2024, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 5-16 Outcrops of Columnar Andesite Shaped by Periglacial Processes – Jersak Hills, King George Island, Antarctica
by Migoń Piotr & Strzelecki Mateusz C. - 17-33 Impact of Land Use Changes on Collapsed Pipes Development in the Loess Gully (Lublin Upland, East Poland)
by Rodzik Jan & Kołodyńska-Gawrysiak Renata & Franczak Łukasz & Zgłobicki Wojciech & Poesen Jean - 35-48 The Centrifugal State: In Search of an Explanation of Why Countries Decentralise
by Rodríguez-Pose Andrés - 49-63 One Hundred Years of National Capital-Making: The Case of Bratislava, Slovakia
by Buček Ján & Plešivčák Martin & Bačík Vladimír - 65-73 European University Initiative in the Context of Digital Transformation: A Discussion Paper
by Morawska Joanna & Carayannis Elias G. - 75-93 What Doesn’t Work in the European Cohesion Policy? Development Challenges of the Inner Periphery After the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic
by Churski Paweł & Adamiak Czesław & Dubownik Anna & Pietrzykowski Maciej & Szyda Barbara - 95-120 The Virtuous Circle of Geodiversity: Application of Geoscience Knowledge for Sustainability in the Framework of the International Geodiversity Day
by Khoso Rasool Bux & Negri Arianna & Guerini Michele & Mantovani Alizia & Shajahan Rasia & Gentilini Sara & Perotti Luigi & Giardino Marco - 121-136 Drive for Commercial Desertification in Mountain Areas: Evidence from the Province of Sondrio (Italy), 2010–2022
by Antonietta Clerici Maria - 137-149 Cave People? Cave Tourists? Explorers? Going Underground in the Eyes of Representatives of the Cavers’ Community
by Chylińska Dagmara - 151-167 Global Knowledge-Intensive Business Services Trade Flows. The Revealed Competitive Position of Europe and Central and Eastern Europe
by Brodzicki Tomasz - 169-178 The Quadruple Helix Versus Barriers to Local Development: The Example of ‘Dual Municipalities’
by Cybulska Magdalena & Mantey Dorota & Dziemianowicz Wojciech - 179-191 Sources of the Aeolian Material in Periglacial Conditions Based on Quartz Grain Analysis, Ebba Valley, Svalbard
by Rymer Krzysztof Grzegorz & Wachecka-Kotkowska Lucyna - 193-201 Quaestiones Geographicae – Five Decades of Geographical Excellence
by Kostrzewski Andrzej & Dominiak Joanna & Zwoliński Zbigniew & Rzodkiewicz Monika & Stachowiak Krzysztof & Stryjakiewicz Tadeusz
2024, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 5-19 Erosion Control Ecosystem Service Provided by Salix Acutifolia Willd. Neophyte on the South Baltic Coast: Insights from Wolin Island, Poland
by Borysiak Janina & Czyryca Paweł & Stępniewska Małgorzata - 21-45 Identification of River Valley Areas Threatening the Chemical Status of Groundwater, in the Example of the Upper Course of the Ner River Basin, Central Poland
by Krogulec Ewa & Małecki Jerzy J. & Szostakiewicz-Hołownia Marzena & Trzeciak Joanna & Zabłocki Sebastian & Ziułkiewicz Maciej - 47-64 The Impact of Circulation Types and their Changing Thermal Properties on the Probability of Days with Snowfall and Rainfall in Poland, 1966–2020
by Łupikasza Ewa B. & Małarzewski Łukasz & Pham Quoc B. - 65-76 Multi-Annual Variations in the Heat Load of Poland
by Okoniewska Monika - 77-86 User Preferences of Perspective and Dimensionality of Tourism Space Geovisualisation Supporting Orientation in a Non-Immersive Virtual Reality
by Zajadacz Alina & Halik Łukasz - 87-101 The Rigma Model as a Valuable Tool for Evaluating Teachers’ Technological Advancement in Distance Education
by Cichoń Małgorzata & Sypniewski Jakub & Piotrowska Iwona - 103-112 Lake Sediments as Microplastic Sink: The Case of Three Lakes from Northern and Central Poland
by Fojutowski Michał - 113-123 Applying Chorems in the Cartographic Presentation of Barriers to Socio-Economic Development in Poland
by Bielecka Elżbieta & Markowska Anna & Dukaczewski Dariusz - 125-133 The Quality of the Zygmunt Spring Water (Southern Poland) – Preliminary Results
by Dąbrowska Dominika & Ruman Marek & Wróbel Jacek - 135-146 Contemporary Dynamics of Glacial Lakes: Comparison Between Selected Systems Developing in Northern, Central and Southern Regions in Spitsbergen
by Wieczorek Iwo
2024, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 5-16 International Trade in Food and Agro-Based Products in the Time of COVID-19
by Gombkötő Nóra & Mezei Katalin - 17-35 Female-Based Urban Poverty in Parts of Sehore City, India
