September 2008, Volume 11, Issue 6
- 797-819 Analysing the risks of individual and collective intentionality
by J. S. Busby & S. A. Bennett - 821-835 Public engagement to build trust: false hopes?
by Judith Petts
July 2008, Volume 11, Issue 5
- 569-595 Feeling good, feeling bad, and feeling at-risk: a review of incidental affect's influence on likelihood estimates of health hazards and life events
by Erika A. Waters - 597-616 Defensive capacity: the influence of the facilitation-regulation space
by Simon Bennett - 617-643 A characterisation of the methodology of qualitative research on the nature of perceived risk: trends and omissions
by Gillian Hawkes & Gene Rowe - 645-658 Framing risks in a safety-critical and hazardous job: risk-taking as responsibility in railway maintenance
by Johan M. Sanne - 659-671 The role of negative associations and trust in risk perception of new hydrogen systems
by Fiona N. H. Montijn-Dorgelo & Cees J. H. Midden - 673-686 Individual differences in a switch from risk-averse preferences for gains to risk-seeking preferences for losses: can personality variables predict the risk preferences?
by Shu Li & Chang-Jiang Liu
June 2008, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 423-464 The precautionary principle and risk-risk tradeoffs
by Steffen Foss Hansen & Martin Krayer von Krauss & Joel A. Tickner - 465-474 The precautionary principle and risk--risk tradeoffs: a comment
by John D. Graham & Jonathan B. Wiener - 475-483 Putting risk-risk tradeoffs in perspective: a response to Graham and Wiener
by Steffen Foss Hansen & Joel A. Tickner - 485-490 Empirical evidence for risk-risk tradeoffs: a rejoinder to Hansen and Tickner
by John D. Graham & Jonathan B. Wiener - 491-507 The EC courts' contribution to refining the parameters of precaution
by Elen Stokes - 509-523 A new social contract for technology? -- On the policy dynamics of uncertainty
by Oliver Todt & José Luis Luján - 525-540 Precautionary advice about mobile phones: public understandings and intended responses
by Julie Barnett & Lada Timotijevic & Marco Vassallo & Richard Shepherd - 541-563 The 'perfect storm' of REACH: charting regulatory controversy in the age of information, sustainable development, and globalization
by Elizabeth Fisher
April 2008, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 301-314 The regulations for indoor air pollution in Japan: a public health perspective
by Kenichi Azuma & Iwao Uchiyama & Koichi Ikeda - 315-333 Meta-analysis of the difference in accident risk between long and short truck configurations
by A. E. af Wåhlberg - 335-350 Fishing and consumption patterns of anglers adjacent to the Oak Ridge Reservation, Tennessee: higher income anglers ate more fish and are more at risk
by Joanna Burger & Kym Rouse Campbell - 351-374 Are flood victims more concerned about climate change than other people? The role of direct experience in risk perception and behavioural response
by Lorraine Whitmarsh - 375-394 Media risk communication -- what was said by whom and how was it interpreted
by Mary McCarthy & Mary Brennan & Martine De Boer & Christopher Ritson - 395-408 Particulate matter air pollution control programs in Japan — an analysis of cost savings in the absence of future remediation
by A. Scott Voorhees & Iwao Uchiyama - 409-421 Particulate matter air pollution control programs in Japan — an analysis of health risks in the absence of future remediation
by A. Scott Voorhees & Iwao Uchiyama
January 2008, Volume 11, Issue 1-2
- 1-3 New perspectives on risk communication: uncertainty in a complex society
by Åsa Boholm - 5-22 Risk Communication: World Creation Through Collective Learning Under Complex Contingent Conditions
by Piet Strydom - 23-40 Creating shared realities through communication: exploring the agenda-building role of the media and its sources in the E. coli contamination of a Canadian public drinking water supply
by S. Michelle Driedger - 41-54 Narratives of risk
by Gaspar Mairal - 55-68 Resilience at risk: epistemological and social construction barriers to risk communication
by Richard Stoffle & Jessica Minnis - 69-86 Scientised citizens and democratised science. Re-assessing the expert-lay divide
by Rolf Lidskog - 87-97 Risk communication, prenatal screening, and prenatal diagnosis: the illusion of informed decision-making
by Michael Siegrist & Marie-Eve Cousin & Carmen Keller - 99-117 Lead is like mercury: risk comparisons, analogies and mental models1
by Ann Bostrom - 119-140 The Public Meeting as a Theatre of Dissent: Risk and Hazard in Land Use and Environmental Planning
by Åsa Boholm - 141-167 What environmental and technological risk communication research and health risk research can learn from each other
by Ragnar E. Löfstedt & Perri 6 - 169-174 Communities of risk research and risk practice: divided by a common language?
