September 2020, Volume 29, Issue 5
- 474-499 Orchestrating automation and sharing in DevOps teams: a revelatory case of job satisfaction factors, risk and work conditions
by Aymeric Hemon-Hildgen & Frantz Rowe & Laetitia Monnier-Senicourt - 500-520 Ideological shifts in open source orchestration: examining the influence of licence choice and organisational participation on open source project outcomes
by Poonacha K. Medappa & Shirish C. Srivastava - 521-544 Effects of peers and network position on user participation in a firm-hosted software community: the moderating role of network centrality
by Xiaolei Wang & Terence T. Ow & Luning Liu & Yuqiang Feng & Yuan Liang - 545-562 Contact-tracing apps and alienation in the age of COVID-19
by Frantz Rowe & Ojelanki Ngwenyama & Jean-Loup Richet - 563-584 Virtually in this together – how web-conferencing systems enabled a new virtual togetherness during the COVID-19 crisis
by Janine Hacker & Jan vom Brocke & Joshua Handali & Markus Otto & Johannes Schneider - 585-594 Resilience against crises: COVID-19 and lessons from natural disasters
by Mihoko Sakurai & Hameed Chughtai - 595-607 Containing COVID-19 through physical distancing: the impact of real-time crowding information
by Martin Adam & Dominick Werner & Charlotte Wendt & Alexander Benlian
July 2020, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 323-328 IT-enabled innovation in the public sector: introduction to the special issue
by Raquel Benbunan-Fich & Kevin C. Desouza & Kim Normann Andersen - 329-349 Efficiency creep and shadow innovation: enacting ambidextrous IT Governance in the public sector
by Johan Magnusson & Dina Koutsikouri & Tero Päivärinta - 350-368 Exploring smartness in public sector innovation - creating smart public services with the Internet of Things
by Ott Velsberg & Ulrika H. Westergren & Katrin Jonsson - 369-387 Enabling collaboration and innovation in Denver’s smart city through a living lab: a social capital perspective
by Valerie L. Bartelt & Andrew Urbaczewski & Andrew G. Mueller & Suprateek Sarker - 388-404 Chasing John Snow: data analytics in the COVID-19 era
by Jesse Pietz & Scott McCoy & Joseph H. Wilck - 405-414 Information Technology and the pandemic: a preliminary multinational analysis of the impact of mobile tracking technology on the COVID-19 contagion control
by Andrew Urbaczewski & Young Jin Lee - 415-428 One app to trace them all? Examining app specifications for mass acceptance of contact-tracing apps
by Simon Trang & Manuel Trenz & Welf H. Weiger & Monideepa Tarafdar & Christy M.K. Cheung - 429-442 An affordance perspective of team collaboration and enforced working from home during COVID-19
by Lena Waizenegger & Brad McKenna & Wenjie Cai & Taino Bendz
May 2020, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 203-207 Information systems in the age of pandemics: COVID-19 and beyond
by Pär J Ågerfalk & Kieran Conboy & Michael D Myers - 208-219 Building a complementary agenda for business process management and digital innovation
by Jan Mendling & Brian T. Pentland & Jan Recker - 220-237 Architectural alignment of process innovation and digital infrastructure in a high-tech hospital
by Bendik Bygstad & Egil Øvrelid - 238-259 Digital transformation and the new logics of business process management
by Abayomi Baiyere & Hannu Salmela & Tommi Tapanainen - 260-287 Examining the interplay between big data analytics and contextual factors in driving process innovation capabilities
by Patrick Mikalef & John Krogstie - 288-305 What drives unverified information sharing and cyberchondria during the COVID-19 pandemic?
