June 2004, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 147-159 A model of electronic commerce adoption by small voluntary organizations
by Nancy MacKay & Michael Parent & Andrew Gemino - 160-161 The Business of Systems Integration
by Ian Alexander - 162-163 Redesigning Human Systems
by David Avison
March 2004, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-2 An Editor's Values
by Richard Baskerville, - 3-20 Implications of space and time for distributed work: an interpretive study of US–Norwegian systems development teams
by Suprateek Sarker & Sundeep Sahay - 21-34 Potential of critical e-applications for engaging SMEs in e-business: a provider perspective
by David H Brown & Nigel Lockett - 35-51 How organizations adopt information system process innovations: a longitudinal analysis
by Erja Mustonen-ollila & Kalle Lyytinen - 52-64 Computer-mediated knowledge sharing and individual user differences: an exploratory study
by W Andrew Taylor - 65-79 Electronic trading and the process of globalization in traditional futures exchanges: a temporal perspective
by Michael Barrett & Susan Scott - 80-92 Action-oriented conceptual modelling
by Pär J Ågerfalk & Owen Eriksson
December 2003, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 249-250 Special section on managing e-business transformation
by Ali Farhoomand & Rolf Wigand - 251-268 Electronic business adoption by European firms: a cross-country assessment of the facilitators and inhibitors
by Kevin Zhu & Kenneth Kraemer & Sean Xu - 269-281 Managing e-transformation in the public sector: an e-government study of the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS)
by Chee Wee Tan & Shan L Pan - 282-296 The role of dynamic capabilities in e-business transformation
by Elizabeth M Daniel & Hugh N Wilson - 297-308 Assessing the benefits from e-business transformation through effective enterprise management
by Colin G Ash & Janice M Burn - 309-322 Electronic window dressing: impression management with Websites
by Susan J Winter & Carol Saunders & Paul Hart - 323-324 E-business applications: technologies for tomorrow's solutions
by Marinos Themistoceleous
September 2003, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 167-167 More changes and responses
by Ray J Paul, - 168-181 Business use of Internet-based information systems: the case of Korea
by Sangjae Lee - 182-194 Identifying software project risks in Nigeria: an International Comparative Study
by Anja Mursu & Kalle Lyytinen & H A Soriyan & Mikko Korpela - 195-209 Structure and analysis of IS decision-making processes
by Albert Boonstra - 210-224 Determinants of ASP choice: an integrated perspective
by Bandula Jayatilaka & Andrew Schwarz & Rudy Hirschheim - 225-228 Information systems: a subject with a particular perspective, no more, no less
by Guy Fitzgerald - 229-230 Is IS an intellectual subject?
by David E Avison - 231-234 (IS)4: is information systems interesting in itself?
by Mark J Perry - 235-240 Disciplining Information Systems: Truth and its Regimes
by Lucas D Introna - 241-242 A computer called LEO
by Mary Coombs - 243-244 Information Systems: an Introduction to Informatics in Organisations
by Laurence Brooks - 245-246 Information Systems and the Economics of Innovation
by Richard Varey - 247-248 Designing Collaborative Systems. A Practical Guide to Ethnography
by Ian Alexander
June 2003, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 77-77 Time, change and paradoxes
by Ray J Paul - 78-92 A contingency perspective on Internet adoption and competitive advantage
by Thompson S H Teo & Yujun Pian - 93-109 Development of a measure for the information technology infrastructure construct
by Bruce R Lewis & Terry Anthony Byrd - 110-126 Technology-driven and model-driven approaches to group decision support: focus, research philosophy, and key concepts
by Alec Morton & Fran Ackermann & Valerie Belton - 127-141 Using resource-based theory to interpret the successful adoption and use of information systems and technology in manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises
by Mário M Caldeira & John M Ward - 142-158 Modeling use of enterprise resource planning systems: a path analytic study
by Shantanu Bagchi & Shivraj Kanungo & Subhasish Dasgupta - 159-160 Knowledge and Business Process Management
by Rosane Pagano - 161-162 The Relationship Advantage: Information Technologies, Sourcing, and Management
by Zahir Irani - 163-164 Visualizing Argumentation: Software Tools for Collaborative and Educational Sense-making
by Ian Alexander - 165-165 Erratum: Information Systems Outsourcing: Enduring Themes, Emergent Patterns and Future Directions
by Guy Fitzgerald
March 2003, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-2 Theory with everything?
