December 2015, Volume 34, Issue 4
- 61-68 Category Theory In Geography?
by Arlinghaus Sandra L. & Kerski Joseph - 69-78 Entropy In Regional Analysis
by Czyż Teresa & Hauke Jan - 79-81 Mathematics: What’s Spatial, What’s Not
by Arlinghaus William C. - 83-84 From Cantor To Christaller?
by Morris E Scott - 85-89 The Curious Case Of 2½ D
by Tobler Waldo
September 2015, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 5-15 Spatial Distribution And Synoptic Conditions Of Snow Accumulation And Snow Ablation In The West Siberian Plain
by Bednorz Ewa & Wibig Joanna - 17-31 The Impact Of Anthropogenic Pressure On The Change Of Water Relations In Gardno-Łeba Lowland
by Chlost Izabela & Sikora Magda - 33-50 Two Strategies Of Agent-Based Modelling Application For Management Of Lakeland Landscapes At A Regional Scale
by Giełda-Pinas Katarzyna & Dzieszko Piotr & Zwoliński Zbigniew & Ligmann-Zielińska Arika - 51-64 Driving Forces Of The Development Of Suburban Landscape – A Case Study Of The Sulkov Site West Of Pilsen
by Kopp Jan & Frajer Jindřich & Pavelková Renata - 65-76 Tourist Traffic In The Aconcagua Massif Area
by Marek Aneta & Wieczorek Małgorzata - 77-84 Regional Hazard Analysis For Use In Vulnerability And Risk Assessment
by Maris Fotios & Kitikidou Kyriaki & Paparrizos Spyridon & Karagiorgos Konstantinos & Potouridis Simeon & Fuchs Sven - 85-99 Temperature Changes In Poland In 21st Century – Results Of Global Simulation And Regional Downscaling
by Pilarski Michał - 101-116 Palaeogeographical And Archaeological Records Of Natural Changes Of The Jordanowo-Niesulice Subglacial Channel Near Lubrza, The Lubusz Lakeland
by Ratajczak-Szczerba Magdalena & Sobkowiak-Tabaka Iwona & Okuniewska-Nowaczyk Iwona - 117-128 Dynamic Visualization Of Sensor Measurements: Context Based Approach
by Stampach Radim & Kubicek Petr & Herman Lukas - 129-140 Old Melioration Systems: The Influence Onto Functioning Of Geoecosystems Of River Valleys In The Parsęta (NW Poland)
by Szpikowski Józef & Szpikowska Grażyna & Domańska Monika - 141-149 Circulation Influence On Cloudiness In Poznań
by Szyga-Pluta Katarzyna - 151-160 How Reliable Are Selected Methods Of Projections Of Future Thermal Conditions? A Case From Poland
by Wibig Joanna & Jędruszkiewicz Joanna
June 2015, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 7-27 Location Patterns And Location Factors In Cultural And Creative Industries
by Tomczak Paulina & Stachowiak Krzysztof - 29-34 Henri Lefebvre’s Concept Of Urban Space In The Context Of Preferences Of The Creative Classin A Modern City
by Nadolny Adam - 35-43 Creative Industries In The Polish Economy
by Kasprzak Rafał - 45-51 Contemporary Development Of Creative Industries In Bosnia And Herzegovina
by Nurković Rahman - 53-63 Nostalgic Sentiment And Cultural And Creative Industries In Regional Development: A Slovak Case Study
by Borseková Kamila & Cole David & Petríková Katarína & Vaňová Anna - 65-74 Virtual Community For A Creative City
by Przygodzki Zbigniew & Kina Ewelina - 75-85 Place Of Creation And Place Of Production: Spatial Dimensions Of The Berlin Fashion-Design Production Network
by Copercini Marco - 87-97 Cultural Industries In The Development Policies Of Cities And Regions: A New Area Of Educationin Spatial Management
by Churski Paweł & Motek Paweł & Stryjakiewicz Tadeusz - 99-100 Editorial
by Stryjakiewicz Tadeusz & Churski Paweł & Stachowiak Krzysztof
March 2015, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 5-14 Hydroclimatic and Geological Conditions of the Variability of Fluvial Transport Rate in the Upper Part of the Wieprz River Catchment
by Świeca Andrzej & Kociuba Waldemar & Brzezińska-Wójcik Teresa - 15-25 Types of Geoecosystems of the Lobelia Lakes of the Tricity Area
