2016, Volume 61, Issue 9
- 504-515 Co-infection with bovine viral diarrhoea virus and Anaplasma marginale in a dairy cattle herd may lead to acute bovine anaplasmosis
by A. Szabara & J. Majer & L. Ozsvari & C. Jakab & W. Baumgartner - 516-523 The occurrence of pathogens in Rhipicephalus microplus ticks from cattle in Madagascar
by A. Matysiak & P. Dudko & K. Dudek & M. Dudek & A. Junkuszew & P. Tryjanowski - 524-527 Shape memory compression anastomosis clips in gastrointestinal surgery in dogs
by P. Holak & Z. Lekston - 528-532 Effects of acetylsalicylic acid on coagulation tests and haptoglobin concentrations in rabbits with permanent transvenous pacing
by I. Uhrikova & P. Scheer & J. Hlozkova & P. Suchy & M. Sepsi - 533-537 Cutaneous leiomyosarcoma with osteoid metaplasia in a budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus): a case report
by N. Timurkaan & H. Eroksuz & A. Cevik & B. Karabulut
2016, Volume 61, Issue 8
- 413-420 Effects of erythromycin on milk yield, rumen contraction rate and blood beta-hydroxybutyrate concentration in dairy cows after laparoscopic reposition of the left displaced abomasum
by M. Freick & J. Weber & O. Passarge & S.D. Kevork - 421-427 Determination of Coxiella burnetii in bovine foetuses using PCR and immunohistochemistry
by M. Ozkaraca & S. Ceribasi & A.O. Ceribasi & A. Kilic & S. Altun & S. Comakli & H. Ongor - 428-435 Effect of linseed and the combination of conjugated linoleic acid and linseed on the quality and oxidative stability of pig meat and subcutaneous fat
by E. Vaclavkova & Z. Volek & J. Belkova & D. Duskova & M. Czauderna & M. Marounek - 436-442 Radiographic findings in sheep with abomasal phytobezoariasis
by S.M. Hashemiasl & S. Azizi & D. Torkamani - 443-448 Freezing and storage of leukodepleted erythrocyte suspensions
by D.A. Bala & E. Eraslan & I. Akyazi & E.E. Ekiz & M. Ozcan & U. Cotelioglu & M. Arslan - 449-455 Presence of Arcobacter species in pet cats and dogs in the Czech Republic
by M. Pejchalova & S. Zabcikova & L. Silhova & D. Silha & I. Brozkova & M. Haslova - 456-463 Levels of fatty acids in the whole body of hens and cocks of the Cobb 500 and Ross 308 hybrid combinations at the end of the fattening period
by P. Suchy & E. Strakova & I. Herzig - 464-466 The first finding of Hassall's corpuscles in the thymi of cultured sturgeons
by E. Salkova & M. Flajshans - 467-473 Successful response to imatinib in two dogs with inoperable grade III infiltrating mast cell tumours: a case report
by J.H. Kim & H.J. Kim & D.H. Kim & J.H. Yim & S.J. Lee & K.H. Park & H.Y. Yoon
2016, Volume 61, Issue 7
- 361-373 Immunohistochemical characterisation of neurons in the mandibular ganglion and nerve fibres supplying the porcine mandibular gland
by M. Klimczuk & P. Podlasz & W. Sienkiewicz & A. Franke-Radowiecka & A. Dudek & Z. Pidsudko & M. Chmielewska-Krzesinska & J. Kaleczyc - 374-381 Ultrastructural and molecular identification of Sarcocystis tenella (Protozoa, Apicomplexa) in naturally infected Korean native goats
by E.J. Hong & C. Sim & J.S. Chae & H.C. Kim & J. Park & K.S. Choi & D.H. Yu & C.H. Park & J.G. Yoo & B.K. Park - 382-388 Use of castor bean polymer in developing a new technique for tibial tuberosity advancement for cranial cruciate ligament rupture correction in dogs
by R.M. Medeiros & M.A.M. Silva & P.P.M. Teixeira & L.G.G.G. Dias & D.G. Chung & C.C. Zani & M.A.R. Feliciano & M.E.B.A.M. Da Conceicao & M.R.F. Machado & A.G. Rocha & G.O. Chierice & L.N. Coutinho & J.G. Padilha Filho - 389-393 Ultrasonographic measurements of abdominal lymph nodes in growing puppies
by M. Pugliese & A. La Pietra & L. Liotta & F. Macrì & A. Palumbo Piccionello & M. De Majo - 394-398 The practical use of computed tomography in evaluation of shell lesions in six loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta)
by F. Spadola & G. Barillaro & M. Morici & A. Nocera & Z. Knotek - 399-403 Reversal of acute kidney injury after peritoneal dialysis in a dog: a case report
by P.T.C. Guimaraes-Okamoto & S.S. Geraldes & J.F.A. Ribeiro & A.N.L.S. Vieira & L.P. Porto & P. Barretti & M.L.G. Lourenco & A. Melchert - 404-408 Pneumatosis coli in a dog - a serial radiographic study: a case report
by T.S. Hwang & Y.M. Yoon & S.A. Noh & D.I. Jung & S.C. Yeon & H.C. Lee - 409-411 Pectus excavatum in a cat: a case report
by R. Yaygingul & B. Kibar & I. Suner & A. Belge
2016, Volume 61, Issue 6
- 295-307 Feline obesity - prevalence, risk factors, pathogenesis, associated conditions and assessment: a review
by D. Tarkosova & M.M. Story & J.S. Rand & M. Svoboda - 308-316 Potential anthelmintic effect of Capparis spinosa (Capparidaceae) as related to its polyphenolic content and antioxidant activity
