October 2014, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 58-86 Patriarchy versus Islam: Gender and Religion in Economic Growth
by Elissa Braunstein - 87-112 The Influence of Patriarchal Norms, Institutions, and Household Composition on Women's Employment in Twenty-Eight Muslim-Majority Countries
by Niels Spierings - 113-137 Unilateral Divorce for Women and Labor Supply in the Middle East and North Africa: The Effect of Khul Reform
by Lena Hassani-Nezhad & Anna Sjögren - 138-163 Diverging Stories of “Missing Women” in South Asia: Is Son Preference Weakening in Bangladesh?
by Naila Kabeer & Lopita Huq & Simeen Mahmud - 164-186 Funding Pain: Bedouin Women and Political Economy in the Naqab/Negev
by Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian & Antonina Griecci Woodsum & Himmat Zu'bi & Rachel Busbridge - 187-211 Peace in the Household: Gender, Agency, and Villagers' Measures of Marital Quality in Bangladesh
by Fauzia Erfan Ahmed - 212-234 "Just Like Prophet Mohammad Preached": Labor, Piety, and Charity in Contemporary Turkey
by Damla Isik - 235-259 Entrepreneurial Subjectivities and Gendered Complexities: Neoliberal Citizenship in Turkey
by Özlem Altan-Olcay - 260-280 Choice and Constraint in paid work: Women from low-income households in Tehran
by Roksana Bahramitash & Jennifer C. Olmsted - 281-305 Agency through Development: Hausa Women's NGOs and CBOs in Kano, Nigeria
by Adryan Wallace
July 2014, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 1-24 Cultural Values or Universal Rights? Women's Narratives of Compliance and Contestation in Urban Afghanistan
by Naila Kabeer & Ayesha Khan - 25-52 The Gender Gap in Financial Security: What We Know and Don't Know about Australian Households
by Siobhan Austen & Therese Jefferson & Rachel Ong - 53-77 "Fishing Na Everybody Business": Women's Work and Gender Relations in Sierra Leone's Fisheries
by Andy Thorpe & Nicky Pouw & Andrew Baio & Ranita Sandi & Ernest Tom Ndomahina & Thomas Lebbie - 78-102 Caste, Kinship, and Life Course: Rethinking Women's Work and Agency in Rural South India
by Nitya Rao - 103-135 Women's Autonomy and Subjective Well-Being: How Gender Norms Shape the Impact of Self-Help Groups in Odisha, India
by Thomas de Hoop & Luuk van Kempen & Rik Linssen & Anouka van Eerdewijk - 136-162 Firm Performance and Women on the Board: Evidence from Spanish Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
by Juan Francisco Martín-Ugedo & Antonio Minguez-Vera - 163-190 A Dynamic Gender Analysis of Spain's Pension Reforms of 2011
by Patricia Peinado - 191-209 Gender Employment Disparities, Financialization, and Profitability Dynamics on the Eve of Italy's Post-2008 Crisis
by Alice Tescari & Andrea Vaona
April 2014, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 1-28 Double Trouble: US Low-Wage and Low-Income Workers, 1979-2011
by Randy Albelda & Michael Carr - 29-64 The Institutional Basis of Gender Inequality: The Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI)
by Boris Branisa & Stephan Klasen & Maria Ziegler & Denis Drechsler & Johannes Jütting - 65-89 Counting Care Work in Social Policy: Valuing Unpaid Child- and Eldercare in Korea
by Jayoung Yoon - 90-121 Gender Differences in Italian Children's Capabilities
by Tindara Addabbo & Maria Laura Di Tommaso & Anna Maccagnan - 122-144 The Impact of Changing Family Structures on the Income Distribution among Costa Rican Women 1993-2009
by Maximilian Kasy & Alvaro Ramos-Chaves - 145-149 Economic Policy and Human Rights: Holding Governments to Account
by Elissa Braunstein - 149-150 Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead
by Myra H. Strober - 150-153 Microfinance and Its Discontents: Women in Debt in Bangladesh
by Alicia Girón
January 2014, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-23 Land, Gender, and Food Security
by Cheryl Doss & Gale Summerfield & Dzodzi Tsikata - 24-51 Transnational Land Deals and Gender Equality: Utilitarian and Human Rights Approaches
by Poul Wisborg - 52-75 Land Grabs, Power, and Gender in East and Southern Africa: So, What's New?
