September 2020, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 139-145 Groundwater Level Prediction through GMS Software – Case Study of Karvan Area, Iran
by Bayat Mandana & Eslamian Saeid & Shams Gholamreza & Hajiannia Alborz
June 2020, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 5-14 Classification of Structurally Weak Rural Regions: Application of a Rural Development Index for Austria and Portugal
by Hennebry Barraí & Stryjakiewicz Tadeusz - 15-30 Rural Areas as the Origin and Destination of Permanent Internal Migrations between 2002 and 2017 in Poland. A Local-Level Analysis (Nuts 5)
by Ilnicki Dariusz - 31-42 Transformation of the Landscape Structure of the Selected Testing Grounds in the Tri-city Agglomeration in the Years 1985–2012
by Korwel-Lejkowska Barbara - 43-53 Local Development Initiatives as Promoters of Social Innovation: Evidence from Two European Rural Regions
by Novikova Marina & de Fátima Ferreiro Maria & Stryjakiewicz Tadeusz - 55-73 Contemporary Directions of Transformations in the Settlement and the Landscape of Rural Areas in the Silesian Lowland
by Łach Janusz & Szczepańska Barbara - 75-95 Process of Incorporation and Morphological Transformations of Rural Settlement Patterns in the Context of Urban Development. The Case Study of Łódź
by Figlus Tomasz - 97-112 Not Only in Cities: Creative Activities in Rural Areas with a Case Study of Lower Silesia
by Janc Krzysztof & Raczyk Andrzej & Dołzbłasz Sylwia - 113-128 Spatial and Landscape Changes in the Housing Development of Gdańsk Suburban Villages
by Poczobut Joanna - 129-137 Potential Conflicts in the Land-Use Planning Process: A Case Study of the Rural Commune of Oleśnica (Poland)
by Grochowska Anna & Małecka Martyna
March 2020, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 5-18 Public Investment Policy as a Driver of Changes in the Ecosystem Services Delivery by an Urban Green Infrastructure
by Abramowicz Dawid & Stępniewska Małgorzata - 19-32 Urban Geoheritage. The Secular Wells of Craiova, Romania
by Albă Claudia-Daniela & Boengiu Sandu - 33-43 Study to Develop a Co-Relationship between Water Quality and Land use Pattern as Index of Riverine Wetland with Statistical Approach
by Biswas Roy Malabika & Kumar Abhishek & Ghosh Arnab & Roy Pankaj Kumar - 45-57 Assessment of the Educational Values of Geomorphosites Based on the Expert Method, Case Study: The Białka and Skawa Rivers, the Polish Carpathians
by Chrobak Anna & Witkowski Karol & Szmańda Jacek - 59-77 Waterfalls: Forms, Distribution, Processes and Rates of Recession
by Goudie Andrew S. - 79-91 The Typology of Travels in Pristina in Relation to Purpose, Time and Distance
by Humolli Fitim & Çinaj Nevila & Kelmendi Naim - 93-98 On Regional Aspects of Vertical Distribution of Montenegrin Population
by Lješević Milutin & Doderović Miroslav - 99-108 An Analysis of the Culinary Tourism Experience between Gender Groups in Iran
by Movahed Ali & Ghasemi Moslem & Gholamalifard Nasrin - 109-124 Anthropogenic Drivers of Relative Sea-Level Rise in the Mekong Delta – A Review
by Parker Albert - 125-146 Spatial-Temporal Dynamics Land Use/Land Cover Change and Flood Hazard Mapping in the Upstream Citarum Watershed, West Java, Indonesia
by Yulianto Fajar & Suwarsono & Nugroho Udhi Catur & Nugroho Nunung Puji & Sunarmodo Wismu & Khomarudin Muhammad Rokhis
December 2019, Volume 38, Issue 4
- 5-13 The concept of social risk: A geographical approach
by Lupu Laura - 15-28 The concept of ‘rural’ as a psychosocial process: From concept attainment to concept unlearning
by Dymitrow Mirek - 29-47 Economic and spatial strategies of artists as cultural entrepreneurs
by Murzyn-Kupisz Monika & Działek Jarosław - 49-62 The role of a positive spirit in the attractiveness, sociability and success of a public place
by Rahmani Lyes & Messaoudene Maha - 63-76 Recent population development of very small municipalities in the Czech Republic
by Lešková Andrea & Vaishar Antonín - 77-90 From policy to misery? the state agricultural farms vs. ‘the rural’