by H. Akkari & F. B'chir & S. Hajaji & M. Rekik & E. Sebai & H. Hamza & M.A. Darghouth & M. Gharbi - 317-327 In-feed supplementation of clinoptilolite favourably modulates intestinal and systemic immunity and some production parameters in weaned pigs
by H. Valpotic & S. Terzic & S. Vince & M. Samardzija & R. Turk & G. Lackovic & B. Habrun & D. Djuricic & M. Sadikovic & I. Valpotic - 328-336 Effect of sodium humate and zinc oxide used in prophylaxis of post-weaning diarrhoea on faecal microbiota composition in weaned piglets
by M. Kaevska & A. Lorencova & P. Videnska & K. Sedlar & I. Provaznik & M. Trckova - 337-343 Origin and distribution of the brachial plexus in the Spix's yellow-toothed cavy (Galea spixii Wagler, 1831) (Rodentia, Caviidae)
by H.N. Araujo & G.B. Oliveira & A.V.N. Silva & R.E.M. Oliveira & F.V. Camara & C.M. Oliveira & F.V.F. Bezerra & M.F. Oliveira - 344-347 Evaluation of early renal disease in bitches with pyometra based on renal doppler measurements
by L. Koenhemsi & S. Toydemir & M. Ucmak & R. Gonul & M.E. Or - 348-352 Repair of flail chest using interfragmentary wiring and stability augmentation with basket-weave fashion sutures in a toy breed dog: a case report
by S. Ahn & S. Jeong & H. Yoon - 353-356 A challenging radiographic diagnosis - extraluminal leiomyoma of the oesophagus in a small-sized dog: a case report
by H. Oh & K. Kim & Y. Choi & E. Jung & Y. Jung & J. Jung & M. Kim & N. Kim & Y. Cho & K. Lee - 357-360 A rare radiographic appearance of a calcified uterus in a queen with pyometra: a case report
by F. Hayati & M.S. Ahrari-Khafi & M. Hassankhani & M. Mansourian & S. Asghari
2016, Volume 61, Issue 5
- 237-242 Therapeutic effects of a combined antibiotic-enzyme treatment on subclinical mastitis in lactating dairy cows
by B. Khoramian & M. Emaneini & M. Bolourchi & A. Niasari-Naslaji & A. Gorganzadeh & S. Abani & P. Hovareshti - 243-248 Evaluation of poor performance in racehorses using a high-speed treadmill
by P. Melkova & P. Jahn & S. Bodecek & O. Dobesova & J. Hanak - 249-255 Susceptibility of stone loach (Barbatula barbatula) and hybrids between sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) and beluga (Huso huso) to cyprinid herpesvirus 3
by A. Pospichal & V. Piackova & D. Pokorova & T. Vesely - 256-262 Antimicrobial effects of curcumin against L. monocytogenes, S. aureus, S. Typhimurium and E. coli O157:H7 pathogens in minced meat
by S. Sandikci Altunatmaz & F. Yilmaz Aksu & G. Issa & B. Basaran Kahraman & D. Dulger Altiner & S.K. Buyukunal - 263-266 Possible vertical transmission of Babesia canis canis from a bitch to her puppies: a case report
by L. Adaszek & J. Obara-Galek & T. Piech & M. Winiarczyk & M. Kalinowski & S. Winiarczyk - 267-271 Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma in a dog confirmed using myogenin immunohistochemistry: a case report
by J.K. Park & E.M. Lee & A.Y. Kim & E.J. Lee & I.H. Hong & M.R. Ki & K.S. Jeong - 272-278 An abdominal cavity abscess associated with Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium phage type DT2 in a dog: a case report
by L. Cakir Bayram & F. Aydin - 279-287 Penile hypoplasia and rudimentary prepuce in a dog (78,XY; SRY-positive): a case report
by D. Rozanska & I. Szczerbal & M. Stachowiak & P. Debiak & A. Smiech & P. Rozanski & M. Orzelski & B. Zylinska & M. Switonski & B. Slaska - 288-294 Septic shock associated with complex infection by crop Candida and bacteria in two blue-fronted amazon parrots: a case report
by E. Lee & A. Kim & E. Lee & S. Park & K. Jeong
2016, Volume 61, Issue 4
- 173-186 Disinfection of potable water sources on animal farms and their microbiological safety
by T. Hruskova & N. Sasakova & Z. Bujdosova & V. Kvokacka & G. Gregova & V. Verebova & M. Valko-Rokytovska & L. Takac - 187-194 Hyperostotic tympanic bone spicules in domestic and wild animal species
by A. Heitmann & B. Parzefall & M. Zollner & A. Bruhschwein & W. Hermanns & A. Blutke - 195-203 Effects of hydrolysed yeasts on ruminal fermentation in the rumen simulation technique (Rusitec)
by H. Oeztuerk & B. Emre & G. Breves - 204-212 Electroretinographic examination for evaluation of retinal activity in dogs with retinal dysplasia
by M. Drazek & M. Lew & S. Lew & A. Snarska & P. Sobiech - 213-218 Comparison of tramadol and buprenorphine analgesia for continuous intravenous propofol anaesthesia in dogs undergoing dental prophylaxis
by I. Capik & O. Nagy & C. Tothova & I. Polkowska - 219-223 Prevalence of systemic disorders in cats with oral lesions
by B. Dokuzeylul & A. Kayar & M.E. Or - 224-228 Cervical ectopia cordis in a calf: a case report
by J. Jezek & A. Domanjko Petric & T. Paller & J. Staric - 229-232 Closure of a recurrent bladder rupture in a calf by means of a peritoneal flap: a case report
