September 2011, Volume 14, Issue 8
- 1009-1015 Risk and responsibility: rejoinder to the paper by Silvio Funtowicz and Roger Strand
by D. Warner North
August 2011, Volume 14, Issue 7
- 779-797 Is enterprise risk management real?
by Marika Arena & Michela Arnaboldi & Giovanni Azzone - 799-817 Siting technological risks: cultural approaches and cross-cultural ethics
by Claudia Basta - 819-835 Risk perception and risk management in the Middle East market: theory and practice of multinational enterprises in Saudi Arabia
by Sebastian Hain - 837-845 'Someone else's blood': directed blood donation for neonatal transfusion and parental perceptions of risk
by Rachel Barrett & Nancy Heddle & Haresh Kirpalani & Ronald G. Moore & Emmy Arnold & Prakesh S. Shah & Anthony Staines - 847-858 Community concerns about a healthcare-waste incinerator
by Patthanasak Khammaneechan & Kamolnetr Okanurak & Pornchai Sithisarankul & Kraichat Tantrakarnapa & Poonsup Norramit - 859-879 An innovative approach to risk and quality assessment in the regulation of care services in Scotland
by Darinka Asenova & William Stein & Alasdair Marshall - 881-897 The constitutive element of probabilistic agency in risk: a semantic analysis of risk, danger, chance, and hazard
by Henrik Merkelsen - 899-918 Evaluating an analytic--deliberative risk-ranking process in a Chinese context
by Jianhua Xu & H. Keith Florig & Michael L. DeKay
June 2011, Volume 14, Issue 6
- 647-656 The effects of risk-taking tendency on risk choice and pre- and post-decisional information selection
by Ree M. Meertens & René Lion - 657-684 A cross-cultural comparison of road traffic risk perceptions, attitudes towards traffic safety and driver behaviour
by Trond Nordfjærn & Stig Jørgensen & Torbjorn Rundmo - 685-702 Institutional dimensions underlying public trust in information on technological risk
by Nuria Gamero & Josep Espluga & Ana Prades & Christian Oltra & Rosario Solá & Jordi Farré - 703-715 The impact of specific information provision on base station siting preferences
by Marie-Eve Cousin & Simone Dohle & Michael Siegrist - 717-733 Diversification of infrastructure projects for emergent and unknown non-systematic risks
by Nilesh N. Joshi & James H. Lambert - 735-755 Structure of meaning and sense-making of risk: an operationalisation of sense-making tested by grouping individuals according to their structure of meaning
by Erika Wall - 757-773 Unrecognized, concealed, or forgotten -- the case of absent information in risk communication
by Jari Lyytimäki & Timo Assmuth & Mikael Hildén - 775-777 The psychology of strategic terrorism: public and government responses to attack
by Laura Kilby
May 2011, Volume 14, Issue 5
- 511-518 H1N1 -- the social costs of élite confusion
by Bill Durodié - 519-550 Development paths of risk management: approaches, methods and fields of application
by Chiara Verbano & Karen Venturini - 551-581 Critical success factors for risk management systems
by Niam Yaraghi & Roland G. Langhe - 583-596 Risk attitudes and migration experience
by Vladimir Balaz & Allan M. Williams - 597-613 Resource allocation, emergency response capability, and infrastructure concentration around vulnerable sites
by Jeffrey S. Simonoff & Carlos E. Restrepo & Rae Zimmerman & Zvia Segal Naphtali & Henry H. Willis - 615-630 Did public risk perspectives of mad cow disease reflect media representations and actual outcomes?
