Rajko M. Bukvić
(Rajko M. Bukvic)
Personal Details
First Name: | Rajko |
Middle Name: | M. |
Last Name: | Bukvic |
Suffix: | |
RePEc Short-ID: | pbu418 |
| |
Стругарска 2/13 11030 Београд Србија | |
+381642828049 | |
Mastodon: |
Српска академија наука и уметности, Географски институт "Јован Цвијић"
http://gi.sanu.ac.rs/Belgrade, Serbia
Đure Jakšića 9, 11000 Beograd, Srbija
Research output
Jump to: Working papers ArticlesWorking papers
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2024. "Оцена Степена Монополисаности Сектора Осигурања У Србији У Периоду 2011–2022 [Assesment of degree of monopolization of insurance sector in Serbia in the period 2011–2020]," MPRA Paper 121964, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2024.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2024. "Предмет И Методы Экономических Наук [Scope and Method of the Economic Sciences]," MPRA Paper 120976, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2024.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2024. "Степень Монополизации Сектора Страхования В Сербии [Degree of Monopolization of Insurance Sector in Serbia]," MPRA Paper 121940, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2024.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2024. "Assesment of degree of monopolization of insurance sector in Serbia in the period 2011–2020," MPRA Paper 122020, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2024.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Nikolenko, Polina & Bocharov, Vladimir, 2024. "Цифровая Экономика И Развитие Сельских Территорий (На Примере Сербии) [Digital Economy and Rural Development (On the Example of Serbia)]," MPRA Paper 120977, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2024.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2023. "Market Concentration in banking sector of Serbia: decomposition of the Changes in 2016–2021," MPRA Paper 120970, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2023.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2023. "Импликације Методолошког Индивидуализма И Теореме О Невидљивој Руци На Домете Деловања Слободног Тржишта [Implications of methodological individualism and the invisible hand theorem on the scope of," MPRA Paper 121738, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2023.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2023. "Кволсетов Индекс Као Нова Мера Концентрације: Неке Емпиријске Провере [Kvålseth’s index as a new concentration measure: Some empirical tests]," MPRA Paper 118820, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Pavlović, Radica, 2023. "The Cash Flow Concept in Modern Financial Analysis of Internal Sources of Companies’ Investment Financing," MPRA Paper 116053, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2022. "Концентрация И Конкуренция В Современном Банковском Секторе Сербии: Перемены И Декомпозиция Индекса Херфиндаля – Хиршмана [Concentration and Competition in Modern Banking Sector of Serbia: Changes ," MPRA Paper 112928, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2022.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2022. "Дигитална Економија У Србији: Резултати И Перспективе [Digital Economy in Serbia: Results and Prospects]," MPRA Paper 112802, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2022.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2022. "Типови Промена Концентрације У Банковном Сектору Србије: Декомпозиција Индекса Хиршмана-Херфиндала [Types of the Changes in Banking Sector of Serbia Concentration: Decomposition of the Hirschman-He," MPRA Paper 114612, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2022.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2022. "Concentration in Serbian Insurance Sector: 2011–2020 Changes and Their Decomposition," MPRA Paper 113386, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2022.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2022. "Дигитална Економија Као Претпоставка Бржег Развоја Руралних Подручја У Србији [Digital Economy as a Condition for Fastest Development of Rural Areas in Serbia]," MPRA Paper 115911, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2022.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Petrović, Dragan, 2022. "Индустрија 4.0 И Србија [Industry 4.0 and Serbia]," MPRA Paper 118863, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2022. "Влияние Интернета И Цифровой Экономики На Развитие Конкуренции: Что Мы Можем Сказать О Сербии [Impact of the Internet and Digital Economy on Development of Competition: What We Can Say about Serbia," MPRA Paper 113550, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2022.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2022. "Koncentracija u sektoru osiguranja u Srbiji: promene u periodu 2011–2020. i njihova dekompozicija [Concentration in Serbian Insurance Sector: 2011–2020 Changes and Their Decomposition]," MPRA Paper 113347, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2022.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2022. "Декомпозиција Промена У Концентрацији У Сектору Осигурања У Србији 2011–2020: Утицај Промена У Структури Тржишта И Броју Друштава За Осигурање [Decomposition of Concentration Changes in Insurance S," MPRA Paper 113930, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2022.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Petrović, Dragan, 2022. "Актуелно Стање И Перспективе Текстилне Индустрије У Србији [Current State and Perspectives of the Textile Industry in Serbia]," MPRA Paper 114977, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2022. "Пет сила vs Дуги реп [Five Forces vs Long Tail]," MPRA Paper 114557, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2021. "Оценка Состояния И Перспективы Цифровой Трансформации Экономики Сербии [Assessment of the Status and Prospects of the Digital Transformation of Serbian Economy)]," MPRA Paper 108981, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2021.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2021. "Нови Приступи Оцењивању Степена Концентрације И Конкуренције: Пример Сектора Осигурања У Србији [New Approaches to Estimation of Concentration and Competition Degree: Example of Insurance Sector in," MPRA Paper 109840, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2021.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Pajović, Ivan, 2021. "Индустрија И Нове Традиције: Банат После Деиндустријализације [Industry and New Traditions: Banat after Deindustrialization]," MPRA Paper 122237, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2021.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Petrović, Dragan, 2021. "Manufacturing and Information Society in Serbia: Current Status and Prospects," MPRA Paper 109550, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2021.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2020. "О Квалитету И Видљивости Друштвених И Економских Наука Србије [On Quality and Visibility of Social and Economic Sciences of Serbia]," MPRA Paper 101692, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2020.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2020. "Concentration and Competition in Serbian Banking Sector in the Period 2016–2018," MPRA Paper 102395, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2020. "Показатељи Тржишне Концентрације И Њихова Дискриминаторна Моћ: Пример Банковног Сектора Србије [Indicators of Market Concentration and Its Discriminatory Power: Example of the Banking Sector of Ser," MPRA Paper 105218, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2020.