by Siddiqui Farheen & Parveen Shahnaz - 37-48 Navigating Tourism Innovations in the Post-COVID-19 Era: A Case Study of Lithuania
by Pociūtė-Sereikienė Gintarė & Liutikas Darius & Baranauskienė Viktorija - 49-66 Slums Effect on Urban Sustainability: Suggested Planning Mechanisms for Development
by Jasim Ihsan Abbas & Al-Tamimi Ahmed Hani & Al-Maliki Laheab A. & Al-Mamoori Sohaib K. - 67-80 European Funds and the Dynamics of Economic Growth Among Eu Regions: A Spatial Modelling Approach
by Kisiała Wojciech & Stępiński Bartosz - 81-98 The Territorial Nature and Power of Human Capital in Urban Development Processes from the Perspective of the Path Dependence Concept
by Przygodzki Zbigniew & Adamus Jagoda - 99-111 Influence of an Interview Location on Opinions About the Ecosystem Services Provided by Trees
by Matczak Piotr & Mielewczyk Marcin & Mączka Krzysztof & Przewoźna Patrycja & Inglot Adam
2024, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 5-19 Spatial Analysis of Ecological Risk in a Coastal Dune Landscape Using High Resolution Aerial Photography
by Listyaningrum Noviyanti & Mardiatno Djati & Pangaribowo Evita Hanie & Setiawan Muhammad Anggri & Sartohadi Junun & Sulistyo Bambang - 21-43 Morphodynamics of Recherchefjorden Accumulative Coasts Since the End of the Little Ice Age
by Frydrych Kamila & Zagórski Piotr - 45-61 Landscape in Change – Place in Uncertainty. A Case Study of Detachment
by Markuszewska Iwona - 63-78 Estimating the Useful Life of the Sempor Reservoir Using Erosion Modelling
by Budiman Satrio & Suprayogi Slamet - 79-91 A Comprehensive Review On Landslide Susceptibility Zonation Techniques
by Singh Kanwarpreet & Bhardwaj Vanshika & Sharma Abhishek & Thakur Shalini - 93-110 The Range of Ice Thrusts and Ice Piles as Reflected by Ice Scars on Trees Growing on the Shores of Coastal Lagoons: The Case of the Szczecin Lagoon
by Girjatowicz Józef Piotr & Świątek Małgorzata & Łabuz Tomasz Arkadiusz - 111-126 The Landscape Fragmentation: Analysis of Land Cover Transformation in High Mountains Environment on the Example of Tatra Region (Southern Poland)
by Pyryt Piotr & Pukowiec-Kurda Katarzyna - 127-156 Progress in Arctic Coastal Geomorphological Research in Times of Rapid Climate Warming
by Owczarek Zofia & Stachowska-Kamińska Zofia & Kostrzewa Oskar & Szczypińska Małgorzata - 157-164 Application of Remote-Sensing Data in Geochemical Studies of Soils of the Yertis River Basin Within East Kazakhstan
by Ulykpanova Meruyert M. & Auezova Zaure & Ramazanova Nurgul & Mussabaeva Meruert & Zhanguzhina Altyn - 165-177 Moving (The Focus) from Denial to Dialogue: The Recommended Directions for Communicating Climate Change to Non-Expert Audiences Based on the Analysis of Climate Scientists’ Communicative Experiences
by Mytych Jagoda - 179-195 Dynamics of Land Cover Change in the Anambra River Basin of Nigeria and Implications for Sustainable Land Management
by Njar Nnanjar G. & Iheaturu Chima J. & Inyang Utibe B. & Okolie Chukwuma J. & Daramola Olagoke E. & Orji Michael J. - 197-210 In the Past, Winter was Winter, and Summer was Summer: Climate Change in the Eyes of Older Adults from Poland
by Budziszewska Magdalena - 211-233 Periglaciology: Review and Discussion of Modern Concepts and its Relation to the Research in Poland
by Dobiński Wojciech - 235-255 Social and Geographical Distribution of Mobility-Related Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Poznań and Tri-City Functional Urban Areas
by Czepkiewicz Michał & Brudka Cezary & Krysiński Dawid & Schmidt Filip - 257-266 Featured Data Sources and Normalised Indices of Use in Small Arctic Catchment Research
by Wołoszyn Aleksandra
December 2023, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 5-22 The Role of a Green Economy in Revitalising Shrinking Cities: Comparative Case Studies in France and Mexico
by Pietro Simone Di - 23-41 Gender-Specific Preferences Regarding Urban Green Areas
by Bąkowska-Waldmann Edyta & Piniarski Witold - 43-61 Assessment of Regional Digital Divide in Türkiye
by Alp Gülfiye Özcan & Baycan Tüzin - 63-79 Which Skills are the Most Prized? Analysing Monetary Value of Geographers’ Skills on the Labour Market in Six European Countries
by Piróg Danuta & Hibszer Adam - 81-89 Studying at Higher Education Institutions in Poland as Seen by Students with Disabilities in the Context of the Geographical Model of Disability
by Zajadacz Alina & Kołodziejczak Anna - 91-106 Opportunities for the Development of a Borderland Rural Territory: A Case Study of the Hlučín Region
