June 2019, Volume 157, Issue 2
- 303-318 Bolstering Managers’ Resistance to Temptation via the Firm’s Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility
by Cathy A. Beaudoin & Anna M. Cianci & Sean T. Hannah & George T. Tsakumis - 319-337 “It’s Like Hating Puppies!” Employee Disengagement and Corporate Social Responsibility
by Kelsy Hejjas & Graham Miller & Caroline Scarles - 339-358 Scrooge Posing as Mother Teresa: How Hypocritical Social Responsibility Strategies Hurt Employees and Firms
by Sabrina Scheidler & Laura Marie Edinger-Schons & Jelena Spanjol & Jan Wieseke - 359-373 Frontline Employees as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Ambassadors: A Quasi-Field Experiment
by Laura Marie Edinger-Schons & Lars Lengler-Graiff & Sabrina Scheidler & Jan Wieseke - 375-390 Do Contracts Make Them Care? The Impact of CEO Compensation Design on Corporate Social Performance
by Jean McGuire & Jana Oehmichen & Michael Wolff & Roman Hilgers - 391-411 CEO Ability and Corporate Social Responsibility
by Yuan Yuan & Gaoliang Tian & Louise Yi Lu & Yangxin Yu - 413-429 What Makes CSR Communication Lead to CSR Participation? Testing the Mediating Effects of CSR Associations, CSR Credibility, and Organization–Public Relationships
by Sun Young Lee & Weiwu Zhang & Alan Abitbol - 431-446 Let Me Make It Up to You: Understanding the Mitigative Ability of Corporate Social Responsibility Following Product Recalls
by David Noack & Douglas R. Miller & Dustin Smith - 447-481 Comprehensive Board Diversity and Quality of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure: Evidence from an Emerging Market
by Nooraisah Katmon & Zam Zuriyati Mohamad & Norlia Mat Norwani & Omar Al Farooque - 483-501 The Advocate’s Own Challenges to Behave in a Sustainable Way: An Institutional Analysis of Advocacy NGOs
by Mieneke Koster & Ana Simaens & Bart Vos - 503-523 CSR by Any Other Name? The Differential Impact of Substantive and Symbolic CSR Attributions on Employee Outcomes
by Magda B. L. Donia & Sigalit Ronen & Carol-Ann Tetrault Sirsly & Silvia Bonaccio - 525-542 How Does Corporate Social Responsibility Engagement Influence Word of Mouth on Twitter? Evidence from the Airline Industry
by Tam Thien Vo & Xinning Xiao & Shuk Ying Ho - 543-565 Every Little Helps? ESG News and Stock Market Reaction
by Gunther Capelle-Blancard & Aurélien Petit - 567-587 Exploring the Nexus Between Human Capital, Corporate Governance and Performance: Evidence from Islamic Banks
by Tasawar Nawaz
June 2019, Volume 157, Issue 1
- 1-13 The Leader as Chief Truth Officer: The Ethical Responsibility of “Managing the Truth” in Organizations
by Jean-Philippe Bouilloud & Ghislain Deslandes & Guillaume Mercier - 15-26 Should Employers Pay a Living Wage?
by Jason Brennan - 27-44 The Ubuntu Challenge to Business: From Stakeholders to Relationholders
by Minka Woermann & Schalk Engelbrecht - 45-63 The Imaginary Intrasexual Competition: Advertisements Featuring Provocative Female Models Trigger Women to Engage in Indirect Aggression
by Sylvie Borau & Jean-François Bonnefon - 65-74 Libertarianism and Basic-Income Guarantee: Friends or Foes?
by Juan Ramón Rallo - 75-93 To Pay or Not to Pay? Business Owners’ Tax Morale: Testing a Neo-Institutional Framework in a Transition Environment
by Tomasz Mickiewicz & Anna Rebmann & Arnis Sauka - 95-117 Categorization of Whistleblowers Using the Whistleblowing Triangle
by Nadia Smaili & Paulina Arroyo - 119-136 The Management Nexus of Imperfect Duty: Kantian Views of Virtuous Relations, Reasoned Discourse, and Due Diligence
by Richard Robinson - 137-158 Defining Objectives for Preventing Cyberstalking
by Gurpreet Dhillon & Kane J. Smith - 159-182 Do Religious Norms Influence Corporate Debt Financing?
