January 2011, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 34-47 Requirements engineering blinders: exploring information systems developers’ black-boxing of the emergent character of requirements
by Jonny Holmström & Steven Sawyer - 48-68 Alignment within the corporate IT unit: an analysis of software testing and development
by Colin Onita & Jasbir Dhaliwal - 69-86 Usage and impact of technology enabled job learning
by Gholamreza Torkzadeh & Jerry Cha-Jan Chang & Andrew M Hardin - 87-102 IT professional identity: needs, perceptions, and belonging
by Nita G Brooks & Cindy K Riemenschneider & Bill C Hardgrave & Anne M O'Leary-Kelly - 103-117 Information system personnel career anchor changes leading to career changes
by Christina Ling-Hsing Chang & Victor Chen & Gary Klein & James J Jiang - 118-132 How website socialness leads to website use
by Robin L Wakefield & Kirk L Wakefield & Julie Baker & Liz C Wang
December 2010, Volume 19, Issue 6
- 619-624 Reconceptualizing the concept of business and IT alignment: from engineering to agriculture
by Gerald Grant - 625-636 User resistance determinants and the psychological contract in enterprise system implementations
by Tim Klaus & J Ellis Blanton - 637-648 Analysing IOIS adoption through structural contradictions
by Juan Rodón & Feliciano Sesé - 649-667 Government website service quality: a study of the Irish revenue online service
by Regina Connolly & Frank Bannister & Aideen Kearney - 668-686 Effects of visual and textual information in online product presentations: looking for the best combination in website design
by Carlos Flavián Blanco & Raquel Gurrea Sarasa & Carlos Orús Sanclemente - 687-688 Contrarian information systems studies
by Joe Nandhakumar - 689-703 Same technology, different outcome? Reinterpreting Barley's Technology as an Occasion for Structuring
by Starling David Hunter III - 704-706 Commentary on Hunter's ‘Same technology, different outcome?’
by Marios Koufaris
October 2010, Volume 19, Issue 5
- 495-500 Valuing worldwide diversity in a European spirit: being more critical and open
by Frantz Rowe - 501-525 The ontological deficiencies of process modeling in practice
by Jan Recker & Marta Indulska & Michael Rosemann & Peter Green - 526-539 Perspectives on challenges facing women in IS: the cognitive gender gap
by Margaret F Reid & Myria W Allen & Deborah J Armstrong & Cynthia K Riemenschneider - 540-561 Toward an ‘IT Conflict-Resistance Theory’: action research during IT pre-implementation
by Régis Meissonier & Emmanuel Houzé - 562-580 User experience of museum technologies: the phenomenological scales
by Jessie Pallud & Emmanuel Monod - 581-600 Do organisational and environmental factors moderate the effects of Internet-based interorganisational systems on firm performance?
by Ismail Sila - 601-618 Proactive or reactive IT leaders? A test of two competing hypotheses of IT innovation and environment alignment
by Ying Lu & Keshavamurthy Ramamurthy
August 2010, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 379-381 Loose Change
by Ray J Paul - 382-388 Using the theory of the professions to understand the IS identity crisis
by Mark John Somers - 389-408 The enactment of significance: a unified conception of information, systems and technology
by Paul Beynon-Davies - 409-421 The infological equation extended: towards conceptual clarity in the relationship between data, information and knowledge
by William J Kettinger & Yuan Li - 422-431 Managing as designing: ‘opportunity knocks’ for the IS field?