by Tom Horlick-Jones - 175-193 Meaningful communication among experts and affected citizens on risk: challenge or impossibility?
by Anne Bergmans - 195-206 Risk and safety communication in small enterprises -- how to support a lasting change towards work safety priority
by Christina Stave & Anders Pousette & Marianne Törner - 207-221 Audiovisual risk communication unravelled: effects on gut feelings and cognitive processes
by Vivianne H. M. Visschers & Ree M. Meertens & Wim F. Passchier & Nanne K. de Vries - 223-235 The illusion of economic objectivity: linking local risks of credibility loss to global risks of climate change
by Annette Henning - 237-254 Risk management in Swedish forestry -- Policy formation and fulfilment of goals
by Kristina Blennow - 255-267 The text and the tale: differences between scientific reports and scientists' reportings on the eruption of Mount Chance, Montserrat
by Jonathan Skinner - 269-280 Governing the sea rescue service in Sweden: communicating in networks
by Jenny Palm & Eva Törnqvist - 281-300 Wrestling with uncertain risks: EU regulation of GMOs and the uncertainty paradox
by Marjolein B. A. van Asselt & Ellen Vos
December 2007, Volume 10, Issue 8
- 1007-1025 The Role of Risk in Corporate Value: A Case Study of the ABB Asbestos Litigation
by Kristian Kallenberg - 1027-1045 Coastal Vulnerability as Discourse About Meanings and Values
by Colin Green & Loraine McFadden - 1047-1063 Do Worldviews Matter? Post-materialist, Environmental, and Scientific/Technological Worldviews and Support for Agricultural Biotechnology Applications
by Andrew Knight - 1065-1083 Making a Drama Out of a Crisis a Dramaturgical Perspective on the New Technology Controversy
by John Mumford & David Gray - 1085-1099 Win Some, Lose Some: The Effect of Chronic Losses on Decision Making Under Risk
by Louie Rivers & Joseph Arvai
October 2007, Volume 10, Issue 7
- 899-904 Risk Studies: The French Contribution
by Olivier Borraz & Claude Gilbert & Pierre-Benoit Joly - 905-924 Scientific Expertise in Public Arenas: Lessons from the French Experience
by Pierre-Benoit Joly - 925-940 Crisis Analysis: Between Normalization and Avoidance
by Claude Gilbert - 941-957 Risk and Public Problems
by Olivier Borraz - 959-975 Errors and Failures: Towards a New Safety Paradigm
by Claude Gilbert & Rene Amalberti & Herve Laroche & Jean Paries - 977-988 The Trust Paradox: The Role of Context Effects in Stated Trust Judgements
by Mathew P. White - 989-1003 Social Desirability Influences on Judgements of Biotechnology Across the Dimensions of Risk, Ethicality and Naturalness
by Piers Fleming & Ellen Townsend & Kenneth C. Lowe & Eamonn Ferguson
September 2007, Volume 10, Issue 6
- 745-746 Society for Risk Analysis, Japan
by Akihiro Tokai - 747-757 Screening Risk Assessment of Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins in Ecosystems Using a Multimedia Model
by Kiyotaka Tsunemi & Akihiro Tokai - 759-772 Cost Analysis of Particulate Matter Control Programs -- A Case Study of Tokyo
by A. Scott Voorhees & Iwao Uchiyama - 773-792 Anchoring Effects, Survey Conditions, and Respondents' Characteristics: Contingent Valuation of Uncertain Environmental Changes
by Takaaki Kato & Noboru Hidano - 793-803 Risk Financing Through Captive Insurer: Economic Influences of Captives on Corporations and the First Domicile in Japan
by Yuji Maeda & Yasuhiro Sakai - 805-819 Japanese Public Perceptions of Food-Related Hazards
by Hiroko Ohtsubo & Yukiko Yamada - 821-839 New Risk Management Training Programs in Higher Education in Japan -- A Comparative Study and a Challenge by Osaka University
by Tohru Morioka & Osamu Saito & Yugo Yamamoto & Masamichi Okano & Helmut Yabar & Takanori Matsui - 841-851 Evaluation of Human Health Risks From Exposures to Four Air Pollutants in the Indoor and the Outdoor Environments in Tokushima, and Communication of the Outcomes to the Local People
by Jun Sekizawa & Hiroyuki Ohtawa & Hiroshi Yamamoto & Yasushi Okada & Takeshi Nakano & Hiromichi Hirai & Shoji Yamamoto & Keisuke Yasuno - 853-869 Applicability of Mathematical Model for Evaluating Cancer Mortality Risk
by Shinsuke Morisawa & Takashi Fukami & Manabu Yoshida & Minoru Yoneda & Aki Nakayama - 871-882 A Risk Analysis of the Liquid Crystal Display Industry
by Yasuhiro Sakai & Takashi Sakai - 883-898 Do Self-sanctioning and Outsider Intervention Instill Trust in the Information Disclosure Process?