by Markowski Maciej & Kwidzińska Monika - 27-36 The Isle of The Dead Benchmark, the Sydney, Fort Denison Tide Gauge and the Ipcc Ar5 Chapter 13 Sea Levels Revisited
by Parker Albert - 37-53 Precipitation of the Mediterranean Origin in Poland – Its Seasonal and Long-Term Variability
by Degirmendžić Jan & Kożuchowski Krzysztof - 55-63 Morphological and Soil Determinants of Forest Cover Changes in Świętokrzyski National Park and Its Buffer Zone in the last 200 Years
by Ciupa Tadeusz & Suligowski Roman & Wałek Grzegorz - 65-74 Heat Fluxes and River Energy Budget on the Example of Lowland Świder River
by Łaszewski Maksym - 75-84 Large Hail in Poland in 2012
by Taszarek Mateusz & Suwała Katarzyna - 85-98 The River Systems in Small Catchments in the Context of the Horton’s and Schumm’s Laws – Implication for Hydrological Modelling. The Case Study of the Polish Carpathians
by Bryndal Tomasz - 99-110 Impact of Hydrotechnical Structures on Hydrological Regime of the Gwda and Drawa Rivers
by Kubiak-Wójcicka Katarzyna & Kornaś Marika - 111-124 Hydrogeochemical and Biogeochemical Processes in Kaffiøyra River Catchments (Spitsbergen, Norway)
by Borysiak Janina & Grześ Marek & Pulina Marian & Szpikowska Grażyna
2014, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 5-6 Introduction
by Wehrhahn Rainer & Tölle Alexander - 7-16 On the Implications of Knowledge Bases for Regional Innovation Policies in Germany
by Hassink Robert & Plum Oliver & Rickmers Arne - 17-26 German Grocery Discounters: Dynamics and Regional Impact. the Case of Schleswig-Holstein (Germany)
by Jürgens Ulrich - 27-41 The Challenging Task of Governing Cross-Border Investment in Peripheral Regions: Polish Investors in Northeast Germany
by Kinder Sebastian & Lis Kamil & Peiker Wolfdietrich & Suwala Lech - 43-56 Transnational Metropolitan Development Strategies and Governance in a Post-Socialist Setting: The Case of Szczecin
by Tölle Alexander - 57-66 The Making of the Gdańsk Metropolitan Region. Local Discourses of Identities, Powers, and Hopes
by Czepczyński Mariusz - 67-80 Determinants of the Quality of Life in the Communes of the Poznań Agglomeration: A Quantitative Approach
by Mizgajski Andrzej & Walaszek Marzena & Kaczmarek Tomasz - 81-88 Setting the Ground for Global City Formation: Neoliberalisation and Local Elites in Frankfurt on the Main
by Mössner Samuel & Freytag Tim - 89-99 Modernisation of Public Buildings in Polish Towns and the Concept of Sustainable Building
by Chodkowska-Miszczuk Justyna & Szymańska Daniela - 101-109 Regional Government and Regional Planning in the Hanover Region
by Priebs Axel
September 2014, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 1-15 Health Care Accessibility Modeling: Effects of Change in Spatial Representation of Demand for Primary Health Care Services
by Jankowski Piotr & Brown Blake - 5-6 Editorial
by Zwoliński Zbigniew & Kostrzewski Andrzej - 7-15 Prediction of the Vistula Channel Development Between Wloclawek and Torun: Evaluation with Regard to the New Geological Survey
by Babiński Zygmunt & Habel Michał & Chalov Sergey - 17-25 Seasonal and Regional Differences in Lighting Conditions and their Influence on Melatonin Secretion
by Błażejczyk Krzysztof & Morita Takeshi & Ueno-Towatari Tomoko & Błażejczyk Anna & Wieczorek Joanna - 27-37 Estimation of Shallow Groundwater Recharge Using a Gis-Based Distributed Water Balance Model
by Graf Renata & Przybyłek Jan - 39-53 Health Care Accessibility Modeling: Effects of Change in Spatial Representation of Demand for Primary Health Care Services
by Jankowski Piotr & Brown Blake - 55-63 Uncertainty in Historical Land-Use Reconstructions with Topographic Maps
by Kaim Dominik & Kozak Jacek & Ostafin Krzysztof & Dobosz Monika & Ostapowicz Katarzyna & Kolecka Natalia & Gimmi Urs - 65-75 Should Renaturalised and Recultivated Landscapes Appear in Landscape Typology?
