2007, Volume 52, Issue 5
- 213-222 Luxatio lentis in dogs: a case report
by M. Saroglu & D. O. Erdikmen & O. Guzel & D. Aydin
2007, Volume 52, Issue 4
- 131-143 Interrelationship of feeding with immunity and parasitic infection: a review
by S.Gy. Fekete & R.O. Kellems - 144-161 Tuberculous and tuberculoid lesions in free living small terrestrial mammals and the risk of infection to humans and animals: a review
by M. Skoric & E.J. Shitaye & R. Halouzka & P. Fictum & I. Trcka & M. Heroldova & E. Tkadlec & I. Pavlik - 162-168 Model trial investigating retention in selected tissues using broiler chicken fed cadmium and humic acid
by I. Herzig & M. Navratilova & P. Suchy & V. Vecerek & J. Totusek - 169-174 Comparison of methods for the determination of antimicrobial resistance in Campylobacter spp. human and the food chain isolates
by M. Holasova & R. Karpiskova & S. Karpiskova & V. Babak & J. Schlegelova - 175-177 Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) farmed in the Adriatic Sea
by E. Srebocan & J. Pompe-Gotal & A. Prevendar-Crnic & E. Ofner
2007, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 87-94 Effect of unsaturated C18 fatty acids (oleic, linoleic and α-linolenic acids) on ruminal fermentation and production of fatty acids isomers in artificial rumen
by D. Jalc & M. Certik & K. Kundrikova & P. Namestkova - 95-102 Dose dependent changes in inflammatory parameters in the milk of dairy cows after intramammary infusion of lipopolysaccharide
by C. Werner-Misof & J. Macuhova & V. Tancin & R.M. Bruckmaier - 103-110 Effects of 2-phenoxyethanol anaesthesia on sheatfish (Silurus glanis L.)
by J. Velisek & T. Wlasow & P. Gomulka & Z. Svobodova & L. Novotny - 111-120 Determination of volatile organic compounds in the crude and heat treated amaranth samples
by M. Ciganek & B. Pisarikova & Z. Zraly - 121-129 Influence of the Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 strain on complications of the chronic experimental liver damage
by D. Kosakova & P. Scheer & J. Lata & J. Doubek
2007, Volume 52, Issue 2
- 49-53 Commercial phenotypic tests (API 20E) in diagnosis of fish bacteria: a review
by N. Topic Popovic & R. Coz-Rakovac & I. Strunjak-Perovic - 55-62 Phytoestrogens reduce the effect of polychlorinated biphenyls on the contractility of bovine myometrium in vitro
by M. Wrobel & J. Kotwica - 63-68 The effect of probiotics potentiated with polyunsaturated fatty acids on the digestive tract of germ-free piglets
by R. Kasteľ & A. Bomba & L. Vasko & A. Trebunova & P. Mach - 69-73 Prevalence of canine distemper virus in wild mustelids in the Czech Republic and a case of canine distemper in young stone martens
by L. Pavlacik & V. Celer & P. Koubek & I. Literak - 74-78 Male pseudohermaphroditism in dogs: three case reports
by M.R. Alam & Y.G. Cho & S.J. Cho & J.I. Lee & H.B. Lee & H.J. Tae & I.S. Kim & N.S. Kim - 79-82 Sagittal fracture of the proximal phalanx in a horse complicated during induction of anesthesia by complete fragmentation of the bone: a case report
by Z. Zert & J. Mezerova & R. Kabes & S. Krisova - 83-86 Brief description of the cardiac anatomy in a tiger (Panthera tigris, Linnaeus, 1758): a case report
by W. Perez & M. Lima
2007, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 1-18 Chromium as an essential nutrient: a review
by A. Pechova & L. Pavlata - 19-28 Development of an ELISA-based kit for the on-farm determination of progesterone in milk
by R. Simersky & J. Swaczynova & D.A. Morris & M. Franek & M. Strnad - 29-41 The effect of white lupine on the performance, health, carcass characteristics and meat quality of market pigs
by Z. Zraly & B. Pisarikova & M. Trckova & I. Herzig & M. Juzl & J. Simeonovova - 42-48 Selenium content in the blood serum and urine of ewes receiving selenium-enriched unicellular alga Chlorella
by J. Travnicek & L. Pisek & I. Herzig & J. Doucha & J. Kvicala & V. Kroupova & H. Rodinova
2006, Volume 51, Issue 12
- 533-543 Effects of peat feeding on the performance and health status of fattening pigs and environmentally derived mycobacteria
by M. Trckova & Z. Zraly & L. Matlova & V. Beran & M. Moravkova & J. Svobodova & I. Pavlik - 544-554 Effect of feeding treated peat as a supplement to newborn piglets on the growth, health status and occurrence of conditionally pathogenic mycobacteria