by Samuli Laato & A. K. M. Najmul Islam & Muhammad Nazrul Islam & Eoin Whelan - 306-321 A multi-level influence model of COVID-19 themed cybercrime
by Rennie Naidoo
March 2020, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 109-113 Artefactual and empirical contributions in information systems research
by Pär J. Ågerfalk & Fredrik Karlsson - 114-133 Feedback at scale: designing for accurate and timely practical digital skills evaluation
by Gabriele Piccoli & Joaquin Rodriguez & Biagio Palese & Marcin Lukasz Bartosiak - 134-152 The impact of control styles and control modes on individual-level outcomes: a first test of the integrated IS project control theory
by Ulrich Remus & Martin Wiener & Carol Saunders & Magnus Mähring - 153-171 Gamifying knowledge sharing in humanitarian organisations: a design science journey
by Adrian Holzer & Bruno Kocher & Samuel Bendahan & Isabelle Vonèche Cardia & Jorge Mazuze & Denis Gillet - 172-189 The complementarity of autonomy and control in mobile work
by Amanda J. Porter & Bart van den Hooff - 190-202 Detection of early warning signals for overruns in IS projects: linguistic analysis of business case language
by Nick Benschop & Cokky A. R. Hilhorst & Arno L. P. Nuijten & Mark Keil
January 2020, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-8 Artificial intelligence as digital agency
by Pär J. Ågerfalk - 9-24 Advancing a NeuroIS research agenda with four areas of societal contributions
by Jan vom Brocke & Alan Hevner & Pierre Majorique Léger & Peter Walla & René Riedl - 25-43 IT value creation in public sector: how IT-enabled capabilities mitigate tradeoffs in public organisations
by Jie Mein Goh & Alvaro E. Arenas - 44-64 Conceptualisation and validation of system use reduction as a self-regulatory IS use behaviour
by Babajide Osatuyi & Ofir Turel - 65-83 Building on shaky foundations? Lack of falsification and knowledge contestation in IS theories, methods, and practices
by Antti Salovaara & Bikesh Raj Upreti & Jussi Ilmari Nykänen & Jani Merikivi - 84-108 IT-based reminders for medication adherence: systematic review, taxonomy, framework and research directions
by Neetu Singh & Upkar Varshney
November 2019, Volume 28, Issue 6
- 591-611 Impact of IT offerings strategies and IT integration capability on IT vendor value creation
by Federica Ceci & Andrea Masini & Andrea Prencipe - 612-626 Information technology and innovation outcomes: is knowledge recombination the missing link?
by John Qi Dong & Chia-Han Yang - 627-645 Governmental intervention in Hospital Information Exchange (HIE) diffusion: a quasi-experimental ARIMA interrupted time series analysis of monthly HIE patient penetration rates
by David Gefen & Ofir Ben-Assuli & Mark Stehr & Bruce Rosen & Yaron Denekamp - 646-662 IT-leveraged network value cocreation: a case study of the value cocreation process and value capture in the South Korean broadcast advertising industry
by Jongwoo Kim & Sunyoung Cho & Balasubramaniam Ramesh - 663-680 How quickly do we learn conceptual models?
by Palash Bera & Geert Poels - 681-693 The case for classes and instances - a response to representing instances: the case for reengineering conceptual modelling grammars
by Owen Eriksson & Paul Johannesson & Maria Bergholtz
September 2019, Volume 28, Issue 5
- 473-495 How long can this party last? What the rise and fall of OR/MS can teach us about the future of business analytics
by Robert F. Otondo - 496-522 Technostress and the hierarchical levels of personality: a two-wave study with multiple data samples
by Christian Maier & Sven Laumer & Jakob Wirth & Tim Weitzel - 523-548 A critical perspective of engagement in online health communities
by Inkyoung Hur & Karlene C. Cousins & Bernd Carsten Stahl - 549-565 Creating “informating” systems using Agile development practices: an action research study
by Nanda Chingleput Surendra & Salman Nazir - 566-589 Abductive innovations in information security policy development: an ethnographic study
by Marko Niemimaa & Elina Niemimaa
July 2019, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 355-369 Information as a difference: toward a subjective theory of information
by Earl H. McKinney & Charles J. Yoos - 370-393 Assessing the long-term fragmentation of information systems research with a longitudinal multi-network analysis
by Gohar Feroz Khan & Matthias Trier - 394-412 Are social bots a real threat? An agent-based model of the spiral of silence to analyse the impact of manipulative actors in social networks
by Björn Ross & Laura Pilz & Benjamin Cabrera & Florian Brachten & German Neubaum & Stefan Stieglitz - 413-438 Enabling service co-production: a theory-building case study
by Audrey Grace & Rob Gleasure & Patrick Finnegan & Tom Butler - 439-456 A multilevel investigation on antecedents for employees’ exploration of enterprise systems
