2021, Volume 66, Issue 11
- 461-469 Comparative effectiveness of interventions for treating interdigital necrobacillosis in cattle: A network meta-analysis
by MA Torehanov & ZK Tulemissova & AS Ibazhanova & ER Rafikova & B Muzapbarov & EM Korabaev & ST Siyabekov - 470-480 Health concerns of lambs fed cottonseed hulls combined with chitosan by examining the blood metabolic profile and histopathology of the kidney, liver, and rumen
by T Silva Magalhaes & GGP Carvalho & EM Santos & AES Lima & JE Freitas Junior & DS Pina & SA Santos & LFB Pinto & GB Mourao & FDS Soares & TCJ Pereira & LC Leite - 481-489 Abdominal fat content assessment by computed tomography in toy breed dogs
by J Park & D Noh & K Lee - 490-493 The prevalence of Trichomonas gallinae in budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) in a Veterinary Clinic in Vienna between 2000-2019
by M Hochleithner & C Hochleithner - 494-497 Bovine bilateral mesenchymal hamartomas on the upper eyelid: A case report
by Y Eroksuz & E Polat & CA Incili & B Karabulut & H Eroksuz - 498-502 Clinical and immunohistochemical findings of splenic mast cell tumour in a cat: A case report
by S Lee & MS Kang & Y Jeong & Y Kim & HH Kwak & EW Choi & S Choi & I Park & JY Chung & JH Choi & JO Ahn
2021, Volume 66, Issue 10
- 413-422 Induction of atopic dermatitis by epicutaneous sensitisation with Dermatophagoides farinae in nongenetically predisposed Beagle dogs
by Y Jeong & T Yun & H Kim & Y Koo & JH Kang & MP Yang & BT Kang - 423-430 A comprehensive study of canine parvoviruses (Carnivore protoparvovirus 1, Carnivore bocaparvovirus 1 and 2) from shelter dogs in Turkey
by H Isidan & T Turan - 431-439 Characterisation of Clostridium perfringens isolated from chickens in Vietnam
by TN Thi & H Vu-Khac & TN Duc - 440-447 Estimation of the external quality characteristics of goose eggs of known breadth and length
by O Karabulut - 448-455 Use of micro-grafts in a chronic infected open wound after limb amputation in a cat
by L Pennasilico & C Di Bella & R Botto & E Murgia & V Riccio & AP Piccionello - 456-460 Congenital hydrocephalus in a Maine Coon foetus detected using ultrasound during pregnancy
by PA Socha & BM Socha
2021, Volume 66, Issue 9
- 369-375 Cadmium concentration in cattle tissues in the Czech Republic
by J Drapal & L Steinhauser & K Stastny & M Faldyna - 376-384 Stress burden for dogs in a simple soundproof cage: Heart rate variability and behavioural analyses
by A Uemura & L Hamabe & R Tanaka - 385-392 Influence of simethicone and fasting on the quality of abdominal ultrasonography in dogs
by M Paninarova & L Stehlik & P Proks & I Nyvltova & M Vignoli - 393-399 Thermal imaging evaluation of the felines paw pad temperature before and after walking: A pilot study
by H Zhou & Y Song & M Wang & UC Ugbolue & Y Gu - 400-405 Cystic compound odontoma in a dog: Diagnosis and management
by I Janus & M Janeczek & S Dzimira - 406-412 Intracranial meningioma in a pet rat: MRI findings
by C Cococcetta & F Del Signore & I Cerasoli & G Di Guardo & M Baffoni & G Di Francesco & V Crocchianti & M Vignoli
2021, Volume 66, Issue 8
- 321-329 Efficacy of riboflavin/UV-A corneal phototherapy as stand-alone treatment for ulcerative keratitis in horses
by A Marchegiani & M Bazzano & MP Cassarani & R Arcelli & C Orzalesi & G Lombardo & M Lombardo & A Spaterna & R Gialletti - 330-341 Age and sex-related differences in the haematological parameters of captive African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus)
by H Gaspar & F Bargallo & J Grifols & E Correia & ML Pinto - 342-349 Effects of bee bread, Cornelian cherries treatment on the femoral bone structure using Zucker diabetic fatty rats as an animal model
by M Martiniakova & J Blahova & V Kovacova & V Mondockova & R Babosova & A Kalafova & M Capcarova & R Omelka - 350-355 Comparison of in vitro (fish cell line) and in vivo (fish and crustacean) acute toxicity tests in aquatic toxicology
by J Kolarova & J Velisek & Z Svobodova - 356-362 External fixator for the treatment of narrowed pelvic canal in a cat
by S Pinna & C Tassani & M Rossini & F Lanzi - 363-367 Food hypersensitivity and feline hyperaesthesia syndrome (FHS): A case report
by N Ruiz-Suarez & SFM Bhatti & M Hermans & CB Silva & M Hesta
2021, Volume 66, Issue 7
- 279-286 Percutaneous endoscopic limited-lumbosacral-dorsal laminectomy in eight dogs - A cadaveric study
by SB Yang & HS Moon & YH Hwang & HC Lee & D Lee & JH Lee - 287-291 Changes in tracheal, oesophageal and rectal temperature over 60 minutes anaesthesia in non-heated dogs, spontaneously breathing or mechanically ventilated
by L Novak & J Burova & L Stankova & M Rado - 292-297 Domestic cat's internal carotid artery in ontogenesis
by H Ziemak & H Frackowiak & M Zdun - 298-304 Optimisation of phagocytosis assay in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