by M. Trckova & Z. Zraly & P. Bejcek & L. Matlova & V. Beran & A. Horvathova & M. Faldyna & M. Moravkova & J.E. Shitaye & J. Svobodová & I. Pavlik - 555-558 The prevalence of Toxoplasma gondiiIgM and IgG antibodies in dogs and cats from the Czech Republic
by K. Sedlak & E. Bartova
2006, Volume 51, Issue 11
- 497-511 Mycobacterial and Rhodococcus equi infections in pigs in the Czech Republic between the years 1996 and 2004: the causal factors and distribution of infections in the tissues
by J.E. Shitaye & I. Parmova & L. Matlova & L. Dvorska & A. Horvathova & V. Vrbas & I. Pavlik - 512-522 A prevalence study of bovine tuberculosis by using abattoir meat inspection and tuberculin skin testing data, histopathological and IS6110 PCR examination of tissues with tuberculous lesions in cattle inEthiopia
by J.E. Shitaye & B. Getahun & T. Alemayehu & M. Skoric & F. Treml & P. Fictum & V. Vrbas & I. Pavlik - 523-531 Mycobacterium caprae infection in cattle and pigs on one family farm inCroatia: a case report
by Z. Cvetnic & S. Spicic & V. Katalinic-Jankovic & S. Marjanovic & M. Obrovac & M. Benic & M. Mitak & I. Pavlik
2006, Volume 51, Issue 10
- 469-476 Effects of cypermethrin on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
by J. Velisek & T. Wlasow & P. Gomulka & Z. Svobodova & R. Dobsikova & L. Novotny & M. Dudzik - 477-484 New records of protostrongylid lungworms from wild ruminants in Bulgaria
by M.S. Panayotova-Pencheva - 485-489 Morphological studies on lyssa in cats and dogs
by K. Besoluk & E. Eken & E. Sur - 491-496 Blood profile in green iguanas after short-term anaesthesia with propofol
by Z. Knotkova & Z. Knotek & S. Trnkova & P. Mikulcova
2006, Volume 51, Issue 9
- 437-447 The role of neutrophil apoptosis during experimentally induced Streptococcus uberismastitis
by Z. Sladek & D. Rysanek & H. Ryznarova & M. Faldyna - 448-453 Iodine content in raw milk
by J. Travnicek & I. Herzig & J. Kursa & V. Kroupova & M. Navratilova - 454-460 The effect of vitrification in open pulled straws on pregnancy rates after transfer of in vivoproduced bovine embryos
by M. Lopatarova & S. Cech & L. Holy & R. Dolezel - 461-467 Clostridium perfringens in suckling piglets with diarrhoea and its PCR typing and prevalence in the Czech Republic in 2001-2003
by L. Czanderlova & P. Hlozek & D. Chmelar & P. Lany
2006, Volume 51, Issue 8
- 409-413 Antipredator pheromones in amphibians: a review
by J. Rajchard - 414-422 Restriction fragment length polymorphism of ORF6 and ORF7 genes of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) vaccine strains registered in the Czech Republic
by E. Kosinova & I. Psikal - 423-431 The ability of recovery in common carp after nitrite poisoning
by H. Kroupova & J. Machova & Z. Svobodova & V. Piackova & M. Smutna - 432-436 Serum lidocaine concentration after epidural administration in dogs
by D. Vnuk & N. Lemo & B. Radisic & V. Nesek-Adam & A. Musulin & J. Kos
2006, Volume 51, Issue 7
- 365-389 Cell wall deficient forms of mycobacteria: a review
by V. Beran & M. Havelkova & J. Kaustova & L. Dvorska & I. Pavlik - 391-398 Effect of polychlorinated biphenyls on the secretion of oxytocin from luteal and granulosa cells in cow: possible involvement of glucocorticoid receptors
by J.J. Mlynarczuk & J. Kotwica - 399-407 The use of amaranth (genus AmaranthusL.) in the diets for broiler chickens
by B. Pisarikova & Z. Zraly & S. Kracmar & M. Trckova & I. Herzig
2006, Volume 51, Issue 6
- 333-339 Monitoring of the genetic health of cattle in the Czech Republic
by J. Citek & V. Rehout & J. Hajkova & J. Pavkova - 340-345 The importance of increased levels of oxytocin induced by naloxone to milk removal in dairy cows
by V. Tancin & J. Macuhova & D. Schams & R.M. Bruckmaier - 346-355 Influence of increased lipid content in diet in the form of treated rapeseed meal on the metabolism and milk yield of dairy cows in the first third of lactation
by A. Pechova & R. Dvorak & P. Drastich & V. Lubojacka & L. Pavlata & J. Poul - 356-363 -Lung hemorrhage in a green iguana (Iguana iguana) with chronic metabolic failure: a case report
by V. Jekl & R. Halouzka & Z. Knotkova & G.M. Dorrestein & Z. Knotek
2006, Volume 51, Issue 5
- 161-167 Veterinary Research Institute, Brno, Czech Republic: Analysis of papers published from 1990 to 2005
by K. Hruska - 168-179 Haemophilus parasuis and Glässer's disease in pigs: a review