by Amanda D. Boyd & Cynthia G. Jardine - 631-645 Risk communication and citizen engagement: what to expect from dialogue
by Henrik Merkelsen
April 2011, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 401-408 Uncertainty, precaution and risk governance
by Marjolein B.A. van Asselt & Leendert van Bree - 409-429 The changing nature of communication and regulation of risk in Europe
by Ragnar Lofstedt & Frederic Bouder & Jamie Wardman & Sweta Chakraborty - 431-449 Risk governance
by Marjolein B.A. van Asselt & Ortwin Renn - 451-466 The role of scientific advisory bodies in precaution-based risk governance illustrated with the issue of uncertain health effects of electromagnetic fields
by Harrie F.G. van Dijk & Eric van Rongen & Gilbert Eggermont & Erik Lebret & Wiebe E. Bijker & Daniëlle R.M. Timmermans - 467-484 Risk management and the record of the precautionary principle in EU case law
by Michael D. Rogers - 485-499 Taming uncertainty: the WRR approach to risk governance
by Gerard de Vries & Imrat Verhoeven & Martin Boeckhout - 501-510 Uncertainties and the state of the art: a legal nightmare
by Jaap Spier
March 2011, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 281-295 Biosecurity risk and peri-urban landholders -- using a stakeholder consultative approach to build a risk communication strategy
by Jane Gilmour & Ruth Beilin & Tamara Sysak - 297-324 Under threat. Lay thinking about terrorism and the three-dimensional model of personal involvement: a social psychological analysis
by Andreea Ernst-Vintila & Sylvain Delouvée & Christine Roland-Lévy - 325-349 Farmers' motivations, risk perceptions and risk management strategies in a developing economy: Bangladesh experience
by Dewan Ali Ahsan - 351-364 The measurement of risk perceptions: the case of smoking
by Tarek Baghal - 365-380 What do friends and the media tell us? How different information channels affect women's risk perceptions of age-related female infertility
by Elina Lampi - 381-393 Is the allocation of resources towards mitigation and response to fire in Australia optimal?
by Brian Ashe & John McAneney & Andy Pitman - 395-399 The ethics of technological risk
by Tessa Fox & Marjolein B.A. van Asselt
February 2011, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 147-174 Cultural cognition of scientific consensus
by Dan M. Kahan & Hank Jenkins-Smith & Donald Braman - 175-190 A relational theory of risk
by Åsa Boholm & Hervé Corvellec - 191-214 Scenario-based multiple criteria analysis for infrastructure policy impacts and planning
by Matthew J. Schroeder & James H. Lambert - 215-239 The international quest for an integrated approach to microbial food-borne risk prioritization: where do we stand?
by Sven Anders & Claudia Schmidt - 241-257 Public participation: comparing approaches
by Simon French & Clare Bayley - 259-279 Practices and problems in the management of risk redistributions
by Jerry Busby & Melissa Sedmak
January 2011, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-16 Infrastructures of risk: a mapping approach towards controversies on risks
by Gerald Beck & Cordula Kropp - 17-46 Factors affecting risk mitigation revisited: the case of earthquake in Turkey
by Ozlem Ozdemir & Cengiz Yilmaz - 47-61 How do people perceive graphical risk communication? The role of subjective numeracy
by Rebecca Hess & Vivianne H.M. Visschers & Michael Siegrist & Carmen Keller - 63-83 Understanding householder responses to natural hazards: flooding and sea-level rise comparisons
by Joanne Harvatt & Judith Petts & Jason Chilvers - 85-96 Cultural differences of a dual-motivation model on health risk behaviour
by Shoji Ohtomo & Yukio Hirose & Cees J.H. Midden - 97-109 The use of political risk assessment techniques in Jordanian multinational corporations
by Adel Abed Rabbo Al Khattab & Abdulkareem Awwad & John Anchor & Eleanor Davies - 111-124 Risk rituals?
