- 2011s-17 Beyond Panel Unit Root Tests: Using Multiple Testing to Determine the Non Stationarity Properties of Individual Series in a Panel
by Hyungsik Roger Moon & Benoit Perron - 2011s-16 Past Market Variance and Asset Prices
by Federico M. Bandi & Benoit Perron - 2011s-15 Age-Price Profiles for Canadian Painters at Auction
by Douglas James Hodgson - 2011s-14 Dynamic Price Dependence of Canadian and International Art Markets: An Empirical Analysis
by Douglas James Hodgson & Aylin Seckin - 2011s-13 A Comparison of Forecasting Procedures For Macroeconomic Series: The Contribution of Structural Break Models
by Luc Bauwens & Gary Koop & Dimitris Korobilis & Jeroen Rombouts - 2011s-12 Emotions, Sanctions and Cooperation
by Mateus Joffily & David Masclet & Charles N. Noussair & Marie Claire Villeval - 2011s-11 Reference Point Effects in Antisocial Preferences
by Klaus Abbink & David Masclet & Matthijs van Veelen - 2011s-10 Inequality and Riots – Experimental Evidence
by Klaus Abbink & David Masclet & Daniel Mirza - 2011s-09 Weak moral motivation leads to the decline of voluntary contributions
by Charles Figuieres & David Masclet & Marc Willinger - 2011s-08 Threat and Punishment in Public Good Experiments
by David Masclet & Charles N. Noussair & Marie Claire Villeval - 2011s-07 Competitive Preferences and Status as an Incentive: Experimental Evidence
by Gary Charness & David Masclet & Marie Claire Villeval - 2011s-06 A test of singularity for distribution functions
by Victoria Zinde-Walsh & John W. Galbraith - 2011s-05 Optimum Commodity Taxation with a Non-Renewable Resource
by Julien Daubanes & Pierre Lasserre - 2011s-04 Minimum Wage and Job Complexity
by Samir Amine & Pedro Lages Dos Santos - 2011s-03 Technological Choices, Productivity and Labour Market Participation
by Samir Amine & Pedro Lages Dos Santos - 2011s-02 L'Allocation universelle est-elle réellement en mesure de modifier l'équilibre du marché du travail?
by Samir Amine - 2011s-01 Les choix technologiques et l'impôt négatif
by Samir Amine & Pedro Lages Dos Santos
- 2010s-49 Public Spending, Public Deficits, and Government Coalitions
by André Blais & Jiyoon Kim & Martial Foucault - 2010s-48 The Impact of Court Errors on Liability Sharing and Safety Regulation for Environmental/Industrial Accidents
by Marcel Boyer & Donatella Porrini - 2010s-47 The Return on Private Investment in Public Equity
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-François L'Her & Jean-Marc Suret - 2010s-46 Lessons From the Latest Data on U.S. Productivity
by Jan P.A.M. Jacobs & Simon van Norden - 2010s-45 The Smart Border Accord and the Schengen Agreement: A Comparative Analysis of Security Policies
by Georges A. Tanguay & Marie-Christine Therrien - 2010s-44 Estimating the Returns to Firm-Sponsored on-the-Job and Classroom Training
by Benoit Dostie - 2010s-43 Truth in Consequentiality: Theory and Field Evidence on Discrete Choice Experiments
by Frédéric Roy-Vigneault & Daniel Rondeau & Maurice Doyon & Christian A. Vossler - 2010s-42 Race of Recipient and Support for Welfare in Canada
by Allison Harell & Stuart N Soroka - 2010s-41 Les femmes au sein des conseils d'administration : Un bilan des connaissances
by Sylvie St-Onge & Michel Magnan - 2010s-40 Labour Supply, Work Effort and Contract Choice: Theory and Evidence on Physicians
by Bernard Fortin & Nicolas Jacquemet & Bruce Shearer - 2010s-39 Servir les clients avec le sourire : un cadre motivationnel pour mieux prédire les stratégies de régulation émotionnelle