by Zeyu Peng & Xitong Guo - 457-472 Exploring the impact of IS function maturity and IS planning process on IS planning success: an ACE analysis
by Tomoaki Shimada & James Ang Soo-Keng & Darren Ee
May 2019, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 233-255 A generic cloud migration process model
by Mahdi Fahmideh & Farhad Daneshgar & Fethi Rabhi & Ghassan Beydoun - 256-271 An affordance lens for wearable information systems
by Raquel Benbunan-Fich - 272-290 Arousal, valence, and volume: how the influence of online review characteristics differs with respect to utilitarian and hedonic products
by Jie Ren & Jeffrey V. Nickerson - 291-317 Determinants and heterogeneity of switching costs in IT outsourcing: estimates from firm-level data
by Christian Peukert - 318-335 Designed entrepreneurial legitimacy: the case of a Swedish crowdfunding platform
by Claire Ingram Bogusz & Robin Teigland & Emmanuelle Vaast - 336-354 How does online interactional unfairness matter for patient–doctor relationship quality in online health consultation? The contingencies of professional seniority and disease severity
by Xiaofei Zhang & Xitong Guo & Kee-hung Lai & Wu Yi
March 2019, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 119-125 Being Promethean
by Kieran Conboy - 126-148 Understanding the role of social networking sites in the subjective well-being of users: a diary study
by Helena Wenninger & Hanna Krasnova & Peter Buxmann - 149-172 The paradoxical effects of digital artefacts on innovation practices
by Raffaele Fabio Ciriello & Alexander Richter & Gerhard Schwabe - 173-204 Social media empowerment in social movements: power activation and power accrual in digital activism
by Carmen Leong & Shan L. Pan & Shamshul Bahri & Ali Fauzi - 205-232 Critical review of organisation-technology sensemaking: towards technology materiality, discovery, and action
by Mostafa Mesgari & Chitu Okoli
January 2019, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-5 Stimulating academic discourse: a call for response
by Pär J. Ågerfalk - 6-20 An elaborated action design research process model
by Matthew T. Mullarkey & Alan R. Hevner & Pär Ågerfalk - 21-25 Elaborating ADR while drifting away from its essence: A commentary on Mullarkey and Hevner
by Maung K. Sein & Matti Rossi - 26-42 A study of information systems issues, practices, and leadership in Europe
by Leon Kappelman & Vess Johnson & Russell Torres & Chris Maurer & Ephraim McLean - 43-67 Directions for research on gender imbalance in the IT profession
by Elena Gorbacheva & Jenine Beekhuyzen & Jan vom Brocke & Jörg Becker - 68-90 Representing instances: the case for reengineering conceptual modelling grammars
by Roman Lukyanenko & Jeffrey Parsons & Binny M. Samuel - 91-113 A nomological network of customers’ privacy perceptions: linking artifact design to shopping efficiency
by Hartmut Hoehle & John A. Aloysius & Soheil Goodarzi & Viswanath Venkatesh - 114-118 Thanks to Reviewers
by The Editors
November 2018, Volume 27, Issue 6
- 623-628 Taking on sacred cows: openness, fair critique, and retaining value when revising classics
by Frantz Rowe & M. Lynne Markus - 629-653 Opinion seeking in a social network-enabled product review website: a study of word-of-mouth in the era of digital social networks
by Camille Grange & Izak Benbasat - 654-669 Feedback, task performance, and interface preferences
by Steven Bellman & Kyle B. Murray - 670-685 Designing an Internet-of-Things (IoT) and sensor-based in-home monitoring system for assisting diabetes patients: iterative learning from two case studies
by Samir Chatterjee & Jongbok Byun & Kaushik Dutta & Rasmus Ulslev Pedersen & Akshay Pottathil & Harry (Qi) Xie - 686-711 Population targeted requirements acquisition
by Tuure Tuunanen & Ken Peffers
September 2018, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 503-550 Transparency in literature reviews: an assessment of reporting practices across review types and genres in top IS journals
by Mathieu Templier & Guy Paré - 551-569 The effects of relative and criticism-based performance appraisals on task-level escalation in an IT project: a laboratory experiment
by Jong Seok Lee & Mark Keil - 570-599 “How does tech make you feel?” a review and examination of negative affective responses to technology use
by David Agogo & Traci J. Hess - 600-621 Understanding social networking site (SNS) identity from a dual systems perspective: an investigation of the dark side of SNS use
by Greta L. Polites & Christina Serrano & Jason Bennett Thatcher & Kevin Matthews
July 2018, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 395-414 User response to mandatory IT use: a coping theory perspective
by Anol Bhattacherjee & Christopher J. Davis & Amy J. Connolly & Neset Hikmet & Frantz Rowe & Régis Meissonier - 415-433 Stakeholders’ enactment of competing logics in IT governance: polarization, compromise or synthesis?