by K. Nedbalcova & P. Satran & Z. Jaglic & R. Ondriasova & Z. Kucerova - 180-192 Methods of mycobacterial DNA isolation from different biological material: a review
by J. Hosek & P. Svastova & M. Moravkova & I. Pavlik & M. Bartos - 193-211 Economic impact of paratuberculosis in dairy cattle herds: a review
by L. Hasonova & I. Pavlik - 212-223 Genetically modified potato plants in nutrition and prevention of diseases in humans and animals: a review
by R. Pribylova & I. Pavlik & M. Bartos - 224-231 Isolation and physical localization of new chromosome-specific centromeric repeats in farm animals
by A. Pauciullo & S. Kubickova & H. Cernohorska & K. Petrova & D. Di Berardino & L. Ramunno & J. Rubes - 232-238 Collection of oocytes from donors in the growth phase of follicular development can enhance the production of bovine embryos for cryopreservation
by M. Machatkova & K. Hanzalova & J. Horakova & Z. Reckova & P. Hulinska - 239-247 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in porcine and bovine organs and tissues
by M. Ciganek & J. Neca - 248-257 Validation of a monoclonal antibody-based ELISA for the quantification of the furazolidone metabolite (AOZ) in eggs using various sample preparation
by M. Franek & I. Diblikova & M. Vass & L. Kotkova & K. Stastny & K. Frgalova & K. Hruska - 258-264 γδ-TCR+ CD2- lymphocytes are recruited into bovine mammary gland after stimulation
by M. Faldyna & L. Leva & Z. Sladek & D. Rysanek & M. Toman - 265-277 Spontaneous and induced cytolysis of leukocytes from bovine mammary gland in the course of cultivation in vitro - the correlation with neutrophil granulocytes apoptosis
by D. Rysanek & Z. Sladek & V. Babak & D. Vasickova & M. Hubackova - 278-287 Characterisation of Pasteurella multocida isolated from rabbits in the Czech Republic
by Z. Jaglic & Z. Kucerova & K. Nedbalcova & P. Kulich & P. Alexa - 288-295 Isolation, immunochemical demonstration of field strains of porcine group A rotaviruses and electrophoretic analysis of RNA segments of group A and C rotaviruses
by R. Smitalova & L. Rodak & I. Psikal & B. Smid - 296-302 Production of monoclonal antibodies against immunoglobulin heavy chain in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)
by T. Vesely & S. Reschova & D. Pokorova & J. Hulova & Z. Nevorankova - 303-310 Antibiotic resistance of Salmonella spp. isolates from pigs in the Czech Republic
by F. Sisak & H. Havlickova & H. Hradecka & I. Rychlik & I. Kolackova & R. Karpiskova - 311-319 Risk assessment of mycobacterial infections (human tuberculosis and avian mycobacteriosis) during anatomical dissection of cadavers
by M. Bartos & H. Pavlikova & L. Dvorska & R. Horvath & M. Dendis & P. Flodr & Z. Kolar & R.T. Weston & L. Pac & L. Matlova & I. Pavlik - 320-332 Mycobacterial infections in European wild boar (Sus scrofa) in the Czech Republic during the years 2002 to 2005
by I. Trcka & J. Lamka & R. Suchy & M. Kopecna & V. Beran & M. Moravkova & A. Horvathova & M. Bartos & I. Parmova & I. Pavlik
2006, Volume 51, Issue 4
- 125-132 Immune relevant gene expression of mammary epithelial cells and their influence on leukocyte chemotaxis in response to different mastitis pathogens
by O. Wellnitz & P. Reith & S.C. Haas & H.H.D. Meyer - 133-138 Different estrous induction methods during the non-breeding season in Kivircik ewes
by I. Dogan & Z. Nur - 139-144 Peptidolytic enzymes in different larval stadium of housefly Musca domestica
by J. Blahovec & Z. Kostecka & A. Kocisova - 145-155 Safety assessment of sanguiritrin, alkaloid fraction of Macleaya cordata, in rats
by J. Psotova & R. Vecera & A. Zdarilova & E. Anzenbacherova & P. Kosina & A. Svobodova & J. Hrbac & D. Jirovsky & M. Stiborova & V. Lichnovsky & J. Vicar & V. Simanek & J. Ulrichova - 156-160 Persistent right aortic arch and aberrant left subclavian artery in a dog: a case report
by N.S. Kim & M.R. Alam & I.H. Choi
2006, Volume 51, Issue 3
- 81-88 Susceptibility of Escherichia coli, Salmonella sp. and Clostridium perfringensto organic acids and monolaurin
by E. Skrivanova & M. Marounek & V. Benda & P. Brezina - 89-92 Appearance of iron-labeled blood mononuclear cells in electron microscopy
by D. Horky & I. Lauschova & M. Klabusay & M. Doubek & P. Sheer & S. Palsa & J. Doubek - 93-100 Iodine content in consumer hen eggs