by Luc Małgorzata & Szmańda Jacek - 77-88 The New Features of Landslide Relief Discovered Using Lidar – Case Study from Babia Góra Massif, Western Carpathian Mountains
by Łajczak Adam & Czajka Barbara & Kaczka Ryszard J. - 89-99 Regional Differentiation in Probability of Ice Days Occurrence in Poland
by Łupikasza Ewa & Niedźwiedź Tadeusz & Małarzewski Łukasz - 101-110 Gis Approach to Estimation of the Total Phosphorous Transfer in the Pilica River Lowland Catchment
by Magnuszewski Artur & Kiedrzyńska Edyta & Kiedrzyński Marcin & Moran Sharon - 111-122 Białowieża Forest (Ne-Poland) and Valday Np ( Nw-Russia) – Biogeographical Characteristics of Eutrophic Deciduous Forests
by Matuszkiewicz Jan Marek & Bielonowska Elena & Kowalska Anna & Cariewska Nadjeżda & Baranowski Jarosław & Vinogradowa Viera & Tishkov Arkadij & Litvinova Elena - 123-130 Sandstone Geomorphology of South-West Jordan, Middle East
by Migoń Piotr & Goudie Andrew - 131-143 Temporal Variation in Vegetation Indexes for Pine and Beech Stands During the Vegetation Season, Szczecin Lowland, Poland
by Piekarski Paweł & Zwoliński Zbigniew - 145-154 The Degree of Landscape Openness as a Manifestation of Cultural Metamorphose
by Plit Joanna & Myga-Piątek Urszula - 155-163 Łódź Region and its Northern Vicinity under Vistulian Glaciation Conditions
by Roman Małgorzata & Dzieduszyńska Danuta & Petera-Zganiacz Joanna - 165-172 Late Spring Freezes in Poland in Relation to Atmospheric Circulation
by Ustrnul Zbigniew & Wypych Agnieszka & Winkler Julie A. & Czekierda Danuta - 173-180 Geomorphosite Assessment in the Proposed Geopark Vistula River Gap (E Poland)
by Warowna Justyna & Zgłobicki Wojciech & Gajek Grzegorz & Telecka Małgorzata & Kołodyńska-Gawrysiak Renata & Zieliński Paweł - 181-197 Long-Term, Seasonal and Short-Term Fluctuations in the Water Level of the Southern Baltic Sea
by Wolski Tomasz & Wiśniewski Bernard - 199-204 The Sources of Moisture in the Sand Dunes – The Example of the Western Sahara Dune Field
by Żmudzka Elwira & Woronko Dariusz & Dłużewski Maciej
June 2014, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 7-18 Urban Geography Evolving: Toward an Evolutionary Urban Geography
by Weaver Russell C. - 19-35 Role of Creative Industries in the Post-Socialist Urban Transformation
by Stryjakiewicz Tadeusz & Męczyński Michał & Stachowiak Krzysztof - 37-50 Population Potential as a Modulator of Land use Changes in Poland’S Metropolitan Areas
by Werner Piotr & Korcelli Piotr & Kozubek Elżbieta - 51-61 Contemporary Determinants of the Development of Socio-Economic Regions
by Czyż Teresa - 63-77 Variations in the Spatial Distribution of Areas of Economic Growth and Stagnation in Poland: Determinants and Consequences
by Churski Paweł - 79-86 Small Border Traffic and Cross-Border Tourism Between Poland and the Kaliningrad Oblast of the Russian Federation
by Anisiewicz Renata & Palmowski Tadeusz - 87-101 Agrarian-Economic Structure of Agricultural Holdings in Poland and East Germany: Selected Elements of Comparative Analysis
by Jezierska-Thöle Aleksandra & Janzen Jörg & Rudnicki Roman - 103-113 Quality of Life and Attractiveness of Small Towns: A Comparison of France and Poland
by Kwiatek-Sołtys Agnieszka & Mainet Helene - 115-125 Social Inclusion by Revitalisation? The Potential of Disused Industrial Areas as an Opportunity for Mitigating Social Polarisation