by Ritu Verma - 76-100 Who Owns the Land? Perspectives from Rural Ugandans and Implications for Large-Scale Land Acquisitions
by Cheryl Doss & Ruth Meinzen-Dick & Allan Bomuhangi - 101-129 Small and Productive: Kenyan Women and Crop Choice
by Mwangi wa Gĩthĩnji & Charalampos Konstantinidis & Andrew Barenberg - 130-154 Land Tenure Insecurity and Formalizing Land Rights in Madagascar: A Gender Perspective on the Certification Program
by Marit Widman - 155-177 Can the Law Secure Women's Rights to Land in Africa? Revisiting Tensions Between Culture and Land Commercialization
by Lyn Ossome - 178-201 Women and Land Deals in Africa and Asia: Weighing the Implications and Changing the Game
by Elizabeth Daley & Sabine Pallas - 202-226 When a Good Business Model is Not Enough: Land Transactions and Gendered Livelihood Prospects in Rural Ghana
by Dzodzi Tsikata & Joseph Awetori Yaro - 227-248 Coercive Harmony in Land Acquisition: The Gendered Impact of Corporate "Responsibility" in the Brazilian Amazon
by Noemi Miyasaka Porro & Joaquim Shiraishi Neto
October 2013, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 1-24 Expenditure Incidence Analysis: A Gender-Responsive Budgeting Tool for Educational Expenditure in Timor-Leste?
by Siobhan Austen & Monica Costa & Rhonda Sharp & Diane Elson - 25-47 Cooperative Conflicts and Gender Relations: Experimental Evidence from Southeast Uganda
by Cecile Jackson - 48-75 The Impact of Gender Quotas on Votes for Women Candidates: Evidence from Italy
by Genny Bonomi & Giorgio Brosio & Maria Laura Di Tommaso - 76-109 Labor Market Regimes, Family Policies, and Women's Behavior in the EU
by Christine Erhel & Mathilde Guergoat-Larivière - 110-135 Diversity among Norwegian Boards of Directors: Does a Quota for Women Improve Firm Performance?
by Harald Dale-Olsen & Pål Schøne & Mette Verner - 136-159 Gender Inequality in the Spanish Public Pension System
by María Jesús Vara - 160-180 Women's Economic Participation on the Eve of Industrialization: Bizkaia, Spain, 1825
by Pilar Pérez-Fuentes - 181-199 Women's Labor Participation Rates in the Kingdom of Castilla in the Eighteenth Century
by Ricardo Hernández - 200-223 Reconsidering Women's Labor Force Participation Rates in Eighteenth-Century Turin
by Beatrice Zucca Micheletto - 224-242 Revisiting Women's Labor Force Participation in Catalonia (1920--36)
by Cristina Borderías
July 2013, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 1-1 Foreword
by Diana Strassmann & Günseli Berik - 2-3 Marianne A. Ferber 1923--2013: In Memoriam
by Gale Summerfield - 4-31 Critical Perspectives on Financial and Economic Crises: Heterodox Macroeconomics Meets Feminist Economics
by Sakiko Fukuda-Parr & James Heintz & Stephanie Seguino - 32-54 Global Financial Governance and Development Finance in the Wake of the 2008 Financial Crisis
by Ilene Grabel - 55-81 Austerity Measures in Developing Countries: Public Expenditure Trends and the Risks to Children and Women
by Isabel Ortiz & Matthew Cummins - 82-107 Economic Crisis, Gender Equality, and Policy Responses in Spain and Canada
by Kathleen A. Lahey & Paloma de Villota - 108-123 Economic Recession and Recovery in the UK: What's Gender Got to Do with It?
