2009, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 61-90 Gender Disparity in Education and the International Competition for Foreign Direct Investment
by Matthias Busse & Peter Nunnenkamp - 91-132 The Impact of Gender Inequality in Education and Employment on Economic Growth: New Evidence for a Panel of Countries
by Stephan Klasen & Francesca Lamanna - 133-161 Do Gender Disparities in Employment Increase Profitability? Evidence from the United States
by Ajit Zacharias & Melissa Mahoney - 163-190 Women's Employment and Family Income Inequality during China's Economic Transition
by Sai Ding & Xiao-yuan Dong & Shi Li - 191-225 Do Economic Reforms InfluenceHome-Based Work? Evidence from India
by Uma Rani & Jeemol Unni - 227-251 Gender Disparities and Economic Growth in Kenya: A Social Accounting Matrix Approach
by Bernadette Mukhwana Wanjala & Maureen Were - 253-285 Globalization, Gender, and Poverty in the Senegal River Valley
by Jeanne Koopman - 287-321 Modeling Gender Effects of Pakistan's Trade Liberalization
by Rizwana Siddiqui - 323-353 Gender, Monetary Policy, and Employment: The Case of Nine OECD Countries
by Yelena Takhtamanova & Eva Sierminska
2009, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 1-31 Divorced, Separated, and Widowed Women Workers in Rural Mozambique
by Carlos Oya & John Sender - 33-72 The Spatial Determinants Of Wage Inequality: Evidence From Recent Latina Immigrants In Southern California
by Pascale Joassart-Marcelli - 73-95 (Not) Valuing Care: A Review of Recent Popular Economic Reports on Preschool in the US
by Mildred Warner - 97-103 Sexual Orientation Discrimination: An International Perspective, edited by Lee Badgett and Jefferson Frank. New York and London: Routledge, 2007. 322 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0-415-77023-1, ISBN-10: 0-415-77023-8 US$150.00
by Karin Schonpflug - 103-106 Money With a Mission, Volume 1: Microfinance and Poverty Reduction, by James Copestake, Martin Greely, Susan Johnson, Naila Kabeer, and Anton Simanowitz. Warwickshire, UK: Practical Action, 2006. 272 pp. ISBN-13: 978-1853396144 (pbk). US$33.95
by Ranjula Bali Swain - 106-110 The Feminist Economics of Trade, edited by Irene van Staveren, Diana Elson, Caren Grown and Nilufer Cağatay. London and New York: Routledge, 2007. 328 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0415770590. ISBN-10: 0415770599 (hbk.). US$75.60
by Marina Durano - 110-113 Assembling Women: The Feminization of Global Manufacturing. Teri Caraway, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2007. 224pp. ISBN 978 0 8014 7365 4. Price, $18.95(pbk) $55.00 (hbk)
by Juanita Elias - 113-115 Matrilineal Communities, Patriarchal Realities: A Feminist Nirvana Uncovered, by Kanchana N. Ruwanpura. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2006. 256 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0-472-06977-4, ISBN-10: 0-472-06977-2 (pbk.). US$22.95
by Drucilla Barker - 116-120 Valuing Children: Rethinking the Economics of the Family, by Nancy Folbre. Cambridge, MS: Harvard University Press, 2008. 248 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0674026322 (hbk.). US$45.00
by Ingrid Robeyns - 120-125 Modern Couples, Sharing Money, Sharing Life,edited by Janet Stocks, Capitolina Diaz, Bjorn Hallerod. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. 200 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0230517028, ISBN-10: 0230517021 (hbk.) US$74.95
