2003, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 151-159 Representing Reality: The Critical Realism Project
by Sandra Harding - 161-169 Theorizing Ontology
by Tony Lawson
2002, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 1-19 "All Decisions Are Top-Down:" Engendering Public Expenditure in Vietnam
by A. Haroon Akram-Lodhi - 21-53 Revisiting Gender Variation in Training
by Patricia Simpson & Linda Stroh - 55-75 Poverty Naturalized: Implications for Gender
by Paul Shaffer - 77-97 Gender-Based Advantage: A Model of Emerging and Constructed Opportunities
by Scott Steele - 99-111 Assessing the Impact of Religion on Gender Status
by Jennifer Olmsted
2002, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 3-17 The Complexities and Potential of Theorizing Gender, Caste, Race, and Class
by Rose Brewer & Cecilia Conrad & Mary King - 19-35 Assets versus Autonomy? The Changing Face of the Gender-Caste Overlap in India
by Ashwini Deshpande - 37-61 Neither Mothers Nor Breadwinners: African-American Women's Exclusion From US Minimum Wage Policies, 1912-1938
by Ellen Mutari & Marilyn Power & Deborah Figart - 63-85 Race, Gender, and Familial Status: Discrimination in One US Mortgage Lending Market
by Judith Robinson - 87-113 Race, Affirmative Action, and Women's Employment in US Highway Construction
by Vivian Price - 115-124 Has the Race Penalty for Black Women Disappeared in the United States?
by Marlene Kim - 125-144 Native-Born Filipina/o Americans and Labor Market Discrimination
by Linus Yamane - 145-161 Racialization and the US Latina Experience: Economic Implications
by Margaret Villanueva - 163-181 The Dynamics of a Racialized, Gendered, Ethnicized, and Economically Stratified Society: Understanding the Socio-Economic Status of Women in Zimbabwe
by Otrude Moyo & Saliwe Kawewe - 183-190 Gender, Class, and Caste Schisms in Affirmative Action Policies: The Curious Case of India's Women's Reservation Bill
by Sakuntala Narasimhan - 191-197 Constructing Social Citizenship: The Exclusion of African American Women from Unemployment Insurance in the US
by Vicky Lovell - 199-208 Is Racial Exclusion Gendered? The Role of Residential Segregation in the Employment Status of Black Women and Men in the US
by Niki Dickerson
2002, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-24 Social Capital, Microfinance, and the Politics of Development
by Katherine Rankin - 25-47 Budgeting for Equality: The Australian Experience
by Rhonda Sharp & Ray Broomhill - 49-70 Making Visible the Hidden Economy: The Case for Gender-Impact Analysis of Economic Policy
by Susan Himmelweit - 71-99 Gender Roles and Labor Use Strategies: Women's Part-Time Work in the European Union
by Kea Tijdens - 101-116 Irma Adelman: A Pioneer in the Expansion of Economics
by Shoshana Grossbard-Shechtman & Regenia Gagnier
2001, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 1-31 Time on the Job and Time with Their Kids: Cultures of Teaching and Parenthood in the US
by Robert Drago - 33-69 The Future European Labor Supply: The Critical Role of the Family
by Jill Rubery & Mark Smith & Dominique Anxo & Lennart Flood - 71-101 "Never Intended to be a Theory Of Everything": Domestic Labor in Neoclassical and Marxian Economics
by Therese Jefferson & John King - 103-130 The New Home Economics at Colombia and Chicago
by Shoshana Grossbard-Shechtman
2001, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-21 Time as a Source of Inequality Within Marriage: Are Husbands More Satisfied With Time for Themselves than Wives?
by Shelley Phipps & Peter Burton & Lars Osberg - 23-52 Implicit Wage Theories in Equal Pay Debates in the United States
by Ellen Mutari & Deborah Figart & Marilyn Power - 53-76 Will Deregulating the Labor Market in Australia Improve the Employment COnditions of Women?