by H Minarova & P Ondrackova & M Palikova & J Mares & J Blahova & K Jarova & M Faldyna - 305-312 Congenital gallbladder agenesis in a 9-month-old Bull Terrier
by O Gojska-Zygner & M Galanty & B Degorska & J Frymus & W Zygner - 313-319 Successful rehabilitation of an oiled sea turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) affected by the biggest oil spill disaster in Brazil
by REM Oliveira & FLN Attademo & JS Galvincio & ACB Freire & AS Silva & JML Pires & LRP Lima & JMF Aguiar & AB Moreira & LIS Melo & SA Gavilan & SA Lima & MA Lima & FJL Silva & MF Oliveira
2021, Volume 66, Issue 6
- 233-241 Thermography as a tool to monitor the velvet temperature and ossification stage of fallow deer (Dama dama) antlers under normal and modified photoperiodic conditions
by A Potrapeluk & P Janiszewski & M Bogdaszewski - 242-247 Estimation of the prevalence of respiratory diseases in pigs in north-eastern Poland: Survey of pulmonary lesions in pigs at a slaughterhouse
by P Przyborowska-Zhalniarovich & Y Zhalniarovich & K Wasowicz - 248-256 Experimental determination of the pharmacokinetic properties of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole combination in the blood serum of broiler chickens
by K Putecova & K Nedbalcova & I Bartejsova & M Zouharova & K Matiaskova & E Jeklova & M Viskova & P Zouzelkova & M Jerabek & K Stastny - 257-265 Treatment of extremity fractures in 20 wild birds with a modified Meynard external fixator and clinical assessment of the results
by K Gerbaga Ozsemir & K Altunatmaz - 266-271 Leech therapy in the treatment of a penile haematoma in a stallion
by A Nowicki & J Jaworska & W Baranski - 272-277 An oesophageal benign stricture: Endoscopy treatment limitation and surgical management in a heifer
by M Trovatelli & G Sala & S Romussi & A Boccardo
2021, Volume 66, Issue 5
- 179-188 Evaluation of the glutathione concentration in whole blood of dairy Holstein cows
by A Necasova & A Pechova & R Bodor & M Masar - 189-196 Changes of sperm morphology in Duroc, Landrace and Large White boars depending on the ambient temperature during the year
by V Kamanova & P Nevrkla & Z Hadas & J Lujka & R Filipcik - 197-207 Antiviral potential and stability analysis of chicken interferon-α produced by Newcastle disease virus in chicken embryo fibroblast cells
by FR Anjum & SU Rahman & Aslam & AS Qureshi - 208-218 Residues of selected sulfonamides, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics-antipyretics in surface water of the Elbe river basin (Czech Republic)
by M Skocovska & M Ferencik & M Svoboda & Z Svobodova - 219-224 Closed spinal dysraphism in a 6-month-old mixed breed dog
by GG Franco & EGM Siqueira & JAL Souza & LOC Prado & SC Rahal & MJ Mamprim & BW Minto & CVS Brandao & JSCosta - 225-232 Aggressive behaviour of Hodgkin's-like lymphoma in a domestic ferret
by HS Kim & HJ Kim & HJ Hwang & S Oh & SH Do
2021, Volume 66, Issue 4
- 127-139 Histological and histomorphometric study of the cranial digestive tract of ostriches (Struthio camelus) with advancing age
by Z Umar & AS Qureshi & R Shahid & F Deeba - 140-145 Does the 1 Gy dose of gamma radiation impact the pork quality?
by K Benova & P Dvorak & D Mate & M Spalkova & J Dolezalova & L Kovarik - 146-155 Essential oil of Rosmarinus officinalis induces in vitro anthelmintic and anticoccidial effects against Haemonchus contortus and Eimeria spp. in small ruminants
by M Aouadi & E Sebai & A Saratsis & V Kantzoura & K Saratsi & K Msaada & S Sotiraki & H Akkari - 156-166 Causes of spontaneous death and euthanasia in dogs: A background study in Bahia, Brazil
by JL Freitas & TS Andrade & EF Martins Filho & D'Soares CS & ACSN Souza & AWO Silva & PV Leal & TC Peixoto - 167-171 Concurrent occurrence of a bovine viral diarrhoea virus type-1 (BVDV-1) infection and Trueperella pyogenes bronchopneumonia in a calf
by Y Eroksuz & H Abayli & Z Yerlikaya & CA Incili & B Karabulut & H Eroksuz - 172-178 Surgical stabilisation of hiatal hernia and gastroesophageal reflux associated with idiopathic inflammatory polymyopathy in a Wire Fox Terrier
by MY Kim & JH Lee & HM Park & JH Kim & HY Yoon
2021, Volume 66, Issue 3
- 87-93 Use of an automatic needle-free injection device for foot-and-mouth disease vaccination in dairy heifers
by S Wataradee & T Boonserm & C Sangaprakhon & K Ajariyakhajorn & C Inchaisri - 94-98 Spotty liver disease in Jordan: An emerging disease
by W Hananeh & M Ababneh - 99-109 An assessment of the wound healing potential of a herbal gel containing an Azadirachta indica leaf extract
by M Munir & SNH Shah & U Almas & FA Khan & A Zaidi & SM Bukhari & G Murtaza - 110-116 The inhibiting effect of microwave radiation on Paenibacillus larvae spores suspended in water
by M Pijacek & J Bzdil & I Bedanova & J Danihlik & M Moravkova - 117-120 Infectious keratoconjunctivitis in red deer (Cervus elaphus) in Poland - A case report