by J. Travnicek & V. Kroupova & I. Herzig & J. Kursa - 101-110 Determination of total mercury and mercury species in fish and aquatic ecosystems of Moravian rivers
by P. Houserova & V. Kuban & P. Spurny & P. Habarta - 111-117 A modified salvage technique in surgical repair of perineal hernia in dogs using polypropylene mesh
by D. Vnuk & D. Maticic & M. Kreszinger & B. Radisic & J. Kos & M. Lipar & T. Babic - 118-123 Preaxial longitudinal intercalary radial hemimelia in a dog: a case report
by M.R. Alam & S.Y. Heo & H.B. Lee & J.H. Kim & Y.J. Park & K.C. Lee & I.H. Choi & N.S. Kim
2006, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 45-50 Application of an electrometric method for measurement of in vitroinhibition of blood cholinesterases from sheep, goats and cattle by dichlorvos and carbaryl
by F.K. Mohammad & B.K. Al-Baggou' & A.S. Alias & G.A.M. Faris - 51-54 Determination of intracellular (neutrophil and monocyte) concentrations of free and liposome encapsulated ampicillin in sheep
by E. Yazar & A.L. Bas & Y.O. Birdane & K. Yapar & M. Elmas & B. Tras - 55-59 The branches of the descending palatine artery and their relation to the vomeronasal organ inAngoragoats
by K. Besoluk & E. Eken & S. Bahar - 60-65 A morphological and morphometrical study on the sacculus rotundus and ileum of the Angora rabbit
by K. Besoluk & E. Eken & E. Sur - 66-70 The morphology of the penis in porcupine (Hystrix cristata)
by O. Atalar & A.O. Ceribasi - 71-74 Carpal flexural deformity in puppies
by K. Altunatmaz & S. Ozsoy - 75-80 Pyloric ulceration and stenosis in a two-year-old thoroughbred filly: a case report
by B. Bezdekova & P. Jahn & J. Mezerova
2006, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 1-13 Diagnostic possibilities in the management of canine prostatic disorders
by K. Paclikova & P. Kohout & M. Vlasin - 14-20 Associations between bovine lactoferrin gene polymorphism and somatic cell count in milk
by K. Wojdak-Maksymiec & M. Kmiec & J. Ziemak - 21-28 The impact of the transport distance and season on losses of fattened pigs during transport to the slaughterhouse in the Czech Republic in the period from 1997 to 2004
by V. Vecerek & M. Malena & M. Malena & E. Voslarova & P. Chloupek - 29-34 Changes of haematological parameters in common pheasant throughout the year
by K. Hauptmanova & M. Maly & I. Literak - 35-43 Plasma insulin-like growth factor-1 concentration in dogs with chronic enteropathies
by A.C. Spichiger & K. Allenspach & Y. Zbinden & M.G. Doherr & S. Hiss & J.W. Blum & S.N. Sauter
2005, Volume 50, Issue 12
- 515-520 Qualitative detection of haptoglobin mRNA in bovine and human blood leukocytes and bovine milk somatic cells
by M.A. Thielen & M. Mielenz & S. Hiss & H. Sauerwein - 521-525 The content of iodine in pork
by I. Herzig & J. Travnicek & J. Kursa & V. Kroupova - 526-530 Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale strains isolated from chickens in Turkey
by G. Ozbey & H.B. Ertas & A. Muz - 531-536 Influence of chronic administration of zearalenone on the processes of apoptosis in the porcine ovary
by K. Wasowicz & M. Gajecka & J. Calka & E. Jakimiuk & M. Gajecki - 537-542 The occurrence and dynamics of Ligula intestinalis in its cyprinid fish host, tench, Tinca tinca, in MoganLake (Ankara, Turkey)
by M.B. Ergonul & A. Altindag - 543-547 Species level identification of thermotolerant campylobacters
by I. Kolackova & R. Karpiskova - 549-552 The prevalence of Neospora caninum antibodies in bulk milk of dairy herds in the Czech Republic: a case report
by L. Hurkova & D. Halova & D. Modry - 553-557 Malignant fibrous histiocytoma in a dog: a case report
by M. M. Kiran & M. Karaman & F. Hatipoglu & Y. Koc - 558-562 Surgical therapy of complicated uterine stump pyometra in five bitches: a case report
by B. Musal & B. Tuna
2005, Volume 50, Issue 11
- 461-471 Nitrite influence on fish: a review
by H. Kroupova & J. Machova & Z. Svobodova - 472-479 Diet induced ruminal papillae development in neonatal calves not correlating with rumen butyrate
by R. Zitnan & S. Kuhla & P. Sanftleben & A. Bilska & F. Schneider & M. Zupcanova & J. Voigt - 480-486 Effect of microbial oil, evening primrose oil and borage oil on rumen fermentation in vitro