by Biegańska Jadwiga & Dymitrow Mirek & Grzelak-Kostulska Elżbieta & Środa-Murawska Stefania - 91-105 Does the process of shrinking concern also small towns? lessons from Poland
by Bartosiewicz Bartosz & Kwiatek-Sołtys Agnieszka & Kurek Sławomir - 107-117 Decision-making tool for a constructive relation between emblematic facilities and urban regeneration projects applied to the case of Riad El Feth Arts Centre in Algiers
by Bouallag-Azoui Ouafida & Berezowska-Azzag Ewa - 119-131 The revitalisation of thermal areas in the bagnoli district (Naples) as a chance for tourism development in the campania region in the context of selected European experiences
by Noviello Monika & Smętkiewicz Karolina - 133-149 Visual pollution in natural and landscape protected areas: Case studies from Poland and Slovakia
by Szczepańska Magdalena & Wilkaniec Agnieszka & Škamlová Lucia - 151-162 The dynamics of landscape pattern changes in mining areas: The case study of the Adamów-Koźmin Lignite Basin
by Fagiewicz Katarzyna & Łowicki Damian - 163-174 Merchandise trade in the eaeu integrating environment
by Hrechyshkina Olena & Samakhavets Maryia - 175-176 Obituary: In memory of professor Eike W. Schamp (1941–2019)
by Stryjakiewicz Tadeusz
September 2019, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 5-16 Spatiotemporal visibility characteristics impacted by forest and land fire over airports in sumatera and borneo Island, Indonesia
by Ismanto Heri & Hartono Hartono & Marfai Muh Aris - 17-29 Analysis of the dynamics of coastal landform change based on the integration of remote sensing and gis techniques: Implications for tidal flooding impact in pekalongan, central java, Indonesia
by Yulianto Fajar & Maulana Taufik & Khomarudin Muhammad Rokhis - 31-40 Atlantic meridional overturning circulation stable over the last 150 years
by Parker Albert & Ollier Clifford - 41-49 Characteristics of daily water temperature fluctuations in lake kierskie (West Poland)
by Ptak Mariusz & Sojka Mariusz & Nowak Bogumił - 51-57 Geographical investigations in the management of the svalbard environment
by Ziaja Wiesław - 59-66 The hoax of ocean acidification
by Ollier Clifford - 67-79 Assessment of the quality and irrigation purpose suitability of alluvial water in Erfoud, Morocco
by Latos Beata & Szczucińska Anna & Kozłowski Rafał - 81-93 Toward understanding tourist landscape. a comparative study of locals’ and visitors’ perception in selected destinations in Poland and Greece
by Terkenli Theano S. & Skowronek Ewa & Tucki Andrzej & Kounellis Nikolaos - 95-108 Geoarchaeology of the early medieval stronghold surroundings in grzybowo near Września, Greater Poland
by Marcinkowski Michał & Szczepaniak Małgorzata - 109-122 Analysing riverbed morphology as a response to changes of geological and neotectonic conditions: A case study of the oľšava river
by Barabas Dušan & Tkáč Matúš
June 2019, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 5-6 Editoral
by Kostrzewski Andrzej & Stryjakiewicz Tadeusz - 7-28 Poznań School of Socio-Economic Geography (And Spatial Management) of Adam Mickiewicz University (In Poznań)
by Parysek Jerzy J. - 29-49 Multicriterion Typology of Agriculture: A Spatial Dependence Approach
by Głębocki Benicjusz & Kacprzak Ewa & Kossowski Tomasz - 51-66 Anatomy of Place-Making in the Context of the Communication Processes: A Story of one Community and one Square in a Post-Socialist City
by Kotus Jacek & Sowada Tomasz & Rzeszewski Michał & Mańkowska Patrycja - 67-73 Information as a Factor of the Development of Accessible Tourism for People with Disabilities
by Kołodziejczak Anna - 75-90 Urban Shrinkage and Regeneration of an Old Industrial City: The Case of Wałbrzych In Poland
by Jaroszewska Emilia - 91-100 The Sea Factor in the Spatial and Socio-Economic Dynamics of Today’s Russia
by Druzhinin Alexander - 101-119 Exploring the Relationship between the Creation of an Intermodal Passenger Terminal and the Urban Development of Debrecen: A Case Study