by Jay Cai & Guifeng Shi - 183-197 The Moral Limits of the Market: Science Commercialization and Religious Traditions
by Jared L. Peifer & David R. Johnson & Elaine Howard Ecklund - 199-216 The Use of Praxis in the Classroom to Facilitate Student Transformation
by Kent Walker & Bruno Dyck & Zhou Zhang & Frederick Starke - 217-229 Impact of Enforcement on Healthcare Billing Fraud: Evidence from the USA
by Renee Flasher & Melvin A. Lamboy-Ruiz - 231-260 Professional Accountancy Organizations and Stock Market Development
by Hong Huang & Xiangting Kong & Albert Tsang - 261-278 The Risk of Fraud in Family Firms: Assessments of External Auditors
by Gopal Krishnan & Marietta Peytcheva - 279-292 The Political Embeddedness of Entrepreneurship in Extreme Contexts: The Case of the West Bank
by Farzad H. Alvi & Ajnesh Prasad & Paulina Segarra
June 2019, Volume 156, Issue 4
- 889-901 ‘Lower than a Snake’s Belly’: Discursive Constructions of Dignity and Heroism in Low-Status Garbage Work
by Peter Hamilton & Tom Redman & Robert McMurray - 903-917 Exploring the Relationship Between Exclusive Talent Management, Perceived Organizational Justice and Employee Engagement: Bridging the Literature
by Edward P. O’Connor & Marian Crowley-Henry - 919-940 When and for Whom Ethical Leadership is More Effective in Eliciting Work Meaningfulness and Positive Attitudes: The Moderating Roles of Core Self-Evaluation and Perceived Organizational Support
by Zhen Wang & Haoying Xu - 941-956 SLBS-6: Validation of a Short Form of the Servant Leadership Behavior Scale
by Sen Sendjaya & Nathan Eva & Ivan Butar Butar & Mulyadi Robin & Samantha Castles - 957-969 The Effect of Top Management Trustworthiness on Turnover Intentions via Negative Emotions: The Moderating Role of Gender
by Sophie Mölders & Prisca Brosi & Matthias Spörrle & Isabell M. Welpe - 971-985 Uncivil Supervisors and Perceived Work Ability: The Joint Moderating Roles of Job Involvement and Grit
by Dana Kabat-Farr & Benjamin M. Walsh & Alyssa K. McGonagle - 987-1005 Unfairness by Design? The Perceived Fairness of Digital Labor on Crowdworking Platforms
by Christian Fieseler & Eliane Bucher & Christian Pieter Hoffmann - 1007-1025 The Interpersonal Benefits of Leader Mindfulness: A Serial Mediation Model Linking Leader Mindfulness, Leader Procedural Justice Enactment, and Employee Exhaustion and Performance
by Sebastian C. Schuh & Michelle Xue Zheng & Katherine R. Xin & Juan Antonio Fernandez - 1027-1044 Should Authentic Leaders Value Power? A Study of Leaders’ Values and Perceived Value Congruence
by Yuanmei Elly Qu & Marie T. Dasborough & Mi Zhou & Gergana Todorova - 1045-1061 Generational Differences in Definitions of Meaningful Work: A Mixed Methods Study
by Kelly Pledger Weeks & Caitlin Schaffert - 1063-1078 An Identity Perspective on Ethical Leadership to Explain Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Interplay of Follower Moral Identity and Leader Group Prototypicality
by Fabiola H. Gerpott & Niels Van Quaquebeke & Sofia Schlamp & Sven C. Voelpel - 1079-1097 Corporate Citizenship and Employee Outcomes: Does a High-Commitment Work System Matter?
