May 2015, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 262-277 Knowledge sharing intention in the United States and China: a cross-cultural study
by Yu-Wei Chang & Ping-Yu Hsu & Wen-Lung Shiau & Chung-Chih Tsai - 278-294 A legitimacy challenge of a cross-cultural interorganizational information system
by Carol Hsu & Yu-Tzu Lin & Tawei Wang - 295-313 The effect of culture on requirements: a value-based view of prioritization
by Tuure Tuunanen & I-Te Kuo - 314-336 Cross-national differences in individual knowledge-seeking patterns: a climato-economic contextualization
by Liwei Chen & J J Po-An Hsieh & Evert Van de Vliert & Xu Huang - 337-359 An espoused cultural perspective to understand continued intention to use mobile applications: a four-country study of mobile social media application usability
by Hartmut Hoehle & Xiaojun Zhang & Viswanath Venkatesh
March 2015, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 117-120 Information system integration in mergers and acquisitions: research ahead
by Jonas Hedman & Suprateek Sarker - 121-144 Learning to acquire: how serial acquirers build organisational knowledge for information systems integration
by Stefan Henningsson - 145-158 When IT capabilities are not scale-free in merger and acquisition integrations: how do capital markets react to IT capability asymmetries between acquirer and target?
by Hüseyin Tanriverdi & Vahap Bülent Uysal - 159-177 The roles of contextual elements in post-merger common platform development: an empirical investigation
by Radhika P Jain & Balasubramaniam Ramesh - 178-201 Discovery paths: exploring emergence and IT evolutionary design in cross-border M&As. Analysing grupo Santander’s acquisition of abbey (2004–2009)
by Javier Busquets - 202-226 Knowledge-acquisitions and post-acquisition innovation performance: a comparative hazards model
by Pratim Datta & Yaman Roumani - 227-227 Erratum: Discovery paths: exploring emergence and IT evolutionary design in cross-border M&As. Analysing Grupo Santander’s acquisition of Abbey (2004–2009)
by Javier Busquets
January 2015, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-3 Challenges in learning and improving continuously
by Dov Te'eni - 4-22 Associating consumer perceived value with business models for digital services
by Aaron Baird & T S Raghu - 23-37 Adopting IS process innovations in organizations: the role of IS leaders’ individual factors and technology perceptions in decision making
by Srinarayan Sharma & Arun Rai - 38-58 Managing the introduction of information security awareness programmes in organisations
by Aggeliki Tsohou & Maria Karyda & Spyros Kokolakis & Evangelos Kiountouzis - 59-75 The roles of psychological climate, information management capabilities, and IT support on knowledge-sharing: an MOA perspective
by William J Kettinger & Yuan Li & Joshua M Davis & Lynda Kettinger - 76-92 Forming an intention to act on recommendations given via online social networks
by Sabine Matook & Susan A Brown & Johanna Rolf - 93-106 Learning and self-disclosure behavior on social networking sites: the case of Facebook users
by Rui Chen & Sushil K Sharma - 107-115 Distinguishing and contrasting two strategies for design science research
by Juhani Iivari
November 2014, Volume 23, Issue 6
- 593-599 Insufficient theoretical contribution: a conclusive rationale for rejection?
by Pär J Ågerfalk - 600-615 Paradigm lost … paradigm gained: a hermeneutical rejoinder to Banville and Landry’s ‘Can the Field of MIS be Disciplined?’
by Nik R Hassan - 616-628 The competitive impact of information technology: can commodity IT contribute to competitive performance?
