March 2024, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial(Editorial)
by Jose Luis Vazquez-Burguete & Luis Camilo Ortigueira-Sanchez - 3-15 El doble rol de la responsabilidad social empresarial de los medios de comunicacion en Puno (comparativo 2015 y 2021)(The dual role of corporate social responsibility of the media in Puno (Comparative 2015 and 2021))
by Yudi Janeh Yucra-Mamani - 16-36 El consumo responsable reflejado en los ODS 2030 y en el accionar de las empresas B en Uruguay durante la COVID19(Responsible consumption reflected in the 2030 sustainable development goalsand in the actions of B companies in Uruguay during COVID-19)
by Silvia Facal Santiago - 37-50 Desarrollo sostenible: de sus antecedentes a los ODMs, ODSs y OBVs(Sustainable development: from its antecedents to the MDGs, SDGs and GLGs)
by Jose Luis Vazquez-Burguete & Ana Lanero-Carrizo & Cesar Sahelices-Pinto & Jose Luis Vazquez-Garcia & Jose Maria Vazquez-Garcia & Maria Purificacion Garcia-Miguelez - 51-64 ?Como promueven los academicos de posgrado la responsabilidad social en su trabajo?(How do graduate academics promote social responsibility in their work?)
by Douglas Izarra Vielma & Ana Hirsch Adler - 65-81 EL IMPACTO DE LA CAZA FURTIVA DE RINOCERONTES EN LA RENDICION DE CUENTAS DE UNA ORGANIZACION DE CONSERVACION FINANCIADA POR EL ESTADO(The impact of rhino poaching on the accountability disclosures of a state-funded conservation organisation)
by Barry Ackers - 82-91 Emprendimiento femenino y atencion plena: un estudio trasnacional entre Espana y Ecuador(Female entrepreneurship and mindfulness: a transnational study between Spain and Ecuador)
by Sara Sara & Ma Angeles Iniesta-Bonillo & Antonia Estrella-Ramon & Andrea Munoz-Morales
December 2023, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 91-104 The power of communication: analysis of Pedro Pablo Kuczynski Godard's communication policy during the crisis and resignation of his mandate
by Ana Paula Castro Iturregui & Luis Camilo Ortigueira-Sanchez
August 2023, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 58-73 O papel mediador e moderador do comportamiento controlado e poder de decisao na relacao entre o comportamento ecologicamente correto e o comportamento pro-ambiental(The mediator and moderator role of controlled behavior and decision-power in the relationship between ecologically correct behavior and pro-evironmental behavior)
by Nadia Fabricia de Souza Marinho & Arilda Teixeira
June 2023, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-2 Editorial
by Jose Luis Vazquez Burguete & Oscar Licandro - 3-18 Los perfiles green de la generacion centennials de Mexico y Argentina(The green profiles of the centennial generation of Mexico and Argentina )
by Enrique Carlos Bianchi & Edith Patricia Borboa Alvarez & Gaspar Gracia Daponte & Cristian Canziani & Oscar Ernesto Hernandez Ponce - 19-34 Segmentacion de los jovenes universitarios sgun su conciencia medioambiental. Un analisis cross-cultural de Espana y Mexico(Segmentation of young university students according to their environmental consciousness. A Spain and Mexico cross-cultural analysis)
by Antonio Chamorro Mera & Jose Manuel Garcia-Gallego - 35-48 Concept of strategy in the public sector: a study of the perception of public servants
by Fabio Yoshio Suguri Motoki & Marcos Rogerio Bozzi da Luz & Emerson Wagner Mainardes & Felipe Storch Damasceno - 49-57 Green marketing: a case study of the outdoor apparel brand Patagonia
by Manuela Guerreiro & Christina Muhs & Melanie Carvalho Neves & Laura Engel & Leandro Fernandes Cardoso
September 2023, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 74-88 PLAYMOBIL(r) WILTOPIA: "Conocelo, Quierelo, Protegelo"(PLAYMOBIL(r) WILTOPIA: "Know It, Love It, Protect It")
by Jose Luis Vazquez Garcia & Jose Maria Vazquez Garcia - 89-90 La industria academica: la universidad bajo el imperio de la tecnologia global (Editorial TESEO, 2021)(The academic industry: the university under the empire of global technocracy (Editorial TESEO, 2021))
by Luigi Pisoni