by Susumu Ohnuma & Yoichiro Ishibashi & Yuko Suzuki & Kazuhiko Chikamoto
July 2007, Volume 10, Issue 5
- 593-622 Risk Response to Environmental Hazards to Health -- Towards an Ecological Approach
by David Briggs & Richard Stern - 623-641 Climate Change: Perceptions and Discourses of Risk
by David Etkin & Elise Ho - 643-660 Involving Stakeholders: The Belgian Fowl Pest Crisis
by Sébastien Brunet & Pascal Houbaert - 661-691 Mad Cow Disease — Painting Policy-Making into a Corner
by Erik Millstone & Patrick Van Zwanenberg - 693-714 Stakeholder Participation in Investigating the Health Impacts from Coal-Fired Power Generating Stations in Alberta, Canada
by C. G. Jardine & G. Predy & A. Mackenzie - 715-727 Developments in Seismic Monitoring for Risk Reduction
by Mehmet Celebi - 729-744 Towards an Early Warning System for Heat Events
by K. L. Ebi
June 2007, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 423-447 The 'Plateau-ing' of the European Better Regulation Agenda: An Analysis of Activities Carried out by the Barroso Commission1
by Ragnar E. Lofstedt - 449-464 Consumer versus Expert Hazard Identification: A Mental Models Study of Mutation-bred Rice
by Kit Hagemann & Joachim Scholderer - 465-485 A Collaborative Multi-criteria Decision Making Technique for Risk Factor Prioritization
by Veeris Ammarapala & James T. Luxhøj - 487-501 Procedure for the Implementation of the Precautionary Principle in Biosafety Commissions
by Daniel Ammann & Angelika Hilbeck & Beatrice Lanzrein & Philipp Hübner & Bernadette Oehen - 503-525 Poxvirus-vectored Vaccines Call for Application of the Precautionary Principle
by Anne Ingeborg Myhr & Terje Traavik - 527-554 Accounting for Variation in the Explanatory Power of the Psychometric Paradigm: The Effects of Aggregation and Focus
by Nicolás C. Bronfman & Luis Abdón Cifuentes & Michael L. deKay & Henry H. Willis - 555-581 Social Thinking about Collective Risk: How Do Risk-related Practice and Personal Involvement Impact Its Social Representations?
by Andreea Gruev-Vintila & Michel-Louis Rouquette
April 2007, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 285-305 Commonplaces in Risk Talk: Face Threats and Forms of Interaction
by Greg Myers - 307-322 Is the Risk Comparison Made by the Public Between EMF and Smoking or Asbestos a Valid One?