by Gabriele Piccoli & Tsz-Wai Lui - 629-654 No time to waste: the role of timing and complementarity of alignment practices in creating business value in IT projects
by Armin Vermerris & Martin Mocker & Eric van Heck - 655-671 A ‘sweet spot’ change strategy for a least developed country: leveraging e-Government in Bangladesh
by Shirley Gregor & Ahmed Imran & Tim Turner - 672-690 An empirical investigation of Technology Readiness among medical staff based in Greek hospitals
by Christos D Melas & Leonidas A Zampetakis & Anastasia Dimopoulou & Vassilis S Moustakis - 691-707 The longitudinal impact of enterprise system users’ pre-adoption expectations and organizational support on post-adoption proficient usage
by John F Veiga & Marcus M Keupp & Steven W Floyd & Franz W Kellermanns - 708-726 Internet adoption by the elderly: employing IS technology acceptance theories for understanding the age-related digital divide
by Björn Niehaves & Ralf Plattfaut
September 2014, Volume 23, Issue 5
- 503-512 When mobile is the norm: researching mobile information systems and mobility as post-adoption phenomena
by Catherine Middleton & Rens Scheepers & Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen - 513-528 Changing information retrieval behaviours: an empirical investigation of users’ cognitive processes in the choice of location-based services
by Ioanna D Constantiou & Christiane Lehrer & Thomas Hess - 529-542 Mobile technology in mobile work: contradictions and congruencies in activity systems
by Stan Karanasios & David Allen - 543-557 Mobile information systems and organisational control: beyond the panopticon metaphor?
by Aurélie Leclercq-Vandelannoitte & Henri Isaac & Michel Kalika - 558-570 Working with connective flow: how smartphone use is evolving in practice
by Kristine Dery & Darl Kolb & Judith MacCormick - 571-592 An organizational perspective on m-business: usage factors and value determination
by Winnie Ng Picoto & France Bélanger & António Palma-dos-Reis
July 2014, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 373-399 An empirical evaluation of existing IS change theories for the case of IOIS evolution
by Kai Reimers & Robert B Johnston & Stefan Klein - 400-417 Integrated clinical pathway management for medical quality improvement – based on a semiotically inspired systems architecture
by Weizi Li & Kecheng Liu & Hongqiao Yang & Changrui Yu - 418-432 Information sharing and interoperability: the case of major incident management
by David K Allen & Stan Karanasios & Alistair Norman - 433-441 Transforming decision-making processes: a research agenda for understanding the impact of business analytics on organisations
by Rajeev Sharma & Sunil Mithas & Atreyi Kankanhalli - 442-461 Design matters for decision makers: Discovering IT investment alternatives
by Jane Elisabeth Frisk & Rikard Lindgren & Lars Mathiassen - 462-480 Developing information processing capability for operational agility: implications from a Chinese manufacturer
by Pei-Ying Huang & Shan L Pan & Tao Hua Ouyang - 481-502 The role of GPS-enabled information in transforming operational decision making: an exploratory study
by Andreja Habjan & Constantine Andriopoulos & Manto Gotsi
May 2014, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 241-255 What literature review is not: diversity, boundaries and recommendations
by Frantz Rowe - 256-272 Towards mindful case study research in IS: a critical analysis of the past ten years
by Marcus Keutel & Bjoern Michalik & Janek Richter - 273-288 Rethinking the place of the artefact in IS using Heidegger's analysis of equipment
by Kai Riemer & Robert B Johnston - 289-305 Guidelines for improving the contextual relevance of field surveys: the case of information security policy violations
by Mikko Siponen & Anthony Vance - 306-325 Do you see what I see? The search for consensus among executives’ perceptions of IT business value
by Paul P Tallon - 326-342 IT capability and organizational performance: the roles of business process agility and environmental factors
by Yang Chen & Yi Wang & Saggi Nevo & Jiafei Jin & Luning Wang & Wing S Chow - 343-356 Blending bureaucratic and collaborative management styles to achieve control ambidexterity in IS projects
by Robert Wayne Gregory & Mark Keil - 357-372 Why end-users move to the cloud: a migration-theoretic analysis
by Anol Bhattacherjee & Sang Cheol Park
March 2014, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 97-102 Why would we care about privacy?