by David Wastell - 432-435 Theme of the Special Issue – IS in interorganizational networks
by Diederik W van Liere & Peter H M Vervest & Benn Konsynski & Chris Holland - 436-448 Flexible decision support in dynamic inter-organisational networks
by John Collins & Wolfgang Ketter & Maria Gini - 449-461 Connectivity and concentration in airline networks: a complexity analysis of Lufthansa's network
by Aura Reggiani & Peter Nijkamp & Alessandro Cento - 462-480 Intermediaries in inter-organisational networks: building a theory of electronic marketplace performance
by Philip O'Reilly & Patrick Finnegan - 481-493 Orchestrating Smart Business Network dynamics for innovation
by Javier Busquets
June 2010, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 251-256 Getting pragmatic
by Pär J Ågerfalk - 257-272 How well do shopbots represent online markets? A study of shopbots’ vendor coverage strategy
by Gove Allen & Jianan Wu - 273-287 Project failure en masse: a study of loose budgetary control in ISD projects
by Kieran Conboy - 288-302 Influencing the effectiveness of IT governance practices through steering committees and communication policies
by Rui Huang & Robert W Zmud & R Leon Price - 303-319 Software process improvement with weak management support: an analysis of the dynamics of intra-organizational alliances in IS change initiatives
by Ojelanki Ngwenyama & Jacob Nørbjerg - 320-343 Control patterns in a health-care network
by Vera Kartseva & Joris Hulstijn & Jaap Gordijn & Yao-Hua Tan - 344-358 Customers’ preference of online store visit strategies: an investigation of demographic variables
by Chee Wei Phang & Atreyi Kankanhalli & Karthik Ramakrishnan & Krishnamurthy S Raman - 359-376 Developing a unified framework of the business model concept
by Mutaz M Al-Debei & David Avison - 377-377 Erratum: Dressage, control, and enterprise systems: the case of NASA's Full Cost initiative
by Nicholas Berente & Uri Gal & Youngjin Yoo
April 2010, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 117-133 A motivational model for technology-supported cross-organizational and cross-border collaboration
by Nicholas C Romano & James B Pick & Narcyz Roztocki - 134-152 Competing pressures of risk and absorptive capacity potential on commitment and information sharing in global supply chains
by Vicky Arnold & Tanya Benford & Clark Hampton & Steve G Sutton - 153-167 Evaluating cross-organizational impacts of information technology – an empirical analysis
by Rajiv D Banker & Hsihui Chang & Yi-Ching Kao - 168-180 Building a successful relationship in business process outsourcing: an exploratory study
by Sangeeta S Bharadwaj & Kul Bhushan C Saxena & Murthy D Halemane - 181-195 Proposing the online community self-disclosure model: the case of working professionals in France and the U.K. who use online communities
by Clay Posey & Paul Benjamin Lowry & Tom L Roberts & T Selwyn Ellis - 196-208 Business strategic conflict in computer-mediated communication
by Joyce Y H Lee & Niki Panteli - 209-222 The impact of the nature of globally distributed work arrangement on work–life conflict and valence: the Indian GSD professionals’ perspective
by Saonee Sarker & Suprateek Sarker & Debasish Jana - 223-237 Team leader strategies for enabling collaboration technology adaptation: team technology knowledge to improve globally distributed systems development work
by Dominic M Thomas & Robert P Bostrom - 238-249 The strategic value of supply chain visibility: increasing the ability to reconfigure
by Hsiao-Lan Wei & Eric T G Wang
February 2010, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-4 Third-degree conflicts: information warfare
by Richard Baskerville - 5-20 The effects of infrastructure and policy on e-business in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa
by Chitu Okoli & Victor W A Mbarika & Scott McCoy - 21-34 Dressage, control, and enterprise systems: the case of NASA's Full Cost initiative
by Nicholas Berente & Uri Gal & Youngjin Yoo - 35-48 When is an information infrastructure? Investigating the emergence of public sector information infrastructures
by Federico Iannacci - 49-59 Eliciting tacit knowledge about requirement analysis with a Grammar-targeted Interview Method (GIM)
by Michele Zappavigna & Jon Patrick - 60-75 User experience, satisfaction, and continual usage intention of IT
by Liqiong Deng & Douglas E Turner & Robert Gehling & Brad Prince - 76-92 Continued use of process modeling grammars: the impact of individual difference factors