by Ailsa McKay & Jim Campbell & Emily Thomson & Susanne Ross - 124-151 Race, Gender, Power, and the US Subprime Mortgage and Foreclosure Crisis: A Meso Analysis
by Gary Dymski & Jesus Hernandez & Lisa Mohanty - 152-180 Financialization, the Great Recession, and the Stratification of the US Labor Market
by Philip Arestis & Aurélie Charles & Giuseppe Fontana - 181-207 Estimating the Impact of the 2008--09 Economic Crisis on Work Time in Turkey
by Seçil A. Kaya Bahçe & Emel Memis - 208-237 Time Allocation of Married Mothers and Fathers in Hard Times: The 2007--09 US Recession
by Günseli Berik & Ebru Kongar - 238-266 Impact of the Global Financial Crisis in Rural China: Gender, Off-farm Employment, and Wages
by Huayong Zhi & Zhurong Huang & Jikun Huang & Scott D. Rozelle & Andrew D. Mason - 267-288 Gender Dimensions of the Global Economic and Financial Crisis in Central America and the Dominican Republic
by Alma Espino
April 2013, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 1-32 A Critical Assessment of the UNDP’s Gender Inequality Index
by Iñaki Permanyer - 33-68 Does Gender Affect Mortgage Choice? Evidence from the US
by Chau Do & Irina Paley - 69-99 Gender and Poverty Risk in Europe
by Elena Bárcena-Martín & Ana I. Moro-Egido - 100-121 Reciprocity in Caring Labor: Nurses’ Work in Residential Aged Care in Australia
by Valerie Adams & Rhonda Sharp - 122-143 Socioeconomic Effects on the Stature of Nineteenth-Century US Women
by Scott Alan Carson - 144-148 The Idea of Justice
by Sine Bağatur
January 2013, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-28 Women's Empowerment and Gender Bias in the Birth and Survival of Girls in Urban India
by Sucharita Sinha Mukherjee - 29-53 Negotiating Domestic Labor: Women's Earnings and Housework Time in Australia
by Janeen Baxter & Belinda Hewitt - 54-75 An End to Job Mobility on the Sales Floor: The Impact of Department Store Cost Cutting on African-American Women, 1970--2000
by Katrinell M. Davis - 76-110 Border Enforcement and Selection of Mexican Immigrants in the United States
by Fernando A. Lozano & Mary J. Lopez - 111-136 Exploring “Underachievement” Among Highly Educated Young British-Bangladeshi Women
by James Niven & Alessandra Faggian & Kanchana N. Ruwanpura-super-1 - 137-141 Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty
by Nora Lustig - 141-145 Gender Inequalities, Households, and the Production of Well-Being in Modern Europe
by Genevieve LeBaron
October 2012, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 1-24 Do Australian Teenagers Work? Why We Should Care
by Pavla Miller - 25-37 Creating a Space where Gender Matters: Elinor Ostrom (1933-2012) talks with Ann Mari May and Gale Summerfield
by Ann Mari May & Gale Summerfield - 39-67 Off the Record: Reconstructing Women's Labor Force Participation in the European Past
by Jane Humphries & Carmen Sarasúa - 69-96 Reconsidering The “Firstmale-Breadwinner Economy”: Women's Labor Force Participation in the Netherlands, 1600--1900
by Ariadne Schmidt & Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk - 97-119 Occupational, Marital, and Life-Cycle Determinants of Women's Labor Force Participation in Mid Nineteenth-Century Rural France
by George Grantham - 121-144 Women in the Rural and Industrial Labor Force in Nineteenth-Century Spain
by Luisa Muñoz Abeledo - 145-164 ‘‘Isn't it time you were finishing?’’: Women's Labor Force Participation and Childbearing in England, 1860--1920
by Paul Atkinson
July 2012, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 1-24 Who's the Boss? The Political Economy of Unpaid Care Work and Food Sharing in Brooklyn, USA
by Tamara Mose Brown - 25-54 Indirect Taxation and Gender Equity: Evidence from South Africa
by Daniela Maria Casale - 55-80 Caregiving Patterns in Rural Andean Colombia
by Greta Friedemann-Sánchez - 81-108 Are Women More Likely to be Credit Constrained? Evidence from Low-Income Urban Households in the Philippines
by Hazel Jean L. Malapit - 109-140 Maternal Healthcare in Tajikistan: A Bargaining Framework