by Albert Boonstra & U. Yeliz Eseryel & Marjolein A. G. van Offenbeek & Frantz Rowe & Régis Meissonier - 434-448 Reversed loss aversion in crowdsourcing contest
by Haichao Zheng & Bo Xu & Linna Hao & Zhangxi Lin & Dov Te'Eni & Evangelos Katsamakas - 449-469 Disaggregation of the IT capital effects on firm performance: Empirical evidence from an IT asset portfolio perspective
by Tae Hun Kim & Matt Wimble & Vallabh Sambamurthy & Frantz Rowe & Jason Thatcher - 470-485 The insider on the outside: a novel system for the detection of information leakers in social networks
by Giuseppe Cascavilla & Mauro Conti & David G. Schwartz & Inbal Yahav - 486-502 Conceptualizing business-to-thing interactions – A sociomaterial perspective on the Internet of Things
by Anna Maria Oberländer & Maximilian Röglinger & Michael Rosemann & Alexandra Kees & Pär Ågerfalk & Virpi Tuunainen
May 2018, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 263-277 Philosophy and information systems: where are we and where should we go?
by Nik Rushdi Hassan & John Mingers & Bernd Stahl - 278-294 The IT artifact and its spirit: a nexus of human values, affordances, symbolic expressions, and IT features
by Mustapha Cheikh-Ammar & Nik Rushdi Hassan & John Mingers & Bernd Stah - 295-314 What’s in a face? Making sense of tangible information systems in terms of Peircean semiotics
by Paul Beynon-Davies & Nik Rushdi Hassan & John Mingers & Bernd Stahl - 315-325 A critical realist script for creative theorising in information systems
by Clay K. Williams & Donald E. Wynn & Nik Rushdi Hassan & John Mingers & Bernd Stahl - 326-346 From sovereign IT governance to liberal IT governmentality? A Foucauldian analogy
by Aurélie Leclercq-Vandelannoitte & Emmanuel Bertin - 347-366 Phronesis, argumentation and puzzle solving in IS research: illustrating an approach to phronetic IS research practice
by Ojelanki Ngwenyama & Stefan Klein & Nik Rushdi Hassan & John Mingers & Bernd Stahl - 367-379 Philosophical foundations for informing the future(S) through IS research
by Mike Chiasson & Elizabeth Davidson & Jenifer Winter & Nik Rushdi Hassan & John Mingers & Bernd Stahl - 380-393 Being critical is good, but better with philosophy! From digital transformation and values to the future of IS research
by Frantz Rowe
March 2018, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 127-128 Whither design science research?