by Yi-Ting Lin & Nien-Chi Liu - 1099-1112 Just the Servant: An Intersectional Critique of Servant Leadership
by Helena Liu - 1113-1133 Female Executives and Perceived Employer Attractiveness: On the Potentially Adverse Signal of Having a Female CHRO Rather Than a Female CFO
by Anja Iseke & Kerstin Pull - 1135-1150 The Moral Entrepreneur: A New Component of Ethical Leadership
by Muel Kaptein - 1151-1164 “Daring to Care”: Challenging Corporate Environmentalism
by Mary Phillips - 1165-1185 Sustainability Marketing Commitment: Empirical Insights About Its Drivers at the Corporate and Functional Level of Marketing
by Karin Tollin & Lars Bech Christensen
May 2019, Volume 156, Issue 3
- 591-604 Resisting Corruption in Grameen Bank
by Mohammad I. Azim & Ron Kluvers - 605-620 Corruption, Re-corruption and What Transpires in Between: The Case of a Government Officer in India
by Ranjan Vaidya - 621-634 Ethical Code Effectiveness in Football Clubs: A Longitudinal Analysis
by Bram Constandt & Els Waegeneer & Annick Willem - 635-650 Participative Leadership and Organizational Identification in SMEs in the MENA Region: Testing the Roles of CSR Perceptions and Pride in Membership
by Sophie Lythreatis & Ahmed Mohammed Sayed Mostafa & Xiaojun Wang - 651-677 Religion-Based Decision Making in Indian Multinationals: A Multi-faith Study of Ethical Virtues and Mindsets
by Christopher Chan & Subramaniam Ananthram - 679-698 Market Reality Versus Religious Morality: Empirical Evidence from the Saudi Arabian Labor Market
by Necati Aydin & Aljawhara Ibrahim Alquayid - 699-735 Does CEO-Auditor Dialect Sharing Impair Pre-IPO Audit Quality? Evidence from China
by Xingqiang Du - 737-758 Does Fair Trade Breed Contempt? A Cross-Country Examination on the Moderating Role of Brand Familiarity and Consumer Expertise on Product Evaluation
by Vera Herédia-Colaço & Rita Coelho do Vale & Sofia B. Villas-Boas - 759-774 The Relationship Between Responsible Leadership and Organisational Commitment and the Mediating Effect of Employee Turnover Intentions: An Empirical Study with Australian Employees
by Amlan Haque & Mario Fernando & Peter Caputi - 775-798 Executives’ Behaviour and Innovation in Corporate Governance: The Case of Internet Voting at Shareholders’ General Meetings in French Listed Companies
by Walid Cheffi & Sonia Abdennadher - 799-821 Spirals of Spirituality: A Qualitative Study Exploring Dynamic Patterns of Spirituality in Turkish Organizations
by Fahri Karakas & Emine Sarigollu - 823-838 Economy and Supervisors’ Ethical Values: Exploring the Mediating Role of Noneconomic Institutions in a Cross-National Test of Institutional Anomie Theory
by Kristine Velasquez Tuliao & Chung-wen Chen - 839-855 Convergence in International Business Ethics? A Comparative Study of Ethical Philosophies, Thinking Style, and Ethical Decision-Making Between US and Korean Managers
by Yongsun Paik & Jong Min Lee & Yong Suhk Pak - 857-874 Beyond Knowledge: A Study of Latin American Business Schools’ Efforts to Deliver a Value-Based Education
by Ezequiel Reficco & María Helena Jaén & Carlos Trujillo - 875-888 Socially Responsible Human Resource Management and Employee Support for External CSR: Roles of Organizational CSR Climate and Perceived CSR Directed Toward Employees
by Jie Shen & Hongru Zhang
May 2019, Volume 156, Issue 2
- 293-314 Restricting Choices: Decision Making, the Market Society, and the Forgotten Entrepreneur
by Gregory Wolcott - 315-331 Going It Alone Won’t Work! The Relational Imperative for Social Innovation in Social Enterprises
by Wendy Phillips & Elizabeth A. Alexander & Hazel Lee - 333-355 The Role of the Distributor Network in the Persistence of Legal and Ethical Problems of Multi-level Marketing Companies
by Claudia Groß & Dirk Vriens - 357-376 Perceived Ethical Leadership Affects Customer Purchasing Intentions Beyond Ethical Marketing in Advertising Due to Moral Identity Self-Congruence Concerns
by Niels Van Quaquebeke & Jan U. Becker & Niko Goretzki & Christian Barrot - 377-397 Three Levels of Ethical Influences on Selling Behavior and Performance: Synergies and Tensions