by Ken K. Karipidis - 323-338 A Multi Dimensional Analysis of Warning Signal Words
by Elizabeth Hellier & Kirsteen Aldrich & Daniel B. Wright & Denny Daunt & Judy Edworthy - 339-354 Assessing Mortality Risk from Heat Stress due to Global Warming
by Kiyoshi Takahashi & Yasushi Honda & Seita Emori - 355-369 Time Period and Risk Measures in the General Risk Equation
by James Bradley - 371-383 An Associative Approach to Risk Perception: Measuring the Effects of Risk Communications Directly and Indirectly>1?tpb=-6pt?>
by Vivianne H. M. Visschers & Ree M. Meertens & Wim F. Passchier & Nanne K. de Vries - 385-412 A Case Study of Long QT Regulation: A Regulatory Tennis Game Across the Atlantic
by Frédéric Bouder
March 2007, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 129-148 Class or Individual? A Test of the Nature of Risk Perceptions and the Individualisation Thesis of Risk Society Theory
by Andreas Cebulla - 149-175 Health Information and Subjective Survival Probability: Evidence from Taiwan
by Jin-Tan Liu & Meng-Wen Tsou & James K. Hammitt - 177-196 Views of Risk in Sweden: Global Fatalism and Local Control - An Empirical Investigation of Ulrich Beck's Theory of New Risks
by Anna Olofsson & Susanna Öhman - 197-222 Towards Analytic-deliberative Forms of Risk Governance in the UK? Reflecting on Learning in Radioactive Waste
by Jason Chilvers - 223-237 Trust in a High-concern Risk Controversy: A Comparison of Three Concepts
by George Cvetkovich & Kazuya Nakayachi-super-1 - 239-276 Impact Assessment in the EU: A Tool for Better Regulation, Less Regulation or Less Bad Regulation?
by Jacopo Torriti
January 2007, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 3-27 Loss of Defensive Capacity in Protective Operations: The Implications of the Überlingen and Linate Disasters
by J. S. Busby & S. A. Bennett - 29-48 The Reconstitution of Risk Objects
by James Kendra - 49-66 The UK's Prudential Borrowing Framework: A Retrograde Step in Managing Risk?
by John Hood & Darinka Asenova & Stephen Bailey & Melina Manochin - 67-84 Risk Perception and Worry Related to Adolescents' Judgement of Three Types of Risk
by Oddfrid Skorpe Tennfjord & Torbjørn Rundmo - 85-104 Benchmarking Risk Management Within the International Water Utility Sector. Part I: Design of a Capability Maturity Methodology
by B. H. Macgillivray & J. V. Sharp & J. E. Strutt & P. D. Hamilton & S. J. T. Pollard - 105-123 Benchmarking Risk Management Within the International Water Utility Sector. Part II: A Survey of Eight Water Utilities
by B. H. MacGillivray & J. V. Sharp & J. E. Strutt & P. D. Hamilton & S. J. T. Pollard
December 2006, Volume 9, Issue 8
- 819-821 Quo Vadis Food Risk Communication?
by Anna Jung - 823-832 Communication in Europe on Semicarbazide and Baby Food
by Anne-Laure Gassin & Irene van Geest - 833-849 Risk Communication -- Consumers Between Information and Irritation1
by Ortwin Renn - 851-868 Food Information Environments: Risk Communication and Advertising Imagery
by Celio Ferreira - 869-890 How can we Make Food Risk Communication Better: Where are we and Where are we Going?
by Ragnar E. Lofstedt - 891-910 A Tale of Two Food Risks: BSE and Farmed Salmon in Canada
by William Leiss & Anne-Marie Nicol - 911-932 Trust and Distrust: Cognitive Decisions or Social Relations?
by Unni Kjærnes
2006, Volume 9, Issue 7
- 703-715 Risk Preferences Regarding Multiple Fatalities and Some Implications for Societal Risk Decision Making—An Empirical Study
by Marcus Abrahamsson & Henrik Johansson - 717-735 Some Pitfalls of an Overemphasis on Science in Environmental Risk Management Decisions
by Robin Gregory & Lee Failing & Dan Ohlson & Timothy Mcdaniels - 737-753 High‐risk Technology, Legitimacy and Science: The U.S. Search for Energy Policy Consensus
by Margarita Alario & William Freudenburg - 755-774 Public Perception of Terrorism Threats and Related Information Sources in Canada: Implications for the Management of Terrorism Risks
by Louise Lemyre & Michelle Turner & Jennifer Lee & Daniel Krewski - 775-800 Expert Judgments Regarding Risks Associated with Salmon Aquaculture Practices in British Columbia
by Timothy McDaniels & Patricia Keen & Hadi Dowlatabadi - 801-813 Attitudes Towards Genetically Modified Food with a Specific Consumer Benefit in Food Allergic Consumers and Non‐food Allergic Consumers
by Susan Miles & Christine Hafner & Suzanne Bolhaar & Eloina González Mancebo & Montserrat Fernández‐Rivas & André Knulst & Karin Hoffmann‐Sommergruber - 815-818 Book reviews
by The Editors
2006, Volume 9, Issue 6
- 601-604 As Time Goes By: The Beginnings of Social and Behavioural Science Risk Research
by Lennart Sjöberg - 605-622 Exploring Comparative Ratings and Constituent Facets of Public Trust in Risk Regulatory Bodies and Related Stakeholder Groups
by Andrew Weyman & Nicholas Pidgeon & John Walls & Tom Horlick‐Jones - 623-640 Risk Perception and Demand for Risk Mitigation in Transport: A Comparison of Lay People, Politicians and Experts
by Torbjørn Rundmo & Bjørg‐Elin Moen - 641-655 The Influence of Information Delivery on Risk Ranking by Lay People
by Virna Vaneza Gutiérrez & Luis Abdón Cifuentes & Nicolás C. Bronfman - 657-682 Assessing Perceptions of Risks due to Multiple Hazards
by David French & Stephen Sutton & Ann Louise Kinmonth & Theresa Marteau - 683-696 Rational Risk Perception: Utopia or Dystopia?
