March 2015, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 73-75 Book Review: Common Sense Talent Management: Using Strategic HR to Improve Company Performance
by Shweta Jaiswal - 75-76 Book Review: The Namo Story: A Political Life
by Wallace Jacob - 76-78 Book Review: Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence
by Supriya Biswas
December 2014, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 257-260 Public Policy and Governance in India
by Avanish Kumar & Vishal Narain - 261-275 Trifurcation of MCD: First Budget as Essential Tool of Governance
by Monica Singhania & Mayank Sharma - 277-287 Measuring and Mapping Transitory Spaces in India: A Case Study of Hyderabad City
by Poulomi Banerjee & Chinmoyee Mallik & Nani Babu - 289-297 Think Tanks, Research Influence and Public Policy in India
by Rahul Singh & N.N. Sharma & Uday Jha - 299-308 ‘Bureaucratic Attitudes’—an Intermediary Variable of Policy Performance
by Sangeeta Goel - 309-315 Mainstreaming Gender: Shift from Advocacy to Policy
by Meerambika Mahapatro - 317-325 Understanding Diversity Issues vis-Ã -vis Caste-based Quota System: A Solution or a Source of Discrimination
by Suparna Jain & Gopa Bhardwaj - 327-338 Climate Change, Disasters and Development: Testing the Waters for Adaptive Governance in India
by Navarun Varma & Ulka Kelkar & Saurabh Bhardwaj & Prasoon Singh & Arabinda Mishra - 339-347 Urbanization, Common Property Resources and Gender Relations in a Peri-urban Context
by Sumit Vij - 349-352 Democratizing Information in India: Role of Community Radios as a Developmental Intervention
by Madhukar Shukla - 353-358 Revisiting Sustainable Livelihoods: Insights from Implementation Studies in India
by Srilata Patnaik & C. Shambu Prasad - 359-363 A Post-colonial Perspective towards Education in Bharat
by Ankur Joshi & Puneet Bindlish & Pawan Kumar Verma - 365-370 National Food Security Act, 2013 and Food Security Outcomes in India
by Amrita Sandhu
September 2014, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 153-163 Determinants of Young Consumers’ Intention to Use Internet Banking Services in India
by Irfan Bashir & C. Madhavaiah - 165-174 Test and Extension of Multiple Foci/Multiple Components of Workplace Commitment in a Hospital in India
by Catherine T. Kwantes & L. Prasad - 175-183 Linking Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility and Intention to Quit: The Mediating Role of Job Embeddedness
by Debjani Ghosh & L. Gurunathan - 185-194 Understanding the Impact of Organizational Justice on Organizational Commitment and Projected Job Stay among Employees of the Business Process Outsourcing Sector in India
by Rashmi Nakra - 195-203 An Analytical Approach of Cluster Analysis towards Various Manifestations of Organizational Conflict in Public and Private Sector Commercial Banks
by Shivani Nischal & G.S. Bhalla - 205-216 Issues of Concern and Mitigating Strategies: A Study on ITES Firms
by Soni Agrawal - 217-235 Human Resource Accounting Disclosure Practices in Indian Companies
by Surinder Kaur & A. Venkat Raman & Monica Singhania - 237-244 SHG Bank Linkage: Lending a Helping Hand?
by Ruchika Bammi - 245-250 SHG Bank Linkage: Lending a Helping Hand?