by M. Gandini & G. Giusto & F. Comino & M. Casalone & C. Bellino - 233-236 Mycobacteriosis of the red-lored amazon parrot: a case report
by M. Kandefer-Gola & M. Lazarczyk & P. Kowalczyk & M. Nowak & R. Ciaputa & A. Drohobycka-Wawryka
2016, Volume 61, Issue 3
- 111-122 The use of cannabinoids in animals and therapeutic implications for veterinary medicine: a review
by L. Landa & A. Sulcova & P. Gbelec - 123-132 Morphologic evaluation of the gills as a tool in the diagnostics of pathological conditions in fish and pollution in the aquatic environment: a review
by E. Strzyzewska & J. Szarek & I. Babinska - 133-135 Concentrations of serum amyloid A, haptoglobin, tumour necrosis factor and interleukin-1 and -6 in Anatolian buffaloes naturally infected with dermatophytosis-
by M. Kabu & Z. Sayin - 136-140 Development of a seroprevalence map for Mycoplasma gallisepticum in broilers and its application to broilers from Comunidad Valenciana (Spain) over the course of two years (2009-2010)
by C. Garcia & J.M. Soriano & P. Catala-Gregori - 141-147 The effects of monosodium l-glutamate administration on the reproduction and serum biochemistry of adult male rabbits
by C.N. Okoye & I.S. Ochiogu & C.E. Onah - 148-154 Androgen receptor distribution in the rat prostate gland and seminal vesicles
by F.M. Gur & S. Timurkaan - 155-161 Clinical ultrasonography in loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta): imaging of pathological features
by M. De Majo & F. Macri & M. Masucci & G. Coci & M.G. Pennisi - 162-168 Long-term evaluation of bicipital tenodesis with T-staple in three dogs: a case report
by S. Pinna & A. De Giorgi & G. Spinella - 169-172 Rectovaginal fistula in a dog with a normal anus: a case report
by S.Y. Lee & S.J. Park & S.Y. Jin & M.H. Kim & S.H. Seok & Y.K. Kim & H.C. Lee & S.C. Yeon
2016, Volume 61, Issue 2
- 57-64 Acute stress-induced changes in hormone and lipid levels in mouse plasma
by T. Ahn & C.-S. Bae & C.-H. Yun - 65-71 Effects of previous experience on total blood and free iodothyronine responses to isolation, restraint and shearing in sheep (Ovis aries)
by E. Fazio & P. Medica & C. Cravana & A. Ferlazzo - 72-79 Motility of boar spermatozoa supplemented with homologous seminal plasma of high or low protein content after storage for three days
by J. Apic & I. Stancic & S. Vakanjac & I. Radovic & Z. Kanacki & S. Jotanovic & B. Stankovic - 80-89 Screening of antimicrobial resistance and molecular detection of fluoroquinolone resistance mechanisms in chicken faeces-derived Escherichia coli
by A. Lenart-Boron & K. Augustyniak & P. Boron - 90-96 Effects of lactulose on growth, carcass characteristics, faecal microbiota, and blood constituents in broilers
by M. Mohammadi Gheisar & C.M. Nyachoti & J.D. Hancock & I.H. Kim - 97-101 Ramification of the celiac artery in the greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)
by A. Alan & A. Duzler & I. Orhan - 102-109 Pulmonary Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection with giant tubercle formation in a dog: a case report
by H.A. Park & J.H. Lim & Y.H. Kwon & J.H. Bae & H.M. Park
2016, Volume 61, Issue 1
- 1-9 Polymorphism and expression of the tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) gene in non-infected cows and in cows naturally infected with the bovine leukaemia virus (BLV)
by B. Bojarojc-Nosowicz & P. Brym & E. Kaczmarczyk & A. Stachura & A.K. Habel - 10-16 Protective effects of the antioxidants curcumin, ellagic acid and methionine on motility, mitochondrial transmembrane potential, plasma membrane and acrosome integrity in freeze-thawed Merino ram sperm
by A.D. Omur & K. Coyan - 17-22 Coxiella burnetii in samples from cattle herds and sheep flocks in the Kars region of Turkey
by A. Gulmez Saglam & M. Sahin - 23-27 Maternal immunity induced by inactivated S. Typhimurium vaccine is less protective to S. Derby challenge than to S. Typhimurium challenge in suckling piglets
by J. Gebauer & A. Osvaldova & H. Kudlackova & M. Maceckova & F. Sisak & H. Havlickova & P. Ondrackova & L. Leva & M. Faldyna & J. Matiasovic - 28-34 Effects of dietary Enterococcus faecium on growth performance, carcass characteristics, faecal microbiota, and blood profile in broilers
by M. Mohammadi Gheisar & A. Hosseindoust & I.H. Kim - 35-50 Biochemical, haematological and oxidative stress responses of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) after sub-chronic exposure to copper
by M. Sevcikova & H. Modra & J. Blahova & R. Dobsikova & L. Plhalova & O. Zitka & D. Hynek & R. Kizek & M. Skoric & Z. Svobodova - 51-55 Secondary abdominal pregnancy with foetal mummification diagnosed using computed tomography in a dog: a case report