by Mieke Meurs & Lisa A. Giddings - 141-143 Review of Gender and Green Governance: The Political Economy of Women's Presence Within and Beyond Community Forestry , by Bina Agarwal. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. 496 pp. ISBN-13: 9780199569687 (hbk.). US $120.00
by Ruth Meinzen-Dick & Devaki Jain & Maria Laura Di Tommaso - 144-146 Review of Social Income and Insecurity: A Study in Gujarat , by Guy Standing, Jeemol Unni, Renana Jhabvala, Uma Rani. New York: Routledge, 2010. 216 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0-415-58574-3 (hbk.). US$95.00
by Devaki Jain - 146-150 Women, Work, and Politics: The Political Economy of Gender Inequality , by Torben Iversen and Frances Rosenbluth. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010. 224 pp. ISBN-13: 9780300153101 (hbk.). US$35.00
by Maria Laura Di Tommaso
May 2012, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 201-229 Gender and Remittances: Evidence from Germany
by Elke Holst & Andrea Schäfer & Mechthild Schrooten
June 2012, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 91-123 Occupational Segregation of Immigrant Women in Spain
by Coral del Río & Olga Alonso-Villar
April 2012, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 1-33 Gender and International Migration: Globalization, Development, and Governance
by Lourdes Benería & Carmen Diana Deere & Naila Kabeer - 35-61 Management Versus Rights: Women's Migration and Global Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean
by Tanya Basok & Nicola Piper - 63-90 Temporary International Labor Migration and Development in South and Southeast Asia
by Stuart Rosewarne - 125-148 Starting Over Again? Crisis, Gender, and Social Reproduction among Ecuadorian Migrants in Spain
by Gioconda Herrera - 149-175 Who Cares? Gender, Reproduction, and Care Chains of Burmese Migrant Workers in Thailand
by Ruth Pearson & Kyoko Kusakabe - 177-200 Political Economy of Cross-Border Marriage: Economic Development and Social Reproduction in Korea
by Hyunok Lee - 231-263 Understanding Human Trafficking Origin: A Cross-Country Empirical Analysis
by Smriti Rao & Christina Presenti - 265-290 Emergency Frames: Gender Violence and Immigration Status in Spain
by Marta Pérez - 291-315 Policy Gaps and Theory Gaps: Women And Migrant Domestic Labor
by Meryl Altman & Kerry Pannell
January 2012, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-37 Why so Few Women in the Labor Market in Turkey?
by İpek İlkkaracan - 39-72 Flexibility for Whom? Control over Work Schedule Variability in the US
by Elaine McCrate - 73-97 Absent from Work? The Impact of Household and Work Conditions in Germany
by Miriam Beblo & Renate Ortlieb - 99-134 Skilled Immigrant Women in the US and the Double Earnings Penalty
by Mary J. Lopez - 135-160 Gender and Social Preferences in the US: An Experimental Study
by Linda Kamas & Anne Preston - 161-188 Gender and Educational Attainment Across Generations in Austria
by Pirmin Fessler & Alyssa Schneebaum - 189-193 Rural Social Movements in Latin America: Organizing for Sustainable Livelihoods , edited by Carmen Diana Deere and Frederick S. Royce. Gainsville: University Press of Florida, 2009. 376 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0-8130-3332-7 (hbk.). US$75.00
by Kirsten Appendini - 193-197 Trading Stories: Experiences with Gender and Trade , by Mariama Williams and Marilyn Carr. London: Commonweath Secretariat, 2010. 200 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0850928730 (pbk.). US$33.00
by Shaianne T. Osterreich
October 2011, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 5-31 Embedding Care and Unpaid Work in Macroeconomic Modeling: A Structuralist Approach
by Elissa Braunstein & Irene van Staveren & Daniele Tavani - 189-214 Time Binds: US Antipoverty Policies, Poverty, and the Well-Being of Single Mothers
by Randy Albelda
2011, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 1-34 Gender and Life Satisfaction in the UK
by Marina Della Giusta & Sarah Louise Jewell & Uma Kambhampati - 35-69 A Feminist Comparative Economic Systems
by Barbara Hopkins & Lynn Duggan - 71-102 Does Hiring Discrimination Cause Gender Segregation in the Swedish Labor Market?
