August 2007, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 349-361 DSMDiff: a differentiation tool for domain-specific models
by Yuehua Lin & Jeff Gray & Frédéric Jouault - 362-373 Platform ontologies for the model-driven architecture
by Dennis Wagelaar & Ragnhild Van Der Straeten - 374-389 Model-driven multidimensional modeling of secure data warehouses
by Eduardo Fernández-Medina & Juan Trujillo & Mario Piattini - 390-406 Towards agent-oriented model-driven architecture
by Liang Xiao & Des Greer - 407-419 From requirements to implementations: a model-driven approach for web development
by Susana Montero & Paloma Díaz & Ignacio Aedo - 420-447 Towards improving the navigability of Web applications: a model-driven approach
by Cristina Cachero Castro & Santiago Meliá & Marcela Genero & Geert Poels & Coral Calero - 448-459 Model-driven component adaptation in the context of Web Engineering
by Nathalie Moreno Vergara & José M Troya Linero & Antonio Vallecillo Moreno - 460-478 Managing strategic contradictions in hybrid teams
by Karlene C Cousins & Daniel Robey & Ilze Zigurs - 479-493 Distributed leadership in the development of a knowledge sharing system
by Jing Zhang & Sue R Faerman - 494-510 Charismatic leadership and user acceptance of information technology
by Derrick J Neufeld & Linying Dong & Chris Higgins - 511-524 A survey of critical success factors in e-Banking: an organisational perspective
by Mahmood Hussain Shah & Ashley Braganza & Vincenzo Morabito
July 2007, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 193-195 Challenges to information systems: time to change
by Ray J Paul - 196-201 Research on IT value: what we have done in Asia and Europe
by Patrick Y K Chau & Kevin K Y Kuan & Ting-Peng Liang - 202-215 An investigation into the factors influencing the adoption of B2B trading exchanges in small businesses
by Mohammed Quaddus & Glenn Hofmeyer - 216-227 Explaining employees' Extended Use of complex information systems
by J J Po-An Hsieh & Wei Wang - 228-236 Use of innovative content integration information technology at the point of sale
by Claudia Loebbecke - 237-253 Does Domberger's theory of ‘The Contracting Organization’ explain why organizations outsource IT and the levels of satisfaction achieved?
by Peter B Seddon & Sara Cullen & Leslie P Willcocks - 254-269 Effects of interaction richness on consumer attitudes and behavioral intentions in e-commerce: some experimental results
by Jungjoo Jahng & Hemant Jain & Keshavamurthy Ramamurthy - 270-283 Perceived critical mass and the adoption of a communication technology
by Craig Van Slyke & Virginia Ilie & Hao Lou & Thomas Stafford - 284-298 Prioritization of e-Government strategies using a SWOT-AHP analysis: the case of Turkey
by Cengiz Kahraman & Nihan Çetin Demirel & Tufan Demirel
April 2007, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 103-105 e-Government: past, present and future
by Zahir Irani & Peter E D Love & Ali Montazemi - 106-120 Remote electronic voting systems: an exploration of voters' perceptions and intention to use
by Yurong Yao & Lisa Murphy - 121-133 Collaborative e-Government: impediments and benefits of information-sharing projects in the public sector
by J Ramon Gil-Garcia & InduShobha Chengalur-Smith & Peter Duchessi - 134-148 e-Government information systems: Evaluation-led design for public value and client trust
by Mike Grimsley & Anthony Meehan - 149-164 A comprehensive analysis of U.S. counties’ e-Government portals: development status and functionalities
by Zhenyu Huang - 165-177 Understanding e-Government project trajectories from an actor-network perspective
by Richard Heeks & Carolyne Stanforth - 178-191 Towards an e-Government efficiency agenda: the impact of information and communication behaviour on e-Reverse auctions in public sector procurement
by Ray Hackney & Steve Jones & Andrea Lösch
February 2007, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-2 Change strikes back
by Ray J Paul - 3-4 The European Information Systems Academy
by Robert D Galliers & Edgar A Whitley & Ray J Paul - 5-19 What sort of community is the European Conference on Information Systems? A social network analysis 1993–2005