by K.K. Ray & Anshul Verma & Rahul Sharma & Komalpreet Kaur & Shakti Kumar - 251-252 Book Review: Tavleen Singh, Durbar
by Wallace Jacob - 252-254 Book Review: V. Santhakumar, Economics in Action: An Easy Guide for Development Practitioners
by Rupamanjari Sinha Ray - 254-255 Book Review: Vivek Kaul, Easy Money: Evolution of Money from Robinson Crusoe to the First World War
by Shalini Kalra Sahi
June 2014, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 73-80 Factors of Management Education in India as Perceived by Learners and Providers: An Empirical Study
by Debarshi Mukherjee - 81-90 Peer Interaction and Its Influence on Family Purchase Decision: A Study among Indian Teenagers
by Rashmi Singh & J.K. Nayak - 91-108 A Study of the Participation of the Private Sector Companies of India in Corporate Social Responsibility Activities through Conjoint Analysis
by Sumona Ghosh - 109-123 Survey of Qualitative Research Methodology in Strategy Research and Implication for Indian Researchers
by Sandip Mukhopadhyay & Rajen K. Gupta - 125-135 Sadakalo: Marketing of Traditional Fashion in the Modern Fashion Industry
by Jashim Uddin Ahmed & Md. Humayun Kabir Chowdhury & Mohammad Jasim Uddin & Mirza M. Ferdous - 137-143 Sadakalo: Marketing of Traditional Fashion in the Modern Fashion Industry
by Mohammad Alamgir Hossain & Shahzada M. Imran & Tajmin Hossain Chowdhury & Moinuddin Md. Rahat Sobhan & Rakib Jafor - 145-146 Book Review: Debra L. Nelson, James Campbell Quick and Preetam Khandelwal, Organizational Behaviour: A South Asian Perspective
by Aakanksha Sehgal - 146-148 Book Review: Viktor Mayer-Schonberger and Kenneth Cukier, Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work and Think
by Wallace Jacob - 148-149 Book Review: H. Sadhak, Pension Reform in India: The Unfinished Agenda
by S. Veena Iyer - 149-151 Book Review: Susan A. Wheelan, Creating Effective Teams: A Guide for Members and Leaders
by Anshu Sharma
March 2014, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-7 Market Development by Multinational Brands: Empirical Evidence from Indian Fast Food Retailing Business
by Jaydeep Mukherjee - 9-22 Which Element Bank Total Factor Productivity Is More Representative: Technological Progress or Efficiency Change?
by Fadzlan Sufian - 23-28 Stock Market Anomalies: Evidence from Emerging BRIC Markets
by Satinder Pal Singh - 29-45 Management of Guest Delight in Hotels: An Exploratory Study
by Sinmoy Goswami & Mrinmoy K. Sarma - 47-54 Mutual Economic Interdependence and Military Occupation: Evidences of United States Passive and Active Strategies in Iraq for Oil Security
by Neeladri Chatterjee - 55-60 Durapro: Driving Sales through Distribution Channel
by Jaydeep Mukherjee - 61-67 Durapro Limited, neither Durable nor Proactive … A Case with Multiple Business Dilemmas…!!!
by Anirban Basu & Punyaslok Dhall & Rajeev Roy & Bhavesh Pande - 69-69 Book Review: Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences
by Ravindra Jain & Prachi Jain & Cherry Jain - 70-70 Book Review: Branding in a Competitive Market Place
by Kirti Sharma - 71-71 Book Review: Management Essentials: A Recipe for Business Success
by Ritu Srivastava - 72-72 Book Review: How Stella Saved the Farm: A Tale about Making Innovation Happen
by Anishya O. Madan
December 2013, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 269-278 An Investigation into Consumer Behaviour for Energy Labelled Products
by Kavita Sharma & Garima Gupta - 279-284 Modelling Daily CER Price Volatility in European Energy Exchange: Evidence from MSARIMA-EGARCH Model
by Nimisha Kapoor - 285-292 Effects of Service Quality and Salesperson Characteristics on Consumer Trust and Relationship Commitment: An Empirical Study on Insurance Buyers in India
by Tapan K. Panda - 293-301 Developing a Performance Measurement System for Apparel Sector Lean Manufacturing Organizations in Sri Lanka
by P.S.T. Perera & H.S.C. Perera - 303-313 Long-term Association of Stock Markets of Different Nations: An Empirical Study