by Bob O'keefe - 3-17 SMEs, co-opetition and knowledge sharing: the role of information systems
by M Levy & C Loebbecke & P Powell - 18-29 Rethinking competence systems for knowledge-based organizations
by Rikard Lindgren & Dick Stenmark & Jan Ljungberg - 30-40 Consumer search in electronic markets: an experimental analysis of travel services
by Anssi Öörni - 41-48 Understanding online purchase intentions: contributions from technology and trust perspectives
by Hans van der Heijden & Tibert Verhagen & Marcel Creemers - 49-59 The business model concept: theoretical underpinnings and empirical illustrations
by Jonas Hedman & Thomas Kalling - 60-71 Are European IS Journals under-rated? An answer based on citation analysis
by Pairin Katerattanakul & Bernard Han - 72-72 Electronic Commerce: B2C Strategies and Models
by S Eliott - 73-74 Knowledge Management Systems
by Ian Alexander - 75-76 Information Systems Outsourcing: Enduring Themes, Emergent Patterns and Future Directions
by Gury Fitzerald
September 2002, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 235-235 Editorial
by Bob O'keefe & Ray Paul - 236-250 Re-conceptualising failure: social shaping meets IS research
by M Wilson & D Howcroft - 251-266 The Golden Circle: a way of arguing and acting about technology in the London Ambulance Service
by K Mcgrath - 267-282 Benchmarking information technology practices in small firms
by P B Cragg - 283-295 Do I really have to? User acceptance of mandated technology
by S A Brown & A P Massey & M M Montoya-weiss & J R Burkman - 296-297 Knowledge Management and Business Model Innovation
by R Pagano - 298-298 Information Systems and Global Diversity
by Hugh Preston
September 2002, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 179-180 For the Special Issue on ‘Personal Aspects of E-Business’
by Patrick Y K Chau - 181-195 Personality traits and effectiveness of presentation of product information in e-business systems
by J J Jahng & H Jain & K Ramamurthy - 196-207 Online auctions, messaging, communication and social facilitation: a simulation and experimental evidence
by S Rafaeli & A Noy - 208-222 Managing document categories in e-commerce environments: an evolution-based approach
by C-P Wei & P J Hu & Y-X Dong - 223-234 The development of two tools for measuring the easiness and usefulness of transactional Web sites
by A M Aladwani
September 2002, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 85-85 Editorial
by Bob O'Keefe - 86-97 Pre-project partnering impact on an information system project, project team and project manager
by J J Jiang & G Klein & R Discenza - 98-107 Role of GSS on collaborative problem-based learning: a study on knowledge externalisation
by R C-W Kwok & J-N Lee & M Q Huynh & S-M Pi - 108-127 IT alignment in small firms
by H Hussin & M King & P Cragg - 128-141 Requirements engineering—exploring the influence of power and Thai values
by T Thanasankit - 142-158 The organisational learning effects of management accounting information under advanced manufacturing technology
by J-M Choe - 159-173 Culture, power and politics in ICT outsourcing in higher education institutions
by D Allen & T Kern & D Mattison - 174-177 (IS)3: Is Information Systems an intellectual subject?