by Tamara Dinev - 103-125 Cultural and generational influences on privacy concerns: a qualitative study in seven European countries
by Caroline Lancelot Miltgen & Dominique Peyrat-Guillard - 126-150 A systematic methodology for privacy impact assessments: a design science approach
by Marie Caroline Oetzel & Sarah Spiekermann - 151-184 A process model for analyzing and managing flexibility in information systems
by Ram L. Kumar & Antonis C. Stylianou - 185-204 Understanding online customers' ties to merchants: the moderating influence of trust on the relationship between switching costs and e-loyalty
by Michelle Carter & Ryan Wright & Jason Bennett Thatcher & Richard Klein - 205-222 Using organizational influence processes to overcome IS implementation barriers: lessons from a longitudinal case study of SPI implementation
by Ojelanki Ngwenyama & Peter Axel Nielsen - 223-239 Board-level IT governance and organizational performance
by Ofir Turel & Chris Bart
January 2014, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-11 Interpretive accounts and fairy tales: a critical polemic against the empiricist bias in interpretive IS research
by Bernd Carsten Stahl - 12-16 Empiricism in interpretive IS research: a response to Stahl
by Geoff Walsham - 17-35 Who do you think you are? A review of the complex interplay between information systems, identification and identity
by Edgar A. Whitley & Uri Gal & Annemette Kjaergaard - 36-50 Users' willingness to pay for web identity management systems
by Heiko Roßnagel & Jan Zibuschka & Oliver Hinz & Jan Muntermann - 51-68 Interrelationships of identity and technology in IT assimilation
by Aurélie Leclercq-Vandelannoitte - 69-83 Organizational identity and information systems: how organizational ICT reflect who an organization is
by Michael Tyworth - 84-95 Performing embodied identity in virtual worlds
by Ulrike Schultze
November 2013, Volume 22, Issue 6
- 589-591 Journals and conferences in discourse
by Dov Te'eni - 592-603 IS integration and knowledge sharing in multi-unit firms: the winner's curse
by Nilesh Saraf & Chris Schlueter Langdon & Omar El Sawy - 604-618 Why the first provider takes it all: the consequences of a low trust culture on pricing and ratings in online sourcing markets
by David Gefen & Erran Carmel - 619-636 The pursuit of trust in ad hoc virtual teams: how much electronic portrayal is too much?
by Shoshana Altschuller & Raquel Benbunan-Fich - 637-649 Does risk matter? Disengagement from risk management practices in information systems projects
by Elmar Kutsch & David Denyer & Mark Hall & Elizabeth (Liz) Lee-Kelley - 650-672 How user risk and requirements risk moderate the effects of formal and informal control on the process performance of IT projects
by Mark Keil & Arun Rai & Shan Liu - 673-689 Empirical investigation of the usefulness of Gateway constructs in process models
by Jan Recker - 690-710 Longitudinal use of method rationale in method configuration: an exploratory study
by Fredrik Karlsson
September 2013, Volume 22, Issue 5
- 493-497 Governing IT in inter-organizational relationships: Issues and future research
by Gerald Grant & Felix B Tan - 498-511 Creating value through governing IT deployment in a public/private-sector inter-organisational context: a human agency perspective
by Carla L Wilkin & John Campbell & Stephen Moore - 512-528 Inter-firm IT governance in power-imbalanced buyer–supplier dyads: exploring how it works and why it lasts
by Jinghua Xiao & Kang Xie & Qing Hu - 529-547 The mediating role of psychological contract breach in IS outsourcing: inter-firm governance perspective
by Hyung Jin Kim & Bongsik Shin & Hogeun Lee - 548-568 Exploring the impact of operating model choice on the governance of inter-organizational workflow: the U.S. e-prescribing network
by Nelson King - 569-588 Exploring value networks: theorising the creation and capture of value with open source software
by Lorraine Morgan & Joseph Feller & Patrick Finnegan
July 2013, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 381-386 ‘Datafication’: making sense of (big) data in a complex world
by Mark Lycett - 387-402 Information technology offshoring in India: a postcolonial perspective
by M N Ravishankar & Shan L Pan & Michael D Myers - 403-415 Leveraging the IT competence of non-IS workers: social exchange and the good corporate citizen
by Joshua M Davis - 416-433 The role of online seller reviews and product price on buyers' willingness-to-pay: a risk perspective