by Fran Bennett - 125-130 Global Perspectives on Gender Equality, Reversing the Gaze, by Naila Kabeer and Agneta Stark with Edda Magnus. New York: Routledge, 2007. 312 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0415963497 (hbk.). US$95.00
by Maria Sagrario Floro - 130-137 Mujeres economistas: Las aportaciones de las mujeres a la ciencia economica y a su divulgacion durante los siglos XIX y XX [Women Economists: Women's Contributions to the Economic Sciences and Advancement during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries]
by Susana Martinez-Rodriguez
2009, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-26 Who Uses Paid Domestic Labor in Australia? Choice and Constraint in Hiring Household Help
by Janeen Baxter & Belinda Hewitt & Mark Western - 27-56 Behind the negotiations: Financial decision-making processes in Spanish dual-income couples
by Sandra Dema-Moreno - 57-84 Job Satisfaction, Work Time, and Well-Being Among Married Women in Japan
by Corinne Boyles & Aiko Shibata - 85-111 Contextualizing rationality: Mature student carers and higher education in England
by Stella Gonzalez-Arnal & Majella Kilkey - 113-137 The Challenge of Obtaining Quality Care: Limited Consumer Sovereignty in Human Services
by Kari Eika - 139-143 Trading Women's Health and Rights? Trade Liberalization and Reproductive Health in Developing Economies
by Mariama Williams - 144-147 Everywhere/Nowhere: Gender Mainstreaming in Development Agencies
by Shahra Razavi - 147-151 Gendering the Knowledge Economy: Comparative Perspectives
by Lilja Mosesdottir - 151-155 Gender and Social Policy in a Global Context: Uncovering the Gendered Structure of the Social
by Diane Perrons - 155-158 Ethics and the Market: Insights from Social Economics
by Siobhan Austen - 158-163 Gender, Generation and Poverty: Exploring the 'Feminisation of Poverty' in Africa, Asia and Latin America
by Kanchana Ruwanpura
2008, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 1-18 The AIDS Epidemic: Challenges for Feminist Economics
by Cecilia Conrad & Cheryl Doss - 19-36 Gender and Access to Antiretroviral Treatment in South Africa
by Nicoli Nattrass - 37-65 Safety First, Then Condoms: Commercial Sex, Risky Behavior, and the Spread of HIV/AIDS in Managua, Nicaragua
by Alys Willman - 67-86 Race, Sex, and the Neglected Risks for Women and Girls in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Eileen Stillwaggon - 87-115 Bias, Not Error: Assessments of the Economic Impact of HIV/AIDS Using Evidence from Micro Studies in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Deborah Johnston - 117-147 Unpaid HIV/AIDS Care in Southern Africa: Forms, Context, and Implications
by Olagoke Akintola - 149-181 Migratory Paths, Experiences of HIV/AIDS, and Sexuality: African Women Living withHIV/AIDS in France
by Dolores Pourette - 183-211 Gendering China's Strategy against HIV/AIDS: Findings from a Research Project in Guangdong Province
by Lanyan Chen - 213-216 Reclaiming Our Lives: HIV and AIDS, Women's Land and Property Rights and Livelihoods in southern and East Africa - Narratives and Responses
by Cheryl Doss - 216-218 Making Sex Work: A Failed Experiment with Legalized Prostitution
by Manisha Shah - 219-221 Econometrics, Statistics and Computational Approaches in Food and Health Sciences
by Yana van der Meulen Rodgers - 222-226 The Invisible Cure: Africa, the West, and the Fight against AIDS
by Ajay Mahal
2008, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 1-21 The crisis of care, international migration, and public policy
by Lourdes Beneria - 23-50 Altruism in individual and joint-giving decisions: What's gender got to do with it?