by Šťastná Milada & Vaishar Antonín - 107-119 Analysis of Poland’s Enotourism Product Model
by Sidorkiewicz Marta - 121-142 Wounded Landscape: Environmental and Social Consequences of (Illegal) Motor Tourism in Forests on the Example of Worek Okrzeszyna (The Central Sudetes on The Polish-Czech Borderland)
by Chylińska Dagmara & Kołodziejczyk Krzysztof - 143-156 How to Effectively Build the Image of an Emerging Destination
by Skowronek Ewa & Brzeziñska-Wójcik Teresa & Stasiak Andrzej - 157-168 The Impact of the Maritime Border on the Development of Poland’s Border Areas in Terms of Expenses of Foreigners and the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Malkowska Agnieszka & Malkowski Arkadiusz & Tokarz-Kocik Anna
September 2023, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 19-27 The Development of Geotourism and Geoeducation in the Holy Cross Mountains Region (Central Poland)
by Gałka Elżbieta - 67-87 Causes and Effects of Coastal Dunes Erosion During Storm Surge Axel in January 2017 on the Southern Baltic Polish Coast
by Łabuz Tomasz Arkadiusz - 89-99 Insights into the Chemical Characteristics of Atmospheric Aerosols from Urban-Industrial and Rural Sites in South-East of Poland During Winter
by Szwed Mirosław & Kozłowski Rafał & Żukowski Witold & Mbengue Saliou & Suchánková Lenka & Prokes Roman - 101-113 E-Tourism Based on Geoinformation Applications for Seniors: Requirements and Design Guidelines
by Kowalczyk Kamil & Kowalczyk Anna Maria & Zwirowicz-Rutkowska Agnieszka & Bednarczyk Michał - 115-143 Inventory and Assessment of Geosites and Geodiversity Sites of the Ait Attab Syncline (M’goun Unesco Geopark, Morocco) to Stimulate Geoconservation, Geotourism and Sustainable Development
by Louz Elhassan & Rais Jamila & Barakat Ahmed & Barka Abdellah Ait & Nadem Samir - 145-159 Case Study of Water Pollution in Podwiśniówka Acid Mine Pit Lake (Holy Cross Mts., Poland)
by Suligowski Roman & Molenda Tadeusz & Ciupa Tadeusz - 161-174 Aeolian Abrasion of the Coastal Deposits on the Western Crete
by Dulias Renata - 175-193 Variability of Air Quality and Bioclimatic Conditions in an Urban Area: A Case Study of Lublin, Poland
by Dobek Mateusz & Wereski Sylwester & Krzyżewska Agnieszka - 195-211 Analysis of Built-Up Classes in Urbanised Zones Using Radar Images
by Pluto-Kossakowska Joanna & Giczan Joanna - 213-222 The Change and Variability of Snow Cover in Kraków in a 100-Year Observation Series
by Piotrowicz Katarzyna & Falarz Małgorzata
June 2023, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 5-17 Does Tolerance Matter? The Spatial Distribution of Creative Industries Across Cities in Indonesia
by Brata Aloysius Gunadi & Ambarwati Diah Kartika & Lobo Lorensius Toto & Patnasari Yenny & Sukamto Andreas - 5-18 Comparative Analysis of Certainty Factor and Analytic Hierarchy Process for Landslide Susceptibility Zonation in Parts of Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India
by Magray Adil Ahmad & Singh Kanwarpreet & Sharma Swati - 19-36 Processes of Spatial Concentration and Specialisation of Industry by the Intensity of R&D Work in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship (Poland)
by Brezdeń Paweł & Sikorski Dominik - 29-47 Watershed Prioritisation of Drainage Basins Based on Geomorphometric Parameters, Neyyar Watershed, India
by Shekar Padala Raja & Mathew Aneesh - 37-51 The Legitimacy of Sub-Municipal Councils in Small and Mid-Sized Cities Under Post-Socialist Conditions
by Buček Ján & Frassová Mária - 49-65 The Long-Term Course of the Annual Total Sunshine Duration in Europe and Changes in the Phases of the Thermohaline Circulation in the North Atlantic (1901–2018)
by Marsz Andrzej A. & Styszyńska Anna & Matuszko Dorota - 53-69 The ‘I was Here’ Syndrome in Tourism: The Case of Poland
by Chylińska Dagmara & Kosmala Gerard - 71-84 Visits in Forests During the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Cross-Border Area of Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany
by Ciesielski Mariusz & Tkaczyk Miłosz - 85-95 Cohesion Policy and Environmental Protection: The Attitude of Polish Public Organisations
by Herodowicz Tomasz - 97-113 Morphological Transformations of the Old Town in Wrocław
by Szmytkie Robert & Pajączek Kinga - 115-129 Public Space in Different Cultural Conditions: The Cases of Glasgow and Poznań
by Ewertowski Wojciech
March 2023, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 5-14 Vertical Variability of Night Sky Brightness in Urbanised Areas