by Jianan Wu & Edgardo Arturo Ayala Gaytán - 434-454 Towards integrating acceptance and resistance research: evidence from a telecare case study
by Marjolein van Offenbeek & Albert Boonstra & DongBack Seo - 455-474 Trust dynamics in a large system implementation: six theoretical propositions
by Bjarne Rerup Schlichter & Jeremy Rose - 475-492 How a professionally qualified doctoral student bridged the practice-research gap: a confessional account of Collaborative Practice Research
by Lars Mathiassen & Anna Sandberg
May 2013, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 251-256 Embracing diversity through mixed methods research
by Pär J Ågerfalk - 257-277 Digital business reporting standards: mapping the battle in France
by Véronique Guilloux & Joanne Locke & Alan Lowe - 278-294 Top management support in multiple-project environments: an in-practice view
by Amany Elbanna - 295-316 Information privacy and correlates: an empirical attempt to bridge and distinguish privacy-related concepts
by Tamara Dinev & Heng Xu & Jeff H Smith & Paul Hart - 317-335 Sympathy or strategy: social capital drivers for collaborative contributions to the IS community
by Matthias Trier & Judith Molka-Danielsen - 336-359 A method for taxonomy development and its application in information systems
by Robert C Nickerson & Upkar Varshney & Jan Muntermann - 360-380 Can we have fun @ work? The role of intrinsic motivation for utilitarian systems
by Jennifer E Gerow & Ramakrishna Ayyagari & Jason Bennett Thatcher & Philip L Roth
March 2013, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 131-138 Research opportunities in information technology funding and system justification
by Ken Peffers & Brian L Dos Santos - 139-169 Revisiting IS business value research: what we already know, what we still need to know, and how we can get there
by Guido Schryen - 170-190 Shareholder reaction to firm investments in the capability maturity model: an event study
by Greg Filbeck & Matthew Swinarski & Xin Zhao - 191-205 Adapting funding processes for agile IT projects: an empirical investigation
by Lan Cao & Kannan Mohan & Balasubramaniam Ramesh & Sumantra Sarkar - 206-220 Effects of time-inconsistent preferences on information technology infrastructure investments with growth options
by Sarah S Khan & Moutaz Khouja & Ram L Kumar - 221-234 E-government adoption in public administration organizations: integrating institutional theory perspective and resource-based view
by Daqing Zheng & Jin Chen & Lihua Huang & Cheng Zhang - 235-250 Effective ERP adoption processes: the role of project activators and resource investments
by Edward W N Bernroider
January 2013, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-8 Grounded theory method in information systems research: its nature, diversity and opportunities
by David F Birks & Walter Fernandez & Natalia Levina & Syed Nasirin - 9-25 Grounded theorizing for electronically mediated social contexts
by Emmanuelle Vaast & Geoff Walsham - 26-44 The use of ethnography and grounded theory in the development of a management information system
by Elisa Mattarelli & Fabiola Bertolotti & Diego Maria Macrì - 45-55 Using grounded theory as a method for rigorously reviewing literature
by Joost F Wolfswinkel & Elfi Furtmueller & Celeste P M Wilderom - 56-75 Enriching our theoretical repertoire: the role of evolutionary psychology in technology acceptance
by Chon Abraham & Marie-Claude Boudreau & Iris Junglas & Richard Watson - 76-94 Everyday power struggles: living in an IOIS project
by Riitta Hekkala & Cathy Urquhart - 95-118 Using a grounded theory approach to study online collaboration behaviors
by Susan Gasson & Jim Waters - 119-129 Profiling grounded theory approaches in information systems research
by Rangarirai Matavire & Irwin Brown
November 2012, Volume 21, Issue 6
- 587-591 Reviving the IT in the IS
by Richard Baskerville - 592-607 Conceptualising improvisation in information systems security
by Kennedy Njenga & Irwin Brown - 608-620 Trans-situated use of integrated information systems
by Eric Monteiro & Knut H Rolland - 621-642 Willing to pay for quality personalization? Trade-off between quality and privacy
by Ting Li & Till Unger - 643-663 Understanding overbidding behavior in C2C auctions: an escalation theory perspective