by Linda Kamas & Anne Preston & Sandy Baum - 51-75 Sources of crime in the state of Veracruz: The role of female labor force participation and wage inequality
by Lorenzo Blanco & Sandra Villa - 77-105 Multiple identities, multiple-discrimination: A critical review
by Kanchana Ruwanpura - 107-152 Explorations: Time-use surveys in the south
by Valeria Esquivel & Debbie Budlender & Nancy Folbre & Indira Hirway
2008, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 1-1 Feminist Economic Methodologies
by Diana Strassmann - 3-35 Work - life imbalance: Informal care and paid employment in the UK
by Fiona Carmichael & Claire Hulme & Sally Sheppard & Gemma Connell - 37-57 Silent partners: The role of unpaid market labor in families
by Lisa Philipps - 59-88 The incremental time costs of children: An analysis of children's impact on adult time use in Australia
by Lyn Craig & Michael Bittman - 89-114 Women's gender-type occupational mobility in Puerto Rico, 1950 — 80
by Harriet Presser & Hsiao-ye Yi - 117-149 Economic importance and statistical significance: Guidelines for communicating empirical research
by Jane Miller & Yana van der Meulen Rodgers
2008, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-36 “Opting out?” The effect of children on women's employment in the United States
by Heather Boushey - 37-72 Working for less? Women's part-time wage penalties across countries
by Elena Bardasi & Janet Gornick - 73-92 Is deindustrialization good for women? Evidence from the United States
by Ebru Kongar - 93-120 Whose money, whose time? A nonparametric approach to modeling time spent on housework in the United States
by Sanjiv Gupta & Michael Ash - 123-136 Poland's transition and new opportunities for women
by Bozena Leven - 137-142 A Comment on “The Citation Impact of Feminist Economics”
by Frederic Lee - 143-145 Reply to Frederic Lee's Comment on “The Citation Impact of Feminist Economics”
by Frances Woolley
2007, Volume 13, Issue 3-4
- 1-33 China's Transition and Feminist Economics
by Gunseli Berik & Xiao-yuan Dong & Gale Summerfield - 35-61 Land management in rural China and its gender implications
by Denise Hare & Li Yang & Daniel Englander - 63-92 Gender and rural reforms in China: A case study of population control and land rights policies in northern Liaoning
by Junjie Chen & Gale Summerfield - 93-124 Women's market work and household status in rural China: Evidence from Jiangsu and Shandong in the late 1990s
by Fiona MacPhail & Xiao-yuan Dong - 125-158 Gender dynamics and redundancy in urban China
by Jieyu Liu - 159-187 An Ocean formed from one hundred rivers: the effects of ethnicity, gender, marriage, and location on labor force participation in urban China
by Margaret Maurer-Fazio & James Hughes & Dandan Zhang - 189-212 Gender equity in transitional China's healthcare policy reforms
by Lanyan Chen & Hilary Standing - 213-237 Foreign direct investment and gendered wages in urban China
by Elissa Braunstein & Mark Brenner - 239-258 Gendering the dormitory labor system: production, reproduction, and migrant labor in south China
by Pun Ngai - 259-285 Chinese women after the accession to the world trade organization: A legal perspective on women's labor rights
by Julien Burda - 287-306 Western cosmetics in the gendered development of consumer culture in China
by Barbara Hopkins - 307-323 Meinu Jingji/China's beauty economy: Buying looks, shifting value, and changing place
by Gary Xu & Susan Feiner
2007, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 1-28 PlusCa Change? evidence on global trends in gender norms and stereotypes
by Stephanie Seguino - 29-53 Political economy and the closet: heteronormativity in feminist economics
by Colin Danby - 55-91 Motherhood and women's earnings in Anglo-American, Continental European, and Nordic Countries
by Wendy Sigle-Rushton & Jane Waldfogel - 93-116 Gender and graduate economics education in the US
by David Colander & Jessica Holmes - 119-155 Explaining gender differences in tax evasion: the case of Tirana, Albania
by Klarita Gërxhani - 157-183 Female entrepreneurship in transition economies: the case of Lithuania and Ukraine
by Ruta Aidis & Friederike Welter & David Smallbone & Nina Isakova - 185-195 Assessing welfare reform data: a comment on christopher
by Robert Cherry - 197-202 Reassessing welfare reform data: a response to cherry
by Karen Christopher - 203-207 Gender equality: striving for justice in an unequal world / Progress of the World's Women 2005: Women, Work, and Poverty / The World's Women 2005: Progress in Statistics
by Caren Grown - 203-247 Hard labour: the forgotten voices of Latvian Migrant “Volunteer” workers
by Jane Humphries - 208-210 Beyond the Market: Designing Nonmarket Accounts for the US
