2004, Volume 49, Issue 6
- 191-196 Digestibility of total and phytate phosphorus in young calves
by V. Skrivanova & M. Marounek & R. Dvorak - 197-200 Serum amylase activity disorders in the course of experimental diabetes in rabbits
by K. Burski & T. Ueland & R. Maciejewski - 201-206 The effects of diet supplemented with sodium bicarbonate upon blood pH, blood gases and eggshell quality in laying geese
by I. Kaya & B. Karademir & O. Ucar - 207-216 Submicroscopic structure of canine articular cartilage
by D. Horky & F. Tichy - 217-223 Nematodes from the genus Ascaridia parasitizing psittaciform birds: a review and determination key
by V. Kajerova & V. Barus & I. Literak
2004, Volume 49, Issue 5
- 149-155 Influence of parenteral administration of selenium and vitamin E during pregnancy on selected metabolic parameters and colostrum quality in dairy cows at parturition
by L. Pavlata & J. Prasek & J. Filipek & A. Pechova - 156-160 Bactericidal efficacy of two disinfectants against Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and one feed supplement against B. hyodysenteriae and B. pilosicoli
by D. Lobova & A. Cizek - 161-170 Mycobacterial catalases, peroxidases, and superoxide dismutases and their effects on virulence and isoniazid-susceptibility in mycobacteria - a review
by M. Bartos & J. O. Falkinham III & I. Pavlik - 171-185 A review of rabies elimination in Europe
by J. Vitasek
2004, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 103-108 Post-parturitional changes in the proportion of CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes in Toxocara canis-infected mice and their offspring
by K. Reiterova & O. Tomasovicova & P. Dubinsky - 109-114 Pancarpal and pantarsal arthrodesis applications using compression plates in dogs
by S. Ozsoy & K. Altunatmaz - 115-122 Brucellosis in wild boar (Sus scrofa) in the Republic of Croati
by Z. Cvetnic & J. Toncic & S. Spicic & M. Lojkic & S. Terzic & L. Jemersic & A. Humski & S. Curic & M. Mitak & B. Habrun & M. Brstilo & M. Ocepek & B. Krt - 123-128 Nerves originating from brachial plexus in the porcupine (Hystrix cristata)
by A. Aydin - 129-134 Chlamydia (Chlamydophila) pneumoniae in animals: a review
by L. Pospisil & J. Canderle - 135-142 The importance of dogs in eco-epidemiology of Lyme borreliosis: a review
by M. Bhide & M. Travnicek & J. Curlik & A. Stefancikova - 143-147 Acquired esophageal stricture in the dog: a case report
by M. Vlasin & R. Husnik & T. Fichtel & L. Rauserova
2004, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 65-69 Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis of Pasteurella multocida and Manheimia haemolytica strains isolated from cattle, sheep and goats
by G. Ozbey & A. Kilic & H. B Ertas & A. Muz - 70-74 Parasitological survey of rats in rural regions of Croatia
by D. Stojcevic & Z. Mihaljevic & A. Marinculic - 75-78 Organs of slaughter pigs as a source of potential risk for human health in the Czech Republic during the years 1995-2002
by V. Vecerek & A. Kozak & M. Malena & P. Chloupek & V. Pistekova - 79-100 Tetracyclines in veterinary medicine and bacterial resistance to them
by E. Michalova & Pnovotna & J. Schlegelova
2004, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 35-41 Diagnostics of main bacterial agents of porcine respiratory diseases complex (PRDC) using PCR detection of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
by I. Holko & J. Urbanova & Tholkova & V. Kmet - 42-46 A field study to evaluate the efficacy of fenbendazole on 9 stud farms
by M. Varady & A. Konigova & J. Corba - 47-51 Inhibition of Salmonella enterica serovar Dusseldorf by enterocin A in gnotobiotic Japanese quails
by A. Laukova & P. Guba & R. Nemcova & M. Marekova - 52-56 The branches of the arteria celiaca in the porcupine (Hystrix cristata)
by O. Atalar & S. Yilmaz - 57-60 Intrarenal arteries and their patterns in the Tuj sheep
by G. Aksoy & I. Kurtul & S. Ozcan & K. Aslan & Z. Ozudogru - 61-64 Prediction of possible distribution of tularemia in the Czech Republic
by J. Pikula & M. Beklova & Z. Holesovska & F. Treml
2004, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-8 Bull and boar sperm DNA integrity evaluated by sperm chromatin structure assay in the Czech Republic
by R. Rybak & L. Faldikova & M. Faldyna & M. Machatkova & J. Rubes - 9-13 Prevalence of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in horses in the province of Kars, Turkey
by A. Akca & C. Babur & Arslan MO & Y. Gicik & M. Kara & S. Kilic - 15-18 Spatio-temporal aspects of tularemia in Southern Moravia, Czech Republic
by J. Piskula & M. Beklova & Z. Holesovska & F. Treml - 19-34 A review of the diseases and contaminant related mortalities of tench (Tinca tinca L.)