by Pär J. Ågerfalk - 129-139 Design science research genres: introduction to the special issue on exemplars and criteria for applicable design science research
by Ken Peffers & Tuure Tuunanen & Björn Niehaves - 140-153 Aesthetics in design science research
by Richard L. Baskerville & Mala Kaul & Veda C. Storey & Ken Peffers & Tuure Tuunanen & Björn Niehaves - 154-170 Considering the social impacts of artefacts in information systems design science research
by Gerard De Leoz & Stacie Petter & Ken Peffers & Tuure Tuunanen & Bjoern Niehaves - 171-188 Design and evaluation of a model-driven decision support system for repurposing electric vehicle batteries
by Benjamin Klör & Markus Monhof & Daniel Beverungen & Sebastian Bräuer & Bjoern Niehaves & Tuure Tuunanen & Ken Peffers - 189-206 ERP prototype with built-in task and process support
by Tamara Babaian & Jennifer Xu & Wendy Lucas & Ken Peffers & Tuure Tuunanen & Björn Niehaves - 207-220 Modeling interferences in information systems design for cyberphysical systems: Insights from a smart grid application
by Tobias Brandt & Stefan Feuerriegel & Dirk Neumann & Ken Peffers & Tuure Tuunanen & Björn Niehaves & Anders Hjalmarsson - 221-247 Design principles for sensemaking support systems in environmental sustainability transformations
by Stefan Seidel & Leona Chandra Kruse & Nadine Székely & Michael Gau & Daniel Stieger & Ken Peffers & Tuure Tuunanen & Björn Niehaves & Kalle Lyytinen - 248-261 An information system design theory for the comparative judgement of competences
by Tanguy Coenen & Liesje Coertjens & Peter Vlerick & Marije Lesterhuis & Anneleen Viona Mortier & Vincent Donche & Pieter Ballon & Sven De Maeyer & Ken Peffers & Tuure Tuunanen & Bjoern Niehaves
January 2018, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-2 Going through changes
by Pär J. Ågerfalk - 3-21 Knowledge exchange roles and EKR performance impact: extending the theory of knowledge reuse
by Nicole Forsgren & Rajiv Sabherwal & Alexandra Durcikova & Frantz Rowe & Andrew Hardin - 22-45 Intention–behaviour misalignment at B2C websites: when the horse brings itself to water, will it drink?
by Greta L. Polites & Elena Karahanna & Larry Seligman & Pär Ågerfalk & Iris Junglas - 46-61 Adding background music as new stimuli of interest to information systems research
by David Gefen & René Riedl & Dov Te’eni & Ryad Titah - 62-89 Online health communities: how do community members build the trust required to adopt information and form close relationships?
by Hanmei Fan & Reeva Lederman & Frantz Rowe & Sabine Matook - 90-123 Assessing the robustness of meta-analytic results in information systems: publication bias and outliers
by Sven Kepes & Manoj A. Thomas & Frantz Rowe & Mark Silver - 124-126 Thanks to Reviewers
by The Editors
November 2017, Volume 26, Issue 6
- 541-545 Stimulating dialog between information systems research and practice
by Dov Te’eni & Stefan Seidel & Jan vom Brocke - 546-563 Why security and privacy research lies at the centre of the information systems (IS) artefact: proposing a bold research agenda
by Paul Benjamin Lowry & Tamara Dinev & Robert Willison - 564-584 Which phish get caught? An exploratory study of individuals′ susceptibility to phishing
by Gregory D. Moody & Dennis F. Galletta & Brian Kimball Dunn - 585-604 Taking stock of organisations’ protection of privacy: categorising and assessing threats to personally identifiable information in the USA
by Clay Posey & Uzma Raja & Robert E. Crossler & A. J. Burns - 605-641 Organizational information security policies: a review and research framework
by W. Alec Cram & Jeffrey G. Proudfoot & John D’Arcy - 642-660 Antecedents and outcomes of information privacy concerns in a peer context: An exploratory study
by Zafer D. Ozdemir & H. Jeff Smith & John H. Benamati - 661-687 An empirical study on the susceptibility to social engineering in social networking sites: the case of Facebook
by Abdullah Algarni & Yue Xu & Taizan Chan - 688-715 Adverse consequences of access to individuals’ information: an analysis of perceptions and the scope of organisational influence
by Sabrina Karwatzki & Manuel Trenz & Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen & Daniel Veit
September 2017, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 451-468 Service robots in hospitals: new perspectives on niche evolution and technology affordances