February 2023, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 61-69 Aceite de palma y sostenibilidad: Un estudio exploratorio sobre conocimiento y percepcion por parte de los consumidores(Palm oil and sustainability: an exploratory study on consumers' knowledge and perception)
by Jose Luis Vazquez-Burguete & Ana Lanero-Carrizo & Cesar Sahelices-Pinto
January 2023, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial
by Jose Luis Vazquez Burguete & Oscar Licandro - 2-20 A co-criacao de valor do consumidor enquanto cidadao atraves do comportamento pro-circular(Consumer value co-creation as a citizen through pro-circular behavior)
by Emmanuelle Emmanuelle & Joaquim Silva & Helena Alves - 21-31 Educacion para el desarrollo sostenible(Education for sustainable development)
by Ana Hirsch Adler - 32-41 Ecoturism and promotion as a key to development of biosphere reserves
by Katarina Vitalisova & Maria Vavrusova - 42-51 Visualizing the Scientific Landscape on Sustainable Consumption Research in Web of Science
by Luis Camilo Ortigueira-Sanchez & Santiago Luis Risco-Martinez - 52-60 Starring role of SDG 10: reduce inequality within and among countries. A case study from Pakistan
by Hina Yaqub Bhatti & M. Mercedes Galan-Ladero & Clementina Galera-Casquet
November 2022, Volume 7, Issue 2
December 2022, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-2 Editorial
by Jose Luis Vazquez Burguete & Oscar Licandro - 17-35 Propuesta de escala para medir el valor de marca de las organizaciones no lucrativas(A proposed scale for measuring brand equity of non-profit organizations)
by Murillo-Acuna Kathy & Rodero-Cosano Maria Luisa & Oubina-Barbolla Javier - 36-58 Analysis of GRESB and ISO 21929-1 Indicators and Which Ones Cover more the Sustainable Development of the United Nations Goals
by Gustavo Henrique Bruno Polli & Ana Margarida Vaz Duarte Oliveira e Sa - 59-67 Investigation of relationship between Global Citizenship and Responsible Consumption
by Erzsebet Hetesi & Noemi Vizi - 68-79 La comunicacion digital sobre las actividades de responsabilidad social corporativa: el caso de Antena 3 noticias y Fundacion Mutua Madrilena con la iniciativa "Contra el maltrato: tolerancia cero"(Digital communication on corporate social responsibility activities: the case of Antena 3 News and Fundacion Mutua Madrilena with the initiative: "Against abuse: zero tolerance")
by Marian Navarro-Beltra - 80-91 Empresas B con proposito de impacto: El caso de CAPSA FOOD(B companies with impact purpose: the case of Capsa Food)
by Nuria Garcia Rodriguez & Silvia Cachero Martinez & Noelia Salido Andres - 92-92 Estado de las practicas empresariales contra el soborno: primer estudio latinoamericano (Icontec Internacional 2019)(The state of corporate anti-bribery practices: first Latin American study (Icontec Internacional 2019))
by Luis Camilo Ortigueira-Sanchez
March 2022, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial(Editorial)
by Jose Luis Vazquez & Oscar Licandro - 3-10 La importancia de las eticas aplicadas para la sostenibilidad y la responsabilidad social(The importance of applied ethics for sustainability and social responsibility)
by Ana Hirsch Adler - 11-23 ?Estan los trabajadores familiarizados con el concepto y las practicas de responsabilidad social empresarial? Un caso de estudio(Are workers familiarized with the concept and the practices of corporate social responsibility? - A case study)
by Daiane Fernandes & Elsa Pinto & Lucia Mesquita & Patricia Sa & Marisa R. Ferreira & Alexandra Braga - 24-37 Diferencias entre estudiantes de distintas universidades en su interpretacion de la responsabilidad social interna(Differences between students from different universities in their interpretation of internal social responsibility)
by Oscar Licandro & Isabel Sanchez-Hernandez & Edy Lorena Burbano Vallejo & Enrique Bianchi - 38-54 La sostenibilidad como factor clave en el sector textil y de la moda bajo la perspectiva del consumidor(Sustainability as a key factor in the textile and clothing sector under the consumer''s perspective)