by Sang Cheol Park & Mark Keil & Jong UK Kim & Gee-Woo Bock - 664-679 Information technology, the organizational capability of proactive corporate environmental strategy and firm performance: a resource-based analysis
by Jose Benitez-Amado & Rita M Walczuch - 680-698 Toward a better understanding of behavioral intention and system usage constructs
by Jiming Wu & Hongwei Du - 699-717 Bridging the work/social divide: the emotional response to organizational social networking sites
by Hope Koch & Ester Gonzalez & Dorothy Leidner
September 2012, Volume 21, Issue 5
- 469-478 Toward a richer diversity of genres in information systems research: new categorization and guidelines
by Frantz Rowe - 479-495 Information systems as a discipline in the making: comparing EJIS and MISQ between 1995 and 2008
by José-Rodrigo Córdoba & Alan Pilkington & Edward W N Bernroider - 496-511 To share or not to share: a critical research perspective on knowledge management systems
by Mei-Lien Young & Feng-Yang Kuo & Michael D Myers - 512-528 The benefits and dangers of enjoyment with social networking websites
by Ofir Turel & Alexander Serenko - 529-551 Everywhere and nowhere: nearshore software development in the context of globalisation
by Pamela Y Abbott & Matthew R Jones - 552-569 Mediating the intersections of organizational routines during the introduction of a health IT system
by Laurie Novak & JoAnn Brooks & Cynthia Gadd & Shilo Anders & Nancy Lorenzi - 570-586 Sociomateriality and boundary objects in information systems development
by Bill Doolin & Laurie McLeod
July 2012, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 341-344 What's communication got to do with IT?
by Dov Te'eni - 345-357 A profile of information systems research in the Mediterranean region
by Nancy Pouloudi & Angeliki Poulymenakou & Katerina Pramatari - 358-372 Institutionalized computer workaround practices in a Mediterranean country: an examination of two organizations
by Bijan Azad & Nelson King - 373-387 The impact of IT-business strategic alignment on firm performance in a developing country setting: exploring moderating roles of environmental uncertainty and strategic orientation
by Ali Alper Yayla & Qing Hu - 388-403 Escaping ‘localisms’ in IT sourcing: tracing changes in institutional logics in an Italian firm
by Lapo Mola & Andrea Carugati - 404-426 The impact of geocollaborative portals on group decision making for trip planning
by Marianna Sigala - 427-437 Conversation as a source of satisfaction and continuance in a question-and-answer site
by Raban Daphne Ruth - 438-467 The effect of colors of e-commerce websites on consumer mood, memorization and buying intention
by Jean-Éric Pelet & Panagiota Papadopoulou
May 2012, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 207-211 Responsible research and innovation in information systems
by Bernd Carsten Stahl - 212-228 A case study of the legitimation process undertaken to gain support for an information system in a Chinese university
by Donal Flynn & Yongqin Du - 229-254 Negotiating language barriers – a methodology for cross-organisational conceptual modelling
by Gunnar Dietz & Martin Juhrisch - 255-267 A balanced scorecard for item-level RFID in the retail sector: a Delphi study
by Narges Kasiri & Ramesh Sharda & Bill Hardgrave - 268-286 Reviewing Enterprise Content Management: a functional framework
by Knut R Grahlmann & Remko W Helms & Cokky Hilhorst & Sjaak Brinkkemper & Sander van Amerongen - 287-302 An empirical study of IS architectures in French SMEs: integration approaches
by Marc Bidan & Frantz Rowe & Duane Truex - 303-320 Towards an understanding of assimilation in virtual worlds: the 3C approach
by Andrew Schwarz & Colleen Schwarz & Yoonhyuk Jung & Begoña Pérez & Sonja Wiley-Patton - 321-340 Online game addiction among adolescents: motivation and prevention factors
by Zhengchuan Xu & Ofir Turel & Yufei Yuan
March 2012, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 113-118 Qualitative methods research in information systems: motivations, themes, and contributions
by Kieran Conboy & Guy Fitzgerald & Lars Mathiassen - 119-134 The teaching of qualitative research methods in information systems: an explorative study utilizing learning theory
by Robert D Galliers & Jimmy C Huang - 135-146 Pragmatism vs interpretivism in qualitative information systems research
by Göran Goldkuhl - 147-159 The action research vs design science debate: reflections from an intervention in eGovernment
by Nikolaos Papas & Robert M O'Keefe & Philip Seltsikas - 160-175 Improving validity and reliability in longitudinal case study timelines