by M Houszka & B Bazanow & I Wesolowska & J Szczepanik - 121-126 Episiectomy and partial vaginectomy with urethroplasty for excision of vulvar mast cell tumour in a female dog
by DL Santos & JF Chaves & MP Souto & GMM Lima & JS Siqueira & SS Sousa & GS Silva & MAO Moura & PS Ribas & K Schwanke & PS Bezerra Junior & PPM Teixeira
2021, Volume 66, Issue 2
- 45-57 Passive immunity in lambs: Colostral and serum γ-glutamyltransferase as a predictor of IgG concentration and related to the diseases from birth to 12 weeks of life
by E Gokce & A Haydar Kirmizigul & O Atakisi & M Kuru & H Metin Erdogan - 58-65 Rock back phenomenon in 32 dogs that underwent tibial plateau levelling osteotomy
by ES Souza & BW Minto & JP Sales Luis & M Nobile & BT Lins & DVF Lucena & MCP Gouveia & LGGG Dias - 66-71 Comparison of three ECG machines for electrocardiography in green iguanas (Iguana iguana)
by E Cermakova & A Piskovska & V Trhonova & L Schilliger & Z Knotek - 72-75 Psittacine beak and feather disease virus and avian polyomavirus detection rate in clinically healthy captive birds in the Czech Republic
by M Valastanova & M Petrikova & L Kulikova & Z Knotek - 76-79 Primary splenic diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with multinucleated giant cells in a horse
by W Hananeh & R Al Rukibat & M Daradka - 80-86 Recurrent hydronephrosis and spontaneous renal rupture caused by lymphoplasmacytic inflammation in a cat
by J Kim & D Oh & J Cho & S Kim & J Yoon
2021, Volume 66, Issue 1
- 1-7 Detection of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in environmental samples from infected Czech dairy herds
by V Fichtelova & A Kralova & P Fleischer & V Babak & K Kovarcik - 8-16 Kinematics of healthy American Pit Bull Terrier dogs
by MC de Souza & JR Calesso & B Cenci & MJL Cardoso & FA Moura & R Fagnani - 17-23 Effects of dietary nucleotides and cationic peptides on vaccination response in cats
by B Vojtek & J Mojzisova & L Kulichova & P Smrco & M Drazovska - 24-31 Haematological reference intervals in captive African Grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus)
by H Gaspar & F Bargallo & J Grifols & E Correia & ML Pinto - 32-39 Clinical and imaging findings of walled-off pancreatic necrosis misdiagnosed as an intra-abdominal neoplasia in a Schnauzer dog: A case report
by J Kim & J Ko & H Yoon & H Kim & J Hwang & K Eom & J Kim - 40-44 Partial uterine prolapse and ovarian cysts in two Djungarian hamsters
by Colakoglu HE & MO Yazlik & A Esen & AS Tunc
2020, Volume 65, Issue 12
- 511-527 Marine debris ingestion and the use of diagnostic imaging in sea turtles: A review
by REM Oliveira & FLN Attademo & CEB Moura & HN Araujo Junior & HS Costa & CEV Reboucas & FJL Silva & MF Oliveira - 528-536 The effect of induced training on selected equine blood plasma indicators on treadmill trained horses
by M Massanyi & M Halo & A Kovacik & M Halo & I Imrich & G Formicki & E Mlynekova & P Massanyi - 537-542 Cytological diagnostics of subcutaneous dirofilariasis imitating proliferative lesions in dogs
by S Dzimira & P Przadka - 543-552 Effects of secnidazole-diminazene aceturate combination therapy on parasitaemia and serum biochemical profile after late treatment in Trypanosoma brucei brucei infected dogs
by IG Eke & UU Eze & IO Ezeh & TA Nzeakor & AO Anaga & PA Onyeyili - 553-563 Thyme leaves as an eco-friendly feed additive improves both the productive and reproductive performance of rabbits under hot climatic conditions
by A Ezzat Ahmed & MA Alkahtani & AAA Abdel-Wareth
2020, Volume 65, Issue 11
- 465-472 Adventitial histopathological changes after coronary stenting in a porcine model
by C Perez-Martinez & A Perez de Prado & V Caballero-Manso & M Regueiro-Purrinos & Garcia MG de Garnica & C Cuellas-Ramon & JM Gonzalo-Orden & M Lopez-Benito & JR Altonaga & T Benito-Gomez & F Fernandez-Vazquez - 473-479 Impact of piglet birth weight on later rearing performance
by H Jankowiak & P Balogh & A Cebulska & E Vaclavkova & M Bocian & P Reszka - 480-486 Distribution and aetiology of valvular endocarditis in suckling and weaned piglets in Serbia
by B Savic & O Radanovic & V Milicevic & B Kureljusic & N Zdravkovic & K Nesic & O Stevancevic - 487-494 Occurrence of mycotoxins in complete poultry feeds in the Czech Republic - Multiannual survey (2013-2018)
by P Mikula & J Blahova & A Honzlova & J Kalinova & P Macharackova & J Rosmus & Z Svobodova & M Svoboda - 495-505 Chemical analyses and evaluation of the anthelmintic effects of Origanum majorana essential oil, in vitro and in vivo studies
by A Abidi & E Sebai & M Dhibi & MA Darghouth & H Akkari - 506-510 Systemic mucormycosis caused by Lichtheimia ramosa in a pregnant cow
by K Lee & H Kim & J Sohn & BJ So & EJ Choi
2020, Volume 65, Issue 10
- 421-426 Characteristics of bacteriophages of the Staphylococcus aureus variant bovis
by Y Horiuk & M Kukhtyn & V Horiuk & S Kernychnyi & L Tarasenko - 427-434 Suckling piglet coccidiosis on farms in the Czech Republic - A pilot study