by Marie-Claude Lépine & Michel Cossette - 2010s-38 Option Pricing with Asymmetric Heteroskedastic Normal Mixture Models
by Jeroen Rombouts & Lars Stentoft - 2010s-37 Local Interactions
by Onur Ozgur - 2010s-36 The incidence of Payroll Taxes in Ontario and Quebec; Evidence from collective agreements for 1985-2007
by Edison Roy César & François Vaillancourt - 2010s-35 Decentralisation in Africa and Fiscal Competition Evidence from Benin
by Emilie Caldeira & Martial Foucault & Grégoire Rota-Graziosi - 2010s-34 Competitive Insurance Markets and Adverse Selection in the Lab
by Dorra Riahi & Louis Lévy-Garboua & Claude Montmarquette - 2010s-33 Human Capital Investment by the Poor: Informing Policy with Laboratory and Field Experiments
by Catherine Eckel & Cathleen Johnson & Claude Montmarquette - 2010s-32 Sharing the Cost of Global Warming
by Justin Leroux - 2010s-31 Analyzing Entry Strategies in the Canadian Wireless Industry: The Case of the Discount Market
by Sandy Mokbel - 2010s-30 Current Trends in the Analysis of Canadian Productivity Growth
by Simon van Norden - 2010s-29 The Porter Hypothesis at 20: Can Environmental Regulation Enhance Innovation and Competitiveness?
by Stefan Ambec & Mark A. Cohen & Stewart Elgie & Paul Lanoie - 2010s-28 Product, Process and Organizational Innovation: Drivers, Complementarity and Productivity Effects
by Michael Polder & George van Leeuwen & Pierre Mohnen & Wladimir Raymond - 2010s-27 Configuration d'un champ institutionnel dans le cadre d'un méga-événement : le cas du championnat d'Europe de football
by Muriel Mignerat & Luc K. Audebrand - 2010s-26 Economic Restructuring and Total Factor Productivity Growth: Tunisia Over the Period 1983-2001
by Sofiane Ghali & Pierre Mohnen - 2010s-25 The Impact of Cigarette Tax Reduction on Consumption Behavior: Short-and Long-Term Empirical Evidence From Canada
by Jean-François Ouellet & Mariachiara Restuccia & Alexandre Tellier & Caroline Lacroix - 2010s-24 Heterogeneous Treatment and Self-Selection in a Wage Subsidy Experiment
by Dany Brouillette & Guy Lacroix - 2010s-23 Multivariate Option Pricing With Time Varying Volatility and Correlations
by Jeroen Rombouts & Lars Stentoft - 2010s-22 L'interaction entre les politiques sociales et les choix technologiques des entreprises : le cas de l'impôt négatif
by Samir Amine & Pedro Lages Dos Santos - 2010s-21 La prime au travail vs La prime pour l'emploi : l'effet sur le retour à l'emploi
by Samir Amine - 2010s-20 Les institutions du marché du travail et les inégalités inter-catégorielles : une comparaison France-Canada
by Samir Amine - 2010s-19 Assessing the Impact of a Wage Subsidy for Single Parents on Social Assistance
by Guy Lacroix - 2010s-18 La formation continue, un moyen de réduire les inégalités salariales entre hommes et femmes?
by Nathalie Havet & Guy Lacroix - 2010s-17 Are Children Decision-Makers Within the Household?
by Anyck Dauphin & Abdel-Rahmen El Lahga & Bernard Fortin & Guy Lacroix - 2010s-16 Welfare Implications of Leadership in a Resource Market Under Bilateral Monopoly
by Kenji Fujiwara & Ngo Van Long - 2010s-15 Using Innovation Surveys for Econometric Analysis
by Jacques Mairesse & Pierre Mohnen - 2010s-14 The Determinants of Education-Job Match among Canadian University Graduates
by Brahim Boudarbat & Victor Chernoff - 2010s-13 A Note on Remittances in El Salvador and Ecuador: An Analysis of Household Survey Data
by Jessica Audrey Clayton & Thierry Warin - 2010s-12 La crise financière : un an plus tard
by Robert Amzallag - 2010s-11 Peut-on mesurer les performances de développement durable?