by Shailesh Rastogi - 315-316 Book Review: The State of the Nation
by Wallace Jacob - 316-317 Book Review: Start-up Sutra
by Annurag Batra
September 2013, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 1-1 Letter from the Outgoing Editor
by Debi S. Saini - 201-211 Exploring the Role of Negative Emotions on Customer’s Intention to Complain
by Sapna Choraria - 213-222 Inventory Management and Small Firms Growth: An Analytical Study in Supply Chain
by Vipul Chalotra - 223-231 Demographical Study on Quality of Work Life in Nationalized Banks
by Barkha Gupta & Anukool Manish Hyde - 233-245 Market Efficiency and Anomalies: Evidences from S&P CNX NIFTY
by Taufeeque Ahmad Siddiqui & Isha Narula - 247-250 The Selection Dilemma Faced at Drona Institute of Management Studies
by Girish Balasubramanian - 251-257 The Selection Dilemma Faced at Drona Institute of Management Studies
by Sriganesh D.S. & Santosh Sali & Ram Krishan Shukla & Himanshu Gupta & Nelson D’Silva, S.J. - 259-260 Book Review: Managing Global Organizations: A Cultural Perspective
by Debi S. Saini - 260-261 Book Review: Reframing Difference in Organizational Communication Studies: Research, Pedagogy, Practice
by Neerja Pande - 262-264 Book Review: Millennials and the Workplace: Challenges for Architecting the Organizations of Tomorrow
by Sami A. Khan - 264-265 Book Review: Entrepreneurship a Global Perspective
by Veeresh Sharma - 265-266 Book Review: Why People Fail: The 16 Obstacles to Success and How You Can Overcome Them
by Wallace Jacob - 266-267 Book Review: Managing Sustainable Development Programmes: A Learning Approach to Change
by Rajen Mehrotra - 267-268 Book Review: Phone Clones: Authenticity Work in the Transnational Service Economy
by Diya Das
June 2013, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 105-117 Global Ambition and Human Resource Reorientation of Indian and Malaysian Managers: Some Indicative Empirical Evidence
by Samir Ranjan Chatterjee & Cecil A.L. Pearson & Yi Liu - 119-127 Robustness of Fama-French Three Factor Model: Further Evidence for Indian Stock Market
by Sanjay Sehgal & A. Balakrishnan - 129-142 Does Nature of Training, Informal Activities and Psychological Contract Impact Fairness Perception? Examining Diverse Group Employees
by Surendra Kumar Sia & Gopa Bhardwaj & Bharat Chandra Sahoo - 143-157 Conceptualization, Measure Development and Empirical Assessment of Career Oriented Attitudes and Employability of Technology Graduates
by Ravindra Jain & Sheelam Jain - 159-167 Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Relationship: Effect of Personality Variables
by Shalini Srivastava - 169-173 Investment in Indian Sectors: Price Multiple Perspective
by Asheesh Pandey - 175-183 Investment in Indian Sectors: Price Multiple Perspective
by Neeti Sanan & Himanshu Joshi & Amit Anurag & Ashutosh Dash & Amit Agrawal - 185-186 Book Review: Business Environment
by M.S. Chikara - 186-187 Book Review: New Forms of Urban Governance in India: Shifts, Models, Networks and Contestations
by Vishal Narain - 188-189 Book Review: From the Ruins of Empire: The Revolt against the West and the Remaking of Asia
by Wallace Jacob - 189-190 Book Review: Marketing Management
by Ajay Bansal - 190-191 Book Review: The Little Book of Big Customer Satisfaction Measurement
by Kirti Sharma - 191-192 Book Review: Human Resource Management
by Manas Ranjan Tripathy - 193-194 Book Review: General Management
by Neetu Jain - 194-195 Book Review: The (Honest) Truth about Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone—Especially Ourselves
by Divya Upadhyay - 195-196 Book Review: Speaking as a Leader: How to Lead Every Time You Speak...From Boardrooms to Meeting Rooms, From Town Halls to Phone Calls
by Wallace Jacob - 196-197 Book Review: Organizational Schizophrenia—Impact on Customer Service Quality
by Debi S. Saini - 199-199 Books Received for Review
by N/A
