2019, Volume 64, Issue 2
- 67-77 Post-antibiotic effect of marbofloxacin, enrofloxacin and amoxicillin against selected respiratory pathogens of pigs
by Katerina Nedbalcova & Monika Zouharova & Daniel Sperling - 78-83 Determination of carcass cooling rates using nomograms - a pilot study
by Gabriela Vargova & Daniela Takacova & Libusa Bodnarova - 84-91 Long-term evaluation of autologous lamellar corneal grafts for the treatment of deep corneal ulcer in four dogs: a case report
by Sun Young Kim & Joon Young Kim & Soon Wuk Jeong - 92-99 Long-term management of canine disseminated granulomatous meningoencephalitis with imatinib mesylate: a case report
by Joong Hyun Song & Tae Sung Hwang & Hee Chun Lee & Do Hyeon Yu & Byung Joon Seung & Jung Hyang Sur & Dong In Jung
2019, Volume 64, Issue 1
- 1-1 List Of Volume 63 Reviewers
by editors - 1-17 Immunology of the canine eye in health and disease: a concise review
by Paola Dall'Ara & Lauretta Turin - 1-49 Corrigendum to: M. Karabagli, B. Karan, U. Ugurlu, Z. Mutlu, F. Yildirim, I. Firat, A. Baran, A. Ucur, A. Bayrak, S. Ozturk: Bifid phallus with complete duplication and separate scrotum in a German shepherd dog: a case report. Veterinarni Medicina 62, 2017 (04): 226-230. Doi: 10.17221/16/2017-VETMED
by M. Karabagli & B. Karan & U. Ugurlu & Z. Mutlu & F. Yildirim & I. Firat & A. Baran & A. Ucur & A. Bayrak & S. Ozturk - 18-24 Evaluation of the efficiency of the C-ring aiming guide for atlantoaxial transarticular screw fixation in toy breed dogs
by Ji Young Park & Young Rak Kim & Ho Jung Choi & Young Won Lee & Seong Mok Jeong & Hae Beom Lee - 25-32 Laboratory diagnostics of selected feline respiratory pathogens and their prevalence in the Czech Republic
by Dana Lobova & Vendula Kleinova & Jarmila Konvalinova & Petra Cerna & Dobromila Molinkova - 33-36 Bladder calculi and cystitis in Hanwoo steers without clinical symptoms: a case report
by Ui-Hyung Kim & Ki-Yong Chung & Sang-Rae Cho & Sun-Sik Jang - 37-43 Dandy-Walker malformation in Polish hunting dogs: long term prognosis and quality of life
by Miloslawa Kwiatkowska & Jeremy H. Rose & Andrzej Pomianowski - 44-48 Adenocarcinoma of the nictitans gland in a dog
by Ladislav Stehlik & Petr Rauser & Michaela Paninarova & Misa Skoric & Pavel Proks
2018, Volume 63, Issue 12
- 1-1 Volume 63, Contents; Author Index; Author Institution Index
by editors - 537-545 Estimated ruminal digestion values and digestion end-products of concentrated mix feed after in vitro treatment with propionic acid
by K. Kara - 546-554 Evaluation of the cardiorespiratory effects of the alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonists xylazine, medetomidine and dexmedetomidine in combination with ketamine in dogs
by O. Guzel & D.A. Kaya & K. Altunatmaz & G. Sevim & D. Sezer & D.O. Erdikmen - 555-560 Antagonistic effect of flumazenil on tiletamine-zolazepam-induced anaesthesia in Beagle dogs
by J.Y. Lee & S.J. Son & S. Jang & S. Choi & D.W. Cho - 561-570 The N and P genes facilitate pathogenicity of the rabies virus G gene
by X.K. Wei & Y.Z. Zhong & Y. Pan & X.N. Li & J.J. Liang & T.R. Luo - 571-574 First report of ticks in the subcutaneous tissue of the raccoon dog Nyctereutes procyonoides
by A. Matysiak & O. Wasielewski & J. Wlodarek & A. Ondrejkova & P. Tryjanowski - 575-578 Sclerosing sialadenitis of the sublingual salivary glands in a cat
by V. Ipek & G. Cecen Ayalp & M.B. Akgul & M. Akbala & G. Sonmez
2018, Volume 63, Issue 11
- 489-499 Molecular regulation of skeletal muscle tissue formation and development
by M. Nesvadbova & G. Borilova - 500-512 The effect of heterologous seminal plasma from ram, buck or camel on the freezability of ram semen
by A.A. Swelum & I.M. Saadeldin & M. Bahadi & M. Afifi & M. Al-Mutary & A.N. Alowaimer - 513-521 Analgesic effect of intra-articular ropivacaine injection after arthroscopic surgery on the shoulder joint in dogs
by J.H. Kim & S.H. Seok & T.Y. Park & H.J. Kim & J.M. Kim & S.W. Lee & H.C. Lee & S.C. Yeon - 522-526 Surgical correction of persistent right aortic arch in a cat and three dogs
by M. Caliskan & P. Can & I.G. Sancak & O. Besalti - 527-531 Radiation exposure during C-arm-guided (fluoroscopy) small animal orthopaedic surgery
by S. Sung & S. Lim & K. Min & Y. Jung & Y. Cho & M. Kim & N. Kim & K. Lee - 532-536 Effective palliative treatment of recurrent soft tissue sarcoma in a dog using imatinib mesylate (Gleevec®)
by G.H. Kim & J.H. Kim
2018, Volume 63, Issue 10
- 443-467 Epigallocatechin gallate: a review
by L. Bartosikova & J. Necas - 468-475 Preparation and characterisation of monoclonal antibodies against the N protein of the SHpd/2012 strain of porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus
by S.J. Ding & Y.R. Luo & S.T. Zhou & C. Xie & K. Wang & Y.Y. Xie & L. Cui & X.G. Hua & C.L. Yuan & Y.J. Zhou & Z.B. Yang - 476-481 Anatomy of the brachial plexus in the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus Milne-Edwards, 1867)
by H.N. Araujo & G.B. Oliveira & H.S. Costa & P.M.A. Lopes & R.E.M. Oliveira & F.V.F. Bezerra & C.E.B. Moura & M.F. Oliveira - 482-487 Urocystitis, pyelonephritis, renal papillary necrosis and chronic tubulointerstitial disease causing chronic renal insufficiency in a Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica): a case report
by S.W. Lee & A.K. Elfadl & M.J. Chung & H.M. Arif Ullah & D.K. Yuh & S.H. Lee & K.S. Jeong & J.K. Park
2018, Volume 63, Issue 9
- 395-412 Indirect markers of glomerular filtration rate in dogs and cats: a review
by S. Kovarikova - 413-419 Influence of medetomidine, acepromazine, fentanyl and butorphanol on intraocular pressure and pupil size in healthy dogs
by M. Mrazova & P. Rauser & J. Burova & M. Georgiou & T. Fichtel - 420-432 Selected blood biochemical indicators of Cherry Valley ducks undergoing fattening in relation to their diet and sex
by M. Jerabek & P. Suchy & E. Strakova & L. Kudelkova & V. Simek & P. Jakesova & M. Machacek & D. Zapletal - 433-437 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia in an African lion (Panthera leo)
by R. Meoli & C. Eleni & P. Cavicchio & M.C. Tonnicchia & B. Biancani & L. Galosi & G. Rossi - 438-442 Removal of a tracheal foreign body by intercostal thoracotomy in a cat
by S. Cagatay & A.P. Gokce & G. Yesilovali
2018, Volume 63, Issue 8
- 345-357 Traumatic brain injury in dogs and cats: a systematic review
by L.O. Dos Santos & G.G. Caldas & C.R.O. Santos & D.B. Junior - 358-366 Simultaneous detection of porcine pseudorabies virus, porcine parvovirus and porcine circovirus type 2 by multiplex real-time PCR and amplicon melting curve analysis using SYBR Green I
by L.L. Zheng & X.H. Jin & F.S. Wei & C.Q. Wang & H.Y. Chen & Y.B. Wang & Z.Y. Wei - 367-372 Lungworm infections in dogs from Central Europe
by V. Cabanova & Z. Hurnikova & M. Miterpakova & K. Dirbakova & A. Bendova & P. Kocak - 373-378 Diagnostic imaging characteristics of ureteral pseudodiverticulosis in three dogs
by S. Lim & S. Sung & K. Min & Y. Cho & Y. Jung & K. Lee - 379-389 Dietary effects of the inclusion of white lupine seeds and different types of binders on the blood indicators of young Dwarf Lop rabbits
by V. Simek & L. Kudelkova & E. Strakova & P. Suchy & D. Zapletal - 390-394 Associations between polymorphisms in the myostatin, αA-globin and lactate dehydrogenase B genes and racing performance in homing pigeons
by A. Dybus & W.S. Proskura & E. Pawlina & B. Nowak
2018, Volume 63, Issue 7
- 299-305 Monitoring the avermectin and pyrantel resistance status of nematode parasites of horses in the Czech Republic
by S. Bodecek & J. Svetlikova & K. Hargitaiova & Z. Kecerova & M. Mrackova - 306-312 Epidural co-administration of neostigmine and lidocaine or xylazine enhances systemic sedation but not perineal analgesia in adult dairy cows
by Z.B. Ismail & E. Abu-Basha & A. Alzghoul & A. Salah & I. Al-Zoubi - 313-320 Evaluation of thrombomodulin and pentraxin-3 as diagnostic biomarkers in calves with sepsis
by O. Aygun & R. Yildiz - 321-328 A simplified superovulation protocol using split-single administration of Folltropin®-V in hyaluronan: application to purebred sheep
by S. Panyaboriban & J. Suwimonteerabutr & T. Swangchan-Uthai & T. Tharasanit & W. Suthikrai & S. Suadsong & M. Techakumphu - 329-334 Pharmacokinetic parameters and optimal dosage of a florfenicol and tylosin mixture in beagle dogs
by A.F. Mechesso & S.J. Lee & N.H. Park & S.C. Park - 335-343 Comparative in vitro efficacy of eight essential oils as antibacterial agents against pathogenic bacteria isolated from pet-turtles
by B.C.J. De Silva & S. Hossain & S.H.M.P. Wimalasena & H.N.K.S. Pathirana & P.S. Dahanayake & G.J. Heo
2018, Volume 63, Issue 6
- 251-260 Effect of phenological stage on nutrient composition, in vitro fermentation and gas production kinetics of Plantago lanceolata herbage
by K. Kara & S. Ozkaya & E. Baytok & B.K. Guclu & E. Aktug & S. Erbas - 261-270 Distribution and immunohistochemical properties of autonomic neurons supplying the ovine hip joint capsule
by W. Sienkiewicz & A. Dudek & A. Chroszcz & M. Janeczek & J. Kaleczyc - 271-278 Comparison of intraocular pressure, tear production and cardiorespiratory variables before and after induction of anaesthesia with either propofol or ketofol in dogs premedicated with midazolam
by H. Imani Rastabi & A. Baniadam & A. Ronagh & A. Khajeh & M. Kamyabnia - 279-286 Analgesic efficacy of meloxicam with or without a buprenorphine patch in cats after ovariohysterectomy