by Karpińska Dominika & Kunz Mieczysław - 15-24 Changes of the Surface Area of Morskie Oko and Wielki Staw in the Tatra Mountains
by Choiński Adam & Zieliński Artur - 25-41 The Increase in the Proportion of Impervious Surfaces and Changes in Air Temperature, Relative Humidity and Cloud Cover in Poland
by Bartoszek Krzysztof & Łachowski Wojciech & Matuszko Dorota - 43-57 Impacts of Land Use Change on Landscape Structure and Ecosystem Services at Local Scale: A Case Study in Central Portugal
by Nunes Adélia & Ornelas Alexandre & Vieira Pedro & Dias Ângela & Martins Bruno - 59-74 Patterns in the Multiannual Course of Growing Season in Central Europe Since the End of the 19th Century
by Szyga-Pluta Katarzyna & Tomczyk Arkadiusz M. & Piotrowicz Katarzyna & Bednorz Ewa - 75-86 The Analysis of Fire Hotspot Distribution in Kalimantan and Its Relationship with ENSO Phases
by Zahra Rahma Aulia & Nurjani Emilya & Sekaranom Andung Bayu - 87-106 Generative Adversarial Approach to Urban Areas’ NDVI Estimation: A Case Study of Łódź, Poland
by Adamiak Maciej & Będkowski Krzysztof & Bielecki Adam - 107-122 The Role of Geomorphosites in the Local Economy Development of the Carpathian and Sub-Carpathian Area of Vrancea County, Romania
by Tufănoiu Ionuț - 123-139 Cartography and Analysis of the Urban Growth, Case Study: Inter-Communal Grouping of Batna, Algeria
by Fekkous Nadia & Alkama Djamel & Fekkous Khaoula - 141-160 Effects of Geomorphological Processes and Phytoclimate Conditions Change on Forest Vegetation in the Pomeranian Bay Coastal Zone (Wolin National Park, West Pomerania)
by Tylkowski Jacek & Paluszkiewicz Renata & Winowski Marcin & Czyryca Paweł & Kostrzewski Andrzej & Mazurek Małgorzata & Rachlewicz Grzegorz - 161-177 Effect of Regional Baric Systems on the Occurrence of Bioclimatic Conditions in Poland
by Tomczyk Arkadiusz M. & Bednorz Ewa & Szyga-Pluta Katarzyna & Owczarek Małgorzata
2022, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 41-56 Changes in Industry and Services Sectors in Poland during the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Dominiak Joanna & Rachwał Tomasz - 141-163 How the Analytical Hierarchical Process and Revitalisation Work Together: A Case Study of Poland
by Rogatka Krzysztof & Starczewski Tomasz & Kowalski Mateusz
December 2022, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 5-17 New Meanings of Computer-Based Entertainment and Communication among Students in Poland During the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Mokras-Grabowska Justyna & Mroczek-Żulicka Aleksandra & Olasik Marta - 5-17 New Meanings of Computer-Based Entertainment and Communication among Students in Poland During the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Mokras-Grabowska Justyna & Mroczek-Żulicka Aleksandra & Olasik Marta - 19-39 The Influence of Built Environment and Socio-Economic Factors on Commuting Energy Demand: A Path Analysis-Based Approach
by Boukarta Soufiane & Berezowska-Azzag Ewa - 19-39 The Influence of Built Environment and Socio-Economic Factors on Commuting Energy Demand: A Path Analysis-Based Approach
by Boukarta Soufiane & Berezowska-Azzag Ewa - 41-56 Changes in Industry and Services Sectors in Poland during the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Dominiak Joanna & Rachwał Tomasz - 57-72 Challenges of Urban Garden Initiatives for Food Security in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
by Ishak Norziha & Abdullah Rosazlin & Rosli Noor Sharina Mohd & Majid Hazreenbdul & Halim Nur Sa’adah Abdul & Ariffin Fazilah - 57-72 Challenges of Urban Garden Initiatives for Food Security in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
by Ishak Norziha & Abdullah Rosazlin & Rosli Noor Sharina Mohd & Majid Hazreenbdul & Halim Nur Sa’adah Abdul & Ariffin Fazilah - 73-87 Sources of Mapping used in Humanitarian Emergencies: The Case of Ebola
by Barra Martínez José Antonio & Morales-Yago Francisco José & de Lázaro-Torres María Luisa - 73-87 Sources of Mapping used in Humanitarian Emergencies: The Case of Ebola
by Barra Martínez José Antonio & Morales-Yago Francisco José & de Lázaro-Torres María Luisa - 89-105 Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of Decentralised Composting of Bio-Waste: A Case Study of The Łódź Agglomeration (Poland)
by Rybaczewska-Błażejowska Magdalena & Mazurek Damian & Mazur Marcin - 89-105 Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of Decentralised Composting of Bio-Waste: A Case Study of The Łódź Agglomeration (Poland)