by H.W. Myung & A.J. Lee & J.Y. Kim & J.H. Kim & K.D. Eom & H.J. Kim & S.H. Do & H.Y. Kim & D.J. Chung
2015, Volume 60, Issue 12
- 1-1 Volume 60, Contents; Author Index; Author Institution Index; List Of Reviewers
by editors - 663-674 Developmental competence of mammalian oocytes-insights into molecular research and the promise of microfluidic technology: a review
by B. Kempisty & P. Zawierucha & S. Ciesiolka & H. Piotrowska & P. Antosik & D. Bukowska & M. Jeseta & M. Nowicki & K.P. Brussow & M. Zabel - 675-682 Evaluation of effect of supplementation of extruded rice as a substitute for dried whey in the diet of weanling pigs
by S. Mohana Devi & S.C. Kim & I.H. Kim - 682-690 Interrelationships of body weight and bone weight with densitometric properties of tibiotarsal bone in geese during post-hatching development
by A. Charuta & M.R. Tatara & M. Dzierzecka & E. Polawska & I. Ptaszynska Sarosiek - 691-695 Assessment of oxidative stress in Flathead mullet (Mugil cephalus) and Gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata)
by F. Fazio & G. Piccione & C. Saoca & A.R. Caputo & S. Cecchini - 696-705 Zeolite clinoptilolite as a dietary supplement and remedy for honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies
by I. Tlak Gajger & J. Ribaric & M. Matak & L. Svecnjak & Z. Kozaric & S. Nejedli & I.M. Smodis Skerl - 706-711 Emphysematous lesions in the right cranial lung lobe and torsion of the right medial lung lobe in a British shorthair cat: a case report
by Z. Dokic & W. Pirog
2015, Volume 60, Issue 11
- 589-602 Urinary biomarkers of renal function in dogs and cats: a review
by S. Kovarikova - 603-612 Humoral and cellular immune response to Histophilus somni recombinant heat shock protein 60 kDa in farm animals
by A. Jankowska & J. Bajzert & M. Pisarek & A. Rzasa & P. Jawor & T. Stefaniak - 613-620 Incidence of bacterial pathogens in equine uterine swabs, their antibiotic resistance patterns, and selected reproductive indices in English thoroughbred mares during the foal heat cycle
by T. Benko & M. Boldizar & F. Novotny & V. Hura & I. Valocky & K. Dudrikova & M. Karamanova & V. Petrovic - 621-628 Melatonin protects against burn-induced hepatic oxidative injury by inducing HO-1 via the Nrf2 pathway
by G. Bekyarova & M. Tzaneva & M. Hristova - 629-634 Effects of dietary gamma-aminobutyric acid on egg production, egg quality, and blood profiles in layer hens
by J.H. Park & I.H. Kim - 635-643 Effects of caprylic acid and Yucca schidigera extract on growth performance, relative organ weight, breast meat quality, haematological characteristics and caecal microbial shedding in mixed sex Ross 308 broiler Dickens
by M. Begum & M.M. Hossain & I.H. Kim - 644-653 Changes in leukocyte counts, lymphocyte subpopulations and the mRNA expression of selected cytokines in the peripheral blood of dogs with atopic dermatitis
by Z. Hoskova & M. Svoboda & D. Satinska & J. Matiasovic & L. Leva & M. Toman - 654-661 Reduction of Chlamydophila-felis-associated signs by roxithromycin treatment regimen in cats showing doxycycline intolerance
by K. Ploneczka-Janeczko & J. Bania & K. Bierowiec & M. Kielbowicz & Z. Kielbowicz
2015, Volume 60, Issue 10
- 533-538 Serological and molecular detection of Anaplasma phagocytophilum in horses reared in Korea
by S.H. Lee & K.T. Kim & S.H. Yun & E. Choi & G.H. Lee & Y.S. Park & K.H. Cho & S. Yi & O.D. Kwon & T.H. Kim & D. Kwak - 539-543 Post-calving administration of uterine stimulants does not improve reproductive performance in dairy cows
by K. Holickova & R. Dolezel & S. Cech - 544-552 Effects of bromelain supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, faecal microbial shedding, faecal score and faecal noxious gas emission in weanling pigs
by M.M. Hossain & S.I. Lee & I.H. Kim - 553-566 Simulation of a classical swine fever outbreak in rural areas of the Republic of Serbia
by S. Stanojevic & M. Valcic & S. Stanojevic & S. Radojicic & S. Avramov & Z. Tambur - 567-577 Plasma ACTH, α-MSH and cortisol variations in the dog during the oestrous cycle in different photoperiods
by M.F. Gallelli & N. Monachesi & D.D. Miceli & M.F. Cabrera Blatter & N.V. Gomez & A. Meikle & V.A. Castillo - 578-587 Risk factors for gastric dilatation and volvulus in central Europe: an internet survey
by I. Uhrikova & K. Machackova & L. Rauserova-Lexmaulova & E. Janova & J. Doubek
2015, Volume 60, Issue 9
- 469-475 Relationship between acrosome integrity changes and in vitro fertilising ability of bovine spermatozoa
by Z. Reckova & M. Machatkova & L. Machal & M. Jeseta - 476-482 Evaluation of platelet function in horses undergoing colic surgery using the PFA-100 platelet function analyser
by A. Iwaszko-Simonik & S. Graczyk - 483-488 Determination of exposure to Fasciola hepatica in horses from Uruguay using a recombinant-based ELISA