by Otto Marius & Chmielewska Marta - 127-138 Military Brownfields in the Czech Republic and the Potential for their Revitalisation, Focused on their Residential Function
by Hercik Jan & Šimáček Petr & Szczyrba Zdeněk & Smolová Irena - 139-150 Delimitation of Nodal Regions Based on Transport Flows: Case Study of the Czech Republic
by Kraft Stanislav & Marada Miroslav & Popjaková Dagmar - 151-169 Spatial Diversity of Biotechnology Centres in Germany
by Dorocki Sławomir - 171-180 Ukrainian Post-Communist Transformation: Causes, Consequences and Threats
by Kuczabski Aleksander & Michalski Tomasz - 181-182 Editorial
by Kostrzewski Andrzej & Stryjakiewicz Tadeusz
March 2014, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 5-22 Land-Cover Modelling Using Corine Land Cover Data And Multi-Layer Perceptron
by Dzieszko Piotr - 23-37 Implementation Of Flood Directive In Poland In The Context Of Floodplain Development
by Głosińska Ewa - 39-49 Variability Of Sediment Transport In The Scott River Catchment (Svalbard) During The Hydrologically Active Season Of 2009
by Kociuba Waldemar & Janicki Grzegorz & Siwek Krzysztof - 51-59 Ice Phenomena In The Warta River In Poznań In 1961– 2010
by Kornaś Marika - 61-74 Conceptual Model For Assessing The Channel Changes Upstream From Dam Reservoir
by Liro Maciej - 75-88 Frost Weathering Of Selected Rocks From The Tatra Mountains
by Lubera Ewa - 89-106 Relief Development Of The Babia Góra Massif, Western Carpathian Mountains
by Łajczak Adam - 107-114 Impact Of Sea Level Rise To Coastal Ecology: A Case Study On The Northern Part Of Java Island, Indonesia
by Marfai Muh Aris - 115-129 Relation Between Extensive Extreme Precipitation In Poland And Atmospheric Circulation
by Nowosad Jakub & Stach Alfred - 131-143 Landforms And Geomorphosites Ongoing Changes: Concepts And Implications For Geoheritage Promotion
by Pelfini Manuela & Bollati Irene
December 2013, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 7-14 Agriculture Of The Czech Republic In The 21st Century: From Productivism To Post-Productivism
by Věžník Antonín & Král Michael & Svobodová Hana - 15-31 Spatial Differences In The Number Of Applications For Payments Under The Eu Common Agricultural Policy Submitted By Agricultural Holdings In Poland Over The Years 2002–2010
by Rudnicki Roman - 33-38 Methods Employed In Research On The Spatial Structure Of Agriculture
by Kołodziejczak Anna - 39-48 Is Diversification Of Farm Households Still An Option For Integrated Rural Development? Evidence From Slovenia And Saarland, Germany
by Nienaber Birte & Slavič Irma Potočnik - 49-62 Farm Families And Future Options – The Role Of The Extension Advisory Service In Shaping Irish Agriculture
by McDonagh John & Farrell Maura & Mahon Marie - 63-79 Rural Areas In Poland: Educational Attainment Vs. Level Of Economic Development
by Kamińska Wioletta - 81-90 The Process Of Depopulation In The Rural Areas Of Ukraine
by Kuczabski Aleksander & Michalski Tomasz - 91-102 Farmland Conversion And Changes In The Land- Use Pattern In The Poznań Agglomeration Over The Years 2000–2009
by Kacprzak Ewa & Maćkiewicz Barbara - 103-116 Transactions In Land In The Suburban Zone Of Bydgoszcz Over The Years 2007–2010
by Głębocki Benicjusz & Perdał Robert
September 2013, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 5-14 Initial Assessment of the Weather Research and Forecasting Model for Forecasting Bioclimatic Conditions During Breeze Circulation – Case Study of the Słowiński National Park
