December 2011, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 395-397 Book Review: Global Human Resource Management Casebook
by Debi S. Saini - 397-398 Book Review: Islamic Finance: Writings of V. Sundararajan
by Zafar Eqbal - 398-399 Book Review: Isn’t It Obvious
by Rajiv K. Srivastava - 401-401 Books Received for Review
by N/A
September 2011, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 209-217 Effect of Psychological Contract Violation on Organizational Commitment, Trust and Turnover Intention in Private and Public Sector Indian Organizations
by M.G. Shahnawaz & Kakali Goswami - 219-229 Anxiety, Stress and Satisfaction among Professionals in Manufacturing and Service Organizations
by Manjari Srivastava - 231-238 Effect of Bond Rating on Share Prices
by Jawahar Lal & Mamta Mitra - 239-250 Management Approach and Conditions of Training
by B.K. Punia & Teena Saharan - 251-266 RETRACTED: Supply Chain Management: Value Configuration Analysis Approach
by Viqar Ali Baig & Javaid Akhtar - 267-277 Case of Two GMs at Wave Telecom Ltd
by Kamlesh Vyas - 279-283 Case of Two GMs at Wave Telecom Ltd
by Anandan Pillai & Shallini S. Taneja & Shoma Mukherji - 285-286 Book Review: Creating Innovative Products and Services: The FORTH Innovation Method
by Prem Vrat - 286-287 Book Review: Managing People at Work: Employment Relations in Globalizing India
by Hari Parmeshwar - 288-289 Book Review: Human Resource Management in Small Business—Achieving Peak Performance
by Debi S. Saini - 289-292 Book Review: Project Success: Critical Factors and Behaviours
by Prem Vrat - 292-292 Book Review: Emerging Trends in Supply Chain Management: Frameworks, Models & Applications
by Sudeshna Sinha - 293-294 Book Review: Currency Exposures and Derivatives: Risk, Hedging, Speculation and Accounting—A Corporate Treasurer’s Handbook
by Ekta Sikarwar - 294-295 Book Review: Total Customer Value Management: Transforming Business Thinking
by S.C. Makani - 295-296 Book Review: A Better India A Better World
by Divya Upadhyay - 296-297 Book Review: Head First Statistics
by Wallace Jacob - 297-299 Book Review: The Essential Guide to Doing Your Research Project
by Wallace Jacob - 301-301 Books Received for Review
by N/A
June 2011, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 89-90 Editorial
by Radha R. Sharma & Richard E. Boyatzis - 91-100 Managerial and Leadership Competencies
by Richard E. Boyatzis - 101-113 Effects of Managerial Strategic Resources on the Outsider CEO Succession in Biopharmaceutical Industry
by Tariq Malik & Sajal Kabiraj - 115-125 Moral Competency
by Malay Biswas - 127-152 Entrepreneurial Competencies
by Ravindra K. Jain - 153-162 A Competency Based Management System for Sustainable Development by Innovative Organizations
by Kankana Mukhopadhyay & Jaya Sil & N.R. Banerjea - 163-176 The Impact of Business Education on Students’ Moral Competency
by Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch - 177-191 An Empirical Investigation into the Role of EQ/Emotional Intelligence Competencies in Mental Well-being
by Radha R. Sharma - 193-200 Growing Leaders Grows Profits—A Case Study in Leadership Development
by Arvind Pandit & Anisha Jhamtani - 201-206 Growing Leaders Grows Profits—A Case Study in Leadership Development
by Subhash Sharma & Neerja Pande & Rohit Dwivedi & Mamta Mohapatra - 207-208 Book Review: The Leader who had no Title: A Modern Fable on Real Success in Business and in Life
by L.K. Jena
March 2011, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-9 Analysis of Investment Behaviour during Recovery Phase among Youth Investors of Indian Stock Market
by Mrinalini Shah & Anurag Verma - 11-19 Performance Comparison of Group vis-Ã -vis Non-Group Mergers
by Monika Mogla & Fulbag Singh - 21-30 Moderating Effect of Personality Variable on Stress-Effectiveness Relationship: An Empirical Study on B-School Students
by Shalini Srivastava & Deepti Pathak - 31-40 Dynamics of the Relationship between Mutual Funds Investment Flow and Stock Market Returns in India