by Z. Svobodova & J. Kolarova
2003, Volume 48, Issue 12
- 343-357 Mycobacteria isolated from the environment of pig farms in the Czech Republic during the years 1996 to 2002
by L. Matlova & L. Dvorska & J. Bartl & M. Bartos & W.Y. Ayele & M. Alexa & I. Pavlik - 359-362 Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of isolates of infectious bursal disease viruses from Turkey
by G. Ozbes & H.B. Ertas & A. Muzo - 363-368 Polychlorinated biphenyls in raptor and owl eggs in the Czech Republic
by I. Kubistova & M. Vavrova & I. Literak - 369-372 Immunohistochemical localization of calbindin-D28k in the kidney and cerebellum of the porcupines (Hystrix cristata)
by S. Timurkaan & A. Aydin & M. Kaban - 373-374 Defective wing development in black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus) - case report
by J. Rajchard & V. Rajchard
2003, Volume 48, Issue 11
- 305-312 Effects of some antibiotics on glutathione reductase from bovine erythrocytes
by M. Erat & H. Sakiroglu & M. Ciftci - 313-320 Mild hyperoxia induces moderate pathological alteration in airway epithelium (ultrastructural study)
by V. Koonradova & J. Uhlik & L. Vajner & J. Herget & J. Adaskova - 321-329 A serological survey and isolation of leptospires from small rodents and wild boars in the Republic of Croatia
by Z. Cvetnic & J. Margaletic & J. Toncic & N. Tturk & Z. Milas & S. Spicic & M. Lojkic & S. Terzic & L. Jemersic & A. Humski & M. Mitak & B. Habrun & B. Krt - 331-338 The prevalence of and resistance to antimicrobial agents of Bacillus cereus isolates from foodstuffs
by J. Schlegelova & J. Brychta & E. Klimova & E. Napravnikova & V. Babak - 339-342 Treatment of a case of tracheal stenosis in a dog with tracheal resection and anastomosis
by Z. Mutlu & S.E. Acar & C. Perk
2003, Volume 48, Issue 10
- 267-274 Effect of polychlorinated biphenyls (Aroclor-1248) on the secretory function of bovine luteal cells affected by LH, noradrenaline and high density lipoproteins
by J. Mlynarczuk & R. Amarowicz & J. Kotwica - 275-282 Quarter milk flow patterns in dairy cows: factors involved and repeatability
by V. Tancin & A.H. Ipema & D. Peskovicova & P.H. Hogeverf & J. Macuhova - 283-292 Alpha adrenergic receptors are involved in the contractile activity of neuropeptide Y in the porcine isolated ovarian artery
by W. Markiewicz - 293-300 Effect of a single dose of iodized fatty acid ester Lipiodol® Ultra-Fluid on egg iodine concentrations and egg production
by M. Trckova & B. Pisarikova & P. Suchy & I. Herzig - 301-304 Brachial plexus of the porcupine (Hystrix cristata)
by A. Ayidin
2003, Volume 48, Issue 9
- 237-247 Production of scFv recombinant fragments against 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid hapten using naďve phage library
by J. Brichta & H. Vesela & M. Franek - 248-253 impact of manual and mechanical cut-up of broiler carcasses on the enterprise income
by Y. Cevger & S. Sariozkan & H. Guler - 254-266 The antigenic and genetic variability of bovine respiratory syncytial virus with emphasis on the G protein
by V. Valentova
2003, Volume 48, Issue 8
- 207-214 Veterinary meat inspection of pig carcasses in the Czech Republic during the period of 1995-2002
by A. Kozak & V. Vecerek & P. Chloupek & B. Tremlova & M. Malena - 215-220 Micronucleus occurrence in diploid and triploid rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum)
by I. Strunjak-Perovic & R. Coz-Rakovac & N. Topic Popovic - 221-228 Functional evaluation of dog ejaculates with priority given to the aspect of acrosome integrity
by Z. Veznik & D. Svecova & A. Zajicova & P. Prinosilova - 229-234 Urethrostomy done using the anastomosis technique of the prepuce mucosa to the pelvic urethra in cats with penile urethral obstruction