by Jan Recker - 93-103 Expectations and outcomes in electronic identity management: the role of trust and public value
by Philip Seltsikas & Robert M O'Keefe - 104-115 My social networking profile: copy, resemblance, or simulacrum? A poststructuralist interpretation of social information systems
by David Kreps
December 2009, Volume 18, Issue 6
- 523-525 Preparing for evidence-based management
by Richard Baskerville - 526-533 Challenges associated with RFID tag implementations in supply chains
by Gaurav Kapoor & Wei Zhou & Selwyn Piramuthu - 534-540 Managing RFID projects in organizations
by Indranil Bose & Eric W T Ngai & Thompson S H Teo & Sarah Spiekermann - 541-552 Consumer acceptance of RFID-enabled services: a model of multiple attitudes, perceived system characteristics and individual traits
by Katerina Pramatari & Aristeidis Theotokis - 553-569 Managerial problem-solving in the adoption of Radio Frequency Identification Technologies
by Robert F Otondo & Allison W Pearson & Rodney A Pearson & John C Shaw & Jung P Shim - 570-577 RFID-enabled item-level product information revelation
by Wei Zhou & Gaurav Kapoor & Selwyn Piramuthu - 578-591 Evaluation of RFID applications for logistics: a framework for identifying, forecasting and assessing benefits
by Henning Baars & Daniel Gille & Jens Strüker - 592-614 Understanding the value of integrated RFID systems: a case study from apparel retail
by Frédéric Thiesse & Jasser Al-Kassab & Elgar Fleisch - 615-636 A contingency model for creating value from RFID supply chain network projects in logistics and manufacturing environments
by Samuel Fosso Wamba & Akemi Takeoka Chatfield
October 2009, Volume 18, Issue 5
- 385-386 Progress in information systems research
by Hans van der Heijden - 387-408 Understanding the influence of multiple levels of governments on the development of inter-organizational systems
by Boriana Rukanova & Eveline van Stijn & Helle Z Henriksen & Ziv Baida & Yao-Hua Tan - 409-427 Identifying and overcoming the challenges of implementing a project management office
by Rajendra Singh & Mark Keil & Vijay Kasi - 428-441 Boundary factors and contextual contingencies: configuring electronic templates for healthcare professionals
by Pernille Bjørn & Sue Burgoyne & Vicky Crompton & Teri MacDonald & Barbe Pickering & Sue Munro - 442-457 Business Process Outsourcing: an event study on the nature of processes and firm valuation
by Chaojie Duan & Varun Grover & Nagraj (Raju) Balakrishnan - 458-461 Meeting the demand for IT workers: A call for research
by Cynthia K Riemenschneider & Deborah J Armstrong & Jo Ellen Moore - 462-475 Why college undergraduates choose IT: a multi-theoretical perspective
by Nathan Heinze & Qing Hu - 476-497 Retaining women in the U.S. IT workforce: theorizing the influence of organizational factors
by Eileen M Trauth & Jeria L Quesenberry & Haiyan Huang - 498-521 Another road to IT turnover: the entrepreneurial path
by Gaëtan Mourmant & Michael J Gallivan (Mike) & Michel Kalika
August 2009, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 281-284 ‘Lots done, more to do’: the current state of agile systems development research
by Pekka Abrahamsson & Kieran Conboy & Xiaofeng Wang - 285-299 Assessing the relative contribution of the facets of agility to distributed systems development success: an Analytic Hierarchy Process approach
by Saonee Sarker & Charles L Munson & Suprateek Sarker & Suranjan Chakraborty - 300-316 Exploring agile values in method configuration
by Fredrik Karlsson & Pär Ågerfalk - 317-331 Simulating mixed agile and plan-based requirements prioritization strategies: proof-of-concept and practical implications
by Daniel Port & Tung Bui - 332-343 A framework for adapting agile development methodologies
by Lan Cao & Kannan Mohan & Peng Xu & Balasubramaniam Ramesh - 344-354 Acceptance of software process innovations – the case of extreme programming
by George Mangalaraj & RadhaKanta Mahapatra & Sridhar Nerur - 355-371 Role of collective ownership and coding standards in coordinating expertise in software project teams
by Likoebe M Maruping & Xiaojun Zhang & Viswanath Venkatesh - 372-383 The role of project management in ineffective decision making within Agile software development projects
by John McAvoy & Tom Butler
June 2009, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 189-191 What is published in our journals cannot change unless we do
by Ray J Paul - 192-204 Contemplating public policy in HIV/AIDS online content, then where is the technology spirit?