March 2013, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-16 Market Response to the Announcement of Mergers and Acquisitions: An Empirical Study from India
by Neelam Rani & Surendra S. Yadav & P.K. Jain - 17-25 Advertising on Social Network Sites: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach
by Anant Saxena & Uday Khanna - 27-40 Children’s Choice of Influence Strategies in Family Purchase Decisions and the Impact of Demographics
by Akhter Ali & N. Ravichandran & D.K. Batra - 41-52 Human Resource Development Climate in India: Examining the Psychometric Properties of HRD Climate Survey Instrument
by Richa Chaudhary & Santosh Rangnekar & Mukesh Barua - 53-61 Environmental Performance Evaluation in Supply Chain
by P.S.T. Perera & H.S.C. Perera & T.M. Wijesinghe - 63-71 Sales Performance Management in KRC
by Jaydeep Mukherjee - 73-81 Sales Performance Management in KRC
by Anirban Basu & Bhavesh Pande & Vinod Kalia & Tanuja Sharma - 83-85 Economic and Business Environment
by J.L. Gupta - 85-87 Economic and Business Environment
by Asheesh Pandey - 87-89 Economic and Business Environment
by Wallace Jacob - 89-90 Strategic Management
by Neha Jain - 90-92 General Management
by Avanish Kumar - 92-94 General Management
by Monica Singhania - 94-95 General Management
by Wallace Jacob - 96-97 Human Resource Management
by K.R. Shyam Sundar - 98-98 Human Resource Management
by Debi S. Saini - 99-99 Marketing Management
by A.P. Arora - 99-100 Marketing Management
by Anagha Shukre - 100-102 Information Management
by Nitin Merh - 103-103 Books Received for Review
by N/A
December 2012, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 245-252 Use of ICT in the Classroom Teaching of Management
by Pradip K. Bhaumik - 253-271 Consumer Attitudes towards Business Firms’ Marketing Philosophy, Consumerism and Government Regulations in India: A Cross-sectional Analysis
by Sanjay K. Jain & Parul Goel - 273-281 Strategic Allocation, Asset Pricing and Prior Return Patterns: Evidence from Indian Commodity Market
by Sanjay Sehgal & Asheesh Pandey - 283-295 Profiling Adopter Categories of Internet Banking in India: An Empirical Study
by Bikram Jit Singh Mann & Sunpreet Kaur Sahni - 297-313 Impact of Market Orientation on Business Performance: Role of Employee Satisfaction and Customer Satisfaction
by Jeevan Jyoti & Jyoti Sharma - 315-331 Efficiency Measurement in the Indian Banking Industry: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis
by Bhagwan Jagwani - 333-341 Basic Industries Limited
by Somnath Ghosh - 343-349 Basic Industries Limited
by Sami A. Khan & Manas Ranjan Tripathy & Sunita Chugh & Neha Paliwal Sharma - 351-352 Book Review: Shawkat Alam, Sustainable Development and Free Trade: Institutional Approaches
by Rupamanjari Sinha Ray - 352-353 Book Review: Jack T. Boorman and Andre Icard, Reform of the International Monetary System: The Palais Royal Initiative
by Subhalakashmi Sircar - 353-355 Book Review: Jeanette Brejning, Corporate Social Responsibility and the Welfare State: The Historical and Contemporary Role of CSR in the Mixed Economy of Welfare
by S.K. Tapasvi - 355-356 Book Review: Morgen Witzel, Tata: The Evolution of a Corporate Brand
by Scott Taylor - 356-358 Book Review: Rama Bijapurkar, Customer in the Boardroom? Crafting Customer Based Business Strategy
by Alok Pandey - 358-359 Book Review: Shil Niyogi, How Some Small Business Get their Ducks in a Row and Grow While Others Remain Undistinguished
by M.S. Chikara - 359-361 Book Review: Yuvnesh Modi, Rahul Kumar and Alok Kothari, The Game Changers: 20 Extraordinary Success Stories of Entrepreneurs from IIT Kharagpur
by Wallace Jacob - 361-362 Book Review: Mark Tully, Non Stop India
by Wallace Jacob - 362-363 Book Review: Peter Reilly and Tony Williams, Global HR—Challenges Facing the Function
by Debi S. Saini - 363-365 Book Review: Anne-Wil Harzing and Ashly H. Pinnington, International Human Resource Management
by Amit Dhiman - 365-366 Book Review: Roel Grit, Project Management: A Practical Approach
