March 1998, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 5-16 Self assessment as a means of measuring strategic and operational benefits from EDI: the development of a conceptual framework
by C Fearon & G Philip - 17-28 Information technology diffusion: building positive barriers
by R Baskerville & J Pries-Heje - 29-45 IT outsourcing as strategic partnering: the case of the UK Inland Revenue
by L P Willcocks & T Kern - 46-60 Divisive and integrative political strategies in the IS adaptation process: the MAC Initiative
by J A A Sillince & S Mouakket - 61-73 Flexible systems for changing organizations: implementing RAD
by T Jones & S F King - 74-74 User-Driven Innovation—The World's First Business Computer
by Michael Braithwaite - 75-75 General Systems Theory: An introduction
by Ludwik Finkelstein
December 1997, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 193-207 Maintaining centralised application systems: a cross-country, cross-sector, cross-platform comparison
by W-G Tan & G G Gable - 208-217 Task as a moderator for the effects of group support systems on group influence processes
by W Huang & K K Wei - 218-231 The determinants of the critical success factors of information systems downsizing
by G J Udo & R C Kick - 232-242 An extension of the tri-core model of information systems innovation: strategic and technological moderators
by V Grover - 243-255 On the classification of telework
by J Lindström & A Moberg & B Rapp - 256-270 Use of methodologies: an empirical analysis of their impact on the economics of the development process
by P D Chatzoglou
September 1997, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 141-154 Strategic and organizational determinants of information system sophistication: an analysis of the uptake of database marketing in the financial services industry
by K Fletcher & G Wright - 155-163 Requirements capture using SODA
by J Bryant - 164-171 CSFs and sources of assistance and expertise in strategic IS planning: a Singapore perspective
by J Ang & T S H Teo - 172-180 How evolution of information systems may fail: many improvements adding up to negative effects
by J J Kaasbøll - 181-189 Using DEKAF to understand data modelling in the practitioner domain
by S Hitchman - 190-190 Information Technology Outsourcing Transactions—Process, Strategies, and Contracts
by Dan Remenyi - 190-191 Escalation in Decision Making: The Tragedy of Taurus
by Frank Land - 191-192 Advanced Smalltalk: Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms with CAA
by Brent Work
June 1997, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 77-85 Institutional dimensions in information technology implementation in complex network settings
by E Christiaanse & J Huigen - 86-96 The moderating effect of organizational commitment on burnout in information systems professionals
by R C King & V Sethi - 97-106 Understanding transfer pricing: a case-based reasoning approach
by O Curet & J Elliott - 107-121 Determinants of EDI adoption in the transportation industry
by G Premkumar & K Ramamurthy & M Crum - 122-128 The role of context in decision making: some implications for database design
by D J Grimshaw & P L Mott & S A Roberts - 129-139 Towards computer support of the soft systems methodology: an evaluation of the functionality and usability of an SSM toolkit
by J Zhang & R Smith & R B Watson
March 1997, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-14 Stakeholder identification in inter-organizational systems: gaining insights for drug use management systems
by A Pouloudi & E A Whitley - 15-24 Evaluating the impact of CASE: an empirical comparison of retrospective and cross-sectional survey approaches
by R T Coupe & N M Onodu - 25-40 Infusing learning into the information systems organization
by R Agarwal & G Krudys & M Tanniru - 41-50 Can software risk management improve system development: an exploratory study
by J Ropponen & K Lyytinen - 51-66 System dynamics in software project management: towards the development of a formal integrated framework
by A G Rodrigues & T M Williams - 67-75 Critical factors in the evolution of logic programming and Prolog
by K Darby-Dowman & J Little
December 1996, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 221-221 The Internet, information systems and changing practice
by The Editors - 222-232 Understanding IS implementation by estimating power of subunits
by ALM Cavaye & JK Christiansen - 233-249 An experimental investigation into the process of knowledge-based systems development
by S Lee & RM O'Keefe - 250-260 A taxonomy of critical success factors
by JJ Williams & A Ramaprasad - 261-272 Evaluating maintenance management information systems
by I Hipkin - 273-285 Assessing determinants of desirable ES impact on end-user jobs
by Y Yoon & T Guimaraes & AB Clevenson
September 1996, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 141-142 Conference calls
by Jonathan Liebenau & Steve Smithson - 143-160 To outsource IT or not?: recent research on economics and evaluation practice
by L Willcocks & G Fitzgerald & M Lacity - 161-171 Personality's impact on information management strategy formulation
by T Reponen & J Pärnistö & J Viitanen - 172-181 End user computing sophistication and success in small firms
by N Zinatelli & PB Cragg & ALM Cavaye - 182-195 The evaluation of managerial support systems in German companies
by R Vetschera & H Walterscheid - 196-207 Supporting organizational relations through information technology in innovative organizational forms
by C Ferioli & P Migliarese - 208-219 Passive resistance misuse: overt support and covert recalcitrance in IS implementation
by GM Marakas & S Hornik
June 1996, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 73-74 Information systems and interorganizational networks
by The Editors - 75-83 The non-market preconditions of electronic markets: implications for their evolution and applicability
by K Reimers - 84-91 Inter-organizational relationships and information technology: a conceptual synthesis and a research framework
by M Bensaou & N Venkatraman - 92-102 The configuration of inter-organizational relations
by S Klein - 103-109 The implementation of Customer Oriented Inter-Organizational Systems: an investigation from the sponsor's perspective
by ALM Cavaye - 120-130 The role of EDI in inter-organizational coordination in the European automotive industry
by N Reekers & S Smithson - 131-140 The formation of a virtual global bank
by AG Lockett & CP Holland
March 1996, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-1 A new partnership
by The Editors - 2-9 Structures of responsibility and security of information systems
by J Backhouse & G Dhillon - 10-23 Decision support for the administrative man: a prototype DSS case
by JA Sena & DH Olson - 24-33 Drivers and barriers to adopting EDI: a sector analysis of UK industry
by B Cox & S Ghoneim - 34-46 A contingency framework for the investigation of information systems failure
by A Poulymenakou & A Holmes - 47-61 Evolution of inter-organizational information systems in industrial distribution: the cases of Luna and Pappersgruppen
by O Fredriksson & M Vilgon - 62-72 Design for success?: critical success factors in executive information systems development
by J Nandhakumar
February 1996, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 195-197 Organizational secrecy: some proposals for a way forward
by Geoff Walsham - 198-213 A critical review of research on electronic mail
by I.A. Rudy - 214-225 Evaluation and realisation of IS/IT benefits: an empirical study of current practice
by J. Ward & P. Taylor & P. Bond - 226-236 Outsourcing in the private and public sectors: an unpredictable IT strategy
by W.L. Currie - 237-247 Convergence and divergence in information systems and knowledge based systems development methodologies: a case for integrated strategic planning
by N.N. Mitev