by Robin Douthitt - 210-215 Assembling flowers and cultivating homes: labor and gender in Colombia
by Catherine Dolan - 215-220 Reconciling Work and Family Responsibilities: Practical Ideas from Global Experience
by Carole Green - 220-223 Effective philanthropy: organizational success through deep diversity and gender equity / Women, Philanthropy, and Social Change: Visions for a Just Society
by Genevieve Biggs - 224-226 Law and Economics: Alternative Economic Approaches to Legal and Regulatory Issues
by Joyce Jacobsen - 226-230 Tenure Denied: Cases of Sex Discrimination in Academia
by Alice Woolley & Frances Woolley - 230-234 Joan Robinson's Economics: A Centennial Celebration
by Michael Brun - 234-238 The Red Riviera: Gender, Tourism, and Postsocialism on the Black Sea
by Lisa Giddings - 243-247 Ultima inegalitate: Relatiile de gen in Romania (The Last Inequality: Gender Relationships in Romania) / Drumul catre autonomie: Teorii politice feministe (The Road to Autonomy: Feminist Political Theories) / Politica sexelor (The Politics of Sexes)
by Anca Gheaus
2007, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-30 Home-ownership among opposite- and same-sex couples in the US
by Karen Leppel - 31-66 Wage determination and the gender pay gap: A feminist political economy analysis and decomposition
by Maria Karamessini & Elias Ioakimoglou - 67-85 Adding links, adding persons, and adding structures: Using Sen's frameworks
by Des Gasper - 87-116 Transgressing rights: La Via Campesina's call for food sovereignty / Exploring collaborations: Heterodox economics and an economic social rights framework / Workers in the informal sector: Special challenges for economic human rights
by Rajeev Patel & Radhika Balakrishnan & Uma Narayan - 117-120 Household Decisions, Gender, and Development: A Synthesis of Recent Research
by Elizabeth Katz - 120-122 Work, Family and Childcare: An Empirical Analysis of European Households
by Sara de La Rica - 123-127 Sex Work, Mobility and Health in Europe
by Maria Di Tommaso - 127-131 The Changing Face of Economics: Conversations with Cutting Edge Economists
by Paulette Olson - 132-137 The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time
by Lourdes Beneria - 137-141 Unequal Chances: Family Background and Economic Success
by Randy Albelda - 141-146 Women, Development, and the UN: A Sixty-Year Quest for Equality and Justice
by Helen Safa - 146-150 Economic Justice and Democracy: From Competition to Cooperation
by V. Spike Peterson - 150-155 Child Labor and Human Rights: Making Children Matter
by Mary Robison - 155-160 African Americans in the US Economy
by Lisa Saunders - 160-164 “Right Development”: The Santi Asoke Buddhist Reform Movement of Thailand
by Linda Lucas - 164-169 Feminism Confronts Homo Economicus: Gender, Law, and Society
by Ellen Mutari - 169-174 Gender and Development: The Japanese Experience in Comparative Perspective
by Frances Rosenbluth
2006, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 1-1 Editors Note
by Diana Strassmann - 527-560 Gender Differences In Vocational School Training And Earnings Premiums In Taiwan
by Yana van der Meulen Rodgers & Joseph Zveglich & Laura Wherry - 561-597 Tackling The Endogeneity Of Fertility In The Study Of Women'S Employment In Developing Countries: Alternative Estimation Strategies Using Data From Urban Brazil
by Rachel Connelly & Deborah DeGraff & Deborah Levison & Brian McCall - 599-624 Uplifting The Race Through Domesticity: Capitalism, African-American Migration, And The Household Economy In The Great Migration Era Of 1916—1930
by Nina Banks - 625-640 “Sweeping The Heavens For A Comet”: Women, The Language Of Political Economy, And Higher Education In The Us
by Ann Mari May - 643-665 Economic Relations Between Women And Their Partners: An East And West German Comparison After Reunification
by Heike Trappe & Annemette Sørensen
2006, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 335-365 Where Are The Women? Gender, Labor, And Discourse In The Noida Export Processing Zone And Delhi
by Urvashi Soni-Sinha - 367-402 A Human Capital Methodology For Estimating The Lifelong Personal Costs Of Young Women Leaving The Sex Trade
by Linda DeRiviere - 403-425 Defending The Indefensible? Culture'S Role In The Productive/Unproductive Dichotomy
by David Brennan - 427-474 Introduction / The Status Of Women Economists In Us Universities And The World / The Status Of Women Economists In Uk Universities / The Status Of Women Economists In Canadian Universities / The Status Of Women Economists In China'S Universities
by Joyce Jacobsen & Roberta Edgecombe Robb & Jonathan Burton & David Blackaby & Jane Humphries & Heather Joshi & Xiaobo Wang & Xiao-yuan Dong
2006, Volume 12, Issue 1-2
- 1-50 The Gender Asset Gap: What Do We Know And Why Does It Matter?