by M. Saroglu & S.E. Acar & O. Duzgun - 235-236 Papilloma squamocellulare in chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)
by J. J Rajchard & V. Rachard
2003, Volume 48, Issue 7
- 177-182 Influence of the diet on the morphology of ruminal and intestinal mucosa and on intestinal carbohydrase levels in cattle
by R. Zitnan & S. Kuhla & K. Nürnberg & U. Schönhusen & Z. Ceresnakova & A. Sommer & M. Baran & G. Greserova & J. Voigt - 183-189 Veterinary meat inspection of bovine carcasses in the Czech Republic during the period of 1995-2002
by V. Vecerek & A. Kozak & M. Malena & B. Tremlova & P. Chloupek - 190-198 Is there any function for colicinogeny in the post-weaning diarrhoea of piglets?
by J. Trcka & J. Smarda - 199-205 Retention of cadmium in the tissues of broiler chicks by dietary supplemental microbial phytase
by T. Bilal & E. Erçag
2003, Volume 48, Issue 6
- 147-154 Immunological characteristics of cattle with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection
by M. Toman & M. Faldyna & I. Pavlik - 155-162 Milk iodine concentration in cows treated orally or intramuscularly with a single dose of iodinated fatty acid esters
by I. Herzig & J. Poul & B. Písaíková & E. Göpfert - 163-168 Prevalence of canine coronavirus and parvovirus infections in dogs with gastroenteritis in Thailand
by K. Sakulwira & P. Vanapongtipagorn & A. Theamboonlers & K. Oraveerakul & Y. Poovorawan - 169-174 Papillomatosis in chaffinches (Fringilla coelebs) in the Czech Republic and Germany
by I. Literák & B. Šmíd & L. Valíček - 175-176 Poisoning with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in dogs: two case reports
by E. Srebo & G. Hrlec & Ž. Grabarevi & J. Pompe-Gotal & R. Sabo
2003, Volume 48, Issue 5
- 113-125 Tuberculous lesions in pigs in the Czech Republic in the years 1990-1999: occurrence, causal factors and economic losses
by I. Pavlik & L. Matlova & L. Dvorska & J. Bartl & L. Oktabcova & J. Docekal & I. Parmova - 126-132 Survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes 4b and Yersinia enterocolitica O3 in ayran and modified kefir as pre- and postfermentation contaminant
by M. Gulmez & A. Guven - 133-140 Treatment of extremity fractures in dogs using external fixators with closed reduction and limited open approach
by S. Özsoy & K. Altunatmaz - 141-145 Lawsonia intracellularis in a dog with inflammatory bowel disease
by R. Husník & J. Klimeš & K. Tomanová & J. Smola & R. Halouzka & F. Tichý & J. Brázdil
2003, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 83-89 Mycobacterium tuberculosis in animal and human populations in six Central European countries during 1990-1999
by I. Pavlik & W. Yayo Ayele & I. Parmova & I. Melicharek & M. Hanzlikova & M. Svejnochova & B. Körmendy & G. Nagy & Z. Cvetnic & V. Katalinic-Jankovic & M. Ocepek & M. Zolnir-Dovc & M. Lipiec & M. Havelkova - 90-98 Mycobacterium bovis in human population in four Central European countries during 1990-1999
by I. Pavlik & W. Yayo Ayele & M. Havelkova & M. Svejnochova & V. Katalinic-Jankovic & M. Zolnir-Dovc - 99-107 Localization of immunoreactivities for neuropeptides and neurotransmitter-synthesizing enzymes in the pterygopalatine ganglion of the pig
by P. Podlasz & K. Wąsowicz & J. Kaleczyc & M. Łakomy & R. Bukowski - 108-112 Detection of Lawsonia intracellularis in a dog with inflammatory bowel disease using nested PCR and serology
by K. Tomanová & J. Klimeš & J. Smola & R. Husník
2003, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 51-65 Wild boar (Sus scrofa) as a possible vector of mycobacterial infections: review of literature and critical analysis of data from Central Europe between 1983 to 2001