by Fay Cobb Payton & James Kiwanuka-Tondo - 205-222 Understanding online customer repurchasing intention and the mediating role of trust – an empirical investigation in two developed countries
by Israr Qureshi & Yulin Fang & Elaine Ramsey & Patrick McCole & Patrick Ibbotson & Deborah Compeau - 223-234 The impacts of competence-trust and openness-trust on interorganizational systems
by Mohammed Ibrahim & Pieter M Ribbers - 235-248 Factors considered when outsourcing an IS system: an empirical examination of the impacts of organizational size, strategy and the object of a decision
by Bjarne Berg & Antonis C Stylianou - 249-263 A longitudinal analysis of trajectory changes in the software industry: the case of the content management application segment
by Claudio Vitari & Aurelio Ravarini - 264-279 Understanding web site redesigns in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): a U.K.-based study on the applicability of e-commerce Stage Models
by Fernando Alonso-Mendo & Guy Fitzgerald & Enrique Frias-Martinez
April 2009, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 101-105 Behavioral and policy issues in information systems security: the insider threat
by Merrill Warkentin & Robert Willison - 106-125 Protection motivation and deterrence: a framework for security policy compliance in organisations
by Tejaswini Herath & H Raghav Rao - 126-139 What levels of moral reasoning and values explain adherence to information security rules? An empirical study
by Liisa Myyry & Mikko Siponen & Seppo Pahnila & Tero Vartiainen & Anthony Vance - 140-150 Frame misalignment: interpreting the implementation of information systems security certification in an organization
by Carol W Hsu - 151-164 If someone is watching, I'll do what I'm asked: mandatoriness, control, and information security
by Scott R Boss & Laurie J Kirsch & Ingo Angermeier & Raymond A Shingler & R Wayne Boss - 165-176 Improving multiple-password recall: an empirical study
by Jie Zhang & Xin Luo & Somasheker Akkaladevi & Jennifer Ziegelmayer - 177-187 Threat or coping appraisal: determinants of SMB executives’ decision to adopt anti-malware software
by Younghwa Lee & Kai R Larsen
February 2009, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-3 The EJIS editorial organisation and submissions
by Richard Baskerville - 4-25 Rethinking organisational size in IS research: meaning, measurement and redevelopment
by Sigi Goode & Shirley Gregor - 26-37 When users are IT experts too: the effects of joint IT competence and partnership on satisfaction with enterprise-level systems implementation
by Joshua M Davis & William J Kettinger & Dimitar G Kunev - 38-51 Information capability and value creation strategy: advancing revenue management through mobile ticketing technologies
by Ting Li & Eric van Heck & Peter Vervest - 52-65 Information infrastructure, governance, and socio-economic development in developing countries
by Peter Meso & Philip Musa & Detmar Straub & Victor Mbarika - 66-78 Information systems and the allure of organisational integration: a cautionary tale from the Irish financial services sector
by Anita Mangan & Séamas Kelly - 79-97 Combining the rational and relational perspectives of electronic trading
by Eduardo Redondo & Elizabeth Daniel & John Ward - 98-98 Erratum: An institutional analysis on the dynamics of the interaction between standardizing and scaling processes: a case study from Ethiopia
by Selamawit Molla Mekonnen & Sundeep Sahay - 99-99 Thank you to Reviewers
by The Editors
December 2008, Volume 17, Issue 6
- 555-556 Editorial
by Hans van der Heijden - 557-574 Knowledge portals in Chinese consulting firms: a task–technology fit perspective
by Thompson S H Teo & Bing Men - 575-588 Software architectures: Blueprint, Literature, Language or Decision?