by Rybaczewska-Błażejowska Magdalena & Mazurek Damian & Mazur Marcin - 107-125 Tourism Development in the Borderlands of Romania: A Case Study of the Danube Gorge–Iron Gates
by Băbăț Andrei-Florin & Pavel Sorin - 107-125 Tourism Development in the Borderlands of Romania: A Case Study of the Danube Gorge–Iron Gates
by Băbăț Andrei-Florin & Pavel Sorin - 127-139 Environmental Social Science and Urban Environment Management: A Review of Pathways Linking Policies and Planning to Citizens Living by the River
by Mousazadeh Hossein - 127-139 Environmental Social Science and Urban Environment Management: A Review of Pathways Linking Policies and Planning to Citizens Living by the River
by Mousazadeh Hossein - 141-163 How the Analytical Hierarchical Process and Revitalisation Work Together: A Case Study of Poland
by Rogatka Krzysztof & Starczewski Tomasz & Kowalski Mateusz - 165-177 Regional Green Transition: Cases of Polish and Russian Regions
by Męczyński Michał & Ciesiółka Przemysław - 165-177 Regional Green Transition: Cases of Polish and Russian Regions
by Męczyński Michał & Ciesiółka Przemysław
September 2022, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 5-31 Storm Surges Versus Shore Erosion: 21 Years (2000–2020) of Observations on the Świna Gate Sandbar (Southern Baltic Coast)
by Łabuz Tomasz Arkadiusz - 33-51 Precipitation Amounts Triggering Landslide Processes in the Western Part of the Nałęczów Plateau (Lublin Upland, Poland)
by Demczuk Piotr & Zydroń Tymoteusz & Szafran Tomasz - 53-74 A Spatial Model of Forest Area in the Middle Ages Based on Historical, Archaeological and Geographic Data: A Case Study of 13th-Century Chełmno Land (North-Central Poland)
by Molewski Paweł - 75-86 GIS-Based Land Cover Analysis and Prediction Based on Open-Source Software and Data
by Dawid Wojciech & Bielecka Elżbieta - 87-109 The Karst Landscapes of Beni Mellal Atlas (Central Morocco): Identification for Promoting Geoconservation and Tourism
by Ait Barka Abdellah & Rais Jamila & Barakat Ahmed & Louz Elhassan & Nadem Samir - 111-126 Impact of Atmospheric Circulation on the Occurrence of Very Strong and Extreme Cold Stress in Poland
by Owczarek Małgorzata & Tomczyk Arkadiusz M. - 127-140 Assessment of Soil Characteristics Using a Three-Band Agricultural Digital Camera
by Glinko Agnieszka & Kaźmierowski Cezary & Piekarczyk Jan & Królewicz Sławomir - 141-156 Variability of Water Exchange in the Hyporheic Zone of a Lowland River in Poland Based on Gradientometric Studies
by Marciniak Marek & Ziułkiewicz Maciej & Górecki Michał - 157-167 Reflectance Spectroscopy in Geology and Soil Sciences: Literature Review
by Badura Ireneusz & Dąbski Maciej - 169-181 Geotourism Potential of Show Caves in Poland
by Zieliński Artur & Marek Aneta & Zwoliński Zbigniew - 169-181 Geotourism Potential of Show Caves in Poland
by Zieliński Artur & Marek Aneta & Zwoliński Zbigniew - 183-206 Causes and Course of Climate Change and Its Hydrological Consequences in the Greater Poland Region in 1951–2020
by Marsz Andrzej A. & Sobkowiak Leszek & Styszyńska Anna & Wrzesiński Dariusz - 183-206 Causes and Course of Climate Change and Its Hydrological Consequences in the Greater Poland Region in 1951–2020
by Marsz Andrzej A. & Sobkowiak Leszek & Styszyńska Anna & Wrzesiński Dariusz
June 2022, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 1-1 Editorial
by Dominiak Joanna & Stachowiak Krzysztof - 7-19 Research on Rural Entrepreneurship in Terms of the Literature: Definition Problems and Selected Research Issues
by Kulawiak Anita & Suliborski Andrzej & Rachwał Tomasz - 21-35 Regional Economic Integration and Its Impact on Income Distribution and the Poverty Level: The Case of the WAEMU Zone
by Yameogo Claire E. W. & Omojolaibi Joseph A. - 37-47 Uneven Peripheral Developments in Central and Eastern Europe: A Case Study of the Tirana City Region, Albania
by Mele Marcela & Muka Majlinda - 49-65 Demographic Analysis of the Makkah Province for the Purpose of Evaluating the Balance of the Urban System
by Derbali Amani & Farhi Abdallah - 67-82 Energy Consumption and Economic Growth Linkage: Global Evidence from Symmetric and Asymmetric Simulations
by Ali Wajid & Nathaniel Solomon Prince & Adekunle Ibrahim Ayoade & Kumar Bezon - 83-93 Impact of the Tengiz Oil Field on the State of Land Cover
by Koshim Asyma G. & Sergeyeva Aigul M. & Yegizbayeva Asset - 95-108 Do Motorisation Statistics Reflect the Real Geography of Car Ownership in Poland?