by M. Machackova & L. Matlova & J. Lamka & J. Smolik & I. Mmelicharek & M. Hanzalikova & J. Docekal & Z. Cvetnik & G. Nagy & M. Lipiec & M. Ocepek & I. Pavlik - 66-70 Prevalence of antibodies against leptospires in the wild boar (Sus scrofa L., 1758)
by F. Treml & J. Pikula & Z. Holešovská - 71-78 Mycobacterial infection in aquarium fish
by P. Lescenko & L. Matlova & L. Dvorska & M. Bartos & O. Vavra & S. Navratil & L. Novotny & I. Pavlik - 79-82 Subcuticular catgut versus polyglactin 910 in scar formation in sheep
by Ž. F. Rudman & E. Amić & Z. Stanec & I. Stipančić & D. Bušić
2003, Volume 48, Issue 1-2
- 200-200 Follicular growth patterns in repeat breeder cows
by C.C. Pérez & I. Rodríguez & F. Espańa & J. Dorado & M. Hidalgo & J. Sanz - 200-200 Effect of climatic influences on the migrations of infective larvae of Cyathostominae
by I. Langrová & I. Jankovská & M. Borovský & T. Fiala - 200-200 Quantitative methods to determine factors affecting profits of lamb fattening enterprises
by Y. Cevger - 200-200 Egg production, egg quality, and lipid peroxidation status in laying hens maintained at a low ambient temperature (6°C) and fed a vitamin C and vitamin E-supplemented diet
by O. Kucuk & N. Sahin & K. Sahin & M. F. Gursu & F. Gulcu & M. Ozcelik & M. Issi - 200-200 Treatment of canine hip dysplasia using triple pelvic osteotomy
by K. Altunatmaz & R. Yucel & Y. Devecioglu & M. Saroglu & S. Ozsoy - 200-200 Tuberculosis in cattle caused by IS901+ Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium ? a case report
by M. Ocepek & M. Pate & M. Zolnir-Dovc & Z. Cvetnic - 200-200 Comparative studies of early season moxidectin treatment and conventional ivermectin/ benzimidazole treatments in the control of cyathostomes in horses
by I. Langrová & I. Jankovská & M. Borovský
2002, Volume 47, Issue 12
- 325-332 The dynamics of morphological changes during in vitro aging of bovine virgin mammary gland neutrophils
by Z. Sládek & D. Vašíčková & D. Ryšánek - 333-341 Functional and phenotypic analyses of porcine gut immune cells immunized by oral administration of F4ac+nonenterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains
by N. Vijtiuk & K. Trutin-Ostovič & T. Balenovič & M. Popovič & I. Valpotič - 343-350 Iodine toxicity in ruminants
by I. Paulíková & G. Kováč & J. Bíreš & Š. Paulík & H. Seidel & O. Nagy
2002, Volume 47, Issue 10-11
- 277-282 Comparison of immune parameters in cows with normal and prolonged involution time of uterus
by M. Levkut & J. Pistl & V. Revajová & J. Chroma & M. Levkutová & V. Dávid - 283-288 Effects of some antibiotics on glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase in sheep liver
by M. Çiftci & V. Turkoglu & S. Aldemir - 289-294 Plasma lipopolysaccharide level and enterocyte brush border enzymes in gnotobiotic piglets infected with Salmonella typhimurium
by I. Trebichavský & H. Kozáková & I. Šplíchal - 295-301 Differentiation of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus European vaccine strains from Czech field isolates by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of ORF5 gene
by S. Indik & L. Valíček - 303-308 In vitro susceptibility of duck, chicken, and pig erythrocyte lipids to peroxidation
by B. Gradinski-Vrbanac & Z. Stojevič & S. Milinkovič-Tur & T. Balenovič & J. Piršljin & M. Zdeler-Tuk - 309-314 Small mammals - natural reservoir of pathogenic leptospires
by F. Treml & M. Pejčoch & Z. Holešovská - 315-322 Effect of early nutritional experience on the feeding behaviour of adult female rats
by Z. Šefčíková & Š. Mozeš - 323-324 Lead intoxication in a puppy - a case report
by E. Srebočan & J. Pompe-Gotal & I. Kiš & B. Pirkič & B. Artukovič & Z. Špacir-Prskalo
2002, Volume 47, Issue 9
- 241-250 Mycobacterial infections in cattle in the Czech Republic during 1990-1999