by Kari Smolander & Matti Rossi & Sandeep Purao - 589-613 Explaining information systems change: a punctuated socio-technical change model
by Kalle Lyytinen & Mike Newman - 614-630 Contextual dynamics during health information systems implementation: an event-based actor-network approach
by Sunyoung Cho & Lars Mathiassen & Agneta Nilsson - 631-648 The Influence of workspace awareness on group intellective decision effectiveness
by Randolph B Cooper & Russell Haines - 649-667 User satisfaction with business-to-employee portals: conceptualization and scale development
by Dewi Rooslani Tojib & Ly-Fie Sugianto & Sen Sendjaya - 668-677 Doing the politics of technological decision making: due process and the debate about identity cards in the U.K
by Edgar A Whitley & Ian R Hosein - 678-693 Profile of IS research published in the European Journal of Information Systems
by Yogesh K Dwivedi & Jasna Kuljis - 694-694 Introduction to the Opinion Paper: Bryant's ‘The future of information systems’
by Richard Baskerville - 695-698 The future of information systems – Thinking Informatically
by Antony Bryant
October 2008, Volume 17, Issue 5
- 441-443 What design science is not
by Richard Baskerville - 444-447 The only duty we owe to history is to rewrite it: reflections on Bob Galliers’ article ‘A discipline for a stage?’
by Ray J Paul - 448-469 Defining information systems as work systems: implications for the IS field
by Steven Alter - 470-475 Design science research in Europe
by Robert Winter - 476-488 Client as designer in collaborative design science research projects: what does social science design theory tell us?
by Judith Weedman - 489-504 On theory development in design science research: anatomy of a research project
by Bill Kuechler & Vijay Vaishnavi - 505-517 Design of emerging digital services: a taxonomy
by Kevin Williams & Samir Chatterjee & Matti Rossi - 518-527 Designing enterprise integration solutions: effectively
by Karthikeyan Umapathy & Sandeep Purao & Russell R Barton - 528-542 Secure activity resource coordination: empirical evidence of enhanced security awareness in designing secure business processes
by Fergle D'Aubeterre & Rahul Singh & Lakshmi Iyer - 543-553 Essence: facilitating software innovation
by Ivan Aaen
August 2008, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 321-323 Research quality, project failure, and privacy threats: spitting, yelling, and cussing
by Richard Baskerville - 324-329 Measuring research quality: the United Kingdom Government's Research Assessment Exercise
by Ray J Paul - 330-335 A discipline for a stage? A Shakespearean reflection on the research plot and performance of the Information Systems field
by Robert D Galliers - 336-342 Creating social entrepreneurship in local government
by Zahir Irani & Tony Elliman - 343-351 The moderating role of customer–technology contact on attitude towards technology-based services
by Aristeidis Theotokis & Pavlos A Vlachos & Katerina Pramatari - 352-370 Improving the impact of IT development projects: the benefits realization capability model
by Colin Ashurst & Neil F Doherty & Joe Peppard - 371-386 Strategic scanning project failure and abandonment factors: lessons learned
by Nicolas Lesca & Marie-Laurence Caron-Fasan - 387-402 Personality traits and concern for privacy: an empirical study in the context of location-based services
by Iris A Junglas & Norman A Johnson & Christiane Spitzmüller - 403-416 Re-examining the causal structure of information technology impact research
by Guy Paré & Simon Bourdeau & Josianne Marsan & Hamid Nach & Shadi Shuraida - 417-434 The effect of flaming on computer-mediated negotiations
by Norman A Johnson & Randolph B Cooper & Wynne W Chin - 435-435 Erratum: System development activities and inquiring systems: an integrating framework
by Andrea Carugati
June 2008, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 179-181 Strategies, systems, and technologies
by Richard Baskerville - 182-197 IT employment prospects: beyond the dotcom bubble
by Raymond R Panko - 198-218 Rapid business and IT change: drivers for strategic information systems planning?