by Richard Vidgen & Stephan Henneberg & Peter Naudé - 20-35 Vive les differences? Developing a profile of European information systems research as a basis for international comparisons
by Robert D Galliers & Edgar A Whitley - 36-53 Analyzing IS research productivity: an inclusive approach to global IS scholarship
by Michael J Gallivan & Raquel Benbunan-Fich - 54-65 Perceived network externalities and communication technology acceptance
by Troy J Strader & Sridhar N Ramaswami & Philip A Houle - 66-80 External Web content and its influence on organizational performance
by Angel L Meroño-Cerdan & Pedro Soto-Acosta - 81-90 Applying TAM across cultures: the need for caution
by Scott McCoy & Dennis F Galletta & William R King - 91-102 Identifying healthcare actors involved in the adoption of information systems
by Vasiliki Mantzana & Marinos Themistocleous & Zahir Irani & Vincenzo Morabito
December 2006, Volume 15, Issue 6
- 525-526 Making the changes
by Ray J Paul - 527-541 An empirical study on Web-based services and customer loyalty
by Samuel Otim & Varun Grover - 542-555 Perceived risk and trust associated with purchasing at electronic marketplaces
by Tibert Verhagen & Selmar Meents & Yao-Hua Tan - 556-568 An exploration of factors that impact individual performance in an ERP environment: an analysis using multiple analytical techniques
by Boontaree Kositanurit & Ojelanki Ngwenyama & Kweku-Muata Osei-Bryson - 569-582 A re-conceptualization of the interpretive flexibility of information technologies: redressing the balance between the social and the technical
by Neil F Doherty & Crispin R Coombs & John Loan-Clarke - 583-600 Model-based software configuration: patterns and languages
by Alexander Dreiling & Michael Rosemann & Wil van der Aalst & Lutz Heuser & Karsten Schulz - 601-616 Innovation diffusion in global contexts: determinants of post-adoption digital transformation of European companies
by Kevin Zhu & Shutao Dong & Sean Xin Xu & Kenneth L Kraemer - 617-626 New frontiers for information systems research: computer art as an information system
by Briony J Oates - 627-634 Characterizing the evolving research on enterprise content management
by Pasi Tyrväinen & Tero Päivärinta & Airi Salminen & Juhani Iivari - 635-647 A conceptual framework for the implementation of enterprise information portals in large organizations
by Rens Scheepers - 648-662 Implementing enterprise content management: from evolution through strategy to contradictions out-of-the-box
by Stig Nordheim & Tero Päivärinta - 663-664 Electronic Brains: Stories from the Dawn of the Computer Age
by Brian W Hollocks
October 2006, Volume 15, Issue 5
- 441-445 Facilitating – or inhibiting – knowing in practice
by Sue Newell & Robert D Galliers - 446-452 The role of imagination in the organizing of knowledge
by Karl E Weick - 453-456 Commentary on Karl E. Weick's ‘The role of imagination in the organizing of knowledge’
by Janis L Gogan - 457-459 Commentary on Karl E. Weick's ‘The role of imagination in the organizing of knowledge’
by Cliff Oswick - 460-466 Material knowing: the scaffolding of human knowledgeability
by Wanda J Orlikowski - 467-469 Commentary on Wanda Orlikowski's ‘Material knowing: the scaffolding of human knowledgeability’
by Jacky Swan - 470-472 Commentary on Wanda Orlikowski's ‘Material knowing: the scaffolding of human knowledgeability’
by Robert D Galliers - 473-485 The incompatibility of knowledge regimes: consequences of the material world for cross-domain work
by Jennifer A Howard-Grenville & Paul R Carlile - 486-499 Using informal notes for sharing corporate technology know-how
by Heikki Topi & Wendy Lucas & Tamara Babaian - 500-510 Dynamic capabilities and the role of organizational knowledge: an exploration
by Isabel M Prieto & Mark Easterby-Smith - 511-524 Business customer communities and knowledge sharing: exploratory study of critical issues
by Pablo Erat & Kevin C Desouza & Anja Schäfer-Jugel & Monika Kurzawa
August 2006, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 343-344 Organizational and ethical issues in the information society
by Nancy Pouloudi & Bob O'Keefe - 345-356 Resist, comply or workaround? An examination of different facets of user engagement with information systems