by I. Pavlik & L. Dvorska & L. Matlova & P. Svastova & I. Parmova & J. Bazant & J. Veleba - 251-263 The last outbreak of bovine tuberculosis in cattle in the Czech Republic in 1995 was caused by Mycobacterium bovis subspecies caprae
by I. Pavlik & F. Bures & P. Janovsky & P. Pecinka & M. Bartos & L. Dvorska & L. Matlova & K. Kremer & D. Van Soolingen - 264-269 Histopathology of the lymphatic system in ascitic broilers
by Yang Sijun & Guo Dingzong & Yao Baoan - 270-276 Exposure to hypoxia injures tracheal epithelium (ultrastructural study)
by V. Konrádová & J. Uhlík & L. Vajner & J. Herget & J. Adášková
2002, Volume 47, Issue 8
- 213-217 Porcine pleuropneumonia: the first evaluation of field efficacy of a subunit vaccine in Croatia
by B. Habrun & V. Bilič & Ž. Cvetnič & A. Humski & M. Benič - 218-221 Comparison of the detection and quantification of rabies antibodies in canine sera
by A. Ondrejková & J. Suli & R. Ondrejka & Z. Beníšek & R. Franka & Š. Švrček & M. Maďar & A. Bugarský - 222-226 Health status of wild and cultured sea bass in the northern Adriatic Sea
by R. R Čož-Rakovac & I. Strunjak-Perović & N. Topić Popović & M. Hacmanjek & B. Šimpraga & E. Teskeredžić - 227-233 Psychrotrophic vs. total bacterial counts in bulk milk samples
by R. Cempírková - 234-240 Haemorrhagic septicaemia, its significance, prevention and control in Asia
by A. Benkirane & M.C.L. de Alwis
2002, Volume 47, Issue 7
- 181-194 Molecular epidemiology of bovine tuberculosis in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the period 1965-2001 studied by spoligotyping
by I. Pavlik & L. Dvorska & M. Bartos & I. Parmova & I. Melicharek & A. Jesenska & M. Havelkova & M. Slosarek & I. Putova & G. Martin & W. Erler & K. Kremer & D. Van Soolingen - 195-198 Field evaluation of an iELISA and CF test for detection of IgG antibodies against Chlamydophila abortus in goats, sheep and rams
by M. Trávníček & D. Kováčová & M.R. Bhide & P. Zubrický & L. Čisláková - 199-210 Clinical endocrinology of thyroid gland function in ruminants
by Huszebucza GY & M. Kulcszr & P. Rudas - 211-212 The Ecology of Mycobacteria
by I. Pavlik & J. Kazda
2002, Volume 47, Issue 6
- 149-158 Molecular analysis of Escherichia coli O157 strains isolated from cattle and pigs by the use of PCR and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis methods
by J. Osek & P. Gallien - 159-168 Variations in environmental contamination by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and chlorinated pesticides (Lindane, DDT) on ping farms in Hodonín district in 1994 to 1999
by R. Ulrich & J. Raszyk - 169-180 Lactic acid bacteria, probiotics and immune system
by R. Herich & M. Levkut
2002, Volume 47, Issue 5
- 117-121 Rapid differentiation of Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium and Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis by amplification of insertion element IS901
by P. Svastova & I. Pavlik & M. Bartos - 122-131 Incidence of bovine tuberculosis in wild and domestic animals other than cattle in six Central European countries during 1990-1999
by I. Pavlik & M. Machackova & W. Yayo Ayele & J. Lamka & I. Parmova & I. Melicharek & M. Hanzlikova & B. Körmendy & G. Nagy & Z. Cvetnic & M. Ocepek & M. Lipiec - 132-136 Gene typing of the colonisation factors F18 of Escherichia coli isolated from piglets suffering from post-weaning oedema disease
by P. Alexa & K. Štouraová & J. Hamík & E. Salajka - 137-142 Exposure of pig fatteners and dairy cows to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
by M. Ciganek & R. Ulrich & J. Nea & J. Raszyk - 143-147 Counter immunoelectrophoresis: a simple method for the detection of species-specific muscle proteins in heat-processed products
by L. Necidová & E. Renová & I. Svoboda
2002, Volume 47, Issue 4
