1996, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 67-68 Introduction: Interrogating markets/interrogating gender
by Diana Strassmann - 69-85 Debating markets
by Peter Dorman & Nancy Folbre & Donald McCloskey & Tom Weisskopf - 86-89 Where has all the gender gone?
by Lynn Duggan & Jennifer Olmsted - 90-93 Taking gender to market
by Richard Wilk - 94-97 A paradigm of our own
by Susan Feiner - 98-113 “Debating Markets”: a rhetorical analysis of economic discourse
by Linda Robertson - 114-120 Getting the better of Becker
by Frances Woolley - 121-129 On being an equal opportunity hire: a personal reminiscence
by Margaret Coleman - 130-132 On being an equal opportunity journal
by Livia Polanyi - 133-144 Book reviews
by Julie Nelson & Drucilla Barker & Peter Bell & Barbara Bergmann
1995, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 1-25 Women's well-being, poverty, and work intensity
by Maria Sagrario Floro - 26-39 Economists, social reformers, and prophets: a feminist critique of economic efficiency
by Drucilla Barker - 40-59 Race, class, and occupational mobility: black and white women in service work in the united states
by Marilyn Power & Sam Rosenberg - 60-81 A gender analysis of U.S. labor market policies for the working poor
by Deborah Figart & June Lapidus - 82-95 Gender earnings inequality in the service and manufacturing industries in the U.S
by Michael Greene & Emily Hoffnar - 96-109 On work and idleness
by Regenia Gagnier & John Dupre - 110-118 Epistemology and the tasks of feminist economics
by Janet Seiz - 119-124 The discreet charm of the bourgeoisie
by Donald McCloskey - 125-127 Bon Voyage: navigating through the contemporary epistemological landscape
by Sandra Harding - 128-153 Book reviews
by Rhonda Sharp & Susan Donath & Elaine McCrate & Eiman Zein-Elabdin & Ann Davis & Joan Combs
1995, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 1-19 The discovery of “unpaid work”: the social consequences of the expansion of “work”
by Susan Himmelweit - 7-8 Critical Exchanges
by Diana Strassmann - 21-46 Women's education and economic well-being
by M. Anne Hill & Elizabeth King - 47-58 Teen pregnancy: government programs are not the cause
by Rebecca Blank - 59-62 Opening questions
by Colleen Lamos - 63-65 The last of the modernists?
by M. V. Lee Badgett - 67-79 Gender and economics; Islam and Polygamy - a question of causality
by Sondra Hale - 81-83 Introduction: The welfare reform debate you wish would happen
by Randy Albelda - 85-89 A welfare reform based on help for working parents
by Barbara Bergmann & Heidi Hartmann - 91-94 Thoughts on the help for working parents plan
by Linda Gordon - 95-98 Wage work, family work, and welfare politics
by Gwendolyn Mink - 99-104 Why can't we care for our own children?
by Betty Reid Mandell - 105-108 The help for working parents plan: some potentials and problems
by Robert Haveman - 109-119 Get real! Look to the future, not the past
by Heidi Hartmann & Barbara Bergmann - 121-146 Book reviews
by Frances Woolley & Lourdes Beneria & Lois Yachetta & Mary Young & Cheryl Doss
1995, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-5 Creating a forum for feminist economic inquiry
by Diana Strassmann - 7-32 Can feminist thought make economics more objective?
by Sandra Harding - 33-52 Robinson Crusoe: The quintessential economic man?
by Ulla Grapard - 53-72 What difference does gender make? Rethinking peasant studies
by Carmen Diana Deere - 73-92 "Holding hands at midnight": The paradox of caring labor
by Nancy Folbre - 93-119 Child care centers as workplaces
by Myra Strober & Suzanne Gerlach-Downie & Kenneth Yeager - 121-139 Gender, sexuality, and sexual orientation: All in the feminist family?
by M. V. Lee Badgett - 141-150 Becker's theory of the family: Preposterous conclusions
by Barbara Bergmann - 151-174 Social/institutional variables and behavior within households: An empirical test using the Luxembourg income study
by Shelley Phipps & Peter Burton - 175-194 Restacking the deck: Family policy and women's fall-back position in Germany before and after unification
by Lynn Duggan - 195-195 Introduction
by Barbara Bergmann - 197-205 Do young women trade jobs for marriage? A skeptical view
by Myra Strober - 207-214 Do not sell marriage short: Reply to strober
by Shoshana Grossbard-Shechtman - 215-245 Book reviews
by Deborah Figart & Ellen Mutari & Miehe Meurs & Janice Peterson & Zohreh Emami & Anita Chaudhuri & Janet Tanski