by S.Y. Heo & S.J. Kim & N.S. Kim - 287-291 Evaluation of unintended 1/96 infectious bronchitis vaccine transmission in broilers after direct contact with vaccinated ones
by E. Pellattiero & C.M. Tucciarone & G. Franzo & G. Berto & K. Koutoulis & A. Meini & C. Zangrandi & G. Ramon & M. Drigo & M. Cecchinato - 292-297 Differences between the Italian and Slovak legal systems with respect to animal protection
by R. Balajty & D. Takacova & G. Ruffo & P. Fossati
2018, Volume 63, Issue 5
- 203-209 Evaluation of kaolin-activated thromboelastography and sample stability in healthy horses
by K. Machackova & M. Boselova & I. Vanova & Z. Drabkova & J. Doubek - 210-215 Changes in the tissue concentrations of several neuropeptides in porcine intestines and intestine-innervating ganglia in the course of porcine proliferative enteropathy
by Z. Pidsudko & J. Kaleczyc & J. Zmudzki & W. Sienkiewicz & M. Zalecki & M. Klimczuk & K. Wasowicz - 216-224 Ultrasonographic characteristics of benign mammary lesions in bitches
by B. Gasser & M.G.K. Rodriguez & R.A.R. Uscategui & P.A. Silva & M.C. Maronezi & L. Pavan & M.A.R. Feliciano & W.R.R. Vicente - 225-228 The first case of Babesia gibsoni infection in a dog in Poland
by L. Adaszek & P. Lyp & P. Poblocki & M. Skrzypczak & L. Mazurek & S. Winiarczyk - 229-239 Susceptibility of the topmouth gudgeon (Pseudorasbora parva) to CyHV-3 under no-stress and stress conditions
by A. Pospichal & D. Pokorova & T. Vesely & V. Piackova - 240-247 In vitro heat transfer from epoxy polymer and poly(methyl methacrylate) to fixation pins: recommendations to avoid tissue damage in free-form external skeletal fixation
by N. Butto & C. Hamilton-West & J.I. Arias - 248-250 Surgical treatment of a mandibular symphyseal fracture in a calf using a continuous wire-loop technique: a case report
by R. Yaygingul & N. Kilic & B. Kibar
2018, Volume 63, Issue 4
- 151-160 Reducing the incidence of acute puerperal metritis in primiparous cows by application of pegbovigrastim in a Holstein dairy herd
by M. Freick & M. Zenker & O. Passarge & J. Weber - 161-167 A modified technique for treating swimmer puppy syndrome
by D.E. Karcher & R.C. Costa & T.C. Prada & P.C. Moraes & L.A. Ramon & B.W. Minto & L.G.G.G. Dias - 168-174 Reproductive parameters in Yorkshire terrier dogs in Poland
by M. Goleman & M. Karpinski & P. Czyzowski & W. Tuszynska-Bogucka & L. Drozd - 175-180 Surgical treatment of a thoracic oesophageal duplication cyst causing recurrent dysphagia in an adult dog
by A. Foglia & S. Del Magno & M. Pietra & V. Cola & M. Joechler & M. Morini & L. Pisoni - 181-186 Successful management of refractory cough with the leukotriene receptor antagonist zafirlukast in a dog with chronic bronchitis: a case report
by I.H. Yoon & H.J. Han & J.H. Kim - 187-192 Multiple myeloma associated with IgA lambda gammopathy and multiple myeloma oncogene 1 in a Yorkshire terrier
by S. Kim & E. Son & S. Lee & S. Lee & H. Kim & M. Kang & C. Lee & H. Park - 193-197 Epithelioid and spindle-cell haemangioendothelioma in the brain of a dog: a case report
by T. Yaman & A. Uyar & O.F. Keles & Z. Yener - 198-202 An unusual foreign body in a cat: a case report
by C.F. Agudelo & Z. Filipejova & L. Frgelecova & O. Sychra
2018, Volume 63, Issue 3
- 101-109 Relationship between polymorphism in the tumour necrosis factor-alpha gene and selected indices and cell subpopulations in naturally bovine leukaemia virus-infected and healthy cows
by B. Bojarojc-Nosowicz & E. Kaczmarczyk & A. Jastrzebska - 110-116 Molecular identification and antimicrobial resistence of Escherichia fergusonii and Escherichia coli from dairy cattle with diarrhoea
by U. Parin & S. Kirkan & S.S. Arslan & H.T. Yuksel - 117-124 Identification, capsular typing and virulence factors of Pasteurella multocida isolates from Merino lambs in Extremadura (Southwestern Spain)
by S. Fernandez & J. Galapero & L. Gomez & C.J. Perez & A. Ramos & D. Cid & A. Garcia & J. Rey - 125-130 Contrast-enhanced ultrasound evaluation of testicular interstitial cell tumours in conscious non-sedated dogs
by M. Quartuccio & C. Mangano & F. Macri & M. Rizzo & S. Di Pietro & M. Pugliese & G. Mazzullo & S. Cristarella & M. De Majo - 131-136 Computed tomographic features of tracheal shapes and dimensions in awake dogs
by S. Lim & J. Jeong & H.G. Heng & S. Sung & Y. Choi & H. Oh & K. Kim & Y. Cho & Y. Jung & K. Lee - 137-142 Field occurrence of avian infectious bronchitis virus in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
by M. Klimcik & R. Currie - 143-149 Canine pyometra associated with Bacillus species: a case report
by M.K. Kim & H.Y. Yoon & M.H. Lee & J.H. Kim
2018, Volume 63, Issue 2