by Christopher T Street & Kerry W Ward - 176-191 Information systems development as situated socio-technical change: a process approach
by Laurie McLeod & Bill Doolin - 192-206 Reconsidering deconstruction in information systems research
by Mike Chiasson & Elizabeth Davidson
January 2012, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-5 Some considerations for articles introducing new and/or novel quantitative methods to IS researchers
by Wynne W Chin & Iris Junglas & José L Roldán - 6-21 Towards the improved treatment of generalization of knowledge claims in IS research: drawing general conclusions from samples
by Peter B Seddon & Rens Scheepers - 22-48 Conceptualizing models using multidimensional constructs: a review and guidelines for their use
by Greta L Polites & Nicholas Roberts & Jason Thatcher - 49-69 Quantitative approaches to content analysis: identifying conceptual drift across publication outlets
by Marta Indulska & Dirk S Hovorka & Jan Recker - 70-86 Latent Semantic Analysis: five methodological recommendations
by Nicholas Evangelopoulos & Xiaoni Zhang & Victor R Prybutok - 87-98 Designing IS service strategy: an information acceleration approach
by Pierre J Richard & Tim R Coltman & Byron W Keating - 99-112 Analysing quadratic effects of formative constructs by means of variance-based structural equation modelling
by Jörg Henseler & Georg Fassott & Theo K Dijkstra & Bradley Wilson
November 2011, Volume 20, Issue 6
- 625-628 Quality changes
by Ray J Paul - 629-642 Development of an IS change reason–IS change type combinations matrix
by Katharina Krell & Sabine Matook & Fiona Rohde - 643-658 A review and analysis of deterrence theory in the IS security literature: making sense of the disparate findings
by John D'Arcy & Tejaswini Herath - 659-673 Does ethical ideology affect software piracy attitude and behaviour? An empirical investigation of computer users in China
by Ricky Y K Chan & Jennifer W M Lai - 674-690 Building contextual ambidexterity in a software company to improve firm-level coordination
by Nannette P Napier & Lars Mathiassen & Daniel Robey - 691-692 Moderating a discourse on the moderating effects in the study of top management support
by Joe Nandhakumar & Richard Baskerville - 693-702 Assessing moderating effect in meta-analysis: a re-analysis of top management support studies and suggestions for researchers
by Mark I Hwang & Frank L Schmidt - 703-712 Top management support and IS implementation: further support for the moderating role of task interdependence
by Rajeev Sharma & Phillip Yetton - 713-713 Erratum: Coping with rapid information technology change in different national cultures
by Xiang Fang & John ‘Skip’ Benamati & Albert L Lederer
September 2011, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 491-495 Towards a greater diversity in writing styles, argumentative strategies and genre of manuscripts
by Frantz Rowe - 496-509 Inter-organizational information systems adoption – a configuration analysis approach
by Kalle Lyytinen & Jan Damsgaard - 510-528 Decision support or support for situated choice: lessons for system design from effective manual systems
by Reeva Lederman & Robert B Johnston - 529-541 Managing e-Government system implementation: a resource enactment perspective
by Calvin M L Chan & Ray Hackney & Shan L Pan & Tzu-Chuan Chou - 542-559 Is traditional, open-source, or on-demand first choice? Developing an AHP-based framework for the comparison of different software models in office suites selection
by Alexander Benlian - 560-573 Coping with rapid information technology change in different national cultures
by Xiang Fang & John “Skip” Benamati & Albert L Lederer - 574-588 Illusions of control and social domination strategies in knowledge mapping system use
by Aurélie Dudezert & Dorothy E Leidner - 589-607 Opening the black box of system usage: user adaptation to disruptive IT
by Christophe M Elie-Dit-Cosaque & Detmar W Straub - 608-623 Investigating the reliability of second-order formative measurement in information systems research
by Bongsik Shin & Gimun Kim
July 2011, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 375-377 Information design
by Richard Baskerville - 378-394 Focus groups and critical social IS research: how the choice of method can promote emancipation of respondents and researchers