by D Sperling & H Karembe & J Vanhara & B Hinney & A Joachim - 435-444 Analysis of a highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) virus causing the first outbreak in domestic poultry in Bulgaria in January 2015
by G Stoimenov & G Goujgoulova & K Hristov - 445-450 Biochemical profile of urine in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus)
by H Cernochova & A Hundakova & E Bardi & Z Knotek - 451-456 Septate gallbladder in a dog with cholecystitis: A case report and literature review
by GC Choi & JY Ko & SM Ong & JH Sur & MH Kang - 457-463 Imaging findings of renal telangiectasia in a Maltese dog
by D Noh & SW Lee & D Jung & JK Park & K Lee
2020, Volume 65, Issue 9
- 377-386 Examination of the minimum inhibitory concentration of amoxicillin and marbofloxacin against Streptococcus suis using standardised methods
by D Sperling & H Karembe & M Zouharova & K Nedbalcova - 387-393 Evaluation of red clover isoflavone extract as a vaccine adjuvant for piglets against Haemophilus parasuis
by X Li & L Qiu & GH Qiu & X Yang & X Zheng - 394-400 Missing cat features influencing their returning to owners
by A Zupcic & M Surbek & A Ekert Kabalin & J Dragovic & S Mencik & M Ostovic - 401-408 Case reports of genital tract tumours in cows
by P Martz & A Oezcan-Martz & L Bittner & F Ebert & W Wippermann & A Woeckel & D Boettcher & W Baumgartner & A Starke - 409-414 Laparoscopic ovariectomy in a pygmy goat
by I Butkovic & S Vince & K Marjanovic & I Folnozic & N Macesic & B Spoljaric & J Savoric & M Samardzija & M Lojkic & D Djuricic & G Bacic & T Karadjole - 415-420 Death of a loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) from ingestion of an eel (Myrichthys ocellatus)
by REM Oliveira & JML Pires & JS Batista & FLN Attademo & DSD Farias & ACB Freire & AC Bomfim & LRP Lima & RM Oliveira & SA Gavilan & FJL Silva & MF Oliveira
2020, Volume 65, Issue 8
- 327-335 Insertional desmopathies of the cranial attachment of the nuchal ligament in horses - A review
by MJ Lazarczyk & KM Michlik-Polczynska & DJ Skarzynski - 336-345 Milk urea nitrogen and milk fatty acid compositions in dairy cows with subacute ruminal acidosis
by K Kara - 346-357 The effect of a sudden temperature decrease on selected physiological indices in the common carp
by N Hodkovicova & J Mares & P Sehonova & J Blahova & M Faldyna & H Modra & F Tichy & J Caha & A Vrankova & Z Svobodova - 358-363 Laparoscopic drainage of an ovarian haematoma in a Martina Franca jenny (Equus asinus)
by A Carluccio & I De Amicis & L Petrizzi & R Bucci & S Parrillo & V Varasano & D Robbe - 364-370 Multimodal-imaging characteristics of a prolapsed ureterocele causing an acute urethral obstruction in a dog
by Y Lee & H Kim & J Ko & K Eom & J Kim - 371-376 Metastatic mast cell tumour in African hedgehog: A case report
by M Kandefer-Gola & R Ciaputa & K Sulima & M Miszczak & S Lachowska & M Nowak
2020, Volume 65, Issue 7
- 289-296 Effects of mesquite (Prosopis laevigata) pods as a potential feed material for kids
by L Pena-Avelino & I Ceballos-Olvera & J Alva-Perez & J Vicente & J Pinos-Rodriguez - 297-300 Cisternal versus lumbar cerebrospinal fluid lactate concentration in healthy dogs
by A Galan & A Seisdedos-Benzal & BE Carletti & S Quiros & EM Martin & D Menor & MM Granados - 301-308 Immunohistochemical mapping of thymic microenvironment in sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus)
by E Salkova & M Flajshans & C Steinbach - 309-313 Metacarpophalangeal joint luxation with joint capsule rupture and bone exposure in a horse
by LPB Borges & GMA Santos & RA Oliveira & LO Silva & LA de Souza & HH Perdigao & MM Guimaraes & JAS Silveira & MD Duarte & PPM Teixeira - 314-319 Spontaneous rupture of the lymph nodes as a cause of haemoabdomen in two canine lymphoma patients
by T Plavec & T Svara & N Tozon & D Pavlin - 320-326 Tetralogy of Fallot with right ventricular outflow tract obstruction and patent ductus arteriosus in a dog
by S Park & MJC Ang & MD Kittleson & KO Cho & J Choi
2020, Volume 65, Issue 6
- 233-249 Determination of the in vitro digestibility and nutrient content of commercial premium extruded foods with different types of protein content for adult dogs
by K Kara - 250-257 Quantitative analysis of CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ regulatory T-cells in canine atopic dermatitis in Korea
by DJ Lee & TH Chung & C Park - 258-268 Effects of humic acid diet on the serum biochemistry and oxidative status markers in pheasants
by A Kovacik & M Gasparovic & E Tvrda & K Tokarova & E Kovacikova & M Rolinec & L Rumanova & M Capcarova & B Galik - 269-279 The impact of dietary tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) on serum apelin, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, cardiac troponin concentrations and histopathology of liver tissue in laying hens housed at different stocking densities