- 55-62 Gram-negative aerobic and microaerophilic microorganisms isolated from pathological processes and lesions of horses
by J. Bzdil & O. Holy & J. Toporcak - 63-72 Proposal for a new classification of the renal artery in the bovine kidney
by J. Szymanski & L. Olewnik & G. Wysiadecki & A. Przygocka & M. Polguj & M. Topol - 73-80 Unusual cases of Taenia crassiceps cysticercosis in naturally infected animals in the Czech Republic
by L. Hofmannova & L. Mikes & L. Jedlickova & J. Pokorny & V. Svobodova - 81-86 Restrainer exposure to scatter radiation in practical small animal radiography measured using thermoluminescent dosimeters
by H. Oh & S. Sung & S. Lim & Y. Jung & Y. Cho & K. Lee - 87-93 Efficacy of two methods of intranasal administration of anaesthetic drugs in red-eared terrapins (Trachemys scripta elegans)
by E. Cermakova & V. Ceplecha & Z. Knotek - 94-100 Imaging features of bilateral primary megaureter in a senior dog: a case report
by H. Yoon & J. Kim & Y.M. Ha & K. Eom
2018, Volume 63, Issue 1
- 1-1 List Of Volume 62 Reviewers
by editors - 1-11 Effect of colostrum composition on passive calf immunity in primiparous and multiparous dairy cows
by U. Aydogdu & H. Guzelbektes - 12-17 Effectiveness of gastroduodenostomy created with the use of shape memory compression anastomosis clips: observations in a porcine model
by P. Holak & M. Jalynski & I. Babinska - 18-27 Effect of early immunocastration on testicular histology in pigs
by Z. Sladek & M. Prudikova & A. Knoll & P. Kulich & I. Steinhauserova & G. Borilova - 28-35 Diagnosis of cerebral ventriculomegaly in felines using 0.25 Tesla and 3 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging
by P. Przyborowska & Z. Adamiak & P. Holak & Y. Zhalniarovich & W.S. Maksymowicz - 36-39 Unusual hyperthermia related to general anaesthesia in an Anatolian shepherd dog
by O. Guzel & E. Yildar & B. Karan & D. Aydin & D.S. Mckinstry - 40-49 Gastrointestinal B-lymphoblastic lymphoma in a dog: a case report
by P. Borska & R. Husnik & P. Fictum & A. Kehl & L. Leva & M. Faldyna - 50-53 A rare case of a complex of multiple congenital anomalies diagnosed using computed tomography in a male puppy
by S.W. Bae & D.J. Chung & W.H. Chung & N.W. Park & C.Y. Lim & H.Y. Kim
2017, Volume 62, Issue 12
- 1-1 Volume 62, Contents; Author Index; Author Institution Index
by editors - 637-646 Effect of probiotics on the viability of porcine and human neutrophils in vitro
by T. Sustrova & P. Ondrackova & L. Leva & M. Kolarova & P. Kulich & Z. Sladek - 647-653 Changes in regulatory T cells in dogs with B-cell lymphoma and association with clinical tumour stage
by D.S. Baek & T.H. Chung & Y.H. Kim & S.K. Oh & K.M. So & C. Park - 654-660 Antibacterial properties of Carum copticum essential oil against Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus isolated from canine dental plaque
by S.N. Gharajalar & M. Hassanzade - 661-667 Influence of capnoperitoneum on intraocular pressure in spontaneously breathing dogs undergoing ovariectomy
by P. Rauser & M. Mrazova & M. Crha & L. Urbanova & M. Vychodilova - 668-673 Heat-killed Tsukamurella inchonensis reduces lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory responses in activated murine peritoneal macrophages
by K. Nofouzi & M. Aghapour & B. Baradaran & G.H. Hamidian & P. Zare & J. Stanford & P. Ripley & K. Tahapour & Y. Jafari & A. Shahbazfar & A. Tukmechi - 674-680 Contrast-enhanced computed tomography of the liver, gall bladder and urogenital tract in female red-eared terrapins (Trachemys scripta elegans)
by V. Sochorcova & P. Proks & E. Cermakova & Z. Knotek - 681-684 A rare case of partial paraxial radial hemimelia in a puppy
by F. Macri & S. Di Pietro & A. Palumbo Piccionello & G. Rapisarda & G. Lanteri & V. Angileri & F. Marino
2017, Volume 62, Issue 11
- 583-588 A modified technique for radiographic measurement of the tibial plateau angle in dogs
by L. Stehlik & M. Vignoli & P. Proks & S. Trnkova & A. Necas - 589-595 Femoral rotation and relationship between the femoral head and the acetabulum
by J. Martins & B. Colaço & S. Alves-Pimenta & J.M. Gonzalo Orden & A. Ferreira & M. Ginja - 596-603 Detection of the desiccant and plant growth regulator chlormequat in honeybees and comb pollen
by T. Erban & L. Trojakova & M. Kamler & D. Titera - 604-613 Primary brain involvement of disseminated histiocytic sarcoma in a Rottweiler dog - histopathology, 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography and 7 T-magnetic resonance imaging findings: a case report
by B.T. Kang & D. An & H.W. Kim & Y. Jin & Y.D. Son & D.I. Jung & J.H. Kang & M.P. Yang & J.H. Sur & S.R. Lee - 614-619 A rare case of nasal osteoma in a dog: a case report