by Kołsut Bartłomiej & Stryjakiewicz Tadeusz & Gadziński Jędrzej - 109-124 Modelling the Obstacles to using Bicycle Sharing Systems in the Tehran Metropolis: A Structural Analysis
by Akbari Majid & Zarghamfard Moslem & Hajisharifi Arezoo & Amir Entekhabi Shahram & Goodarzipour Sadrallah - 125-137 Changes in Students’ Life at Selected Universities in Central and Eastern Europe during the First Stage of the Pandemic
by Kawczyńska-Butrym Zofia & Pantyley Victoriya & Butrym Marek & Kisla Ganna & Fakeyeva Liudmila - 139-151 A Year of Spatio-Temporal Clusters of COVID-19 in Indonesia
by Jumadi Jumadi & Fikriyah Vidya N. & Hadibasyir Hamim Zaky & Priyono Kuswaji Dwi & Musiyam Muhammad & Mardiah Andri N. R. & Rohman Arif & Hasyim Hamzah & Ibrahim Mohd. Hairy - 153-165 Comprehensive Assessment of Meta-Analysis and Contingent Valuation Technique for Sustainable Management of Wetland of Middle Ganga Plain
by Biswas Roy Malabika & Kumar Abhishek & Chatterjee Debanjana & Halder Sudipa
March 2022, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 5-24 Glacial Landforms as Geodiversity Resources for Geotourism in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
by Coronato Andrea & Schwarz Soledad & Flores Barrera Flavia - 25-35 Application of Landscape Metrics and Object-Oriented Remote Sensing to Detect the Spatial Arrangement of Agricultural Land
by Safdary Rezvan & Soffianian Alireza & Pourmanafi Saeid - 37-50 Characterisation and Evaluation of Columnar Basalt Geoheriatge in Thailand: Implication for Geotourism Management in Post-Quarrying Area
by Singtuen Vimoltip & Anumart Apussorn - 51-62 GeoWebCln: An Intensive Cleaning Architecture for Geospatial Metadata
by Sheoran Savita Kumari & Parmar Vinti - 63-77 Ground Temperature Variability in Poznań (2011–2020)
by Szyga-Pluta Katarzyna - 79-91 Methodological Framework for Geodiversity Application in Geographic Education from a Case Study of Canary Islands, Spain
by Abramowicz Dawid & Dóniz-Páez Javier & Tritt Remigiusz & Bąk Mariusz - 93-105 Analysis of the Velocity Changes of the Jakobshavn Glacier Based on SAR Imagery
by Łukosz Magdalena & Hejmanowski Ryszard & Witkowski Wojciech T. - 107-125 Hydrological Dry Periods versus Atmospheric Circulations in the Lower Vistula Basin (Poland) in 1954–2018
by Bartczak Arkadiusz & Araźny Andrzej & Krzemiński Michał & Maszewski Rafał - 127-146 Interpretative Machine Learning as a Key in Recognizing the Variability of Lakes Trophy Patterns
by Jasiewicz Jarosław & Zawiska Izabela & Rzodkiewicz Monika & Woszczyk Michał - 147-169 Non-Medical risk assessment of COVID-19 in parts of Central and East Java, Indonesia
by Saputra Aditya & Setiawan Wisnu & Arif Muhammad & Sriyono & Nurmalasari Intan Rohmah & Dijaya Rohman & Ulinuha Agus & Hermawan Sigit
December 2021, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 5-6 Changing Development Path of Quaestiones Geographicae in the Field of Human Geography and Spatial Management
by Stryjakiewicz Tadeusz - 7-14 Emergence of Socio-economic Geography and Spatial Management as a Scientific Discipline in the New Classification of Science in Poland
by Stryjakiewicz Tadeusz - 15-28 Proposals of European Citizens for Reviving the Future of Shrinking Areas
by Besana Flavio - 29-46 Urban Shrinkage and Socio-Economic Segregation in Medium-Sized Cities: The Case of Schwerin (Germany)
by Huntington David - 47-62 Geopolitical View of Ukraine: History of Development and Specifics of its Current Transformation
by Kopachinska Galina - 63-70 Territorial Differences in Living Standards in Uzbekistan
by Kurbanov Bekmetovich Shukhrat & Orinbayevich Medetbay Oteuliev - 71-84 Paradigms and Paradoxes in the Metamorphosis of Ecotourism
by Dragomir Loredana & Mazilu Mirela - 85-100 Community Participation in Tourism Planning at Majete Wildlife Reserve, Malawi
by Bello Felix G. - 101-112 Factors Behind Tourists’ Travel Motivation: The Case of the Gilan Region, Iran
by Ramazannejad Yaser & Zarghamfard Moslem & Hajisharifi Arezoo & Azar Sahand - 113-125 Socio-Environmental Vulnerability of Water in the Estuary of the Metropolitan Region of Santos (Brazil)
by Martins Fernando L.C. & Giordano Fabio & Barrella Walter