by Carmen Diana Deere & Cheryl Doss - 51-83 Cui Bono? The 1870 British Married Women'S Property Act, Bargaining Power, And The Distribution Of Resources Within Marriage
by Mary Beth Combs - 85-109 Crippled Capitalists: The Inscription Of Economic Dependence And The Challenge Of Female Entrepreneurship In Nineteenth-Century America
by Susan Yohn - 111-138 “The Widow, The Clergyman And The Reckless”: Women Investors In England, 1830—1914
by Janette Rutterford & Josephine Maltby - 139-166 Gender, Marriage, And Asset Accumulation In The United States
by Lucie Schmidt & Purvi Sevak - 167-194 The Wealth Of Single Women: Marital Status And Parenthood In The Asset Accumulation Of Young Baby Boomers In The United States
by Alexis Yamokoski & Lisa Keister - 195-219 Moving Beyond The Gender Wealth Gap: On Gender, Class, Ethnicity, And Wealth Inequalities In The United Kingdom
by Tracey Warren - 221-246 Household Bargaining Over Wealth And The Adequacy Of Women'S Retirement Incomes In New Zealand
by John Gibson & Trinh Le & Grant Scobie - 247-269 Assets In Intrahousehold Bargaining Among Women Workers In Colombia'S Cut-Flower Industry
by Greta Friedemann-Sanchez - 271-298 Joint Titling — A Win-Win Policy? Gender And Property Rights In Urban Informal Settlements In Chandigarh, India
by Namita Datta
2005, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 1-26 Reflections On Gender Mainstreaming: An Example Of Feminist Economics In Action?
by Jill Rubery - 27-62 Credit And Women'S Group Membership In South India: Testing Models Of Intrahousehold Allocative Behavior
by Nathalie Holvoet - 63-83 Determinants Of Women'S Microenterprise Success In Ahmedabad, India: Empowerment And Economics
by Paula Kantor - 85-106 The Citation Impact Of Feminist Economics
by Frances Woolley - 107-150 Introduction: Exploring Feminist Ecological Economics / Gender, Development, And Sustainability From A Latin American Perspective / African Peasants And Global Gendered Class Struggle For The Commons / Ecofeminist Political Economy: Integrating Feminist Economics And Ecological Economics / Habits Of Thought, Agency, And Transformation: An Institutional Approach To Feminist Ecological Economics / The Network Vorsorgendes Wirtschaften / Engendering Organic Farming
by Ellie Perkins & Edith Kuiper & Rayen Quiroga-Martinez & Terisa Turner & Leigh Brownhill & Mary Mellor & Zdravka Todorova & Maren Jochimsen & Martha McMahon - 151-166 Sen On Freedom And Gender Justice
by Mozaffar Qizilbash - 235-236 Call For Papers
by Cecilia Conrad & Cheryl Doss
2005, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 3-5 Introduction: Gender And Aging
by Nancy Folbre & Lois Shaw & Agneta Stark - 7-36 Warm Hands In Cold Age — On The Need Of A New World Order Of Care
by Agneta Stark - 37-51 Eldercare In The United States: Inadequate, Inequitable, But Not A Lost Cause
by Susan Eaton - 53-78 Gender, Aging, And The Evolving Arab Patriarchal Contract
by Jennifer Olmsted - 79-101 Australia'S "Other" Gender Wage Gap: Baby Boomers And Compulsory Superannuation Accounts
by Therese Jefferson & Alison Preston - 103-115 Social Assistance, Gender, And The Aged In South Africa
by Justine Burns & Malcolm Keswell & Murray Leibbrandt - 117-143 Race, Ethnicity, And Social Security Retirement Age In The Us
by Carole Green - 145-162 Linking Benefits To Marital Status: Race And Social Security In The Us
by Madonna Harrington Meyer & Douglas Wolf & Christine Himes - 163-197 Poverty And Income Maintenance In Old Age: A Cross-National View Of Low Income Older Women / Growing Old In The Us: Gender And Income Adequacy / Gender And Aging In South Korea
by Agneta Stark & Nancy Folbre & Lois Shaw & Timothy Smeeding & Susanna Sandstrom & Lois Shaw & Sunhwa Lee & Kyunghee Chung
2005, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-9 Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary!