by Glenda Strachan & John Burgess - 77-89 Economics Standards and Lists: Proposed Antidotes for Feminist Economists
by Geoff Schneider & Jean Shackelford - 91-103 Moving Beyond the Masculine Neoclassical Classroom
by Margaret Lewis & Kimmarie McGoldrick - 105-120 "Thank God . . . I Thought for a Moment You Were Going to Confess to Converting to Socialism!": Gender and Identity in Deirdre McCLoskey's Crossing
by Kimberley Christensen
2001, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 5-23 Poverty Within Households: Measuring Gender Differences Using Nonmonetary Indicators
by Sara Cantillon & Brian Nolan - 25-44 To Honor and Obey: Efficiency, Inequality, and Patriarchal Property Rights
by Elissa Braunstein & Nancy Folbre - 45-62 Checkmating the Consumer: Passive Consumption and the Economic Devaluation of Culture
by Amy Koritz & Douglas Koritz - 63-78 Sex Differentials in Earnings in the South Korean Labor Market
by Elizabeth Monk-Turner & Charlie Turner - 79-96 Saint-Simonian Feminism
by Evelyn Forget - 97-118 Rethinking Work and Income Maintenance Policy: Promoting Gender Equality Through a Citizens' Basic Income
by Ailsa McKay - 119-135 Welfare-to-Work, Farewell to Families? US Welfare Reform and Work/Family Debates
by Randy Albelda
2000, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 1-26 Mature Export-Led Growth and Gender Wage Inequality in Taiwan
by Gunseli Berik - 7-18 Introduction: Globalization and Gender
by Lourdes BenerIa & Maria Floro & Caren Grown & Martha MacDonald - 27-58 Accounting for Gender in Asian Economic Growth
by Stephanie Seguino - 59-79 Making Labor Flexible: The Recomposition of Tijuana's Maquiladora Female Labor Force
by Elizabeth Fussell - 81-103 The Asian Crisis, Gender, and the International Financial Architecture
by Nahid Aslanbeigui & Gale Summerfield - 105-122 India's New Economic Policy of 1991 and its Impact on Women's Poverty and AIDS
by Ushma Upadhyay - 123-142 Globalization and Home-Based Workers
by Marilyn Carr & Martha Alter Chen & Jane Tate
2000, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-21 Degrees of Connection: A Critique of Rawls's Theory of Mutual Disinterest
by Frances Woolley - 7-8 Bringing Justice to Economic Analysis
by Diana Strassmann - 23-39 Children and Theories of Social Justice
by Hilde Bojer - 41-75 Measuring Socio-Economic GENDER Inequality: Toward an Alternative to the UNDP Gender-Related Development Index
by A. Geske Dijkstra & Lucia Hanmer - 77-96 On the Need for Gender in Dynamic Models
by Cristina Echevarria & Karine Moe - 97-114 Employers' Estimates of Market Wages: Implications for Wage Discrimination in the U.S
by Marlene Kim - 115-119 Women, Ecology and Economics, edited by Ellie Perkins
by Linda Lucas - 119-121 African Women: A Modern History, by Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch
by Consolata Kabonesa - 121-127 Women in the Labor Market (Volumes I and II), edited by Marianne A. Ferber
by Deborah Figart - 127-129 Women's Figures: An Illustrated Guide to the Economic Progress of Women in America, by Diana Furchtgott-Roth and Christine Stolba
by Marianne Ferber - 130-132 Introducing Race and Gender into Economics, edited by Robin L. Bartlett
by Mary King - 132-135 Latinas and African American Women at Work: Race, Gender, and Economic Inequality, edited by Irene Browne
by Mary King - 136-139 Social Science in Question, by Mark J. Smith
by Wendy Olsen - 139-144 Gender and Economics: A European Perspective, edited by A. Geske Dijkstra and Janneke Plantenga
by Kristin Dale - 144-148 Adam Smith's Daughters: Eight Prominent Women Economists from the Eighteenth Century to the Present, by Bette Polkinghorn and Dorothy Lampen Thomson
by Ellen Russell - 149-153 Justice Interruptus: Critical Reflections on the “Postsocialist” Condition, by Nancy Fraser
by Donna Baines - 153-157 Economics, Ethics, and Public Policy, edited by Charles K. Wilber
by Wilfred Dolfsma
2000, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-3 Introduction - Children and Family Policy: a Feminist Issue
by Nancy Folbre & Susan Himmelweit - 5-20 From Foster Mothers to Child Care Centers: A History of Working Mothers and Child Care in Sweden
by Anita Nyberg - 21-44 Family Policy in Germany: A Feminist Dilemma?
by Eileen Trzcinski - 45-57 Women, Families, and Work in Spain: Structural Changes and New Demands
by Cristina Carrasco & Arantxa RodrIguez - 59-76 Working Time as Gendered Time
by Carmen Sirianni & Cynthia Negrey - 77-88 Subsidizing Child Care by Mothers at Home
by Barbara Bergmann - 89-94 Changing Women's Lives: Child Care Policy in Ireland
by Jo Murphy-Lawless - 95-103 The Effect of Child Care Subsidies: A Critique of the Rosen Model
by Iulie Aslaksen & Charlotte Koren & Marianne Stokstad - 105-114 Care, Paid Work, and Leisure: Rounding the Triangle
by Diane Perrons - 115-123 The Other Economy: A Suggestion for a Distinctively Feminist Economics
by Susan Donath - 125-134 Children as Economic Agents
by Deborah Levison
1999, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 1-26 A Woman's Field Is Made At Night: Gendered Land Rights And Norms In Burkina Faso
by Michael Kevane & Leslie Gray - 7-8 Editorial: Feminist Reconstructions of Economics: They've Arrived!