by Magnus Carlsson - 103-131 Migrant Women, Care Work, and Women's Employment in Greece
by Antigone Lyberaki - 133-157 How do Labor Unions Influence the Gender Earnings Gap? A Comparative Study of the US and Korea
by Donghun Cho & Joonmo Cho - 159-195 Gender Differences in Time Use over the Life Course in France, Italy, Sweden, and the US
by Dominique Anxo & Letizia Mencarini & Ariane Pailhe & Anne Solaz & Maria Letizia Tanturri & Lennart Flood - 197-199 When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the Present, by Gail Collins. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2009. 480 pp. ISBN-13 978-0-316-05954-1 (hbk.). US$27.99
by Barbara Bergmann - 199-203 Social Justice and Gender Equality: Rethinking Development Strategies and Macroeconomic Policies, edited by Gunseli Berik, Yana van der Meulen Rodgers, and Ann Zammit. New York: Routledge, 2008. 256 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0-415-95651-2 (hbk.). US$105.00
by Ghazal Zulfiqar - 203-207 Feminism Seduced: How Global Elites Use Women's Labor and Ideas to Exploit Women, by Hester Eisenstein. Boulder, CO: Paradigm, 2009. 272 pp. ISBN-13: 978-1-59451-659-7 (hbk.). US$89.00; ISBN-13: 978-1-59451-660-3 (pbk.). US$26.95
by Lourdes Beneria - 207-210 When Gay People Get Married: What Happens When Societies Legalize Same-Sex Marriage, by M. V. Lee Badgett. New York: New York University Press, 2009. 288 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0-8147-9114-1 (hbk.). US$35.00
by Karine Moe - 210-213 Striking a Balance: Work, Family, Life, by Robert W. Drago. Boston: Dollars and Sense, 2007. 183 pp. ISBN-13: 978-1878585622 (pbk.). US$18.95
by Lynn Duggan - 214-217 Glass Ceilings and 100-Hour Couples: What the Opt-Out Phenomenon Can Teach Us About Work and Family, by Karine Moe and Dianna Shandy. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2010. 215 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0-8203-3404-2 (pbk.). US$19.95
by Lucie Schmidt - 217-221 How Do We Spend Our Time? Evidence from the American Time Use Survey, edited by Jean Kimmel. Kalamazoo, MI: W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2008. 186 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0-88099-337-1 (pbk.). US$15.00
by Suzanne Bianchi
2011, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 1-29 Multiplying Themselves: Women Cosmetics Sellers in Ecuador
by Erynn Masi de Casanova - 31-61 Gender and Network Formation in Rural Nicaragua: A Village case study
by Ben D'Exelle & Nathalie Holvoet - 63-85 Lights and Shadows of Household Satellite Accounts: The case of Catalonia, Spain
by Cristina Carrasco & Monica Serrano - 87-119 The Fertility and Women's Labor Force Participation puzzle in OECD Countries: The Role of Men's Home Production
by Joost de Laat & Almudena Sevilla-Sanz - 121-144 Does Informal Eldercare Impede Women's Employment? The Case of European Welfare States
by Andreas Kotsadam - 145-147 The Gender Impact of Social Security Reform, by Estelle James, Alejandra Cox Edwards, and Rebeca Wong. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008. 216 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0-226-39200-4 (hbk.). US$35.00
by Barbara Bergmann - 148-152 Taxation and Gender Equity: A Comparative Analysis of Direct and Indirect Taxes in Developing and Developed Countries, edited by Caren Grown and Imraan Valodia. New York: Routledge, 2010. 352 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0-415-49262-1 (hbk.). US$140.00
by Frances Woolley - 152-155 Gender, Ethnicity and Employment: Non-English Speaking Background Migrant Women in Australia, by Rowshan Haque and M. Ohidul Haque. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag, 2008. 220 pp. ISBN-13 978-3-7908-1999-1 (hbk.). US$119.00
by Cordelia Reimers - 155-160 Gender and Well-Being in Europe: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, edited by Bernard Harris, Lina Galvez, and Helena Machado. Surrey, UK: Ashgate, 2009. 298 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0-7546-7264-7 (hbk.). US$99.95
by Ailsa McKay - 160-164 Gender and Agrarian Reforms, by Susie Jacobs. New York: Routledge, 2009. 256 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0-415-37648-8 (hbk.). US$120.00
by Susana Lastarria-Cornhiel - 165-168 Sciences From Below: Feminism, Postcolonialities, and Modernities, by Sandra Harding. Chapel Hill, NC: Duke University Press, 2008. 296 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0-8223-4259-5 (hbk.). US$84.95; ISBN-13: 978-0-8223-4282-3 (pbk.). US$23.95
by Suzanne Bergeron
January 2011, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-30 Reforming the Gender-Related Development Index and the Gender Empowerment Measure: Implementing Some Specific Proposals
by Stephan Klasen & Dana Sch�ler - 31-58 Gender Equity and Prostitution: An Investigation of Attitudes in Norway and Sweden
by Niklas Jakobsson & Andreas Kotsadam - 59-87 Does Gender Influence the Provision of Fringe Benefits? Evidence From Vietnamese SMEs
by John Rand & Finn Tarp - 89-117 Women's Sexual Orientation and Labor Market Outcomes in Greece
by Nick Drydakis - 119-150 Gender Differences in Childcare: Time Allocation in Five European Countries
by Inmaculada García-Mainar & José Alberto Molina & Víctor M. Montuenga - 151-158 The Gender Gap in Citations: Does It Persist?