by J. Sanchis & J. Suarez & G.V. Hillyer & J.A. Hernandez & M.A. Solari & C. Cazapal-Monteiro & A.M. Duque de Araujo & L.M. Madeira de Carvalho & A. Paz-Silva & R. Sanchez-Andrade & M.S. Arias - 489-498 Effect of genotype on heat production and net energy value of a corn-soybean meal-based diet fed to growing pigs
by E. Kiarie & I.H. Kim & C.M. Nyachoti - 499-508 Levels of nitrogenous substances and amino acids in bodies of Ross 308 hybrid cocks and hens over the course of rearing
by E. Strakova & P. Suchy & P. Navratil & I. Herzig & M. Machacek - 509-514 Relationships between selected sperm characteristics and fertilisation success in the beluga sturgeon, Huso huso (Linnaeus, 1758)
by M.S. Aramli & M.R. Kalbassi & R.M. Nazari & K. Sarvi - 515-521 Effect of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol on the immune responses of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
by I. Matejova & M. Vicenova & L. Vojtek & H. Kudlackova & K. Nedbalcova & M. Faldyna & E. Sisperova & H. Modra & Z. Svobodova - 522-526 Enzootic ataxia associated with copper deficiency in a farmed red deer: a case report
by G. Vengust & T. Svara & M. Gombac & D. Zele - 527-531 Clinical application of bone forming peptide-1 for nonunion fracture healing in a dog with Cushing's disease: a case report
by S. Kim & K. Shim & T. Yoon & S. Kang
2015, Volume 60, Issue 8
- 403-406 Intraperitoneal lidocaine hydrochloride for prevention of intraperitoneal adhesions following laparoscopic genitourinary tract surgery in ewes
by R.S.G. Mariano & R.A.R. Uscategui & R.P. Nociti & V.J.C. Santos & L.C. Padilha-Nakaghi & F.F.P.C. Barros & M.A.M. Silva & C.A.S. Malta & D.V. Bonato & W.R.R. Vicente & P.P.M. Teixeira - 407-414 The influence of sex, age and season on the haematological profile of alpacas (Vicugna pacos) in Central Europe
by T. Husakova & L. Pavlata & A. Pechova & L. Tichy & K. Hauptmanova - 415-422 Associations between claw lesions and reproductive performance of sows in three Greek herds
by M. Lisgara & V. Skampardonis & E. Angelidou & S. Kouroupides & L. Leontides - 423-431 Effects of a cypermethrin-based pesticide on early life stages of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)
by Z. Richterova & J. Machova & A. Stara & J. Tumova & J. Velisek & M. Sevcikova & Z. Svobodova - 432-445 Characteristics and risk factors of dog aggression in the Slovak Republic
by R.E. Matos & T. Jakuba & I. Mino & M. Fejsakova & A. Demeova & J. Kottferova - 446-449 Pulmonary oedema in a hunting dog: a case report
by C.F. Agudelo & P. Schanilec - 450-455 Effects of the dexmedetomidine, midazolam, butorphanol, and atropine combination on plasma oxidative status and cardiorespiratory parameters in raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides)
by X.J. Feng & X.Y. Hu & S. Zhang & J.N. Li & H.G. Fan - 456-459 The lameness in a cryptorchid dog with intra-abdominal torsion of one of the two neoplastic testicles: a case report
by A. Bufalari & A. Proni & G. Moretti & A. Di Meo & S. Pirico - 460-467 Necrotising fasciitis, a potential threat following conservative treatment of a leucopenic cat: a case report
by T. Plavec & I. Zdovc & P. Juntes & T. Svara & I. Ambrozic-Avgustin & S. Suhadolc-Scholten
2015, Volume 60, Issue 7
- 345-350 Collie eye anomaly: a review
by A. Palanova - 351-360 Prophylaxis of post-weaning diarrhoea in piglets by zinc oxide and sodium humate
by M. Trckova & A. Lorencova & K. Hazova & Z. Sramkova Zajacova - 361-367 Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript immunoreactive nerve fibres in the mucosal layer of the canine gastrointestinal tract under physiological conditions and in inflammatory bowel disease
by A. Rychlik & S. Gonkowski & M. Nowicki & J. Calka - 368-375 Analyses of anaesthesia with ketamine combined with different sedatives in rats
by A.M. Molina & M.R. Moyano & J.M. Serrano-Rodriguez & N. Ayala & A.J. Lora & J.M. Serrano-Caballero - 376-378 A cartilaginous choristoma in a pig liver: a case report
by N.M. Vuckovic & D.C. Vuckovic & M.I. Urosevic & V.S. Cabarkapa - 379-386 Equine ocular squamous cell carcinoma: a case report
by M. Drazek & M. Lew & S. Lew & J. Szarek & I. Balicki & L. Della Salda - 387-390 Magnetic resonance imaging: findings of osteochondrosis like-lesions in glenoid fossa and proximal humeral metaphyses in a dog: a case report
by N. Orellana-Jaimes & M.M. Ginja & F. San Roman-Llorens & M. Garcia-Gomez & M.A. Orden & J.R. Altonaga & J.M. Gonzalo-Orden - 391-398 Canine mammary anaplastic carcinoma with concurrent aorto-iliac thrombosis in a dog: a case report
by J.H. Kim & W.J. Kim & J. Park & J.I. Shin & H.Y. Yoon - 399-402 A car accident involving a restrained dog within the vehicle: a case report