by G. Galiazzo & M. Pietra & D. Tinto & N. Linta & M. Morini & O. Capitani - 620-624 Low-field magnetic resonance imaging for 3D volume rendering of canine stifle joint pathologies: a case report
by A. Przeworski & Z. Adamiak & J. Glodek - 625-630 Low-field magnetic resonance imaging of changes after femoral osteosynthesis failure: a case report
by J. Glodek & Z. Adamiak & M. Mieszkowska & A. Przeworski - 631-635 An unusual outbreak of inclusion body hepatitis on a broiler chicken farm: a case report
by V. Revajova & R. Herich & V. Seman & M. Levkut & M. Levkutova & V. Karaffova & M. Levkut
2017, Volume 62, Issue 10
- 533-540 Blood chemistry reference intervals of captive Asiatic black bears (Ursus thibetanus)
by J.J. Yang & D.H. Jeong & S.M. Um & A.N. Lee & D.J. Song & S.B. Kim & J. Yang & Y. Yun & Y.K. Lim - 541-552 Clinical efficacy of combinations of nebulised fluticasone, salbutamol and furosemide on lung function in premature calves with respiratory distress syndrome
by R. Yildiz & M. Ok - 553-558 Successful elimination of PRRS virus from an infected farrow-to-finish herd by vaccination
by M. Toman & V. Celer & J. Smola - 559-564 First report of the molecular detection of Ancylostoma caninum in Lahore, Pakistan: the threat from pets
by A. Rehman & R. Akhtar & H. Akbar & F. Riaz & I. Rashid & W. Shehzad & S. Islam & A.A. Bajwa & M. Waqas - 565-578 Efficacy of Chromolaena odorata leaf extracts for the healing of rat excision wounds
by K. Vijayaraghavan & J. Rajkumar & M.A. Seyed - 579-582 An uncommon localisation of a vegetal foreign body in a dog: a case report
by F. Del Signore & R. Terragni & A. Carloni & L. Stehlik & P. Proks & L. Cavallo & E. Febo & A. Luciani & P.E. Crisi & M. Vignoli
2017, Volume 62, Issue 9
- 479-487 Methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci in healthy dogs
by J. Siugzdaite & A. Gabinaitiene - 488-492 Puppy Apgar scores after vaginal delivery and caesarean section
by R. Titkova & M. Fialkovicova & M. Karasova & J. Hajurka - 493-507 Influence of new ultra-short-acting β-blockers on selected physiological indicators in laboratory rats
by O. Bado & M. Dlouha & E. Kolmanova & M. Frydrych - 508-515 A survey of diseases in captive bearded dragons: a retrospective study of 529 patients
by S. Schmidt-Ukaj & M. Hochleithner & B. Richter & C. Hochleithner & D. Brandstetter & Z. Knotek - 516-521 Non-communicating small intestinal duplication in a dog: a case report
by T.S. Hwang & D.I. Jung & J.H. Kim & S.C. Yeon & H.C. Lee - 522-526 Atypical radiographic features of multiple myeloma in a dog: a case report
by S. Sung & S. Lim & H. Oh & K. Kim & Y. Choi & K. Lee - 527-531 Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma in a Siberian chipmunk (Tamias sibiricus): a case report
by J.Y. Kong & H.K. Kim & H.J. Lee & S.C. Yeon & J.K. Park & K.S. Jeong & I.H. Hong
2017, Volume 62, Issue 8
- 417-428 Influence of socio-demographic and experiential factors on the attitudes of Croatian veterinary students towards farm animal welfare
by M. Ostovic & T. Mikus & Z. Pavicic & K. Matkovic & Z. Mesic - 429-436 Antioxidant effects of lycopene on bovine sperm survival and oxidative profile following cryopreservation
by E. Tvrda & A. Mackovich & H. Greifova & F. Hashim & N. Lukac - 437-442 Hyperthermia and not hypoxia may reduce sperm motility and morphology following testicular hyperthermia
by J.P. Kastelic & R.E. Wilde & G. Rizzoto & J.C. Thundathil - 443-455 Characterisation, localisation and expression of porcine TACR1, TACR2 and TACR3 genes
by A. Jakimiuk & P. Podlasz & M. Chmielewska-Krzesinska & K. Wasowicz - 456-469 Prevalence and characteristics of Salmonella species isolated from captive reptiles in the Czech Republic
by Z. Tomastikova & S. Barazorda Romero & Z. Knotek & R. Karpiskova - 470-477 Cephalothoracopagus (monocephalic dithoracic) conjoined twins in a pig (Sus scrofa f. domestica): a case report
by M. Kulawik & K. Pluta & M. Wojnowska & B. Bartyzel & M. Nabzdyk & D. Bukowska
2017, Volume 62, Issue 7
- 363-376 Analysis of cortisol in dog hair - a potential biomarker of chronic stress: a review
by L. Mesarcova & J. Kottferova & L. Skurkova & L. Leskova & N. Kmecova - 377-385 Effects of pelvis rotation on the projected radiographic position of the femoral head in relationship to the acetabulum
by J. Martins & B. Colaço & S. Alves-Pimenta & A. Ferreira & M. Ginja - 386-393 Evaluation of clinical signs and causes of lower urinary tract disease in Polish cats
by S. Lew-Kojrys & E. Mikulska-Skupien & A. Snarska & W. Krystkiewicz & A. Pomianowski - 394-400 Seasonal variations in haematological parameters in yellow-bellied slider turtles (Trachemys scripta scripta)
by J.D. Hernandez & P. Castro & P. Saavedra & P. Ramirez & J. Oros - 401-405 Stability of haematological parameters in stored blood samples of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792)