by Tobias Mettler & Michaela Sprenger & Robert Winter - 469-488 Balancing exploration and exploitation of IT resources: the influence of Digital Business Intensity on perceived organizational performance
by Joseph K. Nwankpa & Pratim Datta - 489-508 Impact of executive compensation on the execution of IT-based environmental strategies under competition
by Ricky Y. K. Chan & Katherine H. Y. Ma - 509-539 The role of context in IT assimilation: A multi-method study of a SaaS platform in the US nonprofit sector
by Ryan T. Wright & Nicholas Roberts & David Wilson
July 2017, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 333-360 Information quality, user satisfaction, and the manifestation of workarounds: a qualitative and quantitative study of enterprise content management system users
by Sven Laumer & Christian Maier & Tim Weitzel - 361-378 The funeral industry and the Internet: on the historical emergence and destabilization of strategic paths
by Matthias Wenzel & Heinz-Theo Wagner & Jochen Koch - 379-413 It’s complicated: explaining the relationship between trust, distrust, and ambivalence in online transaction relationships using polynomial regression analysis and response surface analysis
by Gregory D. Moody & Paul Benjamin Lowry & Dennis F. Galletta - 414-431 Online product review as an indicator of users’ degree of innovativeness and product adoption time: a longitudinal analysis of text reviews
by Roozmehr Safi & Yang Yu - 432-450 Constraint-based and dedication-based mechanisms for encouraging online self-disclosure: Is personalization the only thing that matters?
by Hung-pin Shih & Kee-hung Lai & T. C. E. Cheng
May 2017, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 237-239 Digital natives and immigrant editors, and special issues
by Dov Te’eni - 240-247 Alternative genres in information systems research
by Michel Avital & Lars Mathiassen & Ulrike Schultze - 248-259 The limits to language in doing systems design
by Richard J. Boland & Kalle Lyytinen - 260-273 A narrative approach to publishing information systems research: inspiration from the French New Novel tradition
by David Avison & Julien Malaurent & Philippe Eynaud - 274-286 “What else is there…?”: reporting meditations in experiential computing
by Mads Bødker - 287-297 A half-moon on my skin: a memoir on life with an activity tracker
by Elpida Prasopoulou - 298-314 Once upon a time: Crafting allegories to analyze and share the cultural complexity of strategic alignment
by Michelle Lynn Kaarst-Brown - 315-332 Crowdsourcing of information systems research
by James Love & Rudy Hirschheim
March 2017, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 121-142 The concept of mindfulness in information systems research: a multi-dimensional analysis
by Sabine Dernbecher & Roman Beck - 143-163 The public procurement of information systems: dialectics in requirements specification
by Carl Erik Moe & Mike Newman & Maung Kyaw Sein - 164-184 Variable use of standards-based IOS enabling technologies in Australian SMEs: an examination of deliberate and emergent decision making processes
by Damien Power & Richard L. Gruner - 185-205 Interorganizational dependence, information transparency in interorganizational information systems, and supply chain performance
by Bangho Cho & Sung Yul Ryoo & Kyung Kyu Kim - 206-235 Conflicts and complements between eastern cultures and agile methods: an empirical investigation
by Balasubramaniam Ramesh & Lan Cao & Jongwoo Kim & Kannan Mohan & Tabitha L. James
January 2017, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-20 Information systems security policy implementation in practice: from best practices to situated practices
by Elina Niemimaa & Marko Niemimaa - 21-36 Mixed results in strategic IT alignment research: a synthesis and empirical study
by Magno Queiroz - 37-65 Examining the intended and unintended consequences of organisational privacy safeguards
by Rachida Parks & Heng Xu & Chao-Hsien Chu & Paul Benjamin Lowry - 66-83 Useful business cases: value creation in IS projects
by Peter Axel Nielsen & John Stouby Persson - 84-115 Supporting the design of data integration requirements during the development of data warehouses: a communication theory-based approach
by Christoph Rosenkranz & Roland Holten & Marc Räkers & Wolf Behrmann - 116-120 Thanks to Reviewers
by The Editors
November 2016, Volume 25, Issue 6