- Pavlović, Radica & Bukvić, Rajko, 2020. "Uticaj politike deviznog kursa na trgovinsku razmenu Republike Srbije u uslovima krize – trgovinskopravni i ekonomski aspect [The Influence of the Exchange Rate Policy on the Trade of the Republic ," MPRA Paper 105228, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2020.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2020. "Шта Показују Индекси Концентрације: Пример Банковног Сектора Србије [What Demonstrate Concentration Indices: Example of the Banking Sector of Serbia]," MPRA Paper 103569, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2020.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2020.
"Концентрация И Конкуренция В Современном Банковском Секторе Сербии: Анализ Индексов Концентрации [Concentration and Competition in Modern Serbian Banking Sector: Concentration Indices Analysis],"
MPRA Paper
100581, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2020.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2020. "Концентрация И Конкуренция В Современном Банковском Секторе Сербии: Анализ Индексов Концентрации [Concentration and Competition in Modern Serbian Banking Sector: Concentration Indices Analysis]," MPRA Paper 100591, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2020.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2020. "Measuring of Concentration and Competition: Serbian Banking Sector," MPRA Paper 107465, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2020.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Petrović, Dragan, 2020. "Current status and perspectives of the textile industry in Serbia," MPRA Paper 104193, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2020.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Rajnović, Ljiljana, 2019. "Управление Предприятием И Интерес Акционеров: Концепция Максимизации Рыночной Стоимости [Corporate Governance and Shareholders’ Interests: Concept of the Maximization of the Market Values of Compan," MPRA Paper 100255, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2019.
- Pajović, Ivan & Petrović, Dragan & Bukvić, Rajko, 2019. "Industry 4.0 and Serbia: Modern Technologies and the Impact on the Economy of Modern Society," MPRA Paper 97489, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2019.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2019. "Evolution and Current Status of the Competitive Environment in the Serbian Banking Sector: Concentration Indices Analysis," MPRA Paper 98341, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2019.
- Petrović, Dragan & Bukvić, Rajko, 2018. "Metal and machine industry in Serbia," MPRA Paper 92438, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Petrović, Dragan, 2018. "Геополитички Аспекти Стратешких Коридора Србије [Geopolitical Aspects of the Strategic Corridors of Serbia]," MPRA Paper 90743, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2018.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Rajnović, Ljilјana, 2018. "Треба Ли Компанијама Управљати У Интересу Акционара? [Whether Companies Need to Be Managed in the Interests of the Shareholders?]," MPRA Paper 88250, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2018.