by F. Fazio & V. Ferrantelli & C. Saoca & G. Giangrosso & G. Piccione - 406-409 Corticoids as a treatment to control complications arising after reconstructive surgery of the skin: a case report
by C. Serrano & A. Ortilles & A. Diaz & A. Whyte - 410-415 Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Paratyphi B as a disease-causing agent in reptiles in the Czech Republic
by J. Bzdil & O. Holy & J. Toporcak
2017, Volume 62, Issue 6
- 301-307 Isolation and determination of antimicrobial resistance of Arcobacter species isolated from animal faeces in the Diyarbakir region of Turkey using the 16S rDNA-RFLP method
by S. Yesilmen & A. Vural & M.E. Erkan & I.H. Yildirim - 308-314 The efficacy of a combination of azithromycin and toltrazuril for the treatment of calves naturally infected with cryptosporidiosis: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled comparative clinical trial
by B.B. Yagci & N. Ocal & S. Yasa Duru & M. Akyol - 315-324 A radiographic and anatomic study of caudolateral curvilinear osteophytes on the canine femoral neck
by L. Pyszkova & M. Pyszko & V. Paral & F. Tichy & M. Kyllar - 325-332 Evaluation of poly(lactide-co-glycolide)/hydroxyapatite nanofibres for reconstruction of critical-sized segmental bone defects in a canine model
by S.Y. Heo & H.Y. Kim & N.S. Kim - 333-341 Tolfenamic acid and meloxicam both provide an adequate degree of postoperative analgesia in dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy
by X.Y. Hu & L. Luan & W. Guan & J. Shi & Y.B. Zhao & H.G. Fan - 342-350 Comparison of a full-spectrum multi-analyte clinical analyser with six reference instruments using canine and feline blood samples
by C.S. Lin & G.H. Chiang & C.H. Liu & H.C. Tsai & C.C. Yang & K. Chen & S.K. Huang & T.L. Cheng & C.C. Chou - 351-355 Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphomas of the bilateral third eyelids in a dog
by D.H. Kim & H.J. Kim & E.J. Choi & K.W. Sah & H.S. Lee & K.B. Kwon & H.Y. Kim & S.H. Do - 356-362 Mesocestoidosis and multivisceral tetrathyridiosis in a European cat
by G. Lanteri & G. Di Caro & M.T. Capucchio & G. Gaglio & V. Reina & C. Lo Giudice & S. Zanet & F. Marino
2017, Volume 62, Issue 5
- 239-244 Heart rate variability in Mangalarga Marchador horses after physical exercise
by C.S. Coelho & D. Frederico & L.A.T. Oliveira & M.B. Binda & L.M.C. Conti & T. Champion - 245-252 Positive effects of trehalose and cysteine on ram sperm parameters
by S. Gungor & C. Ozturk & A.D. Omur - 253-260 Expression profile of the SOX9 gene in the testes of sexually immature and mature male goats (Capra hircus), and its potential influence on postnatal testis development
by I. Szatkowska & M. Jedrzejczak-Silicka & A. Dybus & B. Wiszniewska & J. Udala & D. Zaborski & J. Wojcik & T. Stankiewicz & W.S. Proskura - 261-268 The effect of orally administered Budesonide on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in dogs with inflammatory bowel disease
by A. Rychlik & M. Nowicki & A. Kolodziejska-Sawerska & M. Szweda - 269-273 A survey of feline trichomonosis suggests a low incidence of Tritrichomonas blagburni among cats in the Czech Republic
by V. Ceplecha & V. Svobodova & C. Lendon & R. Husnik & K. Horackova & M. Svoboda - 274-278 Evaluation of the contraceptive effects of carprofen, flunixin meglumine and meloxicam in rats
by Z. Paksoy & A. Kirbas - 279-284 Double symmetrical aortic arch in a Czechoslovakian wolfdog - surgical treatment and health assessment four years after treatment: a case report
by P. Skrzypczak & A. Piatek & J. Biezynski & Z. Kielbowicz - 285-291 Comparison of continuous and intermittent glucose monitoring systems in a dog with diabetic ketoacidosis: a case report
by W. Kim & H. Kim & S. Kang & J. Bae & J. Choi & J. Park & D. Yu - 292-294 Granulomatous colitis in two French bulldogs unresponsive to fluoroquinolone antimicrobials: a case report
by R. Lucena & M. Novales & P.J. Ginel - 295-300 Recurrent feline gastrointestinal eosinophilic sclerosing fibroplasia and presumptive eosinophilic cystitis in a domestic short-haired cat: a case report
by M. Brloznik & S. Faraguna & M. Gombac & T. Svara
2017, Volume 62, Issue 4
- 179-185 Comparative use of dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) in different animal species
by G.M. Madruga & L.Z. Crivellenti & S. Borin-Crivellenti & C.A. Cintra & L.G. Gomes & P.R. Spiller - 186-191 Factors influencing reproductive efficiency and pregnancy in Pura Raza Española mares
by A. Akourki & A. Echegaray & M.V. Falceto & O. Mitjana - 192-199 Fitness improvement of show jumping horses with deep water treadmill training