by Elaine H Ferneley & Polly Sobreperez - 357-367 Are norms enough? The role of collaborative norms in promoting organizational knowledge seeking
by Gee-Woo Bock & Atreyi Kankanhalli & Sanjeev Sharma - 368-378 Being an ‘it’ in IT: gendered identities in IT work
by Alison Adam & Marie Griffiths & Claire Keogh & Karenza Moore & Helen Richardson & Angela Tattersall - 379-388 Haven or hell? Telework, flexibility and family in the e-society: a Marxist analysis
by Anita Greenhill & Melanie Wilson - 389-402 Privacy calculus model in e-commerce – a study of Italy and the United States
by Tamara Dinev & Massimo Bellotto & Paul Hart & Vincenzo Russo & Ilaria Serra & Christian Colautti - 403-414 Opportunities for computer crime: considering systems risk from a criminological perspective
by Robert Willison & James Backhouse - 415-423 What drives netsourcing decisions? An empirical analysis
by Claudia Loebbecke & Claudio Huyskens - 424-438 Adding clicks to bricks: a case study of e-commerce adoption by a Catalan small retailer
by Alemayehu Molla & Richard Heeks & Isaac Balcells - 439-439 Offshoring Information Technology
by Steve Smith
June 2006, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 239-240 Views, change and changing views
by Ray J Paul - 241-243 An opportunity for editors of I.S. journals to relate their experiences and offer advice. The editorial view of David Avison Guy Fitzgerald and Philip Powell, Editors: of the Information Systems Journal: Second in a series
by David Avison & Guy Fitzgerald & Philip Powell - 244-248 An opportunity for editors of I.S. Journals to relate their experiences and offer advice. The editorial view of Frantz Rowe, Editor in Chief: of Systèmes d’Information et Management. Third in a series – On dissemination, national language and interacting with practitioners
by Frantz Rowe - 249-251 Introduction to the special issue on mobile user behaviour
by Hans van der Heijden & Iris Junglas - 252-260 Is mobile email functional or dysfunctional? Two perspectives on mobile email usage
by Catherine A Middleton & Wendy Cukier - 261-268 Contextual influences on user satisfaction with mobile computing: findings from two healthcare organizations
by Rens Scheepers & Helana Scheepers & Ojelanki K Ngwenyama - 269-276 Switching behavior of mobile users: do users' relational investments and demographics matter?
by C Ranganathan & DongBack Seo & Yair Babad - 277-284 Enacting new temporal boundaries: the role of mobile phones
by Elpida Prasopoulou & Athanasia Pouloudi & Niki Panteli - 285-291 Exploring the influence of reference situations and reference pricing on mobile service user behaviour
by Jennifer Blechar & Ioanna D Constantiou & Jan Damsgaard - 292-300 Mobile computing: a user study on hedonic/utilitarian mobile device usage
by Robin L Wakefield & Dwayne Whitten - 301-306 Secondary user relations in emerging mobile computing environments
by Elaine Ferneley & Ben Light - 307-319 The dynamics of control and mobile computing in distributed activities
by Gamel O Wiredu & Carsten Sørensen - 320-330 Doing interpretive research
by Geoff Walsham - 331-341 Team adaptation to electronic communication media: evidence of compensatory adaptation in new product development teams
by Ned Kock & Gary S Lynn & Kevin E Dow & Ali E Akgün
April 2006, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 113-115 Artful planning
by Richard L Baskerville - 116-119 Business agility and diffusion of information technology
by Lars Mathiassen & Jan Pries-Heje - 120-131 Enterprise agility and the enabling role of information technology
by Eric Overby & Anandhi Bharadwaj & V Sambamurthy - 132-145 Change factors requiring agility and implications for IT
by Marcel van Oosterhout & Eric Waarts & Jos van Hillegersberg - 146-158 Agility through scenario development and continuous implementation: a global aftermarket logistics case
by Magnus Holmqvist & Kalevi Pessi - 159-168 Enabling agile adoption practices through network organizations
by Dirk S Hovorka & Kai R Larsen - 169-182 Agile improvement practices in software organizations
by Anna Börjesson & Fredrik Martinsson & Magnus Timmerås - 183-199 Information system development agility as organizational learning