by Sarah E.H. Moore & Adam Burgess - 125-139 Two worlds of assessment of environmental health issues: the case of contaminated water wells in Ramat ha-Sharon
by Brenda Geiger & Yovav Eshet - 141-142 Environment, media and communication
by Sanna Inthorn - 143-144 Just culture: balancing safety and accountability
by David M. Clarke - 144-145 The human contribution: unsafe acts, accidents and heroic recoveries
by David M. Clarke
December 2010, Volume 13, Issue 8
- 961-982 Regulators as 'agents': power and personality in risk regulation and a role for agent-based simulation
by G.J. Davies & G. Kendall & E. Soane & J. Li & F. Charnley & S.J.T. Pollard - 983-1006 Risk management for infrastructure corridors vulnerable to adjacent land development
by Alexander S. Linthicum & James H. Lambert - 1007-1026 Applying the theory of planned behavior to study health decisions related to potential risks
by Z. Janet Yang & Katherine McComas & Geri Gay & John P. Leonard & Andrew J. Dannenberg & Hildy Dillon - 1027-1041 Quantitative risk analysis for road tunnels complying with EU regulations
by Konstantinos A. Kirytopoulos & Athanasios A. Rentizelas & Ilias P. Tatsiopoulos & George Papadopoulos - 1043-1065 (Mis)managing a risk controversy: the Canadian salmon aquaculture industry's responses to organized and local opposition
by Nathan Young & Mary Liston
October 2010, Volume 13, Issue 7
- 829-844 Aquaculture: an emerging issue for public concern
by Anne Katrin Schlag - 845-859 Good decisions, bad decisions: the interaction of process and outcome in evaluations of decision quality
by Joseph L. Arvai & Ann Froschauer - 861-875 Functional-dynamic public participation in technological decision-making: site selection processes of nuclear waste repositories
by Pius Krütli & Michael Stauffacher & Thomas Flüeler & Roland W. Scholz - 877-893 Risk-informed performance-based approach to building regulation
by Brian J. Meacham - 895-911 Consumers' collision insurance decisions: a mental models approach to theory evaluation
by Laurel C. Austin & Baruch Fischhoff - 913-935 Risk communication for catastrophic events: results from focus groups
by Rae Zimmerman & Carlos E. Restrepo & Alison Culpen & Wendy E. Remington & Alison Kling & Ian Portelli & George L. Foltin - 937-949 Public perceptions of the dioxin incident in Irish pork
by Jean Kennedy & Liam Delaney & Eibhlin M. Hudson & Aileen McGloin & Patrick G. Wall - 951-960 Implementing control mutuality using prediction markets: a new mechanism for risk communication
by John Garvey & Patrick Buckley
September 2010, Volume 13, Issue 6
- 701-730 A longitudinal ethnographic study of night-freight pilots
by Simon Bennett - 731-752 The risk society hypotheses: an empirical test using longitudinal survey data
by Peter Taylor-Gooby & Andreas Cebulla - 753-770 Public meetings about local cancer clusters: exploring the relative influence of official versus symbolic risk messages on attendees' post-meeting concern
by Katherine A. McComas & Helen C. Lundell & Craig W. Trumbo & John C. Besley - 771-780 Driver distractions: characteristics underlying drivers' risk perceptions
by Kirsteen Titchener & Ides Y. Wong - 781-787 The effect of pseudo-immediacy on intertemporal choices
by Shu Li & Yin Su & Yan Sun - 789-804 An investigation into risk propensity in bull and bear markets
by John Garvey - 805-820 The effect of risk on intertemporal choice
by Yan Sun & Shu Li - 821-823 The human side of disaster
by Anne Eyre - 823-826 Crisis management in a complex world
by Denis Fischbacher-Smith
July 2010, Volume 13, Issue 5
- 571-589 Measurement of risk perceptions in social research: a comparative analysis of ordinary least squares, ordinal and multinomial logistic regression models
by Bryan E. Denham - 591-598 Effects of emotional state on behavioral responsiveness to personal risk feedback
by Jennifer L. Cerully & William M.P. Klein - 599-620 Risk perception of mobile communication: a mental models approach