by Bodnár Balázs & Csomós György - 121-136 Urban Agriculture as the Path to Sustainable City Development. Insights into Allotment Gardens in Andalusia
by Maćkiewicz Barbara & Asuero Raúl Puente & Almonacid Antonio Garrido - 137-147 Institutional Support for Biogas Enterprises – The Local Perspective
by Chodkowska-Miszczuk Justyna
March 2019, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 5-14 Remote Sensing Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Tourist-Recreation Lake Evaluation and Development
by Borkowski Grzegorz & Młynarczyk Adam - 15-27 Dasymetric Modelling of Population Distribution – Large Data Approach
by Dmowska Anna - 29-39 The Transboundary Water Management – Comparing Policy Translations of the Water Framework Directive in the International Basin Districts of the Oder River and the Torne River
by Ibragimow Aleksandra & Albrecht Eerika & Albrecht Moritz - 41-51 Geotourism Valorisation of Selected Quarries of Kłodzko Region and Cieszyn Foothills
by Kasprowska-Nowak Katarzyna & Marek Aneta - 53-70 Sentimentality versus Transformation of the Historical Traditional Rural Landscape (A Case Study: The Landscape of Dutch Law Settlement in Poland)
by Markuszewska Iwona - 71-84 Challenges in Geography Education – A Review of Research Problems
by Piotrowska Iwona & Cichoń Małgorzata & Abramowicz Dawid & Sypniewski Jakub - 85-95 Culinary Heritage as an Opportunity to Make Lubelskie Voivodeship’s Tourist Offer More Attractive (E Poland)
by Skowronek Ewa & Brzezińska-Wójcik Teresa & Stasiak Andrzej - 97-105 The Delimitation of Landscape Units for the Planning of Protection – The Example of the Forests by Upper Liswarta Landscape Park
by Sobala Michał & Pukowiec-Kurda Katarzyna & Żemła-Siesicka Anna - 107-129 Geomorphological Classification and Landforms Inventory of the Middle-Atlas Volcanic Province (Morocco): Scientific Value and Educational Potential
by Amine Abdelmounji & El Amrani El Hassani Iz-Eddine & Remmal Toufik & El Kamel Fouad & Van Wyk De Vries Benjamin & Boivin Pierre - 131-144 Franziscean Cadastre in Landscape Structure Research: A Systematic Review
by Dolejš Martin & Forejt Michal - 145-159 Assessing Relationships between Land Use Changes and the Development of a Road Network in the Hodonín Region (Czech Republic)
by Jedlička Jiří & Havlíček Marek & Dostál Ivo & Huzlík Jiří & Skokanová Hana - 161-177 Selected Geosites for Geoheritage, Geotourism, and Geoconservation in Songkhla Province, Southern Thailand
by Nazaruddin Dony Adriansyah - 179-184 Pacific Sea Levels Rising Very Slowly and Not Accelerating
by Parker Albert & Ollier Clifford
December 2018, Volume 37, Issue 4
- 5-21 Reflections on the Reurbanism Paradigm: Re-Weaving the Urban Fabric for Urban Regeneration and Renewal
by Haas Tigran & Locke Ryan - 23-32 Urban Cycling as an Indicator of Socio-Economic Innovation and Sustainable Transport
by Kwiatkowski Michał Adam - 33-42 SPAG: A New Measure of Spatial Agglomeration. Theoretical Background and Empirical Examples
by Kossowski Tomasz & Hauke Jan - 43-52 The Application of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for the Study of the Spanish Tourist Demand
by González González María Jesús & Vallejo-Pascual María-Eva - 53-66 Processes Affecting Sustainable Use of Agricultural Land in Kosovo
by Ramadani Ibrahim & Bytyqi Valbon - 67-79 Does the Nature of Interactions with Higher Education Institutions Influence the Innovative Capabilities of Creative Firms? The Case of a South-Western Norwegian County
by Calignano Giuseppe & Jøsendal Kari - 81-98 Implementation of Integrated Territorial Investments in Poland – Rationale, Results, and Recommendations
by Kociuba Dagmara - 99-110 Regional Resilience in Ireland and the Existence of a Two-Tier Recovery
by Hennebry Barraí - 111-129 Assessing Households’ Gas and Electricity Consumption: A Case Study of Djelfa, Algeria
by Boukarta Soufiane & Berezowska-Azzag Ewa - 131-150 Reclaiming Urban Space: A Study of Community Gardens in Poznań