by Henry E Newkirk & Albert L Lederer & Alice M Johnson - 219-235 Knowledge management orientation: construct development and empirical validation
by Catherine L Wang & Pervaiz K Ahmed & Mohammed Rafiq - 236-263 Measuring information systems success: models, dimensions, measures, and interrelationships
by Stacie Petter & William DeLone & Ephraim McLean - 264-278 Enacting computer workaround practices within a medication dispensing system
by Bijan Azad & Nelson King - 279-289 An institutional analysis on the dynamics of the interaction between standardizing and scaling processes: a case study from Ethiopia
by Selamawit Molla Mekonnen & Sundeep Sahay - 290-304 The dynamics of IT boundary objects, information infrastructures, and organisational identities: the introduction of 3D modelling technologies into the architecture, engineering, and construction industry
by Uri Gal & Kalle Lyytinen & Youngjin Yoo - 305-320 Interactive innovation of technology for mobile work
by Jan Kietzmann
April 2008, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 99-99 Editorial
by Hans van der Heijden - 100-111 Stakeholder management in IOS projects: analysis of an attempt to implement an electronic patient file
by Albert Boonstra & David Boddy & Sheena Bell - 112-124 A multiple narrative approach to information systems failure: a successful system that failed
by Eszter Bartis & Nathalie Mitev - 125-142 Beyond organisational agendas: using boundary critique to facilitate the inclusion of societal concerns in information systems planning
by José-Rodrigo Córdoba & Gerald Midgley - 143-155 Information system development activities and inquiring systems: an integrating framework
by Andrea Carugati - 156-157 For better or worse: how we apply journal ranking lists
by Richard Baskerville - 158-162 The journal list and its use: motivation, perceptions, and reality
by Dennis Adams & Norman Johnson - 163-168 The ranking of top IS journals: a perspective from the London School of Economics
by Leslie Willcocks & Edgar A Whitley & Chrisanthi Avgerou - 169-173 Expert evaluation vs bibliometric evaluation: experiences from Finland
by Juhani Iivari - 174-178 Time to stop researching the important things?
by Philip Powell & Maria Woerndl
February 2008, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-3 Changing the challenge: measure what makes you better and be better at what you measure
by Richard Baskerville - 4-11 The role of perceived enjoyment and social norm in the adoption of technology with network externalities
by Astrid Dickinger & Mitra Arami & David Meyer - 12-28 The economics and psychology of consumer trust in intermediaries in electronic markets: the EM-Trust Framework
by Pratim Datta & Sutirtha Chatterjee - 29-46 Resilience of super users’ mental models of enterprise-wide systems
by Corinne M Karuppan & Muthu Karuppan - 47-61 An exploratory study on meta skills in software development teams: antecedent cooperation skills and personality for shared mental models
by Hee-Dong Yang & Hye-Ryun Kang & Robert M Mason - 62-78 The post mortem paradox: a Delphi study of IT specialist perceptions
by Vijay Kasi & Mark Keil & Lars Mathiassen & Keld Pedersen - 79-98 Explaining changes in learning and work practice following the adoption of online learning: a human agency perspective
by Tsai-Hsin Chu & Daniel Robey
December 2007, Volume 16, Issue 6
- 667-668 Time for a change
by Ray J Paul - 669-671 Healthcare information systems research, revelations and visions
by Cynthia LeRouge & Vasiliki Mantzana & E Vance Wilson - 672-680 Hospitality and hostility in hospitals: a case study of an EPR adoption among surgeons
by Tina Blegind Jensen & Margunn Aanestad - 681-694 An organizational learning perspective on the assimilation of electronic medical records among small physician practices