by B Bayraktar & E Tekce & H Kaya & M Karaalp & E Turunc - 280-288 Post-traumatic urinoma in two cats: Imaging diagnosis
by M Manzini & PE Crisi & F Del Signore & V Torre & L Stehlik & R Tamburro & M Vignoli
2020, Volume 65, Issue 5
- 191-198 Presence and antimicrobial resistance of coagulase-negative staphylococci isolated from animals in a Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Cyprus
by H Sukur & OM Esendal - 199-206 Comparative study on different field tests of ketosis using blood, milk, and urine in dairy cattle
by MSA Faruk & B Park & S Ha & SS Lee & LL Mamuad & Y Cho - 207-214 Dehulling effect of dietary administered white lupine seeds on the blood biochemistry of broilers
by D Zapletal & L Kudelkova & P Jakesova & V Simek & E Strakova & P Suchy - 215-220 Fluorescence biomodulation in the management of acute traumatic wounds in two aged dogs
by A Marchegiani & A Spaterna & A Palumbo Piccionello & M Meligrana & A Fruganti & AM Tambella - 221-226 Diagnostic imaging of a mass-shape hepatic steatosis in a dog treated with chemotherapy
by N Lee & J Seo & J Kim & J Yoon - 227-232 Successful long-term management with toceranib phosphate of a recurrent muzzle mast cell tumour in a dog
by HE Kim & JH Kim
2020, Volume 65, Issue 4
- 143-158 African swine fever virus (ASFV) in Poland: Prevalence in a wild boar population (2017-2018)
by M Frant & M Lyjak & L Bocian & A Barszcz & K Niemczuk & G Wozniakowski - 159-167 Risk factors and long-term surgical outcome of patellar luxation and concomitant cranial cruciate ligament rupture in small breed dogs
by M Candela Andrade & P Slunsky & LG Klass & L Brunnberg - 168-173 Evaluation of infection with N protein-specific Immunoglobulin M and G in naturally occurring distemper in dogs
by HS Saltik & M Kale - 174-182 Effect of the use of Yarrowia lipolytica and Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast with a probiotic in the diet of turkeys on their gut microbiota and immunity
by A Czech & I Sembratowicz & G Zieba - 183-189 Imaging findings for Atlanto-occipital assimilation with multiple cervical vertebral anomalies in a Beagle dog: A 2 year follow-up
by J Kim & M Chae & K Eom
2020, Volume 65, Issue 3
- 95-103 Haemato-chemical and immune variations in Holstein cows at different stages of lactation, parity, and age
by SB Kim & SH Jung & YJ Do & YH Jung & C Choe & S Ha & HY Jeong & A Cho & SI Oh & E Kim & JG Yoo & S Kim - 104-110 Milk consumption monitoring as a farmer friendly indicator for advanced treatment in limited fed calves with neonatal diarrhoea syndrome
by PD Katsoulos & MA Karatzia & A Dedousi & D Camo & C Boscos - 111-115 P-wave dispersion and renal biomarkers in canine visceral leishmaniasis stage III and IV infected dogs
by S Erdogan & H Erdogan & S Pasa & K Ural - 116-122 In vitro pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics evaluation of marbofloxacin against Staphylococcus pseudintermedius
by Y Quah & N Boby & SC Park - 123-133 Clinicopathological characteristics of cats with signs of feline lower urinary tract disease in the Czech Republic
by S Kovarikova & V Simerdova & M Bilek & D Honzak & V Palus & P Marsalek - 134-142 Effect of single or combined supplementation of zinc and probiotics on muscle and bone characteristics and haematobiochemical profile in broilers
by M Shah & H Zaneb & S Masood & AS Qureshi & HA Ullah & A Sikandar & S Din & I Ahmad & MS Khan & H Ur Rehman & M Usman
2020, Volume 65, Issue 2
- 49-55 Ultrasound-guided removal of soft tissue foreign bodies in companion animals: A case series
by S Manfredi & G Covi & M Bonazzi & G Gnudi & M Fumeo & F Miduri & E Daga & A Volta - 56-61 Comparison of the cytotoxic effects of single and divided treatment of 4-hydroxycyclophosphamide at the same total dosage amount in canine lymphoma cell lines
by AT Liao & YC Chen & SL Wang - 62-70 Effect of intra-articular administration of autologous PRP and activated PRP on inflammatory mediators in dogs with osteoarthritis
by K Parlak & M Arican - 71-83 Co-administration of vitamin E and selenium in vivo and in vitro ameliorates the toxic effects caused by ivermection and doramectin
by AE Ahmed & MA Al-Kahtani & AM Khalil & AS Alshehri & AA Elghoneimy & ESI Elbehairi & MY Alfaifi & AA Shati & KS Morsy & MA Alshehri & HI El-Mekkawy & AA Elmansi - 84-88 Treatment of a feline cutaneous mast cell tumour using imatinib mesylate as a neoadjuvant tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapeutic agent
by J Kim & HJ Kim - 89-94 Balloon valvuloplasty in two dogs with aortic valve stenosis showing congestive heart failure
by T Yoshida & K Matsuura & S Goya & D Ma & K Shimada & P Kitpipatkun & A Takeuchi & A Uemura & R Tanaka
2020, Volume 65, Issue 1
- 1-7 Hibernation behaviour and ethogram of captive Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus)
by MW Kim & DH Jeong & SC Yeon - 8-17 Ovarian follicle dynamics and hormonal changes during early pregnancy in Saanen goats