by Maćkiewicz Barbara & Puente Asuero Raúl & Pawlak Krystyna
September 2018, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 5-22 Possibilities of using Selected Visualization Methods for Historical Analysis of Sporting Event – An Example of Stage Cycling Race Tour de France
by Bačík Vladimír & Klobučník Michal - 25-34 Application of the Spatial Database for Shoreline Change Analysis and Visualisation: Example from the Western Polish Coast, Southern Baltic Sea
by Kostecki Robert - 35-52 Toponymy of the Ancient Sary-Arka (North-Eastern Kazakhstan)
by Saparov Kuat & Chlachula Jiri & Yeginbayeva Aigul - 53-73 Lithological and Structural Control on Italian Mountain Geoheritage: Opportunities for Tourism, Outdoor and Educational Activities
by Bollati Irene & Coratza Paola & Panizza Valeria & Pelfini Manuela - 75-85 University Students’ Perceptions of the Inner Cities of Murcia and Valencia
by Morales Yago Francisco José & de Lázaro y Torres María Luisa & Gomez Ruiz María Luisa - 87-95 Mapping and Monitoring Erosion-Accretion in an Alluvial River Using Satellite Imagery – The River Bank Changes of the Padma River in Bangladesh
by Billah Mohammad Maruf - 97-114 Comparsion of TRMM Precipitation Satellite Data over Central Java Region – Indonesia
by Sekaranom Andung Bayu & Nurjani Emilya & Hadi M. Pramono & Marfai Muh Aris - 115-126 The Socioeconomic Vulnerability of Coastal Communities to Abrasion In Samas, Bantul Regency, Indonesia
by Choirunnisa Audi Karina & Giyarsih Sri Rum - 127-149 Selected Modern Methods and Tools for Public Participation in Urban Planning – A Review
by Haklay Muki & Jankowski Piotr & Zwoliński Zbigniew - 151-162 Participatory Mapping in Community Participation – Case Study of Jeseník, Czech Republic
by Pánek Jiří - 163-175 Legal and Organizational Framework for the use of Geoweb Methods for Public Participation in Spatial Planning in Poland: Experiences, Opinions and Challenges
by Bąkowska-Waldmann Edyta & Brudka Cezary & Jankowski Piotr - 177-190 Geo-Questionnaire: A Spatially Explicit Method for Eliciting Public Preferences, Behavioural Patterns, and Local Knowledge – An Overview
by Czepkiewicz Michał & Jankowski Piotr & Zwoliński Zbigniew
June 2018, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 5-6 Editorial
by Kostrzewski Andrzej & Stryjakiewicz Tadeusz - 7-15 City Resilience vs. Resilient City: Terminological Intricacies and Concept Inaccuracies
by Mierzejewska Lidia & Wdowicka Magdalena - 17-25 Modern Services: Terminological Considerations and the Characteristic Features of Their Role in Socio-Economic Development
by Dominiak Joanna - 27-37 History and Main Research Currents in Polish Medical Geography
by Michalski Tomasz - 39-46 Re-Shared Urban Space: New Actors and Processes in South American Cities
by Czerny Mirosława - 47-60 The Emergence of Baltic Europe: An Overview of Polish Research on Regional Integration
by Pacuk Małgorzata & Palmowski Tadeusz & Tarkowski Maciej - 61-75 Cluster Policy in the Russian Federation: A Сase Study of Industrial Clusters
by Rodionova Irina & Krejdenko Tatiana & Mądry Cezary - 77-92 Regional Development in Central-Eastern European Countries at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Path Dependence and Effects of EU Cohesion Policy
by Dyba Wojciech & Loewen Bradley & Looga Jaan & Zdražil Pavel - 93-108 Regional Contracts in the Polish Development Policy
by Churski Paweł - 109-123 Urban Regeneration as a New Trend in the Development Policy in Poland
by Ciesiółka Przemysław - 125-140 Peri-Urban Development as a Significant Rural Development Trend
by Biegańska Jadwiga & Środa-Murawska Stefania & Kruzmetra Zenija & Swiaczny Frank - 141-150 The Leader Programme as an Impulse for New Projects in Rural Areas
by Hoffmann Robert & Hoffmann Natalia
March 2018, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 5-6 Editorial
by Kostrzewski Andrzej & Zwoliński Zbigniew - 7-22 Review of Polish Contribution to Snow Cover Research (1880–2017)