by John L Reardon & Elizabeth Davidson - 695-711 An epidemic of pain in an Australian radiology practice
by Jeanette Van Akkeren & Bruce Rowlands - 712-724 An exploratory study of radio frequency identification (RFID) adoption in the healthcare industry
by Cheon-Pyo Lee & Jung P Shim - 725-737 Physicians' resistance toward healthcare information technology: a theoretical model and empirical test
by Anol Bhattacherjee & Neset Hikmet - 738-750 The role of industry infrastructure in telehealth innovations: a multi-level analysis of a telestroke program
by Sunyoung Cho & Lars Mathiassen - 751-760 An empirical examination of patient-physician portal acceptance
by Richard Klein - 761-770 ALTAR: achieving learning through action research
by Hanifa Shah & Alan Eardley & Trevor Wood-Harper - 771-779 ALTAR in action: knowledge management
by Hanifa Shah & Alan Eardley & Trevor Wood-Harper - 780-792 Online consumer retention: contingent effects of online shopping habit and online shopping experience
by Mohamed Khalifa & Vanessa Liu - 793-805 Impediments to requirements engineering during global software development
by Jo Hanisch & Brian Corbitt - 806-819 Realising B2B e-commerce benefits: the link with IT maturity, evaluation practices, and B2BEC adoption readiness
by Chad Lin & Yu-An Huang & Janice Burn - 820-833 The potential of hermeneutics in information systems research
by Melissa Cole & David Avison
October 2007, Volume 16, Issue 5
- 525-526 Changeover and celebrating change: 20 reasons for celebrating 20 years
by Ray J Paul - 527-530 Locating packaged software in information systems research
by Ben Light & Steve Sawyer - 531-541 Concepts of product software
by Lai Xu & Sjaak Brinkkemper - 542-554 Questioning the IT artefact: user practices that can, could, and cannot be supported in packaged-software designs
by M W Chiasson & L W Green - 555-567 Deciding to upgrade packaged software: a comparative case study of motives, contingencies and dependencies
by Huoy Min Khoo & Daniel Robey - 568-583 An assessment of package–organisation misalignment: institutional and ontological structures
by Siew Kien Sia & Christina Soh - 584-598 Implementing packaged enterprise software in multi-site firms: intensification of organizing and learning
by Paul C van Fenema & Otto R Koppius & Peter J van Baalen - 599-611 Applying ontology-based rules to conceptual modeling: a reflection on modeling decision making
by Pnina Soffer & Irit Hadar - 612-627 Focusing the research agenda on burnout in IT: social representations of burnout in the profession
by Suzanne D Pawlowski & Evgeny A Kaganer & John J Cater - 628-642 Manchester United Football Club: developing a Network Orchestration Model
by Duncan R Shaw - 643-657 A programme management approach for ensuring curriculum coherence in IS (higher) education
by Tally Hatzakis & Mark Lycett & Alan Serrano - 658-665 Introducing Masculinity Studies to Information Systems Research: the case of Gaydar
by Ben Light
August 2007, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 299-302 Changing the challenge: To challenge makes you larger and being challenged makes you small
by Ray J Paul - 303-316 Ranking journals in business and management: a statistical analysis of the Harzing data set
by John Mingers & Anne-Wil Harzing - 317-326 Why the old world cannot publish? Overcoming challenges in publishing high-impact IS research
by Kalle Lyytinen & Richard Baskerville & Juhani Iivari & Dov Te'eni - 327-335 Electronic transformation of government in the U.K.: a research agenda
by Zahir Irani & Tony Elliman & Paul Jackson - 336-345 The conundrum of IT management
by Joe Peppard - 346-348 Model-driven systems development: an introduction
by Mark Lycett & Esperanza Marcos & Veda Storey