by Olivier Boiral - 2010s-10 The Financial Crisis: One Year Later
by Robert Amzallag - 2010s-09 Does a Specific Union Impact on Wage Increases? Evidence from Canada, 1985-2007
by Edison Roy César & François Vaillancourt - 2010s-08 Do Peers Affect Student Achievement? Evidence from Canada Using Group Size Variation
by Yann Bramoullé & Habiba Djebbari & Bernard Fortin - 2010s-07 Seasoned Equity Offerings by Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-François L'Her & Jean-Marc Suret - 2010s-06 Competitive Private Supply of Public Goods
by Arnaud Dragicevic & Guy Meunier - 2010s-05 Incentive-Compatible Adjustments from the Anchor and Correlated Equilibrium
by Arnaud Dragicevic - 2010s-04 Private Valuation of a Public Good in Three Auction Mechanisms
by Arnaud Dragicevic & David Ettinger - 2010s-03 Loss of Substitutability: A Note On Disparity between WTP and WTA
by Arnaud Dragicevic - 2010s-02 Measuring the Returns to R&D
by Bronwyn H. Hall & Jacques Mairesse & Pierre Mohnen - 2010s-01 The Valuation Effect of Listing Requirements: An Analysis of Venture Capital-Backed IPOs
by Cécile Carpentier & Douglas Cumming & Jean-Marc Suret
- 2009s-48 La performance et le développement économiques du Québec : Les douze travaux d'Hercule
by Marcel Boyer - 2009s-47 Fair Value Accounting
by Michel Magnan & Daniel Thornton - 2009s-46 The Road to Power: Partisan Loyalty and the Centralized Provision of Local Infrastructure
by Marcelin Joanis - 2009s-45 On Loss Functions and Ranking Forecasting Performances of Multivariate Volatility Models
by Sébastien Laurent & Jeroen Rombouts & Francesco Violente - 2009s-44 Global Security Policies Against Terrorism and the Free Riding Problem: An Experimental Approach
by Nathalie Colombier & David Masclet & Daniel Mirza & Claude Montmarquette - 2009s-43 Keep it Down: An Experimental Test of the Truncated Uniform Price Auction
by Maurice Doyon & Daniel Rondeau & Richard Mbala - 2009s-42 When You've Seen One Financial Crisis…
by Simon van Norden - 2009s-41 Dimension Reduction and Model Averaging for Estimation of Artists' Age-Valuation Profiles
by John W. Galbraith & Douglas James Hodgson - 2009s-40 Quitter ou rester : analyse des profils d'intention de départ d'agents en centre de contact – clients
by Michel Cossette & Alain Gosselin - 2009s-39 Intertwined Federalism: Accountability Problems under Partial Decentralization
by Marcelin Joanis - 2009s-38 Choice or Mimetism in the Decision to Migrate? A European Illustration
by Thierry Warin & Andrew Blakely - 2009s-37 Willingness to Pay to Reduce Future Risk
by Jim Engle-Warnick & Julie Héroux & Claude Montmarquette - 2009s-36 Calibration and Resolution Diagnostics for Bank of England Density Forecasts
by John W. Galbraith & Simon van Norden - 2009s-35 Protecting Directors and Officers from Liability Arising from Aggressive Earnings Management
by M. Martin Boyer & Amandine Hanon - 2009s-34 Exploring Time-Varying Jump Intensities: Evidence from S&P500 Returns and Options
by Peter Christoffersen & Kris Jacobs & Chayawat Ornthanalai - 2009s-33 Option-Implied Measures of Equity Risk
by Bo-Young Chang & Peter Christoffersen & Kris Jacobs & Gregory Vainberg - 2009s-32 Option Valuation with Conditional Heteroskedasticity and Non-Normality
by Peter Christoffersen & Redouane Elkamhi & Bruno Feunou & Kris Jacobs - 2009s-31 Harnessing the Power of Focal Points To Measure Social Agreement
by Jim Engle-Warnick & Stuart N Soroka - 2009s-29 Innovative Sales, R&D and Total Innovation Expenditures: Panel Evidence on their Dynamics
by Wladimir Raymond & Pierre Mohnen & Franz Palm & Sybrand Schim van der Loeff - 2009s-28 A Nonparametric Copula Based Test for Conditional Independence with Applications to Granger Causality
by Taoufik Bouezmarni & Jeroen Rombouts & Abderrahim Taamouti - 2009s-27 Fair Value Accounting and the Financial Crisis: Messenger or Contributor?