by Marianne A. Ferber & Michael Brün - 159-163 Greed, Lust and Gender: A History of Economic Ideas
by Sakuntala Narasimhan - 163-166 Empowering Migrant Women: Why Agency and Rights are Not Enough
by Linda McDowell - 166-170 Frontiers in the Economics of Gender
by Jane Humphries - 170-173 The Development Economics Reader
by Caren Grown - 173-176 Paid Care in Australia: Politics, Profits, Practices
by Kristin Dale - 177-180 Institutions for Social Well-Being: Alternatives for Europe
by Eileen Trzcinski
2010, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 1-32 Visible Hands - Invisible Women: Garment Production in Turkey
by Saniye Dedeoğlu - 33-52 The Temporary Leave Dilemma: Lone and Partnered Mothers in Sweden
by Anna Amilon - 53-79 Trade Liberalization and Gender Wage Inequality in Mexico
by Lilia Dominguez-Villalobos & Flor Brown-Grossman - 81-103 Is Australia Really a World Leader in Closing the Gender Gap?
by Angela Barns & Alison Preston - 105-135 Same Work, Different Pay? Evidence from a US Public University
by Melissa Binder & Kate Krause & Janie Chermak & Jennifer Thacher & Julia Gilroy - 137-184 Gender Roles and the Division of Unpaid Work in Spanish Households
by Almudena Sevilla-Sanz & Jose Ignacio Gimenez-Nadal & Cristina Fernandez - 185-209 Women Workers in the Maquiladoras and the Debate on Global Labor Standards
by Edme Dominguez & Rosalba Icaza & Cirila Quintero & Silvia Lopez & Åsa Stenman - 211-215 The Gendered Impacts of Liberalization: Towards “Embedded Liberalism”?
by Marjorie Griffin Cohen - 215-218 Live Wire: Women and Brotherhood in the Electrical Industry
by Barbara Bergmann - 218-222 Public Policy for Women: The State, Income Security, and Labour Market Issues
by Randy Albelda - 222-225 Unpacking Globalization: Markets, Gender, and Work
by Nicky Pouw
2010, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 1-3 Guest Editors' Note
by Caren Grown & Maria Floro & Diane Elson - 5-44 Gender, Work Intensity, and Well-Being of Thai Home-Based Workers
by Maria Floro & Anant Pichetpongsa - 45-78 Working Long Hours and Having No Choice: Time Poverty in Guinea
by Elena Bardasi & Quentin Wodon - 79-112 Time Pressed and Time Poor: Unpaid Household Work in Guatemala
by Sarah Gammage - 113-139 Valuing Parental Childcare in the United Kingdom
by Killian Mullan - 141-167 Gender Inequalities in Tasks and Instruction Opportunities within Indian Families
by Sripad Motiram & Lars Osberg - 169-192 Parental Care and Married Women's Labor Supply in Urban China
by Lan Liu & Xiao-yuan Dong & Xiaoying Zheng - 193-219 Gender Equality in Time: Low-Paid Mothers' Paid and Unpaid Work in the UK
by Tracey Warren & Gillian Pascall & Elizabeth Fox
2010, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 1-26 Men's Unpaid Work and Divorce: Reassessing Specialization and Trade in British Families
by Wendy Sigle-Rushton - 27-46 Cultural Factors in Women's Labor Force Participation in Chile
by Dante Contreras & Gonzalo Plaza - 47-71 Women, Real Estate, and Wealth in a Southern US County, 1780-1860
by Catherine McDevitt - 73-109 Gender Wage Discrimination and Poverty in the EU
by Carlos Gradin & Coral del Rio & Olga Canto - 111-139 Affirmative Action and Corporate Compliance in South Korea