by Marie-Eve Cousin & Michael Siegrist - 621-637 Mobile phone masts, social rationalities and risk: negotiating lay perspectives on technological hazards
by Jeremy W. Collins - 639-651 Suppose the USA had REACH: ramifications for formaldehyde
by Sara Hajiamiri & Myles T. Collins & John D. Graham - 653-667 Translational benchmark risk analysis
by Walter W. Piegorsch - 669-686 Risk management and its practical application: lessons from the British Army
by Neil Trewin & Udechukwu Ojiako & Johnnie Johnson - 687-700 Why separate risk assessors and risk managers? Further external values affecting the risk assessor qua risk assessor
by Niklas Vareman & Johannes Persson
June 2010, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 399-409 Why less is more: exploring affect-based value neglect
by R.S. Wilson & J.L. Arvai - 411-427 Risk-reproduction cycles and risk positions in the social and geographical space
by Kalliopi Sapountzaki - 429-444 Comparative optimism and risky road traffic behaviors among high-risk sports practitioners
by Cécile Martha & Jason Laurendeau & Jean Griffet - 445-477 Health, environment, safety culture and climate -- analysing the relationships to occupational accidents
by Anne Mette Bjerkan - 479-499 An inductive reasoning approach for building system safety risk models of aviation accidents
by Ahmet E. Oztekin & James T. Luxhøj - 501-515 Towards a fair procedure for risk management
by Hélène Hermansson - 517-543 Judicious management of uncertain risks: I. Developments and criticisms of risk analysis and precautionary reasoning
by Charles Vlek - 545-569 Judicious management of uncertain risks: II. Simple rules and more intricate models for precautionary decision-making
by Charles Vlek
April 2010, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 239-253 The logical status of risk -- to burnish or to dull
by Eugene A. Rosa - 255-259 Response to Professor Eugene Rosa's viewpoint to our paper
by Terje Aven & Ortwin Renn - 261-278 Communication about a communication technology
by Michael Ruddat & Alexander Sautter & Ortwin Renn & Uwe Pfenning & Frank Ulmer - 279-302 Communication management during risk events and crises in a globalised world: Predictability of domestic media attention for calamities
by Bastiaan C.J. Zoeteman & Wouter C. Kersten & Wiebe F. Vos & Lieke van de Voort & Ben J.M. Ale - 303-318 The role of perceived costs and perceived benefits in the relationship between personality and risk-related choices
by Emma Soane & Chris Dewberry & Sunitha Narendran - 319-335 A meta-level analysis of major trends in environmental health risk governance
by Hens A.C. Runhaar & P.P.J. Driessen & L. van Bree & J.P. van der Sluijs - 337-352 NUSAP: a method to evaluate the quality of assumptions in quantitative microbial risk assessment
by Ides Boone & Yves Van der Stede & Jeroen Dewulf & Winy Messens & Marc Aerts & Georges Daube & Koen Mintiens - 353-365 Acceptance of nanotechnology in food and food packaging: a path model analysis
by Nathalie Stampfli & Michael Siegrist & Hans Kastenholz - 367-377 Adaptive Bayesian Networks for quantitative risk assessment of foreign body injuries in children
by Paola Berchialla & Cecilia Scarinzi & Silvia Snidero & Dario Gregori - 379-398 Looking for a safe haven after fancy thrills: a psychometric analysis of risk perception in alpine tourist destinations
by Claudia Schusterschitz & Holger Schütz & Peter M. Wiedemann
March 2010, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 135-136 Guest editors' introduction: the philosophy of risk
by Martin Peterson & Per Sandin - 137-147 Assessing capability instead of achieved functionings in risk analysis
by Colleen Murphy & Paolo Gardoni - 149-161 Ethical theory and the philosophy of risk: first thoughts
by Johan Brännmark & Nils-Eric Sahlin - 163-174 Cognitive bias and the precautionary principle: what's wrong with the core argument in Sunstein's Laws of Fear and a way to fix it
by Steve Clarke - 175-190 Intuitions, emotions and gut reactions in decisions about risks: towards a different interpretation of 'neuroethics'