by Kalle Lyytinen & Gregory M Rose - 200-213 Customising agile methods to software practices at Intel Shannon
by Brian Fitzgerald & Gerard Hartnett & Kieran Conboy - 214-224 The shaping of I.T. trajectories: evidence from the U.K. public sector
by Keith S Horton & Trevor A Wood-Harper - 225-238 A framework for understanding how a unique and local IS development method emerges in practice
by Sabine Madsen & Karlheinz Kautz & Richard Vidgen
February 2006, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-3 Changing issues: sixes and specials
by Ray J Paul - 4-8 Reflecting on action in language, organisations and information systems
by Pär J Ågerfalk & Göran Goldkuhl & Brian Fitzgerald & Liam Bannon - 9-25 Activity-based design
by Peter Bøgh Andersen - 26-41 A genealogical study of boundary-spanning IS design
by Susan Gasson - 42-53 Action-oriented group learning in the implementation of information technologies: results from three case studies
by Tanya V Bondarouk - 54-69 Acting with genres: discursive-ethical concepts for reflecting on and legitimating genres
by Fahri Yetim - 70-81 A language-mapping approach to action-oriented development of information systems
by Peter Rittgen - 82-90 Combining method engineering with activity theory: theoretical grounding of the method component concept
by Fredrik Karlsson & Kai Wistrand - 91-102 Process models representing knowledge for action: a revised quality framework
by John Krogstie & Guttorm Sindre & Håvard Jørgensen - 103-103 The Global Information Technology Report: Efficiency in an Increasingly Connected World
by Geoffrey Elliott - 104-104 Organizational knowledge and technology
by Stephen Smith - 105-105 Implementing Collaboration Technologies in Industry
by B W Hollocks - 106-107 Information Systems: Achieving Success by Avoiding Failure
by Hugh Preston - 108-108 Consumer Driven Electronic Transformation
by Geoffrey Elliott - 109-110 Information Technology: Strategic Decision Making for Managers
by Egon Berghout - 111-112 Strategic Knowledge Management Technology
by Brian Hollocks
December 2005, Volume 14, Issue 5
- 435-436 Claudio Ciborra: 1951–2005
by The Editors - 437-438 Editorial
by Antonio Cordella & Edgar A Whitley & Jannis Kallinikos - 439-441 Portraits of Claudio: the butterfly, the dragon and the marmot
by Giovan Francesco Lanzara - 442-445 A portrait of a scientist
by Marco De Marco - 446-447 Fake!
by Richard J Boland - 448-449 A brief glimpse of Claudio
by Dimitris Boucas - 450-451 The heresy and the sport of information systems
by Luca Giustiniano - 452-453 Bricolage in system design and trust in cooperation
by Alessandro D'Atri - 454-455 ItAIS (the Italian chapter of AIS) remembers Claudio
by Alessandro D'Atri - 456-458 Claudio Ciborra: his life as a formative context
by Eleanor Wynn - 459-460 Remembering Claudio: a note from his friends at Universities of Naples and Catanzaro
by Riccardo Mercurio & Marcello Martinez & Luigi Moschera & Ernesto De Nito & Gianluigi Mangia & Paolo Canonico - 461-462 Claudio Ciborra: convenor of information systems October 2000 to February 2005
by Sarah Emery - 463-464 A grand master and an exceptional mind
by Maurizio Cavallari - 465-466 From Italy to East London
by Antonio Cordella - 467-469 The spirit never dies
by Jannis Kallinikos - 470-473 Ciborra disclosed: aletheia in the life and scholarship of Claudio Ciborra
by Shoshana Zuboff - 474-476 Drifting with Claudio
by Ole Hanseth - 477-479 Visiting the red-light zones with Claudio
by Edgar A Whitley - 480-483 What do Claudio Ciborra and Sandro Botticelli have in common? On the renaissance of la Primavera
by Rik Maes & Ard Huizing - 484-486 From Milan to Mann Gulch: reflections on the intellectual contributions of Professor Claudio Ciborra
by Cameron Lawrence - 487-491 The obituary as bricolage: the Mann Gulch disaster and the problem of heroic rationality
by Bernd Carsten Stahl - 492-494 Governance, architecture and action: Claudio's Shih
by Diego D Navarra - 495-497 Imagining Claudio Ciborra's next research agenda
by Andrea Resca - 498-499 Eureka moments in the works of Claudio Ciborra
by Kiran Jude Fernandes - 500-503 Let's be baroque!