by D. Jalc & A. Potkanski & M. Szumacher-Strabel & A. Cieslak & M. Certik - 487-495 Influence of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and phytoestrogens on prostaglandin F2α and E2secretion from bovine endometrial cells at a postovulatory stage of the estrous cycle
by M. Wrobel & J. Kotwica - 496-505 Prevalence of dental disorders in pet dogs
by M. Kyllar & K. Witter - 506-509 Hypospadias in three calves: a case report
by M.R. Alam & S.H. Shin & H.B. Lee & I.H. Choi & N.S. Kim - 510-512 First cases of canine dirofilariosis inSlovakia: a case report
by V. Svobodova & Z. Svobodova & V. Beladicova & D. Valentova - 513-514 A survey of rats and mice for latent toxoplasmosis inCroatia: a case report
by V. Kuticic & T. Wikerhauser & D. Gracner
2005, Volume 50, Issue 10
- 427-431 Effects of long term feeding dairy cows on a diet supplemented with clinoptilolite on certain haematological parameters
by P.D. Katsoulos & N. Roubies & N. Panousis & E. Christaki & P. Karatzanos & H. Karatzias - 432-438 Normobaric hypoxia induces mild damage to epithelium of terminal bronchioles in rabbits (ultrastructural study)
by J. Uhlik & V. Konradova & L. Vajner & J. Adaskova - 439-442 Typing of isolates of Clostridium perfringensfrom healthy and diseased sheep by multiplex PCR
by H. Kalender & H.B. Ertas & B. Cetinkaya & A. Muz & N. Arslan & A. Kilic - 443-445 Avian botulism at a sugar beet processing plant inSouth Moravia (Czech Republic)
by Z. Hubalek & V. Skorpikova & D. Horal - 446-450 An outbreak of avian tuberculosis in peafowl (Pavo cristatus) and pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) in a zoological aviary inTurkey
by O. Kul & R. Tunca & R. Haziroglu & K.S. Diker & S. Karahan - 451-460 Financial impact of foot-and-mouth disease inTurkey: acquisition of required data viaDelphiexpert opinion survey
by B. Senturk & C. Yalcin
2005, Volume 50, Issue 9
- 385-389 Sex pheromones in amphibians: a review
by J. Rajchard - 390-400 Differences in the occurrence of selenium, copper and zinc deficiencies in dairy cows, calves, heifers and bulls
by L. Pavlata & A. Podhorsky & A. Pechova & P. Chomat - 401-405 The effect of long-term high heavy metal intake on lipid peroxidation of gastrointestinal tissue in sheep
by S. Faix & Z. Faixova & K. Boldizarova & P. Javorsky - 406-410 The effects of humic acid on egg production and egg traits of laying hen
by S. Kucukersan & K. Kucukersan & I. Colpan & E. Goncuoglu & Z. Reisli & D. Yesilbag - 411-414 Intrarenal arterial patterns in the wolf (Canis lupis)
by Z. Ozudogru & D. Ozdemir - 415-420 New probiotic strain Lactobacillus fermentum AD1 and its effect in Japanese quail
by V. Strompfova & M. Marcinakova & S. Gancarcikova & Z. Jonecova & L. Scirankova & P. Guba & J. Koscova & K. Boldizarova & A. Laukova - 421-426 Haematology and plasma chemistry of Bornean river turtles suffering from shell necrosis and haemogregarine parasites
by Z. Knotkova & S. Mazanek & M. Hovorka & M. Sloboda & Z. Knotek
2005, Volume 50, Issue 8
- 327-335 Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in powdered infant milk: paratuberculosis in cattle - the public health problem to be solved
by K. Hruska & M. Bartos & P. Kralik & I. Pavlik - 336-344 An ELISA for antibodies to infectious bronchitis virus based on nucleocapsid protein produced in Escherichia coli
by D.Y. Zhang & J.Y. Zhou & J. Fang & J.Q. HU & J.X. WU & A.X. MU - 345-354 Characterisation and comparison of Pasteurella multocida isolated from different species in the Czech Republic: capsular PCR typing, ribotyping and dermonecrotoxin production
by Z. Jaglic & Z. Kucerova & K. Nedbalcova & I. Pavlik & P. Alexa & M. Bartos - 355-360 Serotype distribution of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae isolated from porcine pleuropneumonia in the Czech Republicduring period 2003-2004
by Z. Kucerova & Z. Jaglic & R. Ondriasova & K. Nedbalcova - 361-377 Peat as a feed supplement for animals: a literature review
by M. Trckova & L. Matlova & H. Hudcova & M. Faldyna & Z. Zraly & L. Dvorska & V. Beran & I. Pavlik - 379-383 Congenital synchronous adenomas of meibomian and moll glands of the eyelid in a calf
by H. Yuksel & M.Y. Gulbahar & L. Aslan
2005, Volume 50, Issue 7
- 281-290 Mycobacterial infections in cattle and pigs caused by Mycobacterium aviumcomplex members and atypical mycobacteria in theCzech Republicduring 2000-2004