September 2021, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 5-20 Spatiotemporal Variation of Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration in Tropical Urban Area (Case Study in Surakarta District, Indonesia)
by Danardono & Sunariya M. Iqbal Taufiqurrahman & Fikriyah Vidya Nahdiyatul & Cholil Munawar - 21-31 Identifying the Most Effective Geosite Evaluation Models in Iran Using Delphi and Analytic Hierarchy Process Methods
by Ghasemi Moslem & Ghanavati Ezatollah & Kazemi Jebrail - 33-44 Setbacks to the Implementation of the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions: Case Studies of the Namas of Ethiopia, Georgia and Indonesia
by Issaka Sule Ayannor - 45-64 Spatial Evolution of the River Valleys under the Influence of Active Volcano: A Case of Merapi Volcanic Plain
by Ashari Arif & Purwantara Suhadi & Arif Nursida & Widodo Edi - 65-84 Use of Geospatial Tools in Morphometric Analysis and Prioritisation of Sub-catchments of the Soungrougrou (Casamance Basin)
by Faye Cheikh & Ndiaye Modou - 85-93 Factors of Influence on Evacuation Behaviour: Survey Results from the Riverine Floodplain Communities in Bangladesh
by Mondal Md Sanaul Haque - 95-107 SALBEC – A Python Library and GUI Application to Calculate the Diurnal Variation of the Soil Albedo
by Jasiewicz Jarosław & Cierniewski Jerzy - 109-124 Role of Internal Variability of Climate System in Increase of Air Temperature in Wrocław (Poland) in the Years 1951–2018
by Marsz Andrzej A. & Styszyńska Anna & Bryś Krystyna & Bryś Tadeusz - 125-142 Spatial-Temporal Trend Analysis of Rainfall Erosivity and Erosivity Density of Tropical Area in Air Bengkulu Watershed, Indonesia
by Supriyono Supriyono & Utaya Sugeng & Taryana Didik & Handoyo Budi - 143-162 Soil Erosion Susceptibility Mapping of Imo River Basin Using Modified Geomorphometric Prioritisation Method
by Nwilo Peter C. & Ogbeta Caleb O. & Daramola Olagoke E. & Okolie Chukwuma J. & Orji Michael J. - 163-167 The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation is not collapsing
by Parker Albert & Ollier Clifford - 169-182 Survey of Slum Housing Characteristics Using Drones: An Experiment in the Alto das Pombas Community, Salvador de Bahia/Brazil
by Gomes Joice Genaro & Pedrassoli Julio Cesar
June 2021, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 5-18 Coastal Regions of Russia: Migration Attractiveness and Innovation Performance
by Druzhinin Alexander & Mikhaylov Andrey & Lialina Anna - 19-33 Migratory Outflow from Wrocław: Directions of Population Flows within the Framework of Internal Migration in the Period 2002–2018
by Długosz Mateusz & Szmytkie Robert - 35-61 Analysing (In)Justice in the Interplay of Urbanisation and Transport: The Case of Agrarian Extractivism in the Region of Urabá in Colombia
by Toro López Maritza & Van den Broeck Pieter - 63-76 Natural Resources, Urbanisation, Economic Growth and the Ecological Footprint in South Africa: The Moderating Role of Human Capital
by Nathaniel Solomon Prince - 77-92 Nature-Based Tourism Motivations and Visit Profiles of Domestic and International Segments to a Japanese National Park
by Jones Thomas E. & Nguyen Minh-Hoang - 93-108 Sustainable Tourism as a Driving Force in Regional Development of Remote Regions in Siberia: An Integrated Operational Framework
by Vitálišová Katarína & Borseková Kamila & Blam Inna - 109-118 Planning of the Interregional Tourist Route in the Urals
by Zyrianov Aleksandr I. & Zyrianova Inna S. - 119-137 Gendered and Gender-Neutral Character of Public Places in Algeria
by Rahmani Lyes & Messaoudene Maha - 139-151 Urban Theatricalities, A Communicational Claim. Reading of the Scenic Performances of the City of Jijel (Algeria)
by Khelfallah Sheherazad & Farhi Abdallah - 153-166 Water Scarcity, Mountain Deforestation and the Economic Value of Water in a Small-Scale Irrigation System: A Case Study in East Java, Indonesia
by Budiman Subhan Arif & Rondhi Mohammad & Khasan Ahmad Fatikhul & Peratama Bagus & Rokhani & Suwandari Anik & Ridjal Julian Adam & Soemarno & Prijono Sugeng & Soedarto