- 85-91 Immunohistochemical characterization of efferent neurons innervating the oviduct in the pig located in the sympathetic chain ganglia
by K. Czaja - 92-98 Prevalence of serotypes, production of Apx toxins, and antibiotic resistance in strains of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae isolated in the Czech Republic
by P. Šatrán & K. Nedbalcová - 99-103 The utility of the ENTERORapid 24 kit for the identification of P. multocida and M. haemolytica
by G. Tefera & J. Smola - 104-109 Brachyspira hyodysenteriae: detection, identification and antibiotic susceptibility
by M. Novotná & O. Škardová - 110-116 Optimal dietary concentration of vitamin E for alleviating the effect of heat stress on performance, thyroid status, ACTH and some serum metabolite and mineral concentrations in broilers
by K. Sahin & O. Kucuk & N. Sahin & M. F Gursu
2002, Volume 47, Issue 2-3
- 33-37 Effects of superstimulation with fsh on follicular population and recovery rate of oocytes in the growing phase of the first and second follicular wave
by S. Čech & V. Havlíček & M. Lopatářová & M. Vyskočil & R. Doležel - 38-44 Characterization of superoxide dismutase in the rumen bacteriumStreptococcus bovis
by K. Holovská & V. Lenártová & K. Holovská & P. Javorský - 45-51 Incidence of bovine tuberculosis in cattle in seven Central European countries during the years 1990-1999
by I. Pavlik & W. Yayo Ayele & I. Parmova & I. Melicharek & M. Hanzlikova & B. Körmendy & G. Nagy & Z. Cvetnic & M. Ocepek & N. Fejzic & M. Lipiec - 52-59 Occurrence of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains isolated in poultry
by M. Kolář & R. Pantůček & J. Bardoň & I. Vágnerová & H. Typovská & I. Válka & J. Doškář - 60-66 Serological survey of the wild boar (Sus scrofa) for tularaemia and brucellosis in South Moravia, Czech Republic
by Z. Hubálek & F. Treml & Z. Juicová & M. Huady & J. Halouzka & V. Janík & D. Bill - 67-74 Experimental toxoplasmosis in hypoiodemic mice
by S. Šlosárková & V. Híbalová & I. Literák & I. Herzig & E. Bártová & P. Kodym & M. Malý - 75-84 Animal insulin-like growth factor binding proteins and their biological functions
by Z. Kostecká & J. Blahovec
2002, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-4 Enumeration of bifidobacteria in animal intestina samples
by V. Rada & J. Petr - 5-11 CD45RA and CD45RC isoforms expression in weaned pigs vaccinated with non-enterotoxigenic F4ac+ Escherichia coli strain against colibacillosis
by F. Božič & L. Švec & I. Valpotič - 12-16 Effect of atrazine and zearalenone on the numer of receptor binding sites for 3H-estradiol in the rat uterus cytosol
by M. Mitak & T. Gojmerac & D. Cvrtila & Ž. Cvetnič - 17-20 Respiratory burst in neutrophilic granulocytes of carps (Cyprinus carpio): cytometric studies
by M. Stosik & W. Deptula & K. Wiktorowicz & M. Trávníček & K. Baldy-Chudzik - 21-25 Phagocytic and bactericidal activity of blood thrombocytes in carps (Cyprinus carpio)
by M. Stosik & W. Deptuła & M. Trávniček & K. Baldy-Chudzik - 26-31 Results of slaughterhouse carcass classification (capable for human consumption, capable for processing and condemned) in selected species of food animals
by A. Kozák & V. Večerek & I. Steinhauserová & P. Chloupek & V. Pištěková
2001, Volume 46, Issue 11-12
- 281-285 Serosurvey of sheep and goats to Chlamydia psittaci in Slovakia during the years 1996-2000
by M. Trávniček & D. Kováčová & P. Zubrický & L. Čisláková - 286-292 Effects of vitamin E and vitamin A supplementation on performance, thyroid status and serum concentrations of some metabolites and minerals in broilers reared under heat stress (32 degrees C)
by N. Sahin & K. Sahin & O. Küçük - 293-300 Impaction of right dorsal colon in the horse: report of 32 cases