by Rajiv Kumar Srivastava - 366-368 Book Review: Sridhar Varadharajan, The Telecom Revolution in India Technology, Regulation and Policy
by Bijal Zaveri Amin - 369-369 Books Received for Review
by N/A
September 2012, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 153-162 Determinants of Corporate Dividend Policy: A Tobit Model Approach
by Monica Singhania & Akshay Gupta - 163-173 Defining Cloud Computing in Business Perspective: A Review of Research
by C. Madhavaiah & Irfan Bashir & Syed Irfan Shafi - 175-185 Foreign Institutional Investment Flows and Indian Financial Market: Relationship and Way Forward
by Areej Aftab Siddiqui & N.A. Azad - 187-199 The Relationship among Emotional Intelligence and Outcome Variables: A Study of Indian Employees
by Jiwan Jyoti Maini & Bhawdeep Singh & Parminder Kaur - 201-211 Aircel: Distribution Challenges
by Jaydeep Mukherjee & Amit Gupta & Bhavesh Pande - 213-220 Aircel: Distribution Challenges
by Aashwit Mahajan & Anirban Basu & Rajeev Roy & Ramgopal Vallath - 221-222 Book Review: D.N. Ghosh, Business and Policy: Dynamics of Changing Relationship
by Vijay K. Seth - 222-226 Book Review: Catherine A. Maritan and Margaret A. Peteraf (Eds), Competitive Strategy, Vols I and II
by Harsh W. Mishra - 226-227 Book Review: M.S. Ramanujan and J.S. Sodhi, Skilling Women: For Work in Informal Sector
by M.S. Chikara - 227-228 Book Review: Mike Pedler (Ed.), Action Learning in Practice (4th Edition)
by Gilmar Masiero - 228-229 Book Review: Andrew Mayo, Human Resource or Human Capital?
by Debi S. Saini - 229-231 Book Review: Janice Langan-Fox and Cary L. Cooper (Eds), Handbook of Stress in the Occupations
by Somnath Ghosh - 231-232 Book Review: S. Ramnarayan and T.V. Rao, Organizational Development: Accelerating Learning and Transformation
by Ajay K. Jain - 232-233 Book Review: Robert Hewison and John Holden, The Cultural Leadership Handbook: How to Run a Creative Organization
by Payal Kumar - 233-234 Book Review: Per Lind, Small Business Management in Cross-cultural Environments
by M.S. Chikara - 234-235 Book Review: Steven Miles, Space for Consumption
by A.P. Arora - 235-236 Book Review: Daniel Kahneman, Thinking Fast and Slow
by Divya Upadhyay - 236-237 Book Review: S. Manikutty, Being Ethical: Ethics as the Foundation of Business
by Wallace Jacob - 238-238 Book Review: Pritam Singh and Asha Bhandarker, In Search of Change Maestros
by Arvind K. Sinha & S. Sampath - 239-240 Book Review: Lucio Cassia, Minola Tommaso and Paleari Stefano (Eds), Entrepreneurship and Technological Change
by P.C. Jain - 241-241 Books Received for Review
by N/A - 243-243 Erratum
by N/A
June 2012, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 81-92 Relationship between Oil Price Shocks and Stock Market Performance: Evidence for Select Global Equity Markets
by Sanjay Sehgal & Radhika Kapur - 93-99 Dharma Concepts in Emotional Intelligence
by Anjana Sen - 101-108 An Empirical Study on Investors’ Perception towards Mutual Fund Products through Banks with Reference to Tiruchirapalli City, Tamil Nadu
by K. Karthikeyan & S. Bharath & K. Ranjith Kumar - 109-120 Stock Market Integration: A Study of World’s Major Stock Exchanges with Special Reference to India
by Yash Pal Taneja - 121-127 An EOQ Model with Exponentially Increasing Demand under Two Levels of Storage
by B. Chandrasekhara Reddy & G. Ranganatham - 129-132 Subansiri Tea Limited
by Nandita & Gita Bajaj - 133-137 Subansiri Tea Limited (STL)
by Neerja Pande & Shalini Kalia & Shoma Mukherji - 139-140 Book Review: The Communications Industry in the Era of Convergence
by Rohit Prasad - 140-141 Book Review: Strategy Mapping for Learning Organizations—Building Agility into Your Balanced Scorecard
by Debi S. Saini - 141-142 Book Review: Best Practices for Equity Research Analysts
by G.S. Sood - 142-144 Book Review: Redesigning the Stock Market: A Fractal Approach
by Amitabh Gupta - 144-145 Book Review: Towards Financial Inclusion in India