by A. Vincze & C. Szabo & S. Veres & D. Uto & A.T. Hevesi - 200-203 Distribution of antiseptic resistance genes in Staphylococcus spp. from bovine mastitis
by Y. Ergun & Z. Cantekin & K. Gurturk & H. Solmaz & I.H. Ekin & D. Ozturk - 204-210 Determination of sex-related differences based on 3D reconstruction of the chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera) vertebral column from MDCT scans
by S. Ozkadif & E. Eken & M.O. Dayan & K. Besoluk - 211-220 Multiplex real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction for differential detection of H5, N1, and N8 genes of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses
by Y.R. Park & E.M. Kim & Y.J. Lee & S.G. Yeo & C.K. Park - 221-225 The Cys83Gly amino acid substitution in feather keratin is associated with pigeon performance in long-distance races
by W.S. Proskura & A. Lukaszewicz & E. Dzierzba & D. Cichon & D. Zaborski & W. Grzesiak & A. Dybus - 226-230 Bifid phallus with complete duplication and a separate scrotum in a German shepherd dog: a case report
by M. Karabagli & B. Karan & U. Ugurlu & Z. Mutlu & F. Yildirim & I. Firat & A. Baran & A. Ucur & A. Bayrak & S. Ozturk - 231-237 Fish death caused by gas bubble disease: a case report
by J. Machova & R. Faina & T. Randak & O. Valentova & C. Steinbach & H. Kocour Kroupova & Z. Svobodova
2017, Volume 62, Issue 3
- 117-124 The influence of experimentally-induced endotoxaemia on clinical variables and markers of systemic inflammation in donkeys (Equus asinus)
by M.R. El-Ashker & M.G. El-Sebaei & H.G. Aamer - 125-130 Efficacy of single-dose ceftriaxone versus multiple-dose enrofloxacin in dogs with uncomplicated lower urinary tract infection: a randomised clinical trial
by E.C. Colakoglu & A.E. Haydardedeoglu & H. Alihosseini & A. Hayirli - 131-137 Comparison of the effects of nefopam and tramadol on postoperative analgesia in dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy
by S. Zhang & J.N. Li & L. Luan & W. Guan & X.Y. Hu & H.G. Fan - 138-146 Autochthonous Babesia canis, Hepatozoon canis and imported Babesia gibsoni infection in dogs in the Czech Republic
by B. Mitkova & K. Hrazdilova & M. Novotna & J. Jurankova & L. Hofmannova & P. Forejtek & D. Modry - 147-152 Effects of epididymis cold storage on frozen-thawed epididymal sperm quality in tomcats (Felis catus)
by C.C. Perez-Marin & E. Jimenez & E.I. Aguera - 153-168 Detection of mycobacteria in the environment of the Moravian Karst (Bull Rock Cave and the relevant water catchment area): the impact of water sediment, earthworm castings and bat guano
by H. Modra & M. Bartos & P. Hribova & V. Ulmann & D. Hubelova & O. Konecny & M. Gersl & J. Kudelka & D. Voros & I. Pavlik - 169-177 Identification and antibiotic resistance profiling of bacterial isolates from septicaemic soft-shelled turtles (Pelodiscus sinensis)
by T.H. Chung & S.W. Yi & B.S. Kim & W.I. Kim & G.W. Shin
2017, Volume 62, Issue 2
- 53-61 Dietary bacteriophages as an alternative for zinc oxide or organic acids to control diarrhoea and improve the performance of weanling piglets
by A.R. Hosseindoust & S.H. Lee & J.S. Kim & Y.H. Choi & H.S. Noh & J.H. Lee & P.K. Jha & I.K. Kwon & B.J. Chae - 62-73 Macromineral and trace element supply in sheep and goats in Austria
by V. Schweinzer & M. Iwersen & M. Drillich & T. Wittek & A. Tichy & A. Mueller & R. Krametter-Froetscher - 74-80 Pax5 as a potential candidate marker for canine B-cell lymphoma
by S. Sirivisoot & S. Techangamsuwan & S. Tangkawattana & A. Rungsipipat - 81-89 Characterisation of methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus pseudintermedius isolates from canine infections and determination of virulence factors using multiplex PCR
by O. Melter & P. Svec & J. Tkadlec & J. Doskar & H. Kinska & R. Pantucek - 90-97 Effects of the pharmaceutical contaminants ibuprofen, diclofenac, and carbamazepine alone, and in combination, on oxidative stress parameters in early life stages of tench (Tinca tinca)
by V. Stancova & L. Plhalova & J. Blahova & D. Zivna & M. Bartoskova & Z. Siroka & P. Marsalek & Z. Svobodova - 98-104 Use of a double-wire woven uncovered nitinol stent for the treatment of refractory tracheal collapse in a dog: a case report
by H.Y. Yoon & J.W. Choi & Ji H. Kim & Jung H. Kim - 105-110 Toxic encephalopathy associated with high-dose metronidazole therapy in a dog: a case report
by I. Hajek & V. Simerdova & M. Vavra & C.F. Agudelo - 111-115 Low-field magnetic resonance imaging of otitis media in two cats: a case report
by Y. Zhalniarovich & A. Przeworski & J. Glodek & Z. Adamiak
2017, Volume 62, Issue 1
- 1-9 Gram-positive aerobic and microaerophilic microorganisms isolated from pathological processes and lesions of horses