by J. Mezerová & R. Kabeš & Z. Žert & P. Jahn & J. Hanák - 301-307 Combined effects of repeated low doses of aflatoxin B-1 and T-2 toxin on the Chinese hamster
by R. Rajmon & M. Sedmíková & F. Jílek & M. Koubková & H. Härtlová & I. Bárta & P. Šmerák - 309-328 Strategies for differentiation, identification and typing of medically important species of mycobacteria by molecular methods
by L. Dvorská & M. Bartoš & G. Martin & W. Erler & I. Pavlík - 329-332 Hypotheses on the origin and transmission of BSE
by K. Hruška
2001, Volume 46, Issue 9-10
- 229-236 Optimal dietary concentrations of vitamin C and chromium picolinate for alleviating the effect of low ambient temperature (6.2 degrees C) on egg production, some egg characteristics, and nutrient digestibility in laying hens
by N. Sahin & K. Sahin - 237-240 In vitro antagonistic effect of nisin on faecal enterococci and staphylococci
by A. Lauková & I. Štyriak & M. Mareková - 241-243 Antibody responses in buffalos immunized with Clostridium perfringens beta and epsilon toxoids
by S. M Rahman & K. B Baek & T. S Hong & H. J Lee - 244-256 Amantadine: an antiviral and antiparkinsonian agent
by J. Staničová & P. Miškovský & V. Šutiak - 257-274 Quinolones: a class of antimicrobial agents
by G. Sárközy - 275-277 The 80th birthday of Prof. Jozef Vodrazka, MVD, D.Sc., and 52nd anniversary of the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Kosice, the Slovak Republic
by V. Šutiak & I. Šutiaková - 278-279 Unusual cultural activites of a research institution
by L. Pospíšil
2001, Volume 46, Issue 7-8
- 185-189 Apoptosis of neutrophilic granulocytes of bovine virgin mammary gland in scanning electron microscopy
by Z. Sládek & D. Ryšánek - 190-198 Leukocytes in bovine virgin mammary gland: flow cytometry imaging during development and resolution of induced influx
by Z. Sládek & D. Ryšánek & M. Faldyna - 199-204 Detection of neoplastic cells in blood of miniature pigs with hereditary melanoma
by P. Pohlreich & J. Stříbrná & Z. Kleibl & V. Horák & J. Klaudy - 205-224 The transmission and impact of paratuberculosis infection in domestic and wild ruminants
by W.y Ayele & M. Macháčková & I. Pavlík - 225-228 Emergency control of transboundary diseases of livestock in Southern and Eastern Europe
by K.J. Wojciechowski & R. Paskin & L. Pite & K. Hruška
2001, Volume 46, Issue 6
- 153-159 Iodine concentrations in porcine blood, urine, and tissues after a single dose of iodised oil
by I. Herzig & B. Písaříková & I. Diblíková & P. Suchý - 160-168 Effects of nutrition, social factors and chronic stress on the mouse Leydig cell testosterone production
by L. Faldíková & I. Diblíková & J. Čanderle & Z. Zralý & Z. Věžník & A. Šulcová - 169-171 Potential hazard of simultaneous occurrence of aflatoxin B-1 and ochratoxin A
by M. Sedmíková & H. Reisnerová & Z. Dufková & I. Bárta & F. Jílek - 175-180 Professor Josip Ubl's contribution to the development of veterinary medicine in Croatia
by V.V. Bajt & G.G. Gračner & A. Škrobonja
2001, Volume 46, Issue 5
- 125-131 Monoclonal antibodies to bovine coronavirus and their use in enzymoimmunoanalysis and immunochromatography
by S. Reschová & D. Pokorová & Z. Nevoránková & J. Franz - 132-139 Variations in contamination by mercury, cadmium and lead on swine farms in the district of Hodonin in 1994 to 1999
by R. Ulrich & J. Raszyk & A. Nápravník - 140-144 Protective role of supplemental vitamin E on lipid peroxidation, vitamins E, A and some mineral concentrations of broilers reared under heat stress
by K. Sahin & N. Sahin & M. Onderci & S. Yaralioglu & O. Kucuk - 145-148 Changes in serum concentration of 17 beta-estradiol in female rats during estrous cycle after treatment with atrazine and zearalenone