by Michel Magnan - 2009s-26 Predicting Systematic Risk: Implications from Growth Options
by Eric Jacquier & Sheridan Titman & Atakan Yalçin - 2009s-25 Comptabilisation à la juste valeur et crise financière : rôle indicatif ou contributif?
by Michel Magnan - 2009s-24 Forecasting Expected Shortfall with a Generalized Asymmetric Student-t Distribution
by Dongming Zhu & John W. Galbraith - 2009s-23 A Note on Monitoring Daily Economic Activity Via Electronic Transaction Data
by John W. Galbraith & Greg Tkacz - 2009s-22 The Robustness of Economic Activity to Destructive Events
by John W. Galbraith - 2009s-21 Dependence Structure and Extreme Comovements in International Equity and Bond Markets
by René Garcia & Georges Tsafack - 2009s-20 Risk Aversion, Intertemporal Substitution, and the Term Structure of Interest Rates
by René Garcia & Richard Luger - 2009s-19 Bayesian Option Pricing Using Mixed Normal Heteroskedasticity Models
by Jeroen Rombouts & Lars Stentoft - 2009s-18 Detecting Mean Reversion in Real Exchange Rates from a Multiple Regime STAR Model
by Frédérique Bec & Mélika Ben Salem & Marine Carrasco - 2009s-17 Nonlinearity and Temporal Dependence
by Xiaohong Chen & Lars P. Hansen & Marine Carrasco - 2009s-16 Contagion émotionnelle facteur modérateur de créativité et de performance de groupe au travail?
by Delphine Van Hoorebeke - 2009s-15 Le comportement responsable des salariés au travail : une investigation théorique
by Delphine Van Hoorebeke - 2009s-14 A Test for the Presence of Central Bank Intervention in the Foreign Exchange Market With an Application to the Bank of Canada
by Douglas James Hodgson - 2009s-13 A Generalized Asymmetric Student-t Distribution with Application to Financial Econometrics
by Dongming Zhu & John W. Galbraith - 2009s-12 Private Placements by Small Public Entities: Canadian Experience
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-Marc Suret - 2009s-11 What Does it Take for an R&D Tax Incentive Policy to Be Effective?
by Pierre Mohnen & Boris Lokshin - 2009s-10 Entrepreneurial Equity Financing and Securities Regulation: An Empirical Analysis
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-Marc Suret - 2009s-09 L'éco-conception : Quels retours économiques pour l'entreprise?