by Diana Strassmann - 27-42 Parenthood Without Penalty: Time Use And Public Policy In Australia And Finland
by Michael Bittman - 43-59 Of Markets And Martyrs: Is It OK To Pay Well For Care?
by Julie Nelson - 61-83 Globalization, Gender And The Davos Man
by Lourdes Beneria - 85-106 All In The Family: Family, Income, And Labor Force Attachment
by Janet Netz & Jon Haveman - 107-126 Minnie Throop England On Crises And Cycles: A Neglected Early Macroeconomist
by Robert Dimand - 127-133 The Case For Strategic Realism: A Response To Lawson
by Sandra Harding - 135-142 Guidelines For Pre-College Economics Education: A Critique
by Marianne Ferber
1999, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-24 Culture and Gender In Household Economies: The Case of Jamaican Child Support Payments
by Brenda Wyss - 7-8 Editorial: Women's Reality and Well-Being
by Diana Strassmann - 25-59 Feminism, Realism, and Universalism
by Tony Lawson - 61-78 Patriarchal Monopoly and Economic Development
by Dipankar Purkayastha - 79-82 Introduction: Quality of Life Indicators
by Iulie Aslaksen & Ane Flaatten & Charlotte Koren - 83-89 Economics, Ecology, and Quality of Life: Who Evaluates?
by Sabine O'Hara - 91-93 Quality of Life and the Anthropological Perspective
by Richard Wilk - 95-98 Comparing Lives
by Fredrik Barth - 99-103 What Does Feminization of Poverty Mean? It Isn't Just Lack of Income
by Sakiko Fukuda-Parr - 105-108 Towards a Gendered Human Poverty Measure
by Elizabeth Durbin - 109-114 From the Ground Up: Quality of Life Indicators and Sustainable Community Development
by Susan Wismer - 115-118 Subjective Approach oo Quality of Life
by Siri Naess - 119-123 Reflections on Twenty-Five Years of Quality-of-Life Research
by Alex Michalos - 125-132 Structural Economics and the Quality of Life
by Faye Duchin & Anushree Sinha - 133-137 Contributions Feminist Economics Can Make to the Quality of Life Movement
by Patrice Flynn
1999, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-28 Looking at Economies as Gendered Structures: An Application to Central America
by Jasmine Gideon - 9-9 Robert Eisner 1922-1998 In Memoriam
by Barbara Bergmann - 29-44 Toward A Feminist Pedagogy In Economics
by April Laskey Aerni & Robin Bartlett & Margaret Lewis & Kim Marie Mcgoldrick & Jean Shackelford - 45-60 Women's Agency In Classical Economic Thought: Adam Smith, Harriet Taylor Mill, And J. S. Mill
by Ronald Bodkin - 61-78 Parasitic-Industries Analysis and Arguments for a Living Wage for Women in the Early Twentieth-Century United States
by Marilyn Power - 79-82 Explorations on Using the Web for Teaching - Introduction: How Might On-Line Networks Change Teaching?
by Kim Sosin - 83-86 Developing Critical Thinking by Using the Web in a Principles of Macroeconomics Course
by KimMarie McGoldrick - 87-90 Assessing the Strengths and Limits of Websites: The Webform in Action
by Jean Shackelford - 91-93 Web Accessories for Introductory Economics at the University of Massachusetts
by Nancy Folbre
1998, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 1-1 Introduction: This One's For You, Barbara
by Myra Strober - 3-4 Barbara Bergmann: Scholar, Mentor and Activist
by Marianne Ferber - 5-6 Interview with Barbara Bergmann
by Elizabeth Strober - 7-28 Remedying "Unfair Acts": U.S. Pay Equity by Race and Gender
by Jane Lapidus & Deborah Figart - 29-71 Continuing Progress? Trends in Occupational Segregation in the United States over the 1970s and 1980s
by Francine Blau & Patricia Simpson & Deborah Anderson - 73-95 Revisiting Occupational Crowding in the United States: A Preliminary Study
by Karen Gibson & William Darity & Samuel Myers - 97-127 Husbands, Wives, and Housework: Graduates of Stanford and Tokyo Universities
by Myra Strober & Agnes Miling Kaneko Chan - 129-142 Basic Needs Budgets Revisited: Does the U.S. Consumer Price Index Overestimate the Changes in the Cost of Living for Low-Income Families?