by M. Zeleny & K. Grusova
2015, Volume 60, Issue 6
- 293-300 Tooth autotransplantations - lessons from animal models: a review
by P. Langova & J. Stembirek & E. Matalova & M. Buchtova - 301-308 Significance of clinical variables and selected biochemical markers in predicting the outcome of bovine anaplasmosis
by M. El-Ashker & M. Salama & M. El-Sebaei & E. Risha & F. Abdelhamid & M. El-Diasty & E. El-Fadle - 309-313 Effects of semen sexing kits (HeiferplusTM and BullplusTM) supplemented to frozen-thawed bull semen on pregnancy rates, foetal sex ratios and selected reproductive parameters in cows
by G. Turk & M. Yuksel & M. Sonmez & S. Gur & S. Ozer Kaya & E. Demirci - 314-322 Laparoscopic abomasal cannulation in sheep
by S.X. Zhang & K. Fu & X.Y. Chi & J.T. Zhang & L. Gao & H.B. Wang - 323-329 Pharmacokinetics of florfenicol following intravenous and intramuscular administration in dogs
by Y.O. Birdane & F.M. Birdane - 330-335 A severe sacbrood virus outbreak in a honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) colony: a case report
by C. Roy & N. Vidal-Naquet & B. Provost - 336-340 Spindle cell lipoma in the gingiva of a dog: a case report
by H.J. Kim & E.J. Choi & H.R. Lee & G.J. Park & E.S. Yun & J.H. Kim & S.H. Do - 341-344 Endoscopy-assisted tracheal reconstruction of post-traumatic obstruction in a cat: a case report
by M. Pietra & L. Pisoni & N. Linta & S. Pinna & N. Romagnoli & A. Diana
2015, Volume 60, Issue 5
- 227-234 Effects of season on plasma progesterone profiles in repeat breeding cows
by M.E. Ghanem & M. Nishibori - 235-247 Use of natural substances for boar semen decontamination
by J. Mazurova & R. Kukla & M. Rozkot & A. Lustykova & E. Slehova & R. Sleha & J. Lipensky & L. Opletal - 248-252 Evidence of Anaplasma spp. exposure in native Korean goats (Capra hircus coreanae)
by S.H. Lee & B.Y. Jung & D. Kwak - 253-260 Serum luteinising hormone, testosterone and total cholesterol levels, libido and testicular histomorphology of male West African Dwarf goats orally or subcutaneously treated with monosodium l-glutamate
by I.S. Ochiogu & D. Ogwu & C.N. Uchendu & C.N. Okoye & J.I. Ihedioha & E.C. Mbegbu - 261-267 Determination of the diversity and antibiotic resistance profiles of Staphylococcus species from dogs with otitis externa and examination of mecA gene occurrence
by K. Metiner & A.F. Bagcigil & A. Ilgaz - 268-273 A simplified duplex real-time PCR incorporating TaqMan minor groove binder (MGB) probes and an exogenous internal positive control for the simultaneous detection of Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae cultures
by S. Ehtisham-ul-Haque & S.U. Rahman & M.I. Khan & M. Younus & M.M. Awais & A. Nasir - 274-281 Total oxidant and antioxidant capacities, nitric oxide and malondialdehyde levels in cats seropositive for the feline coronavirus
by A. Kayar & B. Dokuzeylul & F.M. Kandemir & A. Kirbas & A. Bayrakal & M.E. Or - 282-287 Continuous ophthalmic treatment using an osmotic pump in a bull calf following surgical removal of an ocular dermoid: a case report
by J.H. Bae & C.E. Plummer & J. Kim & M.S. Kim & N.S. Kim - 288-291 A cystoadenoma of the biliary ducts in a dog: anatomo-histopathological features and pathogenetic considerations: a case report
by B. Macri' & G. Lanteri & M.T. Capucchio & A. Ieni & F. Marino
2015, Volume 60, Issue 4
- 175-180 The effects of borax on milk yield and selected metabolic parameters in Austrian Simmental (Fleckvieh) cows
by M. Kabu & C. Uyarlar - 181-185 Prevalence of Trichinella spp. antibodies in wild boars (Sus scrofa) and domestic pigs in Korea
by H.J. Kim & W.S. Jeong & E.M. Kim & S.G. Yeo & D.J. An & H. Yoon & E.J. Kim & C.K. Park - 186-193 The effects of inosine on clinical and histological findings after experimental spinal cord injury in rats
by V. Ledecky & M. Kuricova & T. Liptak & D. Cizkova - 194-201 The effects of a propofol/alfentanil admixture on total intravenous anaesthesia in dogs undergoing splenectomy
by N. Jia & C. Zhao & L. Wang & Y. Li & J. Cui & S. Cao & R. Li & C. Wang & Y. Wu & A. Wen - 202-207 Antimicrobial effects of topical skin cream containing natural oil mixtures against Staphylococcus pseudintermedius and Malassezia pachydermatis
by J.I. Han & S.J. Park & S.G. Kim & H.M. Park - 208-212 The Canine J wave
by C.F. Agudelo & P. Schanilec - 213-221 Penetrating eye injury in a dog: a case report
by M. Lew & S. Lew & M. Drazek & A. Pomianowski - 222-226 Intramedullary spinal cord meningioma in a Boxer: a case report
by E. Eravci Yalin & Y. Devecioglu & A. Demirutku & Z. Mutlu & A. Gurel & D. Haktanir
2015, Volume 60, Issue 3
- 121-132 Feasibility of Miscanthus as alternative bedding for dairy cows