by Sabine Roeser - 191-205 Probing the improbable: methodological challenges for risks with low probabilities and high stakes
by Toby Ord & Rafaela Hillerbrand & Anders Sandberg - 207-216 The risks of progress: precaution and the case of human enhancement
by Tim Lewens - 217-230 A virtue ethical account of making decisions about risk
by Nafsika Athanassoulis & Allison Ross - 231-238 Risk: objective or subjective, facts or values
by Sven Ove Hansson
January 2010, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-3 Mediating risk: towards a new research agenda
by Alison Anderson - 5-18 Media and risk: old and new research directions
by Vian Bakir - 19-28 Grasping the point of unfathomable complexity: the new media research and risk analysis
by Iain Wilkinson - 29-44 Framing risk: nanotechnologies in the news
by Stuart Allan & Alison Anderson & Alan Petersen - 45-58 Reframing risk? Citizen journalism and the transformation of news
by Gabe Mythen - 59-72 Media risk campaigning in the UK: from mobile phones to 'Baby P'
by Adam Burgess - 73-86 Questioning the sci-fi alibi: a critique of how 'science fiction fears' are used to explain away public concerns about risk
by Jenny Kitzinger - 87-109 Risk communication guidelines for Europe: a modest proposition
by Ragnar E. Lofstedt - 111-114 How journalists perceive risk communication -- Risk communication guidelines for Europe: a modest proposition -- comments to R. Lofstedt
by Clive Cookson - 115-134 A model for developing risk communication strategy
by L. Smillie & A. Blissett
December 2009, Volume 12, Issue 7-8
- 879-895 Editorial: Nuclear waste management in a globalised world
by Urban Strandberg & Mats Andrén - 897-919 Radwaste in Canada: a political economy of uncertainty
by Darrin Durant - 921-940 Concerned public and the paralysis of decision-making: nuclear waste management policy in Germany
by Peter Hocke & Ortwin Renn - 941-954 Framing nuclear waste as a political issue in France
by Yannick Barthe - 955-967 Spent fuel management in India
by M.P. Ram Mohan & Veena Aggarwal - 969-988 The Swedish KBS project: a last word in nuclear fuel safety prepares to conquer the world?
by Mark Elam & Göran Sundqvist - 989-1008 Learning to listen: institutional change and legitimation in UK radioactive waste policy
by Gordon Mackerron & Frans Berkhout - 1009-1024 High-level radioactive waste management in the USA
by Barry D. Solomon - 1033-1037 Book Reviews
by Piers Fleming & Willem Halffman
September 2009, Volume 12, Issue 6
- 725-747 Sham or shame: Rethinking the China's milk powder scandal from a legal perspective
by Shumei Chen - 749-770 Reliability rating and reflective questioning: a case study of extended review on Australia's risk assessment of Bt cotton
by Fern Wickson - 771-791 A quantitative assessment of the insider/outsider dimension of the cultural theory of risk and place
by Jamie Baxter - 793-807 Communicating with the public during health crises: experts' experiences and opinions
by Bev J. Holmes & Natalie Henrich & Sara Hancock & Valia Lestou - 809-824 How to trust? The importance of self-efficacy and social trust in public responses to industrial risks
by Ellen F. J. ter Huurne & Jan M. Gutteling - 825-841 Accessibility of flood risk insurance in the UK: confusion, competition and complacency
by Jessica E. Lamond & D. G. Proverbs & F. N. Hammond - 843-864 A decision analytic approach for technology portfolio prioritization: aviation safety applications
by Varun Sharma & David W. Coit & Ahmet Oztekin & James T. Luxhøj - 865-877 Integrating competing conceptions of risk: A call for future direction of research
by Adital Ben-Ari & Keren Or-Chen
July 2009, Volume 12, Issue 5
- 537-557 Risk communication and the FSA: the food colourings case
by Ragnar Lofstedt - 559-561 Is there a risk? Disclosing the tipping points of regulatory action: comments to R. Loftstedt
by Peter Wiedemann - 563-579 A grounded exploration of organisational risk propensity