by Trudi Renwick - 143-144 Lessons Learned from Barbara
by Franco Modigliani - 145-158 Decapitating the U.S. Census Bureau's "Head of Household": Feminist Mobilization in the 1970s
by Harriet Presser - 159-168 Barbara, the Market, and the State
by Nancy Folbre - 169-180 The Economic Emergence of Women: Bergmann's Six Commitments
by Heidi Hartmann - 181-186 Simulating Barbara
by Deirdre McCloskey - 187-191 Of Chicken Entrails, Anthropology, and a Realistic Social Science
by Peter Riach & Judith Rich
1998, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 1-24 Economics Without Money; Sex Without Gender: A Critique of Philipson and Posner's "Private Choices and Public Health: The AIDS Epidemic in an Economic Perspective"
by Kimberly Christensen - 8-9 Editorial: Towards a More Accountable Economics
by Diana Strassmann - 25-45 Unions and Gender Pay Equity in Academe: A Study of U.S. Institutions
by Kim Sosin & Janet Rives & Janet West - 49-54 Explorations - Introduction: Towards Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Perspectives in Economics: Why and How They May Make a Difference
by M.V. Lee Badgett & Prue Hyman - 55-59 Why Aren't More Economists Doing Research on Sexual Orientation?
by Marieka Klawitter - 61-64 Uncovering a Quantitative Economic History of Gays and Lesbians in the United States
by Kyle Kauffman - 65-72 Including Gays and Lesbians in the Economic Curriculum
by Perry Patterson - 73-82 A Primer on Queer Theory for Economists Interested in Social Identities
by Richard Cornwall - 83-88 Some Comments on the Role of Lesbianism in Feminist Economic Transformation
by Julie Matthaei - 89-95 Sexual Orientation and Labor Economics
by Cara Brown - 97-106 Political Economy and the Construction of Gender: The Example of Housework Within Same-Sex Households
by Lisa Giddings - 107-109 Family Webs: A Study of Extended Families in the Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Community
by Nancy Rose & Lynn Bravewomon - 111-116 Some Readings Related to Lesbian and Gay Economics: An Annotated Bibliography
by M. V. Lee Badgett
1998, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-25 Gender and Social Security Policy: Pitfalls and Possibilities
by Martha MacDonald - 27-49 Rational Choice and the Price of Marriage
by Robert Cherry - 51-52 Symposium: Equal Opportunities and Employment Change in West European Economies
by Irene Bruegel & Jane Humphries - 53-69 Equal Opportunity between Men and Women: The Case of France
by Jacqueline Laufer - 71-101 National Working-Time Regimes and Equal Opportunities
by Jill Rubery & Mark Smith & Colette Fagan - 103-125 Deregulation and Women's Employment: The Diverse Experiences of Women in Britain
by Irene Bruegel & Diane Perrons
1997, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 1-24 Suckling and Silence in the USA: The Costs and Benefits of Breastfeeding
by Judith Galtry - 7-8 In Memorium: Michele Pujol
by Janet Seiz & Diana Strassmann - 25-46 The Intra-Household Economics of Voice and Exit
by Elizabeth Katz - 47-68 The First World/Third Party Criterion: A Feminist Critique of Production Boundaries in Economics
by Cynthia Wood - 69-86 Some Reflections on the Spatial Dimensions of Occupational Segregation
by Barbara Burnell
1997, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 1-27 Recreating ''Domestic Service'': Institutional Cultures and the Evolution of Paid Household Work
by Gabrielle Meagher - 7-8 Editorial: Expanding the Methodological Boundaries of Economics
by Diana Strassmann - 29-61 Lone Mothers and Paid Work - Rational Economic Man or Gendered Moral Rationalities?
by Simon Duncan & Rosalind Edwards - 63-98 Contested Needs: Shifting the Standpoint on Rural Economic Development
by Nancy Naples - 99-117 Poor Women Survey Poor Women: Feminist Perspectives in Survey Research
by Marlene Kim - 119-120 Explorations - Introduction: Broadening Economic Data and Methods
by Michele Pujol - 121-125 The Need for Crossing the Method Boundaries in Economics Research
by Gunseli Berik - 127-130 What Data Do Economists Use? The Case of Labor Economics and Industrial Relations
by Joyce Jacobsen & Andrew Newman - 131-135 Focus Groups: Contributing to a Gender-Aware Methodology
by Irene van Staveren - 137-139 Can Feminist Methodology Reduce Power Hierarchies in Research Settings?
