January 2000, Volume 4, Issue 1_suupl
- 11-17 Value Institutionalisation and HRD Climate: A Case Study of a Navratna Public Sector Organisation
by Anuradha Sharma & Pooja Purang
July 1999, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-1 From the Editor
by Anup K. Singh - 1-7 Culture: The Forgotten Factor in Human Resource Management
by Manuel Mendonca & Rabindra N. Kanungo & Zeynep Aycan - 8-17 Examining the Causes of Bank Failure in Nigeria since Deregulation: Some Empirical Results and Implications of the Policy
by Ralph I. Ubegbunan - 18-25 The Role of Top Management in R&D Effectiveness
by Prabhati Pati - 26-31 Relevance of Nishkama Karma Yoga in Today's Business World
by B. D. Singh - 32-36 Perceived Value Addition for Branded Items Launched in Commodity Markets
by V. Sanal Kumar - 37-46 Implementing Development Initiatives
by Jamal Khan - 47-50 Stock Market Efficiency-Testing of Lintner's Model of Dividend Behaviour in Sensex Firms of India
by N. P. Tripathy - 51-53 Attitude of Indian Business Executives towards Managerial Decision Making
by Deepali Singh & J. C. Varshney - 54-62 Book Review
by N/A
January 1999, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-1 From the Editor
by Devi Singh - 1-13 Parenting Transformational Leaders
by Asha Bhandarker & Pritam Singh - 14-22 Development of Cross-Cultural Management Training Products
by V. H. Manek Kirpalani & Reijo K. Luostarinen - 23-28 Boardroom in the 21st Century: Issues & Challenges
by Rajendra Singh - 29-35 The Environmental Factors and Venture Capital Flows: The European Experience
by R. A. Yadav - 36-41 Re-engineering: The Involute of Leadership
by Hemant Kumar Sabat - 42-47 Urban Customers' Choice of Bank in Less Developed Countries
by Samson E. Edo - 48-50 Electronic Commerce and the Law of Contracts
by P. M. Bakshi - 51-61 Effect of Micro Management on Job Satisfaction & Productivity: A Case Study
by Robert F. Wright - 62-71 Book Review
by N/A
July 1998, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-5 Boardroom in the Twenty-First Century: Issues and Challenges
by R.V. Shahi - 6-10 Managing Currency Risk
by Devi Singh - 11-17 Organising and Managing in Cause Sector
by Mohan Lal Agrawal - 18-22 Corporate Governance: Principles and Objectives
by N. Vittal - 23-28 Collaborative Advantage Framework for HRD: Need, Issues and Interventions
by Gitika Kapoor - 29-33 Corporate Governance: A Futuristic Model
by R.P. Singh - 34-38 Organisational Renewal in the Context of Indian Banks
by R. Anuradha - 39-43 Information Technology (IT) Empowerment of Indian Banks
by S.K. Majumdar - 44-50 Re-engineering Public Sector Enterprises
by Harish Kumar & S.V.S. Chauhan - 51-52 Book Review: Productivity Management A Systems Approach (1998)
by Pradip K. Bhaumik - 52-53 Book Review: Managing Organisational Change (1998)
by Anup K. Singh - 54-56 Book Review: Corporate Growth Through Mergers and Acquisitions (1998)
by C.V. Baxi - 56-58 Book Review: Experiencing Human Resource Management (1998)
by Anup K. Singh - 58-60 Book Review: Corporate Restructuring Crompton Greaves and the Challenge of Globalisation (1998)
by C.V. Baxi
January 1998, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-4 Operational Efficiency will be the Key Determinant of Success of Financial Institutions in the Next Century..