by Falarz Małgorzata & Nowosad Marek & Bednorz Ewa & Rasmus Sirpa - 23-36 Climate Related Diseases. Current Regional Variability and Projections to the Year 2100
by Błażejczyk Krzysztof & Baranowski Jarosław & Błażejczyk Anna - 37-45 New Ways to Learn Geography – Challenges of the 21st Century
by Markuszewska Iwona & Tanskanen Minna & Vila Subirós Josep - 47-71 Coastal Dunes of the Baltic Sea Shores: A Review
by Łabuz Tomasz Arkadiusz & Grunewald Ralf & Bobykina Valentina & Chubarenko Boris & Česnulevičius Algimantas & Bautrėnas Artūras & Morkūnaitė Regina & Tõnisson Hannes - 73-86 Level of Academic and Didactic Competencies Among Students as a Measure to Evaluate Geographical Education and Preparation of Students for the Demands of the Modern Labour Market
by Cichoń Małgorzata & Piotrowska Iwona - 87-102 Mapping Geosites as Gateways to the Geotourism Management in Central High-Atlas (Morocco)
by Bouzekraoui Hicham & Barakat Ahmed & El Youssi Mohammed & Touhami Fatima & Mouaddine Atika & Hafid Abdellatif & Zwoliński Zbigniew - 103-114 Landform Recognition in Granite Mountains in East Asia (Seoraksan, Republic of Korea, and Huangshan and Sanqingshan, China) – A Contribution of Geomorphology to the UNESCO World Heritage
by Migoń Piotr & Woo Kyung-Sik & Kasprzak Marek - 115-124 Analysis and Visualisation of Lake Disappearance Process in Iława Lakeland Landscape Park
by Marynowska Weronika Cecylia
December 2017, Volume 36, Issue 4
- 5-15 Present consequences of the post-war migration in the Czech borderland for regional development
by Vaishar Antonín & Dvořák Petr & Nosková Helena & Zapletalová Jana - 17-28 Hybrid suburbia: New research perspectives in France and Southern California
by Weber Florian & Kühne Olaf - 29-45 Landscapes with different logics: A physicalistic approach to semantic conflicts in spatial planning
by Krzysztofik Robert & Dymitrow Mirek & Biegańska Jadwiga & Senetra Adam & Gavriilidou Eleftheria & Nadolu Bogdan & Kantor-Pietraga Iwona & Grzelak-Kostulska Elżbieta & Oureilidou Eleni & Luches Daniel & Spórna Tomasz & Teodorescu Dominic & Wasilewicz-Pszczółkowska Monika & Holmertz Gun & Szczepańska Agnieszka & Brauer René - 47-64 Models of governance in the urban functional areas: Policy lessons from the implementation of integrated territorial investments (ITIs) in Poland
by Kaczmarek Tomasz & Kociuba Dagmara - 65-80 Application of graph theory to the morphological analysis of settlements
by Szmytkie Robert - 81-92 Regional disparities, absorption capacity and Structural Fund payments: A case study of the Czech Republic
by Novosák Jiří & Novosáková Jana & Hájek Oldřich & Horváth Peter - 93-102 Poverty risk trend in Slovakia: Changes in time and space
by Michálek Anton - 103-115 Innovations and networking fostering tourist destination development in Slovakia
by Gajdošík Tomáš & Gajdošíková Zuzana & Maráková Vanda & Borseková Kamila - 117-130 Conflicts around Germany’s Energiewende: Discourse patterns of citizens’ initiatives
by Weber Florian & Jenal Corinna & Rossmeier Albert & Kühne Olaf - 131-140 Achieving thermal comfort and sustainable urban development in accordance with the principles of bioclimatic architecture: A case study of Ulcinj (Montenegro)
by Bajçinovci Bujar - 141-158 Food insecurity as a basis for drafting a Strategic Food Sovereignty Plan: A case study of the Kutai Kartanegara District, Indonesia
by Subejo & Fidiashtry Al & Aryudiawan Candra & Suadi & Awaluddin L & Marfai Muh Aris - 159-170 Approach to students’ social representations in the construction of academic European geography: A case study of Spanish university students
by Macía Arce Xosé Carlos & Lois González Rubén Camilo & Rodríguez Lestegás Francisco & Armas Quintá Francisco Xosé
September 2017, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 7-20 Urban Geomorphological Heritage. An Overview
by Reynard Emmanuel & Pica Alessia & Coratza Paola - 21-36 Contribution for an Urban Geomorphoheritage Assessment Method: Proposal from Three Geomorphosites in Rome (Italy)