by P.K. Mishra - 41-48 Development of Emotional Labour Scale in Indian Context
by Niharika Gaan - 49-59 Software Services Industry Context and Performance Management
by Anupriya Singh & Tanuja Agarwala - 61-65 OQT Labs: In Search of a Right Fit
by Rakesh Sharma & Jyotsna Bhatnagar - 67-72 OQT Labs: In Search of a Right Fit
by Sanjay Kumar & Sujiv Nair & Manoj Sharma & Vinit Taneja - 73-75 Book Review: Tata: The Evolution of a Corporate Brand
by Prahant Amin - 75-76 Book Review: Shine: Using Brain Science to Get the Best from Your People
by Shiva Kumar Srinivasan - 76-77 Book Review: Key Concepts in Human Resource Management
by Debi S. Saini - 77-79 Book Review: Labour Education and Society: European Social Integration—A Model for East Asia?
by Avanish Kumar - 79-80 Book Review: An Introduction to Human Resource Management
by Debi S. Saini - 81-82 Book Review: Guide to Supply Chain Management
by Wallace Jacob - 82-83 Book Review: A Resilient Asia Amidst Global Financial Crisis: From Crisis Management to Global Leadership
by Alok Pandey - 83-85 Book Review: Relationship Marketing: A Consumer Experience Approach
by Sanjay Chandwani - 87-87 Book Received for Review
by N/A
October 2010, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 247-254 Do Emotionally Intelligent People do Well in all Jobs? Exploring the Moderating Role of Inter-Personal Interaction
by Zubin R. Mulla - 255-265 A Study of Diversity in Retail Purchase Behaviour in Food and Grocery in Punjab: An Aid to Formulate Retail Strategy
by K. C. Mittal & Anupama Prashar - 267-274 Revisiting Fama French Three-Factor Model in Indian Stock Market
by Yash Pal Taneja - 275-284 Intrinsic Motivational Canvass in the Indian Service Sector: An Empirical Study
by Wg Cdr. D. D. Mundhra - 285-293 Managing Performance: The Case of an Omani Oil Company
by Sami A. Khan - 295-307 Status of HR Measurement in India
by M. Srimannarayana - 309-321 Distributor Sales Force Performance Management
by Jaydeep Mukherjee & Anirban Basu - 323-326 Distributor Sales Force Performance Management
by N/A - 327-345 Book Reviews
by N/A - 346-346 Books Received for Review
by N/A
July 2010, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 141-161 Exposing the Contradictory Claims, Myths and Illusions of the “Secrets of Business Success and Company Longevity†Genre
by Nick Forster - 163-171 Factors Supporting Corporate Entrepreneurship: An Exploratory Study
by Nidhi Srivastava & Anand Agrawal - 173-190 Relating Organised Retail Supply Chain Management Practices, Competitive Advantage and Organisational Performance
by Rajwinder Singh & H. S. Sandhu & B. A. Metri & Rajinder Kaur - 191-205 Antecedents of Individual Well-Being
by Rekha Padmanabhan Singh & Ashok Pratap Arora - 207-216 Namah Chorale-Social Transformation in Action in Goa
by Som Shekhar Bhattacharya - 217-221 Namah Chorale-Social Transformation in Action in Goa
by N/A - 223-238 Book Reviews
by N/A - 239-240 Books Received for Review
by N/A
January 2010, Volume 14, Issue 1-2
- 1-12 Confirmatory Study on Brand Equity and Brand Loyalty: A Special Look at the Impact of Attitudinal and Behavioural Loyalty
by Hardeep Chahal & Madhu Bala - 13-23 Displaying Employees’ Organisational Citizenship Behaviour at the Workplace: The Impact of Superior's Emotional Intelligence and Moderating Impact of Leader - Member Exchange
by Noorlaila Hj. Yunus & Noormala Amir Ishak & Raja Munirah Raja Mustapha & Abdul Kadir Othman - 25-34 Employer Brand for Talent Acquisition: An Exploration towards its Measurement
by Pallavi Srivastava & Jyotsna Bhatnagar - 35-44 Role of HR Architecture on Intellectual Capital
by Jyotirmayee Choudhury & B. B. Mishra - 45-55 The Effects of Equity Sensitivity, Job Stressors and Perceived Organisational Support on Psychological Contract Breach
by Upasana Aggarwal & Shivganesh Bhargava - 57-66 Operational Dimension of CSR: An Empirical Assessment of BSE and NSE Listed Companies
by Surekha Rana & Padma Misra - 67-78 When Sports Celebrity Doesn'T Perfrom: How Consumers React to Celebrity Endorsement?
