – Support for Continued Data Collection and Analysis Concerning Mobility Patterns and Career Paths of Researchers
by Fabian Unterlass & Andreas Reinstaller & Peter Huber & Jürgen Janger & Kathrin Hofmann & Anna Strauss-Kollin & Isabel Stadler - 47094 The Impact of Green Innovation on Employment Growth in Europe. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 50
by Georg Licht & Bettina Peters - 47093 The Effects of Globalisation on Wage Inequality: New Insights from a Dynamic Trade Model with Heterogeneous Firms. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 49
by Mariya Mileva & Sebastian Braun & Wolfgang Lechthaler - 47092 Policy Responses by Different Agents/Stakeholders in a Transition: Integrating the Multi-level Perspective and Behavioural Economics. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 48
by Ardjan Gazheli & Miklós Antal & Ben Drake & Tim Jackson & Sigrid Stagl & Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh & Manuel Wäckerle - 47072 Who Drives Smart Growth? The Contribution of Small and Young Firms to Inventions in Sustainable Technologies. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 47
by Birgit Aschhoff & Georg Licht & Paula Schliessler - 47070 Tourismus 2025: Entwicklungsperspektiven und Strategien für den ländlichen Raum
by Egon Smeral - 47069 76th Euroconstruct Conference: European Construction Market Outlook until 2016 – New Housing Construction Performs Well in 2013. Country Report Austria
by Andrea Kunnert & Michael Weingärtler - 47068 76th Euroconstruct Conference: European Construction Market Outlook until 2016 – Slight Recovery Expected in 2014. Country Reports
- 47067 76th Euroconstruct Conference: European Construction Market Outlook until 2016 – Slight Recovery Expected in 2014. Summary Report
- 47023 Governance Structures in Europe. WWWforEurope Deliverable No. 2
by Andreas Sachs - 47022 Reforming Welfare States. WWWforEurope Deliverable No. 1
by Peter Huber & Thomas Leoni & Hans Pitlik - 47021 Surveillance and Control of Fiscal Consolidation on a Supranational Level. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 46
by Bas van Aarle - 47020 Industrial Diversity and Innovation Spillovers: Dynamic Innovation and Adoption. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 45
by Philip Amison & David Bailey - 47019 Competitiveness under New Perspectives. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 44
by Karl Aiginger & Susanne Bärenthaler-Sieber & Johanna Vogel - 47018 An Evolutionary View on Social Innovation and the Process of Economic Change. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 43
by Andreas Reinstaller - 47017 Macroeconomic Imbalances in the EU. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 42
by Stefan Ederer & Peter Reschenhofer - 47016 Identifying Barriers to Institutional Change in Disability Services. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 41
by Ágota Scharle & Balázs Váradi - 47015 Literature Review on Fundamental Concepts and Definitions, Objectives and Policy Goals as well as Instruments Relevant for Socio-ecological Transition. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 40
by Anna Dimitrova & Katarina Hollan & Daphne Channa Laster & Andreas Reinstaller & Margit Schratzenstaller-Altzinger & Ewald Walterskirchen & Teresa Weiss - 47014 The Impact of the Financial and Economic Crisis on Sustainability Transitions: Financial Investment, Governance and Public Discourse. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 39
by Frank W. Geels - 47011 What Can the EMU's Peripheral Countries Learn From Regional Growth? WWWforEurope Policy Paper No. 7
by Karl Aiginger & Matthias Firgo & Peter Huber - 47010 Subjective Well-being and Socio-ecological Transition. WWWforEurope Policy Paper No. 6
by Gunther Tichy - 47009 Remapping EMU. On the Future Construction of Economic and Monetary Union. WWWforEurope Policy Paper No. 5
by Stefan Ederer & Stefan Weingärtner - 47007 A Manufacturing Imperative in the EU – Europe's Position in Global Manufacturing and the Role of Industrial Policy. Competitiveness Report 2013
- 47006 Bringing Research to the Market: Policy Instruments to Speed up the Market Uptake of Research Output. Competitiveness Report 2013
- 47005 Production and Trade in KETs-based Products: The EU Position in Global Value Chains and Specialisation Patterns within the EU. Competitiveness Report 2013
- 47004 Reducing Productivity and Efficiency Gaps: The Role of Knowledge Assets, Absorptive Capacity and Institutions. Competitiveness Report 2013
- 47003 Structural Change. Competitiveness Report 2013
- 47002 Arbeitsmarktsituation und Pensionsübertritt am Beispiel der Bauwirtschaft
by Ulrike Huemer & Christine Mayrhuber - 46996 Forschungsquotenziele 2020
by Kathrin Hofmann & Jürgen Janger & Anna Strauss-Kollin - 46992 Labour Market Monitor 2012. An EU-wide Labour Market Monitoring System (Updated Annually)
by Silvia Haas & Ulrike Huemer & Helmut Mahringer - 46989 Social Protection Rights of Economically Dependent Self-Employed Workers
by Werner Eichhorst & Michela Braga & Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger & Maarten Gerard & Thomas Horvath & Martin Kahanec & Marta Kahancová & Michael J. Kendzia & Monika Martišková & Paola Monti & Jakob Louis Pedersen & Julian Stanley & Barbara Vandeweghe & Caroline Wehner & Caroline White - 46988 Combining the Entry of Young People in the Labour Market with the Retention of Older Workers
by Werner Eichhorst & Tito Boeri & Michela Braga & An de Coen & Galasso Vicenzo & Maarten Gerard & Michael J. Kendzia & Christine Mayrhuber & Jakob Louis Pedersen & Ricarda Schmidl & Nadia Steiber - 46987 The Role and Activities of Employment Agencies
by Werner Eichhorst & Michela Braga & Andrea Broughton & An de Coen & Henri Culot & Filip Dorssemont & Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger & Maarten Gerard & Ulrike Huemer & Michael J. Kendzia & Jakob Louis Pedersen & Ewa Slezak - 46984 Eine Typologie Arbeitsloser nach Dauer und Häufigkeit ihrer Arbeitslosigkeit