by S. Van Weyenberg & T. Ulens & K. De Reu & I. Zwertvaegher & P. Demeyer & L. Pluym - 133-140 The genotoxicity of caecal water from gilts following experimentally induced Fusarium mycotoxicosis
by A. Nowak & K. Slizewska & M. Gajecka & M. Piotrowska & Z. Zakowska & L. Zielonka & M. Gajecki - 141-146 Primary screening of potentially bio-active substances in the lyophilisate of Pectinatella magnifica biomass
by Z. Balounova & V. Brezina & K. Susterova & J. Rajchard - 147-154 Hormonal response of Arctic fox females to short- and long-term stress
by E. Gorajewska & A. Filistowicz & S. Nowicki & P. Przysiecki & A. Filistowicz & K. Czyz - 155-160 The effect of deslorelin acetate on the oestrous cycle of female guinea pigs
by S. Kohutova & V. Jekl & Z. Knotek & K. Hauptman - 161-169 Analysis of morphological variation of the internal ophthalmic artery in the chinchilla (Chinchilla laniger, Molina)
by J. Kuchinka - 170-173 SRY-negative XX sex reversal in an English Cocker Spaniel: a case report
by D. Nak & T. Gulten & M. Karkucak & R. Yilmaz & Y. Nak & G. Simsek & A.H. Shahzad
2015, Volume 60, Issue 2
- 63-70 Antinociceptive mechanisms of Bunium persicum essential oil in the mouse writhing test: role of opioidergic and histaminergic systems
by M. Zendehdel & Z. Torabi & S. Hassanpour - 71-76 The association between the somatic cell count and isolated microorganisms during subclinical mastitis in heifers in Jordan
by M.O. Alekish - 77-86 Effect of Bacillus subtilis, Clostridium butyricum and Lactobacillus acidophilus endospores on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, meat quality, relative organ weight, microbial shedding and excreta noxious gas emission in broilers
by M.M. Hossain & M. Begum & I.H. Kim - 87-93 Determination of the proper time for mating after oestrous synchronisation during anoestrous or oestrous by measuring electrical resistance of cervical mucus in ewes
by E. Theodosiadou & T. Tsiligianni - 94-100 Influence of atracurium on selected cardiovascular and respiratory variables and surgical times in dogs undergoing laparoscopic ovariectomy with standardized ventilation pattern
by P. Rauser & M. Crha & A. Sivkova & J. Zapletalova & N. Korytarova - 101-104 Avian mycobacteriosis in an individual of the endangered Mauritian Pink pigeon (Nesoenas mayeri) species: a case report
by P. Kriz & J. Makovcova & M. Skoric & O. Huml & J. Pokorny - 105-108 Biphasic pericardial and pleural mesothelioma in a cat: a case report
by S.J. Gabriel Filho & G.M. Magalhaes & V.A. Conforti & J. Santilli & S.G. Calazans - 109-114 Computed tomography-guided cementoplasty combined with radiation therapy for an aneurysmal bone cyst in a dog: a case report
by M. Vignoli & L. Stehlik & R. Terragni & L. Cavallo & P. Proks - 115-119 Cutaneous extrarenal rhabdoid tumor in a dog: a case report
by H.J. Kim & E.J. Choi & H.R. Lee & B.T. Kwon & S.H. Do
2015, Volume 60, Issue 1
- 1-5 Development of Polymerase Chain Reaction assays with host-specific internal controls for Chlamydophila abortus
by Z. Cantekin & H. Solmaz & Y. Ergun & M. Ozmen - 6-15 Sampling factors causing variability in milk constituents in early lactation cows
by M. Cengiz & O. Kaynar & O. Cannazik & M. Ileriturk & S. Cengiz & A. Hayirli - 16-22 Vibrio cholerae non-O1/non-O139 infection in fish in the Czech Republic
by J. Rehulka & P. Petras & M. Marejkova & E. Aldova - 23-30 NeemAzal T/S - toxicity to early-life stages of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)
by L. Chromcova & J. Blahova & D. Zivna & L. Plhalova & F. Casuscelli & di Tocco & L. Divisova & M. Prokes & C. Faggio & F. Tichy & Z. Svobodova - 31-38 Cloprostenol and eCG influence oestrus synchronisation and uterine development in mice
by S. Wei & Z. Gong & L. An & T. Zhang & Y. Luo & H. Dai - 39-47 Expression of innate immunity genes in kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus after in vivo stimulation with garlic extract (allicin)
by M. Tanekhy & J. Fall - 48-51 Megaoesophagus in the upper cervical oesophagus in a steer: a case report
by G. Jalilzadeh-Amin & S. Hashemiasl - 52-56 Bilateral hydronephrosis and hydroureter after ovariohysterectomy using nylon cable tie: a case report
by L.R. Mesquita & S.C. Rahal & L.M. Matsubara & M.J. Mamprim & C.R. Foschini & L.G. Faria & W.T. Kano - 57-61 Treatment of mange caused by Caparinia tripilis in native Korean wild hedgehogs (Erinaceus amurensis): a case report
by K.Y. Eo & D. Kwak & O.D. Kwon
2014, Volume 59, Issue 12
- 1-1 Volume 59, Contents; Author Index; Author Institution Index; List Of Reviewers
by editors - 583-630 Crohn's disease and related inflammatory diseases: from many single hypotheses to one "superhypothesis"