by M. Mitak & T. Gojmerac & B. Mandić & Ž. Cvetnić - 149-152 Qualitative and quantitative cytometric analysis of peripheral blood leukocytes in carps (Cyprinus carpio)
by M. Stosik & W. Deptuła & K. Wiktorowicz & M. Trávniček & K. Baldy-Chudzik
2001, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 89-94 Collagen binding by vaginal aggregative lactobacilli
by I. Štyriak & V. Demečková & B. Žatkovič & V. Kmeť - 95-100 Psychrobacter immobilis isolated from foods: characteristics and identification
by Z. Páčová & E. Urbanová & E. Durnová - 101-107 Domestic animals as symbols and attributes in Christian iconography: some examples from Croatian sacral art
by A. Škrobonja & I. Kontošić & J. Bačić & V. Vučevac-Bajt & A. Muzur & V. Golubović - 108-118 Factors affecting milk ejection and removal during milking and suckling of dairy cows
by V. Tančin & R.M. Bruckmaier - 119-124 Pasteurella haemolytica complex of Pasteurella sensu stricto as new genus Mannheimia: changes in taxonomy
by G. Tefera & J. Smola
2001, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 61-64 Effects of humine compounds on iodine utilisation and retention and on the function of the thyroid gland
by I. Herzig & B. Pisarikova & J. Kursa & J. Bendova - 65-69 The effect of oral administration of salbutamol on the glycoconjugate composition in goblet cells of the tracheal epithelium in rabbits
by L. Vajner & V. Konrádová & J. Uhlík & J. Zocová - 70-74 The expression of sialylated molecules in parafollicular-cell hyperplasia of the canine thyroid gland
by L. Vajner & V. Vortel & A. Brejcha - 75-77 Artificial perforations of the stomach in pigs and rats and their covering by the abdominal wall
by K. Fortýn & V. Hruban & V. Horák & J. Tichý - 78-79 Find of bird-pox (variola avium) in blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla)
by J. Rajchard & V. Rachač - 80-87 Czech research in veterinary medicine
by K. Hruška
2001, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 29-34 The development and application of an indirect Elisa test for the detection of antibodies to bovine respiratory syncytial virus in blood serum
by K. Kovařčík - 35-40 The use of the computer technology for the evaluation of the strict morphological sperm analysis
by Z. Věžník & O. Matoušková & D. Švecová & A. Zajícová - 41-45 Release of oxytocin, prolactin and cortisol in response to extraordinary suckling
by V. Tančin & D. Schams & W.-D. Kraetzl & J. Mačuhová & R.M. Bruckmaier - 46-49 Gene typing of the colonisation factor K88 (F4) in enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains isolated from diarrhoeic piglets
by P. Alexa & K. Štouračová & J. Hamřík & I. Rychlík - 50-54 Purification of Escherichia coli-expressed HIS-tagged Maedi-Visna p25 core antigen by Ni2+-chelate affinity chromatography
by D. Molinková - 55-60 The use of the dry cow therapy in the control of bovine mastitis
by Sz. Jánosi & G. Huszenicza
2001, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-5 Effect of vitamin E and selenium on blood glutathione peroxidase activity and some immunological parameters in sheep
by K. Milad & G. Kováč & O. Rácz & A. Šipulová & V. Bajová - 6-11 Resistance in carps (Cyprinus carpio L.) affected by a natural bacterial infection
by M. Stosik & W. Deptula & M. Trávniček - 12-16 Studies on the number and ingesting ability of thrombocytes in sick carps (Cyprinus carpio L.)
by M. Stosik & W. Deptula & M. Trávniček - 17-23 Estrogenic effects of silymarin in ovariectomized rats
by V. Kummer & J. Mašková & J. Čanderle & Z. Zralý & J. Neča & M. Machala - 24-27 Staphylococci plate counts in foods of milk origin
by E. Beličková & Ľ. Tkáčiková & T. H Naas & M. Vargová & M. Ondrašovič & O. Ondrašovičová & D. Obšitníková & L. Tóth