by I. Pavlik & L. Matlova & L. Dvorska & J.E. Shitaye & I. Parmova - 291-299 Detection of bovine and human tuberculosis in cattle and other animals in six Central European countries during the years 2000-2004
by I. Pavlik & I. Trcka & I. Parmova & J. Svobodova & I. Melicharek & G. Nagy & Z. Cvetnic & M. Ocepek & M. Pate & M. Lipiec - 300-310 Production and characterisation of monoclonal antibodies for the detection of AOZ, a tissue bound metabolite of furazolidone
by M. Vass & L. Kotkova & I. Diblikova & Z. Nevorankova & K.M. Cooper & D.G. Kennedy & M. Franek - 311-314 The phenomenon of cell chimerism in goats
by T. Rychlik & A. Kozubska-Sobocinska & B. Rejduch & J. Sikora - 315-320 Oral immunization against enterotoxigenic colibacillosis in weaned piglets by non-pathogenic Escherichia colistrain with K88 (F4) colonizing factors
by P. Alexa & J. Hamrik & K. Stouracova & E. Salajka - 321-326 Subaortic stenosis and mitral dysplasia in three Black Russian Terrier puppies
by J. Pikula & J. Pikulova & H. Bandouchova & P. Kohout & K. Najman & F. Tichy & F. Treml
2005, Volume 50, Issue 6
- 231-252 Generation of hapten-specific recombinant antibodies: antibody phage display technology: a review
by J. Brichta & M. Hnilova & T. Viskovic - 253-261 Physiological and behavioural effects of changeover from conventional to automatic milking in dairy cows with and without previous experience
by D. Weiss & E. Moestl & R. M. Bruckmaier - 262-268 Detection of mycoplasma contamination in cell cultures and bovine sera
by H. Dvorakova & L. Valicek & M. Reichelova - 269-275 Effects of clove oil anaesthesia on common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)
by J. Velisek & Z. Svobodova & V. Piackova & L. Groch & L. Nepejchalova - 276-280 Co-infection with papillomavirus and Knemidokoptes jamaicensis (Acari: Knemidokoptidae) in a chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) and a case of beak papillomatosis in another chaffinch
by I. Literak & B. Smid & F. Dusbabek & R. Halouzka & L. Novotny
2005, Volume 50, Issue 5
- 181-185 Monitoring of antibiotic resistance in isolates of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniaein the Czech Republic between 2001 and 2003
by K. Nedbalcova & P. Satran & Z. Jaglic & R. Ondriasova & Z. Kucerova - 186-194 Effects of increased iodine supply on the selenium status of kids
by L. Pavlata & S. Slosarkova & P. Fleischer & A. Pechova - 195-204 Using the Sperm Quality Analyzer (SQA IIc) to evaluate dog ejaculates
by P. Prinosilova & Z. Veznik & A. Zajicova & D. Svecova - 205-212 A flexible and precise model for the dynamics of animal diseases with single outbreaks
by W.G. Nowak - 213-218 Chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Amblycera, Ischnocera) from chukars (Alectoris chukar) from a pheasant farm in Jinacovice (Czech Republic)
by O. Sychra - 219-224 Cryoprotection of porcine cornea: a scanning electron microscopy study
by A. Neronov & P. Giurov & M. Cholakova & M. Dimitrova & E. Nikolova - 225-229 Immunohistochemical distribution of prolactin containing cells in the pituitary of the chickens
by H. Erdost
2005, Volume 50, Issue 4
- 139-148 Current knowledge on koi herpesvirus (KHV) - a review
by D. Pokorova & T. Vesely & V. Piackova & S. Reschova & J. Hulova - 149-158 In vivo culture of bovine embryos and quality assessment of in vivo vs. in vitro produced embryos
by V. Havlicek & M. Lopatarova & S. Cech & R. Dolezel & T. Huber & A. Pavlok & G. Brem & U. Besenfelder - 159-163 Occurrence of the coccidium Isospora suis in piglets
by K. Hamadejova & J. Vitovec - 164-170 Chloramphenicol resistance genes in Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium isolated from human and animal sources in Hungary
by N. Nogrady & I. Gado & P. Zsolt Fekete & J. Paszti - 171-174 Prevalence of thermophilic Campylobacter spp. in slaughtered pigs in the Czech Republic, 2001-2003
by I. Steinhauserova & M. Nebola & M. Mikulicova - 175-180 Characterization of genetic diversity of animal and human Mycobacterium avium strains by IS1245-IS1311 spacer typing
by M. Pate & M. Ocepek & M. Zolnir-Dovc & B. Krt
2005, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 89-104 Viruses as a cause of foodborne diseases: a review of the literature
by P. Vasickova & L. Dvorska & A. Lorencova & I. Pavlik - 105-110 Ecology of brucellosis of the European hare in the Czech Republic