by Corinne Berneman & Paul Lanoie & Sylvain Plouffe & Marie-France Vernier - 2009s-08 The Canadian Public Venture Capital Market
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-Marc Suret - 2009s-07 Investir dans des titres de petite capitalisation : le cas de la Bourse de croissance TSX
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-Marc Suret - 2009s-06 The Value of Capital Market Regulation: IPOs versus Reverse Mergers
by Cécile Carpentier & Douglas Cumming & Jean-Marc Suret - 2009s-05 The Impact of Distance on Offshore Business Relationships
by Benoit Aubert & Suzanne Rivard & Mathieu Templier - 2009s-04 Emulation in Teams and Families
by Daniel Léonard & Ngo Van Long - 2009s-03 Economic Policy when Models Disagree
by Pauline Barrieu & Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné - 2009s-02 Measuring the Sustainability of Cities: A Survey-Based Analysis of the Use of Local Indicators
by Georges A. Tanguay & Juste Rajaonson & Jean-François Lefebvre & Paul Lanoie - 2009s-01 Effectiveness of R&D Tax Incentives in Small and Large Enterprises in Québec
by Rufin Baghana & Pierre Mohnen - 2007s-28 The Survival and Success of Canadian Penny Stock IPOs
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-Marc Suret - 2007s-25 Long-run Performance Following Cross-Listing: A Re-examination
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-François L'Her & Jean-Marc Suret
- 2008s-30 A Real Option Approach to the Protection of a Habitat Dependent Endangered Species
by Skander Ben Abdallah & Pierre Lasserre - 2008s-29 La performance économique du Québec : constats et défis (IV)
by Marcel Boyer - 2008s-28 The Calibration of Probabilistic Economic Forecasts
by John W. Galbraith & Simon van Norden - 2008s-27 Relative Consumption and Resource Extraction
by Francisco Alvarez-Cuadrado & Ngo Van Long - 2008s-26 Can Corruption Be Studied in the Lab? Comparing a Field and a Lab Experiment
by Olivier Armantier & Amadou Boly - 2008s-25 Régulation et mode de gestion : une étude économétrique sur les prix et la performance dans le secteur de l'eau potable
by Marcel Boyer & Serge Garcia - 2008s-24 Les rendements privés de la formation selon l'âge des travailleurs au Québec et comparaison avec l'Ontario
by Benoit Dostie & Pierre-Thomas Léger - 2008s-23 Une analyse des déterminants de l'incidence et de l'intensité de la formation des travailleurs québécois selon l'âge et comparaison avec l'Ontario
by Benoit Dostie & Pierre-Thomas Léger - 2008s-22 Organizational Redesign, Information Technologies and Workplace Productivity
by Benoit Dostie & Rajshri Jayaraman - 2008s-21 Déterminants des heures travaillées au Québec et comparaisons avec l'Ontario
by Benoit Dostie - 2008s-20 Physicians' Multitasking and Incentives: Empirical Evidence from a Natural Experiment
by Etienne Dumont & Bernard Fortin & Nicolas Jacquemet & Bruce Shearer - 2008s-19 Forest Management: are Double or Mixed Rotations Desirable?
by Olfa Khazri & Pierre Lasserre - 2008s-18 The Relative Income Hypothesis
by Francisco Alvarez-Cuadrado & Ngo Van Long - 2008s-17 The Effect of Perfect Monitoring of Matched Income on Sales Tax Compliance: An Experimental Investigation
by Cathleen Johnson & David Masclet & Claude Montmarquette - 2008s-16 Inefficacité, iniquité et marché politique : bases de l'immobilisme fiscal du Québec
by Mathieu Laberge - 2008s-15 La charge fiscale nette des particuliers au Québec et dans les pays du G7 : le Québec est en excellente position et maintes fois champion des réductions fiscales!
by Luc Godbout & Suzie St-Cerny - 2008s-14 Risk Retention Groups in Medical Malpractice Insurance: A Test of the Federal Chartering Option
by Patricia Born & M. Martin Boyer - 2008s-13 Claims-Made and Reported Policies and Insurer Profitability in Medical Malpractice
by Patricia Born & M. Martin Boyer - 2008s-12 Stock Exchange Markets for New Ventures
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-François L'Her & Jean-Marc Suret - 2008s-11 Analysts, Incentives, and Exaggeration
by Timothy Shields - 2008s-10 Rémunération à l'ancienneté et ajustement du marché du travail
by Ali Béjaoui & Claude Montmarquette - 2008s-09 Knowledge Transfers between Canadian Business Enterprises and Universities: Does Distance Matter?