- 473-476 Contextualization and problematization, gamification and affordance: a traveler’s reflections on EJIS
by Dov Te’eni - 477-492 Triggered essential reviewing: the effect of technology affordances on service experience evaluations
by Gabriele Piccoli - 493-508 Contextualizing the twin concepts of systematicity and transparency in information systems literature reviews
by Guy Paré & Mary Tate & David Johnstone & Spyros Kitsiou - 509-533 Fragmentation or cohesion? Visualizing the process and consequences of information system diversity, 1993–2012
by Yong Liu & Hongxiu Li & Jorge Goncalves & Vassilis Kostakos & Bei Xiao - 534-552 Collaborative partner or opponent: How the messenger influences the deaf effect in IT projects
by Arno Nuijten & Mark Keil & Harry Commandeur - 553-568 Alignment in an inter-organisational network: the case of ARC transistance
by Bernhard R Katzy & Gordon Sung & Kevin Crowston
September 2016, Volume 25, Issue 5
- 391-410 The impact of media on how positive, negative, and neutral communicated affect influence unilateral concessions during negotiations
by Norman A Johnson & Randolph B Cooper & Richard D Holowczak - 411-431 An empirical analysis of the factors and measures of Enterprise Architecture Management success
by Matthias Lange & Jan Mendling & Jan Recker - 432-447 Untangling the complex role of guilt in rational decisions to discontinue the use of a hedonic Information System
by Ofir Turel - 448-464 A process explanation of the effects of institutional distance between parties in outsourced information systems development projects
by Gregory Vial & Suzanne Rivard - 465-471 Four common multicommunicating misconceptions
by Ann-Frances Cameron & Jane Webster & Henri Barki & Ana Ortiz de Guinea
July 2016, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 289-302 Utilizing big data analytics for information systems research: challenges, promises and guidelines
by Oliver Müller & Iris Junglas & Jan vom Brocke & Stefan Debortoli - 303-316 The inner and the outer model in explanatory design theory: the case of designing electronic feedback systems
by Bjoern Niehaves & Kevin Ortbach - 317-343 Work routines as an object of resistance during information systems implementations: theoretical foundation and empirical evidence
by Sven Laumer & Christian Maier & Andreas Eckhardt & Tim Weitzel - 344-363 Identity metamorphoses in digital disruption: a relational theory of identity
by Anastasia Utesheva & Jason R Simpson & Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic - 364-390 How users perceive and respond to security messages: a NeuroIS research agenda and empirical study
by Bonnie Brinton Anderson & Anthony Vance & C Brock Kirwan & David Eargle & Jeffrey L Jenkins
May 2016, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 187-208 Measuring eGovernment success: a public value approach
by Murray Scott & William DeLone & William Golden - 209-230 Achieving dynamic capabilities with cloud computing: an empirical investigation
by Douglas A Battleson & Barry C West & Jongwoo Kim & Balasubramaniam Ramesh & Pamela S Robinson - 231-251 Dispositional and situational factors: influences on information security policy violations
by Allen C Johnston & Merrill Warkentin & Maranda McBride & Lemuria Carter - 252-273 Web assurance seal services, trust and consumers’ concerns: an investigation of e-commerce transaction intentions across two nations
by Dan J Kim & Myung-Seong Yim & Vijayan Sugumaran & H Raghav Rao - 274-287 Why different trust relationships matter for information systems users
by Matthias Söllner & Axel Hoffmann & Jan Marco Leimeister
March 2016, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 91-109 Factors influencing the intention to comply with data protection regulations in hospitals: based on gender differences in behaviour and deterrence
by Michael Foth - 110-130 Representing small business web presence content: the web presence pyramid model
by Stephen Burgess - 131-153 Effectiveness of top management support in enterprise systems success: a contingency perspective of fit between leadership style and system life-cycle
by Zhen Shao & Yuqiang Feng & Qing Hu - 154-169 Mindful revolution or mindless trend? Examining agile development as a management fashion
by W Alec Cram & Sue Newell - 170-186 Handle mergers and acquisitions with care: the fragility of trust between the IT-service provider and end-users
by Susan A Brown & Anne P Massey & Kerry W Ward