by Selma Kadic-Maglajlic & Milena Micevski & Nick Lee & Nathaniel Boso & Irena Vida - 399-416 Actively Persuading Consumers to Enact Ethical Behaviors in Retailing: The Influence of Relational Benefits and Corporate Associates
by Hsiu-Hua Chang & Long-Chuan Lu - 417-438 Achieving Top Performance While Building Collegiality in Sales: It All Starts with Ethics
by Omar S. Itani & Fernando Jaramillo & Larry Chonko - 439-454 The Mediating Role of Moral Elevation in Cause-Related Marketing: A Moral Psychological Perspective
by Ling Zheng & Yunxia Zhu & Ruochen Jiang - 455-472 “Monkey See, Monkey Do?”: The Effect of Construal Level on Consumers’ Reactions to Others’ Unethical Behavior
by Yuanqiong He & Junfang Zhang & Yuanyuan Zhou & Zhilin Yang - 473-492 How and When Retailers’ Sustainability Efforts Translate into Positive Consumer Responses: The Interplay Between Personal and Social Factors
by Dianne Hofenk & Marcel Birgelen & Josée Bloemer & Janjaap Semeijn - 493-512 Internally Reporting Risk in Financial Services: An Empirical Analysis
by Cormac Bryce & Thorsten Chmura & Rob Webb & Joel Stiebale & Carly Cheevers - 513-530 Can Social Norm Activation Improve Audit Quality? Evidence from an Experimental Audit Market
by Allen D. Blay & Eric S. Gooden & Mark J. Mellon & Douglas E. Stevens - 531-543 Professional Ethics in Banking and the Logic of “Integrated Situations”: Aligning Responsibilities, Recognition, and Incentives
by Lisa Herzog - 545-561 Disclosure Responses to a Corruption Scandal: The Case of Siemens AG
by Renata Blanc & Charles H. Cho & Joanne Sopt & Manuel Castelo Branco - 563-575 Who’s Watching? Accountability in Different Audit Regimes and the Effects on Auditors’ Professional Skepticism
by Florian Hoos & Jorien Louise Pruijssers & Michel W. Lander - 577-589 Fraudulent Financial Reporting and Technological Capability in the Information Technology Sector: A Resource-Based Perspective
by Michael K. Fung
April 2019, Volume 156, Issue 1
- 1-13 Cyber Trust
by Amitai Etzioni - 15-19 Trust in Surveillance: A Reply to Etzioni
by Glen Whelan - 21-24 Trust and the Online Market Maker: A Comment on Etzioni’s Cyber Trust
by Kirsten Martin - 25-43 Relational Leadership for Sustainability: Building an Ethical Framework from the Moral Theory of ‘Ethics of Care’
by Jessica Nicholson & Elizabeth Kurucz - 45-57 Pragmatism, Critical Theory and Business Ethics: Converging Lines
by Max Visser - 59-69 Exploiting Injustice in Mutually Beneficial Market Exchange: The Case of Sweatshop Labor
by András Miklós - 71-88 Deterring Unethical Behavior in Online Labor Markets
by William D. Brink & Tim V. Eaton & Jonathan H. Grenier & Andrew Reffett - 89-104 Epistemic Healing: A Critical Ethical Response to Epistemic Violence in Business Ethics
by Farzad Rafi Khan & Rabia Naguib - 105-121 The Use of Genetic Testing Information in the Insurance Industry: An Ethical and Societal Analysis of Public Policy Options
by Alexander Nill & Gene Laczniak & Paul Thistle - 123-140 Perceived Privacy Violation: Exploring the Malleability of Privacy Expectations
by Scott A. Wright & Guang-Xin Xie - 141-153 Corporate Philanthropy Through the Lens of Ethical Subjectivity
by Claudia Eger & Graham Miller & Caroline Scarles - 155-171 The Expanded Access Cure: A Twenty-First Century Framework for Companies
by Stacey B. Lee & Alexandra Y. Murata - 173-188 Understanding the Effects of Political Environments on Unethical Behavior in Organizations
by Matthew Valle & K. Michele Kacmar & Suzanne Zivnuska - 189-208 Publish, Perish, or Salami Slice? Authorship Ethics in an Emerging Field
by Adam G. Pfleegor & Matthew Katz & Matthew T. Bowers - 209-225 Tone-at-the-Top Lessons from Abrahamic Justice
by Dov Fischer & Hershey H. Friedman - 227-240 Utilitarian Traits and the Janus-Headed Model: Origins, Meaning, and Interpretation
by Peter E. Mudrack & E. Sharon Mason - 241-256 Reexamining the “Discussion” in the Moral Dilemma Discussion
by Rommel O. Salvador - 257-272 Marking Their Own Homework: The Pragmatic and Moral Legitimacy of Industry Self-Regulation
by Frances Bowen - 273-287 The Potential Use of Sociological Perspectives for Business Ethics Teaching
by Johannes Brinkmann - 289-292 Review of Private Government: How Employers Rule Our Lives (and Why We Don’t Talk About It) by Elizabeth Anderson