by I Dogan & MB Toker & S Alcay & D Udum Kucuksen - 18-24 The relationship between Spirulina platensis and selected biomechanical indicators of tibiae in rats
by B Suzer & N Seyidoglu & K Tufekci & S Inan - 25-35 The effects of long-term diabetes on the haematological and uterine indicators and their association with neonatal nephrogenesis counter-protected by camel milk: A time dependent study
by M Usman & AS Qureshi & MZ Ali & Z Umer & MK Ateeq & A Sarfraz & M Hussain & FR Anjum & N Mahmood & M Fakhar-I-Adil & S Umer & H Zhu - 36-40 Cutaneous vascular hamartoma in a lamb
by R Morais & AP Maurique & J Villela & L Sonne & B Anjos - 41-47 Transient acquired Fanconi syndrome with unusual and rare aetiologies: A case study of two dogs
by JY Park & JH Park & HJ Han & JH Kim
2019, Volume 64, Issue 12
- 513-520 Polyspermic fertilisation of porcine oocytes in vitro - a current review
by P Chundekkad & T Stankiewicz & B Blaszczyk & J Udala - 521-530 Prevalence of Campylobacter, Enterococcus and Staphylococcus aureus in slaughtered camels
by M Gwida & A Zakaria & H El-Sherbiny & R Elkenany & M Elsayed - 531-538 Evaluation of a poly(lactic-acid) scaffold filled with poly(lactide-co-glycolide)/hydroxyapatite nanofibres for reconstruction of a segmental bone defect in a canine model
by JW Yun & SY Heo & MH Lee & HB Lee - 539-546 Purple wheat as a source of anthocyanins and its effect on the metabolism of rabbits
by O Stastnik & E Mrkvicova & L Pavlata & E Anzenbacherova & J Prokop & A Roztocilova & B Umlaskova & J Novotny & E Metnarova & T Vyhnanek & V Trojan - 547-557 Optimisation of the lymphocyte proliferation assay in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
by H Minarova & M Palikova & J Mares & E Syrova & J Blahova & M Faldyna & P Ondrackova - 558-564 Septicaemia due to a Proteus infection in a Humboldt penguin (Spheniscus humboldti)
by SM Baek & SW Lee & AR Lee & JS Bang & MM Seo & T Oh & SK Choi & SJ Park & IH Hong & TH Kim & KS Jeong & JK Park
2019, Volume 64, Issue 11
- 467-475 The effect of diet supplementation with linseed scrap on the meat quality and fatty acid profile of the meat and backfat in fattening gilts
by P Nevrkla & E Vaclavkova - 476-481 Pelvimetry in the Teramana goat breed: a comparison between radiography and ultrasound
by I De Amicis & L Stehlik & F Del Signore & S Parrillo & D Robbe & R Tamburro & M Vignoli - 482-489 The volume fraction values of the brain compartments using the Cavalieri principle and a 3T MRI in brachycephalic and mesocephalic dogs
by C Bakici & R Orkun Akgun & D Ozen & O Algin & C Oto - 490-496 Transscleral ultrasonographic measurements of the optic nerve sheath diameter and a regression analysis with morphometric measures of the globe in dogs
by M Vinas & U Zeyen & N D'Anna & M Vignoli - 497-504 The loading characteristics of landing in cats with different body weights
by Y Song & M Wang & J Steven Baker & Y Gu - 505-511 A case of diquat poisoning in pigs
by Z Siroka & M Svoboda & Z Svobodova & I Nagl
2019, Volume 64, Issue 10
- 423-432 The occurrence of mastitis and its effect on the milk malondialdehyde concentrations and blood enzymatic antioxidants in dairy cows
by Frantisek Zigo & Juraj Elecko & Milan Vasil & Silvia Ondrasovicova & Zuzana Farkasova & Jana Malova & Ladislav Takac & Martina Zigova & Jolanta Bujok & Ewa Pecka-Kielb & Petra Timkovicova-Lackova - 433-439 The relationships between the somatic cell counts in the milk and the fertility of Polish Holstein-Friesian cows
by Kamil Siatka & Anna Sawa & Mariusz Bogucki & Dariusz Piwczynski & Sylwia Krezel-Czopek - 440-447 The changes in biomarkers for necrotising enterocolitis in premature calves with respiratory distress syndrome
by Ramazan Yildiz & Mahmut Ok & Merve Ider & Aybars Akar & Amir Naseri & Erman Koral - 448-455 The influence of fentanyl injection followed by infusion on the intraocular pressure, pupil size and aqueous tear production in healthy non-painful dogs
by Petr Rauser & Hana Nemeckova & Marketa Mrazova & Jana Burova & Lukas Novak - 456-461 Development of an oral vaccine using recombinant viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus glycoproteins produced in tobacco
by Tae Geum Kim & Bong Jo Kang & Sang Ik Park & Tae Jung Kim - 462-466 Improvement of systemic lupus erythematosus in dogs with canine adipose-derived stem cells
by Minho Ko & Tae Hyeong Kim & Yoonhwan Kim & Doo Kim & Jin-Ok Ahn & Byung-Jae Kang & Sooyoung Choi & Inchul Park & Jung Hoon Choi & Jin Young Chung
2019, Volume 64, Issue 9
- 379-385 Selected haematological indices in farmed male fallow deer (Dama dama) depending on the different conditions during the wintering period
by Katarzyna Tajchman - 386-391 The molecular and morphometric identification of Dictyocaulus capreolus in clinically affected roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.)