by Czernecki Bartosz & Półrolniczak Marek - 15-25 Thermal and Humidity Conditions Over a Salient Land Form as Exemplified by a Coastal Sand Dune at the Łeba Sandbar in the Słowiński National Park
by Kolendowicz Leszek & Forycka-Ławniczak Hanna - 27-37 Changes in the Physical Properties of Precipitation in Pine Stands in the Area with A Low Degree of Air Pollution (Western Pomerania)
by Kruszyk Robert - 39-51 Influence of Relief and Land Cover on the Distribution of Values of the Land Surface Temperature in Upper Parsęta River Area
by Kubiak Marta & Stach Alfred - 53-67 Land Consolidation as an Instrument of Shaping the Agrarian Structure in Poland: A Case Study of the Wielkopolskie and Dolnośląskie Voivodeships
by Markuszewska Iwona - 69-84 The Link Between from Day to Day Change of Weather Types and Synoptic Situations in Kraków During the Period 1961–2010
by Piotrowicz Katarzyna & Szlagor Joanna - 85-97 The Lakescape in the Eyes of a Tourist
by Potocka Ilona - 99-110 Climatology of Hail in Central Europe
by Suwała Katarzyna & Bednorz Ewa - 111-117 Seasonal Water Temperature Variability of Springs From Porous Sediments in Gryżynka Valley, Western Poland
by Szczucińska Anna Maria & Wasielewski Hieronim - 119-128 Effect of the North Atlantic Oscillation on Ice Phenomena on Selected Lakes in Poland Over the Years 1961–2010
by Wrzesiński Dariusz & Ptak Mariusz & Baczyńska Alicja
June 2013, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 5-14 A New Approach to Innovation and its Application to the Countries of the European Union
by Agüeros Manuel & Casares-Hontañón Pedro & Coto-Millán Pablo & De Castro Pablo & Pesquera Miguel Ángel - 15-24 Competitiveness of Countries in the World Innovation Economy: Central-Eastern Europe and Russia
by Rodionova Irina - 25-38 The Information Society in Europe: Policies to Stem the Digital Divide
by Armas Quintá Francisco José & Macía Arce José Carlos - 39-49 Core and Periphery of Information Society: Significance of Geospatial Technologies
by Werner Piotr A. & Opach Tomasz - 51-68 Federal Revenue Sharing, Marginalisation and Sub-National Inter-Regional Inequality in Human Capital Development in South-Eastern and Southern Nigeria
by Ingwe Richard & Ukwayi Joseph K. & Utam Edward U. - 69-79 Territorial Identity of Countryside Residents in the Suburban Areas of Łódź, Poland
by Wójcik Marcin - 81-90 Dwelling or Living in a Block of Flats. Towards the Polish Geography of Home
by Klima Ewa - 91-103 The Image of Russia and Russians as Seen by Polish University Students
by Awramiuk-Godun Alina & Wites Tomasz
March 2013, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 5-14 Changes of Agricultural Landscape Pattern – Non-Natural Driving Forces Analyzing Based on the North-Western Region Of Poland
by Markuszewska Iwona - 15-20 The Developmental Stages of An Accumulative Cone of Dry Valley as an Indication of Change in Natural Environment Conditions (Western Pomerania)
by Paluszkiewicz Renata - 21-26 Lake Evolution in the Żnin Region in the Years 1912– 1960 (Central Poland)
by Ptak Mariusz - 27-32 18Th Century Vistula River Geography in View of Franciszek Florian Czaki’s Maps
by Strzelecki Krzysztof - 33-42 Evaluation of Thermal Conditions in Jeziory (The Wielkopolski National Park)
by Szyga-Pluta Katarzyna & Półrolniczak Marek - 43-53 Uncertainty of Flow Regime Characteristics of Rivers in Europe
by Wrzesiński Dariusz - 55-60 After Rio+20: Preparing for Sustainable Retreat?