by Yogesh Upadhyay & S. K. Singh - 79-83 Anthropogenic Carbon Emissions in India: An Econometric Analysis
by Pravin Agrawal & Alok Kumar & S. S. Hooda & N. R. Sudheendra & Santhamani Sudheendra - 85-92 Managing the Network: The Case of a Micro-Enterprise
by Arun Bhattacharyya & Moid Uddin Ahmad - 93-98 Managing the Network: The Case of a Micro-Enterprise
by N/A - 99-128 Book Reviews
by N/A - 129-129 Books Received for Review
by N/A
October 2009, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 1-14 The Influence of Work Motivation on Emotional Intelligence and Team Effectiveness Relationship
by Abdul Kadir Othman & Hazman Shah Abdullah & Jasmine Ahmad - 15-23 Role of Females in Family Buying Decision-Making—A Study among Females in Uttrakhand
by Som Aditya Juyal & M. P. Singh - 25-34 Correlates of Entrepreneurial Performance in a Less Developed Region: Evidence from Assam
by S. S. Khanka - 35-48 Evaluating the Effect of Consumer Sales Promotions on Brand Loyal and Brand Switching Segments
by Komal Nagar - 49-61 Locus of Control as a Moderator for Relationship between Organisational Role Stress and Managerial Effectiveness
by Shalini Srivastava - 63-69 Women Empowerment through Transformational Leadership: Case of Satya Jyoti
by Shoma Mukherji & Neera Jain - 71-78 Women Empowerment through Transformational Leadership: Case of Satya Jyoti
by N/A - 79-94 Book Reviews
by N/A - 95-95 Books Received for Review
by N/A
July 2009, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 1-17 A Survey of Capital Budgeting Practices in Corporate India
by Satish Verma & Sanjeev Gupta & Roopali Batra - 19-29 Stock Market Behaviour: Evidences from Indian Market
by Satish K. Mittal & Sonal Jain - 31-40 Prediction of Stock Returns for Growth Firms—A Fundamental Analysis
by Meena Sharma & Preeti Sharma - 41-49 Effect of Employer Brand Image on Application Intentions of B-School Undergraduates
by Rakesh Kumar Agrawal & Pragati Swaroop - 51-59 Role of Microfinance Interventions in Financial Inclusion: A Comparative Study of Microfinance Models
by Deepak Barman & Himendu P. Mathur & Vinita Kalra - 61-68 The Branding of Chhokra
by Zillur Rahman - 69-75 The Branding or Chhokra
by N/A - 77-94 Book Reviews
by N/A - 95-96 Books Received for Review
by N/A
April 2009, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 1-12 Work—Life Balance and Burnout as Predictors of Job Satisfaction in the IT-ITES Industry
by Y. P. S. Kanwar & A. K. Singh & A. D. Kodwani - 13-23 Investor Sentiment in India: A Survey
by Sanjay Sehgal & G. S. Sood & Namita Rajput - 25-32 Gender Influence on the Innovativeness of Young Urban Indian Online Shoppers
by Meenakshi Handa & Nirupma Gupta - 33-45 Organisational Identity Dissonance in Organisational Decline and Turnaround
by S. Jeyavelu - 47-52 Consumer Evaluation of Brand Extensions: An Empirical Assessment in the Indian Context
by Dhananjay Bapat & J. S. Panwar - 53-61 Uttarakhand State Cooperative Federation: Can it Help the Horticulture Farmers?