by Amartya Sen - 11-39 Flexible Hours, Workplace Authority, And Compensating Wage Differentials In The Us
by Elaine McCrate - 41-62 Mothers' Milk And Measures Of Economic Output
by Julie Smith & Lindy Ingham - 63-94 Taking Its Toll: The Influence Of Paid And Unpaid Work On Women'S Well-Being
by Martha MacDonald & Shelley Phipps & Lynn Lethbridge - 95-122 Gender, Expectations, And Grades In Introductory Microeconomics At A Us University
by Charles Ballard & Marianne Johnson - 123-141 Canadian Health Reform: A Gender Analysis
by Evelyn Forget & Raisa Deber & Leslie Roos & Randy Walld
2004, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 1-2 Editorial: Feminist Economics — It Flourishes
by Diana Strassmann - 3-19 Social Provisioning As A Starting Point For Feminist Economics
by Marilyn Power - 21-54 Toward A Critical Theory Of Untidy Geographies: The Spatiality Of Emotions In Consumption And Production
by Nancy Ettlinger - 55-75 Toward A Gendered Post Keynesianism: Subjectivity And Time In A Nonmodernist Framework
by Colin Danby - 77-80 Capabilities, Lists, And Public Reason: Continuing The Conversation
by Amartya Sen - 81-118 Introduction / Feminism And Economic Inquiry In Communist And Post-Communist Poland / A Comparative Study Of Women In Hungarian And European Academic And Research Institutions / Feminisms And Social Sciences In European Countries With A Statist Feminist Heritage: Networks And Strategies
by Marianne Ferber & Edith Kuiper & Agnieszka Majcher & Krisztina Majoros & Andrea Pető
2004, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 1-7 The Dilemmas Of Lone Motherhood: Key Issues For Feminist Economics
by Randy Albelda & Susan Himmelweit & Jane Humphries - 9-36 How Men Matter: Housework And Self-Provisioning Among Rural Single-Mother And Married-Couple Families In Vermont, Us
by Margaret Nelson - 37-60 Lone Mothers In Russia: Soviet And Post-Soviet Policy
by Judith Record McKinney - 61-89 Welfare Rules, Business Cycles, And Employment Dynamics Among Lone Parents In Norway
by Randi Kjeldstad & Marit Rønsen - 91-113 Family Economy Workers Or Caring Mothers? Male Breadwinning And Widows' Pensions In Norway And The Uk
by Anne Skevik - 115-142 The Commodification Of Lone Mothers' Labor: A Comparison Of Us And German Policies
by Lisa Giddings & Irene Dingeldey & Susan Ulbricht - 143-171 Welfare As We [Don'T] Know It: A Review And Feminist Critique Of Welfare Reform Research In The United States
by Karen Christopher - 173-205 Mundane Heroines: Conflict, Ethnicity, Gender, And Female Headship In Eastern Sri Lanka
by Kanchana Ruwanpura & Jane Humphries - 207-225 The Route Matters: Poverty And Inequality Among Lone-Mother Households In Russia
by Shireen Kanji - 227-236 All The Lesbian Mothers Are Coupled, All The Single Mothers Are Straight, And All Of Us Are Tired: Reflections On Being A Single Lesbian Mom
by June Lapidus - 237-264 Lone Mothers: What is to be done?