by Julio Rosa & Pierre Mohnen - 2008s-08 The Efficient Use of Multiple Sources of a Nonrenewable Resource Under Supply Cost Uncertainty
by Gérard Gaudet & Pierre Lasserre - 2008s-07 Institutions and Multinational Ownership Strategy
by Ari Van Assche & Galina A. Schwartz - 2008s-06 Le secteur privé dans un système de santé public : France et Pays Nordiques
by Marcel Boyer - 2008s-05 China and the Future of Asian Electronics Trade
by Byron Gangnes & Ari Van Assche - 2008s-04 Regulating Man-Made Sedimentation in Riverways
by Walid Marrouch & Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné - 2008s-03 The Efficient Liability Sharing Factor For Environmental Disasters: Lessons For Optimal Insurance Regulation
by Marcel Boyer & Donatella Porrini - 2008s-02 Is Emulation Good for You? The Ups and Downs of Rivalry
by Daniel Léonard & Ngo Van Long - 2008s-01 Training Without Certification: An Experimental Study
by Nadège Marchand & Claude Montmarquette
- 2007s-32 The Economics of Copyright and Fair Dealing
by Marcel Boyer - 2007s-31 L'économie du droit d'auteur et de l'utilisation équitable
by Marcel Boyer - 2007s-30 The “Competitive” Value of Music to Commercial Radio Stations
by Paul Audley & Marcel Boyer - 2007s-29 Measuring the Effectiveness of R&D tax credits in the Netherlands
by Boris Lokshin & Pierre Mohnen - 2007s-27 Risk, Timing and Overoptimism in Private Placements and Public Offerings
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-François L'Her & Stephan Smith & Jean-Marc Suret - 2007s-26 Competition and Survival of Stock Exchanges: Lessons From Canada
by Cécile Carpentier & Jean-François L'Her & Jean-Marc Suret - 2007s-24 An experimental study of trading volume and divergence of expectations in relation to earnings announcement
by Thanh Huong Dinh & Jean-François Gajewski - 2007s-23 Development Aid in the Presence of Corruption: Differential Games among Donors
by Murray C. Kemp & Ngo Van Long - 2007s-22 Tax Evasion: Cheating Rationally or Deciding Emotionally?
by Giorgio Coricelli & Mateus Joffily & Claude Montmarquette & Marie Claire Villeval - 2007s-21 Decision Making and Trade without Probabilities
by Jack Stecher & Radhika Lunawat & Kira Pronin & John Dickhaut - 2007s-20 When and Why Does It Pay To Be Green?
by Stefan Ambec & Paul Lanoie - 2007s-19 Environmental Policy, Innovation and Performance: New Insights on the Porter Hypothesis
by Paul Lanoie & Nick Johnstone & Stefan Ambec & Jérémy Laurent-Lucchetti - 2007s-18 Individual Responsibility and the Funding of Collective Goods
by Louis Lévy-Garboua & Claude Montmarquette & Marie Claire Villeval - 2007s-17 Des billets verts pour des entreprises agricoles vertes?
by Paul Lanoie & Daniel Llerena - 2007s-16 Electronics Production Upgrading: Is China Exceptional?
by Ari Van Assche & Byron Gangnes - 2007s-15 Approche expérimentale de l'incidence de la fiscalité sur l'offre de travail : Une étude comparative des systèmes d'imposition
by David Masclet & Claude Montmarquette - 2007s-14 Contagion émo-décisionnelle : projet d'étude par économie expérimentale
by Delphine Van Hoorebeke - 2007s-13 Are Firms That Received R&D Subsidies More Innovative?