by R J Paul
March 2002, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial Volume 11, Issue 1
by Bob O'Keefe & Ray Paul - 3-19 Exploring relationships in information technology outsourcing: the interaction approach
by T Kern & L Willcocks - 20-34 Women in the information technology profession: a literature review, synthesis and research agenda
by M K Ahuja - 35-46 Vicious and virtuous cycles in ERP implementation: a case study of interrelations between critical success factors
by H Akkermans & K van Helden - 47-60 The role of boundaries in knowledge processes
by Y Merali - 61-73 Patterns of software quality management in TickIT certified firms
by B Work - 74-82 Developing a frame of reference for ex-ante IT/IS investment evaluation
by Z Irani & P E D Love - 83-83 Qualitative Research in IS: Issues and Trends
by Brian W Hollocks - 83-84 Information Security Management: Global Changes in the New Millennium
by David E Cook
December 2001, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 183-188 Information systems evaluation: past, present and future
by Z Irani & P E D Love - 189-203 Understanding IS evaluation as a complex social process: a case study of a UK local authority
by S Jones & J Hughes - 204-215 A framework for the ex-ante evaluation of ERP software
by C J Stefanou - 216-226 ERP software implementation: an integrative framework
by A Al-Mudimigh & M Zairi & M Al-Mashari - 227-236 The impact of information technology on financial performance: the importance of strategic choice
by N Shin
December 2001, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 123-134 Exploring the supply-side of IT outsourcing: evaluating the emerging role of application service providers
by W L Currie & P Seltsikas - 135-146 Organisational learning—a critical systems thinking discipline
by P Panagiotidis & J S Edwards - 147-160 An investigation of the factors affecting the successful treatment of organisational issues in systems development projects
by N F Doherty & M King - 161-174 The process of global knowledge integration: a case study of a multinational investment bank's Y2K program
by J C Huang & S Newell & S-L Pan - 175-175 Model-based design and evaluation of interactive applications
by George Magoulas - 176-177 Handbook of Action Research Participative Inquiry and Practice
by Ian Alexander - 178-178 Managing Electronic Services; A Public Sector Perspective
by Hugh Preston - 179-179 The Component-based Business: Plug and Play
by David E Cook - 180-180 Market-oriented Technology Management—Innovating for Profit in Entrepreneurial Times
by Geoffrey Elliott - 181-181 Managing Industrial Knowledge; Creation, Transfer and Utilization
by Ian Alexander
June 2001, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 71-71 Editorial
by John Edwards - 72-79 Transfer of knowledge in knowledge management systems: unexplored issues and suggested studies
by G P Huber - 80-88 What is knowledge and can it be managed?
by D C Sutton - 89-98 Crossing boundaries and conscripting participation: representing and integrating knowledge in a paper machinery project
by H Karsten & K Lyytinen & M Hurskainen & T Koskelainen - 99-112 Knowledge management and the politics of knowledge: illustrations from complex products and systems
by N Marshall & T Brady - 113-121 ‘Memories are made of this’: explicating organisational knowledge and memory
by D Randall & J Hughes & J O'Brien & M Rouncefield & P Tolmie
March 2001, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial Volume 10, Issue 1
by Bob O'Keefe & Ray Paul - 2-14 From contexts to constructs: the use of grounded theory in operationalising contingent process models
by G H Galal - 15-24 Outsourcing information systems: drawing lessons from a banking case study
by L P Baldwin & Z Irani & P E D Love - 25-40 Information systems strategies in knowledge-based SMEs: the role of core competencies
by S Duhan & M Levy & P Powell - 41-54 Design and delivery of information
by J Korn - 55-66 Transforming failure into success through organisational learning: an analysis of a manufacturing information system
by Z Irani & A M Sharif & P E D Love - 67-67 Oracle8i Data Warehousing
by Sarmad Alshawi - 68-68 Measuring Information Technology Investment Payoff: a Contemporary Approach
by Frank Land - 69-69 Handbook on Electronic Commerce
by Brian W Hollocks
December 2000, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 207-207 Editorial
by Steve Smithson - 208-216 Open source movements as a model for organising
by J Ljungberg - 217-225 Bundling strategy in base-supplemental goods markets: the case of Microsoft
by Sang-Yong Tom Lee - 226-234 Identifying and classifying processes (traditional and soft factors) that support COTS component selection: a case study
by D Kunda & L Brooks - 235-242 Structured-case: a methodological framework for building theory in information systems research