by Pica Alessia & Luberti Gian Marco & Vergari Francesca & Fredi Paola & Del Monte Maurizio - 37-50 From Urban Geodiversity to Geoheritage: The Case of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
by Tičar Jure & Komac Blaž & Zorn Matija & Ferk Mateja & Hrvatin Mauro & Ciglič Rok - 51-61 Geomorphosites and Geotourism in Bucharest City Center (Romania)
by Comănescu Laura & Nedelea Alexandru & Stănoiu Gabriel - 63-73 Secondary Geodiversity and its Potential for Urban Geotourism: A Case Study from Brno City, Czech Republic
by Kubalíková Lucie & Kirchner Karel & Bajer Aleš - 75-86 Potential Values of Urban Geotourism Development in a Small Polish Town (Pruszków, Central Mazovia, Poland)
by Górska-Zabielska Maria & Zabielski Ryszard - 87-96 Photogrammetric Modelling for Urban Medieval Site Mapping. A Case Study from Curtea de Argeş, Romania
by Nistor Constantin & Mihai Bogdan & Toma Liviu & Carlan Irina - 97-110 Urban Geomorphology in Coastal Environment: Man-Made Morphological Changes in a Seaside Tourist Resort (Rapallo, Eastern Liguria, Italy)
by Brandolini Pierluigi & Faccini Francesco & Paliaga Guido & Piana Pietro - 111-123 Geomorphological and Anthropic Control of the Development of Some Adriatic Historical Towns (Italy) Since the Roman Age
by Dall’Aglio Pier Luigi & de Donatis Mauro & Franceschelli Carlotta & Guerra Cristiano & Guerra Veronica & Nesci Olivia & Piacentini Daniela & Savelli Daniele - 125-149 Existing and Proposed Urban Geosites Values Resulting from Geodiversity of Poznań City
by Zwoliński Zbigniew & Hildebrandt-Radke Iwona & Mazurek Małgorzata & Makohonienko Mirosław
June 2017, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 7-8 Introduction
by Kołodziejczak Anna - 9-21 Regional Differences in Agriculture in Slovakia after Its Accession to the European Union
by Némethová Jana & Civáň Marek - 23-36 Current Status and Prospects for Organic Agriculture in Poland
by Jezierska-Thöle Aleksandra & Gwiaździńska-Goraj Marta & Wiśniewski Łukasz - 37-48 Fragmented Agrarian Space: Building Blocks and Modernisation Trajectories. The Case of Slovenia
by Slavič Irma Potočnik - 49-56 Spatial Diversification of Energy Crops in Polish Agriculture: A Study of Plantation Concentration Based On Local Indicators of Spatial Association (Lisa)
by Kołodziejczak Anna & Rudnicki Roman - 57-69 Productivism and Post-Productivism in the Olive Groves of Southern Spain
by Martínez José Domingo Sánchez & Almonacid Antonio Garrido - 71-84 Changes in the Spatial Organisation of Fruit Growing at the Beginning of the 21St Century: The Case of Grójec Poviat (Mazovia Voivodeship, Poland)
by Wójcik Marcin & Traczyk Anna - 85-93 Investigating Dairy Farmers′ Resilience under a Transforming Policy and a Market Regime: The Case of North Karelia, Finland
by Rizzo Fulvio - 95-106 Agricultural Land On Built-Up Housing Lots and the Incomes of Communes: An Example of Rokietnica Commune in the Poznań Agglomeration
by Maćkiewicz Barbara & Karalus-Wiatr Cecylia - 107-123 Manorial and Grange Complexes as a Cultural Heritage of the Agricultural Landscape in the Management of Commune Space: A Case Study of Tarnowo Podgórne, Wielkopolska
by Wilkaniec Agnieszka & Szczepańska Magdalena - 125-140 Differences in the Rural Structure of Slovakia in the Context of Socio-Spatial Polarisation
by Máliková Lucia & Klobučník Michal
March 2017, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 5-14 Crowdsourcing-Based Geoinformation, Disadvantaged Urbanisation Challenges, Subsaharan Africa: Theoretical Perspectives and Notes
by Ingwe Richard - 15-31 Geotourism Potential of the Drawskie Lake District as a Support for the Planned Geopark named Postglacial Land of the Drawa and Dębnica Rivers
by Górska-Zabielska Maria & Kamieńska Katarzyna - 33-49 Physical and Chemical Properties of Surface Waters in the Różany Strumień Catchment in The Years 1988–2012