by Jana Jurankova & Dagmar Jirsova & Barbora Pafco & Pavel Forejtek - 392-399 A crude capsular polysaccharide extract as a potential novel subunit vaccine with cross-protection against the most prevalent serovars of Glaesserella (Haemophilus) parasuis in the Czech Republic
by Katarina Matiaskova & Katerina Nedbalcova & Radek Tesarik & Hana Kudlackova & Jan Gebauer & Miroslav Toman & Martin Faldyna - 400-406 The effect of moderate treadmill exercise on the resistive index of the medial long posterior ciliary artery in dogs
by Michela Pugliese & Monica Ragusa & Vito Biondi & Annamaria Passantino & Kai Zhang & Francesco Macri - 407-416 Hypoglycaemic crisis induced by non-islet cell tumours in two dogs
by Hakhyun Kim & Ji-Houn Kang & Byeong-Teck Kang & Mhan-Pyo Yang - 417-421 Aortic thromboembolism. A different predisposing disease in four dogs: a case report
by Jin-Ok Ahn & Sang-Chul Park & Woo-Jin Song & Min-Ok Ryu & Qiang Li & Hyun-Jung Oh & Jin-Young Chung & Min-Cheol Choi & Hwa-Young Youn
2019, Volume 64, Issue 8
- 335-341 A comparison of propofol and alfaxalone in a continuous rate infusion in dogs with mitral valve insufficiency
by Igor Capik & Isabela Polkovska & Branislav Lukac - 342-347 Perirectal injection of imaging materials for computed tomographic lymphography and near infrared fluorescent thoracoscopy in cats
by Keiji Kamijo & Eiichi Kanai & Motoharu Oishi & Nobutsune Ichihara & Masao Asari & Kazutaka Yamada - 348-361 Effects of antibiotic and intra-peritoneal ozone administration on proinflammatory cytokine formation, antioxidant levels and abdominal organ functions in the treatment of experimentally generated infectious peritonitis in rabbits
by Ozlem Guzel & Ahmet Gulcubuk & Esma Yildar & Feraye Esen Gursel & Iraz Akis & Funda Bagcigil & Ozge Erdogan Bamac & Gulay Yuzbasioglu Ozturk & Bulent Ekiz - 362-366 Gas-filled urachal abscess with a pinging sound in a heifer calf
by Reiichiro Sato & Kazutaka Yamada & Yasunori Shinozuka & Hideharu Ochiai & Ken Onda - 367-372 Surgical treatment of an oesophageal achalasia in a small breed dog
by Sang-Woo Bae & Chang-Hoon Han & Aram Jang & Hye-Jin Jung & Hee-Sup Moon & Jae-Hoon Lee - 373-378 Mycophenolate mofetil plus prednisolone combination therapy for necrotising leukoencephalitis in a dog: long-term clinical observation, serial imaging analysis and histopathological findings
by Su Jin An & Joon Hyeok Jeon & Do Hyeon Yu & Joong Hyun Song & Hee Chun Lee & Ki Chang Lee & Jung Hyang Sur & Dong In Jung
2019, Volume 64, Issue 7
- 287-293 Sustained drug delivery system in fish and the potential for use of PLGA microparticles: a review
by Jindriska Matejkova & Peter Podhorec - 294-301 Ruminal fermentation and digestion of cattle diets with total and partial replacement of soybean meal by a slow-release urea product
by Sergio Gonzalez-Munoz & Jose Sanchez & Samuel Lopez-Aguirre & Jorge Vicente & Juan Pinos-Rodriguez - 302-308 Association of Anti-Müllerian Hormone concentrations between the pregnancy rates and pregnancy continuity of cows in different age groups
by Ahmet Sabuncu & Gamze Evkuran Dal & Sinem Ozlem Enginler & Omur Kocak & Ramazan Arici - 309-316 Platelet-rich plasma, bone marrow and chitosan in minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis of canine tibia fractures - a randomized study
by Fabricia Geovania Fernandes Filgueira & Bruno Watanabe Minto & Denise Granato Chung & Tiago Carmagni Prada & Natalie Massaro Rosa-Ballaben & Maria Gabriela Nogueira Campos - 317-322 The effect of a bone marrow-derived immunostimulatory preparation on the immunity of broiler chickens vaccinated against salmonellosis
by Nikolai Mikhailovich Mandro & Yuri Alexandrovich Kopeikin & Zoya Alexandrovna Litvinova - 323-333 Breeder line and age affects the occurrence of developmental defects, the number of culled one-day old broiler chicks and their body mass
by Blazej Nowak & Edward Pawlina & Katarzyna Ilska & Anna Mucha & Wojciech Kruszynski
2019, Volume 64, Issue 6
- 245-250 Effects of a monensin controlled release capsule on reticulorumen temperature and pH determined using real-time monitoring in fresh dairy cows
by Mindaugas Televicius & Vida Juozaitinene & Dovile Malasauskiene & Arunas Rutkauskas & Ramunas Antanaitis - 251-259 A retrospective study of canine cervical disk herniation and the beneficial effects of rehabilitation therapy after ventral slot decompression
by In-Seong Jeong & Md. Mahbubur Rahman & Gab-Chol Choi & Beom-Seok Seo & Gi-Jong Lee & Sehoon Kim & Nam Soo Kim - 260-265 Seroprevalence of Brucella canis in dogs and at-risk humans in Jordan
by Musa Alshehabat & Mohammad Obaidat & Wail Hayajneh - 266-270 Evaluation of radiation exposure from fluoroscopic examination in small animal veterinary staff using thermoluminescent dosimeters