by Pratik Modi & Debiprasad Mishra & Hariom Gulati & K. Murugesan - 63-68 Uttarakhand State Cooperative Federation: Can it Help the Horticulture Farmers?
by N/A - 69-88 Book Reviews
by N/A
January 2009, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-9 Consequences of Power Distance Orientation in Organisations
by Naresh Khatri - 11-18 Investment Strategies of Fiis in the Indian Equity Market
by Sanjay Sehgal & Neeta Tripathi - 19-30 Stock Markets Integration: Examining Linkages between Selected World Markets
by Saif Siddiqui - 31-58 Exploring Franchisor Franchisee Relationship: Building a Predictive Model of Franchisee Performance
by Anil Saraogi - 59-78 Price Performance following Share Buyback Announcements in India
by R. L. Hyderabad - 79-96 Inter-Organisational Systems in a Consumer Packaged Goods Network: Case of Godrej Consumer Products Limited (Gcpl)
by Anjali Kaushik - 97-101 Inter-Organisational Systems in a Consumer Packaged Goods Network: Case of Godrej Consumer Products Limited (GCPL)
by N/A - 103-109 Book Reviews
by N/A
October 2008, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 1-11 Analytic Hierarchy Process for Selection of Erp Software for Manufacturing Companies
by H. S. C. Perera & W. K. R. Costa - 13-22 Selecting an Advertising Agency: A Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach
by Mohd. Nishat Faisal & Bilal Mustafa Khan - 23-32 Does Compulsive Buying Affect Credit Card Defaults?
by N Alex. Joji & P. T. Raveendran - 33-43 Study of Customer Relationship Marketing Practices in Organised Retailing in Food and Grocery Sector in India: An Empirical Analysis
by Ch. J. S. Prasad & A. R. Aryasri - 45-55 Predicting Patient Loyalty and Service Quality Relationship: A Case Study of Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad, India
by Hardeep Chahal - 57-69 Employees' Perspective on Human Resource Procurement Practices as a Retention Tool in Indian IT Sector
by B. K. Punia & Priyanka Sharma - 71-77 An Interaction in Original
by Niraj Kr. Chaturvedi - 79-82 An Interaction in Original
by N/A - 83-93 Book Reviews
by N/A
July 2008, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 1-13 An Empirical Analysis of Stock Price-Volume Relationship in Indian Stock Market
by Sarika Mahajan & Balwinder Singh - 15-30 Do the Governance, Strategic and Organisational Practices Differ in Indian Family and Professionally Managed Firms?