by Raquel Martinez Espinosa & Jose Luis Vazquez Burguete & Ana Lanero Carrizo - 55-66 Innovacion en modelos de negocios: empresas B(Innovation in business models: B Corps)
by Patricia Correa - 67-68 Entrepreneurship in the fourth sector: entrepreneurial ecosystems and sustainable business models (Springer, 2021)
by Marisa R. Ferreira & Alexandra Braga
May 2022, Volume 7, Issue 1
December 2022, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 72-73 Alimentemos el cambio: por una produccion y un consumo sostenibles (Fondo editorial, Universidad del Pacifico-Peru, 2021)
by Luis Camilo Ortigueira-Sanchez
February 2022, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 53-59 Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) cubes. A case study in Labour Inspectorate of Alba County (Romania)
by Cristian Bologa & Maria P. Garcia & Gheorghe Faur & Paul Bresfelean
December 2021, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial(Editorial)
by Jose Luis Vazquez & Oscar Licandro - 3-13 El marketing social y las condiciones del consumo de alimentos saludables en los jovenes(Social marketing and the conditioners of healthy food consumption among young people)
by Stephanie Ingrid Souza Barboza & Flavio Perazzo Barbosa Mota & Joice dos Santos Alves - 14-31 Experiencia formativa en Responsabilidad social universitaria. El caso de la Universidad de Extremadura (Espana)(Formative experience in university social responsibility. The case of the University of Extremadura (Spain))
by Dolores Gallardo-Vazquez & Eduardo Pinilla-Gil & M. Mercedes Galan-Ladero & M. Jesus Barroso-Mendez - 32-40 El impacto de las campanas de responsabilidad social en las decisiones de compra del consumidor(The impact of social responsibility campaigns on consumer purchase decisions)
by Alicia de la Pena de Leon & Bernardo Amezcua Nunez & Juana Maria Saucedo Soto - 41-56 Emprendimiento y desarrollo local(Entrepreneurship and local development)
by Magdalida Murgueitio & Edy Lorena Burbano-Vallejo & Eugenio Moreno - 57-66 University Social Responsibility: Croatian Perspective
by Zeljka Kadlec & Mirna Leko Simic
January 2021, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 67-80 El marketing social y la obesidad infantil(Social marketing and childhood obesity)
by Marco Antonio Rios Ponce & Juan Francisco Alvarez Valencia & Maria Elena Castro Rivera
November 2020, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Jose Luis Vazquez Burguete & Oscar Licandro - 3-11 Aplicacion de la responsabilidad social corporativa en el sector hostelero. El caso del gran hotel Don Manuel(Application of Corporate Social Responsibility in the hospitality sector: the case of The Gran Hotel Don Manuel)
by Alfredo Acedo Moran & Mercedes Galan Ladero - 12-25 How postgraduate students understand the corporate social responsibility concept - a comparative approach among Uruguay, Brazil and Portugal
by Marisa R. Ferreira & Oscar Licandro & Arminda do Paco - 27-39 La Responsabilidad Social Corporativa: Iniciativa para el Desarrollo en Latinoamerica(Corporate Social Responsibility: Initiative for Development in Latin America)
by Edith Patricia Borboa-Alvarez & Oscar Ernesto Hernandez-Ponce & Jose Carlos Lopez-Figueroa - 40-55 Etiquetado y consumo responsable y sostenible de leche: la percepcion del consumidor(Sustainable and responsible labelling and consumption of milk: the consumer's perception)
by Zulema del Pozo Moral & Jose Luis Vazquez Burguete & Ana Lanero Carrizo - 56-67 Redes estudiantiles y responsabilidad social educativa: impulsando la innovacion a traves del marketing social y la digitalizacion(Student networks and educational social responsibility: promoting innovation through social marketing and digitalization)
by Daniela Rodriguez Mincey & Franco Lagomarsino & Sofia Fazio & Reynaldo G. Rivera - 68-87 Motivating factors in the act of donating money and/or goods in emerging markets: scale development and validation
by Emerson Wagner Mainardes
January 2016, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-6 When education serves the interests of a social cause: description of an educational experience with primary school and university students