by Lennart Sjöberg - 697-701 Book Reviews
by The Editors
July 2006, Volume 9, Issue 5
- 449-451 Special Issue on the SRA-Europe Paris Conference
by Olivier Salvi - 453-466 Beliefs and Emotionality in Risk Appraisals
by Andrea T. Thalmann & Peter M. Wiedemann - 467-482 Adaptation to Five Metres of Sea Level Rise
by Richard S. J. Tol & Maria Bohn & Thomas E. Downing & Marie-Laure Guillerminet & Eva Hizsnyik & Roger Kasperson & Kate Lonsdale & Claire Mays & Robert J. Nicholls & Alexander A. Olsthoorn & Gabriele Pfeifle & Marc Poumadere & Ferenc L. Toth & Athanasios T. Vafeidis & Peter E. van der Werff & I. Hakan Yetkiner - 483-501 Emerging Issues for Natech Disaster Risk Management in Europe
by Ana Maria Cruz & Laura J. Steinberg & Ana Lisa Vetere-Arellano - 503-523 Healthcare Institution Risk Assessments: Concentration on “Process” or “Outcome”?
by J. E. Agnew & N. Komaromy & R. E. Smith - 525-542 Dedicating Management to Cultural Processes: Toward a Human Risk Management System
by M. Specht & F. R. Chevreau & C. Denis-Rémis - 543-568 Adaptation Strategies for Climate Change in the Urban Environment: Assessing Climate Change Related Risk in UK Urban Areas
by S. J. Lindley & J. F. Handley & N. Theuray & E. Peet & D. Mcevoy - 569-582 Complexity and Multi (Inter or Trans)-Disciplinary Sciences: Which Job for Engineers in Risk Management?
by Jean-Christophe Le Coze & Olivier Salvi & Didier Gaston - 583-600 ARAMIS Project: Reference Accident Scenarios Definition in SEVESO Establishment
by Christian Delvosalle & Cécile Fiévez & Aurore Pipart
June 2006, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 287-296 Opinion of the Committee for Prevention and Precaution about the Precautionary Principle
by Christine Noiville & Frédéric-Yves Bois & Philippe Hubert & Reza Lahidji & Alain Grimfeld - 297-311 Precaution, Science and Jurisprudence: a Test Case
by I. Forrester & J. C. Hanekamp1 - 313-336 The Precautionary Principle and the Uncertainty Paradox
by Marjolein B.. A. van Asselt & Ellen Vos - 337-360 The Precautionary Principle, Swedish Chemicals Policy and Sustainable Development
by Mikael Karlsson - 361-372 The Impacts of Precautionary Measures and the Disclosure of Scientific Uncertainty on EMF Risk Perception and Trust
by Peter M. Wiedemann & Andrea T. Thalmann & Markus A. Grutsch & Holger Schütz - 373-392 Precautionary Risk Regulation in European Governance
by Andreas Klinke & Marion Dreyer & Ortwin Renn & Andrew Stirling & Patrick Van Zwanenberg - 393-447 Precaution Against Terrorism
by Jessica Stern & Jonathan B. Wiener
March 2006, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 125-139 Affective Influences on Risk Perceptions of, and Attitudes Toward, Genetically Modified Food
by Ellen Townsend - 141-164 Risk as Value: Combining Affect and Analysis in Risk Judgments
by Melissa L. Finucane & Joan L. Holup
January 2006, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-11 Deliberating Over Britain's Nuclear Waste
by David J. Ball - 13-40 Stepwise Approach to the Long-Term Management of Radioactive Waste1
by Claudio Pescatore & Anna Vári - 41-56 Responding Public Demand for Assurance of Genetically Modified Crops: Case from Japan
by Mariko Nishizawa & Ortwin Renn - 57-73 Public Panic and Morale: Second World War Civilian Responses Re-examined in the Light of the Current Anti-terrorist Campaign
by Edgar Jones & Robin Woolven & Bill Durodié & Simon Wessely - 75-95 Social Divisions of Trust: Scepticism and Democracy in the GM Nation? Debate
by Peter Taylor-Gooby
September 2005, Volume 8, Issue 6
- 457-459 Guest Editorial: SRA-Europe 2002 Berlin meeting
by Peter M. Wiedemann & Martin Clauberg & Jan Gutteling & Gisela Böhm - 461-479 Consequences, morality, and time in environmental risk evaluation
by Gisela Böhm & Hans-Rüdiger Pfister - 481-498 Risk as perceived by the German public: pervasive risks and “switching” risks