by Joanne B. Ciulla
April 2019, Volume 155, Issue 4
- 913-916 Special Issue: Global Perspectives on Business Ethics from the 40th Anniversary Conference of the Hoffman Center for Business Ethics at Bentley University, 2016
by Virginia W. Gerde & Christopher Michaelson - 917-930 Mind the Gap! The Challenges and Limits of (Global) Business Ethics
by George G. Brenkert - 931-939 Shaping the Shift: Shamanic Leadership, Memes, and Transformation
by Sandra Waddock - 941-950 International Business as a Possible Civilizing Force in a Cosmopolitan World
by Norman E. Bowie - 951-963 Authenticity and Corporate Governance
by Erica Steckler & Cynthia Clark - 965-979 Sharing Vocabularies: Towards Horizontal Alignment of Values-Driven Business Functions
by Mollie Painter & Sareh Pouryousefi & Sally Hibbert & Jo-Anna Russon - 981-994 Moderation as a Moral Competence: Integrating Perspectives for a Better Understanding of Temperance in the Workplace
by Pablo Sanz & Joan Fontrodona - 995-1007 Characterizing Virtues in Finance
by Alejo José G. Sison & Ignacio Ferrero & Gregorio Guitián - 1009-1032 Integrative Live Case: A Contemporary Business Ethics Pedagogy
by G. Venkat Raman & Swapnil Garg & Sneha Thapliyal - 1033-1051 Rekindling Union Democracy Through the Use of Sortition
by Simon Pek - 1053-1076 Accountability in an Independent Regulatory Setting: The Use of Impact Assessment in the Regulation of Financial Reporting in the UK
by Anna Samsonova-Taddei & W. Stuart Turley - 1077-1099 An Ethical Perspective on Necro-Advertising: The Moderating Effect of Brand Equity
by Benjamin Boeuf & Jessica Darveau - 1101-1113 An Absence of Transparency: The Charitable and Political Contributions of US Corporations
by S. Douglas Beets & Mary G. Beets - 1115-1133 How to Assess the Democratic Qualities of a Multi-stakeholder Initiative from a Habermasian Perspective? Deliberative Democracy and the Equator Principles Framework
by Wil Martens & Bastiaan Linden & Manuel Wörsdörfer - 1135-1152 A Critical Examination of the AICPA’s New “Conceptual Framework” Ethics Protocol
by Albert D. Spalding & Gretchen R. Lawrie - 1153-1165 A Normative Argument for Independent Voice and Labor Unions
by Cedric E. Dawkins - 1167-1177 Explaining Helping Behavior in the Workplace: The Interactive Effect of Family-to-Work Conflict and Islamic Work Ethic
by Dirk De Clercq & Zahid Rahman & Inam Ul Haq - 1179-1194 Everyday-Life Business Deviance Among Chinese SME Owners
by Junzhe Ji & Pavlos Dimitratos & Qingan Huang & Taoyong Su - 1195-1214 Not Walking the Walk: How Dual Attitudes Influence Behavioral Outcomes in Ethical Consumption
by Rahul Govind & Jatinder Jit Singh & Nitika Garg & Shachi D’Silva - 1215-1215 Erratum to: Shame on You: When Materialism Leads to Purchase Intentions Toward Counterfeit Products
by Alexander Davidson & Marcelo Vinhal Nepomuceno & Michel Laroche
March 2019, Volume 155, Issue 3
- 623-643 Eco-Islam: Beyond the Principles of Why and What, and Into the Principles of How
by Dina M. Abdelzaher & Amr Kotb & Akrum Helfaya - 645-662 How to Make Social Entrepreneurship Sustainable? A Diagnosis and a Few Elements of a Response
by Erwan Lamy - 663-686 Analyzing Base-of-the-Pyramid Research from a (Sustainable) Supply Chain Perspective
by Raja Usman Khalid & Stefan Seuring - 687-701 Do Chief Sustainability Officers Make Companies Greener? The Moderating Role of Regulatory Pressures
by Patricia Kanashiro & Jorge Rivera - 703-721 Assessing and Improving the Quality of Sustainability Reports: The Auditors’ Perspective
by Olivier Boiral & Iñaki Heras-Saizarbitoria & Marie-Christine Brotherton - 723-740 The Influence of the Immediate Manager on the Avoidance of Non-green Behaviors in the Workplace: A Three-Wave Moderated-Mediation Model
by Pascal Paillé & Jorge H. Mejía Morelos & Nicolas Raineri & Florence Stinglhamber - 741-762 The Co-evolution of Leaders’ Cognitive Complexity and Corporate Sustainability: The Case of the CEO of Puma
by Stefan Gröschl & Patricia Gabaldón & Tobias Hahn - 763-786 Are the Quantity and Quality of Sustainability Disclosures Associated with the Innate and Discretionary Earnings Quality?