March 2021, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 5-23 Potential Influence of Urban Sprawl and Changing Land Surface Temperature on Outdoor Thermal Comfort in Lagos State, Nigeria
by Obiefuna Jerry N. & Okolie Chukwuma J. & Nwilo Peter C. & Daramola Olagoke E. & Isiofia Lawrence C. - 25-38 Investigating the Applicability of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Photogrammetry for the Estimation of the Volume of Stockpiles
by Ajayi Oluibukun Gbenga & Ajulo John - 39-49 Modelling the Structure of Terrestrial Landscapes in Urban Areas
by Krutskikh Natalya - 51-62 Study of the Effect of Chemical Pollution with Coal-Fired Power Plant on the Fish of Lake Kenon (Trans-Baikal Territory, Russia)
by Tsybekmitova Gazhit Ts. & Gorlacheva Evgeniya P. & Tashlykova Nataliya A. - 63-73 Geotourism Potentials of Geosites in Durrës Municipality, Albania
by Braholli Ermiona & Menkshi Edlira - 75-83 Zoning of Areas with Susceptibility to Oak Decline in Western Iran
by Ghanbari Motlagh Mohadeseh & Kiadaliri Masoud - 85-95 Landscapes, Settlements and Traditional Housing in Samtskhe-Javakheti, Georgia
by Maisuradze Roman & Khardziani Tamar & Eradze Tea - 97-107 The Debris Distribution Model for Removal Planning of an Urbanized Estuarine Complex
by Barrella Walter & Farraboti Edineia & Aparecida Carminatto Amanda & Chofard Adami Fabiola Andrea & Rotundo Matheus Marcos & Ramires Milena & Petrere Miguel - 109-125 Assessing Youth Engagement in the Preservation and Promotion of Culture Heritage: A Case Study in Korça City, Albania
by Menkshi Edlira & Braholli Ermiona & Çobani Silvja & Shehu Diana
December 2020, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 5-22 Unity in Variety. Employment Dynamics and Specialisation Profiles of Medium-Sized Towns in the Asti-Rovigo Area, Italy (2001–2017)
by Clerici Maria Antonietta - 23-37 ‘Cittaslow’: An Alternative Model for Local Sustainable Development or Just a Myth? Empirical Evidence in the Case of Tarakli (Turkey)
by İlhan Öznur Akgiş & Karakaş Erdal & Özkaraman Büşra - 39-51 Factors of Divergence between Peripheral and Central Subregions: The Case of Mazovia Province, Poland
by Zaborowski Tomasz - 53-63 Collaborative Patterns of Long-Term Sustainability in Community Social Enterprises: An International Comparative Case Study
by Kovanen Sunna - 65-71 A Geographic Approach to Measuring and Organising Affordable Medical and Therapeutic Tourism for People with Dementia
by Semenova Zoya A. & Chistobaev Anatoliy I. & Dildina Valeriya P. - 73-85 Export Development of Belarus
by Samakhavets Maryia & Hrechyshkina Olena - 87-107 Exploring the Role of Socio-Economic and Built Environment Driving Factors in Shaping the Commuting Modal Share: A Path-Analysis-Based Approach
by Boukarta Soufiane & Berezowska-Azzag Ewa - 109-119 Differences in the Spatial Distribution and Characteristics of Urban Beggars: The Case of the Sanglah District in Denpasar (Indonesia)
by Shara Aprilia Riszi Indah Dewi & Listyaningsih Umi & Giyarsih Sri Rum
September 2020, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 5-31 The Urban Geoheritage of Clermont-Ferrand: From Inventory to Management
by Vereb Viktor & van Wyk de Vries Benjamin & Guilbaud Marie-Noëlle & Karátson Dávid - 33-45 Topographic Correction of LAPAN-A3/LAPAN-IPB Multispectral Image: A Comparison of Five Different Algorithms
by Zylshal Zylshal - 47-56 Identification of Alternative Landfill Site Using QGIS in a Densely Populated Metropolitan Area
by Sheoran Savita Kumari & Parmar Vinti - 57-68 Archaeological Distribution of Geoheritage for Geotourism Development in Nakhon Sawan Province, Thailand
by Singtuen Vimoltip & Phajuy Burapha - 69-85 Planetary Temperatures in the Presence of an Inert, Nonradiative Atmosphere
by Nicol John Leslie - 87-109 Assessing the Relationship of LST, NDVI and EVI with Land Cover Changes in the Lagos Lagoon Environment
by Alademomi Alfred S. & Okolie Chukwuma J. & Daramola Olagoke E. & Agboola Raphael O. & Salami Tosin J. - 111-123 Possible Impact of Global Warming and Other Factors Affecting Migration in Russia with Emphasis on Siberia
by Dets Igor A. - 125-138 Using Social Media Data to Plan for Tourism
by Zajadacz Alina & Minkwitz Aleksandra