January 2016, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-15 Twenty years of the European information systems academy at ECIS: emergent trends and research topics
by Mari-Klara Stein & Robert D Galliers & Edgar A Whitley - 16-28 Economic decision criteria for the migration to cloud storage
by Maurizio Naldi & Loretta Mastroeni - 29-46 How to get the most from a business intelligence application during the post implementation phase? Deep structure transformation at a U.K. retail bank
by Alena Audzeyeva & Robert Hudson - 47-63 Understanding champion behaviour in a health-care information system development project – how multiple champions and champion behaviours build a coherent whole
by Joeri van Laere & Lena Aggestam - 64-76 Transforming healthcare: policy discourses of IT and patient-centred care
by Ela Klecun - 77-89 FEDS: a Framework for Evaluation in Design Science Research
by John Venable & Jan Pries-Heje & Richard Baskerville
November 2015, Volume 24, Issue 6
- 559-568 Publishing and getting published in EJIS: marshaling contributions for a diversity of genres
by Dov Te'eni & Frantz Rowe & Pär J Ågerfalk & Jong Seok Lee - 569-587 The effective promotion of informal control in information systems offshoring projects
by Martin Wiener & Ulrich Remus & Jakob Heumann & Magnus Mähring - 588-606 Personal information management effectiveness of knowledge workers: conceptual development and empirical validation
by Yujong Hwang & William J Kettinger & Mun Y Yi - 607-623 The impact of decision support system features on user overconfidence and risky behavior
by Chi-Wen Chen & Marios Koufaris - 624-644 The role of privacy assurance mechanisms in building trust and the moderating role of privacy concern
by Gaurav Bansal & Fatemeh ‘Mariam’ Zahedi & David Gefen - 645-663 Flexible generification: ICT standardization strategies and service innovation in health care
by Ole Hanseth & Bendik Bygstad - 664-679 Theoretical perspectives in IS research: from variance and process to conceptual latitude and conceptual fit
by Andrew Burton-Jones & Ephraim R McLean & Emmanuel Monod
September 2015, Volume 24, Issue 5
- 447-464 Giving too much social support: social overload on social networking sites
by Christian Maier & Sven Laumer & Andreas Eckhardt & Tim Weitzel - 465-491 Six types of IT-business strategic alignment: an investigation of the constructs and their measurement
by Jennifer E Gerow & Jason Bennett Thatcher & Varun Grover - 492-518 Time and information technology in teams: a review of empirical research and future research directions
by Zixing Shen & Kalle Lyytinen & Youngjin Yoo - 519-530 Determinants of software piracy under risk aversion: a model with empirical evidence
by Ahmed Driouchi & Mingzhu Wang & Tarik Driouchi - 531-557 Using quantitative data in mixed-design grounded theory studies: an enhanced path to formal grounded theory in information systems
by Isabelle Walsh
July 2015, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 361-363 Current issue and future submissions, contextualized
by Dov Te'eni - 364-373 A unified model of IT continuance: three complementary perspectives and crossover effects
by Anol Bhattacherjee & Chieh-Peng Lin - 374-390 Five-factor model personality traits as predictors of perceived and actual usage of technology
by Tim Barnett & Allison W Pearson & Rodney Pearson & Franz W Kellermanns - 391-410 The effect of online social value on satisfaction and continued use of social media
by Tao Hu & William J Kettinger & Robin S Poston - 411-430 Examining the antecedents of user gratification and its effects on individuals’ social network services usage: the moderating role of habit
by Chao-Min Chiu & Hsin-Yi Huang - 431-446 Quitting the use of a habituated hedonic information system: a theoretical model and empirical examination of Facebook users
by Ofir Turel
May 2015, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 229-233 Cross-cultural IS research: perspectives from Eastern and Western traditions
by Merrill Warkentin & Brigitte Charles-Pauvers & Patrick Y K Chau - 234-246 The realignment of offshoring frame disputes (OFD): an ethnographic ‘cultural’ analysis
by M N Ravishankar - 247-261 Toward a theory of perceived benefits, affective commitment, and continuance intention in social virtual worlds: cultural values (indulgence and individualism) matter
by Zhongyun Zhou & Xiao-Ling Jin & Yulin Fang & Doug Vogel