by Bernd Carsten Stahl & Monica Chiarini Tremblay & Cynthia M LeRouge - 395-417 An historically grounded critical analysis of research articles in IS
by François-Xavier de Vaujany & Isabelle Walsh & Nathalie Mitev - 418-421 Special issue on the Kleinian approach to information system research – foreword
by Rudy Hirschheim & Kalle Lyytinen & Michael D Myers - 422-439 The scholarly influence of Heinz Klein: ideational and social measures of his impact on IS research and IS scholars
by Duane Truex & Michael Cuellar & Hirotoshi Takeda & Richard Vidgen - 440-455 Doing critical information systems research – arguments for a critical research methodology
by Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic - 456-476 Is information systems a discipline? Foucauldian and Toulminian insights
by Nik R Hassan - 477-489 Enabling a Kleinian integration of interpretivist and socio-critical IS research: the contribution of Dooyeweerd's philosophy
by Andrew Basden
May 2011, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 251-254 Individual information systems as a research arena
by Richard Baskerville - 255-266 Us and them: a social capital perspective on the relationship between the business and IT departments
by Bart van den Hooff & Maarten de Winter - 267-284 The influence of the informal social learning environment on information privacy policy compliance efficacy and intention
by Merrill Warkentin & Allen C Johnston & Jordan Shropshire - 285-302 Scalable growth in IT-enabled service provisioning: a sensemaking perspective
by Mark O Lewis & Lars Mathiassen & Arun Rai - 303-307 Guest Editorial
by Ahmad Ghoneim & Zahir Irani & Sofiane Sahraoui - 308-328 The digital divide and t-government in the United States: using the technology acceptance model to understand usage
by Janice C Sipior & Burke T Ward & Regina Connolly - 329-342 Priorities, policies and practice of e-government in a developing country context: ICT infrastructure and diffusion in Jamaica
by David H Brown & Sheryl Thompson - 343-357 Online tax payment systems as an emergent aspect of governmental transformation
by Thomas F Stafford & Aykut Hamit Turan - 358-374 Open innovation and public administration: transformational typologies and business model impacts
by Joseph Feller & Patrick Finnegan & Olof Nilsson
March 2011, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 133-138 ‘Hey professor, why are you teaching this class?’ Reflections on the relevance of IS research for undergraduate students
by Elizabeth J Davidson - 139-155 Exploring the impact of instant messaging on subjective task complexity and user satisfaction
by Han Li & Ashish Gupta & Xin Luo & Merrill Warkentin - 156-167 A new perspective on de-individuation via computer-mediated communication
by Russell Haines & Joan Ellen Cheney Mann - 168-185 Outcomes and success factors of enterprise IT architecture management: empirical insight from the international financial services industry
by Christian Schmidt & Peter Buxmann - 186-200 From transactional user to VIP: how organizational and cognitive factors affect ERP assimilation at individual level
by Luning Liu & Yuqiang Feng & Qing Hu & Xiaojian Huang - 201-220 A framework for stakeholder oriented mindfulness: case of RFID implementation at YCH Group, Singapore
by Thompson S H Teo & Shirish C Srivastava & Chandrasekaran Ranganathan & James W K Loo - 221-236 Satisfaction with employee relationship management systems: the impact of usefulness on systems quality perceptions
by Yang Yang & Thomas F Stafford & Mark Gillenson - 237-250 A theory-grounded framework of Open Source Software adoption in SMEs
by Robert D Macredie & Kabiru Mijinyawa
January 2011, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-6 The inflation of academic intellectual capital: the case for design science research in Europe
by Iris Junglas & Björn Niehaves & Sarah Spiekermann & Bernd Carsten Stahl & Tim Weitzel & Robert Winter & Richard Baskerville - 7-10 Memorandum on design-oriented information systems research
by Hubert Österle & Jörg Becker & Ulrich Frank & Thomas Hess & Dimitris Karagiannis & Helmut Krcmar & Peter Loos & Peter Mertens & Andreas Oberweis & Elmar J Sinz - 11-15 A response to the design-oriented information systems research memorandum
by Richard Baskerville & Kalle Lyytinen & Vallabh Sambamurthy & Detmar Straub - 16-33 How do IT capabilities create strategic value? Toward greater integration of insights from reductionistic and holistic approaches
by Lior Fink