by Nováček Pavel - 61-66 Global Warming and Climate Change: Science and Politics
by Ollier Cliff
2012, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 5-7 Editorial
by Stryjakiewicz Tadeusz & Stachowiak Krzysztof & Męczyński Michał
December 2012, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 9-17 Why Put ‘Class’ in the Creative Class?
by Mo Aaron - 19-31 Creative Firms as Change Agents in Creative Spaces
by Kourtit Karima & Nijkamp Peter - 33-42 Towards a ‘Benchmarking Raster’: a Selection of Indicators to Measure and Assess Policies for Cultural and Creative Industries
by Montalto Valentina & Iglesias Maria & Kern Philippe - 43-51 Creative-Based Strategies in Small and Medium-Sized Cities: Key Dimensions of Analysis
by Selada Catarina & Vilhena Da Cunha Inês & Tomaz Elisabete - 53-62 Boosting Indonesia’S Creative Industries: Identification of People’S Characteristics and Creative Behaviour
by Setiadi Nugroho J. & Boediprasetya Agoestiana & Wahdiaman - 63-76 Cultural Quarters as a Means of Enhancing the Creative Capacity of Polish Cities? Some Evidence from Cracow
by Murzyn-Kupisz Monika - 77-86 Effective Governance to Develop Creative Quarters: Three Case Studies from Germany
by Lauderbach Martina - 87-97 Rethinking the Connection Between Creative Clusters and City Branding: the Cultural Axis of Piraeus Street in Athens
by Karachalis Nicholas & Deffner Alex - 99-112 What Can Cultural and Creative Industries Do for Urban Development? Three Stories from the Postsocialist Industrial City of Ostrava
by Slach Ondřej & Boruta Tomáš - 113-123 Satisfaction of the Creative Class with Living in Szczecin: a Relationship Perspective
by Bąkowska Sylwia - 125-132 From Concepts to Practical Tools of Support: Development of The Creative Sector in Warsaw
by Dudek-Mańkowska Sylwia & Fuhrmann Magdalena
October 2012, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 5-23 Digital aerial images land cover classification based on vegetation indices
by Dzieszko Maciej & Dzieszko Piotr & Królewicz Sławomir - 25-32 Heavy thunderstorms on the Polish-German lowlands in the period 1951–2008 and their circulation conditions
by Kolendowicz Leszek - 33-39 Effect of mowing on the structure of sedge communities in the Chwiszczej river valley (Białowieża forest)
by Kołos Aleksander - 41-46 Formation and role of neogene sediments from Tatra mountains in the shaping of Czarna Orawa river alluvial plain
by Krzaklewski Paweł - 47-55 Preliminary assessment of coastal erosion and local community adaptation in Sayung coastal area, central java – Indonesia
by Marfai Muh Aris - 57-61 Problems of geotourism and geodiversity
by Ollier Clifford - 63-75 Natural and human impact on land use change of the Sikkimese-Bhutanese Himalayan Piedmont, India
by Prokop Paweł & Sarkar Subir - 77-88 Health statistics in international databases and their cartographic visualization
by Štampach Radim & Geryk Edvard - 89-105 Some geographical and geological aspects in Johann Forster’s posthumous journals… controversy – HMS resolution memoirs never refined
by Vorbrich Krzysztof K. - 89-105 Some geographical and geological aspects in Johann Forster’s posthumous journals… controversy – HMS resolution memoirs never refined
by Vorbrich Krzysztof K. - 107-117 Stratigraphy of organic-rich deposits in floodplain environments: examples from the upper Odra river basin
by Wójcicki Krzysztof J.