by J. Pikula & M. Beklova & Z. Holesovska & B. Skocovska & F. Treml - 111-118 Isolation and characterization Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli from sheep and goats inJordanwith evidence of multiresistant serotype O157:H7
by R. Novotna & P. Alexa & J. Hamrik & A. Madanat & J. Smola & A. Cizek - 119-130 Immunohistochemical characterisation of cholinergic nerve fibres supplying accessory genital glands in the pig
by M. Klimczuk & J. Kaleczyc & A. Franke-Radowiecka & K. Czaja & P. Podlasz & M. Lakomy - 131-135 The morphology of circulus arteriosus cerebri in the porcupine (Hystrix cristata)
by A. Aydin & S. Yilmaz & G. Dinc & D. Ozdemir & M. Karan - 136-138 Transmission electron microscopy of the vitreous body tissue in chronic hemophthalmos
by S. Synek & L. Pac
2005, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 47-60 Significance of different types and levels of antigen-specific immunity to Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniaeinfection in piglets
by K. Nechvatalova & P. Knotigova & J. Krejci & M. Faldyna & E. Gopfert & P. Satran & M. Toman - 61-68 Determination of total mercury in muscle, intestines, liver and kidney tissues of cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo), great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus) and Eurasian buzzard (Buteo buteo)
by P. Houserova & J. Hedbavny & D. Matejicek & S. Kracmar & J. Sitko & V. Kuban - 69-76 Evaluation of optimal conditions for arginase activity in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats
by M. Erisir & E. Ercel & S. Yilmaz & S. Ozan - 77-84 A macroscopical investigation of the portal veins of the Van cat
by Z. Ozudogru & Z. Soyguder & G. Aksoy & H. Karadag - 85-88 Spontaneous rupture of uterus in the bitch at parturition with evisceration of puppy intestine - a case report
by J. Hajurka & V. Macak & V. Hura & L. Stavova & R. Hajurka
2005, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 1-10 Antibody based methods for environmental and food analysis: a review
by M. Franek & K. Hruska - 11-23 Effect of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus uberis on apoptosis of bovine mammary gland neutrophils in vitro
by Z. Sladek & D. Rysanek & M. Faldyna - 24-32 Effect of sample size and staining methods on stallion sperm morphometry by the Sperm Class Analyzer
by M. Hidalgo & I. Rodriguez & J. Dorado & J. Sanz & C. Soler - 33-38 Estrous synchronization during the natural breeding season in Anatolian black does
by I. Dogan & Z. Nur & U. Gunay & H. Sagirkaya & M.K. Soylu & C. Sonmez - 39-46 Evaluation of acute phase protein indexes in dogs with leishmaniasis at diagnosis, during and after short-term treatment
by S. Martinez-Subiela & J.J. Ceron
2004, Volume 49, Issue 12
- 447-452 Passive immunoprophylaxis of edema disease in weaned piglets
by P. Alexa & J. Hamrik & K. Stouracova & L. Konstantinova & E. Salajka - 453-459 Inheritance of malignant melanoma in the melim strain of miniature pigs
by V. Hruban & V. Horak & K. Fortyn & J. Hradecky & J. Klaudy & D. M Smith & H. Reisnerova & I. Majzlik - 460-466 Seroprevalence of antibodies to chlamydophila abortus shown in awassi sheep and local goats in jordan
by K. M Al-Qudah & L. A Sharif & R. Y Raouf & N. Q Hailat & F. M Al-Domy - 467-472 The efficacy of various anaesthetics in tench (tinca tinca l.) related to water temperature
by J. Hamackova & A. Lepicova & P. Kozak & Z. Stupka & J. Kouril & P. Lepic - 473-475 Uterine prolapse in a purebred Arabian mare: a case report
by H. Cetin & S. Y Gurgoze
2004, Volume 49, Issue 11
- 401-405 Gentamycin inhibition of kcl-induced contractions of myometrium isolated from non-pregnant and pregnant cows
by H. Ocal & M. Yuksel & A. Ayar - 406-412 Bovine tuberculosis in one cattle herd in Ibadan in Nigeria
by S. I B Cadmus & N. N Atsanda & S. O Oni & E. E U Akang - 413-420 A survey of attitudes of Turkish veterinary students and educators about animal use in research
by H. Yerlikaya & A. Ozen & A. Yasar & A. Armutak & R. Ozturk & S. Bayrak & A. Gezman & I. Seker - 421-426 Effect of epidural administration of lidocaine, fentanyl and their combination on the minimum alveolar concentration of halothane in dogs
by P. Rauser & L. Lexmaulova & M. Vlasin & T. Fichtel & J. Lorenzova - 427-440 Mycobacterial infections in horses: a review of the literature