by Michael M. Zwick - 499-511 An empirical analysis of communication flow, strategy and stakeholders' participation in the risk communication literature 1988--2000
by Zamira Gurabardhi & Jan M. Gutteling & Margôt Kuttschreuter - 513-529 Application of early risk detection concepts and methods to environmental health. A German feasibility study
by Peter M. Wiedemann & Martin Clauberg & Cornelia R. Karger & Gernot Henseler - 531-545 How to deal with dissent among experts. Risk evaluation of EMF in a scientific dialogue
by Holger Schütz & Peter M. Wiedemann - 547-556 Deoxynivalenol (DON) in wheat: an example of weighing the pros and cons of food stuffs
by Loek T. J. Pijls
July 2005, Volume 8, Issue 5
- 383-416 Determinants of smallholder farmers' perceptions of risk in the Eastern Highlands of Ethiopia
by Belaineh Legesse & Lars Drake
June 2005, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 283-294 Security or opportunity: the influence of risk-taking tendency on risk information preference
by René Lion & Ree M. Meertens - 295-310 The historical roots of precautionary thinking: the cultural ecological critique and ‘The Limits to Growth’
by J. C. Hanekamp & G. Vera-Navas & S. W. Verstegen - 311-329 Benefits analysis of particulate matter control programs -- a case study of Tokyo
by A. Scott Voorhees
April 2005, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 187-206 Siting conflicts -- democratic perspectives and political implications
by Rolf Lidskog
March 2005, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 91-118 What's in a frame? Social organization, risk perception and the sociology of knowledge
by Perri 6 - 119-138 The effect of uncertainty on ‘risk rationalizing’ decisions
by David M. Hassenzahl - 145-156 Perception of risk: the influence of general trust, and general confidence
by Michael Siegrist & Heinz Gutscher & Timothy C. Earle - 157-176 Personality and domain-specific risk taking
by Nigel Nicholson & Emma Soane & Mark Fenton-O'Creevy & Paul Willman
January 2005, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 3-17 Expert quantification of uncertainties in a risk analysis for an infrastructure project
by Arno Willems & Mart Janssen ** & Chris Verstegen ** & Tim Bedford - 19-30 The Scandinavian way of perceiving societal risks
by Etienne Mullet & Cécilia Lazreg & Cereza Candela & Félix Neto - 31-51 Review of industrial safety management by international agreements and institutions
by Christian Kirchsteiger - 53-62 Exposure to PAHs of workers on contaminated sites: a modelling approach to assess the occupational contribution -- the SOLEX study
by Frédéric Dor & Denis Zmirou & William Dab & Frans Jongeneelen & Jean-Marie Haguenoer & Vincent Nedellec & Alain Person & †Colin Ferguson & Pascal Empereur-Bissonnet
November 2004, Volume 7, Issue 7-8
- 689-704 A model for evaluating extreme risks with stochastic sustainability criteria: a case study of soil remediation on landfill sites
by Koji Nakau - 745-757 Thinking the unthinkable -- the end of the Dutch river dike system? Exploring a new safety concept for the river management
by Bert Enserink - 759-774 Perceived health risks and perceptions of expert consensus in modern food society
by Anne Haukenes - 775-787 Factors determining residents’ preparedness for floods in modern megalopolises: the case of the Tokai flood disaster in Japan
by Kenji Takao & Tadahiro Motoyoshi & Teruko Sato & Teruki Fukuzondo & Kami Seo & Saburo Ikeda - 811-826 A situational analysis of how barriers to systemic failure are undermined during accident sequences
by J. S. Busby & P. W. H. Chung & Q. Wen
September 2004, Volume 7, Issue 6
- 569-579 A framework for risk criteria for critical infrastructures: fundamentals and case studies in the Netherlands
by J. (Han) K. Vrijling & Pieter H. A. J. M. van Gelder & Louis H. J. Goossens & Hessel G. Voortman & Mahesh D. Pandey
July 2004, Volume 7, Issue 5
- 463-479 Fish consumption advisories: knowledge, compliance and why people fish in an urban estuary