by Zabihollah Rezaee & Ling Tuo - 787-807 On the Role of Faith in Sustainability Management: A Conceptual Model and Research Agenda
by Fabien Martinez - 809-822 On the Effect of Business and Economic University Education on Political Ideology: An Empirical Note
by Manthos D. Delis & Iftekhar Hasan & Maria Iosifidi - 823-835 Ethical Management in the Hotel Sector: Creating an Authentic Work Experience for Workers with Intellectual Disabilities
by Hannah Meacham & Jillian Cavanagh & Timothy Bartram & Jennifer Laing - 837-851 Entrepreneurship in the Controversial Economy: Toward a Research Agenda
by Benedetto Lorenzo Cannatelli & Brett Richard Smith & Alisa Sydow - 853-870 Repairing Broken Trust Between Leaders and Followers: How Violation Characteristics Temper Apologies
by Steven L. Grover & Marie-Aude Abid-Dupont & Caroline Manville & Markus C. Hasel - 871-888 A Human Rights-Based Approach to the Social Good in Social Marketing
by Natalia Szablewska & Krzysztof Kubacki - 889-911 Coming Out of the Niche? Social Banking in Germany: An Empirical Analysis of Consumer Characteristics and Market Size
by Kathleen Krause & Dirk Battenfeld
March 2019, Volume 155, Issue 2
- 321-342 CSR and Feminist Organization Studies: Towards an Integrated Theorization for the Analysis of Gender Issues
by Kate Grosser & Jeremy Moon - 343-357 To What Extent Do Gender Diverse Boards Enhance Corporate Social Performance?
by Claude Francoeur & Réal Labelle & Souha Balti & Saloua EL Bouzaidi - 359-377 Do CSR Messages Resonate? Examining Public Reactions to Firms’ CSR Efforts on Social Media
by Gregory D. Saxton & Lina Gomez & Zed Ngoh & Yi-Pin Lin & Sarah Dietrich - 379-398 CSR and Customer Value Co-creation Behavior: The Moderation Mechanisms of Servant Leadership and Relationship Marketing Orientation
by Trong Tuan Luu - 399-412 How and When Does Perceived CSR Affect Employees’ Engagement in Voluntary Pro-environmental Behavior?