by M. Akbar - 31-38 Benefit Segmentation of Gutkha Market: A Study in the State of Gujarat
by J. S. Panwar - 39-51 Investment in Small Scale Forestry Enterprises: Opportunities and Constraints for India
by Parag Dubey - 53-60 An Attribute Based Perceptual Mapping of the Selected Private Life Insurance Companies: An Empirical Study in Ludhiana
by S. K. Chadha & Deepa Kapoor - 61-71 Kala Raksha Trust, Kutch
by Rajesh K Aithal - 73-77 Kala Raksha Trust, Kutch
by N/A - 81-92 Book Reviews
by N/A
April 2008, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 1-13 Capacity Building Process for HR Excellence
by R. Krishnaveni & B. Sripirabaa - 15-21 NGOs in India- Uniqueness and Critical Success Factors, Results of an FGD
by K.M. Sridhar & Manasa Nagabhushanam - 23-33 Corporate Philanthropy: A Study of Consumer Perceptions
by Megha Rampal & Anupam Bawa - 35-46 Strategic Human Rfesource Management in Indian it Companies: Development and Validation of a Scale
by Zubin R. Mulla & R. K. Premarajan - 47-59 Innovations and Evolution of Software SMEs: Exploring the Trajectories for Sustainable Growth1
by Abhishek Nirjar - 61-73 Lessons in Branding from the Gums Line of Perfetti Van Melle in India1
by Anil Saraogi - 75-81 Lessons in Branding from the Gums Line of Perfetti Van Melle in India
by N/A - 83-89 Book Reviews
by N/A
January 2008, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-1 From the Guest Editor
by Radha R. Sharma - 1-10 The Indian CEOs: Competencies for Success
by Signe M. Spencer & Tharuma Rajah & Sheetharaman Mohan & Gaurav Lahiri - 11-18 Neurology of Emotional Intelligence: Interpreted for Managers
by Anjana Sen - 19-30 Emotional Intelligence: The Next Step in Knowledge Process Outsourcing
by Souvik Ghosh & Suvarna Chakraborty - 31-42 Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Labour and Work Effectiveness in Service Organisations: A Proposed Model
by Abdul Kadir Othman & Hazman Shah Abdullah & Jasmine Ahmad - 43-48 Demographic Characteristics and Emotional Intelligence among Workers in Some Selected Organisations in Oyo State, Nigeria
by D. A. Adeyemo - 49-58 Validation of Denison's Model of Organisational Culture and Effectiveness in the Indian Context
by Nazir A. Nazir & Mushtaq A. Lone - 59-66 Emotional Intelligence from 17th Century to 21st Century: Perspectives and Directions for Future Research
by Radha R. Sharma - 67-75 From Social Development to Human Development: A Case of SOS Village
by Hemanth Goparaj & Radha R. Sharma - 77-85 From Social Development to Human Development: A Case of SOS Village
by N/A - 87-94 Book Reviews
by N/A
October 2007, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 1-11 An Integrated Approach to Management Development: A Framework for Practice and Research
by Vathsala M. Akuratiyagamage - 13-20 A Comparative Study of Executive and Non-Executive Associates of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation for Their Level of Commitment and Personal Efficiency
by Anu Singh Lather & Sangeeta Mohan - 21-30 A Study on the Role of Demographic and Psychographic Dynamics in Food and Grocery Retailing
by Ch. J. S. Prasad & D. Raghunatha Reddy - 31-44 Anomalous Market Movements and the Rolling Settlement: Empirical Evidence from Indian Stock Markets
by Ramesh Chander & Kiran Mehta - 45-52 An Empirical Analysis of Growth and Structure of Service Sector in India
by Suparn K. Sharma & Jyoti Sharma - 53-65 Is Liberalisation Associated with Higher Productivity? A Case Study of Punjab Manufacturing
by Ravi Kiran & Manpreet Kaur - 67-76 Launch of Nav Jagaran
by Shekhar Trivedi & Suneel Gupta - 77-80 Launch of Nav Jagaran
by N/A - 81-89 Book Reviews
by N/A
July 2007, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 1-1 From the Editor's Desk
by N/A - 1-10 Parenting Advantage in Business Groups of Emerging Markets