by Rainer Eppel & Thomas Horvath & Helmut Mahringer - 46982 Gemeinschaftsdiagnose Herbst 2013: Deutsche Konjunktur zieht an – Haushaltsüberschüsse sinnvoll nutzen
- 46981 Long-term Climate Mitigation and Energy Use in Austria – The WAM+ Scenario
by Kurt Kratena & Ina Meyer & Mark Sommer - 46964 Das Einkommen in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln. Eine Gegenüberstellung
by Franz Sinabell & Franz Fensl - 46953 50% des Budgets der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik für Frauen. Implementierung, Umsetzung und Wirkung des Genderbudgetziels
by Hedwig Lutz & Margit Schratzenstaller-Altzinger & Andrea Leitner & Andrea Laimer - 46950 Monitoring Austria's Efforts Within the Europe 2020 Strategy
by Jürgen Janger & Julia Bock-Schappelwein & Thomas Horvath & Ina Meyer - 46936 Unbezahlte Überstunden in Österreich
by Ulrike Famira-Mühlberger & Stefan Fuchs - 46924 The Interrelation of Informal Institutions and Governance Quality in Shaping Welfare State Attitudes. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 38
by Hans Pitlik & Ludek Kouba - 46923 Academic Careers: A Cross-country Perspective. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 37
by Jürgen Janger & Anna Strauss-Kollin & David Campbell - 46922 Career Choices in Academia. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 36
by Jürgen Janger & Klaus Nowotny - 46921 Looking for PeripheRurality. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 35
by Beatrice Camaioni & Roberto Esposti & Antonello Lobianco & Francesco Pagliacci & Franco Sotte - 46920 Technology Platforms in Europe: An Empirical Investigation. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 34
by Lisa de Propris & Carlo Corradini - 46919 Does Social Cohesion Really Promote Reforms? WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 33
by Hannes Andréasson & Niklas Elert & Nils Karlson - 46918 Coordination in Place of Integration? Economic Governance in a Non-federal EU. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 32
by Renaud Thillaye - 46917 Innovation in the Energy Sector. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 31
by Klaus Friesenbichler - 46905 Anreizsysteme zur Weiterbeschäftigung älterer Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer
by Christine Mayrhuber & Silvia Rocha-Akis - 46891 New Empirical Findings for International Investment in Intangible Assets. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 30
by Martin Falk - 46890 Labour Market Institutions and Regional Unemployment Disparities. Evidence for Europe. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 29
by Peter Huber - 46889 Women's Work and Family Profiles over the Lifecourse and their Subsequent Health Outcomes – Evidence for Europe. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 28
by Thomas Leoni & Rainer Eppel - 46888 City Networks and the Socio-ecological Transition – A European Inventory. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 27
by Adrien Labaeye & Thomas Sauer - 46887 The "Resurrection" of Industrial Policy in the European Union and its Impact on Industrial Policy in the New Member Countries. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 26
by Ádám Török & Gyöngyi Csuka & Bernadett Kovács & Anita Veres - 46886 Developing Resource Use Scenarios for Europe. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 25
by Marina Fischer-Kowalski & Dominik Wiedenhofer & Willi Haas & Irene Pallua & Daniel Hausknost - 46885 List of Suggestions for Behavioural Elements in the Macroeconomic Model. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 24
by Ardjan Gazheli & Miklós Antal & Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh - 46884 Does Foreign Direct Investment Synchronise Business Cycles? Results from a Panel Approach. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 23
by Claudia Busl & Marcus Kappler - 46883 The Impact of Networks, Segregation and Diversity on Migrants' Labour Market Integration. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 22
by Thomas Horvath & Peter Huber - 46882 Does Migration Threaten the Sustainability of European Welfare States? WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 21
by Peter Huber & Doris Oberdabernig - 46881 Origins of Reform Resistance and the Southern European Regime. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 20
by Theocharis Grigoriadis & Friedrich Heinemann - 46874 Large-Scale Transformation of Socio-Economic Institutions – Comparative Case Studies on CEECs. Background Paper 3: Varieties of Capitalism and CEECs. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 19
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by Mariya Mileva & Wolfgang Lechthaler - 46858 Negative Shocks, Job Creation, and Selection. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 11
by Catia Montagna & Hassan Molana & Daniel Kopasker & Holger Görg - 46857 Measuring Cultural Diversity at a Regional Level. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 10
by Dirk Dohse & Robert Gold - 46856 Integration of Central and Eastern European Countries: Increasing EU Heterogeneity? WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 9
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by Jesús Crespo Cuaresma & Mathias Moser & Anna Raggl - 46843 Unconditional Convergence in Currency Unions: An Analysis of European Regions from 1991 to 2009. WWWforEurope Policy Paper No. 4
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by Serguei Kaniovski & Thomas Url & Helmut Hofer & Sandra Müllbacher - 46823 The Development of Productive Structures of EU Member Countries and Their International Competitiveness
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by Martin Falk & Roland Spitzlinger - 46816 FIDELIO 1: Fully Interregional Dynamic Econometric Long-term Input-Output Model for the EU 27
by Kurt Kratena & Gerhard Streicher & Umed Temurshoev & Antonio F. Amores & Iñaki Arto & Ignazio Mongelli & Frederik Neuwahl & José-Manuel Rueda-Cantuche & Valeria Andreoni