- Petrović, Dragan & Bukvić, Rajko, 2018. "Contemporary Trends in the Development of Industry in the World and Serbia," MPRA Paper 87793, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2018.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Pavlović, Radica, 2018. "Динамички Коефицијенти: Нови Приступ У Анализи Солвентности Предузећа [The Dynamic Coefficients: New Approach to the Analysis of Company’s Solvency]," MPRA Paper 94757, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Pajović, Ivan & Petrović, Dragan & Bukvić, Rajko, 2018. "Актуальное Состояние И Проблемы Сельского Хозяйства Сербии [Actual Status and Problems of Serbian Agriculture]," MPRA Paper 92984, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2018.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2018. "Пољопривреда Краснодарске Покрајине И Агрохолдинг Кубањ [Agriculture of Krasnodar Krai and Agroholding Kuban]," MPRA Paper 89296, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2018.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2017. "Други Канон И Маршалов План Као Модел Економске Политике [Other Canon and Marshall’s Plan as a Model of Economic Policy]," MPRA Paper 94648, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2017. "Примена Индекса Линда У Истраживању Концентрације И Конкуренције У Банковном Сектору Србије [The Use of Linda Indices in Research of Concentration and Competition in Serbian Banking Sector]," MPRA Paper 85718, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Pajović, Ivan, 2017. "Региональные Схемы Рыночных Механизмов Регулирования Выбросов Парниковых Газов: Опыт И Перспективы [Regional Schemes of Market Mechanisms of Greenhouse Gases Emission: Experiences and Perspectives]," MPRA Paper 82099, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2017.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2017. "Сравнительныйи Анализ Растениеводства В Нижегородской Области Российской Федерации И В Республике Сербия: Возможности Сотрудничества [Comparative Analysis of Farm Production in Nizhegorodskaya Obla," MPRA Paper 106976, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2017.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2017. "Концентрација И Конкуренција У Банковном Сектору Србије [Concentration and Competition in Serbian Banking Sector]," MPRA Paper 81711, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2017.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Pajović, Ivan, 2017. "Економски Односи Србије И Румуније На Почетку 21. Века И Могућности Унапређења [Serbian-Romanian Economic Relationships at the Beginning of 21st Century and Possibilities of Improving]," MPRA Paper 88654, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2017.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2017. "Ефекат Стакленика, Глобално Загревање И Кјотски Протокол [Greenhouse Effect, Global Warming and Kyoto Protocol]," MPRA Paper 83953, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2017.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2017. "Concentration and Competition in Serbian Banking Sector," MPRA Paper 85161, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2017.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Pavlović, Radica & Gajić, Aleksandar, 2017. "Static and Dynamic Indicators in the Analysis of Internal Sources of Companies’ Investments Financing," MPRA Paper 79810, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2017.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Petrović, Dragan, 2017. "Парниковый Эффект И Рыночные Механизмы Киотского Протокола [Greenhouse Effect and Mechanisms of Kyoto Protocol]," MPRA Paper 76451, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2017.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Aleksić, Dragan & Aničić, Jugoslav & Laketa, Marko & Todorić, Jovana & Zakić, Nebojša & Vuković, Darko & Miletić, Dalibor & Vukotić, Svetlana & Vukmirović, Dragan & Vukmirović, Jovanka, 2017. "Национална Економија [National Economy]," MPRA Paper 103354, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2017.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Vemić, Mirčeta, 2016. "Марковљеви Ланци И Проблем Одређивања Распореда Слова На Тастатури Српске Ћирилице [Markov chains and the problem of keyboard layout for Serbian cyrilic]," MPRA Paper 74862, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2016.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2016. "Пољопривреда Србије: Сто Година Модернизацијских Напора [Agriculture of Serbia: One Hundred Years of Modernization Efforts]," MPRA Paper 79659, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2016.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2016. "Qwerty, Йцукен И Српска Ћирилица: Треба Ли Нам Нови Стандард? [QWERTY, ЙЦУКЕН and Serbian keyboard: do we need new standard?]," MPRA Paper 71031, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2016.
- Petrović, Dragan & Bukvić, Rajko, 2016. "Компаративна Анализа И Могућности Сарадње Републике Србије И Волго-Вјатског Рејона Руске Федерације У Области Аграра [Comparative analysis and possibilities of cooperation in agrar production betwe," MPRA Paper 74739, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2016.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Pavlović, Radica, 2016. "Современный Финансовый И Управленческий Бухучёт Как Предпосылка Продвижения Корпоративного Управления [Modern financial and managerial accounting as a condition for corporate governance development," MPRA Paper 81198, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 0216.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2016. "Девизна Политика Југославије 1945–1990: Искуства И Поуке [Yugoslav Foreign Currency Policy in 1945–1990: Experiences and Lessons]," MPRA Paper 76211, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2016.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2016. "Дознаке: Између Потрошње И Акумулације [Remittances: between consumption and accumulation]," MPRA Paper 70933, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2016.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Pajović, Ivan & Petrović, Dragan, 2016. "Растениеводство В Волго-Вятском Регионе И В Придунавье Сербии: Сравнительный Анализ И Возможности Сотрудничества [Farm Production in Volga-Viatka Region and Danube Region: Comparative Analysis and ," MPRA Paper 75140, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2016.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2016. "Краснодарска Покрајина И Република Србија: Могућности И Перспективе Сарадње [Krasnodar Krai and Republic of Serbia: possibilities and perspectives of cooperation]," MPRA Paper 73656, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2016.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Zakharov, Vladimir & Kartavykh, Marina, 2015. "Механизмы Регулирования Выбросов Парниковых Газов И Киотский Протокол [Mechanisms of reduction of greenhouse gases and Kyoto Protocol]," MPRA Paper 71603, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 01 Oct 2015.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Makarov, Igor, 2015. "Дмитрий Сироткин – Основоположник Судоходства И Судостроительства В Сербии [Dmitry Sirotkin – The Founder of Navigation and Shipbuilding in Serbia]," MPRA Paper 69865, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Voronov, Mikhail & Chasovskikh, Viktor, 2015. "Киотский Протокол И Активность России: Механизмы Сокращения Выбросов Парниковых Газов [The Kyoto Protocol and the Activity of Russia: Mechanisms of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions]," MPRA Paper 70845, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2015.