by Susan Himmelweit & Barbara Bergmann & Kate Green & Randy Albelda & the Women's Committee of One Hundred & Charlotte Koren - 269-270 A Special Issue on Gender, China, and the World Trade Organization
by Gunseli Berik & Xiao-Yuan Dong & Gail Summerfield
2004, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-1 Editorial: Debating Values
by Diana Strassmann - 3-35 Globalization, Labor Standards, And Women'S Rights: Dilemmas Of Collective (In)Action In An Interdependent World
by Naila Kabeer - 37-64 Gender And Regional Inequality In Human Development: The Case Of Spain
by Javier Martinez Peinado & Gemma Cairo Cespedes - 65-84 The Effect Of Career Breaks On The Working Lives Of Women
by Shoba Arun & Thankom Arun & Vani Borooah - 85-113 Comparing Care Regimes In Europe
by Francesca Bettio & Janneke Plantenga - 115-139 When The Work Is Never Done: Time Allocation In Us Family Farm Households
by Jongsoog Kim & Lydia Zepeda
2003, Volume 9, Issue 2-3
- 3-12 Exploring The Challenges Of Amartya Sen'S Work And Ideas: An Introduction
by Bina Agarwal & Jane Humphries & Ingrid Robeyns - 13-32 Gender And The Foundations Of Social Choice: The Role Of Situated Agency
by Fabienne Peter - 33-59 Capabilities As Fundamental Entitlements: Sen And Social Justice
by Martha Nussbaum - 61-92 Sen'S Capability Approach And Gender Inequality: Selecting Relevant Capabilities
by Ingrid Robeyns - 93-115 Intra-Household Inequality: A Challenge For The Capability Approach?
by Vegard Iversen - 117-135 Development As Empowerment
by Marianne Hill - 137-161 DEVELOPMENT AS FREEDOM v - v AND AS WHAT ELSE?
by Des Gasper & Irene van Staveren - 163-184 Globalization And Women'S Paid Work: Expanding Freedom?
by Christine Koggel - 185-211 Slavery, Freedom, And Sen
by Stanley Engerman - 213-238 Does Contraception Benefit Women? Structure, Agency, And Well-Being In Rural Mexico
by Austreberta Nazar Beutelspacher & Emma Zapata Martelo & VerOnica Vazquez GarcIa - 239-261 Sen, Ethics, And Democracy
by Elizabeth Anderson - 263-299 "Missing Women": Revisiting The Debate
by Stephan Klasen & Claudia Wink - 301-317 The Human Development Paradigm: Operationalizing Sen'S Ideas On Capabilities
by Sakiko Fukuda-Parr - 319-332 Continuing The Conversation
by Amartya Sen & Bina Agarwal & Jane Humphries & Ingrid Robeyns
2003, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-18 Gendered Social Indicators and Grounded Theory
by Siobhan Austen & Therese Jefferson & Vicki Thein - 19-45 Getting By with a Little Help from Your Family: Toward a Policy-Relevant Model of the Household
by Jane Wheelock & Elizabeth Oughton & Susan Baines - 47-73 Edith Penrose: A Feminist Economist?
by Michael Best & Jane Humphries - 75-91 The Editorial Boards of Italian Economics Journals: Women, Gender, and Social Networking
by Elisabetta Addis & Paola Villa - 93-101 Critical Realism, Feminist Epistemology, and the Emancipatory Potential of Science: A Comment on Lawson and Harding
by Fabienne Peter - 103-108 Emancipatory for Whom? A Comment on Critical Realism
by Drucilla Barker - 109-118 Once More, With Feeling: Feminist Economics and the Ontological Question
by Julie Nelson - 119-150 Ontology and Feminist Theorizing
by Tony Lawson