by Dixi Louise Strand - 504-506 Bricolage as a way of life – improvisation and irony in information systems
by Steven Verjans - 507-509 Taking care of invisible technology
by Maddalena Sorrentino - 510-512 Beyond risk and boredom: reflections on Claudio Ciborra and sociology
by Jeff Shantz - 513-517 Claudio Ciborra's way of being: authenticity and the world of information systems
by Lucas D Introna - 518-521 Do penguins eat scallops?
by Tony Cornford & Claudio Ciborra & Maha Shaikh - 522-523 Challenging wisdom
by Anna Maria Morazzoni - 524-525 The Labyrinths of Information: Challenging the Wisdom of Systems
by Ray J Paul
December 2005, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 317-323 Information systems research in the Asia Pacific region
by Patrick Y K Chau & Lihua Huang & Ting-Peng Liang - 324-334 Understanding misalignment and cascading change of ERP implementation: a stage view of process analysis
by Hsiao-Lan Wei & Eric T G Wang & Pei-Hung Ju - 335-346 A framework for designing the balanced supply chain scorecard
by Jong Han Park & Jae Kyu Lee & Jung Soo Yoo - 347-360 Factors and measures of business process modelling: model building through a multiple case study
by Wasana Bandara & Guy G Gable & Michael Rosemann - 361-370 User involvement and user satisfaction with information-seeking activity
by Paulus Insap Santosa & Kwok Kee Wei & Hock Chuan Chan - 371-387 The management of cross-functional inter-dependencies in ERP implementations: emergent coordination patterns
by Sanjay Gosain & Zoonky Lee & Yongbeom Kim - 388-400 A methodology for construct development in MIS research
by Bruce R Lewis & Gary F Templeton & Terry Anthony Byrd - 401-416 Governance lessons from the experience of telecentres in Kerala
by Shirin Madon - 417-433 A framework to assess the factors affecting success or failure of the implementation of government-supported regional e-marketplaces for SMEs
by Denise E Gengatharen & Craig Standing
September 2005, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 205-206 Editorial
by Marinos Themistocleous - 207-212 Editor's View: an opportunity for editors of IS journals to relate their experiences and offer advice. The Editorial View of Ray J Paul. First in a series
by Ray J Paul - 213-228 Linking knowledge transformation to Information Systems evaluation
by Zahir Irani & Amir M Sharif & Peter E D Love - 229-243 A critical approach to evaluation
by Ela Klecun & Tony Cornford - 244-257 The turnaround of the London Ambulance Service Computer-Aided Despatch system (LASCAD)
by Guy Fitzgerald & Nancy L Russo - 258-272 Making ERPs work: accountants and the introduction of ERP systems
by Mike Newman & Chris Westrup - 273-287 Designing consumer interfaces for experiential tasks: an empirical investigation
by John D Wells & William L Fuerst & Jonathan W Palmer - 288-302 Understanding Web home page perception
by Surendra N Singh & Nikunj Dalal & Nancy Spears - 303-315 An analysis of the traditional IS security approaches: implications for research and practice
by Mikko T Siponen
June 2005, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 107-109 EJIS special issue on making enterprise systems work
by Marinos Themistocleous & Ed Watson - 110-120 Understanding enterprise systems-enabled integration
by Olga Volkoff & Diane M Strong & Michael B Elmes - 121-134 Developing an integration architecture for process portals
by Thomas Puschmann & Rainer Alt - 135-149 Managing user acceptance towards enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems – understanding the dissonance between user expectations and managerial policies
by Eric T K Lim & Shan Ling Pan & Chee Wee Tan - 150-161 Investigating enterprise systems adoption: uncertainty avoidance, intrinsic motivation, and the technology acceptance model
by Yujong Hwang - 162-174 Integrating ERP using EAI: a model for post hoc evaluation
by Amir M Sharif & Zahir Irani & Peter E D Love - 175-187 Investigating success factors in enterprise application integration: a case-driven analysis