by N/A - 5-11 Issue of Culture Fit in Human Resource Management Practices
by Rabindra N. Kanungo & Zeynep Aycan - 12-18 Building Corporate Image Using Constructs of Optimum Personality
by Mukul Gupta - 19-26 Managerial Leadership in the Twenty-First Century
by S. Jayashree & S. Sadri - 27-32 Merging Theories to Explain Recent Retail Evolution
by Roger C. Bennett & David S. Litvack & Devi Singh - 33-38 Stock Market Development And Economic Growth in Nigeria
by John C. Anyanwu - 39-44 Attitude Change Through Training : A Follow-Up Study
by Rajesh Singh - 45-51 Indian Joint Ventures in SAARC Countries : Problems And Prospects
by Shobha Ahuja - 52-62 From Public to Private Investment Based Development Strategy: Understanding the Process, Policies and Effects of the Paradigm Shift
by Sunitha Raju - 63-64 Book Review: Venture Capital Financing in India
by T. S. Srinivasan - 64-65 Book Review: Marketing in the New Era
by G. Shainesh - 66-67 Book Review: Competing Through Knowledge - Building a Learning Organization
by A. Sikdar - 68-69 Book Review: Managing More Effectively
by Daisy Chauhan - 69-70 Book Review: Reappraising Management Education : Perspectives for the Future
by Nand Dhameja
July 1997, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 1-10 Five Mantras to Lead: Some Pertinent Reflections
by Pritam Singh & Asha Bhandarker - 11-20 Dividend Policy and Practices in Select Corporate Firms of India and South-East Asia: A Comparative Study
by P.K. Jain & Manoj Kumar - 21-29 Culture, Job Values and Motivations: A Sino Chile Comparison
by Sadrudin A. Ahmed & David S. Litvack & Jose Rojas - 30-44 Information Technology for World-Class Manufacturing: Quo-vadis India!
by K.B.C. Saxena & B.S. Sahay & Ashish Kumar - 45-54 The Nigerian Capital Market in an Era of Privatisation
by Samson E. Edo - 55-62 Probing Organization Development
by Jamal Khan - 63-70 Securitization of Assets: Developments Abroad and Prospects in India
by U.S. Sohoni - 71-77 Organizational Role Stress as Related to Efficacy Amongst Managers of Government, Public and Private Sectors
by Vidhu Mohan & Daisy Chauhan - 78-79 Book Review: Transition or Transcendence? A Study of Indian Managerial Values
by Rajen Gupta - 79-81 Book Review: Coping with Technological Change
by C.V. Baxi - 81-84 Book Review: The Rx Factor: Strategic Creativity in Pharmaceutical Marketing
by Amit Mookerjee - 84-85 Book Review: Stripped Steel
by Anup K. Singh - 86-88 Book Review: The 3-D Competitive Space—Managing in the New Economy
by C.V. Baxi
January 1997, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-13 Small and Medium Enterprise Sector in Mauritius: Its Evolution and Growth with Special Reference to Investment Criteria
by S. Matadeen - 14-17 Legal Impediments in the Growth of Housing Finance in India
by P.S.A. Sundaram - 18-23 Marketing Opportunities in the Developing World: An Indian Experience
by Mukesh Chaturvedi - 24-28 Managing Institutions of Higher Education: A Case for a Public Relations Programme
by Mukul P. Gupta - 29-42 Workers’ Perception and Reaction to Modern Technology: A Nigerian Study
by Palmer B. Johnnie - 43-47 Teaching Effectiveness in Fluid Discipline: The Case of Cost Management Education in India
by V.G. Sridharan - 48-53 Teamwork, Typology and Temperament
by Y. Sriram - 54-64 HZL Initiatives in Managing Rehabilitation Under Development Project: A Case Study
by Rajesh Singh - 65-66 Book Review: Strategic Alliances—Building Network Relationships for Mutual Gain
by Chetan Baxi - 66-67 Book Review: Mutual Funds: A Comprehensive Approach
by Nand Dhameja - 67-69 Book Review: Economic Restructuring, Technology Transfer and Human Resource Development
by Chetan Baxi - 69-71 Book Review: Programming Models for the Electricity Industry
by Chandra Prakesh Gupta - 71-73 Book Review: Family Business in India
by Chetan Baxi - 73-74 Book Review: Labour Law, Work and Development: Essays in honour of P G Krishnan
by Biju Varkkey