by Ian A. Harwood & Stephen C. Ward & Chris B. Chapman - 581-602 Coping with risk: analysis on the importance of integrating social perceptions on flood risk into management mechanisms -- the case of the municipality of Águeda, Portugal
by Elisabete Figueiredo & Sandra Valente & Celeste Coelho & Luísa Pinho - 603-618 Ethical assessment in radioactive waste management: a proposed reflective equilibrium-based deliberative approach
by Matthew Cotton - 619-645 Pleasure in decision-making situations: politics and gambling
by Marie-Claude Bonniot-Cabanac & Michel Cabanac - 647-663 Climate change in the British press: the role of the visual
by N. W. Smith & H. Joffe - 665-685 Perceptions and performances of experienced incident commanders
by Eivind L. Rake & Ove Njå - 687-708 Institutionalization of risk and safety management at the local governmental level in Sweden
by Anna Johansson & Thomas Denk & Inge Svedung - 709-723 The siting of a research centre on clean coal combustion and CO 2 capture in Spain: Some notes on the relationship between trust and lack of public information
by Ana Prades & Josep Espluga & Marta Real & Rosario Solá
June 2009, Volume 12, Issue 3-4
- 279-279 ESREL 2007 - the 18th European Safety and Reliability Conference
by Britt-Marie Drottz Sjøberg & Terje Aven - 281-294 Risk assessment in critical care medicine: a tool to assess patient safety
by K. Eidesen & S. J. M. Sollid & T. Aven - 295-312 Organizational learning and safety in design: experiences from German industry
by D. Doytchev & R. E. Hibberd - 313-327 How do we perceive heroes?
by Joan Harvey & George Erdos & Lisa Turnbull - 329-343 Managing hazards in the workplace using organisational safety management systems: a safe place, safe person, safe systems approach
by Anne-Marie Makin & Chris Winder - 345-360 Approaching doomsday: how SARS was presented in the Norwegian media
by Ketil Fred Hansen - 361-373 Towards integrated decision-making for adaptive learning: evaluation of systems as fit for purpose
by Elena Beauchamp-Akatova - 375-388 Culture and behavioural perspectives on safety -- towards a balanced approach
by Jorunn-Elise Tharaldsen & Knut Haukelid - 389-409 Modelling the effects of a large-scale safety culture programme: a combined qualitative and quantitative approach
by Espen Olsen & Anne Mette Bjerkan & Tor-Olav Nævestad - 411-426 Patient safety in the interface between hospital and risk regulator1
by Siri Wiig & Preben H. Lindøe - 427-441 Conflicting goals and mixed roles in risk regulation: a case study of the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
by Preben H. Lindøe & Odd Einar Olsen - 443-453 Achieving clarity in the requirements and practice for taking safe decisions in the railway industry in Great Britain
by G. J. Bearfield - 455-474 Identifying safety challenges related to major change processes
by Stig O. Johnsen & Helene Blakstad & Ragnild K. Tinnmansvik & Ragnar Rosness & Siri Andersen - 475-483 Safety citizenship behaviour: a proactive approach to risk management
by Shama Didla & Kathryn Mearns & Rhona Flin - 485-511 A human error taxonomy for analysing healthcare incident reports: assessing reporting culture and its effects on safety performance
by K. Itoh & N. Omata & H. B. Andersen - 513-534 A methodological approach for the definition of multi-risk maps at regional level: first application
by A. Carpignano & E. Golia & C. Di Mauro & S. Bouchon & J-P. Nordvik
March 2009, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 121-136 Total cost of fire in Australia
by Brian Ashe & K. J. McAneney & A. J. Pitman - 137-185 Public trust in institutions and information sources regarding risk management and communication: towards integrating extant knowledge
by George Chryssochoidis & Anna Strada & Athanasios Krystallis - 187-197 Hourly changes in accident risk for bus drivers
by A. E. af Wåhlberg - 199-208 The use of expected value in pricing judgments
by Gary Colbert & Dennis Murray & Robert Nieschwietz - 209-222 The role of individual personality type in subjective risk elicitation outcomes