by Okońska Monika & Pietrewicz Katarzyna - 51-64 Impacts of Geomorphic Disturbances on Plant Colonization in Ebba Valley, Central Spitsbergen, Svalbard
by Stawska Monika - 65-77 Mapping Spatial and Temporal Changes of Global Corporate Research and Development Activities by Conducting a Bibliometric Analysis
by Csomós György - 79-91 Discussion of the “Hottest Year on Record” in Australia
by Parker Albert & Ollier Clifford D. - 93-103 Semi-Automated Classification of Landform Elements in Armenia Based on SRTM DEM using K-Means Unsupervised Classification
by Piloyan Artak & Konečný Milan - 105-120 Mapping Spatio-Temporal Changes in Climatic Suitability of Corn in the Philippines under Future Climate Condition
by Salvacion Arnold R. - 121-127 Future of Allotment Gardens in the Context of City Spatial Policy – A Case Study of Poznań
by Poniży Lidia & Stachura Kamila - 129-137 A Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Land Use Changes in Two Mountain Valleys: with and without Dam Reservoir (Polish Carpathians)
by Wiejaczka Łukasz & Olędzki Jan Romuald & Bucała-Hrabia Anna & Kijowska-Strugała Małgorzata
December 2016, Volume 35, Issue 4
- 5-22 New Urban Economic Agents: A Comparative Analysis of High-Performance New Entrepreneurs
by Kourtit Karima & Nijkamp Peter & Suzuki Soushi - 23-34 Urban / Rural Hybrids: The Urbanisation of Former Suburbs (Urfsurbs)
by Kühne Olaf - 35-48 Evaluation of Trends in Foreign Trade Development in the Post-Communist Countries of Europe in the Years 2000–2012 Following their Accession to the EU
by Cieślik Ewa & Biegańska Jadwiga & Środa-Murawska Stefania - 49-69 Chief Development Tendencies, Structural Changes and Innovativeness of the Industrial and Service Sectors in Poland
by Dominiak Joanna & Rachwał Tomasz - 71-79 Russia in Modern Eurasia: The Vision of a Russian Geographer
by Druzhinin Alexander G. - 81-91 Problems of the Creation of Territorial Complexes on the World Diamond Market
by Pototskaya Tatyana Ivanovna - 93-105 Perception of Marginality and Peripherality in an Irish Rural Context
by Máliková Lucia & Farrell Maura & McDonagh John - 107-120 Role of Railway Transport in Tourism: Selected Problems and Examples in Slovakia
by Michniak Daniel - 121-132 Berlin As a Creative Field: Deconstructing the Role of the Urban Context in Creative Production
by Copercini Marco - 133-143 Personal Networks on the Labour Market: Who Finds a Job in the Creative Sector in Poznań?
by Męczyński Michał - 145-155 The Border as a Resource for the Development of Borderland: A Comparative Analysis of Two Polish Urban Centres at the External Border of the European Union
by Studzińska Dominika & Domaniewski Stanisław - 157-166 Spatial Accessibility of Hospital Healthcare in Łódź Voivodeship
by Wiśniewski Szymon
September 2016, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 1-13 Monitoring the Secondary Forest Succession and Land Cover/Use Changes of the Błędów Desert (Poland) Using Geospatial Analyses
by Szostak Marta & Wężyk Piotr & Hawryło Paweł & Puchała Marta - 15-29 Assessing the Level of Popularity of European Stag Tourism Destinations
by Iwanicki Grzegorz & Dłużewska Anna & Kay Melanie Smith - 31-37 Coldspot of Decelerated Sea-Level Rise on the Pacific Coast of North America
by Parker Albert - 39-50 Runoff Variability in the Scott River (SW Spitsbergen) in Summer Seasons 2012–2013 in Comparison with the Period 1986–2009
by Franczak Łukasz & Kociuba Waldemar & Gajek Grzegorz - 51-59 Water Quality of Lake Ełk as a Factor Connected with Tourism, Leisure and Recreation on an Urban Area
by Tandyrak Renata & Parszuto Katarzyna & Grochowska Jolanta - 61-73 The Optimization of Rural Landscape in the Light of the Idea of Sustainable Development – The Example of Poland
by Sobala Michał & Myga-Piątek Urszula - 75-88 Hydraulic Parameters and Morphometric Variables Interactions in Bedrock Channel
by Biswas Biswajit & Chandra Das Balai - 89-95 Accuracy of the Soil Sealing Enhancement Product for Poland