by Simel Esim - 141-151 Telling Palestinian Women's Economic Stories
by Jennifer Olmsted
1997, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-51 ''Bargaining'' and Gender Relations: Within and Beyond the Household
by Bina Agarwal - 7-8 Editorial: Power, Voice, and Economic Debate
by Diana Strassmann - 53-64 Institutional Demand-Side Discrimination Against Women and the Human Capital Model
by David Colander & Joanna Wayland Woos - 65-83 Student Attitudes Toward Roles of Women and Men: Is the Egalitarian Household Imminent?
by Marianne Ferber & Lauren Young - 85-94 Government Support for Families with Children in the United States and France
by Barbara Bergmann - 95-111 The Market for Virtue: Jean-Baptiste Say on Women in the Economy and Society
by Evelyn Forget - 113-120 Argument and Community in the Markets Debate
by Barbara Hopkins - 121-126 Not Only Gender: More on Debating Markets
by Douglas Orr - 127-129 If You Can't Stand the Heat..
by Lisa Saunders - 131-142 Competition/Cooperation: Revisiting the May 1994 Femecon Debates
by Roxane Harvey Gudeman & Stephen Gudeman - 143-149 Why Mainstream Economists Should Take Heed
by Jeff Madrick - 151-177 A Modest Proposal for Inclusion of Women's Household Human Capital Production in Analysis of Structural Transformation
by Kathleen Cloud & Nancy Garrett
1996, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 1-16 Margaret Gilpin Reid: A Manitoba home economist goes to Chicago1
by Evelyn Forget - 11-12 Introduction: For Margaret, With Thanks
by Nancy Folbre - 17-36 Margaret G. Reid: Life and achievements
by Yun-Ae Yi - 37-64 Counting outputs, capital inputs and caring labor: Estimating gross household product
by Duncan Ironmonger - 65-80 Unpaid household work and the distribution of extended income: The Norwegian experience
by Iulie Aslaksen & Charlotte Koren - 81-91 An estimation of time and commodity intensity in unpaid household production in Norway
by Iulie Aslaksen & Trude Fagerli & Hanne Gravningsmyhr - 93-119 A modest proposal for inclusion of women's household human capital production in analysis of structural transformation
by Kathleen Cloud & Nancy Garrett - 121-121 Introduction
by Nancy Folbre & Michele Pujol - 123-124 Generate and disseminate! The U.N. platform for action
by Joann Vanek - 129-133 Scenarios for a redistribution of unpaid work in the Netherlands
by Marga Bruyn-Hundt - 137-138 Of milk and coca-cola
by Meena Acharya - 139-142 Thou shalt not live by statistics alone, but it might help
by Lourdes Beneria - 143-144 Measure it to make it count
by Robert Eisner - 145-148 The valuation of unpaid work at statistics Canada
by Chris Jackson - 149-152 Priorities for research on nonmarket work
by Duncan Ironmonger - 153-175 Book reviews
by Michele Pujol & Nicky Pouw & Deborah Redman & Mary Ann Dimand
1996, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 1-39 Gender, market and community on femecon in May and June 1994
by Roxane Harvey Gudeman & Stephen Gudeman - 7-8 International Diversity in Feminist Economics
by Diana Strassmann - 41-61 Sex discrimination in Indian labor markets
by Malathy Duraisamy & P. Duraisamy - 63-86 Gender analysis of family planning: Beyond the feminist vs. population control debate
by Ines Smyth - 87-105 “You are not excused from cooking”: Peasants and the gender division of labor in Pakistan
by A. Haroon Akram-Lodhi - 107-127 Women's employment patterns during the U.S. inter-war period: A comparison of two states
by Ellen Mutari - 129-135 The prevalence of gender topics in U.S. economics journals
by Yana van der Meulen Rodgers - 137-140 Love and money: A comment on the markets debate
by Deirdre McCloskey - 141-143 Book reviews
by Barbara Bergmann
1996, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-21 Gender and cooperative behavior: economic man rides alone
by Stephanie Seguino & Thomas Stevens & Mark Lutz - 22-42 Why feminist, Marxist, and anti-racist economists should be feminist-Marxist-anti-racist economists
by Julie Matthaei - 43-66 Household services and economic growth in the United States, 1870-1930
by Barnet Wagman & Nancy Folbre