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2015. "Загађивање Атмосфере И Механизми Кјотског Протокола: Да Ли Је Тржиште Универзално Решење? [Pollution of atmosphere and mechanisms of Kyoto Protocole: Is there the market universal solution?]," MPRA Paper 69986, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2015. "Рыночные Механизмы Сокращения Выбросов Парниковых Газов И Активности И Перспективы России [Market mechanisms of reduction of greenhouse gases emissions and actions and perspectives of Russia]," MPRA Paper 71616, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2015.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2015. "В Память Об Академике Богомолове [In Memory of Academician Bogomolov]," MPRA Paper 70443, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2015.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2015. "Неоклассическая Экономическая Парадигма И Экономическая Реальность [Neoclassical Economic Paradigm and Economic Reality]," MPRA Paper 105693, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2015.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Kartavykh, Marina & Zakharov, Vladimir, 2015. "Mechanisms and projects for reducing greenhouse gases emissions in Russia," MPRA Paper 74809, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2015.
- Pavlović, Radica & Bukvić, Rajko & Gajić, Aleksandar, 2015. "Internal Sources of Financing Companies on the Basis of Static and Dynamic Indicators: Comparative Analysis," MPRA Paper 72216, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2015.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2015. "Неоклассическая Экономическая Теория И Экономическая Действительность [Neoclassical Economic Theory and Economic Reality]," MPRA Paper 70769, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2015.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Pavlović, Radica & Zakharov, Vladimir, 2014. "Неоклассическая Экономика И Другой Канон [Neoclassical Economics and Other Canon]," MPRA Paper 120975, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2014.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2014. "Krasnodar Krai – agro-industrial giant and tourist jewel of the Russian Federation," MPRA Paper 69729, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2014.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Pavlović, Radica & Gajić, Аlеksаndаr M., 2014. "Possibilities of Application of the Index Concentration of Linda in Small Economy: Example of Serbian Food Industries," MPRA Paper 81707, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2014.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2014. "Смещение Неоклассической Экономической Парадигмы ‒ Предпосылка Повышения Качества Макроэкономического Образования [Removal of the neoclassical economic paradigm – condition for the improving of mac," MPRA Paper 81295, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2014.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2014. "Развитие Региональной Проблемы В Югославии В 1918–1941 Гг.: Централизм, Федерализм И Межнациональные Проблемы [Development of the Regional Problem in Yugoslavia (1918–1941): Centralism, Federalism ," MPRA Paper 72158, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2014.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Pavlović, Radica, 2014. "Неокласична Економска Теорија И Проблеми Економског Развоја [Neoclassical economic theory and the problems of economic development]," MPRA Paper 70092, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 08 Apr 2014.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2014. "Региональная Проблема Социалистической Югославии В 1945–1991 Гг [Regional Problem in Socialist Yugoslavia 1945‒1991]," MPRA Paper 70608, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2014.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2014. "Ecohomes and economical and ecological aspects of sustainable development of human settlements," MPRA Paper 69762, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2014.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2013. "Transition in Serbia: Foundations, results and perspectives," MPRA Paper 70166, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 08 Nov 2013.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2013. "Тадеуш Ковалик – Велики Политекономист [Tadeusz Kowalik – A great political economist]," MPRA Paper 70119, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2013.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2013. "Могу Ли Дознаке Постати Извор Акумулације? [Can Remittances Become a Source of Accumulation?]," MPRA Paper 70065, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 20 Nov 2013.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Ocić, Časlav, 2013. "Финансиализация И Современные Экономические Кризисы [Financialization and Modern Economic Crises]," MPRA Paper 72087, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2013.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2012. "Эволюция И Современное Состояние Политики Научно-Технологического Развития Сербии (Особый Взгляд На Сельское Хозяйство) [Evolution and State of the Art of Policy of Scientifically-Technological Pro," MPRA Paper 71943, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2012.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2012. "Экодом И Устойчивое Развитие Людских Поселений [Ecohome and the sustainable development of human settlements]," MPRA Paper 70473, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 20 May 2012.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2012. "Ново Познанство С „Несмењивим” Министром [Reacquaintance with the „irreplaceable ” minister]," MPRA Paper 70164, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2012.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2012. "Вашингтонски Консензус И Деиндустријализација Источне И Југоисточне Европе [Washington’s Consensus and Disindustrialization of the Eastern and South-Eastern Europe]," MPRA Paper 86200, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2012.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2011. "Трансформационный Кризис И Экономическое Развитие Сербии [Transformational Crisis and the Economic Development of Serbia]," MPRA Paper 120969, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2011.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2011. "Transformaciona kriza i perspektive privrede Srbije u epohi globalizacije i finansijske krize [Transformational crisis and perspectives of Serbian economy in the era of globalization and financial ," MPRA Paper 69949, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2011.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2010. "The Other canon against Washington consensus: Re-industrialization as a condition for revival and development," MPRA Paper 69908, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2010. "Morgentauov plan i Vašingtonski konsenzus: ima li razvojnog izlaza za zemlje u tranziciji [Morgenthau’s plan and Washington’s consensus: is there the development way for the tranzition countries]," MPRA Paper 70047, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 03 Jun 2010.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2010.