by Zhijun Yang & K. H. Coble & M. Darren Hudson - 223-237 Is genetic makeup a perceived health risk: analysis of a national survey of Canadians
by Holly Etchegary & Louise Lemyre & Brenda Wilson & Dan Krewski - 239-258 The attitude towards flood insurance purchase when respondents' preferences are uncertain: a fuzzy approach
by Hung-Chih Hung - 259-277 The influence of perceived risk on Internet shopping behavior: a multidimensional perspective
by Á. Herrero Crespo & I. Rodríguez del Bosque & M. M. García de los Salmones Sánchez
January 2009, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-11 On risk defined as an event where the outcome is uncertain
by Terje Aven & Ortwin Renn - 13-25 Improving occupational safety: using a trusted information source to communicate about risk
by Stacey M. Conchie & Calvin Burns - 27-41 Optimism and the perceptions of new risks
by Joan Costa-Font & Elias Mossialos & Caroline Rudisill - 43-58 Social vulnerability indexes as planning tools: beyond the preparedness paradigm
by José Manuel de Oliveira Mendes - 59-74 Changes in subjective risks of hurricanes as time passes: analysis of a sample of Katrina evacuees
by Justin Baker & W. Douglass Shaw & Mary Riddel & Richard T. Woodward - 75-89 Corporate risk management of chemicals: a stakeholder approach to the brominated flame retardants
by Kristian Kallenberg - 91-104 Risk perception and risk management in Norwegian aquaculture
by Ole Jakob Bergfjord - 105-113 The landscape of asbestos: Libby and beyond
by Ann Freeman Cook & Helena Hoas
December 2008, Volume 11, Issue 8
- 951-966 Changes in perceptions of risk and competence among beginning scuba divers
by Cass Morgan & Cheryl A. Stevens - 967-982 A review and comparison of medical expenditures models: two neural networks versus two-part models
by Chaohsin Lin & Shuofen Hsu & Atsushi Takao - 983-997 Emotion, affect, and risk communication with older adults: challenges and opportunities
by Melissa L. Finucane - 999-1023 Pilotless aircraft: the horseless carriage of the twenty-first century?
by Reece A. Clothier & Neale L. Fulton & Rodney A. Walker - 1025-1045 Commonplaces and social uncertainty: negotiating public opinion
by Inger Lassen - 1047-1061 Perceptions of farmers on health risks and risk reduction measures in wastewater-irrigated urban vegetable farming in Ghana
by Bernard Keraita & Pay Drechsel & Flemming Konradsen
October 2008, Volume 11, Issue 7
- 847-862 Information needs and risk perception as predictors of risk information seeking
by Ellen Ter Huurne & Jan Gutteling - 863-876 Sociological approaches to risk: strong in analysis but weak in policy influence in recent UK developments
by Peter Taylor-Gooby - 877-889 North American audiences for news of emerging technologies: Canadian and US responses to bio- and nanotechnologies
by Susanna Hornig Priest - 891-904 Fish consumption: efficacy among fishermen of a brochure developed for pregnant women
by Joanna Burger & Sheila Shukla & Megan Fitzgerald & Suzie Flores & Caron Chess - 905-923 The influence of mood on the willingness to take financial risks
by John E. Grable & Michael J. Roszkowski - 925-936 Implementation of HACCP in the risk management of medical waste generated from endoscopy
by Shinji Kojima & Masahiko Kato & Da-Hong Wang & Noriko Sakano & Masafumi Fujii & Keiki Ogino
September 2008, Volume 11, Issue 6
- 697-718 Reasoning about safety management policy in everyday terms: a pilot study in citizen engagement for the UK railway industry
by Tom Horlick-Jones - 719-734 Strategies to create risk awareness and legitimacy: the Swedish climate campaign
by Ylva Uggla - 735-753 Participant-focused analysis: explanatory power of the classic psychometric paradigm in risk perception
by Nicolás C. Bronfman & Luis Abdón Cifuentes & Virna Vaneza Gutiérrez - 755-773 Trust, acceptance and knowledge of technological and environmental hazards in Chile
by Nicolás C. Bronfman & Esperanza López Vázquez & Virna Vaneza Gutiérrez & Luis Abdón Cifuentes - 775-795 Evaluating lotteries, risks, and risk-mitigation programs
by Mei Wang & Paul S. Fischbeck