by Anurag Mishra & M. Akbar - 11-23 Tests of Technical Analysis in India
by Sanjay Sehgal & Meenakshi Gupta - 25-34 Economic Contribution of Public Passenger Transport Organisations—An Application of EVAR Methodology
by G. Ramesh & T. V. Ramanayya - 35-58 Input Subsidies to Agriculture: Case of Subsidies to Fertiliser Industry across Countries
by Sunil Ashra & Malini Chakravarty - 59-65 Measuring Corporate Performance with the Six Sigma Business Scorecard
by Bhimaraya A. Metri - 67-76 EMAMI: Identification of Brand Extention Opportunities in Fairness Cream Industry
by Debajani Sahoo & Preeta H. Vyas - 77-82 EMAMI: Identification of Brand Extention Opportunities in Fairness Cream Industry
by N/A - 83-92 Book Reviews
by N/A
April 2007, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-1 From the Guest Editor
by Anita Goyal - 1-6 New Service Development (NSD): Role of Customer Contact Executives
by K. R. Jayasimha & Rajendra Nargundkar & V. Murugaiah - 7-22 Do People Differ in their Preferences regarding Restaurants? — An Exploratory Study
by Yogesh Upadhyay & Shiv Kumar Singh & George Thomas - 23-28 Marketing of Library and Information Services: A Strategic Perspective
by Antony Jose & Ishwara Bhat - 29-40 Media Displacement Effect: Investigating the Impact of Internet on Newspaper Reading Habits of Consumers
by Richa Sharma Vyas & N. P. Singh & Shilpi Bhabhra - 41-55 ICT Education and Training Services: Current Scenario and Future Prospects in India
by Ravindra Jain & Richa Agrawal - 57-66 Relationship Marketing in Context to the IT Industry
by Deepali Bhardwaj - 67-70 TV Scrolling Advertising Services at Doordarshan
by Ashish Potnis - 71-83 Webdunia.Com
by Richa Sharma Vyas & Anita Goyal - 85-90 Webdunia.Com
by N/A - 91-102 Services Marketing: A Select Bebliogarphy
by A. P. Gupta - 103-112 Book Reviews
by N/A
January 2007, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-13 Continuous Innovations in Production Technology in the Manufacturing Industry in Britain: A Networked Approach?
by Fang Lee Cooke & Kok Khim Beh - 15-33 Market Orientation and Business Performance: The Case of Indian Manufacturing Firms>
by Sanjay K. Jain & Manju Bhatia - 35-45 Influence of Information Sources on Tourists: A Segment-Wise Analysis with Special Focus on Destination Image
by Mrinmoy K. Sarma - 47-55 Work Performance and its Correlates: An Empirical Study
by Gurpreet Randhawa - 57-69 Ball Bouncing Exercise
by J. K. Nandi - 71-77 How Indian Software Companies are Taking on the West: An Insight into What Goes on in these Companies
by S. N. Raina - 79-93 Chamera Hydro-Electric Power Project (Chep-1), Khairi: Looking beyond the Horizon of Hydroelectricity and Profit, Giving New Meaning to Life
by Som Sekhar Bhattacharyya - 95-101 Chep-1, Khairi: Looking beyond the Horizon of Hydro-Electricity and Profit
by N/A - 103-122 Book Reviews
by N/A
October 2006, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 1-27 The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Business, Industry, Commerce and Humanity during the 21st Century
by Nick Forster - 29-35 Consumer Brand-Choice and the Equimarginal Principle of Utility Maximization: A Re-Conceptualization
by Sashi Sivramkrishna - 37-48 Leader Relations Model: An Alternative Approach to the Traditional Process of Leadership
by Jose Mathews - 49-61 An Analysis of the Dynamics of Information Risk in Supply Chains of Select SME Clusters
by Mohd Nishat Faisal & D. K. Banwetm & Ravi Shankar - 63-75 Impacting the Processes of Global Software Teams: A Communication Technology Perspective
by Sangeeta Shah Bharadwaj & Kul Bhushan C. Saxena - 77-86 Indian Industrial Clusters
by A. Sahay - 87-92 Deakins India Pvt. Ltd.: Human Resource Issues in a Small-Scale Unit
by Debi S. Saini - 93-98 Deakins India Private Ltd.: Managing the Human Resource in a Small-Scale Unit
by N/A - 99-114 Book Reviews
by N/A