by Qing Tian & Jennifer L. Robertson - 413-424 Won’t Get Fooled Again: The Effects of Internal and External CSR ECO-Labeling
by Jordy F. Gosselt & Thomas Rompay & Laura Haske - 425-444 Unearthing Sedimentation Dynamics in Political CSR: The Case of Colombia
by Pilar Acosta & Mar Pérezts - 445-462 What Do Unions and Employers Negotiate Under the Umbrella of Corporate Social Responsibility? Comparative Evidence from the Italian Metal and Chemical Industries
by Sabrina Colombo & Marco Guerci & Toloue Miandar - 463-478 Corporate Social Responsibility and Growth Opportunity: The Case of Real Estate Investment Trusts
by Kevin C. H. Chiang & Gregory J. Wachtel & Xiyu Zhou - 479-494 Shame on You: When Materialism Leads to Purchase Intentions Toward Counterfeit Products
by Alexander Davidson & Marcelo Vinhal Nepomuceno & Michel Laroche - 495-511 Empowering Women: The Role of Emancipative Forces in Board Gender Diversity
by Steven A. Brieger & Claude Francoeur & Christian Welzel & Walid Ben-Amar - 513-528 Incivility’s Relationship with Workplace Outcomes: Enactment as a Boundary Condition in Two Samples
by Jeremy D. Mackey & John D. Bishoff & Shanna R. Daniels & Wayne A. Hochwarter & Gerald R. Ferris - 529-545 Do Auditors Reflect the True Image of the Company Contrary to the Clients’ Interests? An Artificial Intelligence Approach
by Agustín J. Sánchez-Medina & Félix Blázquez-Santana & Jesús B. Alonso - 547-566 Generational Shifts in Managerial Values and the Coming of a Unified Business Culture: A Cross-National Analysis Using European Social Survey Data
by André Hoorn - 567-596 Financial Reports and Social Capital
by Anand Jha - 597-609 The Ethics of Gamification in a Marketing Context
by Andrea Stevenson Thorpe & Stephen Roper - 611-621 Are Marketers Egoists? A Typological Explication
by Jayasankar Ramanathan & Biswanath Swain
March 2019, Volume 155, Issue 1
- 1-15 Adam Smith’s Philosophy of Science: Economics as Moral Imagination
by Matthias P. Hühn - 17-27 Epistemic Virtues Versus Ethical Values in the Financial Services Sector
by Emma Borg & Bradford Hooker - 29-40 Circumvention of Trade Defence Measures and Business Ethics
by Antonella Forganni & Heidi Reed - 41-56 Business in War Zones: How Companies Promote Peace in Iraq
by John E. Katsos & Yass AlKafaji - 57-73 How Virtuous Global Firms Say They Are: A Content Analysis of Ethical Values
by Rosa Chun - 75-89 The Mind is Willing, but the Situation Constrains: Why and When Leader Conscientiousness Relates to Ethical Leadership
by Mayowa T. Babalola & Michelle C. Bligh & Babatunde Ogunfowora & Liang Guo & Omale A. Garba - 91-103 Integrating Care Ethics and Design Thinking
by Maurice Hamington - 105-114 The Ethics of Functional Differentiation: Reclaiming Morality in Niklas Luhmann’s Social Systems Theory
by Vladislav Valentinov - 115-130 Ethical Leadership and Internal Whistleblowing: A Mediated Moderation Model
by Jin Cheng & Haiqing Bai & Xijuan Yang - 131-146 Linking Platforms, Practices, and Developer Ethics: Levers for Privacy Discourse in Mobile Application Development
by Katie Shilton & Daniel Greene - 147-161 (A)moral Agents in Organisations? The Significance of Ethical Organisation Culture for Middle Managers’ Exercise of Moral Agency in Ethical Problems
by Minna-Maaria Hiekkataipale & Anna-Maija Lämsä - 163-171 The Costs and Benefits of Adjunct Justice: A Critique of Brennan and Magness
by Steven Shulman - 173-190 When Democratic Principles are not Enough: Tensions and Temporalities of Dialogic Stakeholder Engagement
by Emilio Passetti & Lara Bianchi & Massimo Battaglia & Marco Frey - 191-205 From Homo-economicus to Homo-virtus: A System-Theoretic Model for Raising Moral Self-Awareness
by Julian Friedland & Benjamin M. Cole - 207-221 The Deliberative Test, a New Procedural Method for Ethical Decision Making in Integrative Social Contracts Theory
by Federico Ast - 223-240 Organizational Ethical Virtues of Innovativeness
by Elina Riivari & Anna-Maija Lämsä - 241-241 Correction to: Organizational Ethical Virtues of Innovativeness
by Elina Riivari & Anna-Maija Lämsä - 243-258 Costs of Distrust: The Virtuous Cycle of Tax Compliance in Jordan