"Foundations, results and perspectives of transition: A case of Serbia,"
MPRA Paper
69873, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2010.
- Bukvic, Rajko, 2010. "Foundations, Results and Perspectives of Transition: A Case of Serbia," Ekonomika, Journal for Economic Theory and Practice and Social Issues, Society of Economists Ekonomika, Nis, Serbia, vol. 56(4), December.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Ocić, Časlav, 2010. "Финансијализација Као Узрочник И Мултипликатор Кризе [Financialization as a Cause and Multiplier of the Crises]," MPRA Paper 93690, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2009. "Заложно-Кредитне Аукције И Настанак Руских Олигарха [Lien-Loan Auctions and Origins of Russian Oligarchy]," MPRA Paper 70569, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2009.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2007. "Транзиција У Русији: Либерализам У Изведби „Породице“ [Transition in Russia: Liberalism at the Manner of „Family”]," MPRA Paper 80376, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2007.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2007. "Управљање Кризним Ситуацијама – Случај Финансијске Пирамиде Ммм [Crisis Management – The Case of the MMM Financial Pyramid]," MPRA Paper 70370, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2007.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2007. "Nacionalna proizvodnja i makroagregati u stalnim cenama kao njen realan izraz [Product of nation and macroaggregates in constant prices as its real values]," MPRA Paper 70499, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2007.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2007. "Транзиција И Судбина Руских Природних Богатстава [Transition and the Fate of the Russian Natural Resources]," MPRA Paper 70525, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2007.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2006. "Екодом И Одрживи Развој Људских Насеља [Eco-house and sustainable development of human settlements]," MPRA Paper 70791, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2006.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2005. "Geografski determinizam, autarkija i tržišna privreda [Geographic determinism, autarchy and market economy]," MPRA Paper 72594, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2005.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2005. "Институционална Реформа И Реформа Регулације Као Претпоставка Трансформације Комуналних Јавних Предузећа [Institutional Reform and Reform of Regulation as the Presumption for the Utilities’ Public ," MPRA Paper 87379, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2005.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2005. "Екодом – проjeкат за развоj руралних заједница у XXI веку [Ecohouse: Project for the Development of Rural Communities in 21st Century]," MPRA Paper 114749, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2005.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2005. "О Универзалности Принципа Економске Ефикасности: Случај Ропства На Америчком Југу [About the Universality of Economic Efficiency: The Case of Slavery at the American South]," MPRA Paper 123562, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2005.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2005. "Институционални Оквири Привредног Развоја Косова И Метохије, 1945–1990 [The Institutional Framework of the Economic Development of Kosovo and Metohia, 1945–1990]," MPRA Paper 70300, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 27 May 2005.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2004. "Месечна Динамика И Релативне Малопродајне Цене Пољопривредних Производа 1994–2003 [Monthly Dynamics and Relative Retail Prices of Agricultural Products 1994–2003]," MPRA Paper 70619, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2004.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2004. "Politika otvorenog tržišta Narodne banke Srbije [Open-Market Policy of the National Bank of Serbia]," MPRA Paper 81836, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2004.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2003. "Ekonomske slobode i ekonomski suverenitet u uslovima globalizacije – prilagođavanje ili potčinjavanje [Economic freedoms and economic sovereignty in the globalization conditions – adjustment or sub," MPRA Paper 114975, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2003. "Finansijski položaj i efikasnost poslovanja poljoprivrede Srbije u tranziciji (1990–2002) [Financial position and business efficiency in Serbian agriculture in transition (1990-2002)]," MPRA Paper 70386, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 09 Dec 2003.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2002. "Oblici konkurencije u prehrambenoj industriji Jugoslavije [Patterns of Competition in Food Industry of Yugoslavia]," MPRA Paper 70403, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 09 Dec 2002.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2002. "Primena klaster analize u istraživanju tržišnih struktura u jugoslovenskoj prehrambenoj industriji [The Use of Cluster Analysis in Research of Market Structure in Yugoslav Food Industry]," MPRA Paper 79866, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2002.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2002. "Globalizacija, tržišna privreda i nacionalno makroekonomsko planiranje [Globalization, Market Economy, and National Macroeconomic Planning]," MPRA Paper 104118, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2002.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2002. "Утврђивање Типова Тржишних Структура У Југословенској Прехрамбеној Индустрији [Establishing the Types of Market Structures in Yugoslav Food Industry]," MPRA Paper 99087, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2002.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Zeljković, Marinko, 2001. "Globalizacija i konkurentska sposobnost naše privrede [Globalization and the Competitiveness of Our Economy]," MPRA Paper 121737, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2001.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 1999. "Istraživanja tržišnih struktura u privredi druge Jugoslavije [Researches of the Market Structures in the Economy of the Former Yugoslavia]," MPRA Paper 73670, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 1999.