by M.S. Chikara - 145-146 Book Review: Leading Successful PMOs: How to Build the Best Project Management Office for Your Business
by Rajiv K. Srivastava - 146-147 Book Review: Bid Writing for Project Managers
by Prem Vrat - 147-148 Book Review: Cases in Marketing Management
by Jaydeep Mukherjee - 148-150 Book Review: Business-to-Business Marketing
by Vinod Kalia - 150-151 Book Review: How to Be a Motivational Manager: An Essential Guide for Leaders and Managers Who Need to Get Fast Results with Minimum Stress
by Asif Anwar Alig
March 2012, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-11 Assessing the Effect of Mergers and Acquisitions on Revenue Efficiency: Evidence from Malaysian Banking Sector
by Fadzlan Sufian & Junaina Muhamad & A.N. Bany-Ariffin & M.H. Yahya & Fakarudin Kamarudin - 13-25 An Approach to KM Implementation in Indian Manufacturing and Service Sector Organizations: An Exploratory Study
by Deepak Chawla & Himanshu Joshi - 27-35 A Study of Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intent among the IT and ITES Sector Employees
by Y.P.S. Kanwar & A.K. Singh & Amitabh Deo Kodwani - 37-43 Exploring Training Needs for Old and New Age Middle Managers
by K.L.N. Rao & Hardik Shah - 45-52 The Turnaround of Tata Nano: Reinventing the Wheel
by Swati Singh & Pallavi Srivastava - 53-59 The Turnaround of Tata Nano: Reinventing the Wheel
by Manas Ranjan Tripathy & S.K. Pandey & Arpita Srivastava & Richa Vyas & Mohit Agrawal - 61-62 Book Review: Social Conflict, Economic Development and Extractive Industry: Evidence from South America
by Rupamanjari Sinha Ray - 62-64 Book Review: Mergers and Acquisitions: Strategy, Valuation and Integration
by Sony Kuriakose - 64-65 Book Review: Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success
by Wallace Jacob - 65-66 Book Review: Leadership Studies: The Dialogue of Disciplines
by Mary Barrett - 66-68 Book Review: Leaders at All Levels: Deepening Your Talent Pool To Solve The Succession Crisis
by M.S. Rao - 68-69 Book Review: Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management and Organizational Behaviour
by Debi S. Saini - 69-70 Book Review: The Real Value of Training: Measuring and Analyzing Business Outcomes and the Quality ROI
by Ravi Parmeshwar - 70-71 Book Review: Food Supply Chain Management: Economic, Social and Environmental Perspective
by Samir K. Srivastava - 72-72 Book Review: The Evolution of Integrated Marketing Communications: The Customer-driven Marketplace
by Mukesh Chaturvedi - 72-73 Book Review: Neuromarketing Understanding the Buy Button in Your Customers Brain
by Jaydeep Mukherjee - 73-75 Book Review: Research Methodology
by Wallace Jacob - 77-79 Books Received for Review
by N/A
December 2011, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 303-314 Androgyny and Rational Emotive Behaviour as Antecedents of Managerial Effectiveness
by Nivedita Srivastava & Shreekumar K. Nair - 315-330 Impact of Knowledge Management Practices on Innovative Capacity
by Jeevan Jyoti & Pooja Gupta & Sindhu Kotwal - 331-346 Logistic Predictive Model for SMEs Financing in India
by K.K. Jain & P.K. Gupta & Sanjiv Mittal - 347-360 Volatility Transmission from Global Stock Exchanges to India
by Alok Pandey & Surya Bhushan Kumar - 361-367 ICT Possibilities in Management of Public Resources
by Anjali Kaushik - 369-377 Bulk Deal in Bagri Market
by Jaydeep Mukherjee - 379-386 Bulk Deal in Bagri Market
by Anirban Basu & Naveen Das & Rahul Bhambry & Sourabh Bhattacharya - 387-390 Book Review: A Case Book on Corporate Governance and Stewardship
by C.V. Baxi - 390-391 Book Review: Dare to Lead: The Transformation of Bank of Baroda
by Jai B.P. Sinha - 391-392 Book Review: Bridging East–West Psychology and Counselling: Exploring the Work of Pittu Laungani
by Radha R. Sharma - 392-394 Book Review: Business Leaders Who Changed the World
by Wallace Jacob - 394-395 Book Review: Gower Handbook of Discrimination at Work
by Gyoergy Szell