by K. Hruska & I. Pavlik - 631-636 Effects of inactivated Parapoxvirus ovis on polymorphonuclear leukocyte function and myeloperoxidase activity in horses
by S. Ulgen & C.P. Yaramis & E. Rayaman & U. Soyogul Gurer & M.E. Or & A.O. Sehirli - 637-640 Evidence of Neospora caninum exposure among native Korean goats (Capra hircus coreanae)
by B.Y. Jung & S.H. Lee & D. Kwak - 641-648 Comparison of the bone response to xenogenic bone screws and metallic screws in canine femur
by S.Y. Heo & N.S. Kim
2014, Volume 59, Issue 11
- 515-526 Electroretinography in dogs: a review
by M. Drazek & M. Lew & S. Lew & A. Pomianowski - 527-535 Effect of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) and probiotic (Enterococcus faecium) supplementation on the growth performance, digestibility and blood profiles in weanling pigs
by S. Mohana Devi & I.H. Kim - 536-542 Effects of summer shield supplementation on growth performance, nutrient utilisation, and plasma lipid profiles in broiler chickens
by A.A. Saleh & D. Ijiri & A. Ohtsuka - 543-552 The impact of pre-analytical treatment and sorting on human neutrophil function
by L. Hromadkova & L. Zarybnicka & J. Vavrova & Z. Bilkova & Z. Sinkorova - 553-572 Effects of curcumin in combination with cyclophosphamide on canine mammary tumour cell lines
by F. Ustun Alkan & C. Anlas & S. Cinar & F. Yildirim & O. Ustuner & T. Bakirel & A. Gurel - 573-581 Fish kill caused by aluminium and iron contamination in a natural pond used for fish rearing: a case report
by A. Slaninova & J. Machova & Z. Svobodova
2014, Volume 59, Issue 10
- 467-478 Sladek Z, Rysanek D: CD14 expression, apoptosis and necrosis in resident and inflammatory macrophages from virgin bovine mammary gland
by Z. Sladek & D. Rysanek - 479-490 Influence of sex, reproductive status and foetal number on erythrocyte osmotic fragility, haematological and physiologic parameters in goats during the hot-dry season
by B. Habibu & M.U. Kawu & H.J. Makun & T. Aluwong & L.S. Yaqub & M.S. Ahmad & M. Tauheed & H.U. Buhari - 491-497 Influence of protected organic acid blends and diets with different nutrient densities on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and faecal noxious gas emission in growing pigs
by S.D. Upadhaya & K.Y. Lee & I.H. Kim - 498-501 Characterisation and assessment of electrospun Poly/hydroxyapatite nanofibres together with a cell adhesive for bone repair applications
by S.Y. Heo & J.W. Seol & N.S. Kim - 502-505 Clinical comparison and short-term radiographic evaluation of Tight Rope and Lateral Suture procedures for dogs after cranial cruciate ligament rupture
by V. Ledecky & M. Hluchy & R. Freilichman & S. Hornak & D. Knazovicky - 506-510 Congenital absence of humerus with preaxial terminal longitudinal hemimelia and hypoplasia of the scapula in a dog: a case report
by F. Macrì & G. Rapisarda & G. Lanteri & S. Di Pietro & E. Auriemma & F. Marino - 511-514 Immunohistochemical characterisation of a canine case of granular cell type trichoblastoma: a case report
by J.S. Yoon & J. Park
2014, Volume 59, Issue 9
- 409-414 Epidemiology of Theileria equi in Persian Arab horses from Iran
by S. Bahrami & A.R. Ghadrdan & M. Pourmahdi Borujeni & M. Vafayi Salarpur - 415-423 Effects of the plant extract YGF251 on growth performance, meat quality, relative organ weight, nutrient digestibility and blood profiles in broiler chickens: possible role of insulin-like growth factor 1
by M. Begum & M.M. Hossain & I.H. Kim - 424-432 Effects of Bai zhu san (Atractylodis macrocephalae) decoction on cellular immunity and Th1/Th2 cytokine ratio in a Mifepristone-induced murine abortion model
by M.Y. Geng & F.Z. Yuan & X.D. Wang & X.H. Zhong - 433-439 Histopathological and haematological response of male rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) subjected to butachlor
by S. Ahmadivand & H. Farahmand & A.R. Mirvaghefi & S. Eagderi & S. Shokrpoor & H. Rahmati-Holasoo - 440-446 Effect of β-Glucan on cold-stress resistance of striped catfish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage, 1878)
by S. Soltanian & M.N. Adloo & M. Hafeziyeh & N. Ghadimi - 447-452 Post anaesthetic myelopathy in the horse: a case report
by M. Patschova & R. Kabes & E. Ludvikova - 453-456 Angiokeratoma with lysosomal dilatation in keratinocytes in a dog: a case report
by H.K. Lim & H.J. Kim & H.R. Lee & S. Han & S.H. Do - 457-460 A vaginal fornix foreign body in a bitch: a case report
by M. Fabbi & S. Manfredi & F. Di Ianni & C. Bresciani & A.M. Cantoni & G. Gnudi & E. Bigliardi - 461-465 Cryosurgery and electrocautery in treatment of transmissible venereal tumours in large breed dogs: a case report
by S.J. Choi & D.B. Lee & N.S. Kim
2014, Volume 59, Issue 8
- 369-375 Anaesthetic properties of ketamine in chicks stressed with hydrogen peroxide
by Y.J. Mousa