June 2012, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 5-6 Editorial
by Kostrzewski Andrzej & Stryjakiewicz Tadeusz - 7-19 Behaviour of Humans and Behaviour of Models in Dynamic Space
by Nijkamp Peter - 21-28 Urban Compression Patterns: Fractals and Non-Euclidean Geometries - Inventory and Prospect
by Griffith Daniel & Arlinghaus Sandra - 29-37 City Shape and the Fractality of Street Patterns
by Mohajeri Nahid & Longley Paul & Batty Michael - 39-48 Analysis of the Labour Market in Metropolitan Areas: A Spatial Filtering Approach
by Kossowski Tomasz & Hauke Jan - 49-60 Quality of Life in an Urban Environment: A Typology of Urban Units of Olomouc
by Kladivo Petr & Halás Marián - 61-70 Urban Nature Between Modern and Postmodern Aesthetics: Reflections Based on the Social Constructivist Approach
by Kühne Olaf - 71-82 Transformation of Poland's Spatial-Economic Structure in the Years 1998-2008
by Czyż Teresa - 83-93 Structural Changes in the Industry of Poland Aagainst the Background of Eastern European Union States
by Gierańczyk Wiesława & Rachwał Tomasz - 95-106 Inter-Communal Cooperation and Regional Development: The Case of Romania
by Săgeată Radu
March 2012, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 5-6 Geoheritage: from geoarchaeology to geotourism
by Asrat Asfawossen & Zwoliński Zbigniew - 7-23 Geoheritage conservation in Ethiopia: the case of the Simien Mountains
by Asrat Asfawossen & Demissie Metasebia & Mogessie Aberra - 25-35 Recognition and assessment of sinkholes as geosites: lessons from the Island of Gozo (Malta)
by Coratza Paola & Galve Jorge & Soldati Mauro & Tonelli Chiara - 37-49 Palaeogeographical reconstruction and management challenges of an archaeological site listed by UNESCO: the case of the Letoon shrine in the Xanthos Plain (Turkey)
by Fouache Eric & Ecochard Emilie & Kuzucuoğlu Catherine & Carcaud Nathalie & Ekmekçi Mehmet & Ulusoy Inan & Çiner Attila & des Courtils Jacques - 51-65 Ecomorphological evaluation of the Łyna River along the Kotowo-Ardapy section
by Grzybowski Mirosław & Endler Zbigniew - 67-79 Pre-Quaternary geomorphological history and geoheritage of Britain
by Migoń Piotr & Goudie Andrew - 81-89 A geomorphological approach to geodiversity - its applications to geoconservation and geotourism
by Thomas Michael - 91-98 Effects of human impact on the beds of minor watercourses of the Aegean Island of Icaria (Greece)
by Tsermegas Irena - 99-107 Geodiversity map of the Tatra National Park for geotourism
by Zwoliński Zbigniew & Stachowiak Jakub
December 2011, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 9-19 Local Money - A Response to the Globalisation of Capital?