by Jeongsu An & Sohee Lim & Seunghee Lee & Hyeona Kim & Kyungjun Min & Youngkwon Cho & Kichang Lee - 271-279 Plasma protein electrophoresis in green iguanas (Iguana iguana) suffering from hepatic, renal and inflammatory skin diseases
by Zora Knotkova & Anna Musilova & Katerina Pinterova & Zdenek Knotek - 280-286 Total prostatectomy combined with urethral anastomosis in a dog: a case report
by Przemyslaw Przadka & Bartlomiej Liszka & Anita Piatek & Piotr Skrzypczak & Stanislaw Dzimira & Wojciech Nizanski & Olga Rodak & Wojciech Kinda & Janusz Biezynski & Zdzislaw Kielbowicz
2019, Volume 64, Issue 5
- 191-203 Therapeutics of neonatal asphyxia in production animals: a review
by Jose Sanchez-Salcedo & Herlinda Bonilla-Jaime & Miguel Gonzalez- Lozano & Socorro Hernandez-Arteaga & Victoria Greenwell-Beare & Xochil Vega-Manriquez & Milagros Gonzalez-Hernandez & Hector Orozco-Gregorio - 204-208 Alterations of pancreatic functions and lipid profiles in dairy cows with left displacement of the abomasum
by Zuhair Bani Ismail & Ahmad Mahmmoud Al-Majali & Odeh Al-Rawashdeh & Mousa Daradka & Musaab Mohaffel - 209-216 Cryopreservation and quality assessment of boar semen collected from bulk samples
by Ruthaiporn Ratchamak & Thevin Vongpralub & Wuttigrai Boonkum & Vibuntita Chankitisakul - 217-227 Effect of environmental enrichment on weaned piglets: physiological responses
by Ariadna Yanez-Pizana & Daniel Mota-Rojas & Manuel Castillo-Rivera & Ramiro Ramirez-Necoechea & Isabel Guerrero-Legarreta & Patricia Mora-Medina & Miguel Gonzalez-Lozano - 228-230 Effect of a GnRH agonist (deslorelin) on ovarian activity in leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius)
by Eva Cermakova & Matteo Oliveri & Zora Knotkova & Zdenek Knotek - 231-236 The efficacy of fenbendazole against tapeworm infections in the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) in Veľké Blahovo ponds
by Michal Madzunkov & Stanislav Navratil - 237-243 Expression patterns of TLR4 mRNA and protein in the equine endometrium during early pregnancy
by Mehmet Osman Atli & Mehmet Kose
2019, Volume 64, Issue 4
- 149-157 Prevalence and intensity of Sarcocystis spp. infection in animals slaughtered for food in Lithuania
by Vytautas Januskevicius & Grazina Januskeviciene & Petras Prakas & Dalius Butkauskas & Saulius Petkevicius - 158-171 Comparison of fermentative digestion levels of processed different starch sources by Labrador Retrievers at different ages
by Kanber Kara & Berrin Kocaoglu Guclu & Erol Baytok - 172-177 Blood profile in captive adult male leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius)
by Zora Knotkova & Manuel Morici & Matteo Oliveri & Zdenek Knotek - 178-183 Composition and acaricidal activity of essential oil from Elsholtzia densa Benth against Sarcoptes scabiei mites in vitro
by Yancheng Zhou & Fei Liao & Jiahua Weng & Quan Mo & Ruiguang Xu & Yong Zhang & Zhihua Ren & Zhijun Zhong & Zhicai Zuo & Guangneng Peng & Junliang Deng & Cheng Tang & Yanchun Hu - 184-189 Carotid body tumour in a dog: computed tomography and histopathology findings and evaluation of surgical management
by Yoon-Hyeong Yoo & Soon-Wuk Jeong & Jae-Hwan Kim & Ki-Dong Eom & Hun-Young Yoon
2019, Volume 64, Issue 3
- 101-108 Effects of different variants of the FASN gene on production performance and milk fatty acid composition in Holstein × Simmental dairy cows
by Maja Mauric & Tomislav Masek & Darija Bendelja Ljoljic & Jozo Grbavac & Kristina Starcevic - 109-117 Association between ESR1 and RBP4 genes and litter size traits in a hyperprolific line of Landrace × Large White cross sows
by Sven Mencik & Vlado Vukovic & Marija Spehar & Mario Modric & Mario Ostovic & Anamaria Ekert Kabalin - 118-124 Cholesterol-loaded cyclodextrin plus trehalose improves quality of frozen-thawed ram sperm
by Muhammed Enes Inanc & Sukru Gungor & Caner Ozturk & Firat Korkmaz & Ilktan Bastan & Beste Cil - 125-133 Acute toxicity of two pyrethroid insecticides for five non-indigenous crayfish species in Europe
by Jaroslava Lidova & Milos Buric & Antonin Kouba & Josef Velisek - 134-137 Segmental agenesis of the uterine body, cervix and vagina in a bitch
by Chul Ho Park & Chang Ho Son - 138-143 Gerbode defect in a dog
by Carlos F. Agudelo & Michal Crha & Zeki Yilmaz & Branislav Lukac - 144-148 Dual infection with Entamoeba invadens and Aeromonas hydrophila in a captive anaconda (Eunectes murinus) leading to necrotising gastroenteritis and hepatocyte death
by Chul Ho Park & Jae Bok Han & Sang Ik Park
2019, Volume 64, Issue 2
- 51-59 Evaluation of colostrum quality in the Czech Republic using radial immunodiffusion and different types of refractometers
by Alena Pechova & Sona Slosarkova & Stanislav Stanek & Eliska Nejedla & Petr Fleischer - 60-66 First detection and characterisation of porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus in the Czech Republic
by Romana Moutelikova & Jana Prodelalova