by Joonmo Cho & Taehee Kwon - 141-146 Imagining Economics Otherwise: Encounters with Identity/Difference
by S. Charusheela - 146-151 Feminism, Economics and Utopia: Time Travelling through Paradigms
by Bronwyn Winter - 151-153 Assets, Livelihoods, and Social Policy
by Carmen Diana Deere - 154-159 Discretionary Time: A New Measure of Freedom
by Valeria Esquivel - 159-162 Policy for a Change: Local Labour Market Analysis and Gender Equality
by Tracey Warren
2010, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial: Toward a More Inclusive Feminist Economics
by Diana Strassmann - 3-41 The Impact of Circular Migration on the Position of Married Women in Rural China
by Rachel Connelly & Kenneth Roberts & Zhenzhen Zheng - 43-77 Maybe Baby: Comparing Partnered Women's Employment and Child Policies in the EU-15
by Jerome De Henau & Daniele Meulders & Sile O'Dorchai - 79-128 The Effect of Domestic Work on Girls' Schooling: Evidence from Egypt
by Ragui Assaad & Deborah Levison & Nadia Zibani - 129-157 Technological and Organizational Change and the Employment of Women: Early Twentieth-Century Evidence from the Ohio Manufacturing Sector
by Marina Adshade & Ian Keay - 159-164 Market Friendly or Family Friendly? The State and Gender Inequality in Old Age, by Madonna Harrington Meyer and Pamela Herd
by Carole Green - 164-168 Strange Reciprocity: Mainstreaming Women's Work in Tepoztlan in the “Decade of the New Economy”, by Sidney S. Perutz
by Greta Friedemann-Sanchez - 168-172 Contemporary Motherhood: The Impact of Children on Adult Time, by Lyn Craig
by Sile O'Dorchai - 172-175 Gender and the Politics of Time: Feminist Theory and Contemporary Debates, by Valerie Bryson
by Judy Wajcman - 175-180 The Women's Movement Against Sexual Harassment, by Carrie N. Baker
by Saranna Thornton
2009, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editorial: Advances in Feminist Economic Inquiry
by Diana Strassmann - 3-29 The Economics of Nursing: Articulating Care
by Valerie Adams & Julie Nelson - 31-55 The Determinants of Married Women's Autonomy in Indonesia
by Anu Rammohan & Meliyanni Johar - 57-75 Why Are Women Delaying Motherhood in Germany?
by Laura Romeu Gordo - 77-112 Child Schooling and Work Decisions in India: The Role of Household and Regional Gender Equity
by Uma Sarada Kambhampati - 115-145 Women and Retirement Pensions: A Research Review
by Therese Jefferson - 147-151 The 'Woman Question' and Higher Education: Perspectives on Gender and Knowledge Production in America
by Lois Joy - 151-154 Global Empowerment of Women: Responses to Globalization and Politicized Religions
by Kathryn Reklis - 154-158 Queer Economics: A Reader
by Stacy Sneeringer - 158-161 Sex Markets: A Denied Industry
by Jonathan Robinson - 162-168 Welfare Transformed: Universalizing Family Policies That Work
by Lisa Giddings - 168-172 Remapping Gender in the New Global Order
by Adrienne Roberts - 173-175 Critical to Care: The Invisible Women in Health Services
by Julie Nelson
2009, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 1-33 Feminist Economics of Inequality, Development, and Growth
by Gunseli Berik & Yana van der Meulen Rodgers & Stephanie Seguino - 35-59 Gender Equality and Economic Growth in the World Bank World Development Report 2006
by Diane Elson