by Krówczyńska Małgorzata & Soszyńska Agnieszka & Pabjanek Piotr & Wilk Ewa & Hurbanek Pavol & Rosina Konstantin - 97-116 GIS-based Approach to Estimate Surface Runoff in Small Catchments: A Case Study
by Vojtek Matej & Vojteková Jana
June 2016, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 5-6 Editorial
by Stryjakiewicz Tadeusz & Kaczmarek Tomasz & Buček Jan - 7-26 Urban Development Policy Challenges in East-Central Europe: Governance, City Regions and Financialisation
by Buček Ján - 27-37 The Process of Shrinkage as a Challenge to Urban Governance
by Stryjakiewicz Tadeusz & Jaroszewska Emilia - 39-58 Spatiality of Local Governments in European Intermediate Urban Regions: A Methodological Approach
by Breuer Christophe & Halleux Jean-Marie - 59-69 Cooperation and Mutual Relationships of Cities and their Hinterlands with Regard to the Operation of EU Integrated Development Instruments
by Binek Jan & Opravil Zdeněk & Chmelař Roman & Svobodova Hana - 71-81 Participation in Public Consultations on Spatial Planning Documents. The Case of Poznań City
by Kaczmarek Tomasz & Wójcicki Michał - 83-90 Inter-Municipal Cooperation in the Development of Industrial Parks and Tax Redistribution: The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions
by Razin Eran - 91-104 Inter-Municipal Cooperation in Waste Management: The Case of Poland
by Kołsut Bartłomiej - 105-114 Organisation and Diversification of the Educational Market in Poland: The Case of the Poznań Agglomeration
by Walaszek Marzena & Bąkowska Edyta - 115-129 Factors of Local E-Government Development in Poland: The Case of the Poznań Agglomeration
by Perdał Robert - 131-139 Historical Determinants of Regional Divisions of Georgia and their Implications for Territorial Governance
by Mądry Cezary & Kaczmarek-Khubnaia Julia
March 2016, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 5-28 Geodiversity and Biodiversity of the Postglacial Landscape (Dębnica River Catchment, Poland)
by Najwer Alicja & Borysiak Janina & Gudowicz Joanna & Mazurek Małgorzata & Zwoliński Zbigniew - 29-36 Analysis of Sediments in the North-East Morainic Upland Edge Zone in the Vicinity of Piaski Pomorskie (West Pomerania, NW Poland)
by Paluszkiewicz Ryszard & Paluszkiewicz Renata - 37-46 Tourist Behaviour of Junior High School Students of the Selected Voivodeships in Poland: the Sociodemographic Context
by Lubowiecki-Vikuk Adrian P. & Podgórski Zbigniew - 47-56 Thermal Conditions Relative to Atmospheric Circulation in the Christmas Period in Poland
by Tomczyk Arkadiusz M. - 57-62 Modeling of the Trajectory of the Level Fluctuations in Lake Naroch
by Kirvel Ivan & Volchak Alexander & Parfomuk Sergey - 63-68 Educational Tourism in Protected Natural Areas in South-East of the Baikal Region
by Chizhova Vera & Kirillov Sergey & Slipenchuk Mikchail - 69-79 Environmental Assessment of an Abandoned Briquette Factory – A Case Study at Nagymányok Area, Former Industrial Zone
by Halász Amade & Dezső József & Poor Viktoria - 81-92 Assessment of Bank Erosion, Accretion and Channel Shifting Using Remote Sensing and GIS: Case Study – Lower Course of the Bosna River
by Lovric Novica & Tosic Radislav - 93-104 Using Geobia and Data Fusion Approach for Land use and Land Cover Mapping
by Wężyk Piotr & Hawryło Paweł & Szostak Marta & Pierzchalski Marcin & Kok Roeland De - 105-119 Boundaries From Borders: Cross-Border Relationships in the Context of the Mental Perception of a Borderline – Experiences from Spanish-French and Polish-German Border Twin Towns
by Markuszewska Iwona & Tanskanen Minna & Subirós Josep Vila
December 2015, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 5-6 Introduction
by Arlinghaus Sandra L. - 7-23 Cloud-Capped Towers: Capturing Terrain Characteristics Using Topographic Functionals
by Earl Edward & Metzler David - 25-37 Methodological Triangulation In Movement Pattern Research
by Kotus Jacek & Rzeszewski Michał - 39-60 On The Eigenvalue Distribution Of Adjacency Matrices For Connected Planar Graphs
by Griffith Daniel A.