by Joanna Burger - 495-506 Did they get it? Examining the goals of risk communication within the Seveso II Directive in a Swedish context
by Misse Wester-Herber & Lars-Erik Warg
June 2004, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 371-376 Editorial: The Risk Society thesis in environmental politics and management -- a global perspective
by Dirk Matten - 377-398 The impact of the risk society thesis on environmental politics and management in a globalizing economy -- principles, proficiency, perspectives
by Dirk Matten - 399-412 Managing toxic chemicals in Australia: a regional analysis of the risk society
by Suzanne Benn - 413-429 Transitions in environmental risk in a transitional economy: management capability and community trust in Russia
by Jo Crotty & Andrew Crane - 431-444 Communities as informal regulators: new arrangements in industrial pollution control in Viet Nam
by Phung Thuy Phuong & Arthur P. J. Mol - 445-460 Regimes of risk management in corporate annual reports: a case-study of one globalizing Australian company
by Dallas Hanson & Robert White
April 2004, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 277-296 A ‘post-foundational’ interpretation of risk: risk as ‘performance’
by Stephen Healy - 297-314 Social risk management and the World Bank: resetting the ‘standards’ for social security?
by Roddy Mckinnon - 315-352 The nature of risk
by S. M. Macgill & Y. L. Siu - 353-360 Fallacies of risk
by Sven Ove Hansson
March 2004, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 99-100 Editorial: what are the new perspectives on siting controversy?
by Åsa Boholm - 101-114 Siting, sustainable development and social priorities
by Susan Owens - 115-133 Barriers to participation and deliberation in risk decisions: evidence from waste management
by Judith Petts - 135-152 Some principles for siting controversy decisions: lessons from the US experience with high level nuclear waste
by James F. Short, Jr & Eugene A. Rosa - 153-169 Can we learn from failure? Examining US experiences with nuclear repository siting
by William R. Freudenburg - 171-184 ‘If we have wrong perceptions of our area, we cannot be surprised if others do as well.’ Representing risk in Teesside's environmental politics
by Peter Phillimore & Suzanne Moffatt - 185-197 The effects of environmental uncertainty on farmers' sense of locality and futurity: a Swedish case study
by Annelie Sjölander-Lindqvist - 199-211 Risk, transparency and cover up: media narratives and cultural resonance
by Celio Ferreira - 213-232 Pollution concerns in context: a comparison of local perceptions of the risks associated with living close to a road and a chemical factory
by Kate Burningham & Diana Thrush - 233-250 Sustainable innovation and the siting dilemma: thoughts on the stigmatization of projects and proponents, good and bad
by Michael R. Edelstein - 251-268 On the right track? Technology, geology and society in Swedish nuclear waste management
by Rolf Lidskog & Göran Sundqvist - 269-275 On the application of rights-based moral theories to siting controversies
by Martin Peterson & Sven Ove Hansson
January 2004, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Ragnar Löfstedt - 3-16 Experience-based processing of risk information: the case of the millennium bug
by Margôt Kuttschreuter & Jan M. Gutteling - 17-32 Risk as politics, culture as power
by James Tansey - 33-71 Transparency of environmental decision making: a case study of soil cleanup inside the Hanford 100 area
by Christina H. Drew & Timothy L. Nyerges - 73-90 The British 2001 Foot and Mouth crisis: a comparative study of public risk perceptions, trust and beliefs about government policy in two communities
by Wouter Poortinga & Karen Bickerstaff & Ian Langford & Jörg Niewöhner & Nick Pidgeon
October 2003, Volume 6, Issue 4-6
- 291-293 Section 1. Introduction to the project
by Angela Wilkinson