by I. Pavlik & P. Jahn & L. Dvorska & M. Bartos & L. Novotny & R. Halouzka - 441-446 Campylobacter jejuni: Public health hazards and potential control methods in poultry: a review
by H. Hariharan & G.A. Murphy & I. Kempf
2004, Volume 49, Issue 10
- 359-364 Emergency slaughter of pigs due to immobility
by A. Kozak & J. Holejsovsky & P. Belobradek & L. Ostadalova & P. Chloupek - 365-369 Emergency slaughters in pigs in the Czech Republic during the period of 1997-2002
by A. Kozak & M. Malena & J. Holejsovsky & B. Bartosek - 370-372 Correlations between milk production and kinetic variables in milk of cephalothin administered to lactating goats
by R. Rule & C. Cordiviola & M. Vita & R. Lacchini - 373-378 Effects of water reuse system on antioxidant enzymes of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss w., 1792)
by I. Ozmen & A. Bayir & M. Cengiz & A. N Sirkecioglu & M. Atamanalp - 379-388 Tuberculous lesions in pig lymph nodes caused by kaolin fed as a supplement
by L. Matlova & L. Dvorska & M. Bartos & J. Docekal & M. Trckova & I. Pavlik - 389-399 Kaolin, bentonite, and zeolites as feed supplements for animals: health advantages and risks
by M. Trckova & L. Matlova & L. Dvorska & I. Pavlik
2004, Volume 49, Issue 9
- 317-326 Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Escherichia coli O157 strains isolated from humans, cattle and pigs
by J. Osek - 327-333 Purification and characterization of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase from rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) erythrocytes
by M. Ciftci & A. Ciltas & O. Erdogan - 334-338 Immunohistochemical determination of calbindin-d28k in the kidney of postnatal rats
by S. Timurkaan & B. G Tarakci - 339-342 A case of anterior iris cyst in an akbash dog
by M. Saroglu & K. Altunatmaz & Y. Devecioglu - 343-358 Fish: a potential source of bacterial pathogens for human beings
by L. Novotny & L. Dvorska & A. Lorencova & V. Beran & I. Pavlik
2004, Volume 49, Issue 8
- 271-282 Research on paratuberculosis: Analysis of publications 1994-2004
by K. Hruska - 283-290 Fractionized milk composition in dairy cows with subclinical mastitis
by R. M Bruckmaier & C. E Ontsouka & J. W Blum - 291-297 Assessment of anaerobic threshold in the galloper using a standardised exercise field test
by G. Piccione & A. Assenza & F. Fazio & M. Percipalle & G. Caola - 298-304 An attitude of veterinary practitioners towards animal rights in Turkey
by A. Ozen & R. Ozturk & A. Yasar & A. Armutak & T. Basagac & A. Ozgur & I. Seker & H. Yerlikaya - 305-311 Investigations on ornithobacterium rhinotracheale in broiler flocks in elazig province located in the east of turkey
by G. Ozbey & H. Ongor & D. T Balik & V. Celik & A. Kilic & A. Muz - 312-316 Canine histiocytic syndrome manifested as ulcerative gastroenterocolitis, skin lesions and lymphadenopathy - a case report
by V. Revajova & M. Levkut & M. Kozak & J. Bilek & D. Magic & R. Herich
2004, Volume 49, Issue 7
- 225-236 Distribution of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in the gastrointestinal tract of shedding cows and its application to laparoscopic biopsy
by T. Amemori & L. Matlova & O. A Fischer & W. Y Ayele & M. Machackova & E. Gopfert & I. Pavlik - 237-242 New records of Ascaridia platyceri (Nematoda) in parrots (Psittaciformes)
by V. Kajerova & V. Barus & I. Literak - 243-252 Prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in milk, meat and foodstuff of animal origin and the phenotype of antibiotic resistance of isolated strains
by P. Navratilova & J. Schlegelova & A. Sustackova & E. Napravnikova & J. Lukasova & E. Klimova - 253-258 Polymerase chain reaction assay for the diagnosis of experimentally infected pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats with Brucella abortus biotype 1
by M. S. Rahman - 259-267 Quantification of the effectiveness of laboratory diagnostics of rabies using classical and molecular-genetic methods
by R. Franka & S. Svrcek & M. Madar & M. Kolesarova & A. Ondrejkova & R. Ondrejka & Z. Benisek & J. Suli & S. Vilcek - 268-270 Case report of a myxoma in a gamecock
by I. Yaman & T. Durgun & E. Karabulut
2004, Volume 49, Issue 6
- 187-190 Venous and arterial ammonia in dairy cows with fatty liver and hepatic failure
by P. Mudron & J. Rehage & M. Holtershinken & H. Scholz