by J M Carroll & P A Swatman - 243-251 A theory of industry-level activity for understanding the adoption of interorganizational systems
by R B Johnston & S Gregor - 252-260 Towards an enterprise architecture for public administration using a top-down approach
by V Peristeras & K Tarabanis
September 2000, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 131-131 Editorial
by Bob O'Keefe & Ray Paul - 132-147 Operationalising the implementation puzzle: an argument for eclecticism in research and in practice
by R P Marble - 148-162 The reorganization of the information systems of the US Naval Construction Forces: an action research project
by S J Simon - 163-172 CEO and CIO perceptions of information systems strategy: evidence from Hong Kong
by L A Tai & R Phelps - 173-188 Binary trading relations and the limits of EDI standards: the Procrustean bed of standards
by J Damsgaard & D Truex - 189-200 Book review/viewpoint on Ian Angell's book—‘The New Barbarian Manifesto: How to Survive in the Information Age’
by A Brown - 201-202 Doing research in Business and Management: An Introduction to process and method
by Brent Work - 202-203 Future organizational design: the scope for IT-based enterprise
by Ian Colville - 203-204 The IT value quest: How to capture the business value of IT-based infrastructure
by A Brown - 204-204 System development: A strategic framework
by Phil Seltsikas - 204-205 Bringing global information systems into business
by Chaomei Chen - 205-205 Information technology standards and standardization: A global perspective
by Egon Berghout
June 2000, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 59-59 Editorial
by Bob O'Keefe & Ray Paul - 60-71 Paradigmatic analysis as a means of eliciting knowledge to assist multimedia methodological development
by S Gallagher & B Webb - 72-81 Business environment and internet commerce benefit—a small business perspective
by S Poon - 82-90 ‘Requirements-Uncertainty’: Is it best formulated as a latent, aggregate or profile construct?
by T Moynihan - 91-103 Perceived critical mass effect on groupware acceptance
by H Lou & W Luo & D Strong - 104-123 The ‘Soft Information Systems and Technologies Methodology’ (SISTeM): an actor network contingency approach to integrated development
by C J Atkinson - 124-125 Requirements engineering: A good practice
by Galal H Galal - 125-126 Software process improvement: Concepts and practices
by Ian Alexander - 126-127 Process improvement and organisational learning: The role of collaboration technologies
by C James Bacon - 127-128 An introduction to qualitative research
by Ian Alexander - 128-128 Beyond the productivity paradox
by Egon Berghout - 129-129 IT investments in developing countries: An assessment and practical guide
by Richard Hecks
March 2000, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Bob O'Keefe & Ray Paul - 3-15 Information systems planning in a turbulent environment
by H Salmela & A L Lederer & T Reponen - 16-24 Stimulating power games as a part of systems development
by V Torvinen & K Jalonen - 25-35 The adoption and design methodologies of component-based enterprise systems
by M Fan & J Stallaert & A B Whinston - 36-46 An analysis of expert systems for business decision making at different levels and in different roles
by J S Edwards & Y Duan & P C Robins - 47-58 Packaged software: implications of the differences from custom approaches to software development
by S Sawyer
December 1999, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 233-246 Effects of facilitation and leadership on meeting outcomes in a group support system environment
by B C Y Tan & Kwok-Kee Wei & J-E Lee-Partridge - 247-259 IT-enabled change: evaluating an improvisational perspective
by R D Macredie & C Sandom - 260-272 Challenges of IT implementation for supporting collaboration in distributed organizations
by B E Munkvold - 273-283 Evaluation of information technology: strategies in Spanish firms
by E Huerta & P J Sánchez - 284-293 The illusion of ‘best practice’ in information systems for operations management
by J Swan & S Newell & M Robertson - 294-303 Improving the usability of information systems: the role of the technical communicator
by J Fisher
September 1999, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 161-169 Flogging a dead horse: the implications of epistemological relativism within information systems methodological practice
by F Wilson - 170-182 The status of women in the UK IT industry: an empirical study
by A Panteli & J Stack & M Atkinson & H Ramsay - 183-199 Software reusability as synchronous innovation: a test of four theoretical models
by T Ravichandran - 200-210 An empirical study of the impacts of integrating business planning and information systems planning
by T S H Teo & W R King - 211-223 Rapid application development (RAD): an empirical review
by P Beynon-Davies & C Carne & H Mackay & D Tudhope - 224-231 Ternary relationships—to three or not to three, is there a question?