by Pacione Michael - 21-31 Trends in and Perceptions on Urbanisation
by Anant Geetha - 33-38 Modern Economic Space in Polish Cities as a Symptom of Globalisation
by Wdowicka Magdalena - 39-46 Appropriation of Public Urban Space as an Effect of Privatisation and Globalisation
by Mierzejewska Lidia - 47-54 The Permanence of Socio-Economically Marginal Structures Within Urban Space: The Example of Bogotá
by Czerny Mirosława - 55-61 Borders and the City: Intra-Urban Boundaries in Guangzhou (China)
by Breitung Werner - 63-67 The Conception of Cultural Space Revitalization as a Way to Increase Downtown Attractiveness. A Case Study of Chosen Medium-Sized Towns in the Wielkopolska Region
by Pazder Dominika - 69-80 The Rise of Smaller Cities and Its Meaning in International Tourism to Japan
by Kitada Koji
September 2011, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 5-12 Present-day changes in the morphology of the shore zone in the conditions of heavy tourist use: the case of Lake Czarne (upper Parsęta catchment)
by Cichoń Małgorzata - 13-18 Analogue aerial-photopraphs external orientation reconstruction based on geoportal data
by Dzieszko Piotr - 19-32 Impact of coastal inundation on ecology and agricultural land use case study in central Java, Indonesia
by Marfai Muh - 33-45 Geomorphological processes in channel heads initiated by groundwater outflows (The Parsęta catchment, north-western Poland)
by Mazurek Małgorzata - 47-60 Ground Water in the City of Varanasi, India: present status and prospects
by Mohan Kshitij & Srivastava Ajai & Rai Praveen - 61-69 Lithofacies-genetic characteristics of sedimentary basins in the foreland of the Pomeranian Stage in the Drawsko Lakeland (northern Poland)
by Paluszkiewicz Ryszard & Paluszkiewicz Renata - 71-81 Erosional-denudational valleys and their significance for the reconstruction of the Late Glacial environmental conditions (The Drawsko Lakeland, NW Poland)
by Paluszkiewicz Renata - 83-99 Sensible temperature at the Łeba Sandbar (Słowiński National Park) on selected days of the 2010 summer season
by Półrolniczak Marek - 101-113 Cold shores in warming times - current state and future challenges in High Arctic coastal geomorphological studies
by Strzelecki Mateusz - 115-126 Hail occurrence in Poland
by Suwała Katarzyna - 127-136 Regional differences in the influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on seasonal river runoff in Poland
by Wrzesiński Dariusz
June 2011, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 5-6 Editorial
by Stryjakiewicz Tadeusz - 7-22 Empirical-Scientific Model of Geography
by Chojnicki Zbyszko - 23-34 Current State and Development Prospects of the Russian Economy
by Rodionova Irina & Kokuytseva Tatiana - 35-48 Evolution of Regional Disparities in Poland
by Czyż Teresa & Hauke Jan - 49-56 Diversification of Farming Systems in Poland in the Years 2006-2009
by Kołodziejczak Anna & Kossowski Tomasz - 57-70 Level of Development of Electronic Services in Poland Compared with the European Union States
by Dominiak Joanna - 71-79 State Strategic Planning and Spatial Development in the Siberian Regions
by Syssoeva Natalia & Dets Igor - 81-86 Modern Economic and Geographical Characteristics and Prospects of Development of Environmental Protection Infrastructure in the Baikal Region of Russia
by Zabortseva Tatiana - 87-93 Comparison of Values of Pearson's and Spearman's Correlation Coefficients on the Same Sets of Data
by Hauke Jan & Kossowski Tomasz
January 2011, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 5-18 Developing Frameworks for Studies on Sedimentary Fluxes and Budgets in Changing Cold Environments
by Beylich Achim & Lamoureux Scott & Decaulne Armelle - 19-29 Geographic Record of Human Impact Conformance to Different Water Relationships Along a Coastal River (The Łupawa Catchment)
by Drwal Jan & Cieśliński Roman & Fac-Beneda Joanna - 31-45 Ways of Presenting Environmental Elements in old Cartographic Records and Their Reliability
by Kaniecki Alfred