by Fadi Alasfour - 259-274 How and When Compulsory Citizenship Behavior Leads to Employee Silence: A Moderated Mediation Model Based on Moral Disengagement and Supervisor–Subordinate Guanxi Views
by Peixu He & Zhenglong Peng & Hongdan Zhao & Christophe Estay - 275-287 Business Students’ Insights into Their Development of Ethical Decision-Making
by Rosina Mladenovic & Nonna Martinov-Bennie & Amani Bell - 289-304 Ethical Awareness, Ethical Judgment and Whistleblowing: A Moderated Mediation Analysis
by Hengky Latan & Charbel Jose Chiappetta Jabbour & Ana Beatriz Lopes de Sousa Jabbour
February 2019, Volume 154, Issue 4
- 893-899 Rethinking Corporate Agency in Business, Philosophy, and Law
by Samuel Mansell & John Ferguson & David Gindis & Avia Pasternak - 901-916 Corporate Agency and Possible Futures
by Tim Mulgan - 917-927 Kantian Group Agency
by Amy L. MacArthur - 929-942 Individual Actions and Corporate Moral Responsibility: A (Reconstituted) Kantian Approach
by Tobey Scharding - 943-954 Collective Responsibility Gaps
by Stephanie Collins - 955-966 Corporate Essence and Identity in Criminal Law
by Mihailis E. Diamantis - 967-974 Decomposing Legal Personhood
by Jon Garthoff - 975-975 Correction to: Decomposing Legal Personhood
by Jon Garthoff - 977-988 Corporate Personhood and the Corporate Responsibility to Race
by Nneka Logan - 989-1002 Regulation Enables: Corporate Agency and Practices of Responsibility
by Garrath Williams - 1003-1018 Can Corporations Be Held to the Public Interest, or Even to the Law?
by David Ciepley - 1019-1032 A Discursive Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility Education: A Story Co-creation Exercise
by José-Carlos García-Rosell - 1033-1050 Going to Haven? Corporate Social Responsibility and Tax Avoidance
by Burcin Col & Saurin Patel - 1051-1079 New Evidence on the Role of the Media in Corporate Social Responsibility
by Sadok El Ghoul & Omrane Guedhami & Robert Nash & Ajay Patel - 1081-1102 Piggy in the Middle: How Direct Customer Power Affects First-Tier Suppliers’ Adoption of Socially Responsible Procurement Practices and Performance
by Donna Marshall & Lucy McCarthy & Marius Claudy & Paul McGrath - 1103-1118 Exploring Muslim Attitudes Towards Corporate Social Responsibility: Are Saudi Business Students Different?
by Maurice J. Murphy & Jason B. MacDonald & Giselle E. Antoine & Jan M. Smolarski - 1119-1142 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Narratives and Analyst Forecast Accuracy
by Volkan Muslu & Sunay Mutlu & Suresh Radhakrishnan & Albert Tsang - 1143-1159 The Process Model of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Communication: CSR Communication and its Relationship with Consumers’ CSR Knowledge, Trust, and Corporate Reputation Perception
by Sora Kim - 1161-1186 The Heterogeneity of Board-Level Sustainability Committees and Corporate Social Performance
by Jenna J. Burke & Rani Hoitash & Udi Hoitash
February 2019, Volume 154, Issue 3
- 587-603 The National Ecological Accounting and Auditing Scheme as an Instrument of Institutional Reform in China: A Discourse Analysis
by Xiaorui Wang - 605-630 Social Entrepreneurship in Non-munificent Institutional Environments and Implications for Institutional Work: Insights from China
by Babita Bhatt & Israr Qureshi & Suhaib Riaz - 631-642 Comprehending the Cultural Causes of English Writing Plagiarism in Chinese Students at a Western-Style University
by Mark X. James & Gloria J. Miller & Tyler W. Wyckoff - 643-666 Business Groups and Tunneling: Evidence from Corporate Charitable Contributions by Korean Companies
by Byungki Kim & Jinhan Pae & Choong-Yuel Yoo - 667-681 The Effect of Sustainability Standard Uncertainty on Certification Decisions of Firms in Emerging Economies
by Ivan Montiel & Petra Christmann & Trevor Zink - 683-699 Price Reaction of Ethically Screened Stocks: A Study of the Dow Jones Islamic Market World Index
by Khelifa Mazouz & Abdulkadir Mohamed & Brahim Saadouni - 701-719 The Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Customer Loyalty: The Mediating Effect of Reputation in Cooperative Banks Versus Commercial Banks in the Basque Country
by Izaskun Agirre Aramburu & Irune Gómez Pescador - 721-731 Gender and Ethical Conduct of Hotel Employees in Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana
by Foster Frempong