- Begović, Boris & Bukvić, Rajko, 1998. "Antimonopolska politika: predlog rešenja [Competition policy: A suggestion]," MPRA Paper 81534, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 1998.
- Begović, Boris & Bukvić, Rajko, 1998. "Institucionalni aspekti antimonopolske politike [Institutional Aspect of Antitrust Policy]," MPRA Paper 81796, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 1998.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 1996. "Cene u prvoj polovini devedesetih [Prices in FR Yugoslavia during the First Half of Nineties]," MPRA Paper 118340, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 1996.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 1995. "Tržišne strukture u industriji Srbije i problemi tranzicije [Market Structures in Serbian Manufacturing Industry and the Problems of Transition]," MPRA Paper 100964, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 1995. "Efikasnost društvenog, privatnog i mešovitog sektora industrije Srbije u 1994. godini [The Efficiency of Socialy, Privately and Mixed Owned Sector of the Manufacturing of the Republic of Serbia in ," MPRA Paper 112831, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 1995.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 1995. "Књиговодствено-Финансијски Показатељи Пословања И Њихово Коришћење У Интерним И Екстерним Анализама [Accounting and financial business indicators and their use in internal and external analyses]," MPRA Paper 121941, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 1995.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Hinić, Branko, 1995. "Oblici konkurencije na robnim tržištima u Jugoslaviji [Patterns of Competition in the Commodity Markets in Yugoslavia]," MPRA Paper 118631, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 1994. "Proces svojinske transformacije u privredi Srbije i problem njegovog sagledavanja [Ownership Transformation Process in Serbian Economy and the Problem of Its Observations]," MPRA Paper 82659, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 1994.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Hadžić, Miroljub & Hinić, Branko, 1994. "Implementation of the Programme of Monetary Reconstruction and Strategy of Economic Recovery of Yugoslavia in the First Six Months of 1994," MPRA Paper 123160, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 1994.
- Hinić, Branko & Bukvić, Rajko, 1993. "Dometi monetarne politike u uslovima izolacije (testiranje međuzavisnosti dinamike novčane mase, cena i privredne aktivnosti) [Scope of Monetary Policy in Conditions of Isolation (Testing the Inter," MPRA Paper 123106, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 1993.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 1992. "Heкe дилеме у вези са приватизацијом [Some Dilemmas Regarding Privatization]," MPRA Paper 123691, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 1992.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Hinić, Branko, 1992. "Vremenske serije u stalnim cenama i problem prelaska na neoriginalnu baznu godinu [Time Series in Constant Prices and the Problem of Transition to Non-original Base Year]," MPRA Paper 122232, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 1992.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 1991. "Položaj poljoprivrede u primarnoj raspodeli tokom 1970-ih i 1980-ih godina [Position of agriculture in the primary distribution during the 1970s and 1980s]," MPRA Paper 118255, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Hinić, Branko, 1991. "Место И Положај Србије У Друштвено-Економском Развоју Југославије (1945‒1990) [The place and position of Serbia in the socio-economic development of Yugoslavia (1945‒1990)]," MPRA Paper 118821, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 1981. "Istraživanje odnosa u društvenoj reprodukciji posredstvom reprodukcione celine opšteg tipa [Investigation of Relationships in Social Reproduction Through a Reproductive Unit of a General Type]," MPRA Paper 120971, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 1981.
- Bukvic, Rajko M., 2016. "Republic of Adygea- Small and Beautiful," Ekonomika, Journal for Economic Theory and Practice and Social Issues, Society of Economists Ekonomika, Nis, Serbia, vol. 62(3), September.