by Marta Estrada Guillen & Diego Monferrer Tirado & Miguel Angel Moliner Tena - 7-16 The program "human rights learning" (hrl) in the university of extremadura: a tool to work the civic ethics
by Inmaculada Sanchez-Casado & Elena Benitez-Sanchez & Maria Davalos-Gordillo - 17-25 Least common multiple of transparency
by Elisa Baraibar-Diez & Maria D. Odriozola & Jose Luis Fernandez-Sanchez - 26-48 Marketing research and museum consumer behavior in Berlin
by Javier de Esteban Curiel & Diana Perez-Bustamante Yabar & Arta Antonovica & Jaime Gil Lafuente
December 2013, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 1-14 Evaluating alternatives to support social marketing: a framework for alcohol control policy development
by Jaco van Tonder & Frikkie J. Herbst & Marlize Terblanche-Smit - 27-40 Social marketing interventions for downtown problems
by Istvan Piskoti & Katalin Nagy - 41-50 Comparison of perceived and projected image of Slovakia as a starting point for a country image building strategy
by Lenka Stefcekova & Anna Vanova - 51-57 Social enterprise: towards a marketing approach
by Lucica Matei & Cristina Sandu - 59-66 Paliative care: a market niche for nonprofit organizations in Croatia
by Mirna Leko Simic & Suzana Cepl - 67-74 Brand equity for nonprofit organizations: antecedents and consequences for NGOs
by Kathy Murillo-Acuna & Javier Oubina-Barbolla
August 2013, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 15-26 Private-nonprofit partnership in the context of CSR: the importance of relationship learning
by Maria Jesus Barroso-Mendez & Clementina Galera-Casquet & Victor Valero-Amaro & Maria Mercedes Galan-Ladero
August 2013, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 1-6 What kind of new branding in Administration is necessary to apply in European public and non-profit sectors? A particular reference to Eastern European countries
by Arvydas Guogis - 7-15 Corporate social responsibility for the PSI 20 Portuguese companies
by Paula Odete Fernandes & Ana Paula Monte & Sandra Cristina Afonso - 17-32 Fostering public attendance within territorial marketing aiming image strategy improvement in the Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca
by Andrei Tiganas - 33-44 Corporate social responsibility: a study of premium luxury hotels on the Balearic Islands
by Miguel Trias-Vilar & Maria Antonia Garcia-Sastre - 45-51 Enterprises ecologization as a priority development of management processes on the modern age of economical development
by Olena Slozko & Valeriia Kovach - 53-60 Logo as a visiting card of a theatre. A case study of Polish theatres
by Joanna Hernik - 61-67 On a model of enterprise architecture for public institutions in Romania
by Cristian Bologa & Jose Luis Vazquez & Gheorghe Faur & Paul Bresfelean & Nicolae Ghisoiu - 69-74 On the planning of the socio-economic development of the Municipality of Tvarditsa (Bulgaria)
by George Zheliazkov & Desislava Ivanova & Ivan Georgiev
April 2013, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-6 On business ethics: values hierarchy and the role of research
by Montserrat Diaz-Mendez & Michael Saren - 7-19 Does the donation size influence on attitudes toward cause-related marketing?
by Maria Mercedes Galan-Ladero & Clementina Galera-Casquet - 21-31 Completing studies or leaving University: modelling the determinants of student departure
by Zsofia Braxmair & Erzsebet Hetesi - 33-43 The importance of the environment in the selection of sun and sea holiday destinations and its relationship with the environmental commitment: the case of Portuguese and Spanish tourists
by Veronica Nobre de Oliveira & Antonio Chamorro-Mera & Paulo Filipe de Almeida Cravo Lourenco - 61-65 A strategy for alternative tourism development in the framework of cross-border cooperation between Bulgaria and Greece
by George Zheliazkov & Jose Luis Vazquez & Desislava Ivanova & Ivan Georgiev - 67-68 Corporate responsibility from the demand view
by Jesus Garcia-Gonzalez