by Wing Lam - 188-203 The future of inter-organisational system linkages: findings of an international Delphi study
by Elizabeth M Daniel & Andrew White
March 2005, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-5 From technical to socio-technical change: tackling the human and organizational aspects of systems development projects
by Neil F Doherty & Malcolm King - 6-18 Contextual influences on technology use mediation: a comparative analysis of electronic medical record systems
by Elizabeth Davidson & Mike Chiasson - 19-36 The surface of emergence in systems development: agency, institutions, and large-scale information systems
by Bongsug Chae & Marshall Scott Poole - 37-48 Social ties, knowledge sharing and successful collaboration in globally distributed system development projects
by Julia Kotlarsky & Ilan Oshri - 49-59 The social and political construction of technological frames
by Angela Lin & Leiser Silva - 60-74 Towards the development of a social capital approach to evaluating change management interventions
by Tally Hatzakis & Mark Lycett & Robert D Macredie & Valerie A Martin - 75-92 The ability of information systems development project teams to respond to business and technology changes: a study of flexibility measures
by Gwanhoo Lee & Weidong Xia - 93-105 Information systems development as emergent socio-technical change: a practice approach
by Luis F Luna-Reyes & Jing Zhang & J Ramón Gil-García & Anthony M Cresswell
December 2004, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 245-246 Time, change and EJIS
by Ray J Paul, - 247-259 Decision support systems evolution: framework, case study and research agenda
by David Arnott - 260-272 Regulation as a barrier to electronic commerce in Europe: the case of the European fund management industry
by Jeremy Fisher & G Harindranath - 273-285 Strategic aspirations for net-enabled business
by Gary Hackbarth & William J Kettinger - 286-301 User participation in decision support systems development: Influencing system outcomes
by Teresa Lynch & Shirley Gregor - 302-314 A research framework for analysing eBusiness models
by Adamantia G Pateli & George M Giaglis - 315-316 Social and Economic Transformation in the Digital Era
by Hugh Preston - 317-318 e-Business
by Stephen Smith
September 2004, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 165-165 Time, change and beliefs
by Ray J Paul - 166-166 Special issue on “interpretive” approaches to information systems and computing
by Anjana Bhattacharjee & Ray J Paul - 167-172 “Interpretive” mobility, IS and computing
by Anjana Bhattacharjee - 173-185 Possibilities for cross-fertilization between interpretive approaches and other methods for analyzing information systems
by Steven Alter - 186-194 Ethnography, ethnomethodology and the problem of generalisation in design
by Wes Sharrock & Dave Randall - 195-209 Taking technomethodology seriously: hybrid change in the ethnomethodology–design relationship
by Andy Crabtree - 210-220 Hermeneutics, information and representation
by Matthew Chalmers - 221-234 The ontological screening of contemporary life: a phenomenological analysis of screens
by Lucas D Introna & Fernando M Ilharco - 235-243 Can Thomas Kuhn's paradigms help us understand software engineering?
by Paul Wernick & Tracy Hall
June 2004, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 93-94 Time, experience and change
by Ray J Paul, - 95-102 Configuring peer-to-peer software: an empirical study of how users react to the regulatory features of software
by Adela Mlcakova & Edgar A Whitley - 103-114 Broadband development in South Korea: institutional and cultural factors
by Jyoti Choudrie & Heejin Lee - 115-132 Technological switchbacks: the transition to Western information systems in privatised firms of the former East Germany
by Robert P Marble - 133-146 Organizational determinants of IT adoption in the pharmaceutical distribution sector
by Sebastián Bruque-Cámara & Alfonso Vargas-Sánchez & M. Jesús Hernández-Ortiz