- Bukvic, Rajko M. & Pavlovic, Radica Z., 2014. "Neoclassical Economic Theory and the Problems of Economic Development," Ekonomika, Journal for Economic Theory and Practice and Social Issues, Society of Economists Ekonomika, Nis, Serbia, vol. 60(3), September.
- Bukvic, Rajko, 2010.
"Foundations, Results and Perspectives of Transition: A Case of Serbia,"
Ekonomika, Journal for Economic Theory and Practice and Social Issues, Society of Economists Ekonomika, Nis, Serbia, vol. 56(4), December.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2010. "Foundations, results and perspectives of transition: A case of Serbia," MPRA Paper 69873, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2010.
Many of the citations below have been collected in an experimental project, CitEc, where a more detailed citation analysis can be found. These are citations from works listed in RePEc that could be analyzed mechanically. So far, only a minority of all works could be analyzed. See under "Corrections" how you can help improve the citation analysis.Working papers
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2020.
"Concentration and Competition in Serbian Banking Sector in the Period 2016–2018,"
MPRA Paper
102395, University Library of Munich, Germany.
Cited by:
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2020. "Measuring of Concentration and Competition: Serbian Banking Sector," MPRA Paper 107465, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2020.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2020.
"Measuring of Concentration and Competition: Serbian Banking Sector,"
MPRA Paper
107465, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2020.
Cited by:
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2022. "Типови Промена Концентрације У Банковном Сектору Србије: Декомпозиција Индекса Хиршмана-Херфиндала [Types of the Changes in Banking Sector of Serbia Concentration: Decomposition of the Hirschman-He," MPRA Paper 114612, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2022.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2023. "Market Concentration in banking sector of Serbia: decomposition of the Changes in 2016–2021," MPRA Paper 120970, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2023.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2017.
"Concentration and Competition in Serbian Banking Sector,"
MPRA Paper
85161, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2017.
Cited by:
- Zoran Grubišić & Sandra Kamenković & Tijana Kaličanin, 2021. "Comparative Analysis of the Banking Sector Competitiveness in Serbia and Montenegro," Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice, Central bank of Montenegro, vol. 10(1), pages 75-91.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2020.
"Концентрация И Конкуренция В Современном Банковском Секторе Сербии: Анализ Индексов Концентрации [Concentration and Competition in Modern Serbian Banking Sector: Concentration Indices Analysis],"
MPRA Paper
100591, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2020.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2020. "Концентрация И Конкуренция В Современном Банковском Секторе Сербии: Анализ Индексов Концентрации [Concentration and Competition in Modern Serbian Banking Sector: Concentration Indices Analysis]," MPRA Paper 100581, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2020.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Voronov, Mikhail & Chasovskikh, Viktor, 2015.
"Киотский Протокол И Активность России: Механизмы Сокращения Выбросов Парниковых Газов [The Kyoto Protocol and the Activity of Russia: Mechanisms of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions],"
MPRA Paper
70845, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2015.
Cited by:
- Paunić, Alida, 2016. "Brazil, Preservation of Forest and Biodiversity," MPRA Paper 71462, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Kartavykh, Marina & Zakharov, Vladimir, 2015.
"Mechanisms and projects for reducing greenhouse gases emissions in Russia,"
MPRA Paper
74809, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2015.
Cited by:
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2015. "Рыночные Механизмы Сокращения Выбросов Парниковых Газов И Активности И Перспективы России [Market mechanisms of reduction of greenhouse gases emissions and actions and perspectives of Russia]," MPRA Paper 71616, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2015.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2015. "Загађивање Атмосфере И Механизми Кјотског Протокола: Да Ли Је Тржиште Универзално Решење? [Pollution of atmosphere and mechanisms of Kyoto Protocole: Is there the market universal solution?]," MPRA Paper 69986, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Pajović, Ivan, 2017. "Региональные Схемы Рыночных Механизмов Регулирования Выбросов Парниковых Газов: Опыт И Перспективы [Regional Schemes of Market Mechanisms of Greenhouse Gases Emission: Experiences and Perspectives]," MPRA Paper 82099, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2017.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2014.
"Krasnodar Krai – agro-industrial giant and tourist jewel of the Russian Federation,"
MPRA Paper
69729, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2014.
Cited by:
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2018. "Пољопривреда Краснодарске Покрајине И Агрохолдинг Кубањ [Agriculture of Krasnodar Krai and Agroholding Kuban]," MPRA Paper 89296, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2018.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2014.
"Ecohomes and economical and ecological aspects of sustainable development of human settlements,"
MPRA Paper
69762, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2014.
Cited by:
- Paunić, Alida, 2016. "Brazil, Preservation of Forest and Biodiversity," MPRA Paper 71462, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2011.