by J. Bzdil & O. Holy & D. Chmelar - 10-15 The effect of age and sex on serum proteins in the Pega donkey (Equus asinus)
by A.M. Girardi & C.Z.P. Toledo & P.C. Silva & L.C. Marques - 16-28 Effects of sodium humate and zinc oxide used in prophylaxis of post-weaning diarrhoea on the health, oxidative stress status and fatty acid profile in weaned piglets
by M. Trckova & A. Lorencova & V. Babak & J. Neca & M. Ciganek - 29-34 Feasibility of dental panoramic radiography for dental arch evaluation in small animals
by Y. Choi & E. Jeong & H. Oh & K. Kim & Y. Jung & J. Jeong & Y. Cho & K. Lee - 35-40 The use of colour Doppler imaging to determine the effects of administration of butorphanol, medetomidine and ketamine on indices of feline ocular impedance
by T. Vrbovska & L. Hornakova & Z. Drahovska & M. Kozar & A. Trbolova - 41-43 Induction to inhalation anaesthesia in agamid lizards with alfaxalone
by Z. Knotek - 44-47 Spontaneous nephro-cutaneous fistula with pyonephrosis in two dogs: two case reports
by K.S. Oh & C.H. Son & C.H. Park - 48-51 Cutaneous leishmaniosis in a dog vaccinated with LiESP/QA-21: effective or defective vaccine-related immune surveillance? A case report
by A. de Cosmo & D. Mazzoni & A. Campanati & G.E. Magi & D. Beghelli
2016, Volume 61, Issue 12
- 1-1 Volume 61, Contents; Author Index; Author Institution Index; List Of Reviewers
by editors - 653-662 Antimicrobial activity of lactic acid bacteria multiplied in an alternative substrate and their influence on physiological parameters of new-born calves
by E. Bartkiene & V. Krungleviciute & R. Antanaitis & J. Kantautaite & A. Kucinskas & M. Ruzauskas & L. Vaskeviciute & R. Siugzdiniene & J. Kucinskiene & J. Damasius & G. Juodeikiene - 663-668 Molecular characterisation of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 isolates from cattle in eastern Turkey
by H. Kalender & A. Kilic - 669-680 Apparent total tract digestibility and ileal digestibility of dry matter, nitrogen, energy and amino acids in conventional, Bacillus subtilis-fermented and enzyme-treated soybean meal fed to weanling pigs
by M.M. Hossain & M. Begum & J.H. Park & S.J. Lee & K.H. Jang & Y.H. Hong & S.J. Cho & I.H. Kim - 681-688 Oral administration of heat killed Tsukamurella inchonensis enhances immune responses and intestinal function in mice
by K. Nofouzi & M. Aghapour & Gh. Hamidian & F. Katiraee & J. Stanford & P. Ripley - 689-700 Evaluation of diagnostic coelioscopy including liver and kidney biopsies in cinereous vultures (Aegypius monachus)
by S.H. Seok & D.H. Jeong & H.C. Lee & I.H. Hong & S.C. Yeon - 701-709 Effects of lupin seed supplementation on egg production performance, and qualitative egg traits in laying hens
by J.H. Park & S.I. Lee & I.H. Kim
2016, Volume 61, Issue 11
- 595-611 Sensory factors involved in mother-young bonding in sheep: a review
by P. Mora-Medina & A. Orihuela-Trujillo & E. Arch-Tirado & P. Roldan-Santiago & A. Terrazas & D. Mota-Rojas - 612-622 Fluorescence microscopy methods for the determination of somatic cell count in raw cow's milk
by P. Zajac & S. Zubricka & J. Capla & L. Zelenakova - 623-634 The effect of water-restriction on various physiological variables in intensively reared Lacaune ewes
by D. Casamassima & F. Vizzarri & M. Nardoia & M. Palazzo - 635-642 Influence of dexmedetomidine-propofol-isoflurane and medetomidine-propofol-isoflurane on intraocular pressure and pupil size in healthy dogs
by P. Rauser & M. Mrazova & J. Zapletalova - 643-651 Comparison of qualitative and quantitative properties of the wings, necks and offal of chicken broilers from organic and conventional production systems
by F.A.A. Abdullah & H. Buchtova
2016, Volume 61, Issue 10
- 539-545 Antidermatophyte and antioxidant activities of Nigella sativa alone and in combination with enilconazole in treatment of dermatophytosis in cattle
by E. Balikci - 546-552 Immunohistochemical analysis of metastasising hepatocellular carcinomas in dogs
by R. Ciaputa & P. Bandoch & K. Lewandowska & J.A. Madej & M. Kandefer-Gola & I. Janus & M. Nowak - 553-559 Changes in lymphocyte function and subset counts in cats with spontaneous chronic kidney disease
by S. Kralova-Kovarikova & L. Leva & Z. Knotek & M. Toman - 560-566 Choice of staining technique affects the morphological assessment of epididymal feline sperm
by C.C. Perez-Marin & E. Jimenez & E. Aguera - 567-570 Concentrations of growth factors in platelet-rich plasma and platelet-rich fibrin in a rabbit model
by J. Vokurka & E. Gopfert & M. Blahutkova & E. Buchalova & M. Faldyna - 571-576 Decrease in C-reactive protein levels in rabbits after vaccination with a live attenuated myxoma virus vaccine
by L. Ondruska & V. Parkanyi & J. Vasicek & R. Jurcik & E. Hanusova & D. Vasicek & A. Balazi & F. Vizzarri