by Charles Bérubé & Pierre Mohnen - 2007s-12 La performance économique du Québec : constats et défis (III)
by Marcel Boyer - 2007s-11 Five Indefinitely Repeated Games in the Laboratory
by Jim Engle-Warnick - 2007s-10 Extracting Several Resource Deposits of Unknown Size: Optimal Order
by Murray C. Kemp & Ngo Van Long - 2007s-09 The Dynamics of Industry Investments
by Marcel Boyer & Pierre Lasserre & Michel Moreaux - 2007s-08 A Mixed Bentham-Rawls Criterion for Intergenerational Equity
by Ngo Van Long - 2007s-07 Public Ownership and Trade Policy
by Ngo Van Long & Frank Staehler - 2007s-06 The Behavior of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator of Dynamic Panel Data Sample Selection Models
by Wladimir Raymond & Pierre Mohnen & Franz Palm & Sybrand Schim van der Loeff - 2007s-05 Environmental Protection, Consumer Awareness, Product Characteristics, and Market Power
by Marcel Boyer & Philippe Mahenc & Michel Moreaux - 2007s-04 Sharing Liability Between Banks and Firms: The Case of Industrial Safety Risk
by Marcel Boyer & Donatella Porrini - 2007s-03 Iterated Strict Dominance in General Games
by Yi-Chun Chen & Ngo Van Long & Xiao Luo - 2007s-02 Wages, Productivity and Aging
by Benoit Dostie - 2007s-01 Ambiguity Aversion as a Predictor of Technology Choice: Experimental Evidence from Peru
by Jim Engle-Warnick & Javier Escobal & Sonia Laszlo
- 2006s-30 A Simple Test of Learning Theory
by Jim Engle-Warnick & Ed Hopkins - 2006s-29 Learning-by-Doing in an Ambiguous Environment
by Jim Engle-Warnick & Sonia Laszlo - 2006s-28 Panel Data Analysis of the Time-Varying Determinants of Corruption
by Guillaume Fréchette - 2006s-27 Aspiration Levels and Educational Choices An experimental study
by Lionel Page & Louis Lévy-Garboua & Claude Montmarquette - 2006s-26 Non-Smooth Sustainable Development With Overshooting
by Hassan Benchekroun & Seiichi Katayama & Ngo Van Long - 2006s-25 Testing Invariance in Risk Taking: A Comparison Between Anglophone and Francophone Groups
by Ann-Renée Blais & Elke U. Weber - 2006s-24 A Domain-Specific Risk-Taking (DOSPERT)Scale for Adult Populations
by Ann-Renée Blais & Elke U. Weber - 2006s-23 L'économie expérimentale pour l'analyse de modifications au système centralisé de vente du quota laitier au Québec
by Maurice Doyon & Lota Tamini & Virginie Simard & Kent Messer & Harry M. Kaiser - 2006s-22 A Simple Model of Performance-enhancing Goals
by Daniel Léonard & Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - 2006s-21 Session Effects in the Laboratory
by Guillaume Fréchette - 2006s-20 Voluntary Contributions to a Public Good: Non-neutrality Results
by Ngo Van Long & Koji Shimomura - 2006s-19 Self-Employment and The Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital
by Nathalie Colombier & David Masclet - 2006s-18 Regulation, Market Structure and Service Trade Liberalization
by Denise Eby Konan & Ari Van Assche - 2006s-17 The Build-up of Cooperative Behavior among Non-cooperative Agents
by Hassan Benchekroun & Ngo Van Long - 2006s-16 Actions and Beliefs: Estimating Distribution-Based Preferences Using a Large Scale Experiment with Probability Questions on Expectations
by Charles Bellemare & Sabine Kröger & Arthur van Soest - 2006s-15 Overbidding in Independant Private-Values Auctions and Misperception of Probabilities
by Olivier Armantier & Nicolas Treich - 2006s-14 Estimates of Own Lethal Risks and Anchoring Effects
by Olivier Armantier - 2006s-13 Do Wealth Differences Affect Fairness Considerations?
by Olivier Armantier - 2006s-12 Who Gets the Last Word? An Experimental Study of the Effect of a Peer Review Process on the Expression of Social Norms
by Jim Engle-Warnick & Andreas Leibbrandt - 2006s-11 Innovativity: A Comparison Across Seven European Countries
by Pierre Mohnen & Jacques Mairesse & Marcel Dagenais - 2006s-10 The Curse of Windfall Gains in a Non Renewable Resource Oligopoly
by Hassan Benchekroun & Ngo Van Long - 2006s-09 Modularity and the Organization of International Production
by Ari Van Assche - 2006s-08 Recycling With Endogeneous Consumer Participation
by Soham Baksi & Ngo Van Long