"Transformaciona kriza i perspektive privrede Srbije u epohi globalizacije i finansijske krize [Transformational crisis and perspectives of Serbian economy in the era of globalization and financial ,"
MPRA Paper
69949, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2011.
Cited by:
- Bukvić, Rajko & Aleksić, Dragan & Aničić, Jugoslav & Laketa, Marko & Todorić, Jovana & Zakić, Nebojša & Vuković, Darko & Miletić, Dalibor & Vukotić, Svetlana & Vukmirović, Dragan & Vukmirović, Jovanka, 2017. "Национална Економија [National Economy]," MPRA Paper 103354, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2017.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2010.
"Morgentauov plan i Vašingtonski konsenzus: ima li razvojnog izlaza za zemlje u tranziciji [Morgenthau’s plan and Washington’s consensus: is there the development way for the tranzition countries],"
MPRA Paper
70047, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 03 Jun 2010.
Cited by:
- Bukvić, Rajko & Aleksić, Dragan & Aničić, Jugoslav & Laketa, Marko & Todorić, Jovana & Zakić, Nebojša & Vuković, Darko & Miletić, Dalibor & Vukotić, Svetlana & Vukmirović, Dragan & Vukmirović, Jovanka, 2017. "Национална Економија [National Economy]," MPRA Paper 103354, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2017.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2014. "Смещение Неоклассической Экономической Парадигмы ‒ Предпосылка Повышения Качества Макроэкономического Образования [Removal of the neoclassical economic paradigm – condition for the improving of mac," MPRA Paper 81295, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2014.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2010.
"Foundations, results and perspectives of transition: A case of Serbia,"
MPRA Paper
69873, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2010.
- Bukvic, Rajko, 2010. "Foundations, Results and Perspectives of Transition: A Case of Serbia," Ekonomika, Journal for Economic Theory and Practice and Social Issues, Society of Economists Ekonomika, Nis, Serbia, vol. 56(4), December.
Cited by:
- Bukvić, Rajko & Pavlović, Radica, 2014. "Неокласична Економска Теорија И Проблеми Економског Развоја [Neoclassical economic theory and the problems of economic development]," MPRA Paper 70092, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 08 Apr 2014.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2017. "Други Канон И Маршалов План Као Модел Економске Политике [Other Canon and Marshall’s Plan as a Model of Economic Policy]," MPRA Paper 94648, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Bukvić, Rajko & Pavlović, Radica & Zakharov, Vladimir, 2014. "Неоклассическая Экономика И Другой Канон [Neoclassical Economics and Other Canon]," MPRA Paper 120975, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2014.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2014. "Смещение Неоклассической Экономической Парадигмы ‒ Предпосылка Повышения Качества Макроэкономического Образования [Removal of the neoclassical economic paradigm – condition for the improving of mac," MPRA Paper 81295, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2014.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 1999.
"Istraživanja tržišnih struktura u privredi druge Jugoslavije [Researches of the Market Structures in the Economy of the Former Yugoslavia],"
MPRA Paper
73670, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 1999.
Cited by:
- Bukvić, Rajko & Pavlović, Radica & Gajić, Аlеksаndаr M., 2014. "Possibilities of Application of the Index Concentration of Linda in Small Economy: Example of Serbian Food Industries," MPRA Paper 81707, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2014.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2017. "Концентрација И Конкуренција У Банковном Сектору Србије [Concentration and Competition in Serbian Banking Sector]," MPRA Paper 81711, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2017.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2017. "Примена Индекса Линда У Истраживању Концентрације И Конкуренције У Банковном Сектору Србије [The Use of Linda Indices in Research of Concentration and Competition in Serbian Banking Sector]," MPRA Paper 85718, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2020.
"Концентрация И Конкуренция В Современном Банковском Секторе Сербии: Анализ Индексов Концентрации [Concentration and Competition in Modern Serbian Banking Sector: Concentration Indices Analysis],"
MPRA Paper
100591, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2020.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2020. "Концентрация И Конкуренция В Современном Банковском Секторе Сербии: Анализ Индексов Концентрации [Concentration and Competition in Modern Serbian Banking Sector: Concentration Indices Analysis]," MPRA Paper 100581, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2020.
- Bukvic, Rajko, 2010.
"Foundations, Results and Perspectives of Transition: A Case of Serbia,"
Ekonomika, Journal for Economic Theory and Practice and Social Issues, Society of Economists Ekonomika, Nis, Serbia, vol. 56(4), December.
See citations under working paper version above.Sorry, no citations of articles recorded.
- Bukvić, Rajko, 2010. "Foundations, results and perspectives of transition: A case of Serbia," MPRA Paper 69873, University Library of Munich, Germany, revised 2010.
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