by S Hitchman
June 1999, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 77-94 Information management in the global enterprise: an organising framework
by J Peppard - 95-106 An AHP model of DSS effectiveness
by G A Forgionne - 107-118 Strategic information systems planning: the IT strategy implementation matrix
by P Gottschalk - 119-126 Opportunistic strategy formulation for IS/IT planning
by R Hackney & S Little - 127-135 Information systems development: a perspective on the challenge of evolutionary complexity
by M Lycett & R J Paul - 136-153 The academic field of information systems in Europe
by C Avgerou & J Siemer & N Bjørn-Andersen - 154-155 Management, Information and Power: A Narrative of the Involved Manager
by G Walsham & D J Protti - 156-156 In the Beginning: Recollections of Software Pioneers
by Paul Samet - 156-157 Human-Computer Interface Design (Second Edition)
by Christopher J Hemingway - 158-158 Collaborative Technologies & Organizational Learning
by Ernst Ellmer - 158-159 The Soft Edge: A Natural History and Future of the Information Revolution
by Ian Alexander
March 1999, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-15 Challenges of EDI adoption for electronic trading in the London Insurance Market
by M I Barrett - 16-26 Time and information technology: monochronicity, polychronicity and temporal symmetry
by H Lee - 27-39 A contingency examination of CASE-task fit on software developer's performance
by V S Lai - 40-54 Empirically testing the benefits, problems, and success factors for telecommuting programmes
by T Guimaraes & P Dallow - 55-64 Decision-Variable Partitioning: an alternative modelling approach in Soft Systems Methodology
by J Ledington & P W J Ledington - 65-76 Evaluating business information systems fit: from concept to practical application
by P Kanellis & M Lycett & R J Paul
December 1998, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 221-231 Inhibitors and motivators for telework: some Finnish experiences
by R Suomi & J Pekkola - 232-240 Measuring technology flexibility
by K M Nelson & M Ghods - 241-251 Evaluating information systems in small and medium-sized enterprises: issues and evidence
by J Ballantine & M Levy & P Powell - 252-260 Assessing the value and cost implications of manufacturing information and data systems: an empirical study
by J-N Ezingeard & Z Irani & P Race - 261-268 Undersizing software systems: third versus fourth generation software development
by M R Lind & J M Sulek - 269-274 Can a lean e-mail medium be used for rich communication? A psychological perspective
by W Huang & R T Watson & K K Wei
September 1998, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 155-157 Editorial
by Barbara Farbey & Frank Land & David Targett - 158-174 Analysing information systems evaluation: another look at an old problem
by S Smithson & R Hirschheim - 175-184 Aligning IT investments and workforce composition: the impact of diversification in life insurance companies
by C Francalanci & H Galal - 185-191 Evaluating the usefulness of design rationale in CASE
by H Oinas-Kukkonen - 192-201 Quality of IS use
by T Auer - 202-209 Information systems investment decisions in business practice: the Spanish case
by B Escobar-Pérez - 210-220 Towards the development of measures of perceived benefits and compatibility of EDI: a comparative assessment of competing first order factor models
by M C Jones & R C Beatty
June 1998, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 77-89 The impact of information technology on information asymmetry
by Z Xiao & P L Powell & J H Dodgson - 90-107 Diversity in information systems action research methods
by R Baskerville & A T Wood-Harper - 108-114 Effects of organizational culture on a large scale IT introduction effort: a case study of the Norwegian army's EDBLF project
by J Tolsby - 115-122 Integration of requirements determination and business process re-engineering: a case study of an Ambulatory Care and Diagnostic (ACAD) centre
by J A A Sillince & G Harindranath - 123-136 An investigation of task-technology fit for managers in Greece and the US
by T W Ferratt & G E Vlahos - 137-149 The relationship model between the influence factors and the strategic applications of information systems
by J-M Choe & Y-H Lee & K-C Park - 150-151 Information Systems and Technology in the International Office of the Future
by David J Skyrme - 151-152 Corporate Internet: Planning Guide
by David Targett - 152-153 Learning with Information Systems—Learning Cycles in Information Systems Development
by Shirin Madon
March 1998, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-4 Some systems implications of EU Data Protection Directive
by F-A Allaert & B Barber